Welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy this is episode 119. And you've guessed it it's a friday special it's 120. it's 120. and it's a friday special that's the thing again we did it last week we'll say it again you don't know anything you get with us now sometimes a tuesday then.

We throw in a friday gotta be on your toes it's unpredictable um today.

We've got a guest on um who we've already recorded the podcast this is we're doing this intro after we had on the podcast martin borgmeyer now if you don't know the name. Yet you soon will know the name because he is one of the longest drivers of the golf ball on the entire planet well it literally goes kale barks yeah. Or berkshire have you pronounced it guy char nick martin borgmayer that's how good he is he's top three he is literally top three. So martin um flew over from germany so at the start of this video we've just literally picked him up from the podca from the health from the podcast we just picked him up from the airport yes um. And then.

We just go into loads of detail about how far he hits it why he got into long drive the sport of long drive itself because it's something i'd never realized before but it's intense well that's why this is such a good podcast because obviously firstly he can talk he's very charismatic guys german. But his english is absolutely phenomenal we went out. For lunch with him after the airport before we then.

Came and did this. And you're chatting to him and it's just like everything you say he's he you know he's all kind of lingo he's he's he forgets german and then.

He did a voice note to somebody didn't they i was like oh yeah you're german you speak in german that's man you can speak german he speaks better english than we do. And yeah he said his story the the whole world of long drive is something that i think a lot of golfers kind of know roughly it exists. But to hear actually the stories about how you know people make a living from it how they want to improve how the actual tour as such could improve it's very interesting very insightful so you might be getting ready for this podcast thing i'm not i don't really care too much about long drive i honestly think the insight that martin gives us might just give you that kind of encouragement to maybe watch the next.

Tournament. Or watch what's coming up next.

Or the world championship towards the end of the year because it is fascinating. And also what martin does as well towards the end of the podcast it gives you some top tips about how you watching. And listening can hit the golf ball 12 yards further well this guy knows his onions. And so much so and he'll say this a lot more in depth in the podcast he's big mates of bryson like genuinely very good friends of bryson dechambeau who bryson reached out to him to get some tips and hitting the ball further and we all know that's worked for bryson so this guy knows his stuff it works for bryson it can work. For you so sit back relax enjoy this fantastic friday special episode with one of the longest drivers in the world martin borgmeyer yes it's a good one. And just like that we're back we've been to the airport we've been to the driving range and now we're here with martin um you know what i want to start off with explain to the listeners and viewers your like maximum numbers you've ever got on driver distances give give the audience what they want nice and early well that's because that's so relative right it's depends so much on the day and all of that but i know you want to talk records you're chatting to someone in an elevator and someone's literally said to you oh you're a long driver i've had to hit it what's your stock answer i know my stock answer is my longest one was. For 439. actually on a sim it was 475. Or something but if i crank up like the sea level to 10 000 feet i can hit it like 700 yards yeah that's how relative it is. And then.

I tell them like it's about the speed actually because that's comparable wherever you go that's always the same and the fastest one i've ever hit was 231.9 that's been a world record. For a long long time and right now i'm on the hunt so i'm to break it to get that into perspective 231.9 miles per hour of ball speed when hitting driver yeah that's incredible to give the listeners a little bit of a baseline i kind of pretty much max out at maybe 162 sometimes i'll get near to 165. But my average is about 160.. So you're 70 miles per hour faster ball speed actually on quad the other day i've seen you at like low 160s right with range balls yeah about right i mean to put that in perspective on a quad i can do that in club speed i don't mean to brag. But i i feel like i feel that i am a little bit maybe maybe so in today's podcast you know what i really want to get into and really get involved in obviously a little bit about you because i feel like you're very much at the start of your kind of long drive journey obviously you've been there done that so far in the last few years but you know what i also want to give give the listeners and i want a bit of an insight what does a dr long drive world actually look like like i feel like it's such still a mystery like certain things like how many events where's it played around the world you've got the world championship you've got the is there a european championship like all these things i actually don't know the answer to. So i don't know how you can simplify that. But what what is the ultimate um award. For someone like you a long drive let's start there first that's very simple that's a world championship so the world championship that's once a year yeah okay. And where does that normally play get played uh. So the last two have been in mesquite nevada okay. So that's the famous place with a mountain in the back perfect grid that's well our fairway right so explain how how wide is a grid that's between let's say 35. And 60 mosquitos 60 yards wide so there's no it's not a set mark it's not a default yardage it can vary venue to venue it's like par in golf okay some are like 70 73 well it depends a little bit. But we have our like parameters so but let's say let's say it's 60 yards okay a mesquite each year last two years. And how do you get into that like what's the how do you get how do you step up on that grid to even contend to be a world champion. So one thing when anyone that starts their long drive journey figures very very soon yes speed is amazing. But it's actually about dealing with conditions because just like out on a golf course you're facing different winds so that's the most important bit weather depends on the sea level a lot but wind obviously being the biggest factor and you have to be good enough versatile enough to deal with a headwind with a tailwind with a wind off the left wind of the right and all that to be well able to win a world championship because that one is played over four days. And being fast and good on one day is one thing. But if the win switches on the next.

Day well good luck and is it all knockout um kinda is. So what we do is. So the idea of long drive is everybody we only compare numbers that are hit at the same time because you cannot compare a distance that's being hit two minutes later because the wind could have switched right. So we play with four guys at the tee box at the same time everybody's playing a different color ball yeah. And they're being measured live at the grid in the grid so there's guys out there in the grid actually radioing back the numbers so you're competing if you're in if you're one of those four you're competing against those three other guys at that time yeah. And we playing in groups of 16 guys so and we're shuffled around so everybody's facing everyone at some point of time and we're switching tee boxes as well so color of balls and then.

Those distances are being compared with four guys at the tee box at the same time the longest one of that set is getting 200 points the second one 100 50. And 25. so it's like a leaf true and when you don't hit it in the grid you get zero points and how many shots do you get in that particular six you get six shots. And what is what's what's a reasonable percentage of shots that go in the grid some are like at one out of six others are like six out of six it depends that's right. So much so for me last year i was two. And a half i want to make it three and a half this year so let's see that's pretty much when i'm over 50 that's really good that means you get more obviously more consistent shots in the grid yeah. So also you have more chances for better bounces the more you hit in the grid it's not only about where the ball lands it's about how it balances and well maybe sometimes there's a bit of a gust right you want to use so the more you put in the better chance you have that's fascinating already i feel like i'm already learning lots so you're getting that you get that league table and then.

Does it filter down to knock out. So half of that group of 16 is advancing the other half is being eliminated. And we start at like 128 players or so there's a lot oh yeah. And then.

Down to the final eight right the same thing again at the ground of 16 and then.

When it's down to eight we separate those in two groups of four do the same thing again cut in half then.

Four. And then.

It's the final with only two wow yeah that's fascinating how where's what's been your highest place finish. So far in the world last year it was top three. So top four actually coming tight third oh still well wasn't happy with that obviously right i want to win it every single time i go there and but i was just happy to be honest with you it's been such a long break with covet i couldn't compete. For two years that ball that i mentioned in the beginning the 231.9 was on march i believe 19th. And 2020 so i was ready yeah yeah i was ready. But i couldn't show anyone so you have to obviously peak your performance to get ready for that absolutely and that's something i need to figure out myself because i've well i observe certain things that happen to my speed over time but i'm experimenting with like different taper periods that means like how many days do i take off before an event to be the fastest then.

Most of the events like the one in like 10 days is only one day. So you hit in the morning to qualify kind of the same system that i mentioned and then.

In the afternoon it's like the top 16 and we go down to the winner because these events are not as big it's not 120 eight players. Or what it's like 32. so that's a one day event that's an easy one you taper you do your recovery. And you're good to go but over four days prime that because you gotta hit every single day yeah do you practice with that you don't have any time off how much do you win if you win worlds 125 i believe it was last year no that's wrong no no it's wrong it was 50 last year. But it's supposed to be 125 this year 125 000 dollars yes. And then.

What the second place get um i would guess 50. okay i haven't looked at the table to be honest with you because i i don't mind i don't do this. For the money it's amazing that there's eventually some money in there but i don't go out there to win money i go out there to win that belt i want that belt just swinging then.

About obviously why you do it i think we've jumped in really hard i know it sounds like i know all these questions bombarded. But like i think what's what's mad. For me is that like obviously everyone listens to this podcast plays golf to some degree yeah a lot of people will be aware there is this kind of sport of long drive. But it really is a niche sport within the sport. And kind of one of the things i was kind of wondering really. And i think you've told us briefly. But it'd be good to kind of tell us in more depth obviously on the podcast is how i'm taking you were a golfer how do you kind of branch off from kind of authentic golf into this kind of world of long driving how big actually is it i feel like it's bigger now with this kind of presence online with social media. But is it still super niche it definitely is. But there's some things that are definitely transferable to golf. And that's why so many players actually approach me and all the other guys as well because they see what kind of speeds we put up and they're asking themselves what of this can we use. For golf or what's super contradictory and well over time by working with so many guys we kind of have a better idea of what makes sense for golf and what does not. And then.

In terms of eyeballs in the meanwhile.

I mean with brighton bryson shambo competing last year obviously a lot of people were interested in how he would do. And then.

They saw long drive and they got hooked and now i hope this year is going to be well one of the rocket years. For long drive definitely not only in terms of eyeballs but also in terms of people coming out and trying to qualify to try to compete and see how they do because you don't know how you how good you are until you try. So let's rewind you're right we had we'd be jumping a bit hot there let's rewind that so you you would have played golf growing up right yeah. So what what did you get your handicap too well um. And do you still have handicap uh i believe. So i've never checked it i mean. For a long time as soon as you make money by doing something with the golf club i feel like you turned pro yeah i i guess they changed that rule last year. Or so but well i don't really care because i don't play any tournament so so what did you turn pro what did you when you last playing golf properly yeah was your handicap at the age of 14 it was three last time you played gold properly it was 16 years ago honestly yeah yeah a little bit do you even if someone says to you oh i i've recognized you you're that golfer that's probably not really true to what you are yeah well i'm i'm the sprinter i'm not the marathon runner. Or like the decathlon athlete or whatever right i'm like the the drag racer do you ever still play golf not really. So i mean it's a huge part of my practice. So i had a lot of iron shots as well to go through my routine go through the motions and all that it's the basis it's the fundamentals obviously without that you can't do a long drive. But around a golf well maybe two year my god and what do you reckon you'd shoot if you just went out. And played tomorrow it depends so much on the course on the pga tour course i hope i would break 90 on my course out there it's like mid 70s because there's i always i whenever long drive gets spoke about certainly online yeah it's like why doesn't he be a tour pro. Or it's because he can't put like is there any actual truth in any of those statements. So my putting my putting has always been pretty good so i was around 30 maybe sometimes under 30 putts around also as a junior also my short game is quite sharp around the greens. But the issue that well came about by hitting it so fast and long is actually anything between 60. And 150 yards is really tough when you don't practice it yeah because i've well i can hit my 58 degree 150 yards if i want to doesn't make sense on course because it spins like hell. And well you can't control it but now hit it 72 or 98 114. you struggle to hit those shots i mean it's guesswork because i i never do it i never practice it it doesn't make sense. For my job yeah you know what's mad though i've seen you hit balls twice now in the flesh when we went down to london. And then.


When went to manchester uh hand on heart. And i don't know if you agree with this i don't know many people i've come so close to who hits it as good as you do in terms of actual striking strike. And sound and flight like there's not many golfers i've been present with who hit it as good as you do oh stop it right i feel like i only had a good day no it's it's 100 you're hitting that one iron that you absolutely flushing. But you know people understand that to catch a one iron which you don't even see anymore well it has to be hit with speed at the center and the speed you're generating and obviously sent us a strike it was just pure it just like say it if anybody at that driving range if we would have said watch this guy hit a one iron what does he play off. And what does he shoot yeah what reckon the response would be well let's suppose he's a tall pro doesn't have a handicap they think you're a topro yeah. So i mean when i look at driving ranges at tour events like european tour events. Or pj tour events it's so boring it's well they the actual or what's actually impressive about what they do is that it's. So boring that they do it over. And over again the same shot same distance same shot shape and and the thing is when when i step up. And hit a golf ball people are impressed because they've never seen it before because when a whenever you let's say you make a long putt everybody has anyone out there has made a long putt at some point in their golfing career right that's i mean that's where you make the money eventually as a tour pro. But everybody has done that and no one has ever not a lot of people in this world have hidden hit a one iron right. So that's probably the difference why it's so impressive because they cannot do it you can hit the same shot as like tommy fleetwood like you just you just you just do it less less often yeah those six inch putts just like tommy i'm literally exactly the same um. So you're 14 when you kind of playing off three handicap did you even know at that age you could hit it a long way i had no idea absolutely not. And people ask me all the time like hey what was your speed back in the days i have no idea there was no launch monitors. So i don't know and also i never went out and i there was no lasers either. So i it was guesswork how far my ball went i obviously hit it longer than most of my peers. But no idea you're a pretty tall man how tall are you uh six war that's 194 when you were kind of 14 15 were you really tall. And as well yeah pretty much then.

I started smoking okay. So then.

Kind of stopped there is that right yeah as i had a really rough time there when i was like like 16 17 stopped playing golf my first motorcycle all the cool stuff right first girlfriend all that started smoking. And um and didn't do it. For a long time but i did it. And that kind of a system changed things so you you said that you almost like quit golf yeah completely i didn't touch a club. For the truth is probably six years i always claim eight years. But it's been six and then.


Maybe once a year yeah girlfriend started my well that that dream of becoming a pro golfer was gone. So that like most kids at 14 15 we all think we're gonna be best golfers in the world that that ship had sailed yeah. And then.

You went on off the rails and what do you what do your parents tell you they'll do something like an ordinary job go get an ordinary job go do do your studies. Or whatever right then.

I did a bachelor's degree that's what we call we call it dual studies back in germany. So you're actually working for a company at the same time they fund your studies oh yeah yeah yeah. So well that that's what apprenticeship over here yeah pretty much yeah it's it's an apprenticeship. But also you get a bachelor's degree right so it's both at the same time did that. And then.

The same thing on the job i did a master's degree in business psychology. And then.

All of a sudden when i started actual work i worked in i.t project sales i was selling it projects like latch large projects like millions of euros. And did pretty well i would guess. And my clients and colleagues play golf and all of a sudden i had to go back to the golf course and find my golf clubs in the basement right and then.

I had my my gloves were way too short. And stuff that that was the club's back from the days. And like when i was like 14 years old. And i mean i started playing golf again. And obviously i hit it longer than these guys sure i mean right away they were yeah they were like 60 they hit it like 160 whatever 170 yards when they caught it. So yes sure i hit it further. So but i had no idea that it's that much of a difference because in the meanwhile.

I started playing basketball when i was like 18. Or so and um because i did not play basketball back in the days. So i was lacking a bit of fundamentals. So no technique. And stuff i had my two moves in the paint and that's about it kind of in like the third quarter my opponents figured so i had to do something about it. And get stronger so i went to the gym gained a lot of vertical jump and all of that to actually make up for that and that mixture i feel like of the technique of the old days and that new strength was like the vertical jumping is a good golf movement oh yeah she did a lot of that to really train your basketball skills actually yes. And and you were getting bigger. And stronger like well you were big obviously you're tall. But were you were you did you have a physique when you were younger were you no no no no i was kind of more like the lean tall guy kind of i mean the frame is fairly okay. But as i said i started smoking i didn't go to the gym that was a couple of years later. So into basketball you were trying to do things to enhance your basketball skill you you were getting a job in it like wearing a suit oh every day suit. And tie every day i have like i i have like 12 suits or so in my still my closet yeah. So then.

You playing golf with these older clients of yours hitting the ball a long way realizing that it's quite a long way but then.

What what was next.

What was like the was there a next.

Kind of stage of this development yeah. So that's actually so funny because i was someone from my golf team because these guys realized oh he's fairly okay. So i played a bit of golf with him and they got me on the team like immediately because it was not a very good team was like a whatever lowest league team they wanted to have me on the team. And they figured like oh these this guy's actually hitting it a long way so they signed me up for the german long drive championships cologne yeah in 2017.. So and i went there and i i had to figure out what longer actually is did you want to do it yeah i wanted to do it then..

But but i was not i didn't have the motivation to like sign up myself. Or whatever right it was like whoa cool. But whatever i i just won the long drive of like the the last couple we've played here this at this core so that's that's pretty good enough right for me but they they signed me up and then.

I i i was like okay i gotta get this i i actually gotta do well at this one. And i read a little bit of info about long drive and what you actually use and what kind of clubs they have and all of that and then.

I got a 48 inch club of ebay to prep for that event no yeah yeah just do to hit a couple shots with it. And have like proper equipment and that's the legal limit as well in long drive yeah it still is still is. So i got that long driver which was a brute back in the days with like any shaft anything i could find. For like 50 bucks of ebay and well used it and actually used it on course as well because i i liked it so much and it went so far and actually well i i was miss hitting drivers anyway. So that didn't make much well a huge difference and actually when i was miss hitting it most of the time it was on the parallel fairway. And not in the woods because it was longer right. And more off center so i went there to that event in cologne and the full story is actually long story short in the meanwhile.

I founded another company because on the side on the side as a side job i wanted to do something in the golf industry. So with a friend of mine we founded a company that was called punchline golf back in the days. And we had teas and divot tools and gloves and all that all private label products made in china because we kind of get got into this like well do you think kind of a mindset. And we're like hey what are we going to do. Or we both have golf in common let's try golf so yeah that's where we came up with a couple products in the meanwhile.

They're all being sold not very profitable. So we kind of set it to on hold but uh that was the actual reason also motivation to go to that long drive event. For me because these stuff yeah they were like martin you have to go there. And blah blah and i was like yeah. Or whatever but then.

We discussed this we're like maybe it's a good opportunity for us to go there taking some big teams and exactly and even if you do well even better right. So i got that long driver and um yeah then.

Went up there. And i hit the longest ball of the day in cologne and uh came second because i hit the i missed the grid in the final oh 40 yard grid and i had absolutely no experience how to handle that situation. So how far was your longest ball that day then.

Um that was in meters. And i believe that was uh 323 into wind like 360 yards 350 60 yards something like that yeah. So so at that point then.

Do you think i've got some potential i mean did you win some money. For that uh no i was i was playing as an amateur. So i couldn't win any money but there was a bunch of pros obviously that didn't hit it as well. And um well joe miller was actually given a clinic that day. So he was he had a job as an entertainer. Or whatever he did an outing at that event just to explain to listeners joe miller yeah joe miller is a two-time long drive champion. So he was the the number one definitely in europe if not in the world at that point of time 2010. And 2016 were a long longer champion. And this story that you're telling now what year is this from 2017.. So he he was the reigning long drive champion at that point in time. And well because i uh try to well at least educate myself a little bit before i went to that event because you know sales approach and all of that you gotta know what you're doing at least a little bit yeah yeah try. And wing it yeah. And all of that so i knew about joe and that guy was there. And he was given a clinic. And i was watching him hit. And i was. So impressed i was like oh my god i want to be like that guy. And his backswing was like. So long very long and very long back in the days and well i i couldn't get past parallel at that point of time because well i was lacking a bit of like mobility flexibility maybe maybe i just didn't get in that position i don't know. But for some reason i didn't do it i couldn't do it even on practice swings. And then.

All these guys at that event obviously approached me were like martin seriously you beat every single one of us. And you beat yourself in the final you got to take this seriously you can actually become something in this field. So you've got the potential yeah you got the potential go do it. And well then.

From that point in time and also i got joe's number by the way very proud of that so and i i still remember i put my name so my contact into his phone and i saved my name under martin borgmeyer 136 miles an hour because that was the fastest club at speed at that point of time that i ever had 136. And i was very very very proud of that yeah. So well for long drive now it's 140 plus probably for most guys you you gotta have to actually be competitive because there's so many guys there like a sandwich final 136 is yeah a sandwich a sandwich three would maybe yeah. But um that's how it all started and from then.

On i actually i was scraping the internet. For information i didn't find a lot i found a lot about like launch parameters a little bit here and there but nothing about long drive really a little bit from lee cox and joe miller but not not a lot and well what i did then.

Is i reached out to lee cox to joe's coach at that appointed time. And still is i was like hey um i really want the lesson because i feel like i got the potential here's my numbers. And he didn't respond for a long long long time right now yeah i was following up a lot of times. So that email i was like okay. So no i really want to listen. And then.

I finally got an appointment like in i don't know five weeks of time or something like far away went there from munich by car wow so yeah how long was that that's like with ferry. And everything like 12 13 hours oh my god yeah. So put into context lee cox is an english coach who now currently coaches at the shire is that where he was yeah same place he was there then..

So you've driven from europe munich to the shire which is just outside london yeah to go. And get a lesson with lee yeah how long was the lesson um we did three days oh god i thought you could say like an hour then.

No no no no no no no no i was like dude i really want to do this. So let's book in for three days i mean not not full three days. But an hour a day or two a day yeah. So five lessons maybe five hours lessons and that was. So funny because i got there and he knew my numbers he set up his flight scope and was like hey martin okay mart he called me mod mod hey do you want a ball of water yeah the first thing. And i was like as a german i got there i was like uh is that english this is english i uh not learned. So i i definitely figured how i'm lacking in uh understanding or having a conversation in british english but whatever he made me hit golf balls with his flight scope set up and after three balls he was like hey hit five balls just. For me so we get some numbers and stuff after three he approached me and he shook my hand and he was like okay. So we can actually start working because you didn't lie to me all right yeah yeah i bet a lot of people do when they go. And see him a lot of people and then.

They they sent him numbers with like don't know 140 club hit speed they show up they're 116 and they're saying they have a bad day so it's it happened a lot so he's doing these kinds of things to kind of figure out how that lesson is supposed to be yeah. For him and then.

Well we started working and we worked together ever since even during the covet break i couldn't see him for like two years but um we spoke on the phone like on a weekly basis sending swings back and forth so yeah i still trust him with everything. And everything i get a lot of different information from all different sides trust me you know this is going to make you better. And this is going to break your record bro. And so on and so forth i always so whenever there's something i feel like this might be a thing i always confirm with him if it's worth trying so yeah it's really it's it really grew into an interesting relationship we have that's crazy. So from this point then.

You didn't really play golf in 14 but you kind of semi took it back up but then.

Got into long drive quite quickly have you not really then.

Gone back playing kind of normal golf at all it's just been khan's all long drive all my time at the driving range everything because at that point of time i was still working full time yeah i was going to say you're not quite a job no i was still working full-time. So the time i had off the job was not to be just long drives everything driving range everything driving range everything trying to figure out how to get better yeah. And i i have still i still have videos from like 20 17 18 when i was hitting golf balls at the driving range at like minus seven degrees snowing like snow all around. And i mean nowadays i know that's the worst conditions you can have to actually create speed. But well i did it because i really wanted to when you kind of go over these lessons then.

What's still having a full-time job what was the kind was it just going to become a a hobby. Or was there an end goal to do it professionally what we because it doesn't feel like something that is that obvious it's unprofessional at. So what was your real goal at that point at that point of time it was only like they still had the ldt back in the days the european the long drivers european tour. And i just wanted to try that tour and see how i would do to then.

Do the next.

Steps because in in the us at that point in time long drive was really growing it was on golf channel there was a lot of good guys there was a lot of money in it. And i was like well give it a shot. And then.

Let's see i've never really never ever really in life have made like goals in terms of this is the like three year plan. And this is where you need to be it's always like this is the direction. And let's go because all that planning and stuff i i did. So much of that already on my job i had to have all these reports and like plans and blah blah and all of that was actually only made up from a lot of people actually in like big companies. But um i was sick. And tired of doing this so i was just hey this is the direction. And just do everything you can to get better. And push it push it push and push it and see wherever you end up that's well the best you could do that's crazy that really is um i've got two questions about germany okay first one the autobahn you can go as fast as you possibly want yeah. So i've been on it it's scary so if you if you don't know this ex so in in germany the motorways are called autobahns is i would pronounce that correctly yeah i don't know. And there's there's no speed limit. For most of it yes i don't know the percentage. But um we have another sign you don't know a traffic sign you don't know in in the uk that's a white sign with like black stripes through it right so as soon as you see that sign you can do whatever you want. And what what what's the fastest you've ever been on the autobahn oh wow me driving like maybe 280 or something like that kilometers yeah that was not my car. But that was someone else's car that's like 150 miles an hour-ish i don't know have you done it you say i well what's even scary i went. And i went but i was a passenger like you were sent in you got in rick's car you're on the wrong side yeah. So i was sat what felt like i was in the driver's position. But as a passenger doing like 100 no not stupid speeds. But fast but what what speed do you go at if you're just driving normally then.

Do people still go like crazy fast yeah. So so 200 is pretty much normal i would guess right. So i mean what we do is we have different lanes we have the speed lane on the very left. And then.

The other lanes are like the slower lanes. And there's a rule in germany when you're not in the process of overtaking someone you have to go right you have to move right so let's say the the autobahn is like there's no one in there. And you're going 300 you're not supposed to do that in the left lane you're actually supposed to move forward to the right regardless how fast you are people don't do that most of the time you're similar to here we have the same way okay gotcha in the u.s it's completely very different that's free-for-all it's chaos yeah absolute chaos okay. So when you respect those rules you can actually do that in a very safe way god forbid there must be some accidents though at them speeds oh yeah sure there is there must be worse accidents surely i don't know the statistics. But um i feel like it's not necessarily that more dangerous so what we do is there's still a recommended speed in germany of 130. So whenever you're having an accident and that's related back to because you were going to fast you probably you're probably facing a problem with your insurance i get you yeah fascinating my second question i've always wondered i i'm gonna have to go. And try it one time my other question is starting golf in germany is very different to starting oh yeah everywhere in the world isn't it oh yeah explain. So let's say now i'm a 12 year old lad in germany okay how do i start golf. So in the meanwhile.

I got a bit better um when i was starting at the age of nine i was the only one doing this actually going to a driving range. And hit golf balls there was no other juniors at my club maybe one. Or two in the meanwhile.

It's like hundreds so what got you into it but uh it was actually my dad who went to the driving range with a colleague of him. So he didn't play golf but his colleague did. And um i was with him that day. And i loved it i was i was well as soon as the first ball was airborne i was completely hooked yeah yeah i loved it. And well then.

I wanted to go to the uh junior whatever training um whatever it was yeah. And that was on thursdays. And on thursdays also was basketball because as a very young junior when i was nine i already played basketball. For a short amount of time but i decided for golf so then.

From start from then.

On like every thursday was my golf day. But well that that's how it's like in germany still i mean there's in school we don't teach golf it's all your private stuff you do your pa it's mostly parents that decide that your their kids well play golf. Or not it's um a lot very it's very very different to other sports but you need a license oh yeah. So well that's not only for juniors but well everybody needs a license to actually play golf there's no like public courses you can just show up. And play or a very very very few so maybe like two out of 750 so you definitely need like a card a license what the hell yeah to to get that. And to get that license you need to take x amount of lessons or do like uh courses. Or classes that take like four weeks to complete to actually be allowed to go out on golf course and the reason why they do that. Or well how they argue that that makes sense is that you learn how to behave on a golf course. So you're not slowing things down know how to replace divots yeah all that stuff well i saw um eric candles lang did a video over there with scratch tv. And he he actually did the test yeah yeah it's quite nerve-wracking isn't it i think on paper i'm totally against it because it's. So such a barrier in it to get people to go and play in golf when you've got to have a license i think some elements of it in its smallest form i do quite like the idea of not not. So much the behavior of such but like understanding how such you've gone playing rules in the afternoon because if you went to go play on your own for the first time ever you wouldn't know anything would you say very rare you'd go even going around you wouldn't know what to do. And certainly like when you play with a golfer that's a new golfer they often don't know where to put the bag where to put the pin tick out and it's a little bit awkward so it'd be quite good if golf clubs had some level of like not a license but something like that i think. But to actually have a genuine license just seem ridiculous so if i was to go over there in the the german to germany now picked up to a golf course. And said can i play golf i haven't got a license they would probably actually look at this face on rickshaws trying to see my chip they would no please don't we just got very simple tests right it's a chunky chip thank you um yeah they'd walk out the pro shop. And go right okay not a problem all you have to do is very simple hit the green here from 10 yards i'm not um. So they would probably ask you for your home course and your handicap and if that sounds reasonable then.

That would allow you as long as you pay do people not lie in germany about this though well if you don't know golf at all you don't know what a home course is you don't know what a handicap is. So you could probably well do some catch me if you can style i want to get on this golf course. And make it work definitely but as soon as you touch a golf club and you can't play they would figure i'd love to do the test go do it yeah yeah we should do it there's a video yeah we'll drive over go on the autobahn yeah fly down to munich yeah fly down like ultrabonnet we'd be down there in like two hours. And then.

Do the golf license how long does it take how long did it take me the license i just want to do the test uh the test itself. So if you can make it on the course it takes like 10 minutes you just go to some course talk to to the front desk. And there you have your answer i love it um yeah i'm saying i love it i love the idea of doing it i'd like to say i'm i'm very mixed with it i couldn't understand it. And i must admit after watching that video that eric did at scratch tv i kind of sat back. And went yeah there's bits of this i kind of get you know it would be good then.

In the uk it wouldn't happen it'd take too much time. But if when you join a golf club you have an option that the pro could take you out and give you like a half an hour like kind of not even a lesson on the swing but like uh introduction yeah because there is stuff right even sounds silly. But raking a bunker and replaying a pitch mark we know how to do that should play golf. For years but if you've never played golf you might not do that correctly. But feed for thought you're amazed today.

When we took you to the driving range weren't you absolutely i mean how busy it was that place it was 11 o'clock in the morning on a friday. And it was completely packed. So we actually had to find a bay we had when we and then.

We lost the bay because we went yeah actually yeah. So um we've got a video coming out with martin i'm not quite sure how it's going to come together because as soon as the the guys at trafford heard wind that would brought martin down we actually got never happened this i just got banned from hitting drivers at a driving range because of you with a god-hitting driver yeah he just the peach styles there just kind of looked at my presence. And has his eyes continued and he said he said uh what you do lads i'm just gonna hit some drivers um not sure if you're allowed to do that because there's stuff around us there's there's roads that's quite a good flex though you're not allowed to drive the driving she's just too long like. For me i probably wouldn't drive just going out to the right. Or left too much but you're like hitting it that far if you'd pick golf balls today.

With a driver. And hit them well there could have been some consequences yeah some cars might have got smashed. So or bad i mean i hit it right. And left too well miss hits in long drive right so long left and long ride is also kind of dangerous on that one yeah anyway that should be a good video coming out. So the next.

Question i want to dive into so what is right now the current because you guys when you chat between you it's all about ball speed isn't it right now it is definitely yeah even though it's more about distance. But that comes down to the environment and everything else so right now you did have the world record. For the fastest ball speed at two three one point nine what what is it now cal broke it at cal berkshire he broke it at i believe 234.4 wow is that a big jump then.

That tunabit miles now it sounds it. But is it it's um i am very very confident that that record is gonna go up to like 30 7 8 this year how do you determine iraq like say if you hit one on gc quad at your studio how is that that's very debatable i gotcha i feel you. And i see a problem definitely coming up very soon but right now what what happened is. And that was kind of coincidence because when i broke the record i went out to the u.s that's such a funny story actually a long story short is trump shut the border because of covid in march 2020. i was in turkey that time because i just decided to do this full-time. And did my training camp actually to see some outdoor ball flights because. For a long time in munich you cannot see a ball flight because it's too cold you predominantly hit indoors only indoors actually so i went out there and saw the news and i booked a ticket to fly over to the us that day and flew the same day because i was afraid at that point in time you didn't know what's gonna happen that night. So i in in my head the u.s shut the borders and play their full season and everything and they're just gonna live their normal life and i'm out here in germany and cannot compete that's why i flew out and throughout that flight a lot of things changed already so i had like over the last six weeks i had like four events and like appointments photo shoots and all of that everything was canceled during that flight. But i was out there in charlotte i feel like i booked the flight to charlotte because i to me it felt like the it's the closest airport let's just go to the us. And go from there so what i did is because i had to find a flight back. And that was not very easy yeah. But i found one from miami down then.

To toronto then.

Amsterdam then.

Back to munich so i went down to miami to the shop of bobby bradley and now comes the the reason why i tell you all of this at bobby bradley's shop who's one of the long drive guys five-star custom golf in west palm beach that was the place where kyle hit the first 230 ball ever to 30.2 that was a couple weeks before i went there then.

I hit 231.9 in that sim same simulator same everything wow same ball same everything the same. And now that's kind of the place the go-to plays to prove your records oh wow yeah yeah. And and kyle did the same thing a couple weeks back back with the good good guys hyping him up. And like hitting 234 so that kinda is the place right now that defines the world records. But it's very difficult that's almost become the world record hub kinda when you say it's a world record yeah like do you get anything like it's not a guinness world record is it no it's it's not an official record. But in like in the well grouper longer it's it's an let's say it's an accepted record yes in the world. And in the world along drive it's accepted that this is a true number that there's no funky settings on it. Or not because we figure obviously so this is the truth that's actually happening. But it's debatable because um balls have different speeds like the top flights we hit in competition so the top light bombs are our competition balls. And competitions balls are being provided you cannot bring your own balls. So that means also no ball sponsorships. And so on the ball sponsorship is more of the organization than the players. And um those balls are definitely slower than really well converting balls. And i was hitting that one 231 in salt lake city last year. So i know that if that would have been one of the top converting balls that's already like 234 to 35-ish and that's why i know also kyle can go way faster he's not at his limit. Yet and there's some other guys like ryan gregnol who just broke no he didn't break 230. i believe yesterday he was 229.9 yeah that's well you can round it up i feel like he's going to break it very very soon. So there's a bunch of guys actually coming up and getting faster and the 230 is the new 220. And that's why everything is growing at the moment eventually it's going to be 240. And then.

245 and then.

We have a whole another discussion about equipment and all of that so right now what i feel performance wise it's the biggest push we've ever seen in long drive that's crazy you know what obviously it probably is nothing like it i kind of in my head though i think of like strong man's been a little bit similar to long drive in some aspects. And obviously when you win like world's strongest man you obviously get prize money for that but one of the biggest things with that is this is the fact that next.

Year you are the world's strongest man. And so sponsorship-wise an event it makes you a fortune obviously i said before this should be 120 000. Or something to win the world's strongest man it's a win long drive but is it almost more what you get with that as well that next.

Year you will be the world's longest driver. And that can just in other ways you can monetize that. So much more it's definitely a title that i want to have yeah oh definitely i mean i i won the europe that's actually the next.

Part of the story i won the european championship. So the next.

Year when i competed in my first european tour season i won the whole thing so i won like uh five events that season and won the order of merit in the end so i called myself the european champion yeah. But being a world champion is something completely different because well the year long drive in europe can right now compared to how it. Or how big it is in the us it's an insane difference. And it's growing on all different ends but well covet kind of gave it a strong hit in 2020 especially in um in europe and the us's are recovering way better. But i hope i just hope and i see the potential of this growing into a world tour into a world sport that eventually in a couple years we have world championship in germany in england in japan in south africa wherever right that this is actually a championship that's well not always at the same spot. But moving yeah it should be bigger because anyone that plays golf even just casually when they watch you guys will be like find it just ridiculous how far it hits it. But obviously you came from kind of a golf but you come from a golf background is everybody in long drive come as golfers. Or is there anyone that just started who's lit just come as a long driver. And they've never even played proper golf so everybody's got a bit of a golf bag yeah you think. So but there's a lot of baseball players actually right yeah yeah. And i see a lot of baseball players and i i see the same potential in cricket for example right basically every rotational sport when you think like hammer throw like discus all of that those those guys are. So strong they just need a well good foundation of a golf swing and then.

Mixing the two can be very very dangerous. So i see that actually growing and well it's still as it's still a well you can you cannot become a drag race driver without having a driver's license right without driving your own car. So yeah it will always somehow be related to each other. But um i see more people actually starting to play golf or come and play golf to just hit it try to hit it far so they don't have the goal to actually play 18 holes but be driving range nuts yeah yeah. And then.

Turn into a long driver so the f you definitely need the fundamentals but the reasoning why you actually do that doesn't necessarily have to be 18 holes yeah i do feel like driving range golfers is becoming a thing i feel like i'm becoming one i'm actually enjoying it yeah yeah i'd say we certainly when the weather's bad. And you're thinking like i would oh obviously it's my job but i honestly think if i had an uh office job. And i'd just play i wouldn't play golf in the winter i'd just go to the driving range i could imagine getting hooked to it well that's it but also it's so different like at the moment i've i planned on this year playing more golf and i've played a little bit and i want to play more again but a full round of 18 is four hours three hours ever on a saturday morning i'll sometimes go to trafford where you can today.

And just hit 40 balls i can leave the house yeah i can leave the house be back in the same hour. And i'll hit 40 balls and it is it's like japan it's massive isn't it driving range culture yeah like it's huge it's. So different i'm not since driving the golf course it's totally different but it's it's almost like a kind of it is a separate sport at some degree i remember when i was coaching at trafford where i was where it was today.

I would coach students. For a long period of time they had no intention of ever playing on the golf course yeah that wasn't even it wasn't even a job of theirs like all they wanted to do was how can i get to that target oh you mean the 150 yard target oh yeah is that what it is yards i didn't even they didn't even like those points. But they're competent hitters of golf balls but they wouldn't have a clue what a pitchfork was. Or uh what do you mean you mean on the golf course the t doesn't pop above the ground you know what i mean what do you mean on the golf course you'd have these big nets up the side. So i think there is a culture. And there's nothing i don't think there's anything wrong with that i think the more types of golf we have the better. For everybody like again bit different again obviously but like they have the mini golf with the dinosaurs though that's still golf some degree it's just a different type i've got a question back in uh the back end of last year when the olympics was on. And golf was the first time in the olympics. And we had a lengthy discussion after it about was it good was it bad did we like it did we not whatever it may be i made a point. And i'd love to take your take on it i believe long drive should be in the olympics i believe it should be an olympic sport what a beautiful topic yes absolutely is the short answer. And the long answer is all the sports out there take shot put hammer throw discus it's exactly the same we do multiple tries a little bit of a different time limit comparing each other. And best try counts and it's very adrenaline driven and that's that's the difference to golf so what you try and golf is you play four. Or five hours of golf and you try to contain your adrenaline and pretty much find your flow to play a good round of golf and manage your emotions and all of that in long drive you'll want to use everything you have to hit it as far as you can in a very short time frame of 2 minutes. And 30 seconds and that's adrenaline that's when i see people showing up at their first long drive competitions they can be like 40 years old they're still shaking when they tee up their first ball yeah it's insane. And actually managing or learning to manage that adrenaline is that's the beauty of it. And seeing that on tv at the olympic games yes i think it's much more i'll watch most sports at the olympics i'll find myself watching anything i found myself you know even watching random winter olympic sports this this that's just been recently now in tokyo i honestly think if golf was in the olympics as long drive i honestly think it would bring a whole new audience to long drive there's something about it that's just kind of. So it's almost like like that's our caveman day you you smack in literally a club against a ball whoever gets the furthest wins yeah. And i tell you in golf when people watch golf that have no idea non-golfers as soon as they hear like birdie bogey dog like they have no idea what that is. And they well don't know what's going on. But then.

And they don't see the dimensions of a someone hitting a shot and the camera switches then.

All of a sudden it lands on the green so people have no perspective in long drive it's the easiest rules you can have a is playing against b a hits this distance b that distance. And b wins yeah it's. So simple it's simpler than darts and everything it's actually the simplest sport you can play i also think there's extra options you could get you could have long drive men long drive women you could have mixed long drives you could have double long drives you know there are other alternatives as well available yeah it's very inclusive too do you think it will ever happen is anyone pushing. For it how would that happen is there like a long drive like governing body that would be pushing that yeah. So the governing actually the governing body has been golf channel for a long time and with a covet break they set it on hold so what happened is the players actually founded their own federation the pro long drivers association in the us that's running all the events at the moment. And i feel like it's definitely a goal down the road but right now it's about setting up the sport from scratch yeah because yeah does it feel like that does it almost feel like it was. Or is it factually yeah it had ended it was dead yeah it wasn't this is the rebirth of long drive absolutely. And then.

We've been very very very fortunate that bryce and duchamp decided to actually come along and try yeah. So that actually grew everything and draw drew eyeballs and everything to it and based on this we have a chance to make it to the olympics but i i feel like it's way down the road now i i don't know if you knew this but we're actually really good friends with bryson de chambeau yeah you know the tall you know the tall guy top is a long way we should introduce martin to bryson that would be a good idea can we do that should we help you out with that connection yeah maybe do you have his number do you have his number. So tell us where this happened like you are legit we're joking here you are legit friends with bryce. And chambeau like how how did this come about how did this happen yeah. So there was a period of time in bryson's career when he couldn't play events because kovit in 2020. And he decided to well reinvent himself actually and well try speed and because he's seen long drive on tv and was like if i can only get like 10 percent of this it would be a huge impact to my game. So he reached out to a bunch of different long drivers and checked like social media for tips actually really yeah. And he well reached out to me as well just one day did he follow you out the blue no no he dumped me he was responding to one of my stories when i was hitting a 205 3 wood still remember that i was like okay well um yeah uh cool. So when i have a discussion kind of style and i asked him a few questions he asked me a few questions and we always then.

We basically started a conversation and well he we always agreed on at some point we want to hit balls together and meet in person but i never had the chance for one and a half years because because i couldn't travel over to the us because the boys were shot yeah i had no chance. And i was trying trust me. And uh these guys um in the us started to like kyle was very close with him. For a long time and they they've been doing a bunch of stuff together and he got some tips from him and other guys as well he spoke on the phone too so he was he was really into this speed journey. And then.

Finally at some point when when i could make it over to the us and compete and i finally got my visa and everything i posted a story like with the american flag like i finally made it and he was like all right come by i was like okay. So when because i in between events we somehow um made it work that that i can spend a couple days in dallas. And meet him and in at that point in time i had no idea how he was like how he well he's living his life. And all that i didn't even know is he married. Or not or what nothing and i got there and actually first i i we texted and we spoke on the phone and we wanted to have dinner that night together and i was like okay that's very romantic yeah it's very romantic. And and i had no idea i was like okay fine. And we go to some place and have a discussion and whatnot and maybe it's some balls tomorrow and whatever and um then.

When when i was at his uh his door i realized okay this is not only me out here like a round table of long drivers no it was not long drivers. But there was a lot of people around this place yeah he always has a lot of people at his place yeah friends he's he's living with. Or business partners or like the whole like crew kind of that's they're always together and like 10 minutes later it turned out that that's a really fun group so you enjoyed yourself and you had a little time and we had a lot of fun together we played like ping-pong at this place and had like a couple steaks i i didn't have like meat for a long time actually during that period and um his steak was one of the first steaks that i had that i actually enjoyed well his stakes are actually pretty good. And because he he's doing them a lot but um it just clicked like the whole not only bryson but the whole crew yeah like it was you just lost it yeah it just it was just perfect. And i really enjoyed that time we hit some balls together here and there had some like good like the cool thing about this is he's always experimenting right he's always trying to find out what works. And what does not. And i'm the same way because i know that i i will never figure this out. But i'm trying to get as close as possible and he's the same way and we we really enjoyed that and we i mean we started pranking each other. And so on and so forth and then.

What happened is that's how the whole regency thing actually came about in mesquite at worlds which was like a month later um [Music] hogan molten actually approached me. And was like hey can you come to our hotel room this night i was like yeah sure it's like hey can you come by yourself no questions asked i don't know what i was like sure because i i had a feeling right i felt like they're gonna prank me you know something's gonna happen something funny. And i love that stuff so i went to their hotel i showed up they've all been in that room and they were like okay martin. So we have the following plan look we want to found a content creation group and we feel like you would be a really good fit and this is our plan. And it all started from there that's that's how it went right that's how reject we didn't even have the name yet we were still looking. For a name right but it was like on paper it was very clear what this group is supposed to reflect supposed to show supposed to inspire to entertain to educate in all different areas. And with hogan and the fitness on the fitness side of things with myself on the speed slash long drive side of things and with bryce and i don't know what he's good at but some stuff some bits and bobs some some stuff cooking steaks and ping pong he's pretty good and um that was a pretty good fit. And then.

With all the stuff that we're doing at the moment with regency like we're just um posting a video today.

With a crew of people like six fans out on course that play a knockout match. For some prizes so it's a very very funny song the variation of content is just. So cool what we can set up together. And that's how it actually came about so it was from a dm because i hit the ball far to this. And when i think about that i sometimes have to pinch myself like what's actually happening. And if if people like back in the days when i quit my job and i i had a fairly good job with like pretty good potential for the future people ask me like hey martin how can you like well drop this. For that a sport that that's actually not existing in germany or europe and is a niche within the niche. And why are you actually doing this. And why why are you cutting your income in like third in the very beginning. And well i was like because i feel like i enjoy this way more. And i i feel like i can grow a lot more in this direction. And if it doesn't work whatever right you know the the german mentality is a lot about you're not supposed to fail when you're doing something job-wise in the us that's a little bit different like there's pros. And cons to that mentality too but they're like let's try and if we fail whatever we just start again right and i kind of i thought about this a lot i cried a lot about this as well with my wife and so on because we had to figure out what to do. And now since we have a have a little kid he just turned one that is another aspect to the whole story as well. But at that point in time um well it it was just a gut feeling of myself that this is gonna be okay yeah. And now i'm hitting golf balls doing content with bryce and the chamber being really good friends with him um with all the regency stuff and i'm hitting golf balls and um well hitting i'm being on the rickshaw's golf show podcast i mean i don't know if you've seen this oh yeah. So if you if you can zoom in on these i will go you've got a little bit of a bruiser. And doing stuff like this i mean when when you see my you mentioned this in the last video actually you said like the long drive stuff kind of sounds. Or looks very barbaric that's the word you've used right so martin as soon as he got off the plane today.

He kind of walked through. And i was like he looks like he's got a bit of a black eye there i'm not sure if i should ask him. Or not he was walking [Laughter] excuse me mr pogba have you got that black eye on your face that's pretty much what happened guy that's pretty much what happened what happened to your eye. So the day before yesterday i um was doing a speed push. And i didn't make it over 2 30 for various reasons and one is the boss. But different story i don't blame balls i blame myself but i hit 229.4 and then.

Right after i mishit a ball and i was well flicking my driver. Or throwing it up a little bit to catch it again i didn't catch it so it hit my eye and so so that was not very smart that was very barbaric. And very stupid don't do this at home kids. But it's like these sessions these like speed pushes when you're really turning into beast mode and just try to push it as hard as you can are a part of the long drive training it's not everything it's just a part of it right it's the speed push. And this is actually pushing up your speed reserve to be faster with all the clubs it's pushing max speed also helps out on course. And i tell that all the time like hey guys and bryson also when he was doing speed training that's a huge part of it. But most guys especially tour pros they don't really dare to go down that road or feel like this is not. For me because in the very beginning when you do this you see shots that you've never seen before yeah. And these small pros would be scared of that yeah. And you're like i can't play like that and they see their bank accounts fade away like no okay no no no no no no no this is not going to happen. But these are actually pushing up your speed reserve. And then.

You swing in the same with the same smoothness or intent like you would usually do out on course. But you're just faster i i've done a tiny bit of speed training recently since senior last time and it's only a tiny bit i would like to do a little bit more i felt like that when i've upped my speed. And we saw 119 went down in london even on that very same day i said i turned to guy i think he was doing a little bit with um steve furlong. And i said i'm just going to hit one what feels like normal now. And actually approved 150 miles per hour so i was like that that's what i would like to do i would like to increase my my maximum potential possible. So that my normal feels fast it is faster fraud listeners then.

Right now let's wrap this up with. So a couple of kind of top tips for people listening to to let's do it break it into two models give me three main points. For technique of hitting the ball further and then.

Give me a couple of top tips to actually train that as in practicing to get maximum speed so what should what's your three technique technical aspects that can help you swing faster okay. So there's not only so to all of this what i'm saying now is not only a maximum speed aspect to it. But also an efficiency aspect to it that's very important people need a figure that it's not only about getting faster but also actually using the body and the technique to be faster without trying hard so what i'm saying now is not about the easiest tip would be go smash it no this is not what we're talking about. So all of this is also a lot of efficiency involved first thing dare to lift that left foot off the ground at the back swing. So during the back swing left heel lifts up yeah left. And right about extends your reach in the backswing right that has two things first it helps you with rotation right because you can rotate your hips more that means you can rotate your torso more. And you get more out of everything yeah actually then..

And that's the second part by doing that do not only rotate. But also use your body to actually move up so allow yourself to elevate your body in the backswing we've we've all probably been taught at some point that we have to keep our head at the same position the whole time and keep it still yeah to be as consistent as possible right. But the golf motion is a very athletic motion. So i encourage people to try this and at the same time use that foot to elevate yourself okay don't go up there two things in the backswing you know good now there's your german look you were asking me earlier if i think about what was that like yeah means exactly i thought you meant like i was like you know you know sometimes it's the subconscious things that happen. Or just well come out of your i must admit you speak whatever outrageously good english it's unbelievable i'm trying i'm trying i've never i've never spent a lot of time in the u.s it's all school english but i'm learning but the one word then.

That um just to clarify to our listeners lifting your body up mm-hmm the whole body everything so everything is elevating up okay. So then.

Um next.

Downswing okay think about it this way when you're on your way down a lot of people that i see try to get narrow in the downswing. So get their hands close to the body lag that's what people do when they think lag. But actually lag is not being created by pulling your arms towards your body the opposite is actually happening. So what we try to do is actually we want to push our hands out because what's happening is we create a wider arc on the way down a longer hand path. So we have more time to accelerate that and at the same time when i do this that angle is actually getting more acute. And that's what we call lag so you're creating it with your wrist but you're extending it with your arms exactly so i'm pushing out that way so actually a little bit sometimes that's my cue at least i try to press my thumb up here this thumb against this one boom out there so you don't necessarily have to follow that step by step but being aware of how this is actually being created. And how you use your body and how that makes the whole move more efficient is the first step to go. And then.

Whack it then.

Whack it and then.

If someone wanted to actually train this sort of stuff what what should they look to do um as in like practice you've mentioned to me about doing speed sessions one every 10 days okay you mean in terms of programming yeah. So i one one very important thing to speed is you cannot be fast every day you need recovery. So you cannot practice speed every single day some i do it. But i don't see the best results with that so grant yourself a couple days of recovery to do your speed sessions. But do it consistently. And i tell people like do it once a week in the very beginning that's okay. But stick with it and track your process over time how everything evolves because you won't feel it you won't see it because you're always with a current status and feel like i'm not gaining anything but when you look like look back six weeks you see like all right of course i made a bit of progress here well let's track it it's like anything it's like if you were you want to try. And lose weight you don't always know it straight away but you'll notice over a long period of time if you're if you're trying to do anything because those little tiny tweaks. And changes as long as it's an upward trajectory on your on your target you're achieving what you want to do absolutely um that's amazing i'm really happy with that i feel like we've dived into absolutely loads no i hope that you win the world long drive me too um i'm excited i feel like from knowing yourself. And a bit more kind of seeing kyle and obviously bryson who's brought so much attention to it i feel like i'm more kind of aware of the sport yes i always kind of knew about it. And knew who joe miller was etcetera. But i feel like kind of rightly so it's getting attention so i'm going to be watching this year when is the world actually that's early october okay. And i mean the approach that i chose with my youtube channel as well is a little bit different i just try to show everything i'm i'm super transparent with everything a lot of people reach out to me actually from my peers in the long drive sport. And are like why do you give away your secrets i'm like because i want to grow this yeah yeah. And i don't feel like it's secrets a lot of people are secretive about their things. But do the tiger approach right i don't feel like we're at that point of time that that's the way to go i feel like the more we can put out there the more people will will pick it up try it get better the more people will try. And qualify will turn up at events. And so on and so forth so that i mean at least i believe that. So well all i can say is the more people we have the more people enjoy it. And the more people watch it the more successful we will be. And if you think sometimes i do that not very often the more entry fees that get put in the more money that goes into more eyeballs yeah the more kaching more liberals more sponsors yes that's also a reason yeah um. So how many have just last question how many events between now and october are you gonna are you in eight says eight events. So one there pretty much every month yeah from now up until october yeah every four weeks now exciting times we'll keep us up to date um if you don't know martin's got a youtube channel as well definitely worth checking out i just mentioned it then.

Um i'm a big fan of it i think you do some great stuff on there. And i think now with your insight that we will give you a little bit from guy today.

Gave you some insight on your channel uh you'll also be probably catching us on subscribers soon as well willing to learn hopefully not anyway martin you've been a pleasure uh thank you very much. For listening everybody and good luck again at worlds and the rest of your season and uh it was a pleasure thanks pal appreciate it guys you've got plenty to catch let's get you to the airport thanks. For having me really isn't that late it's half three okay we gotta leave we got time cheers [Music].