I step up there and i probably hit it a grand total of 40 yards i think the diver went further than the ball ladies. And gentlemen welcome down to the rickshaw show podcast episode 100 and not out 121 not out yeah 121. i'm looking forward to the day where before we start you quick look at your phone have a look at last episode. And we'll go right that's one today.

Weirdly actually i genuinely thought i'd got that correct then.

When i looked to you you gave me that eye. And i thought oh no i've got it wrong i wonder how many listeners have lost in the past people to put him on here. And i've heard on 20 before i'm supposed to say one again there's new content who knows who knows hashtag blame rick blame rick well hopefully we're gonna have no mishaps today.

At all action-packed podcasts coming your way hope everyone is doing well in the world um hopefully we can share a nice little hour. Or so of a little bit of chit chat about golf maybe a little bit of chit chat about what we've been up to yes well first things first a little bit of housework is that the right word how do you keep it housekeeping that's not a houseware we're not dusting. Yet [Laughter] let's start again let's start again um no um hopefully exciting news. But some news i wanted to kind of just explain a bit more thoroughly than i have done in alaska plays on social media so um obviously if you're listening you know every tuesday release new podcast yes you can listen to it you can watch it if you have a short attention span you can watch clips of it on the youtube channel. And the youtube channel is uh the rick shields golf show it's not rick's main youtube channel yes yes we sometimes release a little friday treat why not why not. And the last one was martin borgmeyer that was a good one it was a good one he just did a long drive he came eighth i think top eight. So kyle berkshire won it yeah we've given him a bit of bad vibe well we'll see we'll see very much um. So that was last friday just gone. So if you're not into that one yet you've got a little treat for you and we won't always do friday treats just just when you're not expecting it it's just coming out left field. But the update is we are now going forward uh gonna be releasing the odd kind of bonus um clip on youtube i'd almost even call them exclusive yeah very exclusive two reasons why well one big reason why the first reason why is that sometimes something happens in the week that's very newsworthy. But by the time then.

Come to the normal podcast it's a bit gone and a bit old news and so that's last week we did one on this whole titles on philmix. And twitter escapade beef beef and we also did one on the fact that jason day had moved to bridgestone golf ball. So we put those online thankfully done very well on views but some people and i get this i get this uh who are in the clubhouse a little bit disappointed that like i didn't know this was happening um. So it's not that we're taking less from the podcast it's that we're going to talk about things in the weaker cases that we wouldn't normally talk about in the podcast like we wouldn't really today.

Be talking about jason day signing with bridgestone no because it's kind of happened yeah had our talk about it. But we wouldn't have probably brought it up on this podcast anyway certainly the tiger one that feels like so old news now yeah exactly. So it's more it's more newsworthy content that's so if you want to check out everybody everything it's you know if you're in the clubhouse and you're thinking i feel a bit hard done by here this is almost the dodgy stuff you get shown at around the back yeah you know like that dodgy chef in the club we've always said we've always [Music] he seems to swap jobs every six months suspiciously. So he'll he'll invite you on the back hey check out this uh exclusive content i've got never been seen before um so make sure you are subscribed to the second channel i think we're up to 150. Or nearly 150 000 subscribers on there so check it out and do not miss out on any of these exclusive clips i've had a few people saying well you know i don't watch videos very much is it going to affect my clubhouse membership it's not to be in the clubhouse you have to listen to the full episodes that is how you become a fully fledged member fledged member of the club house yes it's just a little bonus treat exactly um i just want to very quickly touch on well not even quickly the fact that our man our new new best friend yes victor hovland yes almost won this weekend. So close unbelievable this was the arnold palmer invitational at bay hill um he played incredible golf the weekend i've never seen professional golfers unlike what looks like a resort golf course struggles. So much this weekend like some of the scores were absolutely crazy under par anybody even one. Or two on the power was perceived as an incredible score um i've actually played bay hill a few years ago. And it was nowhere near as the condition it wasn't tournament condition when i played it at all. But when you see that tournament the green the greens look like glass the rough is thick. And juicy it's long and it was windy. And you've got alligators and water so hard lines victor i'd love to have seen you kind of take victory after obviously coming on the podcast it's great to see that you've back up to third in the world uh but then.

Also big shout out to scotty scheffler killing it like he's not won forever then.

He goes and wins waste management at phoenix two weeks ago and then.

Goes and wins the the anna palmer invitational moves up to fifth in the world and ka-ching ka ching ching makes some dolla dolla cause i think the top prize was two point two over two million dollars at least that is nice in it he's doing all right it's not bad though he gets a nice little red cardigan big trophy his wife there is on the picture. And she must be thinking oh yeah this this is we're gonna have a good year let's go to the state tonight if you want to have a good year it just shows. And it sounds obvious when a golfer's hot the afternoon are hot yeah it must be nice when the tournament thinking i'm playing well swinging it good. And then.

Just winning two million quid and he just he didn't do anything ridiculously impressive on the in on the final nine i think he actually had nine pars in a row. But his putting was absolutely sensational i mean on the back now he topped a golf shot straight out top tip trying to recover from the trees another shot on this on the 16th which is the par five he had this awkward stance. And kind of semi-topped it again but still managed to make path from everywhere his long putting was exceptional. And like say vic it wasn't victor's day he could have hold a lot more he didn't hold much out on the green i think he went in every single bunker on the golf course this week um. But yeah it was one of those ones where i know we spoke both spoke about it on the podcast quite a few times about watching golf now. And it could change it could be a little bit different i must admit i watched it last night and i think more importantly because of the connection we've had with victor recently like my palms are like sweating watching it i'm like watching going come on please. But um he didn't do it. But that's the thing if you if you have a golfer who's your favorite or you're kind of cheering for someone you get behind it so much more don't you think. So the more you watch golf obviously the more you then.

Develop those kind of relationships if you like with a play you like the play like the way they swing you like what they stand for and then.

You start to cheer for them more um quick question then.

Very off topic but this open now that's coming who are you going to be cheering. For we've got a few guys that we've got you've got your bryson's you've got your victors you've got your mim woolies i i think. For i think minwoo lee. And victor yeah to be honest i feel like bryson obviously is bryson he's going to be incredible. But i just i feel at the moment that kind of certainly mean wooly after playing with him there in reverse right that's where we met that would be sick that would be that would be pretty special it's more let's be honest from almost a selfish standpoint i think sometimes is this where is this where you form an allegiance with a player like let's say obviously we've met a couple of these guys in person we actually didn't we've not met victor. And bryce in person as such just yet but i'm sure we will do this year. But like we've met obviously tommy in person mimwoo lee loads of like sam horsefield these guys is when you go to a tournament. And you get up close and personal with some of these players is that where you we you form these relationships. And it's and it's kind of one-way relationship because they don't maybe when you're in a fan they don't maybe know who you are. But suddenly the way you you say to oh great put victor and he looks up and goes oh cheer pup cheers pal or signs you know what i mean 100 i think obviously not everybody's fortunate to get to an event i think that's why social media is helping as well now. But yeah like if you go to a tour event. And you see victor sign a ball for either your child or for somebody else or he just elijah's a crowd that wait that's worth a lot of powerful entertainment same now on social media when people like giving stuff away to the fans or might do a little video. For a fan if somebody requests it for a child or something or even replies to a comment and likes a comment like it carries a lot of weight and i think all that added up ends up it's how you get connected to these players i think that's why it's. So important that so many of them continue to do this. And continue to push the brands on social media and interact with fans because it it does get people on your side i feel anyway from the tour level question. For you yes i don't answer. Yet i want to mull on this okay what's the worst feeling in golf. And the reason they ask so on saturday no surprise oh it's the driving range standard saturday. For me now it's good though it's becoming like i do want to play more golf this year. And it will happen certainly as the sun's coming out now i'm getting better weather. But at the moment i'm really loving the driving range i've made myself an awful coffee what's wrong with it well we ran out of i've made a contraption concoction function concoction of of things so we have this like coffee machine in the office and i have these like cappuccino capsules and we ran out of one half of it so i've kind of made a mocha coffee throughoffy it's disgusting but it's keeping me warm so i might keep drinking it there it goes the face you pull when you had a swig right anyway so when's the driving range yes basically with a long drive as always standard any good uh i was leading while i was there. But it was very very wind into the face which obviously makes a huge difference i got 277. And it was an absolute beast of a hit as well today.

And then.

I think later on i looked. And some of the guys beat it was the first play well because like the weekend before you're 50 yards longer because it shows that the wind makes a difference which like obviously with clothes they look like a gc quad it's good because you can always get the numbers you want to look. For but it makes it more fun i think going each week anyway i was warming up. And i got my pitching wedge out and it was my first full swings of the day. And i hit the absolute biggest shank puzzle rocket you've ever seen in your entire life wow one of those ones that's like you know it almost has a good ball flight it's like you actually catch it with speed at the drop rate the hazard just shoots up like 90 degrees to the right i love it on the driving range it's not the end of the world you know hit another one and forget about it but i've done that before in comps and i've almost burst into tears i remember at my old golf course i was on the eighth hole playing quite well part three no trouble at all just shanked it one of those ones you don't even debate looking. For it it's like that there's no point looking that's gone. And what 28 at the time they burst out crying it's just horrendous isn't it i hate it i don't think it made me think there's actually a lot although we all love golf we all play golf it's it's a chance to get out of the house. And in the fresh air for four hours and exercise and take your mind off things and it's a great sport but there's also a lot of times where it's absolutely horrible isn't it it can be brutal let's be honest right now. And how many times let's say you've been to let's say you went to a golf course right and a hundred people were playing golf that day yes. And as they arrived you asked them a question are you gonna play good. Or bad today.

Right yeah. And you get an answer yes. Or no because i think that could be quite mixed yeah i don't think everybody's going to say bloody probably they go. And play the round so let's say five hours later they've had some lunch and they're driving back out the car park how many people out of that hundred do you honestly think if you asked them the question did you play well today.

How many of them would answer yes compared to no six say yes six out of 100 100 yeah i would i would agree i mean maybe even think lower maybe maybe even like one. Or two that's why his golfers were a little bit weird because you very really walk away happy. But i did a thing on twitter. So i'll put a little tweet out oh it's the car wash after bins the driving rates saturday it was really good actually it's. So exciting different ways um it's got the uh seven pound car we're not inside just something like my car washed inside and out you have to get out the car for ten minutes and sit there i thought i don't want that no i'm sitting in the car i have a little scroll sparkle i want it sparkly very vain inside's horrendous. But the outside looks nice um horrible on the inside nice exterior you look good yeah um. So i did a little tweet. And i gave people options but what's the worst feeling in golf shank out of bounds okay losing a brand new ball yeah i'm talking first shot with that yeah hitting your ankle with your putter they've all done pull out. Or up or over right okay. So out of those ones i put shank ob won with 53 percent uh we're losing a brand new golf ball at 21 and then.

19 people said hit an ankle with potter. But this is where the fun starts i asked people. For the um other answers so i want you to rate these out of 10. so 10 is yeah that is the worst thing in golf one's like bad okay i think a lot of them are quite high. So um the first one is standing on the first tee in a two. Or three ball knowing that the course is clear in front apart from that one four ball have just teed off. And you know there's no chance of them letting you through hmm it's okay. So what's that five five okay this is actually my friend anthony whelan hitting a massive drive on a par four. And then.

Fighting the chip yeah that's right that's right that's like that's like a knife it is a nine that is it i mean that's a massive shot you've got in your locker you've absolutely stripped one down the middle of the fairway do you remember actually old course that time i said yes i actually know what [Laughter] drive is the hardest drive in the whole of the golf course i'm sure everybody knows this. But the 17th at the old course hit over the old course hotel his favorite hotel yes the owen hotel that you go over young rick shields stands there first time ever playing it we we've got a match on. And you're you're playing well and yes i'm scrapping it like a dog. And i stepped up a little rottweiler step up there and i think come on this is it you've always wanted to play this hole like this this is the road yeah the first time i've ever played it the famous hole. And i stand up there and i blank everything is pounding i think right it's not a miss i've got if i'm going to miss i'm going to miss left she's fine right it's not a miss step up there. And channel my inner tiger yes rory it's like playing the pj like 95 game yeah tiger. And i absolutely button it buttoned and it is that it's like that thumb thumb you get on playstation. And it's rocketing over i i even saw a little bit of flame coming off the ball well the walls i don't know what year it was it was tiger woods 1997. Or something in the game but when you used to hit a perfect shot it went tiger's shot shot shot shot shot and he all went in flames i feel like it must be just like did he have a game as early as 97. i think it was very i'll try. And get a clip on the video a bit for people smash one over the over the hotel like yeah like people in the balcony was like holding on. So they wouldn't like get blown away by that people stopped there with the drinks just dropped the drink out of the hand they didn't throw it there's drops like time stood still what the hell was that this golf ball rocketed over over the exact oh of hotel it was perfect it was absolutely spot on wind was hard after cameron which way. But the windows are relevant. For you cocky cocky boy i was swagger i think you've gone a bit less i'd say left yeah because you had a good score yeah yeah you're safe yeah walking around the the side of the house you're doing the uh conor mcgregor walk the vincent man billionaire strut. And i walked down there and not to my surprise because i knew it i knew where it was yeah i walked around the corner. And there perched in the middle of the fairway was my pro v1 it was just sat there just glistening 130 yards out pin was pin was front kind of middle-ish you know i was like here we go this is it road hole i'm from this position i'm not even seeing the bunker the dangerous seven foot bunker what was weird as well is you're about six foot tall i think we got his golf ball he was six foot five. And absolutely shredded easy you were just looked different guy women were flocking i had to stop these women from getting here. And then.

I looked at the road i was like i don't see no road what road why is this why is this hole even called the road. So i'll step up there with a little wedge and i'm like okay this is it this is my time guy's dead he's he's over there somewhere this is my time to make birdie birdie birdie last. And we've got a chance of a match here i step up there and i probably hit it a grand total of 40 yards i think the divot went further than the ball i'm gonna think of five words to explain that golf shot pathetic weak pointless horrible shameful shameful yes shameful's the one i'm shameful now like from from up here i was six foot five women flocking like everything was in life was good next.

Shot nobody was around i was about to resign actually just leave it there the weather got worse i suddenly was three foot tall the women had disappeared i was i was i was a lonely figure yeah hello doctors my old friend i walk i i take the very short walk to my next.

Shot [Laughter] i'd like to say it when it was better. But it wasn't i was like i've won the match i think my next.

Shot my third shot into this phenomenal hole i did still didn't hit the green i probably hit it maybe 25 yards in front of me at this point i was feeling sorry. For you i think my next.

Shot got my putter out. So yeah that that is what is what anthony's just said there is exactly one of one of the worst situations 100 percent i've got a few more yeah um i don't even give each of them their own story like that. But let's just go for it but yeah i can get an example of every one of these paul duncan said this is a standard one. But it's so true smashing it at the range striping it and then.

Get a triple bogey on the first hole yeah that's called on that um tom i like this one. And it's probably one more for the uk mark it's the u.s that's big on this but leaving your battery for your electric trolley at home i've done that before battery for electric oh yeah okay. So you can take your electric choice the golf course you've charged the battery overnight you get there you've got you've got your bag typically a bigger bag because you have a trolley loads drinks in your waterproof snacks everything you're like is it gonna rain now well i've got an electric trolley i've got everything i don't think my bro stick two brothers in yeah why not i'm not carrying it left your battery at home that's a nightmare you got it you gotta sheepishly go in the pro shop excuse me mr pro can i borrow a battery. Or a paul trolley worst case i've got i've got one of the state of our motor caddies and they go are we gonna do power caddies here pal you know okay christ james has said being let through. But then.

Slicing your ball into trees and making the group letting you through weight while you find your golf ball being let through on paper as much as you want to be let through is not a nice place to be is it no it's terrible like you sometimes you're behind the group. And you your hands are on your on your side. And then.

They go come on through and you think oh i don't really want to play through i want to moan if anything i let me in a fat one um this is one from regan. And it's have you all done it losing your ball when you've hit a good shot oh yeah i have 100 of that before certainly wet courses around here when you hit you drive down the fairway. And it's plugged and gone um this is a nice one from kyle someone's saying nice putt. And then.

You watch your ball lift out it's the worst i i actually honestly believe there is there is a cur like golf has got a curse when the ball is going towards the hole. And someone says nice port the golf gods got nah not today.

Mate don't don't you predict what this golf ball is going to do yeah the golf gods go nah right i'm going to make this lip in a big way. And that's that kind of looks nice one yeah you know the other other one you hit at a phenomenal t-shirt on a par five yep you hit a phenomenal second shot onto the green yeah you put it through eagle three put part. And it's not it's not too hot it's not a big pot no ten foot you think there we go this is it it's gonna get my round going. And you leave it a foot short it is very true. But it's like oh you've got to hit this one don't leave it short well yeah i know i get that. But either way um this one was. So random but yeah. And that everyone's done it it's probably my favorite thinking you've found your ball in the trees but it's just a shell of an old golf ball how does that even happen everyone's done that you go there's my ball. And you get like a random old ddh cover great um i used to do as a kid though i remember when like i was sly oh go on let's say your balls going into the trees yeah okay drop as a kid you them in there. And you might find a few and you think oh yeah that's a crap pinnacle. Or whatever what i used to do certainly playing in like junior events i used to put the ball like in a position where it was dead easy to find. So if another group that's horrible another group hit the ball in the truck they go i've got it i've got it and they walk up and go oh it's not mine is that when you're up on it as well wow sorry man um the last one is from chris getting an update at seven o'clock in the morning that the course is closed if you're. And there's nothing worse you've worked hard all week you set your alarm get your golf out for a hour the thing is as well a lot of blokes will have mixes. But they do it get your golf clothes out ready tonight before you pick what you're going to wear most of them clear they don't care they actually do. And cleaning clubs get up in the morning and the course is shut there's a couple i'm gonna just have a couple of this list. And this is the official list by the way well this is more this to be honest it's a bit more of a spoke list this is. For when i worked in a pro shop okay. And people would ring up and they'd go hi eric um it's it's john i'm after a tee time sunday morning what what's the earliest you've got i think i know you're going to say it i'd go like all right not a problem uh mr mr john the earliest on sunday because it's a nice day it's it's going to be sunny it's 6 45. oh not bloody really not that bloody early i thought i'd go okay what time would you like all right 10 o'clock well how is that early 100 i don't know they'll say all right i'll say well i've got um 9 57 no no no not anything later i've got 9 18. oh not anything earlier i forgot to take no never two times that's all i've got 100 used to get that oh it used to drive me insane like yes i don't i genuinely one time i remember i remember one phone call i got. And um so the number for the pro shop was different to the hotel this was when i was at mayor. Or not the hotel like the reception area and somebody tried to ring the pro shop number okay couldn't get through bad line. And whatever engaged i'd probably have it off the hook because i'd be bothered with these lot so they rang the main reception yeah then.

That could transfer to the pro shop which came through on a different phone i answered they go oh hi rick i've been trying to ring all morning have you have you moved you change change your location i'm like are you actually. For real it's a golf club how can i like change my location i don't feel like i'll tell you one very very quick story this is a funny one right. So i get a phone call okay in the process i told you about this one no no no no saturday morning okay get a phone call in the pro shop right. And they used to but there used to be a couple of guys in the pro shop me and another pro and maybe even three of us if it was a busy day okay one of the members rang me up hi rick um i've got tea time at half nine. But i'm currently uh my car's broke down i'm just in oxford i'm like all right not a problem like any any way that like someone can come. And pick me up did he smoke 60 sacks a day i don't know. So uh i said i said i thought to myself i'd rather be going picking someone up. And be sat in the pro shop yeah i'll do it i'll come pick you up. So i spoke to my pros up the head pro i'm just going to go. And pick up right yeah simon he was called i'm going to come pick up simon quickly. And uh he went yeah no problem like don't don't be long i said no problem. So darted down towards knutsford there's only one road towards knoxville and he wade told me he'd broken down was near like the range rover garage. So it sounds a bit poshed out on it but near there so i'm driving down i'm looking around going well i can't see it i can't anywhere. So i ring up the pro shop going um what car does simon drive oh he drives a whatever bentley. Or whatever all right i can't see it i don't where he is. So i end up getting his number rang the number assignment where are you i'm just i'm just a bit further down the road you'll see me you can't miss me right drive further down the road. So after about 10 minutes i'm like i genuinely can't find him i'm going to simon i'm going to have to go back here i i'm not genuinely going to have to drive back because i can't find him that's the point i've been out. For half an hour now this should have only taken 10 minutes i start walking back and i get to get to the um golf club yep and i spot simon's car so i walk through the main bit near the restaurant and he's there sat with loads and loads of loads of members and i'm like and he all looks around at me goes hey rick what's the date oh no i looked to my phone saturday the 1st of april he had me he had me done that's crap that is one of the best april fools i've ever had you got a half an hour at the shop. But it was like the problem i was like stressing like yeah i'm like where is it i i need to find him because i've come out thinking i'm like super rick. And i'm walking back with no simon he's there chilling out of the coffee just sounds like sam in that don't know what to do um. So another actually um weird trip had this weekend so another exciting thing i did on saturday actually i'm not talking about saturday. So driving range post office where's the post office and the one near me was shot. And so it's a little bit further down the road can we drink it to where this is going to go not that exciting. Yet but um went to the post office sorted sent some trainers back done felt good a little chore boxed off but then.

I thought i've been surrendered hit balls today.

It's not going to know the range again obviously. But i'm going to nip into clark's golf since i look at the shop um i like winning their occasionally. For a bit around the shop and also that look at the second hand club just see what's just what's their exciting little bits and bats remind me off podcast to talk about clarks off podcast oh okay wow just something sorry sorry i saw something this weekend i want to say okay. So first thing i saw was a vega wedge 45 quid that's quite good. For a vega wedge anyway i was in. And out and then.

Probably 10 minutes i was left walked out. And some fellows walking in said hi guy oh yeah i didn't know him. But he was obviously a podcast listener. And loved your videos no he was slacking you well i'm joking. And he was telling me how he was going. For a fitting and i said all right okay she was saying that he's got currently got a cobra speeds on extreme 12 degrees that wheelie won on twitter of cobra nice. And he got it fitted at class we went there's about two years ago when the driver came out we went to the clerks and said look i've won a driver off cobra i'm going to be honest with you um. But i want to get my specs so i can order the correct one. And so he said he paid. For fitting basically not a lot but he paid for fitting got his ideal specs or the driver of cobra got the driver two years ago dead happy we've been having lessons with barry taylor and he's improved his delivery and he's found that this 12 degree drive is spinning up too much even he locks it down. So he was going. For a fit in so he's telling me all about this and i was actually really intrigued. And said he was going. For uh gonna try the ping he was gonna try the new new cobra on the new callaway. So tell me all about it and then.

I said all right okay i'll see you later. And i left and as it sounds i was actually thinking that i really don't know what he gets here because i'm quite intrigued he tweeted me afterwards no way. So i was like he's not nice to speak to you before. So what did he get i was actually really keen to know. And he came out um with the ping g425 but ls tech nice lower spin i think he could have really improved this game he gained like 20 yards of carry. And everything was rosy. But the point of the story is he didn't try i wasn't. For some trying to stealth but i've actually heard him not one second and the stealth is a bad driver it's a very good driver i've had a lot of kind of average golfers saying they haven't gone with the stealth at all well it's imagine you're just saying this a really good friend of mine has literally texted me this morning i mate bought the stealth. And can't get along with it really one wanting to try a new shaft blah blah blah what do you think i'm like it's mad because you look like it's got that example again it's got a sheffield one with it last night yeah. So it's not a bad driver like i can't say it's a bad driver but there are certain characteristics of it that i don't think suit every girl from the planet like doesn't matter which version stealth. Or stealth plus i feel like i've been hitting like when i've been doing these long drives and stuff with you at the driving range i know when i hit it yeah it is faster it's longer than what i currently use. But it's pretty unpredictable i find it um sometimes unmanageable really it's been a very weird one this year because i this guy i was speaking to he said he wasn't a big fan of looks of stealth. Or was i actually when i first saw it i thought that that looks like i love the story i love the fact that the best players in the world are using it. Or some of the best players in the world are using it. But for me even when i've tried it i mean i'm not hitting the driver great anyway. So i need all the forgiveness i can get. But i honestly think from the testing i've done whatever i'd say i've hit a good number of shots couple hundred without driving now i find it honestly. So unforgiving and i've heard from some retailers as well they're finding the same that people are coming in dying to try it which is kudos to taylormade they've done a great job of marketing it they really have this year it's been one of the best marketed products i think i've seen. For a number of years um but it just doesn't seem to be working for people from what i've seen i might be talking absolute nonsense if you're watching this clip or whatever comment down below if you've tried it and you like it or how you've got on with it but i honestly from what i'm seeing it's so unforgiving it's giving me that vibes of the slider sldr yeah it's a good launch wanted to drive 100. And is this where maybe people like even my mate james who's messaged me did he go in. For a fitting and in a fitting you can get it going oh yeah like in a bay. And that's why i did the video against the pink g425 uh max drive that i currently have in the back when i did that video at jcb because i do believe it's got power it's got speed. But it's just lacking a little bit of consistency and forgiveness really i certainly find it is with the stealth drivers well one of the things we said kind of thing was off podcast was that i thought this year would actually be a good year. For callaway because even though they drive on paper when we first saw them didn't quite excite us when you perform callaway drivers always perform there's four options this year so you're gonna get one for every golfer and with all this hype around taylor made and the stealth so many people are going. And kind of rightly so to go and try stealth and if you can try one. For free i think you should why not. But i think a lot of people are going. And kind of ah that's not actually for me that let's try the callaway yeah let's try coming in the side door exactly. So i think callaway. And cobra she and ping obviously always are going to pick up some sales actually off the back of how well marketed like stealth debate 100 it's getting people in because people want to hit it yeah. And then.

Once they've hit it they might go on to a ping or a cobra or a callaway what they end up with is obviously going to be unpredictable down to the individual the other one i've not tried normally now brands obviously bring out several drivers which can be a bit confusing. But equally it's quite good for the consumer because you should get a head that suits you most of them have three or four obviously with stealth the stealth plus which is the super low spin one there's the stealth kind of standard. And then.

There's obviously there's it the type d or hd now that's one i've not tried typically that's more obviously draw by a striker this time unless that's somehow a lot more forgiving which it might be i'd like to try that one as well but it doesn't massively feel that real forgiving option and also tubes did a video today.

If you saw it he was going. For a new driver and he put this he started the video is it still over me i got a really good fit in. And he said i've got stealth i've got ping. And i've got the new cobra i knew which one he would be walking out with straight away i think 100. And he did just. So forgiving he got more i think he got a bit more out of again on taylor made on good hits because of an average someone like that who i'm sure you won't mind us saying struggles with driver a little bit 100 i just can't see a stealth in his hands. But like let's say a rory oh yeah i can't see a ping g425 max in his hands like i do think this year kind of stealth is is up more than ever geared towards like the best of the best players i agree. And said earlier 100 i'm keen to hear people's thoughts if you watch this clip let us know below if you're listening you want to email us podcast rickshaws.com i'd love to get to know a bit more what's up hold on didn't stealth produce the fastest ever ball speed. For a certain company recently sorry i couldn't let it go um so on um a note of what we did at the weekend i i don't know what i did saturday i remember taking the kids to swimming. And dancing all that rubbish [Laughter] and went to liver yesterday yeah i saw your pictures guaranteed i was gonna bump into two. Or more people i knew well i've noticed something about what i don't this is intentional that. But when you go out on these trips you've gotta have a goal five out here i don't have golf gear don't i really yeah is that. So you can get what do you mean wasn't that coffee was that it looked like you were in golf shoes i was wearing [Laughter]. And i'm testing them and you're testing them but it's just that really gave me a great grip around the beach it was what was weird though he was wearing golf shoes fine a golf cover up fine golf hat it was like you would a glove walking around living that was a bit weird i didn't i had a coat on which i've never played golf in. But it is a golf course yeah. But i've never played dolphin and i had a woolly hat which i never wear woolly hat no on a serious stone kind of pulling your leg. But it does it's kind of testament to golf clothes how they are nobody walking past it didn't know you would think that guy's in golf gear would they no i love golf gear's getting better walking around somewhere like living. And spotting the golf gear hundred percent i saw a guy with a tattoo on i thought this hat yeah i saw the titleist heart i saw um oh there was a one guy in the cue oh uh guy in the ice cream cute garving green like waterproof jacket. And i was like well nobody's wearing galvin green. For anything else are they lindenburg's bit of a different one because you get lindenburg all the different walks of life scheme. And all this stuff but if you see somebody in a in a ping and like even the school run if it's raining on the school run yeah you spot either the golfers. Or or the golfers in the family yeah there's broly at the front door. And suddenly they're holding it like a ping brolly or like a slazenger brawley or something i like it it's actually got the model club on it as well no longer had the umbrella. For example it's like a ping g2 umbrella i don't know yeah i'm sure back in the day god what brand was it now i had a golf ball umbrella. So like you put it up and it was like it was like oh what brand was it it was really cool i can't remember what it was now anyway long story short i've been told them. So many times and always think to myself 100 i'm gonna bump into james robinson almost damn webster yeah never do this time i did oh great in the ice cream queue. And bumped into the bit of a golf five on as well i feel like he might have done he had a little bird jacket on actually um i was wearing i think he might have caught shoes on as well what was really funny. So hashtag golf dads so yeah we're there chatting. And the kids are playing football we're near fairhaven lake you've been there no it's lovely we're. So fair and late there's like this this lovely little boat house kind of restaurant right on the water's edge it's lovely really nice place for food this is not there's not a sponsored shout out um if you don't sponsor us though fairhaven lake podcast at rickshaws.com that um building used to be a clubhouse to a golf course oh wow. So back in the day many many moons go away i think it was 1835. Or something around fame late there used to be a golf course that kind of sweep round and when you look at you're like wow this would be an amazing golf course but that was the clubhouse anyway we got chatting it was funny because he said um he said oh yeah i said he had a busy day he's like yeah i wasn't working today.

But i did a 100 100 kilometer bike ride outrageous he walked off. And uh i actually i actually did a little bit of exercise yesterday. And uh my wife nudged me and went why didn't you tell him about your run i said 100 five days he's there going over. For an ice cream and i'm thinking i'm not gonna have an ice cream ice cream i've exactly said that i said i'm like i don't i didn't earn an ice cream. For a 5k run but we had a good time and then.

Bumped into went to pizza express nice goes against what i've just said. But to be honest we walked two from them down to fave and lake with the kids i'm carrying them scootering bloody all this jazz and your golf clubs on your back is that the one that gave it away it was the honestly the amount of times we looked on right move yesterday though i want to live i want to live in lydon. But i don't know how just buy a house there isn't any and then.

What's all the way back did 17 000 steps wow then.

Went pizza express. And then.

Sat in pizza express who walked in through the door james robinson no dan webster no ally taylor johnny moss johnny moss nice that would have been a long guess johnny came in. So johnny works at them um links doesn't he so yeah came in a little natter. So it's lovely great anyway that was that was my sunday perfect um speaking of that does not make it i was going to try. And say this speaking of sundays you've got some beef it doesn't remotely actually would work it's a big beaver potatoes that's nice oh if i got beef with now no it's it's actually something i don't want it no no it's not beef it's a comment we've had in our facebook group by a podcast listener i imagine because they're part of the facebook group if you're not a member of the facebook group join search on facebook. For rickshield's golf show podcast and join um and it's kind of if i want to live in lithuania we need to put an entry fee on that joining yeah okay please um it's a negative one. But i want to answer it and it's not to you'll see what i'm getting at so it's from david and um somebody it was a post box at random. But he put on rick's main channel is surprisingly quiet i think he's focusing too much on the podcast i missed all the product reviews. And course vlogs i love break75 i know it's all supposed to be coming back soon but the channel's falling way back back on my subscription favorites even though i've watched every video since 2020 so basically david wants more content now somebody commented back on behalf basically david and other people are listening who are watching who love the main channel. And thankfully so many people do. And it's still obviously so important clearly it's just been the weather and it's literally been as simple as that we haven't filmed on the golf course that much yet we've got some in the bank which is good because the weather's been terrible when we film the podcast it doesn't matter if it's raining snowy windy what doesn't matter what's going outside this room is this room always. So we've not been focusing more on the podcast we've we do podcast. And and if we're not filming because it's tipping it out tipping it down outside we might as well do more bits on the podcast exactly um. But yeah the weather's been really bad we've also invested in some new equipment recently which we have had a few little teething issues with uh without kind of dropping anyone in it it's not matt this time. But uh we went filming the other day for a full day on one of the only days it's been sunny for a long time and we have a slight technical difficulty with the cameras so um that's resolved now we've got some really exciting trips even this week we've got a really exciting trip um march when daffodils are out we start making more golf content it'll be coming soon we've got we've got break 75 season two starting incredibly soon probably gonna be hitting a screen near you start of april i've also got some other bits of content i'd like to be filming as well in fact the the little kind of video that's going to go out this week maybe wednesday is going to give a lot more people an insight to what's actually happening this year a lot of the time kind of january through to march it's very equipment heavy which you've seen a lot of driver testing et cetera et cetera from kind of march all the way through the end of season now we're going to see more coaching videos more on course code more coaching yeah more coaching videos more on course videos more matches challenges normal service if not better is going to resume very very soon yeah 100 i think that's the thing from the outside it's it's fine that obviously the audience don't need to kind of know all this really. But this is why the podcast is great we can tell them it's not that. For one second we're prioritizing the podcast oh it's just that this is. So easy to do i actually honestly feel like we're working harder than ever before at the moment yeah it's just coming up with less it really is just at the moment it's frustrating. But obviously it's like when you play golf yourselves obviously the worse the weather is the less golf you can play. But for us it's not even about the weather and you don't want to play in the rain whatever it's the fact we can't film in the rain the courses might be short it might look great and a lot going on. But thankfully that is about to change i was trying to address that because it wasn't like a horrible negative cut it was just kind of always an inquisitive one. And jobs from a real fan so i thought i'd just just touch on how's it going again david david thanks david um that didn't sound sincere that thanks through gritted teeth no thanks i can't say it genuinely thanks david i really appreciate you trying again thanks david i really appreciate your comments even though it's made me feel a little bit worse. But motivated you know what's mad well i'm drank like coffee in a minute i didn't mind it um i've also asked on facebook for loads of questions and we have as always got loads of questions um rick when this is from mike when are you gonna actually finally play peter finch what happened in september october 2024. oh no uh soon um pete's injured. So i need to play him quick while he's injured but soon yeah not sure when david has said david creasy what items have you tested. And been the most surprised with and which have been the most disappointed let's not use like illegal golf clubs whatever like genuine kind of no surprise genuinely genuinely is the ball video that's coming out this week yeah okay. And also the max fly ball yeah yeah like that was both golf balls have been really good kirkland have been good as well kirkland like a lot of golf ball stuff i've been really impressed with this year um what have i been disappointed about i still think with all the hype still a little bit disappointing myself i know we've just touched on it. But still just like oh it's a shame it didn't just unlock that next.

Level it kind of it matched a level just using a different material yeah that's a very i would answer a question that's very weird on the one i was looking at um another one is brexit five coming back very soon very soon. And hopefully big and better yeah you'll enjoy it there's a weird one uh we touched on graphic the other day. But somebody said should more beginners be using steel shafts in the driver i would say definitely not the heavier harder swing um probably a little bit less forgiving as well she's not gonna strike in the middle quite as much i wouldn't imagine um harder to get older yeah hard to get hold off um sorry i should have probably had these planned i never do with the face i like to kind of keep it quite raw. But i have also actually got a dear rick we've done for a while oh yeah go. For it since actually last episode when we mentioned the podcast email address we've actually had a lot more genuine emails which is great. So if you want to send anything in feel free again it's podcast rickshaws.com i feel like i say it a hell of a lot but people often ask what the email is i think a lot of people spell your name wrong as well yeah definitely um. But it's from anonymous um so look for podcasts etc which is great thanks. So much and i started playing golf in september 2020 and immediately got hooked i was at the range consistently trying to learn how to swing decently after about a year i'll shoot in mid-90s. But it's only a short golf course and then.

I got um five lessons from two different instructors to try and understand my golf swing better um and to get a bit more distance i've only hit him at 730 yards both instructors were not the best. And one would constantly show up late um and still cut off the time the lessons so we'd get there at ten plus one round the one o'clock and still cut less another half past one or whatever um both instructors were not the best i'm sorry i've just read that out i want to continue to improve. But these lessons are expensive uh where a live the cheapest one is 75. For half an hour um i also feel like watching golf youtube can get confusing because there's. So much information out there which again kind of do understand it's hard to decipher which is best without someone telling me what i'm doing wrong. And how to fix it that is sometimes get out with you if you're looking. For simple tips on youtube obviously rick does something a lot of other people do as well. But it can be a bit overwhelming i'm at the point where i want to quit because i feel like i'm regressing. And going backwards i can't improve my distance. And i'm stuck um i'm going home now more often than not frustrated rather than enjoying my golf which we talked about earlier on. And i feel like i can't improve on my own without lessons so what should i do. So i think normally if someone said like they're not getting better you would say just quickly while you're kind of thinking about that one thing i want to touch on. And this isn't trying to create clicks or be stupid i don't think lessons are overrated. But i do think that a lot of people think that a lesson is a magic wand. And from my experience of lessons i've not had loads in my time but unless it's a fundamental simple change i think when you have a lesson with a good coach like obviously you were again my friend barry taylor's very good coach. But you have to be prepared to work on it it's not as simple as going i don't think you might disagree you've had obviously hours. And hours and hours and days of experience but after when the coach tells you something you have to go and hit a lot of balls to make that worthwhile don't you you and you know what's really important there you've not only got to hit a lot of golf balls you've got to be very very diligent with your practice yeah because the amount of time. So so go back to your point sometimes genuinely i've been in a lesson situation with a student of mine and it is almost like a magic wand sometimes in that hour lesson. Or whatever it may be like you'd have a golfer that was really really really struggling to make contacts. Or to get good shape and suddenly there's a couple of things that you altern and like the difference was night. And day like for some people it's like ridiculous the difference like they've gone in with it with a super super open club face and then.

They're struggling to hit the 79 70 yards on a full swing by making a few changes strengthen the grip strength in the clubface position you get them hitting like 170 hours like it's ridiculous the biggest challenge for golf coaches for students for golfers wanting to get better is that time between the lessons does it does it get worse do they practice the wrong things have they taken on the wrong information that's the really delicate like you've suddenly kind of just you've gone in there. And weirdly a lot of even bad swings technically bad swings practiced a lot of time become quite um what's the right word concrete like the set in place and after a lesson sometimes your job you've got a big body sledge jumping and you're smashing down this concrete yeah. And suddenly you form in this new kind of pattern a new learning style which is what you want to then.

Become concrete you want to set that in place. But the challenge is between smashing out the old technique. And bringing in the new technique that golfer goes away and hits balls willy-nilly and thinks they're doing the right things but they're not you know what i've seen so many times i've played with people who've said i had a lesson recently about my grip let's just say. And he's fixed it to this whatever that might be but today.

I'll go back to the middle one because i know i'll get around 100 100. And even even me i'll i'll be still dead i know my grip's weak and i'll i'll be stood there at a driving range or a simulator and i've strengthened my grip and worked in my club face position and over time i'm starting to see different shapes i'm like i like that that's controllable set me on the first tee when it matters i go back to my old ways because it's like it's trust isn't it but like when somebody i know you can you do get those exceptions when somebody comes. But let's just say very hard to just do this. But if somebody comes from one hour lesson with you to fix something in reality how many hours of practice would then.

Take them to kind of get that i know it can vary. But it can vary. And i just think it's it's how well that student understands what you've actually changed after. So it's even things like when i was obviously coaching full-time after the lesson i'd almost quiz the student on what we've done like i don't want the student just to have listened to me. For an hour or listen to the coach we'd write down like two or three really important bullet points and i would quiz him on it or quiz him him or her right what do we need to do with grip show me right i need to do this my left hand i need just my right hand what's that going to change. Or it's going to change my club face going back why do we need to change the cliff face going back. So that i don't slice it off to the right brilliant when we're coming to impact what do you need to focus on. And he's focused on x y and z why is that. So i can get this interest like i'd tr try. And make sure that once that student walked out of my room i took a teaching academy at a time i'd reinforce the things they've got to change i'd send them notes i'd send them a video on what we've changed and i'd make sure they fully fully fully understood what we're trying to do. And maybe even give that student the insight to go i'm just going to let you know. For the next.

Couple of practice sessions it might not be the best in the world but stick with it yeah like don't let it because you've seen what can happen if you do it correctly you know what i think's weird from obviously i'm not a golf coach. But i feel like so much about golf lessons are like technical like you said in club face grip is that the other i would love to experiment he couldn't do it. But you get two people it's the exact same person a tough 20 handicap you just clone that person one of them has lessons for let's say six weeks very like you've said in a bay here's your path here's that dude you're the person that's none of that they're like playing lessons where a coach walks around with them. And doesn't necessarily tell them like how to hit a shot in terms of like technical as such but more like right usually and just bump it to that bit of the green let's hit this pause let you know and see who actually improves more i think you're right. But i think there's sometimes honestly i've had people coming who literally wouldn't even be able to get to that stage like they there's no level of consistency yeah like they could be stood there. And they'll hit shot 50 yards right and the next.

One yeah like that on the golf course doesn't matter how much i can tell you right let's avoid hitting it right on this shot i got no control over it you know one of my most successful stories ever had a student come in. And he was an older gentleman. And weirdly he didn't play that much on the golf course when it was nice whether he'd go out. And play six holes he was a lovely guy. And um when it first started maybe naively i kind of maybe went down that route of technical and this guy's like he was probably in his eighties right yeah. And he's he's not into all that he's not into like gc quad numbers some some people some oh yeah i'm not saying none of them. But this guy this particular guy wasn't and it probably a couple lessons in i thinking he's not really getting this he's not really kind of grasping what we're trying to say so at the time i had these like impact stickers on the club face because he couldn't find the middle to save his life so i had his impact tape so i gave him a massive sheet of it i said do me a favor every time you go on practice put all these stickers on your face. And after you've finished take it off and put it in like a little book next.

Thing what is full red put one in a little book. And just right next.

To it like how many how many shots was it. And how many how many times did you hit the middle yeah. And the very first time he did it the pattern on his club face on that sticker was everywhere all over the place like literally everywhere right. So come in so what i did then.

On next.

Sticker i drew a cert an area where he's got a hit made it smaller go ahead. And practice it started hitting closer to the middle next.

Time i didn't told him anything about technique next.

Time we do it you're getting close. And over time that practice honestly strike location because that's all he was focusing on became unbelievably better like ridic. And i know when we've been out filming a couple of times i'm doing a coaching video and i'm saying like this idea of just being aware of strike he's the still the person i go back to so i'm like he had no idea how he was improving strike. But because that was his only focus he improved strikes tremendously. And he went on to hit the ball so much better without any real technical information just this idea of trying to hit the middle a little bit better so i thought that's been a really amazing sense of coaching push down that way as well yeah. So basically back to his email i said i feel like at the point where i want to quit cause i'm regressing i can't improve distance i'm stuck um he feels he can't improve that lessons. But the coach is rather expensive. Or not very good what you do. So is it like that is it something like just playing more. Or i think it's very challenging sometimes when you're looking. For a golf coach because it's ideally you want to be recommended one that has good pedigree that you know that either a friend has used or you've seen good success or you read online reviews or or maybe you've even watched that person's if they've got a youtube channel maybe you've watched that person's youtube videos and you and you can kind of relate to that person you enjoy how they speak it might just be worth trying a few more pros i'm not saying that that's the only route. But obviously it's 75 dollars for half an hour that's expensive by the way in it um you know that i that you can't try everyone really but try and find somebody that's got like real strong credibility um the other thing i wouldn't be too dis if you did this i wouldn't be too bad if you told your next.

Golf coach the bad experiences you've had with the other two don't name names. But go in there and just go let you know i've had a couple of pros up so far i've not particularly got out of it what like the first guy kept turning up late and i'm finishing the lesson earlier that's bad because that that third pro is not going to do that is it no i would think. So because he's already said i don't like do that. And then.

The second bro i had just felt like he wasn't giving me the right information suddenly you're putting it in the third coach's hands to go okay i wanna i'm gonna i used to do it all the time i'm gonna change your opinion of golf coaching the other two guys have give my my um uh industry a bad name i'm going to show you that's not the case yeah i'm going to show you that actually golf coaching can be really beneficial can be really fun can be very time efficient. And can show you how to improve. So i wouldn't rule it out just yet maybe just try somebody else with some good credibility online i've just had an email in litchi as you're talking then.

And the title has got me so i've not really vetted it yet no no it's a. So i want to read it out but this could be i don't know where it's going i try to quickly read it while you're talking about i'm listening to you. So i couldn't master it but anyway it says the title is my custom fitting failed me. So um hi guy and rick i've been listening since the start of the year and slowly making my my way through the podcast back catalog i'm quoting episode 87. uh with you both taking talking a lot about custom fitting and whether or not it's best for everyone i decided to get a free custom fit for drive a retail which i'm not gonna just name right now well it's on here but a bit of a background on the ability or lack thereof i'm 28 years old currently playing after 30 handicap started golf back in january 2021 just over a year ago currently playing a tour edge bazooka 12 degree regular shaft driver which i got as a hand-me-down from a mate and i was looking. For a new driver as i just didn't like the club and had no confidence behind the ball a bazooka it's a tour edge oh nice i don't know what model is. But so i went along for my fitting i spent 30 minutes with the fitter who built a 9 degree um but i just it's the max loft it was a callaway rogue driver with a stiff shaft. And it was one inch shorter to help counter my 50 yard slice which was working. For me and getting it back online showing a draw bias so we've been given a rogue driver a bit of a draw bias shorter shaft nine degrees so on paper it kind of makes sense again if you slice in one um but the fitter wouldn't sell me the golf club he point blank i said go to get a few lessons to fix your swings increase accuracy. And confidence that you know your swing even get your swing better then.

Come back and see me i'll fit you for a driver with rick always saying see a fitter you pay for so that you get real good feedback it would be good to hear both of your thoughts on the retailer being so open and honest about this i felt this invaluable information for me um i've now got i felt this was sorry i'm not doing this very well i'm trying to read it. For the first time i thought this was invaluable information. For me and now got a lesson booked in for next.

Week i was ready to drop over 500 pounds on a driver uh mostly because i wanted to shine a new club. But i thought i'm holding off um so when she's praising the retailer so it's not really a fail is it no such i i i loved that as a apparently it was american golf right. So far play yeah. For me i i'd like to see more of that yeah. And i know i don't understand people are going in there to buy a shiny toys as he's done. But the fact that he's gone in there and he he's not paid for fitting that's it he was free it was free. But it felt like that well you always say pave once you don't get your pants pulled down yeah it feels like that experience even though it was a free one yeah i i again i've mentioned this before. For me i think getting a paid fitting you just get a really honest honest response because the fit has made his money if he sells your driver happy days. But he's made his money so if you walk out then.

You're hitting your own driver better that's absolutely fine um fair deuce i'm really happy about that it's nice to hear that things like that are happening um it's nice to know that you know people are going in there. And trying these clubs and it sounds like even the fitting sounds like a good fitting yeah it does everything would improve him. But i love the fact he said no go away. And get some lessons and then.

If once that's got you better we'll fit you again i think as well in that instance if there's a if there is a severe shock shape like that. And really building the club to kind of help reduce it but he can see potential in this lad. And he's he likes his golf he's going to be playing more. And he's going to probably have lessons in the future then.

That driver although it'd be great now in six months a year he might kind of outgrow it as such. So it is good did you see much of that. And you and you kind of fit in life and you it was a little different. For you because you weren't really selling the products as such were you not yeah i mean you would get some people who would want to drive it. And the way you would build it would help reduce a bad shot but but equally i mean that sounds like a great fitting. But you're never going to get a driver that's going to stop a slice out of you you might get one that can reduce it. And the beauty of when i was fitting was that the base that there was only step through three different heads. And you couldn't move weights but you just change loft really so you could build a drive that might help to slightly reduce a slice but if that golfer went and got lessons the driver could then.

Be kind of altered yeah um. But again it's one of those things where i know lessons get pushed and rightly so but a lot of people don't want to have lessons in that instance though if he said he was willing to have lessons that makes perfect sense oh yeah. But if a golfer came saying i want more ball speed and you could fit a drive that will get them that then.

That would kind of work on the day i guess yeah. But if you have got a massive shot shape like that lessons are definitely better yeah yeah when it's really severe yeah like when you talked about the magic wand before the less even though maybe neither is the perfect magic wand i feel like lessons has more much more of a magical spark about it to help that 50-yard slice because the club's just not going to do it suppose in theory with lessons if you're going to put the work into the coaches almost the improvement set limitless yeah you could go from 28 to scratch. And potentially if you spent enough time whereas a golf club is never going to eat out from 20 to scratch is it no very good very good i felt like a really good podcast wow i mean if we think it's good people probably think it's crap imagine that that's why it goes the ones we think are rubbish people like um any more news there is other stuff on there. But i think that's it. For today.

And as at the start there might be some i don't know if this will be anything out coming on the channel um in terms of podcast extra clips just one last thing on that we decided that when you're on the podcast youtube page if it's a full podcast it's got kind of a red thumbnail clips of the same podcast are green. And these kind of standalone separate clips will be yellow. So if you see a yellow one it's unreleased content hopefully we'll explain that well enough hope nobody's unhappy about it but it's just extra stuff for free perfect guys thanks for listening to the ritual golf show podcast we shall see you next.

Week and we have a little teaser we might have a huge [Music].