I'm bouncing over there and i'm like guys did you see that shot they're like no i didn't see it literally nobody saw this three-wood shot. And i'm like i can't believe it [Music] welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields episode 123 i'm here with co-host guy another action-packed episode um thank you for all the lovely messages we got on last week's episode with sir nick faldo went down a treat um he was fantastic one actually he was i've been fortunate this last few days i've been out golfing which i'll come on to. And i've bumped into a number of people who listen and watch the podcast they love nick faldo yeah it's like it's one of our most popular guests by by a long way oh yeah. And i think we obviously spoke about it before the podcast we kind of just missed his era of dominance like i started golf in 97 i think we were about the same. And coincidentally the same year tiger won the masters um but nick faldo handed tiger the masters jacket because he'd won it in 1996 and that was his last major tournament that he won. So it's kind of just obviously i've always known who nick fowler is. But never saw him in his prime so it's all kind of hearsay or what i've seen on archives and stuff it's a shame kind of missed him because obviously being a brit as well the fact he's the most decorated english golfer ever uh yeah we just missed him. But great sitting down and chatting to him and i was saying what we've said with sevi like i know how much of a legend sevi's in the game obviously i think everyone playing the game does. But we don't quite feel the same everyone we know is like 45 50 they say like sevy faldo. And we're so much more like the tiger era i wonder if now there's so much more footage online though as well even this modern day that kids growing up in 10 20 years time they will appreciate tiger almost more than we could appreciate like a folder because it's there to watch well i kind of always already think they do like when i when we bump into like young lads. Or like let's say leo bonnie face that bumped into like when you ask him who's his favorite golfer yeah it is still tiger i'm talking even in 20 years when tiger's like retired because all his footage is still going to be there yeah yeah you're probably right actually if you had a choice right now. And you have to remember one career is there a golfer that stands out that we didn't live through. So is it jack nicholas is it gary player is it arnold palmer is it ben hogan. Or sevy or greg norman or cynic faldo i think. For me it's got to be nicholas because obviously the 18 major wins he's the absolute legend of the game he literally is the goat i think you can't really argue with that you're off majors one. But over is the granddaddy goat exactly. But over the last probably a year with our infinite trips as in andrews also old tom morris like the way that he kind of founded all these golf courses and how we play the game today.

I think he is slept on by a lot of people yeah more people obviously real real golf kind of fanatics know about him. But more casual golfers should read up on old tom morris yeah what he did. For the game yeah pretty incredible yeah i think. For me i'd probably go sevy would ya yeah like being in in almost inside the rope seeing him play from like the kind of everything you hear about how he reacts with the fans. And his personalities charisma um i'd love to have lived through that era and obviously like when we spoke to david cannon like he can't speak more highly of him and he's been in goal for for many many years um i i just think. For me sevi would have been one that would have been like oh yeah a magician finesse yeah just the character that the way he actually made his his wins um. But then.

Again like you say i'd love to see like how how if you remember all the times tigers were majors. And we we've lived through all that think about all the times these were majors nicholas is still one more like all the second places loads of second things forget about how competitive he was anyway. So that was great to have him on the show um. And we've got a video coming out with him this week where i challenged him to a jewel instead of a jewel in the sun it was a jewel in the wind at crude. And bay uh which were coming out this week that was a fantastic spoiler alert he can still bloody play golf faldo is still a baller you know what that's obviously it's an amazing video coming soon i can't wait people to see it. And there's been a lot of comments on the facebook group asking about when it's coming it's coming very very soon the only slight not not downside is like it was. So windy but yet we've got an amazing video one video i'd love to have done with him we couldn't do we didn't have the time. And it was too windy would be to watch him play 18 holes because one thing that always fascinates me. And we got a glimpse of this which people will see in the video is these guys that when they retire. And stuff and you don't see them play as much they obviously lose that feel they don't hit it as far etc etc but how relentless they are. And how much experience they have at getting the golf ball around the course and i would love to see like it sounds stupid but like i would love to like a faldo or somebody play it like my golf clubs club championship in the summer back tease against guys who are plus one who play every week. And see actually how it does because i imagine this is still going to work he said he plays nine hulls every now. And again with his wife and you know if he if he very rarely breaks par he's over the moon but he he often often doesn't i would imagine around most normal golf courses and that's the thing i don't know what type of golf course he plays over in america i'm sure he has to not playing pitching pulses he'll probably have to play off the bat yeah yeah he's like obviously a six-time major champion it's sonic faldo et cetera. But if you're putting around a normal golf course like even if you're talking around marriott like i just think he'd absolutely kill it. But equally he he'd come across quite humble and stuff but imagine you were world number one six time major championship champion your normal round of golf when you're going just. For a knock about you're gonna be not all the time you're gonna be five under six under seven under maybe ten under sometimes if he goes and plays one over now on a dead hard course he's probably like so he knows that's so bad if you like compared to what he would have done in his day it's like if you're an athlete you could do a 5k in 13 minutes. And then.

When the 50 it's now 21 minutes for example that's still a good time but for them it's garbage i remember speaking quite a lot to so the old old pro uh mia when i was there eddie goodwin bless him he's actually passed away this week. Or last week i think he was he's well into his 90s. But he would play golf and i'd often kind of bend his ear a little bit on about you know you've obviously played golf for 60 odds longer than that like maybe 80 years and obviously you've played at a really high level i think he's playing the opening stuff back in the day like how do you know as an 80 year old man still find the enjoyment because he was known. For hitting it unbelievably straight but obviously he's not got the distance of what he had and he said he finds it really frustrating does he yeah i thought you can see the opposite then.

He's not bothered he finds it really frustrating because he remembers in his mind yeah how he used to play golf yeah. And i'm like that's going to be same with us 100 like we're gonna we you now at top goal. For going there. And smashing it and often getting top of the leaderboard what's that beeping um that's not going to happen to you forever no well you know what reality similar to that similar to that. But also is that i will come on to the after a lot of golf this last week. And i've got the golf ball back big time but i was never an amazing amazing golf as you well know. But my junior days i was i was decent. And one of my strengths was driving the golf ball i would stand over the ball. And just pick a target not all the time but most times hit it roughly where i want to now when i stand over the golf ball jokes aside i don't know what's going. And it can go well. But it can easily go 100 yards right. Or left and i was thinking then.

I was playing at my home course like growing up there i wouldn't stand on a tee. And worry i'd be picking my target and again most like hitting it roughly in that vicinity now it scares me how much i'm looking out of bounds hazards at trees and i can't imagine going back to just standing there not worrying about that you know what i mean it's like is it is it a little bit like when you're a kid you jump on a roller coaster. And you don't even think about yeah like really let's be honest like when you're a kid you jump on a roller coaster. And your arm arms are up in the air. And you're screaming you're loving it now i sometimes now and i never thought i'd be this person and i'll look at a roller coaster and go wonder when the last health and safety check of this was yeah i wonder i wonder what's gonna when if the wheel's gonna fall off. Or the harness is gonna unclip. And as you get older you start to worry a little bit more about these things i wonder if it's a bit like golf like i'm the same my my um what's the right word my um negativity often leaks into my brain and guess what the outcome is negative like it's never going to be a positive outcome um yeah anyway roller coasters i love golf. But i also hate golf but speaking of loving golf we've obviously recently talked about a lot on the podcast we've been hitting a lot of balls we've been top tracer in we've been long driving yeah you're starting to play a lot more now there's. So much time yeah exciting news i can't remember if we've touched on it podcast before last break 75 is back soon first one's in the can first one's filmed. So we're not going to have any spoilers always should we say well you played. Yet i don't keep that under wraps it was in scotland it was in scotland i played with you i beat you joking i played. And played badly um you played we'll come on to that when the video is ready um. But it was nice to be back on the golf course. And it's again people know we talked about this before but what sorry this microphone this um headphone wise doing me editing if you're watching this it's not normally it's not normal i know normally so can i undo that no it doesn't matter um. But the driving range and the golf course are two different beasts yeah really um. And i think. For you again not just on the score but i think you've got some very good scores coming this year if you can take that driving range to the golf course elaborate well i've played i played twice in the last week now i must admit they're probably not the best barometer on my golf ability at the moment because they were they were boozy affairs rick likes pale rick likes tail he's not he's a lad i feel like in america it's very very common. For golfers to play with drinking beer into it it feels that way whether that's wrong it seems like when you're in america you've got the cart that they're what they call them kind of cart girls that come around serving you drinks it's never in our culture is it really not really you might see somebody sneaking four cans in the golf bag. But it's not quite the same vibe so anyway last week thursday friday last week i was with a group of pals one's moving to australia having kind of a bit of a leave-in do. And another one's getting married so it's a bit of a stag do. So decided to have two days of golf plus beer plus poker plus night out in liverpool okay. So thursday paddy's day st patrick's day um i managed to get me and three of my piles on at jcb nice one of my favorite places in the world obviously you shot 82. i didn't actually i'll tell you what so again it was very relaxed there was no filming it was dead chilled it was a beautiful day um cans on the golf course cans at b is from half 11. it's just stupid a.m. So i mean a pal because it was paddy's day a couple of guinnesses a couple of guinnesses before we played we then.

Loaded the buggy full of drink bottles of moretti um. And for the full day i mean i don't advocate this. For any young fans watching but i reckon by the turn by nine holes and we went to the halfway house naturally not a pie no sausage rolls pie filling um. And by the time we probably got to halfway house i reckon i was seven beers deep richard playing really good i'm not really two balls. But playing nicely and i think because it was steady. For that long period of time i didn't really get affected seven days in nine holes well two two before we played about five for the by the time we got to the turn um so we're having a match with a couple another so john beasley is my really good friend he's off plus six right he's a baller he really is he can really play um him. And his brother versus me and mike the two that were drinking the most the brothers weren't really drinking. But me mike were on it um anyway we had a fantastic match. And it went all the way down to the 18th and i made i'm going to put an asterisk against this okay i made a birdie on 17. second ball yes. So you got four so that well i made two fours so so um i hit my first one left is it. So people listening this is the 200 yard downhill path three surrounded by water on my watch where the pin was it was saying it was 267 yards that's ridiculous covered in water obviously it's bit downhill. So it's playing about 230-ish so i hit a three-iron and i've never powered this hole ever in regulation play i hit this first shot and i pulled it a little bit to the left and it went you know well i didn't didn't see it down so i was like oh god i thought well i better hit provisional even though i you can drop it over there i'll let it provisional literally put it to this i'll show you the show oh that was yours i know we didn't get a video of it i've actually hit in the shot. But i got the outcome i showed the actual output it was ridiculous it could be fake. But it's not if you're listening you want to see rick's uh fake shot it will be on the video version the podcast we'll put it on uh where's it gone that's how close i hit it you see the pitch yeah. For that is very close to be fair. So not that in for my four um but then.

The match i needed to win the hole really because we would we were down currently. So i went to find my original one i found it in the back so i played it from the back so i need to try it off four with that ball i still made it forward with that then.

You got not another one for a fake four yeah it's above fours. But luckily we have that hole and then.

Kind of lost on the last but either way i just glossed over i think i shot six over that's not bad it wasn't bad considering there was that's not bad if i had a handicap. For each drunk drink i drank i'd have been like seven under um but that was really good then.

We stayed at the one of the lodges played poker all night. And had a load more beer and then.

The next.

Day uh played at hillside oh nice beautiful day and we were joined by three other pals there were seven of us in total. So two two groups um and we played and uh tommy fleetwood actually saw it out for us did he it's a group yeah what a flex that is what's that noise that's just just rick dropping names. So he uh he looked after the lads for me that was nice very nice of him that's how did you tell them that time would start out. For you well weirdly this is mad why didn't you tell me it was sought out. For you as much as i know tommy it was actually a mate of mine who knows tommy. And his wife and he sorted it through all right okay because i i thought well i'll bank when i want tommy's assistance i want augusta. So you're telling me you can't sort out hillside yourself you need tommy fleetwood to do it. For you yeah oh wow nice though that's surprise i didn't try to be honest i could have tried it yeah he could if i wanted to play it i would have played it was this boozy at hillside are you more well-behaved well the problem was. So i didn't i completely forgot about this so i drove to hillside from jcb and then.

After the long morning of breakfast freshening up to be honest i've not even told you the best part yet i can't believe this so obviously the chipping green around jcb yeah this is phenomenal right. So me and john my mate who's possible sticks rather a little chip and comp now he's as you can imagine he's pretty good right i played some of my best chips i've ever hit my life mixed with some of the worst chips i've ever played in my life nice. But some of the best ones and there was about three of them where i literally couldn't have played it any better literally perfect anyone else in the world i would have beat anybody yeah jumping it inside me each time. So it's like i lost anyway and so we spent all morning chipping having some breakfast chilling out friday was quite busy at jcb. So chatting to a few guys who had been playing there that day and it was just it was a lovely vibe right jumped in the car straight to hillside got to hillside. So i had loads of beers left in in my car actually and dave bought a big box and wrapped it up yeah. So part started piling the bag right yeah. And a couple of other mates of mine i did like electric trolleys i'm piling their bags full of birds right look we don't want to treat um. And i thought air the dog let's let's so um had a quick beer before we played had a guinness at about 12 or something and then.

Got on the first tee got my bottle opener out and i put it to the bottom i thought hold on i'm driving after this ah i was driving to liverpool after it sounds like oh that was like absolutely devastated i mean it sounds really bad this doesn't it. But um i think it really affects him around i think i could play a lot better drunk um because on friday with a hangover. And no topping up of beer possibly the worst of them well there we go let's do a drunk break 75. honestly horrendous my hands were in bits shaking i shanked one on the tenth you know lovely part three yes i do like proper shanks one i know i don't like seeing you hit bad golf shots. But i'm that bad with a driver and worry about it so much and you hit yours so well i like seeing you having some what's the word i'm looking for like some vulnerability on the golf course because it's a horrible feeling isn't it over the ball no. But then.

Weirdly it's still in this mixture of madness i played some of my greatest golf shots i've ever hit my life i'll tell you the one very quickly second hole the par five yes remember it down the left hand side right terrified about this railway. For some reason i played mint the day before jcb but obviously barefoot got over me on the second hole at hillside i blocked it miles right like literally so far right i'm shouting my head off four right far right and if you remember the third green that kind of comes back on itself i was at the front of the third green yeah miles right right. So i'm walking up there and i'm thinking oh god this is embarrassing somebody walking down three there was there was three older guys on the on the green on three right. So i'm walking over there thinking oh god this is horrendous right i think i've just hit a horrendous shot i'm not feeling brilliant today.

For some reason i'm at the front of the group for some reason did you say i'm at the front of the green with a slight down slope like like going away from me all i can think of well i can't like weirdly lay this up because there's nowhere to lay up. So i pull old bluey out i'll trust it so i'm waiting for these three guys to play the whole yeah get out of them because they're out the way they say to me oh no um after you let's see how it's meant to be done after you well i'm thinking i've already blocked this 70 yards off the tee yeah right don't expect magic from here i'm on a downhill lie i'm thinking oh god this is. So embarrassing this could literally i could top this right in front of me i've got loads of rough and hazards and everything to carry right tight lie really tight oh bluey oh my god come on just please do it. For me please no level of confidence i clicked it off the front of the of the front of the apron of the front of the green not a blade of grass was damaged. And i and and i'm and i hit it and i'm thinking that felt ridiculous i'm turning i'm holding my finish thinking holy balls flying i've absolutely nailed that and i'm holding my finish like rory macaroni yeah i'm literally looking at his golf shot. And in this belief quite simple disbelief i'm thinking how the hell have i just hit that shot it's the greatest shot i've ever hit in my life like these guys behind me must be thinking i'm bloody the best golfer ever i turn around they weren't even what they weren't give them in guys guys they will give me an ounce of light of notice right which i respect yes well if you didn't hit the badge i would have been perfect i respect i then.

Turned to my other mates who were down the left-hand side playing the actual hole correctly they didn't even see it. So i'm bouncing over there i'm like thinking i'm the bloody dog i'm bouncing over there and i'm like guys did you see that shot they're like no i didn't see it literally nobody saw this three-wood shot. And i'm like i can't believe it anyway um well thankfully there's a hundred thousand people listening now who know about the shot well yeah. But no one saw it next.

Tee i get up there i pull i pull them i bought a new pencil bag by the way i pulled a pencil bag buddy strap breaks what brand was that name. And shame starts with the p pink no it starts with p ends in a g cuz i in the middle i iron. So anyway uh we lost that match royally but then.

Weirdly as well i played some incredible shots a lot of three would have made a great birdie on the path three i slammed dunked an iron shot it popped out the hole um yeah. But anyway unfortunately now this council's on camera well you know what it's the first time in a long time i must admit walking around hillside thinking bloody i'm glad the cameras aren't here today.

Because this would have this wouldn't have well the beauty is we've done one brick 75. So far there's many many more coming this year you've got more time to sharpen up on the golf course i'm at the range so i'm expecting medium things for you this year it's gonna be big let's get carried away um by the way rick's like change of subject um my name is guy charmander hi guys sorry. And um i love golf you love so this this last week i have massively got the golf bug back and it's kind of happened weirdly um accidentally so we've been going to the range a lot we've touched on many times i've been in a long drive at top rated just. For fun i love going to range. But i'm not even thinking that's the course much this year my goal this year was to play more golf as i know you're you've got the same kind of goal as well this week it's happened. So tuesday driving range yeah wednesday we went to the golf course the par 3 cost adlington was that wednesday oh yeah by the way how sick is that place adlington golf center. And what obviously isn't a paid promotion clearly is absolute straight fire it's the best facility in the world it's got certainly here in the in the north west it's unreal. So we went we hit drop balls in the range you've got an indoor range you've got outdoor maps that don't even america yeah i've got grass these we've got some crowds um we were hitting a few balls. And working our swings your swing was looking good the things were working my swing isn't looking. So good but i'm working um and then.

There's a nine-hole course path three cosplay people will see from the videos where there's a normal hole. And there's a foot golf hole we did nine holes to normal hole we had like two. Or three balls each working on bits and then.

Rick said. So we'd do another nine have a match one ball each let's play proper just on that though how good would how good was the condition the greens were honestly like you said i think the best greens in all year. And this is a par three course it's mad. And i went to beat the guys after and told them and again obviously the day after i'm very very fortunate i got to play jcb which greens are off the scale granted hillside adlington. And like right up there like which is great believable. For a little par 3 course and we played nine holes of a match and we halved it on the last you had the lead and you asked fell out bogey bogey last year yeah half the match you held a good great put on the last yeah i did pressure doesn't bother me i almost felt like you won yeah yeah it was i would say i won. And so that was wednesday i was 18 holes well not real hold 18 holes in driving range thursday nine holes driving range friday 12 holes saturday driving range sunday 12 holes you may ask why i'm doing random amounts of holes my home club 12 kind of i've listened to rick's story all about the g the shot jcb went six foot left. And the the uh then.

It fell off the green and i had to be wet shout out how can i say i said one story i actually told. So on the famous hole at murray at the seventh the water i hit a shot on my stomach went a bit so i was going to go in didn't do which on your own as well on my own which bizarrely i mean i still would like it to have gone in a way. But actually imagine a home on your own it would be like your three would shot no one saw it did it really happen if a tree falls in a forest. And no one hears it does it make a sound um. But yeah i've had a few people tweeting me two things that annoyed me a little bit. But kind of casually i put it on twitter a lot of people saying why not play dates in holes i don't want to yeah. So shut up i don't need to other people are saying oh wait till your wife gets wind of this. So you must have an understanding wife now firstly you've got three children so obviously you can't go out all the time when you've got three kids because that wouldn't be one yeah. And yeah i think i wanted to send this voice note if it's a clue now um she knows i do that's not true. But obviously i have kids and and my wife likes playing golf she actually came to one of these rounds in a bucket it was really fun. And seemed to rains last week and was striping it by the way that was a good shot absolutely you know what i loved she was grabbed. And hit it with speed and caught some and did she play hockey in the past no she's not super sports he plays about it plays netball. But we went to the trafford golf center one night trying to get off the range she was kind of like not massive. But yeah will you like i'll treat your love i'll treat it 120 balls on me 240 on me um. And we i've got a lady's nike driver that kept her left nike so she could ever play she wanted to it's just a 12.5 degree ladies flat shaft and the only thing that upset me a little bit and you said this before is when she hit someone top trace that was actually quite decent shots there wasn't that much speed doesn't pick it up keep it frustrating. But the vast majority did she got 145 yards ridiculous. But even that then.

Again i know we're going about this loads. But that just shows why it's so much fun having data yeah if you've ever done to a field you're a bit like huh. But having data now she's got something to potentially try and be exactly she's got something when she goes into work on a monday to go i went to driving range with guy at the weekend 45 years and like that's a tangible dish like you can tell you can almost say well that's from here to the end of the car park. Or whatever it may be well i actually got a video of it on twitter and it's at my second most ever liked tweet 533 likes and forty thousand views which i quite abby brings the likes exactly um but there's some people saying about all your wife it's like well first thing she came with me and also it's like i don't have kids yet i can do things i want to achieve some people are weird um anyway i played a lot of golf. And i'm getting a bit better this brings me on to a topic that i want to hear your thoughts on okay i want to announce live on the rickshaw's golf show where is this going to go that this golf club to my right. So if you're watching you'll see it if you're if you're listening i want to announce live a new quest for the open 2022. i honestly thought you were like rick i'm quitting. And i'm going to go. And try and do pj masks that's coming next.

Week um. But my announcement is this. And this obviously goes out saying that means that it's not a paid for thing clearly the ping g425 max 3 wood or i'll say forward family in my opinion i don't hear people's comments below so comment below if you're watching this clip or emails if you're listening this golf club is the best golf club that's been made in the last 10 years it's like a sky-dweller i have wasp i guess i have i fired one off the roof a little bit caught the top. But honestly the dry i've got the matching driver and the g425 max for me this is the driver i'm talking about firstly it's very forgiving it's not the longest in the world. But it's very forgiving and the only downside to the driver i would say is i'm not a huge fan of the looks of turbulators they just just don't look that great i don't think they do anything either. For me i don't mind the looks it's the sound yeah. And the driver is quite loud. And sound so if anyone tries to the ping driver i wouldn't be surprised if most people love it but also a lot of people say oh it's a bit loud the three you've not had this very long you've hit it a lot haven't you honestly they're three-wood right so three was still quite loud. So it's a little bit tingy noise so if you're not a fan of that but the the flatness of the bottom i know you can't see this on video but the flatness in the roof the flatness of the bottom yeah this is very well honest to god i've hit it. So much now it's so forgiving it reminds me of believable a little bit shape-wise the adam's tight line yes it does that flatness. So this got me thinking of a broader topic rick uh that's my shout that i think that is honest to god the best golf club that's been made in the last 10 years. So i've put a thing on my instagram story asking people to comment i want to hear your thoughts if that's not the best golf club which you may not think it is what is the best golf club that's been made in the last 10 years give us some give us some responses we've had a lot of people saying the taylormade p790 irons because they kind of were on the i know pixy candid it first. But they won the first hollow head designs by a a major brand that kind of incorporated distance and forgiveness but then.

The looks and feel of that player's eye and that is a great shout we've got a lot of people saying the taylormade m2 driver 2016 2017 iterations they were phenomenal they were forgiving they looked good they went a long way uh we've had a lot of people say two ball. But actually two bullets were not 20 years old now. So i know there's been iterations of two-ball launch in the last 10 years but ultimately that kind of innovation if you like is a bit older i've got the 20 year old two ball in the back yeah oh unbelievable. So let's be honest i think the two ball i mean it was a combination of feel that that white insert which wasn't new at the time. But just felt awesome with the simplicity of this these two discs of the same size as a golf ball is unreal a few people saying taylor made spider a lot of people. And i think you'll agree this is saying f9 driver cobra f9 yeah i think that was a combination of performance with price with looks with a brand that was established. But also kind of felt quite new on the scene it kind of reinvented i'm sorry it reinvented itself covered and it went from like an old man brand quite cool again i think they lost the way a bit they tried to go too cool ricky fowler um. So there's been a lot of different shouts but honestly i know again so much of a golf club is personal. So you're never going to find one golf club. So this is kind of a bit of a silly question in a sense. But i think there is some clubs that just seem to be. So good and i think the g425 family in particular fairway it's honest to god it's class seriously it's. So good i still just my stool just sunk then.

And i uh suddenly had this envisioned that was on a roller coaster um. For me i agree with a lot of ones there but i'd probably i'm trying to think if i went to the driving range right now bumped into a group of guys. And they were looking at the golf clubs. And they were showing oh rick look at this i've got in the bag what would have what would i literally want to pull out the bag. And go oh my god you've got one of these like that's probably that's the best golf club in the last episode another big shout out as well a callaway epic driver the first iteration um i i'd probably um god this is a hard one it's hard to put a no a number one thing on it i'd probably go i probably would go m2 original m2 like if i saw if i went to a drive range now. And a guy went although what driver you've got to pull out in that original m2 i'd be like oh yeah that is one of the best drivers ever yeah. And i still probably would give it original over the next.

Version i still just think the original was just just yeah do you think it's weird how like we know that there's lots of obviously rules in place by the rna in the usj et cetera about how far golf club technology can go. But yet there's still a product every now and again i.e ping driver this year it's great on the phone you you know you're right the m2 was phenomenal sldr was good. But well i feel like that's where where like sldr was was very revolutionary. And the fact it was 17 degrees of launch 1700 spin. And then.

I felt like that was unmanageable. And then.

The m2 and then.

Ones were like okay we're going to embed a bit of work on that. But we're just going to make it a little bit more forgiving well that's the thing that's like yeah these come there's these things in place. But yeah they still can be products come out that change the game. And i think that's what is exciting why even though again most people listening fully understand that you know it's not going to drive next.

Year that's only 20 yards longer it's not going to happen. But yeah every year could be that club of course another shout out in the break 75 that's coming soon i didn't have my club. So i borrowed some from the from the golf club and i had the new uh rogue st driver on the callaway rogue st fairway which are again phenomenal golf clubs i was very very impressed with them. And i think this year actually it's becoming a bit of a almost like an overachieving year with golf clubs because when we saw the stuff at the start of the year i was super excited just sure going down again i keep thinking i was super excited about stealth which again we've talked about before not repeat himself on that. But this year i think we still got the ping stuff this is current which again i keep talking about we've then.

Got this new callaway lineup that didn't excite us when it came out it didn't look that different. But performs very well the cobra stuff again same story it didn't look that exciting but performed very well the back end i think we should have titleist again. So it's actually one of those years where there's gonna be some really good products and it feels like there's a lot of drives out there that are. For forgiveness if you're after forgiveness this is a good year to buy drugs it's almost like managing expectations from everybody it's like okay we might not get this massive leap in technology. But everything from every brand is getting a little bit better yeah. And it is becoming like say these kind of unicorn drivers where it's got distance forgiveness low spin you know it's got all the characteristics you want from a driver you're getting that. And a lot of clubs throughout the throughout the board now you're getting a lot of that now from a lot of different brands which is why is that exciting another thing as well i tried i was very impressed with it because obviously the difference is. For you clearly try all these clubs to come out and obviously do it in fully in-depth reviews on the vast majority. And i have a go of some of the stuff and i get my hands on things and i do try them things like golf balls i don't really try that often. But i tried the callaway let me find the name now the callaway chrome soft is it ls yeah low spin one yeah very impressed yeah i did it was still firm enough around the greens didn't feel too soft. But when you actually hit an eye in with it it felt like the golf ball was really like compressing yeah very good golf ball was even like that wilson triad yeah i tested a few weeks ago like that was really really good. And again i made a very bold claim in that video saying it's the best feeling golf ball i've ever putted with and chip with it bloody was like it really really you actually had a little go with him at uh when we did the 75 um before you lost them all. But like but they felt they feel so so bloody good but anyway um kirkland ball as well by the way i tried that very impressed again is it mad like well again even like my material played on on a thursday like he'd bore a load on my recommendation. And like he still almost quite didn't believe it himself until he actually used them he was like are they actually really that good these balls i'm like yes he's like i bought a load after watching the review. But i'm still not sure i'm like mate they're awesome and he played he went they are actually really good these balls i was like yeah they are really good yeah they are very good um question. For you yes. So on facebook um again not plugged in for a while if you're not a a member of the rick shields golf show podcast group on facebook why why do myself it's free. And don't have the old have you seen paddy the baddie the other day called out mark zuckerberg you know that lizard all right so do you know you've not heard that um yeah yeah well he is all right. So you can join the group we love facebook huh we're on facebook oh yeah we do really matter have you been using your thinking it's ridiculous i took it this weekend your vr i think unreal how good it is the table tennis is still the best game on it by millie mark i've got the golf club attachment now which you've seen as well unbelievable. And it's so accurate so i went on sunday night to my brother-in-law's and he's not a golfer and he put it on and it and the way he hit a golf ball you could imagine him being at a driving range that's how he would have hit a golf ball yeah like it's. So realistic it's unbelievable where the world is gonna go exciting. And scary so dan anyway has asked what about a rick shields golf show podcast golf day plenty would pay to enter could be quite a few videos of content and entry fees could go towards a charity talk to me oh it's about money then.

Making money making money um i think it'd be a good idea why not let's do a series of elaborate i don't know i i'm going to make this statement quite i'm going to make a statement now though there is one thing that i'd like to run. So yeah youtube a podcast golf day i think we'll be sick is this going to be an exclusive now yeah exclusive to the rickshaws golf show. But one thing i'm thinking about running again i've seen a lot of talk online and we've been parted to this conversation who's the best youtuber who's this who's that you know is it rick it's obviously going to be rick he's obviously the best youtuber golfer. And everything else right um and then.

There's a bit of commotion when i didn't mention every youtuber in the planet well today's video we're gonna mention every golf youtuber so sit back relax seven hours later uh so this is uh john who's uh been doing youtube. For a week and um anyway we're gonna officially start the ball rolling on a youtube golf tournament exclusive right now you've heard it here first um i've started putting some notes down in my phone and when i start putting notes down it's serious well then.

It starts on paper then.

It gets to the phone they know it is serious um. And i think the plan i've got this year is better than youtube golf day 2019 which was amazing by the way. But i think it's going to blow it out the water. So stay tuned um my chair keeps thinking question for you though i might fix your chair youtube golf day 2019 was i'd like to think of success it raised a lot of money. For charity it got a lot of creators together it got a lot of fans to come and kind of walk around the golf course and meet some of their favorite creators etc etc and it was really good three years down the line now in 2022 do you see this upcoming kind of create a youtube whatever event being the casual the friendly. Or do you see it being a bit more let's because that if it's very much competitive that might cause some creators who don't claim to be amazing to not want to enter. So what do you see i see it as a festival okay of youtube golf. And i think it'll have many different elements i think it will have competitive elements where needed right settle beefs figure out who is who is the best there's just rick on the first team then.

50 people saying you said you beat me let's play now i'm just emceeing i'm not playing i'm just going to see the whole thing um. But then.

I think there's going to be a separate element which is. For content collaborations which getting youtubers together i'd love to even do things like having like almost conferences. And stuff having like round tables youtube around tables filmed or not filmed i'm not sure but um i think now with travel restrictions certainly starting to lift around the world um i think there's definitely ways of doing it um. And getting hopefully as many craters possible involved i think the one thing that might be substituted. For more crates being involved is less fans playing. But fans can still come. And say yeah i think that's that would you see then.

It's been in the uk because obviously there's the good good guys tbc i think there could be a way of of bringing everyone together in a preliminary way. And then.

Having a finals week at said location at a location this is very exciting i'm probably i am probably swaying more towards uk yeah because i think there's obviously a huge amount of uk creators i'm obviously from the uk it logistically it might just be easier to set up from our end. So yeah stay tuned if you're a youtuber. And you want beef not really if you want to if you want to play in a golf day or golf week or a festival or whatever it's going to be where there will be some competitive elements there'll be collaborations um it's almost a celebration of youtube that's the thing. For me jokes aside you'd have this match element but that's that's not what it would be about you want people that watch the videos that can attend can come. And watch and meet their favorite creators but obviously for the creators themselves it gives you a chance to collaborate and make videos and get people after three years of zooms and stuff and i think i think this time as well like in 2019 we kind of went swerved around youtube. And kind of called it yt golf day and i think this year we can definitely bring youtube into this a lot more i think it could be a lot more um kind of coming from from actually youtube themselves as well. So stay tuned more information of this will be coming out soon speaking of invitationals the live golf invitation was announced yes. So it's finally there's all been all this talk we've talked on it a couple of episodes ago um about this whole kind of saudi golf league the sgl and greg norman was the ceo. And he was fronting it. And what this meant for golf there was at the time um i think every goal from the well the top 50 had been approached with lucrative deals to say yeah. And a lot of them had ended up pledging their alliance to pj tour so it felt like from from the outset that this kind of sgl was dead. And buried and last week i think it was now it was announced by greg norman that live golf invitational as it will be known going forward it's not sgl that was just kind of a placeholder name that people put on it live golf invitational is coming to life gonna be eight events i believe with the first one at um century centurion talk me through it. So i mean still very much i've just looked at even online now. And it's still very much being kind of branded as this kind of saudi-backed golf super league obviously that's kind of where the main money is coming from. And greg norman's kind of the pin-up boy for it and doing a lot of talking so um june 9 to 11th location london centurion golf club yes now that kind of makes sense because they've hosted like the aramco series there before etc etc. So that kind of probably makes sense while it's happening there a couple of weeks or just under a month later from july the 1st to the 3rd that's my birthday in portland pumpkin ridge golf club yep never heard of it i heard of it have you yeah um end of july 29th to 21st new jersey trump national golf club that'd be interesting to see how that kind of goes down september 2nd to the 4th boston the international september middle of september in chicago at rich harvest farms rich harvest vapes quite fitting name. For this super leaf um october 79 bangkok at stone hill and then.

Finishing as you kind of probably would imagine in saudi arabia jeddah royal greens golf club and then.

The team championship i don't think the location has been set. For that yet which is a couple of weeks later well there's been actually greg norman has been on a couple of podcasts himself he was on the bunker podcast. And shout out to them guys did an amazing job interviewing him um. And he gave a lot more clarity on this so part of it excites me and part of it has left me not as excited. So the format i believe will be 54 whole events with no cut yes obviously this is team element going still. But originally when this got rumored about it was this team element certainly with the premier golf league that we talked about a couple years ago it was it would have the same teams week. And weeks like franchises yeah like the f1 she'd always have a constructors. And uh individuals but now greg norman's position it that this isn't a competition to the pj tour in the european the dp world tour that players can dip in. And out so i'm not quite sure that how the the group the team one works let's just say adam scott first person i think off he decides to play one week. And then.

Doesn't yeah how did that fit into the team i'm not sure um well from what i understand a lot of these dates i've just mentioned then.

Are very cleverly squeezed in between big tournaments on both sides. So what he said he has said again this is all from the podcast i listened to that he doesn't want to go against mages he would never go against the huge team events i.e ryder cups president cups. And you also want to go against what he calls heritage events so like your players your serious pga tour events but naturally some of these are up again i think it was the canadian open. And other pga tour events like denmark and other stuff sorry european tour events so it will naturally i think that there's 45. Or 47 pj tour events a year so naturally it's going to go up against it because they won every week yeah exactly. And he's very confident that the pga tour cannot ban their players because they're independent contractors so i'm excited to see what it comes out like i am i'm also a little bit dubious in some regards because most of these big big names have come out. And said we are not playing. So rory's come out and said that dustin's quote said that now i think even we could even say bryson said that a lot of them have said they're not gonna play. So but are they not. But this is almost like changed again well it has. But think how strong they've been together. So you might apparently say it's an invitational he sent out invites like 250 golfers or something and waiting to hear back apparently a lot of the big names have got back in touch he says he claims i don't know um but he's also quite adamant this is here to stay this isn't just a one-year thing. So he's saying let's just say a guy who is 150th in the world wins one. And wins like two million dollars whatever is his incredible prize money. But it won't take long before the top players in the world start saying well that guy is nowhere near as good as me i've won 700 grand last week. And this guy's won two million i want a bit of that but we chat about this before offer it makes you wonder about how much these top top top pros are bothered about money like yes it's important. But when you're growing up playing golf to be the best at your golf club to get the lancashire team the county team whatever it might be to win the club championship you don't do it to win 50 quid in your account. And buy some pro v1 you win it for that pride and i think even at this top top level money's brilliant. But like rory said he's got enough money he only stays in three of his rooms in his house it's worth 20.. So i don't do you think it's enough this is the only way i can see this being let's say the the saudi invitational that happens every year anyway think about the players that went. For that just for the money yeah because that's what they went. For really bryson brooks patrick reed even tony fee now more recently like they aren't really going to play in that event unless it's. For money so i do still think it plays a huge part it's like let's say on the table as long as it's not interfering with with any of your majors. Or your big events if someone said right rick you can play in this event which is canadian open okay whatever it may be. And the purse for that is x amount. But there's 120 players in it okay. So the chance of you winning that it's fairly slim yeah into it really let's be honest on the other hand you can fly over to centurion in london you're only going to go against 48 golfers. So less than half the field and the money is like three times more you're going to be tempted at yeah you you have to be from it from a from any of these top players in the world it's more like it's a business decision now when you when it was more you tie into the league. And it's very big payout that's a different conversation because that's you're completely cutting yourself off from the other side of things if you decide to go down that route so this is a very interesting tactic that they've gone with because all before now there was no events there was no tangible it was almost an idea it felt like an idea. And to be honest i would never have imagined an event being seen this year as much as you said it i was like you can't you can't just pull out events from mid-air boom we'll pull out events from mid-air somehow exactly. And what i don't know if i just said this. Or not but what is also said is that even if this year let's say the first event you get the best ranked guy let's just say is thai it is 150th in the world. And the rest are kind of almost i don't say nobody's that's very disrespectful. But you know for the sake of nobodies um that's fine with them it's the first year it keeps calling it a startup it's a beta test year that it will carry on. And they're confident that eventually the big guys will come over. But it's a start-up with how many years yeah i mean it's interesting i think as a a golfer as a kind of golf fan i'm definitely interested to see what this first event is like this feels more like a wgc now than it does a separate league breakaway league well there's also they asked him in the podcast again about what will it obviously be televised. And he said yes it will i think he said he was in talks with 11 broadcasters who they've signed ndas with. So i'm thinking obviously your sky is almost like it's like you're amazon let me just check my emails just in case they want to host it on rickshaws.gov channel listen if it's going to be hosted on the channel let's have a talk um well that's that's. So it's it's very interesting where this goes um you're right there is the money does play a big part in golf. But i do also think the best players want to play against the best players. And it's a little bit like and again no respect. But with some of the major and targeting player you almost felt like did it have an asterisk next.

To when somebody won a major without tiger. And not really but yeah. But you know if you're winning that event yes you've won loads of money. But if you're not playing against the best how as a competitor you know apparently as well they're going to get world ranking points through the asian tour who sanctioned it. So there's a lot to take in again some great podcasts out there that interview him um but i still think like it's such a different plan to what it was like even two months ago well he was very adamant it's not a breakaway league. But it felt like to me and i know nothing but it felt like it initially was very much briefly of course it was yeah. And now it's almost like they're almost like exhibition matches well that's it really isn't it and actually one of the things i i'm kind of in in some ways i'm very much for this 54 holes and um shotgun start because it means it's so much easier to consume as a fan you can sit down with a four-hour window. And it's still going to be shocking apparently. So um but one of the things that nick falder did a very interesting video we did like an eight-minute i know you watched it as well like an eight-minute twitter video where he sat down. And gave his opinion it was really quite cool. And he was very much. For the whole part of a cut and how at the players um oh my god john with a port i think to make the cutting guard. And he fist pumped whatever you've seen even the world number one wants to make the cut and that it's another kind of sub-narrative to the story which i suppose it's if you're a hardcore viewer of golf the cut line is another oh you've got your favorite player you've got money on somebody the cut is a another narrative without a cut is it a bit mickey mouse it's two is looking at it i guess isn't that there's the one way that you know if you're going to watch that event. And you're going on the i don't know yeah whatever date finishes on you'll go in that day your favorite player will be playing. And the thing i thought i thought was quite weird this is a very this is something that's much further down the line if it's a 54-hole event shotgun start then.

Obviously the winner will finish at the same time that last place finishes. For example how would that be within the grand stand because normally the 18th hole has the biggest grand stand or one of the biggest grand stands because that's where the winner will eventually win unless it goes to a playoff. Or whatever it might be but what happens if the winner holds a pot and they finish on the seventh hole they're probably more likely to finish on that do you think they'll still start them on one because yeah well they're going to finish it the winner's going to come either on 16 17 18. Or well you think. So 15th 16th 17th or 18th green real real a lot of golf courses i don't have great i mean if you think about i know it's in andrews. For example the 16th green wouldn't really have very good grand standard it as far as i'm thinking what would it no oh 16 does you know what i'd like to see weirdly what would be really cool is if it was almost like a a 52-hole tournament. And in the last four holes was like just the top yeah ten. Or whatever but that's there will be a point though imagine where somebody will win on like whole 13. whatever it might be. And there's not much of it i don't know yeah i'll be interested to see how that works out. But it's uh news we're going to talk about it it's exciting um yeah who knows it's very i mean faldo like say in his twitter um post i don't think father. And norman are particularly good friends. But like it's very interesting hearing all these different sides the pros the cons the the back and forth it's like where the money's coming from who's kind of backing it how they're going to make it happen if they've not got the best players in the world i think i will tell what was funny though as well is they asked him about the saudi money. And how it feels about that whatever and he kind of turned it around and said well you know the european tour have events in saudi. And i looked at this thing on linebacker obviously newcastle you know being bought by saudis and stuff there's a lot of businesses that are huge businesses that have obviously that saudi investments. And stuff and it depends how you look at it um but it's exciting we'll see what happens come june the 9th see who's actually playing in it exciting i might get i might get a phone call complain it rick oh yeah why not would you little six mil 500 grand what's the last place get probably 500 great yeah five million pounds. So i have another question a bit more of a nerdy one a bit more equipment you want again but it's from david zitterbart if companies like taylormade and callaway etcetera spend so much on developing clubheads why do they seemingly outsource all the shafts is the quality not as important why don't they develop their own i feel like we've had this conversation with somebody i think it's just it's a simple fact that the the shaft manufacturers are specialists doing that. So the brand can focus on the head. And the grip and the shaft can be outsourced to somebody that really knows what they're doing yeah i don't know yeah you used to get callowell's callaway printed shaft you saw it as rch on them whatever um. But they never seemed wasn't that's a huge mark isn't it an aftermarket as well for these kind of exotics just mustn't be as cost effective i think about all the infrastructure. And everything you've got you've got to do to make these shafts all the r d all the research well you've got teams already doing that you've got you've got a huge amount of like experts that are making these shafts that you can just kind of plug into your own clubs now yeah try to think of another example like wood does tires mercedes don't make their own tires do they i wonder if apple make every single bit of the apple i'm sure samsung will make a lot of apple stuff. For screens or something which is right yeah i'm sure they do there you go there's loads of different ways to kind of when you actually think about like an apple product like. And like cars how many times is like oh yeah the this audi has got the um steering wheel off a lamborghini. Or whatever or all the way around or whatever it's like it's mad how much it kind of gets crossed around um next.

We've got a guest on i just noticed that matt's off in the diary apparently i don't know how we're going to put this one together. But we've got a good guest next.

Week and matt isn't here so um somebody's after he's like us one second oh yeah okay cool. So next.

Week's guest is um i think what was somebody again i was chatting to you today.

We talked about guests. And i said how you know we absolutely at all having the likes of faldo bryson um tommy etc these huge huge names. But some of our favorite podcasts as well i've been like you james robinson's people who other people might not really know now next.

Week kinda sits in between the two i think it's a very exciting guest i don't know touching it now in case. For whatever reason it doesn't go ahead it should go ahead obviously um but i think it'll be a very insightful yeah i'm really excited about that one. And we might drop a friday tree out this week who knows i'm not saying it world about your clip so we touched it a couple weeks ago on the main oh sorry on the podcast youtube channel now you're going to have the full podcast which you might be watching. So hi um there's going to be clips as well which some of the stuff is work up today.

Will be. And full podcast is going to look red is that right matt red yeah it should have a red kind of thumbnail clips are green. And bonus clips are yellow. So again we're not taking off away from the podcast but it's little things that might happen in the week that we want to talk about so it's a lot coming i uh i got involved in my other favorite sports this week badminton f1 i didn't do badminton f1 i think we got tickets. For the finals on badminton um f1 yeah watched a bit of f1 yeah. And then.

Watched the champions league match on tuesday all around sports guy uh but united were terrible. But if what f1 was good i found it really interesting yeah i'm definitely into a bit more now off it's fascinating i just kind of i find with that smaller field like you do really get invested in each. And every single one of the drivers where the fields in golf are. So large you just can't ever yeah. And invested as much as i agree with oh i do agree with that full. But the only good thing is with the golf is that it can allow players that you don't know of within a year like maracao i know he's a massive amateur. But he kind of kept burst on the scene and now he's subjected to picked off yeah that's what i mean. So you kind of get whereas in f1 i guess you have to be in f2 and then.

Qualify as a backup drive or whatever and get into that yeah the amount of people that get picked are very very very slim you know some of these big podcasts they have like a patreon where people pay a monthly fee. And they get bonus content done i would love to do that. And make people pay fortunes like a hundred quid a month joking and i've always thinking what could we do that could be it a spin-off podcast rick sports podcast where you have a very limited knowledge got loads of sport we chat about like we know what we're talking about. So i go oh f1 the drs look get rid of drs i learned what dress was yesterday on wikipedia we can totally know what we're talking about love it because that's the thing when people have a little knowledge it's more dangerous. And i'd like to think i know a little bit about golf equipment maybe a little bit more than a little bit. But not as many as some people but when i go to the driving range i hear so many people talking absolute garbage but to their mate they know a bit and it's dangerous yeah it is do you know what i mean like i saw somebody at the driving range of the day setting up a launch monitor right a brand new launch monitor out the box. And they're setting up and they were setting up. So badly like it was. So not even close to being wet like obviously you want it down the target line don't you yes just launch one. So i was like like send me behind him like on behind his heel line thinking are you not going to get any numbers because if that guy didn't know you were anything. And he tried to give you golf advice you would be able to know it was garbage right. But if you had a flat tire or you need to plumbing work dude and he gave the him advice you might believe him he knows more than you yeah. But it could be the equally nonsense yeah well i just kind of went over. And said oh is this is this new launch monitor he went yeah yeah just got it before i said um i think at the moment you might have it in the wrong place do you want to have a quick check in the manual. And just check where it's supposed to be you went i thought this was right i went oh i don't think it is he's. And he kind of like i don't think he obviously watched the videos. And stuff he went oh have you got one i went well i've actually i've got quite a few of them all right okay thanks mate. And i think he then.

Pulled out the manual. And fingers crossed he actually set it up in the right place because where he had it was horrendous should have grabbed his phone off him going to instagram typed in your name said that's what you're talking about as we normally do as if as if i normally walk around with like like a rick shields light well it's that it's when you said the other day that you went out obviously after the golf into liverpool. For a few drinks but when you come to a queue just get out you're in get out your phone log into winston just walk into the front out with the blue tick showing straight away but it's worked a couple of times recently it has worked andrew's that was wrong. But not wrong from your point of view but wrong from you tell that story quickly or not as i saved that for another time let's save that just in case any restaurants are listening yeah if you ever get basically restaurants if you ever get a an email. Or a thingy off rickshaws just let him in right guys thanks for listening hopefully enjoyed the podcast a bit of a random one but hopefully lots of nice information we'll see you next.

Week with a guest episode 124 unless we sneak one out on friday rick i love your nice information [Music].