Hey guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody this is episode 122. in this week's episode me. And guy went up to cruden bay in aberdeen to record with a true legend of the game sir nick faldo now sir nick has won the masters three times he's also won the open championship three times including one of those times at saint andrews absolutely incredible also certain nick spent 81 weeks as the best golfer in the world the number one golfer in the world so up at crude and bay and aberdeen i managed to get on the golf course and do a little bit of filming with sir nick which will be coming to the main channel soon. But after that we sat down and had a deep dive into cern nick's career i asked him some hard-hitting questions such as where does he keep his green jackets [Music] can he play augusta any time he wants who's better tiger. Or jack and considering sonic has played with both of them in several occasions and also get a little bit of information of what it actually takes to become the best player in the world like what what is the difference how do you get that peak level of performance. So sit back relax and enjoy this episode where me and guys sit down with sir nick faldo well so nick faldo thank you so much for coming on the rickshaws golf show podcast um we have just been out there battling it around the links at crude and bay what i'm saying 55 miles per hour winds good exaggeration it's like a fishing tale yeah it was probably 25. it was brutality probably yeah because. But the bottom line is because there's nothing there to stop it it's not like there's any trees. Or anything there exactly the ocean the ocean was wild it was fun it was it worked it just about worked you were pretty good that's i amazing i don't i don't play much. So it's um it's funny i probably i play better when i'm doing a running commentary for ever myself you know i i shoot uh instructional stuff so if i talk myself through what i'm going to do i'd actually then.

Do better obviously it's a bit like what you did today.

Exactly. So he's like oh well you're saying to me what are you going to do i said well i'm going to do this. And do that. And some little fellas would you better do it then.

It works you better stand up. But the pilot was great because they were funny i dug that old putter out um because of the science it's funny the science is all changing again. So um you know this patrick cantley putting stroke so i called my putting guru dr craig farnsworth and said okay what's what's new. And he said well this can't leave stroke they're calling it um controlled acceleration which is not which is not even though he looks like he slows down. And um so they've now of course they analyze everything he said well it comes out a bit square it rolls a bit better doesn't deviate as much. So i thought okay well bottom line that's the gary player putting stroke you know from back in my day. So i went and dug out i went goes i'm busy cleaning out the garage as you do as we're moving kind of thing. So i'm any part any club that's got my initials on it i've kept nice you know but anything else i've been giving away sort of thing because i've got a just i got i did have hundreds probably thousands of clubs i'm slowly slimming it down just to keep do you keep managing did you keep like you mentioned before you keep all that i've got the ones i want all my majors i've got the bags i've got everything from the main six majors i've got the bags i've got the obviously the clubs i've probably got head covers i've even got the i've even got the tea pegs in some of them i've even got the ball markers like an old banana skin imagine that you can't keep that one what what what where are they where are they in america really uh well in america. And my and my i have an office in windsor um set up a mixture of that but it's all slowly going we've made a big decision obviously through covid. And all that sort of thing we've sold up out of florida we're heading to montana oh nice we're going up there we've we're calling it faldo farm um actually lindsay applied. For a 501c3 to create a real rescue you know an animal rescue so we're gonna have our own rescue wow she's she's just as you do just bought a hundred i mean foot barn. So you're gonna be jumping in the tractor i'll be yeah jeremy clarkson i'm gonna do another i'm doing a montana version of a class soft diversion o'clock. So when we play on the fields i'll just be going out. And cuddling we're gonna have we're having these highland cows you know the little miniature ones we're going to have alpacas llamas all sorts of dogs to protect everybody everything what else we can have chickens i'll probably have a goddamn donkey this is a netflix series i think follow those farms because i'll be i'll be kicking lindsay out at sunrise because all these animals weren't feeding at the sunrise. And i said well you wanted them. So you can't do that. And i'll get and i'm going to get my own driving range oh yeah i've got my own corner i'm going to build my own driving range there why not nice why not a few holes. Or just a driving range i just driving right here we got a nice little course down the road we joined the club called black ball so um yeah i can i can hit some balls i hit some balls in the field that's all i need i'll probably have a putting you know an artificial putting green somewhere. Or something and and that's gonna be the new world i must admit starting this podcast that's not where i thought we were going to go yeah i didn't like it i didn't think you were going to end up on a farm in montana. And if you play if you like go and play now and obviously we saw a glimpse of your brilliance today.

And we'll the video is coming out soon. So we don't explore the result too much um what what would you say are you still a professional golfer did you still go into the category professional no no no no i'm not i wouldn't i wouldn't play as a i wouldn't play with a scorecard in my hand now you don't like that no no intentions on getting handicapped no no no no it's it's i like playing nine holes really do we like to go down hit some balls play nine some days it's i mean it drives me nuts this game like still does some days i shot three under i think oh this is all right still blooming well play next.

Down five over after seven. And i'm like well what the heck you know so it's like it kills me but when you like beat balls you mentioned about having a driver really good it's really good on the range do you are you still kind of i don't know not obviously passionate. But almost quite intrigued about your techniques obviously yeah very technical player do you still like check certain things you still try. And change things you just mentioned a minute ago currently putting stroke you're always interested in these new developments i still believe every time you go out oh found something new got the secret it's hilarious isn't it it's crazy yeah it does you'd still. And some days i hit it on the range and i think gosh it's great i fade. And draw and it ball does what i want it to do. And i thought oh god get that on the golf course 77 right but it's weird though how at every level of golf that seems to happen that is that i think that's why we get obsessed with the sport that one day you feel you've cracked it. And the next.

Day it's just not the the greatest thing whether not someone said the grace is the right word it's it's all from whether you're beginner you're frustrated. And wherever you are the best in the world i mean the real. But you're still frustrated aren't you so is every level of flush straight frustration from you know absolute beginner to the best it's like oh you know you can do better that's what keeps us going absolutely we're going to fire through quick fire well we say quick fire. So when we have a guest on and we're honored to have you on today.

Cynic we do with these like kind of nine quick fight questions they're kind of either. Or but if you want to elaborate and expand please do. So first one i feel like i can only answer this already. But i'm not sure nine holes are the driving range oh well that's tricky i guess you've got two hours spare what you're doing i i'd go driving range there you go first app you open in the morning on your phone oh good one first up we'll probably be i will i probably checked twitter first. And then.

The news and the bbc news yeah i think a lot of us at the minute on the news aren't we um you wake up in the morning. And you've just got you can't get any better at golf you're holding every port you're hitting every drive perfectly straight and you're going to win another major which one you're picking it's going to be the open. Or the masters you can win one more major oh you have to be one of those two yes out of those two oh. And then.

It go well if it could be any of the four then.

What would you pick yeah i would like to win another one of the other ones i mean i got really close to u.s opens. And so i'd love to win would you know get a second one at us open i lost in the playoff here way back when i was at 88. And then.

I hit the hole to tie in 1990 so i've been around so i'd yeah i'd like to want a us open. But if you if you could choose between the masters and the open well i'll be open because i'm a i'm a brit there you go yeah it's been in the open this year big one 150. it's in andrews obviously you've won there yourself who do you think's going to win it one name at san andreas well you're getting a long winded arsenal it's all going to depend on obviously how it's set up. And who somebody could look at we're very concerned somebody could luck out with the right winds going basically downwind going out. And downwind coming down because it can switch. And we know san andreas could be absolutely cut down to the yardage could be crazy crazy short you know if there's like at least nine holes you can drive close to the green now you know in in that you know under regulation. So including the two part five say oh it could be even it could be off the charts so i it's gonna be somebody who pounds the driver really well but then.

You're gonna need a lot of imagination i can't july is a long way off i can't think of the name. And then.

The other and then.

The other route you mentioned there about obviously the conditions can favor the draw we were there yesterday. And it was the other wind where it was uh it felt like it was into wind it's left to right into at 17. yeah yeah that's the belt tough wind i was looking at people going as much i'd love to play right now yeah that's the bloody horrible way you can get some edges when you think it's a piece of cake. And then.

You can get it when you go how do you avoid every hump in front of you is obviously effects you can't i've got to hit it low. And i've got a humpy in front of me or i've got you know it's it's a brute when it's when it's rough absolutely obviously we're in the open regardless is amazing achievement. But does it feel different at andrews does it have a different feel to it. So andreas is out is a very special town the history um the atmosphere is amazing. And the fact that you know the whole the whole history of golf was there yeah. And um how it was handed down from you know 500 plus years ago to tom morris senior all those story of all those old boys playing. And then.

All the way through to now you know the fact the whole town is wrapped around golf basically it's it's gorgeous it's we've been lucky enough this last year to go a handful of times loads of times. And it's just like you said that that feeling when you get there people walking down with bags on the golf bags on the back down the street it's just there's nowhere else that i've been to on earth that is like there's no real town there's no town i bet in the whole world obviously we're just about golf is on everybody's mind yeah if you go there. And go i don't like golf but even good luck but it's somewhat they're but there are still loads of things to do like you came with your family recently in the town. And everything else is that would you put that as one of your greatest achievements is that the number one greatest achievement winning the open andrew yeah that was. But 1990 was very special. For me i won the masters uh well i defended and i at the u.s open i hit the hole to tie and then.

I then.

Go to san andreas and i went there on a mission i absolutely was on a mission you know that's how did you just feel like you were gonna like win i could just knew i just kind of knew yeah you you push yourself to you know you're gonna make yourself know that you're gonna do it. And all i had to do was relax just just that's what i had to say to when i actually said myself going down the first hole. So i tell you the funny bit you wind yourself up so the first thing we always put the flare right behind the burn okay. So the wind was it slightly into the window. And so david ledbetter comes back and said oh they're all misjudging this because the fairway was rock. So you're getting a lot of spin you're hitting a little nine iron in it gets a lot of spin it would land and it's it all coming back into into the wind into the beginning to max it comes with spin they're all spinning back into the burn sir remember that so go down the first so sure and i've got about i've got about a nine nine shots anything i think smart i'll go with eight a little bit more breeze comes i thought no i'll go with seven. So i'm now chipping the seven from nothing like under ten yards and you've gotta get over a little bird oh that's right so cause guess what it goes it's on now on the back of the green i've got a 35-yard path and i just said all right just relax you know what you're doing just you know. And so i thought i was quite fine nearly luckily i putted it down to like that. So off i went so it didn't but like good example of winding yourself up just a bit too much then.

Having to get yourself back down again yeah absolutely what did you do that night when you won the open accident can you remember that evening like what there's obviously. So much to do in the town did you go out on the no we were staying in the hotel. And it's it's uh we had some friends i mean bruce forsyth was around some of those old boys like that um. So we just had about i think there's about 20 people up up in the top corner of the hotel. But you know you can imagine i'm your brain is spinning. And you don't you're everything's usually a blur you don't remember an awful lot was the media hype back then.

As much as like overwhelming as it is now like you look when players now win obviously a major event they're everywhere interviews press tricks well yeah well yes because it was a very different era then.

Um my goodness you everything you was an interview to a newspaper right yeah. And now it appears one second after you've put the microphone down that's it it's out there bang complete and you can um. And you probably control as many do they control their own media more which we couldn't do in our time if something was written about you you didn't you may never may never see it no. And so obviously people can be judging you good. Or bad from a million miles away and what they've read and you don't even know it's out there yeah it's a very. But now it kind of i think they know i don't know what i would trade now because i think you can control your own media more. Or factual yeah um where as an example i was given you a story can be written about you saying something totally untrue. And you don't even know it's out there and then.

You go then.

You go to that country so finally you go to that country three years later and they start relaying what they've read oh god oh you know that's right you didn't do an interview like you've arrived in the country. And they say well what's it like coming to play here and you said this about this. And i went you know what i said no i didn't i never said that oh yeah your resources written here i said no next.

Question then.

Go i actually walked out of work this was. So frustrating it was i did it just true as i said i was in paris. And the guy opens with well you said this about this. And i went no i didn't right next.

Question well you said this this is your quote about this. And that i said no no no i've never said that. And he did four in a row. And i just stood up i said if this is going to be the interview forget it. So that's what it was like at that time you had no idea what was being said about you you know i mean your own country. Or other side of the world do you think if you play in this modern day now because there's obviously a mix of some of the guys on tour some are very heavy on social media. And do a lot which is we we like to see the behind the scenes. And get to know them more yeah some guys have a very kind of corporate profile they want to stick to the golf would you would sit if you were playing today.

Would you be more on the social side. Or would you not be interested yeah i think you know i it's a lot to do with your mindset how you can switch on. And switch off because again back in my time i felt the priority was to really concentrate on what you're doing you know you're an athlete. And you've given the window and you really just focus on it and you don't venture off and i would tend to advise that because an awful lot of time after you're not an athlete to do other things you know i mean we we're lucky as golfers that we can let's just say you can get to somewhere in your 40s when you're still pretty really darn good golfer you know after athletes are done at 32. Or whatever you know it might be so we got a pretty good run but even then.

You've got to remember hey if i'm done at 45 and i hope to live to 100 i've got an awful lot of time to do other things. So i would say cons really concentrate on your but if you could do if you can do your social media now. And it doesn't affect you emotionally i would say some can't because i watched like we never obviously never had a phone when i used to go and practice it was like see you back at six o'clock. And off i'm gone all day wonderful belton golf balls no interruptions zero interruptions just total golf come back how was your day great that's it now i can't like if i go down to the range like i said you hit 20 balls gotta look at your phone why have we got to look at it are you bad on your phone we're terrible you've got do i need to reply to that i did it. And so we're ruled by those things and so you don't and i always said the day you you break your concentration you're not as as an athlete from my time i've i thought you were a stronger athlete if you were completely focused in what you're doing. So if you're a junior golfer now wanting to become one of the greatest golfers ever throw your iphone out of the window it was weird when you get rid of it it's weird because it's flipped because like you said earlier on now the golfers always have the luxury to kind of put their own story out there something said incorrectly about them. But on the downside like someone like bryson has had so much negative practice it must be hard seeing that on twitter all the time it's 24 7 as well that's a terrible thing and now you know if you wake up like we are jet lag after flying you know halfway around the world we know you wake up four o'clock oh we watched tick-tock. For half an hour do you want it totally i didn't need to follow those farm tickets account now that is allowed absolutely you know it pulls up all your fun. So you're i've been getting good stuff one minute i'm trying to learn about the blooming so the bloody planets i'm you know i'm listening to brian cox thinking i can't work that out and then.


You really should deal with the great guitar now i can't play guitar so come stop that one sort of thing and the next.

Thing you're doing the trend in dance you're in the kitchen i would have loved that if when we said watch it on first she said tick-tock it's hilarious i can cook i can cook omelettes. And spaghetti i'm and i'm now taking it i'm downloading recipes and we'll have a go at that that's crazy i did one never died she did something chicken dish. And i thought it was all off fleming tick tock. And that hilarious i thought was great because you got pictures. And it was good yeah i you know i i'm a picture guy yeah i'm a visual guy. So suddenly i got somebody walking me through how to cook something and i think. And he took one minute i thought i'll give that a go and so i did that that's hilarious um believe it. Or not a lot of those questions were out of the quick fire. But that was great a couple more then.

On this um rick asked your question before about your favorite golf club in the bag now let's take that step further what's your favorite golf we've ever owned favorite work golf club just one golf club favorite ever well i loved i love belton three irons those that end of the bag because what was there a particular like three iron that you absolutely loved well well there was the good old mizuno days those irons were great i mean there was a real skill to hit long irons you know you were rewarded uh you know i came from that era where ball striking you're hitting with a blade. And a bellator ball if you could rifle a three iron and a two one and a one iron onto a green you there was only a dozen of us could do that yeah you know. So you were you knew you had if you played great on a day you knew you'd already beaten 90 percent of the field of course you know not completely different with the technology now there's. So much more equal um so um so obviously my my greatest shot ever hit my life was the three i know here mu field at the last hole 92 because that was you know basically folded when you open wow. So my heart was going inside. And uh but i still nailed it so that was that's pretty incredible yeah. So if you you mentioned before you've still got all these clubs still got that one you still got that when i was clearing out the office. And going through. And i think i found the driver that i won the tailor made with the old bubble shaft i won um the row i looked at this i could recognize the scratches on it i thought yeah that's me i've hit that i'm thinking well if i've hit that i'll keep it. So i'm gonna i'm just gonna have them all in montana so people can actually go. And hit them and it'd be quite nice to say oh yeah that was the wedge that i you know i won the sunset with. Or something short so is that what you're gonna do yeah why not i mean i think it'd be fun i think i'd love it in i think it'd be fun if people can pick you up. And say yeah go. And give it a go i mean they're not going to not going to harm it you mentioned a minute ago your your marks what are your marks on clubs well you can tell by the soul plate where you've been whacking it you know because that was your direction that you've swung it. And then.

And then.

Obviously sweet spots and some of the my irons was very impressive got a rusty little sweet spot about the size of your pinky nail. So that was i look at that i think oh that was all right i could i could button it in the day which was good i like when you pick up these old clubs now. And you put them down do they instantly transport you back to well yeah they're brutal you look at the i mean we joke the one eye looks like a fish knife i mean there's nothing there's no meat. And every you know modern thing now is this big. And this one isn't it yeah just put it behind it put it off [Music] it wants to help you that was other things just like they're staring you going good luck mate yeah what do you think's been the biggest change in equipment in that like last 25 years do you think it's ball. Or is it more that the metal has been. So there's a couple of things a couple of things one that you can go. And get tested and get a professional set of clubs i mean absolutely yeah 25 years ago that wasn't even when i started it was a sack of spanners it really was they were terrible when you find the head that you liked. And they tried to shaft and didn't have the choice of shafts or anything like that you know and you had a driver again the persimmon days they shafted it for you put a new shaft in and then.

And you go that's not quite right they go well not sure if i want to do it again i might crack the head. And you go well i'll work with i know this driver when i'm a bit nervous does this goes to the right well you played with it. And you you kind of you adapted to the clubs now the clubs are built. For you of course and that's that's i mean 15 year old kid has got absolutely the best equipment. So that's huge um then.

The whole debate so the for me what's happened is the it's um you know the driver face the shaft is phenomenal now. And it's your launch monitor so you know you marry all of that together so you understand spin the launch technicians again you don't have to know diddly about a golf club you hit balls the technicians have watched thousands of people and he can go try this shaft. And give him half an hour and you're nailing it better than you've ever hit it you do it every day i can go tomorrow. And i'll hit it better again it's crazy how much of an advantage you think in the 90s having a lot of really like a modern-day launch monitor would have been. For you it'd been huge because you wouldn't he wouldn't stand there in the a thousand balls every day you could hit 100. really you think it was almost it's almost that well yeah because we we got our answers out the dirt you know. And now you you hit one ball you say i'm trying to hit a high draw and you go whack and the numbers say that is a high draw. And you look up there and that's a high draw um and you go oh i was feeling that. And that means it was correct which works same thing you go well i'm trying to hit a high draw. And you try it and then.

Eight of numbers are wrong you go ah it's telling me i would i thought i was into out. And i'm actually not quite enough so you you can fine tune if you've got a bit of feel that's why i loved it because you say if i can if i'm good enough to make a swing that's one degree into out how much do i get yeah. So what does two degrees into out feel like you think what's three degrees. So if you've got that touch you can then.

Go wow to get four degrees into out it's got to feel this exaggeration. But but the numbers is telling me this is correct. So that's why it's so cool um tells you things you're not sure of your angle of attack you go well that felt good and it then.

Might say well that was a bit too much on the down mate you know you were three degrees down you're trying to get one degree you know. And all that you think okay. So that means i've got to can i do it um. So you can see you hit 100 balls. And you and every single one is giving you factual information as opposed to hitting balls all morning you know. And then.

Go i'm not sure if i got it yeah with a bit of guesswork almost a huge huge difference is that i never even considered it as as much as that really what about like your yardages. And stuff as well same thing these guys all stand there and they hit balls and the you ask them so how far do you hit your four-eye. And they go they go 187. point three there i've done that before they get oh yeah it's obviously a lot further than now forward four iron they'll be saying yeah i can hit it 223.. And you go well no man my day was my four-round win let me think um it might be 190 to 200. i couldn't you know i wouldn't didn't quite have it to 194. it was within a window exactly where they've got it to the exact point exactly. And they come up with this that's their stock and you think okay wow. And then.

So things like and especially field shots so we did it old school which is probably more fun i mean i you know we used to actually i used to get. So i created a system with the great fanny sinison and so i used to send her out there on the range like 80 yards and she so if i landed 180 trying to remember i think she put her arm out like that mini level. So if it was one yard short it was one wow two yards short three. Or one yard past because i couldn't quite see yeah. So i'm looking and you know so we had this little sister poor girls out on the range going like this. For about the ymca two hours or something and now because they all go you know 60 68 trying for 72 up 73 you know so it's so much easier my goodness and do you think it's good though. For modern players as much as you're saying it's easier it's easier to get these numbers well it's taken it definitely has elevated the standard of so many players i mean the the depth of standard is pretty amazing um again because of the equipment you know that's you know my example is in my day let's say there was ten. Or a dozen really good ball strikers you know good drivers you know really good ball strikers and they were the best players in the world now it's a dozen bad ball strikers everybody's a good board thanks to equipment. And everything so you know and of course the driver is crazy now we've gone from you know greg was long sevi was long. So he could you know that was 280 characters carry on total total total total now it's three would goes to 80. on the fly yeah well it was i remember walking the range clubs you know. For television and asking what do you do yeah there's wow 295 300 if i leave really lean on it i get 305. okay now. So then.

Dustin johnson may be one of the first to suddenly consistently hit it 320. yeah. And then.

Rory could do it. And then.

Of course then.

We got this new club the three fifth 40 and 50 through the air but then.

They see and there's all these sneaky guys i mean joking neiman um is you know i know nothing of him needs a real good pizza. But he's just and he's out there three sixties crazy hot runners yeah. And there's so many guys who get it out there 350 and up well 350's well you stand on a hole at 400 and think oh they're hitting the front edge yeah i'm going what i'm looking at strategy oh hit it over there three yeah. And there you go now we just whip it to the ground it's a completely different ball game when obviously you were in your prime you were one of the longest players that weren't yeah no i no i i said i was medium i mean i i did it on the ball strike. And i had the consistency you know i could shape it i was good obviously very good with the irons um you know i think a really good accuracy with the iron i mean my my stat which i harp on about on tv is you know proximity to the whole. And if you know i keep i can't see how you can beat it if you are 12 times in the round within 50 around 15 feet. And less yeah probably 18 feet i'm sure it was a little. But so if you even have a bad day you could make one two or three birdies if you have a good day you make four five well four and five and six and if you have a great day you make a birdies yeah. And that to me that rules i mean that means you've got a chance to do it every day. And if you go out and play uh you know i played a champions tour event a couple of years back and you know day one i had 12 chances and i made eight of them so i shot 64. wow you know i think wow great well that was the formula. And then.

The next.

Day i've only got two chances yeah. And because i i guess i didn't even make one or maybe i made one so you're like so you've got to create the chances i don't care about all these other stats to be honest that's the one that i love it's who when i look and see wow this guy really hits it outside 40 feet he's always you know got great proximity that's well that's where that's where tiger dominated and that's where colin maraca more recently that's where jordan's beef was. So good when he when jordan was ridiculously hot. For that run which is now amazing how time's flown how long ago that was. But he was proximity. And pin high every single shot every single club it seemed like he was doing that yeah well that's that was tiger in his day you know tiger hit just had. So many good birdie putts i mean that's if you're doing that you'll it sends a message to your opponent how the hell are you going to beat him yeah yeah because a guy came out the guys you know. And the other interesting very cool stat on tour is probably get the wrong number the average the average through the season is only four. And a half birdies around that's the average okay. So if you're somebody so you think oh they're burning everything yeah. But to be a really the best in america on tour just shows you it's so if you could set a goal to make six birdies each day you're gonna win a lot you're gonna be the best yeah every one of the best simple as that that's crazy speaking of the best um who do you think is the most underrated golfer kind of your lifetime from when you started playing to kind of now oh gosh underrated yeah. But but the problem with saying that is there's a there's three elements to golfers the physical technical. And mental so usually you've got the first two and you're under age because you haven't got the strength to get yourself over the line the mental strength the mental strength so you anybody who's underrated hasn't won enough then.

Because if you've if you've won it then.

You you are rated yeah. So you know i'm trying to say it's like um you've got to have all three of those all the time so who can you think of a golfer that's had the first two in abundance it's happening all the time it's happening even the best. So not being negative you look at like what good examples can be um we're talking of names right now he said the names right the guys who are struggling right now are struggling. For a certain reason jordan speedy is struggling because of technical reasons. And then.

You might say uh well ricky fowler is probably struggling because of mental strength he's just lost his trust okay. So he's a mental so who's in um physical would be bryson there you go injured yeah thrashed it. And he's injured himself so see what i'm saying yeah of course you've got to get all three of those running like eight. And a half out of ten yeah. And then.

You're gonna be at the top of the for 20 years straight and you'll kill it that's that's it you've got to look after all three of those it's a very interesting way of looking at your your your whole setup to be a pro golfer out of all those three you just mentioned mental being the toughest skill to acquire yeah oh absolutely yeah because you can obviously really work technically well all of them physically is probably the easiest because you build yourself up we understand the science of how to train to be a goal. For perfection now obviously the technique there yeah. And and developing a mental strength a mental trust is the next.

Thing i mean finding the finding trust in the. And how you do things. And how you operate under pressure how you handled situations that is that's the next.

Trick what what gave you the drive to be the best like what what what was it i don't what's the secret sauce tell us okay sorry council house two up two down. And into terrace um i had nothing didn't know about golf until i was just before 40. you know i just before what age 14 13. And a half so i didn't get i didn't get a telly till i was eight you know color tv we got probably a huge influence it was the color tv at 13. And then.

I watched the masters so i watched the masters end the night we went oh i won't i want to try that mum so take me to the golf club so took me to the golf club i put my half a dozen lessons and that was it. And i saw my only child and so golf going on a range. So i loved my sport so i i was a good really good swimmer. But then.

The training is like oh my gosh every morning well that. And then.

Cycling i was a good cyclist. But then.

Again the cycling the training is you've got to keep going to your throw up you know great. And then.

What else is that. So i was good at all everything that was apart from gymnastics i loved my cricket my football i was in gold blah blah blah no good at that because it went through the arms. So um so then.

Golf comes along and it's like wow this grabbed my attention and i and the practice is. So much fun like i could hit golf balls because i did it's not making you sick all day yeah i could hit balls all day long. And as we know every single gold shot is different. And i think that's what really registered with me. And we we're talking about it even now i was with my great friend just last couple of days sports psychology. And they're saying that the great thing about golf is you know you hit a goal shirt to three feet. And you think i can do better. Or i can do it again. Or better and you keeps you focused and everything can be better a little bit better even if you knocked it in the hole you go oh do it again then.

You can't master golf can you no b. But it keeps you you never i've never been bored how cool is that billion golf balls yeah. And i've never said when i got one day off can't be bothered never even now i go oh that's gonna hit some balls. And i don't say oh can't be bothered of course even now i say oh yeah why not tip them out i think that looks good lovely white shiny golf balls still isn't that great did you realize early on you had a talent then.

You know what i did i developed this i didn't know. And i so the way i look at it to be you you cry you climb the rung of the ladder so you i'm thinking well this is great it's a lovely sports i play. So i'm practicing and i'm getting completely engrossed so the very next.

Cool thing is you know i take it up at fourteen i have fifteen that's it i've made a decision i wanna be a pro golfer. So i leave school at sixteen head to the practice ground and be golf balls and i start playing junior tournaments and i win them of course and i get better and better and better and then.

You end up um making a decision to turn pro because i want to be a pro girl so first goal is i want to be a pro golfer. And so the first goal when i went on tour was it was back in when it was the british tour whatever i think um it's top 60 first goal was finish in the top 60 to be exempt i did that monday qualifying stuff you know all that. So you did once you've done enough of those you better. So i finished 58th first year 58 so see exactly so i basically exempt off we go and that was a day when it was the british tour there was like 16 18 tournaments in britain. And there was only the national opens around europe that's all we did that's how far we ventured. And then.

As you know that all swapped over the years became europe became more more events in europe than britain so the next.


Year was 1977 was a ryder cup year. And i said to myself well i want to make the roller cup team you know. And i did i finished eighth in our old america. And i made the team so i made the team at 20. then.

I was the youngest oh my god. And i had a mega one and i beat uh usti and i so we'd be ray floyd and lou graham day one and next.

Time playing jack jack [Music] yeah. So jack is the man who's inspired me to you know watching on tv like. And so here i am six years later [Music] six years later from when you first watched the masters in 77. i'm picking up a club what yeah that's ridiculous six years later i'm playing jack. And i beat him so how about that did you tell him after oh yeah well i love i love it with great mutual respect you know he's you know his age he's great i can tease him about all these sort of things. And saying you know i didn't realize i beat you i was only been playing golf. For six years and he's going wow. So yeah. And then.

I beat watson who was the open champion it's 77. So my opening ryder cup i win we only played three matches that year because of the america was thrashing britain at the time then.

They all changed to europe. So that was my start. So um and here's another hilarious bill which i didn't remember for realized for years i haven't even i've beat jack and i haven't even won a 72 hole tournament yet oh my god yeah i'm in the ryder cup team. And i haven't even won a 72 holder i only won a 36 and a 54. and then.

The following year in 78 i win at berkdale i win our pga which is our biggest tour event. So i won my first event i've win on the tour was our pga. So sorry my jack that one as well i said do you know i beat you you know what i can't get about that though is that i can just about fathom even though i found it hard that in that space of time you could hit the ball. So well how did you learn how to play golf that quickly if that makes sense in terms of like course management because i did every. So the next.

Great thing that so two other great things happened to me unbeknown to me one was when i went to wellington city to to the golf club to the range we didn't have a range we had a hole half a hole in the corner of the golf course. And so all i had was a green a bunker. And a flag right tucked in the corner so little did i realize how powerful that was i hear every single shot my goal was to get it over that bunker. And stop it short of the flag that's when i first started so every single shot i've hit by accident had whether i knew it or not i had intention so every shot i looked and i went i want to i want to do this with it i didn't know that meant intention. And and all that sort of things so i'm doing that all the time for years and hours thousands of golf balls and then.

Dad took me to the 73 open the one that tom weiskopf won so i'm that little kid running around behind everybody but i sat on the range and watched jack and arnold and lee trevino and gary player weiskov and johnny miller so jack fades it arnold draws it lee fades it gary draws it miller fades it weiskov draws it so i when i would go and play so i practiced all morning i left school i go down and hit balls all morning from eight o'clock to 12 o'clock four hours of just beating balls i'd have my lunch have a sandwich same sandwiches for two years cheese and pickle and cheese and salad cream seriously i like cheese and salad cream yeah absolutely cheesy celery. And then.

I put a bit of you know and then.

I go and play and so i'd play a minimum of 27 on my own every day minimum 27 even even 30 was with daylight 36.. So i played against my imaginary friends jack and arnold yeah. So the thing it taught me was um which we kind of do now is a bit of our psychology if i'm if i'm nicholas hitting a three-wood into the 10th green it's going to be good isn't it yeah it's jack he's going to put it he's going to put it closer yeah. So whether it's whether it goes off into the trees or not doesn't matter but the intention when i first hit the shot was is this is going to be great because he's jack. And if i'm gary's i'm going to hit a hook yeah. And if i'm lee i'm going to do this. And the journey i'm messing around with you know this you know he's where he used to offer down there and then.

Why is coffee standing all like a you know like a like a soldier. And so i mimicked them and stuff like i should say to my mates that's my uh tom weiskopf swing ago can't see it mate so the fight yeah exactly. So to me inside i am pretending to be somebody else so the power of now we know you get sports psychologists to come along later to go oh my goodness the power of that because if you can't do something yeah get somebody else to do it in your mind almost once you re uh reverse engineer your upbringing yeah it unravels all these kind of secrets that you didn't know about at the time. So the power the power of this now we're talking about it you know we go so the power of aiming at a target one target all the time was probably what made me that's crazy it really is because if because if you go to a range. And look you have 20 targets you get lost and you're not actually concentrating fully so i would really recommend to kids you know i give them my best tips and i say pick your target i don't get the real power of what i'm really promoting but if you if you stick stick to aiming at a tug and keep working away from it and you're you're always focused yeah because i say to people you know what are you trying to do what do you mean i said well is it a fade. Or a draw i don't know i'm just going to hit it oh yeah well great that's it yeah i said can you hit a fight. Or they go yeah of course i can because he goes when they have to think about what they've got to do they can't do it well i was able to think what i wanted. And do it. So and obviously i did it millions of times we have a lot of people listening to this podcast who want to get better at golf then.

Naturally would you recommend. For them if they go into the driving range to hit less balls but take the time and pick targets really think about the show yeah well the things we know now again you know if you want to get better golfer you get yourself a mirror in your garage a serious cheap mirror. And and learn positions and stand and look you've got great we before i used to say magazines oh it's cool now you've got your phone and your phone's got fanta well your laptop's got fantastic film of great golfers all the best shots help you to stand and copy their all their positions and learn and then.

You've got exercises to learn oh wow this is how my body should turn. And feel because you go on the range you can't see yourself you're trying to do something you're trying to feel something that's not you're not doing it correctly. And sure enough you get fed up after you see six go balls go sideways you go up forget that i can't do that go back to what you're doing before go back to your conference. So we always slide back into our comfort zones so that's another dangerous thing so that's why leaping out to do something new you need a bit of a plan because you have to as we know you have to go backwards to go forwards don't you well like you mentioned on the golf course there you identified my biggest weakness my weak grip yeah where you. And i've learned to manipulate it to some degree but i know it's not as consistent or as powerful as it could be but you're right you mentioned you've just got to get through it through a year and i'm thinking a year but yeah. But really that's not a long time in the grand scheme of things well it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a year for you know if you if you embarked on a new grip and understand taking it step by step it's not like change your grip and have a full swing yeah if i wanted to do it seriously with you i said i put you in a new grip. And we go chipping balls we might not even hit balls we might just go whack in the rough because you've got to strengthen re-strengthen gulf muscles you know there's all these hundreds of muscles in our arms and it's amazing just by changing your grip like you do it changes. So many things are you going wet golf balls out the rough you'll ache somewhere we'll go ahead yeah i'm different yeah exactly. So you've got to do things like re-strengthen your body um even the little muscles. And then.

You and then.

You start chipping balls and go oh that's better then.

You'd start hitting half shots and then.

All of a sudden you'd learn because you because you can't because when you release the club a certain way and then.

You change it because you're still going to release that you've done this. For whatever 100 couple hundred times at least couple of decades more likely you've done that for a couple of years and then.

You think i'm going to fix i'm going to fix two decades work in 10 seconds sorry about that i feel like we're getting through these quick fire questions pretty well yeah the last one we had is very random after all this golf chat. But there's a reason why and the fact that i know you like cooking as well this could be a good one how do you have your steak cooked how do i have my steak because yes do you have a nice restaurant you saw the nice expensive steak i'm now off with bloody red meat oh gotta keep the ticker going all that freaking stuff beforehand then.

What would i was a medium probably more medium well. But i loved but i loved lamb chops i like burnt edges on my lamb chops sort of things so um yeah it's a random question oh yeah the reason we asked it went out. For a state last night very nice andrews and i asked for my medium well and whenever i do that they look at me a bit disgusted. And i like mistake how i mistake so i'm glad that you're on my side no you should have are you like pink in the middle you still a little bit of pink a little bit of blood just watch sweat just watch tick tock you'll find it i never thought i'd hurt you nick faldo recommending tick tock somebody will be recommended i watch all those other i'm now learning how am i going to cook a steak on a i'm going to i'm going to um put a rock on the fire. And then.

You cook your steak on the rock oh my god in the woods no you get your fire will the rock get harder you rock fire you get rock [ __ ] right you've got your logs you make a fire in the woods yeah you get a big rock. And you stick your rock with skinny you know oh okay yeah your rock gets stupid hot i got you a sticky steak on top of that nice bit of char grill what about that yeah. So that's good i really want to see faldo's farm on netflix now with all this stuff i'm excited about it wait should i put the you know get me camouflage get with those lamborghini tractors get a bit of well man yeah they wouldn't mind one of them i owe you a lamborghini. So you could yeah that was we dreamt of a hell of a golf holding where we probably had probably upset the numbers. But we we dreamt of a great golf hole oh my goodness um where are your green jackets augusta national they stay there yeah they all all the jackets stay there. So when we arrive so it's very cool it's a great feeling i have to say you know so they have a wardrobe room with and so well the only jacket allowed to leave august enough is the champion right okay. So um when we go back each year it's really nice you go to your locker and you know you open your bit like christmas morning it really is. And then.

Boom i've got most of the years i have i'd have all three of them lined up and we share lockers up in the champions locker room so i share with trevor immelmann so but i loved it a couple of years back there was three jackets. And i put them all on because i got my first one and then.

I got a little bit bigger which is quite a good move. So i think stronger stronger [Laughter]. So i got another jacket so that's very cool and then.

I kept this brilliant idea i said how about he said it because it's three it's three buttons triple brick whatever they call that. So i said well could you do one a bit more european. So we just have two buttons you know so have a bigger lapels so they all they did was iron it differently. And because the lapel has got a big blooming hole in it where the buttonhole is no way it didn't work i didn't. But i've got three but i have three i didn't last time it's fine i went last year and i disappointed there's only one i mean oh what do you mean well because they know they work out which one fits me because i said well that one's my fit. And so you don't have like jack hasn't got six in his locker tiger's got five they've got one so but i was lucking out because of they weren't sure which one fits me. So i gotta send a message not sure which one fits me can you stick them all in sorry trevor watch out i've got my three here. So i can promise you i get a lump in my throat. And i see that oh that's pretty amazing the actual ones that you won on the day oh yeah the ones you the ones you were presented with. So absolutely can you get like ones made. For at home then.

You can have a few dramas pjs yeah i want some where to go from gonna get a onesie just a green onesie i'm gonna get a green one put a little augusta national on this is that one of your favorite days of the year like the champions dinner yeah it's very cool because it's just it really is ours it's just the champions. And the chairman that is it that is literally it is we only changed room because of cove typical we went to a different room. But generally it's the it's the lounge the upstairs dining room in the clubhouse because you know the clubhouse has got an extension on it which is all the other locker rooms. But the champion locker room is just upstairs. And it's and it's pretty pretty tiny i mean it's only 15 feet wide. And 30 odd feet long um but that's our little world and we love it that's our little private corner and it's obviously very special who's made who's whose meal has been the best in recent years or ever hey good good yeah i um uh we've had a couple of good ones um i crenshaw did a really good texas bbq moons ago vj started a good vj started a good tradition where he brought head of friends who were um thai thai restauranteurs in atlanta. So they came down and he started the trend of they brought sushi and things for and nibbles all sorts of things um which we have now on our balcony before we start so we arrive and give a nice little glass of something very nice and then.

We go on the front balcony and we've got canapes and um charcuterie board a very posh one you know so go without shrimps and crab and something like that so that was cool. And um and i pride myself because i i flew over harry ramsden's fish and chips oh wow pushy peas did you great i did um sarson's vinegar. So for my last one so in the 97 dinner i flew massive cod fillets over and they loved it everybody had that and they loved it and the waiter came around you know looking at the mushy peas and he goes do you want this you want these things what do these things look like because they're fluorescent green aren't they yeah they are. And he didn't have a clue i said oh no that's your mushy mushy what mushy peas all right. So i could imagine it went down really well gravy curry sauce catch up so it was good one i i pride myself that i deem i'm in the top three of best dinners what what is. So we have our corners as well so i down in the south african corner i usually go down so the top table is a top end. And then.

Down i'm looking up right hand side because jack's always in the middle down there and watson and uh topping top left langer usually sits and then.

Down the bottom corner fiju she goes oh fuzzies in the middle on the opposite side and so coming around the bottom end it usually goes vijay's there and gary uh trevor me schwartzall adam scott it's almost like southern hemisphere it's that apart from me it says we go down that bottom right and corner so that's we get all gary's ben hogan stories i would love to see this filmed on the wall for a minute being like one of the waiting on staff i'd be absolutely terrified my hand like i've there got like fish and chips and mushy peas like everyone's got their green jackets on why'd you be like slipped of it spilled so it's kind of uh it's pretty relaxed but it's you you have to pinch yourself sometimes to think how how special that is how house you know you get a bit blase. But it's pretty historic just just does up there when was the last time you played augusta now i'm fortunate i play um. So i'm allowed on the sunday before to bring a guest and i take my boy matthew yeah i know we've just met. But just drop your wallet if you don't don't put your hand up just drop your word it's certainly not big enough so i my little tradition is my boy matthew um since he was about 18 comes over wow. And we play and we have a really cool day so we the sunday before sunday so we go in there saturday now so we get a full day we go down and we hit some balls and then.

You play the the big course the main course and then.

Come back have a little sam and then.

We go and play the bar three for a bit of fun wow the part three looks amazing is gorgeous that's great. So you do a full day. And you and sometimes the weather can be gorgeous it can be mid 80s. And very humid but it's a and you're wet it's a full day so it's great a lot of the past champions do that no well the serious ones are there yeah the it's kind of that's kind of more. For so the players now do a smart move they might go in the week before almost even like monday tuesday wednesday the week previously previous. And they might go now a couple of quick days quietly which is a really smart idea nobody there. And they might go off and play the tournament or go home or whatever and so the sunday before is generally the old school who just want to go. And have a bit of a bit of fun and get in there early and soak up the atmosphere and is that the only time of year you can play it. Or can you can you no if i wanted to if i want if i know if if i want to go. And play i still have to play with a member honestly yeah i kind of yeah i still have the house remember do you ever want to be a member could you be a member there no i don't think i could i mean uh. So i'm trying to i'm trying to uh get twist peyton manning's arm to play with me he'd be good he's a good member to play oh my god i can't believe that you've won it three times and you have to play with the member yeah are any invite. Or any of the the yeah jack jack jack. And um jack and annie i think are the only two that are members i'm not even sure about jack i know arnold was made a member i believe i'm not even 100 sure of that that's incredible obviously obviously in 97 when tiger when you handed him the green jacket. And that was he came off the bat was it three u.s amateurs. And then.

He come bursting the scene did you have any idea at that moment obviously he'd won the master i think was it 21 it was an incredible talent did you foresee how good it was going to be were people talking about it then.

This guy's going to be super special. Or that's still surprising well i think i think that you did know because he went he won three juniors us junior didn't he won three u.s administration yeah in a row uh. So he's winning everything and then.

He comes out and obviously i played with him we both go out and 40 on thursday morning and then.

He comes back in 30 and then.

I say jokingly we didn't didn't see him for for dust for the next.

12 years yeah he was a different golfer than he could do. But like i was saying before that nobody could elevate the whole of their game to being a you know let's say a nine out of ten in all of those three cats even in even all that. So even though even all the golf like how good your wedge play how good your mid irons how good your short irons how good your long eyes how good you're three words how good you're driving so every department he was considered possibly the best maybe the odd one might be driving my might not been deemed the best driver. And when he hits it straight unbelievable he might knock a few sideways of course but but every other thing you go well who's better than him so he was he was head. And shoulders for years for a decade um better than anybody else i know you might want to speculate but do you think obviously 2019 was ridiculous to him come back. And win the masters yeah obviously had a huge car crash yeah. And since that do you think it's ever possible. For him to have you seen any glimpse well he wouldn't really let on because i heard that you know obviously um this right ankle i mean it was literally severed his leg was severed. And it was smashed i mean his whole ankle. So i don't believe it flexes right so going up. And down hills up and down heels his real heart so real simple question is how good are you at walking the golf course i mean it's. And it's not just one day you've got at least have five days of course i mean the old course is fairly flat it depends on your little industrialization say that was all those awkwardness exactly when you if somebody if you count it up how many times your ankle flexes in a day you're 100 yeah thousands yeah it's crazy if you're doing ten thousand steps yeah. And you're getting things yeah up. And down and you think of this golf don't you. But like you said it's the walking around the golf course the full five days of doing it it's a lot to ask what we know. And i know it's in the and in the uh we watched him at the father and son he he cannot push off with the right leg he's so strong he's amazing physically i mean he's he's got a i mean waist at 28 inches his chest is looks like her body looks enormous. So he's using the top top upper half to pull the right leg round so you can't actually just power like you'd see a justin thomas do his right leg action. So he's dragging it around the corner but i you just don't know with that man's determination whether he can somehow find a way to uh i said it i mean. And auguste is one of the hardest walks because not. So much that it's the doubt when we walk off the tee you always generally go downhill for a while yeah. And you get shin splints there that one gives you the shin splinter certainly down lucky yeah 10. there's plenty it's the only one where you actually get shin sprints. So it's a tough walk really is if you were to build you mentioned everything if you were to build you're perfect golfer from all the golfers you've played yeah that's cool in all the time build me a perfect golfer you can start whichever category you want to start yeah that's a good one. So um [Music] oh you mean. So who was the best driver. And that's if you were to build the perfect golfer yeah i mean obviously oh. So i've seen you know jax was a great driver. Or as i said sevi watson would really crunch a driver greg was a great driver at the ball. And then.

The three-woods fred couple shoots hits amazing three words and and ratif goosen so you get you see where i'm going different people. And then.

Long island's wise cough was amazing with the you know two irons i just i still remember i could still hear the sound of wisecoff hitting two words it was something like that crazy um mid irons you know johnny miller was great i was half decent. So i might i might slip in a tight second for that one you know and i played with old school boys you know billy casper was a great short night cause lee trevino gary player bunker sevi you know tiger could scrambling skills tiger. For super cut up lobs not so much phil but those those ones that tiger used to hold oh yeah well it was all danger water behind it yeah. And then.

Go for this in yeah crazy i mean it's like wow. And so um [Music] hey you see where i'm going it's a lot of names it's it's fun to put even that just you don't even have to give us one name one of the category just gave us the last one about putting well tigers never seen a man hold. So many parts on an 18th green to win yeah yeah it's crazy i mean crazy good. So then.

Last category is this meant out like mental that's pretty obvious i mean jack. And tiger mental strength um there's been quite a few iron man i'm sure you've been asked this question loads and you might get sick of it i am i don't even know the question i'm already sick of it are you gonna you're gonna say i was [Music] i kind of feel like you're you're in right in that era jack. Or tiger then.

Well i i still go with jack because well i go with jack because he's at 18 ages and nine and 19 seconds that's the mad thing when you look at that it's sustainability and a few more so what does that make 43 he's 43 are in one two. And three in majors 83 of them had a plane about 150 or 140 of them right so 10 years worth yeah that's after yeah exactly off the charts. So got to give him credit for that so i'd lean that way but what you know what the fact that we've seen more tiger shots i mean jack's a lot of his events he you know maybe z1 in the 60s. And 70s tv coverage didn't start to the last six holes or something so we've seen target literally every blooming goal shot so that's why a lot of would lean to it but you know what jack did. And all those top ten said it's that. So do you think it was it's as clear then.

If if tiger did get beyond jack in majors is then.

It's like then.

It's tiger oh yeah. So it's very much based on we kind of have i mean it's in jack's words we that's our yardstick um is the number of majors we've won we kind of that cell that's the number one. And that yeah that's that well it's a it is a difference it's a different event to win i mean you do have to have a different mental strength which is all part of our game. And sport i i feel you know mental strength is is part of it well just a quick we asked victor hovland we had him on the podcast was it last week before about how he treats a major. And he said that he kind of goes into a major trying to think the same as every tournament. But did you find that. Or did you find that major just felt different on the other wednesday yeah well they will feel different. So you know i found majors would obviously ramp me up anyway so i was trying to knock it back down a couple of notches i had no problems getting motivated. For for big events so it was almost like oh how can i make this more normal. And um so like the opening suddenly dawned on me everybody would bowl up there and get brand new shoes and gloves and clothes and everything i suddenly thought why are you risking having brand new stuff. So i wrote i started bringing all the old stuff i wear the shoes already worn in i'd even wear in my golf gloves you know i'd even warm up a golf glove and make sure it fitted perfectly of course before putting into tournament use yeah i'm a bit like i don't i'm not i'm a brand new glove i don't think i don't like cleaning my clubs i feel like even cleaning my clubs is a bit like oohs expectation level like sometimes like pitching up somewhere now somewhere. And one of the questions i did want to ask is obviously you've played hundreds. And hundreds of different golf courses like what what is your favorite well there's a couple of real gems um we're actually on one the other a couple of weeks ago a riviera you know it's nice to get one that's just got a really good blend doesn't have to be huge big. Or tons of space it is there's also a nice rhythm of the the clubhouse. And the practice and where the first tee is. So that's a good one i went to muirfield last summer your muffin here in scotland without any open grandstands and i was stunned first time i've ever seen it with without the open out there. And i was just stunned i thought it's just. So gorgeous it was just like that's just a flat field. And you know and then.

You start to walk and then.

Appreciate all the contours and everything and that was. And that was gorgeous. So you know we we don't play it's a bit like bustman's holiday when you've been at a tournament all week yeah you generally go home you don't run off as many way more businessmen have played all the blooming best golf courses. And we don't we probably played tournament courses and so you play a lot of rounds but you're only on you're on the same ones each year and i never really ventured off to do that much a little bit just a little bit of my. But um generally after a tournament you want to go home and have a couple of days rest and go again chill out amazing i think you've been yeah. So much like you've absolutely superb thank you so much for your time like i said the video is going to be coming out soon if it's not out already um i'd love to if next.

Time i'm over in the state. So next.

Time you're over in the uk okay we're doing a little challenge where i think i mentioned to you before i play against you a very very good player will you give me a little head start. And we pl we go over like that you start in the second hole you gotta catch me up without ruining the video today.

After today's video i think you'll need the same head start that tommy fleetwood game i think i would start 10 under you would start level par you depend on the right goal of course yeah i'm going to work my socks off is it going to be really um stroke play. Or match play stroke play oh you're done the amount of butts you hold today.

Yeah yeah i i'm going to work on strengthening my grip. And yeah next.

Time you see me 70 yards left it's going to be two of those holes you're gonna take triple bogies. So you've blown six shots already i'm loving this fight well yeah. And we'll see it happen you gotta fight through the negativity you see no wonder you were hard to beat yeah exactly slightly let's wrap it up that was pretty good thank you very much sir nick good luck with everything you're doing. For the next.

Few months and the farm yeah. And then.

Look forward to seeing it you can come. And tick tocks and netflix wow and a lot though we are out thanks. So much [Music].