But either way masters if if you need a little break 75 round there or uh or um any anything else if you want me to come and rate the bunkers [Music] hey guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy episode 125. yes it's masters week yes tiger is in town yes at augusta not here in town it's alfred i feel like suddenly the golf world has reunited. And electrified and i feel outrageously excited as you might be able to tell yes um i can't wait. For thursday masters week for me is one of the best weeks of the year it really is yes um apart from that we're gonna make a killer podcast hopefully that's ourselves no i think yeah you're right obviously it is massive weak. And is it it the masters is either the best major there's there's arguments. For the open there's arguments to the masters i think they're the main two let's be honest i'm repping open merch today.

That you know what my um allegiance is however. i think the time of year. For the masters certainly in england as well it's so like it's so kind of monumental because getting a little bit warmer a little bit sunnier i was moved. So we've got more golf at night and then.

That was a rubbish clap you do a good clap. For me quite a lot of pressure now go on the masters is here i feel like golf courses are getting in better condition yeah over here in the uk now um i i just like. So and it's a driving range this weekend i know you did it feels like the buzz is in the air like the grass at the driving range have been cut at the weekend new balls as well new balls yeah your smell you can smell spring you can smell the masters you can smell the eggs how does the master smell green that's good it's just it's just greeny grassy um i like i was very fortunate to go in 2018. And hopefully gonna go again soon not this year obviously that's too soon but hopefully again uh one year um i think it's one of those it's like you you're right i love the open like literally love it obviously it's an amazing amazing major we've talked about it loads on this podcast is our one of our favorite. And this year obviously being at saint andrews it's going to be extra extra extra extra special i think what's going to make it even more special now we were questioning when tiger came back at the end of last year yeah. But is he actually going to play in any of the majors is he wouldn't it be great we were dreaming about him playing in the open at the moment the dreamers he might be playing in the masters well that's it we're recording this podcast at 10 a.m monday. So by the time this goes out there might be more news that ezra isn't playing did you say wednesday sales actually i will know 11 a.m tomorrow oh is it really time yeah all right i'll be like. So like four o'clock in the afternoon for us people still might not know by now but they may yeah um what's mad. For tiger though is years gone by i would never imagine him playing if he didn't think he's up to full fitness because he wants to win everything he plays in whereas now do you think he's got a mindset more of well if i can get it around i'm happy to be here. And just compete or do you still think he'll only want to play if he honestly believes he can win i think he's. So superhuman i mean he makes me feel like like a waste of space he really does he makes me feel like you lazy he's just he's just an animal in it like he had a car crash 13 months ago. And he's now walking the golf course like playing there's rumors that his whacking driver on the driving range 290 yards carrie like he looks like in the best shape it does look lean i've seen him ever i just don't feel like you've just mentioned that i don't feel like this is just a cameo roll hope now i honestly believe i mean he's won 21 of the time he's played in the masters which is staggering. So i feel like this is not he has got the game to win there he obviously won it two years ago was it three now three three years ago um like he has got the game to win it um it's just whether his body's gonna be able to withstand the practice the the grueling competition of actually walking around the golf course every single day. For four days um right now before we even know he's gonna make it if he plays you think he's gonna make the cuts oh i think the only thing i would say is you never know what ty's gonna do dear like he literally could come out. And win this i wouldn't put it past him but i do think this year you have got to be realistic because surely even if he's in it well he will have lost some of that competitive edge. And that is what tiger was although his skill sets obviously on the golf course were amazing he's putting his eye in play. But one of his biggest gems was mental strength. And it's just his relentlessness to win without playing that many competitions recently obviously he's gonna have lost some of that surely so i think. For me if he makes a cut that will be a big deal. And then.

From there we can maybe look at what do you think i'm excited i just i've loved seeming sunday red yeah whatever happens i'd love to see him walking around on sunday in red wherever he's placed in the leaderboard obviously making the cut. But for me it's like how does he do it like how does he how does he keep the whole world on on like the edge of the seats in the sense that obviously had a car crash 13 months ago he came back back into last year. And played that father and son event obviously with charlie like how does he then.

Come back. And like tease because his original press conference at the end of last year was like he doesn't know if he's gonna be able to play again competitively never mind playing in in majors like how does he do it where he's like he tricks us because like now he is playing. And he is walking around the golf course. And he does look good. And it's like well the big thing was would he actually have a walk again he thought he might literally lose his leg after the car crash. So his first thing was kind of walk which obviously he can now walk then.

It was going to swing a club then.

He you know short irons etc now he's smacking driving he said 290. madness i think what almost worries me about tiger though not worries me that's the wrong word. But what intrigues me maybe is a better word rightly. So there is. So much buzz around him right now like obviously and he deserves that and i'm one of the his biggest fans but what will happen when he does retire like generally who who else has this pull i know it does it. And and we saw we've seen major tournaments without tiger obviously the last few years he had that real spell where he didn't play in majors for a long long time and then.

And last year he didn't play any majors there's still interest there there is. And there's still characters in there but i don't think. Or there isn't there isn't anybody and i don't know if there is ever going to be anybody that really gets that buzz early like tiger wasn't playing in the masters this week would i be as buzzing today.

Because it's masters week probably not i'd say you're a 10 out of 10 now you'd be a nice seven yeah i'm excited yeah this week. But with tigering it's like oh my god i'm like i like i can't wait the the only other golfer that did this. And was it last year of the year before bryson yeah when his distance when bryson came in. And it was like oh my god he's hitting it. So much further that's kind of fizzled a little bit yeah as we've seen it now we've seen that he's not going to win every single tournament because he's hitting it 400 yards you're not mean um. But there's yeah just something different about well you know you are a superstar of the golfing world when your footwear makes absolute headlines. And i woke up this morning i'm sure you well you have seen as well spoke about before the huge news it might sound ridiculous but this is huge news that tiger woods at this moment in time is not wearing nike footwear. So rewind time a little bit he's been wearing nike since he very first turned pro wanted well i actually think i might be wrong in saying this. But he's obviously he loves different hardware brands so he used cobra driver he's used tightly to use nike now he's just tailor made there's probably a few others in there he's used tightly diamonds bridgestone cameron we've seen him have different stuff in the bag but as far as even his amateur days i'm not sure so someone might quote like um correct us on this i've always known him in nike footwear always like i've never known him since when he first came hit the scenes he has always worn nike and right now as he steps out onto the practice ground on sunday yesterday and he's doing some preparation ready for the masters this week i'd inspire it at first i just presumed it was a black pair of new like tiger woods golf shoes really on closer inspection some of the journalists on site have taken some very very close-up imagery of what appears. And i believe it has been confirmed by reliable sources he's wearing foot joy shoes wow which again to a lot of people listening might think what the outrage there's. So many things going on in the world do we care about this. But in a weird way in golf like it is a big deal it's a huge deal when i think. For nike worldwide tiger is one of the biggest ever athletes you've obviously got michael jordan yeah you've got ronaldo. And you've got tiger and he's been literally since i said since he turned pro signed a contract with um with nike. And even i'm sure when he got um in the world hall of fame today.

Phil knight from nike was actually there i'm sure he was um. And actually phil knight the guy who created nike did a wrote book was really interesting talked about tiger. And then.

They're very kind of close friends obviously have a great relationship so tiger's still wearing on nike apparel right now i doubt it's that he's moving away from nike it's possibly more that this huge one's a very kind of classic footjoy very kind of flat bottomed i imagine that there's something in that style of shoe that's helping him either walk or perform yeah a lot of the newer nike shoes are more like a trainer well it doesn't quite work well. For him however. surely the engineers at nike yeah in a week yeah maybe. So i mean maybe they're trying to put him on the same contract they tried to put me on. And he's saying no i don't want that i'm not posting to sell products. But that's the thing though it's a silly thing and it's one of those things it's a massive story right now it's a big story right now in six weeks or whatever it's moved but imagine if he actually does go on to win which i would love. And he's wearing a foot joy shoe you're meant to win it he's mad so that's interest and also when he played it with his son charlie again he's he's not signed he was nike apparel. But he had puma shoes shoes on high tops so what's going on with nike shoes it's very interesting. So we'll have to watch his space and see whether nike come up with a more classic shoe that suits tiger they'll do anything they can won't they well is it as simple as he has you know he's obviously gone to the golf course in the recent months trying to hit balls again whether his current shoes weren't working. For witness approach but he bought someone giving some more likely and they just worked and that's all he's sticking to i think i think it's even more of a i think he jumped on his private jet yeah you know it's a big circus now following tiger round you've got a lot of people there you've got the security guards the is his girlfriend i think still girlfriend i don't think they're married i think. So maybe his kids were jumping on the plane it's hard with kids when you've got kids like you gotta look after him you gotta make sure they're being fed. And watered and all that good stuff and it might have just been the fact that he had a little shoe bag on the tarmac yes in jupiter. And suddenly they jumped on the plane a bit like home alone yeah i could see them at home alone they shut shut the door of the jet they're all fine they're on there they're all there sipping a bit of champagne we're off to we're off to the masters. And as suddenly as as the jets peeling off the tarmac tiger looks down and suddenly realized a home alone moment [Laughter] his bag of nike footwear has been left on the tarmac and he flies into augustine he he legs it he's never he's not run for 13 months but the speed is incredible he legs it down magnolia lane i've seen a little meme recently of like a clip of like forrest gump you know when like he gets rid of his shackles off his legs. And stuff forest gump running down backwards sunglasses he barges into the pro shop and he says jeffrey i don't know why jeffrey yeah i feel like jeffrey knox might be in there okay you know the marker that does that yeah sunday jeff i need some footwear this is. So tight we're just booking a t time for colin for next.

Week gonna book on for 10 40 on tuesday [Laughter] oh tuesday we've got a very big tournament on what do you mean i pay qazillion pound dollars a year yeah i want my tea time tiger said with a shoehorn trying on the footwork it goes in the back i've got i can there's one off the display do you mind taking the one off the display well i need a size 10 we've got a nine enough. Or an eleven i'm sure they'll be in like in two weeks and if you want to buy a pair of socks we'll give you 20 off well obviously i'll do that obviously. And put them on my account i'm not going to cash on me he's got he's had some twos there of course he has he's probably got a decent two two's kitty yes in the pro shop at augusta he'd run 16 didn't he's not used that money. Yet there we go so long story short with our investigative journalism we've got to the bottom of why tiger woods is wearing. For joe golf well last thing on this is apparently a nike statement i don't know how genuine this is well you'll hear what i'm going to say it's very very there's a guy called espn caddy i think you'll know it yeah yeah. And he's apparently spoke somebody at nike and he's got a statement so how true is i don't know. But it's very kind of vanilla it says like golf fans around the world we are delighted to see tiger back on the course he's an incredible athlete. And is a phenom. And it's phenomenal to see him return to the game at this level his story continues to transcend sport and inspire us all as he continues his return we will work with him to meet his new needs. And we're sending the guy to the tarmac at jupiter to pick up his bag of shoes and bring him exactly first class carrier to augusta did you think when we were um like on the weekend think about this podcast we would talk about tiger shoes not at all here we are. But this is what happens i've got a really interesting question i think it's been broke quite a lot recently how to hit the ball. So far just speed it's just speed you're going the gym occasionally do you think what do you think the other competitors like there's 90 other players playing at augusta this week 91 in total with the tiger players wasn't how do you think they had feeling in with like the tiger search love it because it takes the energy off them yeah because think about it they a lot of them would have grown up loving tiger woods. So you'd imagine i don't know this for a fact but most of them obviously would admire him and respect him and want to chew his ear off and see how he plays the game play practice rounds with him maybe but he said we're talking now about tiger tiger tiger as every other media outlet is because it gets people excited. And it gets you know it's the talking points every other golf has kind of slipped under the radar so it must be a good thing there's gonna be more eyeballs on it as well so if even if you it let's just say john ron for example wins the master this year and tiger's playing surely there'll be more eyeballs watching john ram than if tiger wasn't played that's only gonna make jon realms brand bigger and better you're not scary that this and you've hit the nail on the head right there it takes the pressure off all the other players genuinely and this is no disrespect to john rahm i'd almost forgot about someone like john rahm this week yeah isn't it weird. And that's wrong i'll tell you i've also just forgotten about the actual current world number one scotty sheffler scotty sheffler who's like won three times this year like he imagine tiger not in the field would it all be about scotty i don't think it would all be i think there's always going to be pressure on rory yeah because you get that green jacket that he's very nearly had i think you've got guys past winners that are the you've read couples. And stuff they always get a bit of headlines because obviously the back and just see how they get on um you've got bryce did he call the past 67 that time. So that's always a bit of a headline i've got a um i've got my money on somebody not actual money's not bad but in my head it's money or should we have three picks each all three i've only got one but i'll take three let's do three picks each gonna hold up mine i write them down okay well i'll do mine first. And then.

I'll pick if i'm doing three my actual genuine pick is your friend of mine victor of hovland shire oh nice i think victor hovland he's obviously recently played. So solidly he's only played the masters twice actually once as an amateur and he won low amateur and last time he came like 21st or something so not like absolutely set the world on fire yeah. But he can obviously get it around there. And he's on such good form i've not even downloaded the masters app i've not yet to be fair he's my kind of genuine who i feel like could do very well i'm also going to go with more of a who i'd like to do well i'm going to go out boy tommy yeah i feel like when he's on he's such a good golfer i'm actually have a quick look now at how he's done that because i could be saying that i think he's done decent rounds i think has done very well yeah. But i think tommy's play he's obviously straight off the tee he's iron plays pretty good he's very good he's going to look like tommy yeah. So a bit of a podcast um theme here yeah. So he's well somebody's tommy's best finish actually he's only well only he's tied 17 for 2018 and he's had a tied 19 in 2020 but i still think he could do well. And i'm also gonna go with ah this is a tough one now i don't want to go with a pro i mean i'll know us victor's obviously a real favorite i don't wanna go with a super super super favorite i'm going to throw out let's see what i'm going to go with another this is a random one. And this isn't one that's good again going to do necessarily actually win it i'm going to go again with the podcast guy i'm going with minwoo lee he's my outsider okay all right. So you've gone victor hovland thomas fleetwood yeah okay. So i'm gonna go and i'm i'm not gonna think with my heart i'm gonna try. And think with my head i feel like you're you're pickster i write the. So i've been happy got one head two hearts um for me i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with my head justin thomas yeah i know it's not a ridiculous shout out i'm also gonna go even though i just forgot about him i'm gonna go drum roll. So you're picking the world's top five nice i'll go i'll go for an outsider um outsider outsider who's the best ranked left-handed golf in the world now let me have a look what's up now world ranking i've got another question for you as well in a minute i've got another good question for you that's going to cause debate i don't want to hear your thoughts on it uh right let me just find out who the best work left-handed golfers in the world right now because left-handers do incredible around bubba phil do you think yeah four five where phil's not in no. But i'm saying you've done well oh yeah sorry yeah uh right who is i'm gonna probably pick not get someone there now um there's not many left-handers i opened the leaderboard these days oh my god. So this is your you can't just pick a random left-hander now if you don't let's pick another pick then.

Who's your outsider gonna be uh my outsider is gonna be i'll go i'll go outside outside um my outsider's gonna be oh oh this is curveball okay go on lee westwood nice. So you've gone victor tommy min i've gone justin john lee right very good i've got a question for you yeah. And i want you honest opinion and this might be a clip on the youtube channel so if you want to have your say comment down below as always if you're just listening in the car on emails when it's safe to do. So you're not driving do. So it's podcast rickshield.com my question for you is i'm looking through the entries the the invites the people that are playing. And one name that springs out to me straight away is stan delisle okay okay. So sandy lyle as many people know is a legend within the game. And he won the masters in 1988 so a couple years before i was born. And he as a winning the masters you get a lifetime invitation to play his recent finishes in the masters and i'll go just years from now kind of backwards cut cut cut cut cut cut cut then.

< p>2014 he was tied 44 2013 tied 54. And then.

A few years before that cut cut cut cut sorry and then.

Tied 20. so his best finish in recent memory was tied 20th in 2009. And then.

He's basically missed the cut from from the millennium pretty much most years mr cut so this is real i don't really have an opinion on that well i kind of i can see both sides. But there will be an argument that people say why are you playing when you've literally got no chance of making the cut um other people would say he's obviously 64 years old he's obviously got an invitation it's probably a great week. For his family i'm sure he'll play with whoever at the par 3 contest it'll be a nice weekend away um a week away he goes for the masters dinner and his green jacket all that stuff should he be in the field still should he still be playing what's your honest opinion the thing is what you've just highlighted there of all the things that he could be doing he could still be doing without playing the actual tournament he can still go there with his family he can still go to the green jacket dinner which obviously from when we spoke to sir nick sounds like an amazing evening. And he can still play the par-3 tournament there's lots of old legends that play the r3 tournament i think is it just has it been jack nicholas this year that's actually pulled out of the par three i think he has yeah yeah. So you can still do all that teaming up actually playing i don't know maybe i don't know what the criteria should be i think it still has to be down to player um choice really discretion the discretion of the player i still think this is a difficult thing with golf because again. And this is why i'm talking to hear all the people's thoughts i've got kind of two schools i think in my first thought is what other sport is in the world where you can have a young 20 year old lad competing with a guy 64 in the same field it's not gonna happen in football is it obviously it's not gonna happen any sport really maybe darts potentially i don't know. So the fact that sunderland can go. And compete if you wanna you know yeah that's that is really kind of unique. And it's quite inspirational but when you look at golf on a more holistic level we're trying to make the game appeal a bit cooler and appeal to more people so the younger people really does it look great if somebody's playing is not going to make the cut i don't know. And and is it is it right that he does take someone's spot. Or does the field just get well i don't know because they snap invites don't they. So i don't know if then.

I probably should admit my research i don't know if he's i don't think he's taking a spot no because the field is. So at what point does it come at what point should an athlete say golfer say right i've had my however. many years i don't know i think the conversation in the open is much more is it only prevalent because with the open they can play it to a certain year because that actually got extended because of tom watson he's playing. So good he obviously nearly won it when stewart sink won it in the playoff um i believe that got extended to a certain year but then.

As you're getting to the latter ages of that year you are literally taking a spot off another player because if you drop out they're just gonna allow another qualifier in yeah whether i think the masters is different in that capacity sure there will be a reserve list i would imagine. But well apparently um i can't quite remember it's for the open i think you get obviously i should have this before should he play. Or not it's a really hard one and i i probably looking in from the outside i would say he probably shouldn't be playing but it's probably very very difficult for him to hang his actual playing ability up his rights to play in the masters do you think it's more it's a probably combination of two things it's probably that it's an amazing week like i said with your family playing an amazing golf course who wouldn't want to play that i wonder if it's almost a bit deeper than that as well it's some like you don't want to stop playing because it almost makes you feel like you're getting older. And yeah you know what i mean if he's playing if he's won in 1998. And played every year since then.

And then.

Suddenly you don't play 33 year 34 years later that must feel quite strange but you look at like faldo obviously we spoke to him he plays he played on yesterday he played it with his son that's class you know the sunday yeah san diego could still do all this yeah he could still go. And play on the sunday before the masters he could still go to the par 3 tournament and still be there and be present and walk around with your green jacket and be spotted and and obviously sign some autographs and takes well you can't take selfies there's no one else phones. But like you can still feel you're there you're part of it. But does he does he need to be teeing it up not sure yeah i'm not sure i don't think i would massively want to i think once it got past a certain time. And i and and i just knew yeah i was going to chop it around. For two days don't think i'd really want to another question. For you are you in the clubhouse which one our clubhouse which one there's only one clubhouse well i've i've list technically listen to it yes you're in the clubhouse yeah yeah. So if you're not sure what the club house is. And you've heard it on social media the clubhouse is this uh mystical place where once you've listened to every single episode of the rick shields golf show podcast you're in it we might set up an nft i might have an nfc to celebrate um. And it's a bit of a sense of achievement because if you found the club if you found the podcast quite late and let's say it was on episode 80. you've got to do a lot of groundwork to get in. But once you're in it's only one a week it's easy maybe a bonus clip here and sometimes it's not enough for some people exactly and we've built up this amazing community of people and the main kind of platforms that people um have dialogue is on facebook there's obviously the rick shields golf show podcast facebook group not everybody wants to have facebook. Or use facebook for different reasons that's fine because mark zuckerberg's a lizard yes exactly did you see matt's like a bird as well like i did that time then.

I just i think you might have done i don't know zuckerberg yeah he's a lizard uh don't no i'm sorry mark um i'm really smart actually listen to this occasionally however. there actually is now. For those tweeters out there those twitterers there's a new thing called communities so you if you're on twitter you might see it there's like a new like um tab essentially called communities and you've set on uprick i did the clubhouse i did talk tonight well i've picked up my phone. And suddenly there was a clubhouse thingy that some yeah they've been set up yeah no it's it's um it's like the facebook community group. But on twitter um it seems to be doing quite well though it does. So basically if you go on to if you again if you're a twitter user if you're not this little section might be boring but go into communities there's a search bar type in the clubhouse all one word and you'll find it's got the rickshaws logo above it there's currently 243 members and basically it's a place you can tweet people. And ask questions but what's quite unique is the tweets kind of live within that platform. So if you've got like followers who aren't into golf and tweet about golf it might people might be bothered but all your tweets sit in that kind of section so it's quite good if you want to play golf for somebody you've got a free tea time you want to sell a club or whatever i don't know so if you want to join it join it if you don't don't i'm going to shout out three members oh now wow. So we've got over 200 members already in the twitter community so shout out to scott goodrich i've always liked scott from illinois sent louise oh nice i know i don't think. So louise isn't illinois actually um i'm gonna pick names i can pronounce patrick oakley oakley good guy okay doesn't say where he's from. But in his banner he's got the matsuyama caddy head nod from this year respect to the game and then.

Last one oh blue ticker we've got a blue sticker in there sam frost frosty bristol rovers reporter for bristol live i've always said i like frosty 100 as if he wasn't from bristol did that time you. And frosty fell out we don't talk about that though well i'll tell the story it was frosty when he had head covers on his irons. And he went i'll get lost frosty and he was like don't call me frosty in front of my wife you know what we'll always call you frosty your wife call us froster we'll get a big fight last one aaron lowe loewy. So yeah if you want to be shouted out randomly join the twitch you might not want to um speaking of the podcast though i know while we're on the podcast we're just another little plug. And we did say we're going to talk about this again. But we are going to talk about it one more time maybe two more times it's a live podcast show. So actually we've had some uh intel from the people that kind of put it all together and ticket sales have gone down quite nicely rick but i think the downside was gone down quite down we've sold a good amount truthfully however. when we first announced it it was quite a long way in advance. So i just want to give it a couple more pushes because people may have heard a couple of months ago and thought oh that's too far i don't like thinking so far in the future so if you are interested in watching this podcast live it might be good it might not be good it's a date again 28th of may. So that is a saturday the 28th of may put in your diary please. And it is at islington assembly hall um which is in london at the angel area doors open at 6 30 p.m it will be more like a half seven to eight vibe um. And it should run for an hour or so if you want to skip after a few scoops we can watch the football yeah all that jazz yeah. So if you want to come we if you're watching this video there'll be a link in the description if you're listening again there'll be this link in the description if you do want to get tickets the easiest way is to go on the podcast show london.com. Or just google rick shields podcast live london something like that and you'll find it and it's really simple you can get tickets on there. So we'd love to see you there we might give it one or two more plugs towards today's thought has been a headline act um even though john robbins called me out on this uh i thought we would have sold out yeah obviously who wants to watch a podcast live i do not know you guys you guys listen to watching me i've got another question. For you rick go first this time it's a dear rick so it's from um a guy called jamie i will leave his surname um blank because he might not want to send him left right out he says today.

Was the first medal of the season. And i was really looking forward to it all week went up to the driving range a few times this last week. And i've been striking the ball really well so i was uh confident of hitting a decent score from the second hole in we found we were behind stuck behind a very slow three ball as it was a medal we expected it to be slower pace than maybe a stableford would be. But it was very very slow. And this um group in front were not letting us through it got to the point uh we were waiting between four. And five minutes i see every shot hit into greens etcetera eventually my round um became poor i was irritable. And all that great graft on the range all that weak became pointless because my head had started to go do you have any tips on how to deal with this mentally i've tried slowing it down chance of playing patterns in between shots etcetera. But ultimately i always lose my concentration and whenever i'm playing golf and it's slow play help rick please i think the only thing you can do is actually try. And change your practice into more play scenario so when you're at driving range as you know certainly if you go to someone like trafford it's got automatic tees it's very easy to hit a lot of golf balls very very very quickly yes. And you can easily get into your flow doing that suddenly the bad shots don't really matter. And you're just whacking away and you kind of get into this nice tempo this nice flow and suddenly things start to click but then.

That doesn't transcend down to the golf course regardless of the speed of play when you're playing because it's a much slower pace out on the golf course so what i'd actually recommend him to try and this might not be the perfect scenario but i think it could really work. For this situation is when he practices try. And practice very very kind of spaced out exactly yeah it's like track really difficult to do this try. And hit like 10 balls in a 30 minute window wow i know just try it just for this example because i think that would really teach him ways of being able to keep his swing. And his and his mental approach in check when he gets on the golf course and it's slow so like things like you can do practice swings he can he can keep himself distracted um he could be kind of working a little bit of mechanics to some degree. And he could transcend that onto the golf course but then.

When you got into the golf course then.

It doesn't quite feel as as differently paced potentially um the other option is that if he prefers to play faster he's trying to get a much much earlier tee off time yeah like try. And get the first tee off time that you can go. For like whether that's at seven o'clock or go for one of the much much later ones and leave a bit of a gap if you can um if you're going out at like 10 o'clock on a saturday you're probably going to be slowing it yeah it is. For straight and slow playing one of those things that sounds obvious this when you have been playing golf actually more on the golf course and you can see why it does annoy people. And it's not that you want to absolutely whizz around but when you get to the shot on you might hit your teacher on a par four and you've got a shot instagram you're waiting for what feels like an eternity certainly in a comp if it's a casual round just chat whether when you want to kind of stay quite switched on it's difficult i must admit i've been quite lucky i don't think i've ever experienced it i'd say the only certainly in recent years the only exp whether i'm the slow player. But in more recent years the only time i've experienced it in the sound of daphne it might bring come on to my next.

Story quite nicely um i experienced it at mini golf when it's just like painstakingly slow and you've got like six groups every hole and you've got a watch like the kid knock it around the hole 15 times before you get it in um to avoid that this weekend they won't play mini golf but we went early way before the rush and it was much more pleasurable well that's the that's the um did you say scotty cameron's. And pro v1 no i didn't actually. But something happened that at the time i didn't think it offended me. But afterwards it's it's really grated on me go on so we went with another family okay. So there was me my wife. And three kids and another family couple they have two kids kids at school whatever parents really go on so is it the fact they didn't bring a laser range finder they don't play golf right at all. So i was the only golfer did you say glove with you. And put in your back pocket do anything i thought i'll play legit. So we got there and obviously the expectation level is fairly high okay yep. Or certainly i think the expectation level is fairly high they probably don't really care how you play. But yeah i think i think i think all the dad was quite competitive okay. So to the point where like the first hole kind of added i did it in like three like quite whatever standard okay he did it in three. And he was like at the time i didn't think it was gonna be a big deal even i tied you on that hole i thought oh here we go it's gonna be one of them is it. So anyway long story short we played and we got round to the 16th okay. And the 16th hole is a there's a short cut you can go up a hill. And down a hole and through the tiger line through a shoot and it shoots out to the hole okay yep. So i hit this one shot i went up the hill and it just didn't quite get to the hill and i annoyingly scooted that down so i went the safe safe route and ended up with a three or whatever mate of mine never played golf before never done we've never really done money golf before i know he's coming here go to the tiger route okay up the hill perfect pace kind of swivels around the hole like a like a whirlwind. And drops in boxed it this is the this is the oh this is right okay you got the shoot shoot comes down out whoosh straight out okay now still no guarantee it's going to go in yeah many times comes out it hits like the side of the hole. And there's like a full 360. drops in for a hole in one okay thank you crap just beat me on that hole like comfortable. So the time i thought he's not gonna i'm not gonna be a big deal it was a big deal of course it was a big deal to him more than it yesterday. But it grated on me so next.

Hole really tough like ridiculously hard holding stroking next.

One on the path three guys on the mini gal games the one with the spine going down it's the 17th of the trafford with like the dinosaur spider yes did he wonder what you were doing when she did aim points. So i'm there and so how we did it the five kids played in the group in front of us. And the four adults played in the group behind okay. So the four the five kids were kind of messing about whatever jumping onto the next.

Home whatever. But my eldest daughter kind of was hanging around our group a little bit. So daddy why is that man winning [Laughter] daddy i thought you were good at golf why why are you not winning this. So anyway the one with the spine i hit right into the chute like so hard to do that right right into flooring to the spine okay. So it's coming down the tunnel right so i i hit a it was like a silver ball okay yeah quite a nice silver ball straight in the tunnel silver ball shoots down the spine okay gets to the end i'm thinking this is guaranteed in like this one i know it's gonna go in right at the end out pops a gold ball oh. So it's been a bit of a clog a gold ball goes straight in the hole oh my days my daughter is laughing her head off because what she done not knowing she'd put her gold ball at the end of the tunnel ah hoping that another ball would hit her ball. And it'd go in did you discipline her yeah yeah thank you you will not cause a minigame again if you behave like that how did you embarrass me you embarrassed me yourself your mother. So i couldn't believe it so she was laughing her head off. So so like i'm in this situation now i kind of have to laugh yeah yeah. But you don't want to laugh i don't want to cry so like so i went and got the ball my silver ball yeah i was like i just i just have one more go oh one more go cheating just in case i think about that. So then.

I hit up the shoot i'm like oh that's fine i can't believe i've done it twice i can't believe we've done it coming back down the shoot in it came out the shoot with like a little like like no energy. So hard on it it really hurts so then.

We planned then.

To go on the proper driving range yeah there we go. But um we decided to go to the arcade instead you're getting too competitive this is ridiculous in the arcade just very quick story. So me and the other couple we spent on all the rides and all this ridiculous arcades there's such a rip off those bloody grabby things right try and grab a toy but you just think you're gonna win. So um 30 pound each each couple and they walked out with literally a packet of sweets yeah yeah anyway um i've got a story you know about. And again it's a bit of a controversial one so may i'll go with your lead you want to name the golf club on this um the golfers stripped of a competition for not attending presentations this is the one that my mum texts me around yes um can i mention the club. Or not um i think we should yeah okay. So stockport golf club which is a golf course very very close to us we've actually filmed the break 75 there before a couple of videos yeah i've played the what a golf course it's one of my favorites. For some reason you know when you go to a golf course you just get a vibe for it we've played there a couple well i've played with you well start again we filmed then.

I've played on my own one time uh when i went that day thinking of ideas generally awesome and it's just a golf course that's got yeah the course is stunning. So stockport golf club shout out to this capital course it's got tradition which might be the thing that slightly holding back but but it doesn't feel snooty right it's not one of those ones where if i had my phone out i wouldn't feel bad and if i wore a hoodie i wouldn't feel too bad um gary the pro actually has left recently he's moved on to another golf course he's unbelievable pro shop was great um always really well stocked just a really really really really really nice vibe however. yeah however. um i i think might be several twitter accounts. For the golf club but anyway they had a twitter account and had is the key word here there was s c g c. So stockport golf club gents comps that was the at username. And i the tweet has since been deleted as has the actual account which is quite a big move wow. But basically i can't actually find the actual tweet anywhere now but that's an article on golf monthly about it that's kind of how um viral i use that term loosely but viral in the golf world it went where essentially there was a saturday competition. And there was it was a better ball i think. And i believe 38 38 points won 37 points came second and then.

36 points came third okay. But the team that got 38 and team that got 37 didn't attend the presentation stockport golf club decided to give it to the third place as first if that makes sense so so the disqualified first and second essentially yeah now i think the whole purpose of this tweak because that's what you might do internally at the golf club. And whatever the whole purpose of this tweet was to kind of they they put it just shows how important it is to attend presentations now again the beauty of opinion might be a lot of people listening to this. Or watching this who completely agree with that thing well yeah he should be at the presentation however. it went down very very um poorly on twitter with a lot of people now again i know if twitter is a hive of opinion. But several people were saying that actually you know a lot of people have families who might want to play golf which is four. Or five hours so then.

We get in there early for a comp day and stuff they have to go home i thought they can't wait around for presentation um other people said it's a it's a tough school um. But they know the rules and traditions when they join so it's not so much that the people they might have mowed it wasn't so much that the people who should have finished first and second were moaning it was more the golf club kind of showing off their tradition that actually went down very very poorly they were trying to flex on the fact that the disqualified first. And second really weren't there yeah. And somebody else tweeted that i could partially understand this if it was a major club championships. Or whatever potentially but for a full ball better ball stableford it kind of seems a little bit over the top um and it seems you know it it helps to fuel this kind of negative image that golf is elitist. And old-fashioned yeah. And that's why people don't want to play comps and join clubs so it's a tough one isn't it it's a really really strange one because part of a golf club is the community aspect yes. And part of winning competitions and and being you know if you certainly if you're in a major and your name's on the board and you get presented a trophy all that is kind of it comes part. And parcel of winning something you'd like to think. And in an ideal perfect world you'd have a hundred competitors playing in the golf day and straight after or whatever after that evening you'd have a 100 people at the presentation the winner would win first second play second nice speech nice photos off you go that's not the real world you can't because they're just guys at seven o'clock the first t7 the last he's twelve and the twelve guy finishes at four half past four com five the seven o'clock guy unless he comes back he's not gonna stay all the way that's the only way you could possibly do it shotgun starts. But even then.

It then.

It's very difficult but if it was a shotgun start when everyone teed off at nine o'clock. And i've almost finished at one and you're in the bar anyway and whatever quick presentation is guy charnock here you've won longest drive again shock shock there you go there's your longest drive award like it kind of makes sense i think what they've done there though is like you said they've tried to flex it. And they've tried to kind of they've tried to stamp their authority down by saying you know if you're not going to attend you're not going to win your prize. But there has to be justification here there has to be some level of of understanding there has to be some level of of um coming up into the modern world where if you're a modern family man or doesn't you don't have to be a family man just a modern manager or modern person in general you've got a lot of things going on. And golf sometimes is not every single minute of your saturday it's it's. For four or five hours that you can you can afford to use to play golf. And enjoy it sport that you love and maybe one you get want to get better at but then.

The rest of the day is family time. Or or your own actual time that you want to yeah again rightly. Or wrong whatever way your opinion is. Or people's opinions i hopefully these kind of incidents should encourage golf clubs to maybe rethink things and hopefully potentially change some traditions that actually aren't that or you know have more regular presentation evenings maybe have one every month or so or i'm not everybody can still attend. But if anything they might encourage people to attend on a thursday night once a month and maybe have a couple of drinks and spend money in the clubhouse or whatever i don't know um what's interesting i wonder if you'd ever get to a stage where it's almost like an awards ceremony like like the oscars or or the brits and stuff and it's just at stockport golf club and it's like there might be some fighting again but like you get one of those ones where it's like oh so uh jim jim smith couldn't make it today.

But we're going live to gym now at his home timeshare in turkey i'm made up of one um i hit the ball well that pie after nine really helped i think that's what they've got to do i think that would be absolutely brilliant he's a bit sunburned his wife's not going what is that account i love it oh the internet's not very good here sorry guys jim you're upside down turn the camera around are we not going to be readers on the couch see your screen another question then.

Last one before we wrap this up actually quick thing i'm not going to absolutely ages. But people listen on apple and spotify each one of the rate us a few stars ideally four or five stars please do not have any rains. For a while which is fine it doesn't offend me. But it's nice if you want to it's like a tip so when you go out for a steak and you tip the restaurant whether you want to or not and it's like add it on and it's like oh i'm not that will not paying it. But fine as well cause they want to be awkward just see this as a little tip okay four. Or five stars oh you can actually send us money on paypal um the question on facebook had many questions. But a lot of them kind of covered throughout the conversation with that the masters who want to win who we think will win etc etc this one's a um interesting question from david he said why is it that golf clubs are offering memberships cheaper to younger people is this ageism now i've got two schools of thought again on this i've loved there's a lot of debate today.

So i feel like there's a lot of people to get the teeth stuck into and uh have it either a moan or a wind or a comment or whatever so feel free he's not even going to the dude perfect video yeah oh yeah um basically yes golf clubs do often offer cheaper memberships. So when i've looked around before at memberships you typically get a junior membership which is fine up to 18 years old it's normally. Or thankfully very cheap and that's great i think i think most people can get behind that because juniors that are obviously if it's not then.

Pain it's the parents it's a good way to get them into the sport it's often hopefully if the golf course does a good job can keep them as members potentially. For life or for longer term and they don't always get the same rights as the gents do they. So they can't play on saturday in the men's comp often whatever so there's the certain things they cannot get yeah which i think i don't think they should i think they should get everything really i think what i've seen in the past where some bitter older people have said yeah. But they've got to play six that six times a week i've got to work yeah. But it's part of being a kid yeah i suppose again this yeah i think when i was a junior we were allowed to play in the men's comps was up to a nine handicap. Or better and i think that the reason the rationale behind that was that you're obviously at a good level. So you're gonna hold your own on the golf course i think yeah whatever that that is that's you know up. For debate i think with this what you probably losing to a bit more is that often then.

At golf clubs you have like a cult membership maybe 18 to 21. And then.

Even now a lot of golf clubs you have like cheaper membership up to even at 35 now the reason behind the golf club doing that i think is because they want to encourage again this younger profile who will hopefully join. And stay for longer obviously thankfully i'm under the age 35 so if i went to these golf clubs i would benefit from that so to me it's obviously a brilliant thing however. if you're 40 42 and you're in a golf club and you're paying two grand a year and you may use 34 from work paying 1200 quid and they get everything the same i could kind of understand why that might feel a bit annoying but it's the golf club very simply has to have to do a spreadsheet with all their members. And how old all their members are. And it's very easy to categorize and go right this is the situation from 40 year old. And plus we've got more members than we'll ever need really right now we have anyway from 40 to the grand old age of 100 we've got 75 of our membership right now so under 40 we have to target yeah. So so we can't offer them more yes you can't actually offer any more services an extra 20 holes yeah all you can do is offer a better rate yeah to encourage the all the 25. And i'm making these numbers up really off top of my head but i'm probably not far off for the rest of the rest of the the golfing community we have to bring those people in and we have to do it at price that it's going to suit. And it's going to encourage them. And also the other thing it's governed by all the golf clubs you don't have to take you don't have to get one golf club in your area to do it yeah. And everyone has to do it because you all you all have to kind of work a bit like house prices house prices are very much governed on your neighbors. And stuff how you know how much it's going to sell. For so um i i think it's a very very important. And sensible decisions golf clubs make and if golf clubs don't have to do it well then.

That's fine they must be doing very well it's like my gym. For example just it's just one amount i think no matter what you might be something. For like pensioners potentially i don't know well that's where it flipped the other way the opposite way that's where over over 55 or over 60 you'd get it yeah i kind i can kind of get his point. And i do kind of understand that if you join the gulf when he falls out of a category you might get annoyed about it. But ultimately it's quite simple why they do it isn't it um if you're paying a lot if you're paying the top right it means you're in the majority really yeah that means you've got a lot of people at that age range being a member of the golf club yeah um should we ever i want to really talk about this. So over the weekend dude perfect yes who are dude perfect five american um blokes who have a youtube channel one of the biggest youtube channels in the world 53.8 million subscribers not bad they're doing all right we're catching them up um. So five of them i've actually my biggest ever video on the channel is where i've played golf with two of them um when they're over here in the uk they're the third biggest sports channel in the world they do kind of trick shot videos they do super huge viral videos um. And a lot of them are really into golf the big golf big fans of golf now they do a video that's called all sports battle where they'll have a golf bag all five players will have a golf bag. But it's everything but golf clubs in the bag says tennis rackets baseball bats hockey sticks what's called like these um foxtail things that they throw there's like frisbees there's volleyballs there's footballs it's it's a fantastic concept and they've been doing it for about four or five years where they'll go and play a golf hole and as soon as you've used that one particular item let's say it's a tennis racket you can't use it again on that hole okay well over the weekend i saw it teased a couple of weeks ago they filmed a new one. And it came out this week and this week is masters week. And they've managed to do an all sports battle with one of the best players in the world bryce nishambo yes. And the five dude perfect um creators and such players i've managed to do it on the three most famous golf holes in the whole of the world the 11th the 12th. And the 13th at augusta wow golf club that is big it's ridiculous huge. And i think it's. So big because as we know and like say even speaking to cernick a couple of weeks ago how strict and and on it or guster are about their exclusivity. And about their content creation like bar the masters i tell you what no i'll tell you what they i reckon they have softened over the last few years though because of things like the the amateur event that happened last week yeah the amateur girls the drive chip. And put which has happened this weekend that was class by the way not any of that though it's ridiculous how good was it before is class. And and now kind of things like this they are obviously trying [Music] slowly. But surely peeling back this kind of layer of of shield that they've had so fixed for many many years um the video has gone absolutely viral it was number one trending on youtube in the first six hours i think it's had nearly four million views as we speak right now it's only been about two days um invented about a day. Or two days um i absolutely loved it i absolutely loved every bit of it it showed augusta in a very different way um like there was a moment where um i think it was bryce. And the shambo was lying down on the 13th green with a pool cue what was that ball it wasn't that like a crow cable was it something they're trying to trying to pot the the ball not a golf ball a bigger ball with a pool cue on the green at augusta it's crazy i mean i just loved every bit of it however.. And i thought the tv's got off but don't worry i thought for me that 99.9 of the other people would love it too yes it's not quite been that has it when you look at the yeah um the comments actually on the video from what i can see are typically very very positive as you would imagine they are because a lot of the people that comment are followers. Or fans or subscribers whatever um on social media though there was a bit more certainly on bryson's because bryson put a picture on his instagram the guys who do perfect did on bryson's in particular was a bit more negativity possibly from the more kind of authentic golfers um yeah i don't massively get the the people not liking it i think well the reason people don't like it is because this is like almost the holy grail of golf don't they it's almost borderline disrespects it which i don't think it does um i think my kind of take on it is that master the masters wants to grow their social presence don't they they want to grow their own youtube channel which does very very well around the masters week as you can imagine it gets millions. And millions of views they have all the rights all the footage if tiger makes hole in one it's going on their channel it'll get loads of views. So at the end of the video dude perfect you know shouted out the masters channel and bryson's channel they both got a huge kick out of it you'd imagine um i think it's good though that like i think one thing you sometimes can get um almost wrong is that you think because it's quite a traditional tournament a lot of the people that you see there are middle-aged white men that that is all the team behind the scenes. And it will not be they will have such a diverse workforce of younger people from different backgrounds who get what's going on same as the rna you might think incorrectly that the rna is full of old middle-aged blokes we know a lot of the staff there isn't that. So it's a lot of forward-thinking very kind of progressive people who are clued up. And they get well paid because of the back and they should do. So it's great to see things like the masters and augusta national embracing how to hit new audiences and i think if you wanted to hit an audience that are into sports it's definitely a way of doing it like say it it pretends it'll be interesting to see if it makes any actual impacts on how many people watched golf over the weekend. But it's not done it any hard that's the big thing it's not done any harm at all and i i thought it's amazing and from a content creator i got a lot of people saying oh but you're jealous about it i'm like not even a tiny bit it's not like it's if anything it it's exciting because it's showing that that one of the biggest golf tournaments in the world and one of the best venues in the world are it's now inclined to open their arms open the gates to social content the only that's crazy the only question i would have around. And this is being super like looking at it in it stupidly close. But a lot of the comments were this is the greater to grow the game which it may. Or may not i don't know how you measure that the only thing that sometimes slightly not upsets me is that we have to grow the game of golf by not actually playing golf like they weren't played kind of loosely linked to golf by getting an object to a whole. But then.

He thinks is golf that boring that we can't show off to younger people by them just playing golf it has to be a sports take on it with me yeah whether they even had conversations about do we actually make it more golf authentic. Or not but um yeah that that's probably a different a different kind of chat. But um i mean it's a bit like i think a lot of people. And i would have a hundred percent been like this thinking places like saint andrews would have been very very like closed gates no you're not doing anything yeah we got permission to go. And film around there play in reverse with memory lee playing with hickory clubs on a sunday i think the difference is now though is that there's something in it. For them isn't it ultimately because like the masters like i don't know we might have to pull it up actually but they will have gained off the back of that definitely subscribers like hundred percent they will have done now the only thing is that they've got those hidden. And then.

Probably i've checked my emails a lot yeah i've gone back. For like the last six months i don't feel like i've seen an email from the you know what it masters be because it's gone to junk no it was because when you initially said at the start of this bit how many subscribers did perfect had you said i think 53 points something oh yeah no you're actually four million off oh they've got 57. the amount that you're wrong by is double what we even have. So that joins the scale how big the channel actually is they've just got more subscribers than we have on our channel in this chat yeah just after they've actually you forgot about four million of their subscribers you've got the exit we've only got two you've only got two often to do with you you've got two million ha. But either way masters if if you need a little break 75 round there or uh or um any anything else if you want me to come and rate the bunkers if you want a video they'll be seen at least 10 times less than the dude perfect one we'll do it at least 10 times maybe 100 times less than the difference they've got 4.5 million after what shows us one day if we had 450 000 in that time we'd be very happy. So um but we'll be cheaper we would be cheating dude perfect um so i'm gonna do a podcast maybe there. And get fifty thousand views masters yeah we'll do a podcast as well if you want to email uspga you want any content doing you guys i'm just thinking masters masters if you're an email uh podcast at rickshaws.com we'll find out we'll either way yeah at something at rickshaws we will pay you yes actually we'll pay you to come. And do it please thank you uh right anyway enjoy the masters everyone this week um i think it's gonna be epic i can't wait to see if tiger's playing. And all the other nice stuff that comes with the masters very good yeah i want to buy some footjoy shoes now i know peace out everyone yeah bye.