Oh is that not meant to happen am i bothered yeah not even bothering me if you're rocking that tash. And that hairdo you've gotta have swagger welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host it's episode 126 and today.

We've got special co-host mr matt fryer matt thanks coming on the podcast pal absolute pleasure i feel like i've got very big shoes to fill with guy not being here i mean sat behind his trophy here i feel him over my shoulder well he's not over your shoulder today.

Because he's actually on holiday. So he won't be barging and kicking you out your chair like an in-depth moment yeah we've we've framed you this is actually not real. But thanks for joining us uh i couldn't think of anyone better to speak about the masters. And what's going on what what's going on in the world who would have thought imagine starting this year. And somebody said to you they've got a crystal ball yeah. And they say to you right rick the world number one is going to win the masters this year you think okay yeah i can i can go with that yeah someone like john rahm maybe colin murray coward sneaked into world number one just okay thomas see then.

Thinking okay well that's feasible i can live with that then.

They say okay the guy that's winning the masters has already won three times. So far this year you think wow this guy somebody's on a heater it's tiger back has rory hit some form is tiger back imagine if someone said that to you by the way the tigers playing i'm done you're gonna see on sunday of the masters tiger in red amazing yeah then.

They say okay all that being said the guy who wins the masters this year four-putted the last hole. And still won by three what kind of madness is this what world are we living in unbelievable scotty sheffler you have become a legend in four months yeah i like how he asked is caddy as well um before the final put how many have we got to win this by the way how mad i imagine being in that position stood on 18. uh just a quick one can i can i have another three goes. Or or not the crowd's reaction was really on that last book all right wrap it up yeah they started cheering. And then.

All the patrons like no no remember this is augustine we don't do that here calm down. So joking aside scotty scheffler he's coming to this tournament as world number one as not the favorite still which is crazy to think um he is absolutely dominated he'd barely put a foot wrong he's navigated the augusta national in emphatic style um when he needed to par home. And decided to go on a birdie run yeah when rory macro which we will definitely come on to shoots a final round of 64. And still loses out by three yeah rory who come on it was just phenomenal. So um it just it just seems so crazy why is he. So good matt what is it that makes him. So good cause i can't quite put my finger on it for me watching him all week i think that the biggest thing that he did hole in putts like not not lipping him in as well they were like dead center ten foot on him when it needed to go in it was like yeah are you on about pressure no i'll just roll that. And it's only six foot on those greens at like 14 and also he's chipping around the green sure is ridiculous just phenomenal because he hit he hit a few dodgy shots like i think he got away with a little bit. But while you look at that shot on 12 like almost duck hooks are 99 yeah well left of the green. But then.

Just no no no issue that didn't happen stone dead taps it in he's not got the most aesthetically pleasing golf swings has he no no i actually posted that like on youtube last night saying you don't have to have this perfect golf swing to go. And win it doesn't look the best but he just knows how to get his golf ball around the golf course yeah he just controls it. And i suppose to some degree for him was tiger taking all the headlines pre-tournament probably a bit of a blessing. For him yeah i think he comes he comes into the masters he's been like you say the crystal ball scenario there amazing wins these three tournaments coming in wins the match play. And he is like he is the man. But no one was really going scottish off is going to win he's going to win it was all tiger tiger tiger. And he's even even when he's won all these pga tour events in this short space of time at the start of the year he's not really been that hyped if it was rory that would have gone. And done that like the world would have imploded yeah the gulf will it wouldn't be here. But oh my god he's back he's going to win more than me more mages than jack nicklaus. But it was like oh he's he's one of you scott scheffler he'll be all right you know what he's just gone very underneath the radar yeah by the way he's the oldest 25 year old i've ever seen he's 42 in it he's 25 no it's mad. So i feel like he's going to have an unbelievable kind of future as well career he's in some mad stats. So scotty scheffler eight weeks ago had zero wins on pj tour yeah from 70 starts okay he'd not gone bad in his life he'd won 8.7 million career earnings no he's not he's not we don't need to have a whip around he's not short of change. And he's ranked number 14 in the world and as of today.

Four wins from 76 starts his now career earnings is 17.6 million oh. And that's just on course yeah never mind what's going to happen off course. For him now yeah he's ranked number one in the world as we know. And he's now the masters champion 2023. do you think he has a long career um looking at his swing. And looking at like he looks like he saves it a bit the only thing he reminds me of a little bit john spieth yeah he kind of reminds me when jordan was on a heater all those years ago like he looked unstoppable didn't it hits it a little bit everywhere. Or gets up and down from everywhere he really does remind me of spieth because again spieth maybe doesn't have the most aesthetically pleasing golf swing. But he just knew how to get the golf ball around and when he when he was dominating it's almost quite a similar story to some degrees i think jordan was here from texas jordan was a little bit younger than scottie is right now yeah. And it probably just that moment when he was it 2018 uh no it wasn't it was when will it won 2016 yeah 15 sorry 15 it was yeah when he dunked it in the water on 12 yeah jordan speaks after having like five shot head start coming to the back nine that was the his kind of slow demise yeah over the next.

Four. Or five years yeah. And his confidence really dipped and and even this weekend he missed the court he hits a few ports like doesn't look like jordan from from what we used to see yeah i'm not saying that's going to happen with scotty. But i could almost see it a little bit potentially you don't really like it listen he could absolutely prove me wrong because he has proved everybody wrong in the last four months i think with like the like the marketing machine behind the pga tour as well you look at like jordan's speed face a very similar thing jordan was like gonna be the next.

Tiger wasn't he when he came about it was like this is it. And then.

Obviously went on his mad major on one loads is where as we alluded to a little bit earlier with um with shafter it's like oh he's one yeah you know it's also mad he. So he had a caddy on he has a new caddy by the way this year yeah ted scott yeah who is a super famous caddy who actually retired yeah. And he's come out retirement to caddy for scotty imagine that and this is what he's got out of it come back i'll i'll i'll tell you what i'll do your favor i'll win the masters if you come back. For me how's about that um did you question footy did you enjoy the masters this year um yes yeah um i i backed i backed cam smith in january before he won the sony nice um. And before he won uh the players and before he won the plays yeah. So i was like happy about that obviously. But watching it i thought oh you know watching it from i think from like a sky standpoint some of the new camera angles that they had on the on the uh did you like that oh amazing i thought it really added to the viewing experience. And you know obviously tiger was back i like the new camera angles i wasn't always dead sure on that on that really depth of field oh yeah i like the different angles because i felt like yeah yeah like the drone angles. And then.

There's like the camera they had on 10 overlooking the bunker so you could actually get a little bit more of a an idea of the undulation i think sometimes in the past it was always the old comment of oh well the tv doesn't do any justice. For the slopes but then.

Like when you saw the angle of light rory i think one shot stood out. For me and it was like whoa that's like deep that bunker the only one new angle i didn't like was the one on the back of nine you know the par four i always liked it side on yes because it's got like three tiers. And you can really tell the three differences you can't see the undulation well this was kind of at the back of the green. And it felt like it didn't seem as hard even though it was obviously ridiculously hard yeah um yeah i felt like a lot of the new camera angles. And a lot of the when the camera men were actually carrying the camera. And dropping it down so i went i went in 2018 and it i must admit it is very cliche people say what's all gusta like it is bloody hilly it's ridiculously hilly. So some of those camera angles definitely showed that off better yeah. And then.

What about the golf um a little bit of a non-start of the back nine yesterday wasn't it i think going into it there was a lot of good stories again you have tiger coming back obviously amazing massive story scottish sheffler coming in under the radar no one really talking about him is rory going to win a major obviously not going to win it um he was close was he yeah. So yeah yeah. So i don't get a goal i'm i'm remembering his round yesterday yeah. And you if you see rory yesterday yeah you think how can he ever lose yeah ever yeah. But that's not what we see all the time no it's four round tournament um yeah yeah i enjoyed it i i did i think it was a little bit lackluster yesterday. But i see a lot of takes on that on twitter and stuff people saying oh it's a bit boring but it it can happen that way sometimes it's not it's not anybody's fault no like some. For me the the one major that i remember seeing and thinking oh my god this almost can't get any better for storyline was when stenson was playing mackerel stenson was playing mickelson in the open was that field yeah that time you couldn't you couldn't get any better no was it that me off your launcher it was moved forward your field. So that time you couldn't and that story that was perfect it was epic two gladiators of the game going head to head. And they were. So far ahead of everyone else but it was because they were going yeah like that's what we needed yesterday a little bit more often. And as cam came out and it was like oh birdie two. And it was like sorry birdied one it was like great here we go yeah we're gonna have a sword fight here now this is gonna be a real battle. And then.

Three happened and it was a bit like oh three was mad on it wind out this that was going like 10 15 feet by oh my god if he's a shot from cam pitching in obviously yeah i think like he's got pitching it in the hole no. So obviously they both hit it left haven't they scheffler gets the drop from the grandstand yeah the immovable object which is permanent there which is always there it gets a nice little drop like in play. And then.

They both pitched short didn't they camon's pitch was like what 78 yards was it yeah up on top. And he's watched scheffler he should have been like right just knock this up on you know it's easy to say that say it now isn't it but and then.

Obviously he goes and chips in but how does he how do they cope with the pressure i don't know i remember playing a yellow stable foot at warrington. And uh i had a pot for how does he how does tiger do it like repetition. But he's there but he's been out of competition for 17 months or so yeah he stands on that first tee i've never on thursday i've never seen crowds like it like the anticipation like i had finished i was playing golf in scotland. And we purposely teed off so we get in time for tiger's tee shot yeah like i was at i was at dunbar any links in scotland every tv had tiger on everybody in the clubhouse just kind of stopped like a zombie. And just watched and that would have happened everywhere i was at the race around the world on the phone yeah yeah don't matter gotta watch this everywhere around the world wanting to watch that first tee shot i don't think i would have even got never mind hitting the ball i don't think i could have pegged the ball excuse me just uh pop that on the peg will you yeah someone would have done that yeah please um. But yeah it was great to see him back not tiger. And obviously he shoots one under the first round yeah. And you think oh my god don't tell anyone like he he showed glimpses of excellence. For me the best shot of the tournament that uh irony hit on friday on the 10th on the 10th my god he's just like hit that horrible 109 where he's walked after it dropped the club yeah dog shot. And then.

Stands up there same lie sort of thing hanging live below his feet four iron i think it was yeah it's a back right pink right pin over the trap. And just hits a tiny little fade thank you yeah oh i'm incredibly excited when he said he was playing part of me. And we spoke out on the podcast last week part of me was like oh my god all right it's tiger woods he's back he's playing like we were like does he even make the cut of course he made the bloody cut yeah how do we even doubt him yeah. And then.

To see the glimpses of excellence back really really got me excited i don't think he's done i don't think he's done winning i almost not guaranteed because i know there's no guarantees in life. But i will not back against him winning more major tournaments i think yeah say andrews is you know a lot better. For him i think the whole argument of it's very flat around saint andrews is okay. But around the greens it's serious seriously undulating isn't it it's it plays more into his favor it's a flat piece of land yeah. But there's lots of little undulations that's the tricky bit so it might as much as somewhere like augusta it's slopey yeah they're almost like continuous slopes yeah where i feel like saint andrews is a flat piece of land. But it but it's like yeah it's it's in terms of little yeah little edges. And um but if you didn't see yesterday it was on the sky spot it was on the sky sports coverage cara banks got a great take from him tiger woods has confirmed he is playing in the open accent andrews the 150th open just makes it even better doesn't it oh my god it's just like ridiculous because i i remember back in 2018 when he kind of there was question marks about him coming back. And yeah. And they're starting to there and would he would he come to kanustin he did. And like the crowds like doubled tripled we were well we were there weren't we yeah it was absolutely mental the open this year being at saint andrews it's a different year because i think the tickets have already sold out. And now it's just and then.

You're the best christmas ever then.

You sprinkle a little bit a bit of tiger magic into that oh my god it's gonna be electric i would honestly recommend and maybe maybe shouldn't say this for health and safety reasons even if you've not got tickets i would just be incent andrews i just just to feel the buzz it's going to be electrifying i imagine like that first tee around the old course. And the rna building that the reception he got at augusta was huge yeah the reception you'll get here in the uk at saint andrews the home of golf. And he said it's his favorite course yeah that's mad that in it yeah him saying that's his favorite golf course yeah from all the places you would play it's not like like considering where they play it's very special it's special. But you could play one two seventeen eighteen and be done with getting the quicker yeah it's super super special it's like it's like nowhere else in the world i feel like i've been there a hundred times this year i feel like i'm almost a resident i i've been on the way here oh rick'll bring say andrews uh yeah he's been there like a hell of a lot i feel like i've been there a weird amount in this in this last year. And hopefully a lot more for the rest of the year um because i really i got home at the weekend and i really want to take the family i think it's a even amazing i want to go this is yeah this is my plan i'm going to go on a saturday i'm going up the saturday before they open i'm thinking even just as a holiday yeah i'll get the open. For a minute i'm going to chat right with the kids. And we're going to drive up on saturday we're going to drive up all the way sent andrew's about three. And a half hours from where we live unpack get in a hotel get somewhere nice go down to the beach go and like see a bit of golf show the kids like the golf museum things there's like another sunday the golf course is closed you still find amazing don't kick a fully on it you can literally go. And have a picnic on the 18th for the green if you want yeah do it 18th green fairway maybe these two the students used to wash the clothes in the burn didn't they oh my god imagine that it's just the best yeah that's the best it doesn't matter the whole town itself we did it not last time we went the time before in september last year. But took a day to actually go and just go around say andrews go and look at like the old castle ruins up on the uh yeah like to the right of the first tees you walk out go like back a few streets go. And see the universities and what a place it's just i think i'm gonna move there i i would love to live there i really would um a few big moments happened still yesterday yeah you mentioned him before cam smith now a lot of the time he looks like the smoothest character in the whole of the world like it doesn't look like anything phases him like he saw him at the players when he when he actually chipped into the water on the 72nd hole. And then.

Got up and down like whatever not even i bothered oh is that not meant to happen am i bothered yeah not even bothering me if you're rocking that tash. And that hairdo you've gotta have swag haven't you um what do you think about his shot on 12 he just birded 11 incredible birdie on the 11th um i don't is that my phone. Or your phone that's getting a bit static i moved the phones away can you hear that mat. But start it now um the tw 11th holy just bird is 12th hole it's happened to. So many golfers spieth yeah fee now yeah molinari there's a few big names who have got that 12th in contention yeah. And dunked it short right in the water do you know what fair play to him stood there thinks he's gonna win. Or needs to do something to force scotty you know do you think he did though he was only was he only one. Or two shots back at that point two it was getting close he was getting very very in fact i've got scores in front of me right. So he was after 11 scheffler was 10 under yeah. And smith was seven. So yeah three shots back yeah with a lot of holes left to go yeah there's a lot of golf to be played. But i think you you know. And i like that he's got gone there and done that did he go. For it well he was aiming there wasn't he he was aiming there who was it um i listened to a podcast the other day it might have been with faldo. Or someone on your one but uh or it might not have been but they've been they intended to hit it over the middle of the trap um on 12 and as he's you know shuffled a little bit and shuffled all of a sudden he's aiming at that right pin not knowing your subconscious has gone i'm aiming over that way to the safety the flag's over there hello yeah exactly. And then.

You just hit get one poor swing a little bit of timing and it's in the grand scheme of things it's like three or four yards short it's not nothing but the the actual repercussions have been three or four yards short there is astronomical double a triple it's. So easily made i think i i think fair play you know he's gone. And done it but he's you know he nailed his um flag to the post or whatever the saying is yeah somehow like to the mast is it yeah. And you've got i'm going to go. And try and win it didn't come off and yeah i'm not sure yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure he went. For it i think i think he either just about a bad golf shot just a bad golf shirt under pressure um. And what i was more shocked about was his reaction after like again he's. So normally ridiculously level headed you don't know if he's he's 20 under or 20 over you got no idea with cam smith yeah. But in those next.

Three or four holes after he really showed his emotions like his emotions must have been boiling over to the point of like tipping like imagine you in that situation you've had no clubs left wouldn't have been an augusta you'd have been bright green you've been as green as the grass augusta as you turned into the hulk to rip your shirt off. And snaps every club in your bag i'm a reformed character i just don't play golf anymore um yes it's it's a shame obviously he's on an unbelievable year um. But like i say it's i think i actually bet him last night. For the open already oh really yeah i think his comeback yeah he's he's such a baller he just rips it like you say he's putting. So good is great he really where's his heart on his sleeve. But just doesn't doesn't really get it too too wound up about it all he's just chill dude didn't he i'm sure there's lots of players we're going to forget about. And i apologize very quick one i think we should talk about rory yeah before talking about someone else someone else yeah go on bryson okay let me check on the leaderboard where is he uh it's not that he you know since he's a 67 comment i see this as a 67 he's he's now if if the power was 67 i think he's 42 over par is that right yeah. For the 67. what like where'd you see him going in the future i think i i think he was probably a little bit too injured to play still i think he was like i don't want to miss out on the masters in a way i could see him go one. Or two ways like i don't see i don't imagine this happening but he hinted well we didn't see buddy scottish sheffield being world number one and winning four times and this is another bryson's before hinted at quitting golf um like i'm not saying that this something like this would happen. But imagine if you went on a run live for six months yeah like he's got plenty of money in the bank he's won a major he's won multiple tournaments he's got like say he's got a lot like does he want has he got the driver yeah i'm not saying he hasn't. But it if he's pushed it so far down this angle of distance and it didn't seem like a big story this year at all did it no like two years ago it was a huge story yeah bryson's coming back after lockdown it's the october masters yeah. And i and he was my tiger that yeah i i had to watch his first year because he teed up on ten yeah yeah yeah. And i was like i have to watch this. And i think tony hit three would round the corner. Or whatever and then.

Eleven hit drive and i was like here we go here we go this is gonna go 400 yards this is like everything. And he didn't he snap hooked it left yeah. And i was like ah now we've obviously shown signs since that of it working at some places like bay hill. And obviously one won the the major the us open um yeah i don't know i i there's a there's a few na big names that missed the cut oh yeah big name. So i'll just kind of reel off a few don't we're gonna go into this massively but like um spieth kepker uh zander schoflay like he was he was the boy zander's gone weird at the moment like gary woodland you know he's been hit in some form justin rose uh in the wild molinari the uh obviously the shambo um poor kate obviously poor casey we drew actually sandy lyle i know we had a little take on him last week. And i think i don't know how it went down um we questioned the interest in your take we questioned whether someone like sandy lash would still be playing the monsters oh wow you've been much more direct than me a lot of people it's great what he did winning it amazing. But there's like the sh personally i think now he did he missed the cut last year he's missed the cuts from like seven years in a row right okay. So not even more maybe yeah. So he's not competing is he. And i know it's nice and i like um when i watch the podcast with with faldo he says you know he goes with his son matt and makes a day of it saturday plays par three goes and soaks up the atmosphere and then.

I'm not going to play because i know i'm not going to compete you can he's still got the golden ticket lyle he can still go to the masters he can still play the par 3. he goes to the champions dinner he gets the like the full on buzz let someone else like this there's a lad now out there who is trying to pave his career you might be you know whether it comes through qualification. Or something however. it would work but the the only one thing he's not taking anyone else's yeah yeah he isn't really that yeah he's not he's not made the cut now. For eight years right um but then.

I also read i'm sure this was his 100th major tournament that he's played in right. And he's the first scottish guy to do it. Or if it's not this year it's next.

Year right so we're going to see him next.

Year then.

Aren't we i'd imagine. So it's something on the line let me see if i can find it i'm not sure he's pl he's played in something along the lines of a hundred like that's impressive well i was up in scotland on thursday in fact yeah i was in the uh done vegan. And this was a funny this was a funny one. So there was a group of students in there. And landed landing site landing he's a new player yeah he's taking sandy lyle's place in the masters next.

Year sunday came up on tv it was when he actually chipped in on the 18th. And um he had his like his braces on and like all these students kind of like cheered and they were kind of semi-mocking him a little bit like kind of a little bit taking the mix. But there are a few beers. And whatever i actually bought them around the sambucas which i don't think was the best idea in the world sandy's coming on a minute can you get real quick. So and so anyway this woman kind of um as she came back from the bar or the toilet whatever kind of come and come close to me and kind of said like she was scottish she went i can't believe the disrespect by those young boys from san diego he's he's a hero here in scotland. And i'm thinking you obviously didn't listen to the podcast last week where i said maybe you shouldn't play yeah. But again just on this there's nothing absolutely nothing against actually sandy lyle himself no no amazing champion absolute legend. But when do you actually call it a day yeah who knows we'll ask him let's get him on the podcast. And ask him yeah when are you stopping. And have you ever been to the dumb vegan yeah if you guys have done vegan don't go when the students are in because they'll they'll be getting you on the sample. And all sorts um yeah some big names anyway that's that's the masters that's pretty much wrapped up rory did you want to oh yeah that guy that guy rory um is it strange he's. So bloody good he's so so so bloody good and when you watch him yesterday he looked like it was easy yeah i think yeah there's one more person i want to speak about as well actually um. But he look he i thought he made it look easy yesterday he did yeah. But that's is that not a trend with him get out of contention. And then.

When it doesn't really matter and you're not going to win it'd be like playing golf with your mates versus playing golf with like a a championship on the light. Or a tournament on the line um so that playing off remates at augusta national and shooting it he goes out there he's not saying he's not thinking i'm gonna win there was probably what five to ten percent chance he could win i was at a friend's house last night watching it. And then.

Oh he's gonna win he's gonna win he's gonna come back if he gets to wait i was like no world where he wins here yeah if he'd posted eight. Or nine under in the clubhouse he would have lost by one in the end yeah he's got a chef that could have five put it instead of just. Yet yeah it's mad is it it's got to be between the years because it's not technical surely i mean you've watched him hit wedges right what do you mean you're not yeah. But that's still gotta be you could have a good game against shut up it's not technical on the wedges is it what do you see go on the mat does this give us your hot take when you watch someone like lowry with a wedge yeah there's lots of shots there isn't if you said right um wins slightly into here we're at 70 yards i'm gonna give you your 50. And just go right i'll just hit like a little low running draw in there with rory it's like right past me the 60 how high does it need to go. And how much spin is it going to happen there's never like a finesse shot. For me there's there's there's every shot i watched when he was hitting wedges on like friday he's like oh he's got 100 yards in oh he's got a 70 foot putt. And he's like full swing finish what is that yeah no feathers like you look at like when dj turned it around because rory is by far the best driver of the golf ball in our generation yeah we will ever see no one's gonna do it better he just absolutely munches it. But then.

What's the point you may as well just do a seven iron off the teenager. But then.

Dj goes and works on his wedges he did. And he and he was brilliant i don't know why someone's not there going like he went to cowan to try. And change his golf swing to try and hit a bit more fadey stop that keep drawing it off the tee keep doing what you're doing get someone hitting right let's hit a little chippy wedge can you cut one in can you do this can you do that. And go and work on those bits but if it's not a strength do you work on your weaknesses as much as your strengths players do work on the strengths a lot yeah like when like the whole bryson thing happened a few years ago. And then.

Rory's there like i'm trying to what my speed it's like why why are you actually mad yeah you are the best driver of the golf ball. And trying to get another five yards what so you can duff it at five yards closer to the green what what are you doing baddies yeah there you go cause i absolutely love him he's like the best thing. For golf like after tiger now such a role model you know looks after himself very articulate great for the game but don't work on your wedges there you go rory listen to matt love you wish you're listening rory the other player and we need to talk about and i don't i don't think you've met him. Yet but he's been he's a friend of the podcast mimwoo lee uh did i remember him say andrews with you no he was just leaving yeah just the day after um amazing wasn't it oh my god like he just like burst in last round ever masters like. For him you could almost forgive his first three rounds unlike rory because he's been there done that exactly yeah we're like um minwoo lee shot 73 first round respectable yeah 75 again made the cut did what he needed to do 72 again respectable yeah. And then.

Yesterday he goes on the most incredible front nine run what was he like five under six under it equals the lowest front line ever. So he goes par eagle papa birdie birdie birdie birdie but then.

Unfortunately um yeah he's back nine unfortunately let him down. But i'm i'm hoping i can line up something to chat with him this week hopefully hopefully i don't want to guarantee anything. But it would be so fascinating to hear about his first ever masters yeah like tell me everything yeah literally tell me every shot like when you get that guy who tells you like about his round. So uh down thirteen out of bounds and then.

I so what was the grass like which way was it growing into you tell me everything i would literally just set him up on a zoom. For an hour and go speak then.

We'll leave some of my masters and then.

Just put me on mute um i just think awesome. So i think that's going to give him obviously he'd be disappointed with his back nine. But i think that frontline will give him ridiculous confidence because i think before playing. Or gusty you must really question your ability and think am i can i actually post a number around there like regardless of how good you are of these top players their first time at the masters must think can i can i actually can i do that the one that really surprises me. And i know we keep saying about we're not going to talk probably the yippiest golfer on the planet zalatorius yeah well he's great just don't hit it to six foot will zalatorius has played eight rounds now at august the last year in this year i thought he's about 13 14 underpass he's only not broke par he's had he's had one par round. And one over power round that's it she's got six under par rounds one level part and one over par round he like did you see him up at the open when we were at st george's no he is just a striper just like like next.

Level though he absolutely crushes it if he could get sorted from like six feet he'd be the next.

One he can still somehow some of the some of the putts he held like downhill left to right oh here we go we're gonna see like a shuffle of four putt he's gonna he's just like he's got like this this arm lock putter he claws it he kind of he kind of does like this figure of eight hits it massively out the toe. And somehow it goes in the reverse triple claw figure of eight sultan pike and then.

Like the ball just drops then.

You're like what right um okay it worked anyway excited masters was awesome um i thought the masters coverage was brilliant things like dude perfect beforehand i've wrote that down what like what do you think the. And the chairman came out yeah the front like did you watch the frank ridley uh press conference yes he was like uh yeah i heard these guys had like millions of viewers well they said it got like. And they were it was accurate like got 57 million subscribers you knew the game didn't i'm thinking hi well do you know what when i watched 2 million when i saw that i thought like what what does that lead to in the future now i think loads the way like the way you've already sent me email yeah rick um can we do a battle golf. So i know i know um i know dude perfect wanted to play battle golf on amen corner uh with bryce nashambo but could i possibly possibly just come to the front gate and take a picture yeah i've got two million subscribers smell it could i possibly like take one step in. And get kicked out by security i'll happily do that yeah i'll post about it they were really nice the security guards did you see that really cool uh fpv drone footage as well yeah through the clubhouse. And stuff because you never see that no you i've never seen inside the club polter in a mcdowell a few years ago got like a telling off. For sharing photos in there yeah oh he was like if you've not if you've not seen that shared on my twitter. And basically this uh this fp little tiny tiny drone those pilots are ridiculous by the way. And it flew down magnolia amazing flew down magnolia lane took a 360 lap around the kind of um roundabout where the um the the symbols and stuff because not many roundabouts in america just at golf clubs where you drop your bags off yeah it went. And through the front door the kind of the the person opened the door the door opener went in gave you a full tour of literally every room including the crow's nest which is a cool by the way. And then.

You come back that it was just magical. So if you're not checked out definitely do. But well done and the app bloody amazing if you've not got a sky you could literally just sit on the app all day well my mum's not got sky and she texts me last night saying oh i i can't watch the camera golf tonight rick i said. So two things on youtube they were live streaming amen corner yeah. So she loved that yeah um. And i said download the art book she didn't i don't think she did. But either in fact i tell us download the app you didn't even share your sky logging with her no listen to the watch don't yeah don't tell us don't tell her i can do that no i didn't watch it either mum um. But anyway yeah awesome awesome awesome um well done can't wait. For next.

Year yeah um i'll tell you what very quickly yes i asked just in case of some masters themed questions uh in fact i'll take any more screenshots just very quickly this was last last last thing this was a mad take on scottish sheffler. And his press post round interview by the way i cried yesterday the masters are just in general i cried after after he won how many drinks had you had zero oh wow i know i don't quite know why like when tiger won in 2019 i cried like a like a little baby yeah um i've not not many times have i yes they hit me somehow i don't know what it was whether him. And his wife and his wife looks lovely she looks so bloody please remember they are very wholesome i just don't know. For me he almost strikes me as a bit of like a a normal person i'm gonna message him get him on the podcast um this is what he said before he played he cried like a baby this morning yeah i was. So stressed out i didn't know what to do i was sitting there telling meredith his wife i don't think i'm ready. For this i just felt overwhelmed and then.

Goes out and looks like that nice man unbelievable it just goes to show don't take and i think a lot of people when they watch these tour players. And i'm the same think they don't get nervous think they don't feel pressure okay they are absolutely right they just deal with it really yeah. So anybody listening and watching if you've got your local tournament coming up this weekend or you're away with the lads at the weekend or you're going to portugal whatever everyone's nervous they really are yeah it's just how you deal with it yeah. But i thought that's true right question any other things matt are you all right with that no the master's is just brilliant can we do it again tomorrow um if macro done what he did which was phenomenal by the way would the final round of the masters have been as anticlimactic if macaroni hadn't done all right okay. So sophie just went to the shop level um no i i definitely think the mcelroy story line was was quite exciting yeah yeah really quite exciting um there's a lot of rory questions when is rory to stop playing average to awful. For the first 54 holes then.

Light it up on sunday when he can hit a wedge here's somebody there you go uh what you thought it's a macro literally everything's about mcroy how do you think he's like he's just he's amazing just please rory how do you think cameron smith will bounce back following yesterday i think he will i think yeah i think he'll check his bank balance go fishing yeah have you seen have you seen that her pga memes good in there really good guy on the boat i think i think he's. So chill yeah um what did you think about hatton's comments i'm not actually known that the course isn't fair yeah i said you hit some shot you hit a good shot. And sometimes don't get rewarded for it i don't think that's fair you should you should hit a good shot. And get rewarded for it because how about links you can talk about links golf golf in general of course it is yeah you can't control the wind you can't control you know the bounce it just is what it is yeah i i 100 think a lot about his golf because there's. So many times where um like i remember the first time i ever played link's golf and i walked off going i don't like it what is that it's not like that's not fair this match times i've hit a good shot. And it's bounced off the green or it's done this so i've done that or it's not fair that the winds off the right it's not fat it's like tough that's golf yeah the only difference with golf is it's natural where augusta has been manufactured like that yeah. But it's still golf yeah. But there's you know he's he's got a caddy there he's been there a few times and there's places that you can't hit it yeah. And yeah sometimes yeah it is a um you know one of those things. But there's probably during that round it's gone the other way where you think oh gosh i didn't do that oh oh it's coming back that's where it's all right in my face. For a lot of time hit the tree and it's come back out or oh that's just made it through a bush it's easy to stand there and go got that one nasty slope it came and it got me yeah how many times i was like that is it you know as a kid growing up. And then.

You think well you know it is what it is just deal with it yeah how many times have you hit it in the trees. And it go in the trees and go worse and kick out of bounds yeah. And how many times it hit the tree and bounce back out into play that's just how it is life isn't it because it is perfect it's very easy to remember the bad luck yeah it's very easy to remember those bad bounces yeah the good bounces is really hard to remember i think that's where like shaffler as well there was some some things like say like 18 yeah on the saturday hit it in those bushes you think oh god he's dead. And it was just like all right it's there okay drop whack it on the green. Or just like just just over pitches like a couple of feet away and you're like all right are you like imagine if that was hatton it would have been like well the tree's been uprooted yeah got a full tasmanian devil on it are you related no i'm a lot taller. And bolder ah okay that's the difference right um good golfer my god i uh i went somewhere yesterday well done that was very very heartwarming okay. So tell the story so um i got a message a few weeks ago in fact you probably know him actually do you remember tom from northern golf tommy trinders yeah yeah he messed me a few weeks ago saying that um would i possibly he doesn't work there anymore would i possibly come down to his golf club which i thought was a different golf club it's barry golf club okay right could i come down on a sunday afternoon at the master sunday afternoon in the masters um we've got a lot of junior golfers down there who love watching your videos. And they'd love to meet you so i thought okay yeah why not sunday afternoon i'll happily do that. So um after about several reminders of him uh yesterday are you here. Yet yesterday i thought well i'll take my daughter i took ivy with me um because she's kind of showing glimpses of golf i want to talk i saw you posting some pictures of you and your daughter having some golf lessons this weekend as well so i want to come on to that um so i took her down she's seven um and i didn't know what to expect i kind of thought it would be like a bit of a presentation i kind of thought it was like a junior organ like a junior section having a competition. And that's what i thought it was anyway i turned up. And to my disbelief there was no juniors there was one of the most lovely heartwarming things i've ever seen. So let's tell the story chris bibby who's the pro there now he's moved recently there him and a couple of other volunteers every sunday yeah at 4pm i've been running this free golf camp. For the kids all ages all abilities free okay afterwards you get pizza you get chips again all free okay. And it's it's been starting for about six months it's ran all the way through the winter even it was snowing the kids turned up. And even didn't play golf they had a snowball fight or something brilliant but it's been terrible weather they've gone up in the pro in the clubhouse upstairs and they've done putting challenges in one of the conference rooms absolutely brilliant so for six months it's been building and building and building and every week it's got a little bit bigger friends have brought other friends and bloody blind it's free it's free no no payment right. So i turned up yesterday and there's about 25 kids there all different ages all different abilities and probably about the same amount of parents about 20 odd five parents all kind of having a little natter in the same other and ivy was there as well she wanted to join in. And i i was basically there. For the whole hour and pizza and chips after you know i didn't have that kid said that yeah um had a pine goodness. And then.

Um it was it was brilliant. So loads of them watched the videos which i really appreciate all boys and girls from like four-year-old up to maybe like 12. um some were good golfers some could play some like one little lad. And ollie was like the junior captain at the golf club. And and like you had a little another little boy called jude and spencer who like the three good decent players there and a lot of the other kids were kind of just trying it out they had clubs there. So they have to buy clubs you could wear what you want you could wear hoodies or something like jude a little united top on like it was dead super relaxed. And because it was at 4 pm on sunday there was no like members around there's no competition they could be loud they could have fun yeah. And ivy joined in she made a little friend which was lovely absolutely brilliant. And this for free yeah how good is that. And the idea is obviously they want to try. And get more juniors down there they want to be able to get these juniors potentially becoming members of the golf club because they are the future of the golf club i think this is what golf clubs are sometimes forgetting yeah junior sections at golf clubs are really dying i i've got just off camera here we've got um steve who works. For me who we grew up together in the junior section everything you've said there reminds me of my junior organizer a lady called gene caldwell. And at the time i was i started when i was 16. So um had two years of juniors really and she did we had friday night roll-ups. And it was very much the same like she she would uh at the time i think jean would have been late 60s maybe early 70s yeah. And she'd been doing it for two or three years already took us to every junior match in this like clapped out volvo that she had um but we had probably 30 40 juniors every friday night would turn up we would play we'd have a little bit of food afterwards our junior section at warrington at the time i think we had 125. i don't know the exact number now can't be that many now can it i want to say 50. which is still good it's still good. But it's nowhere near where it was. But we had this like um community and like all my friends now are from from then.

Yeah either play golf with them they were a little bit older like the lads who were older than me were in the sort of mid to late 40s. And 50s they would we had like a junior rider cup where we would play the seniors team we would have junior seniors we would have this green some things but um and then.

Uh graeme cox who was the professional. And ray mckay who was the head pro they would do quite a lot as well they were coaching. And stuff like that and it was a lot of it was free it was funded by the club. And stuff and it was you know volunteers. And stuff yeah we're members of the club still now i think right now i've mentioned a few i think golf is in an incredibly strong position i think there's a lot of golfers a lot of new people trying golf like every time i've been to traffic. And obviously you worked for traffic for a few years after me it's a busy bloody place like it's busy and it's not just golfers you get golfers there i would probably say 70 30 in the favor of golfer v non-golf non-gold for v golfer but that and that and that it is a portal to get kids new people young boys. And girls like people go there for couples and have dates people you know go with groups of friends and try it out for the first time it's almost like a bit like bowling like it's almost like well let's just give it a go why not yeah fun they've got a dinosaur golf. Or whatever it may be and i'll go there now and every time i go certainly on the weekend there's loads of kids trying it loads kids clubs have got ridiculously better yeah than than what we when we grew up they weren't cutting them wasn't known from youtube clubs were there now you've got like companies like people making golf in the scottish company big heads on them. So it's easy to hit amazing it's about it's dolphin spelt with a g yeah um. And the guys up there make some great little clubs and like ping have like the moxie set yeah taylormade did that rory set yeah um i'm sure cobra probably got a little junior set i'm sure they have um i remember nike back in the day having some yeah. But like i guess but like that is now. So much more readily available you can you can kind of make a bit of a half set like i bought all my kids like little half sets it didn't cost ridiculous amounts um. And they just love it a little putter a little wedge a little award even if it's one club and you're kind of off really yeah um. But i feel like you've got that so wrapped up in the fact that again growing up can you remember how challenging it was. For clothing growing up i'd have to wear school pants wouldn't you really i've got that that school wearing school pants and this one pair of pants my mum got me from marks and spencer's do you remember when like pants had the turnip yeah they were like they stitched in the front. And then.

Like this beige horrible color oh well now like these kids at the berry look cool yeah like they had little hoodies on them like you know they are trainers on because golf shoes have become trainers now yeah i remember the very first time that i got bought golf shoes when i was about 11. they're the most uncomfortable horrible things i've ever worn in my life plasticky leather. And you like big cleats remember them tongues on the front horrible horrible so uncomfortable you definitely get blisters all sorts yeah right now like these kids like just wear the trainers yeah that doesn't because golf shoes have become more trainer like which is great you can't really tell the difference these days um it was just it was. So and we went into class after i was chatting this group of uh boys. And girls and showing them some pre-release videos and um they were just great the massive shout out to chris the whole team at berry golf club thanks. For tom for inviting me down thanks for all the parents because it is the parents that are going to take the kids down yeah i think obviously now we're parents haven't you just had another little one recently a little boy how old uh he's four four weeks old today.

I thought you looked a bit tired yeah no you don't actually look pretty good well congratulations by the way skin routine congratulations you just always look this old yeah. But like massive shout out everything they're doing there and i'll and i want and i hope and i pray that more golf clubs do it because i i really think it's very very important down to somewhere like that because they absolutely loved it. For me like the membership and things like when you look at like um community outreach programs and things like that say down in london where it's a lot of like um centers have been shut down and things like that imagine like a golf club went well if you're under 12 13 whatever it is free membership you can come on x y. And z days uh we'll have uh if they had either the parents with them or you know there were some members that then.

Joined them be amazing like you say you know in 10 years time junior a who joined on the free membership is probably now a member paying his grand membership. And it's it's it's like such a good game for life as well teaches you so many skills well when i went yes again you you spot on with that i got there yesterday. And they kind of they had all the kids up on like the chipping green and they kind of hid me in the pro shop at first and kind of give this reveal i was a bit worried i was like if none of them know no they're like that's pete that's not pete i thought we asked. For the other guy that's not mr beast he said we had a youtuber coming who's this joker where's dude perfect uh i kind of rocked up then.

I was a bit kind of semi nervous thinking these guys aren't going to know what the hell i am. So i kind of went and luckily they did not get out early yeah i said i've gone tell her to brick shields oh no it's that guy with a beard yeah he's got one of those gold plaques. And i went over there and and i kind of went to like high five them all a fist pump and every one of them shook my hand every one of the 20 odd kids shut my hand off right i know that sounds like insignificant yeah. But it's it's a really key life amazing yeah they all looked at me in the eye yeah shook my hand. And and that's not that's free yeah you have to pay to do that learning to actually speak to elder elder people hold the conversation like oh my mates now like 45. And 50 you'll play golf with and you you feel comfortable at your age yeah yeah generally have a look at the moment yeah um. But you go and hold a conversation with them you're fine with it as well you know if you didn't have that some of my friends from school like you talked to oh have you played on cod recently yeah exactly sorry what yeah i think i do think golf gives you. So many different lessons you took your daughter to go over a golf lesson this weekend yeah yeah she talked about that is it first one. Or multiple it was the second one she well i got her clubs uh she's eight now. So i got her a set when she was about five. Or six maybe yeah uh played a little bit never like one thing that like i'd always praise my dad. For he never pushed me towards golf being a pga pros like well if you play you play if you don't i don't care i'm a bit like my kids are you the same yeah just if you want to go. And do it given the opportunity yeah if you like it great yeah. So um last last weekend it was like i wanna because just on that because of that you actually picked up golf really late didn't you yes 16. that's mad considering your dad's a pga prayer yeah he joined me at the club we lived you know thousand yards from the golf club when i was 10 years old. And i went um didn't know anyone there had like my school uniform to play i was like what is all this about like mates are all playing football i'm here with this old age man who's like i'd had to go out with that yeah yeah who's this bloke could hardly hit it. And i was like i don't like this dad i don't like golf. And he was like right okay no worries. And that was that sort of left it. And then.

Went to a driving range where he was running teaching at six years later with some friends during school times like ping ping ping got into it yeah hitting a few balls. And it's like i want to go and play again right okay go. And that was it then..

So i've sort of taken the same approach with with my daughter like if you if you want i go and play it's there it's on the doorstep if not i'm not gonna say right we are going to the driving range right now. And if you don't show me the perfect varden grip god help you um so yeah she went. And she she asked me last week oh that wrist why is that um can you show me p7 please wrong grounded um yeah she she she just asked me last week um can we go. And play golf this weekend and i knew sam at warrington he does all the junior classes um i just touched him saying have you got any spots brilliant um she asked you on it yeah. And she went last week on like the the lads class as it were um because he was going away somewhere. So he was only one in the one class at 9am. And he said yeah just bring her along. And then.

It was meant to be the girls class this weekend um. But they were all the way on easter holidays. But she was like no i'm still going still going brilliantly. So i just sort of went up there sat back on the buggy and let sam do what i didn't interfere. And they were just like lacing drivers. And she got in the car afterwards and it was did you enjoy that i love whacking the driver it was. So much fun great carry on if you you know if you don't do it next.

Week okay sorry i think that's very important again. For perry i get quite a lot of questions from parents about how they can get the kids into it. And this i think given the opportunities yeah i think they'll if they like it they'll like it. And i'm really i've hardly at all taught my daughter anything no i've honestly haven't i just sit in front of the tv. And watch everyone watch every youtube video like i i've just kind of let a copy me and it's amazing how i'm not saying she swings it brilliant just yet but how well she's adapting to that yeah they just think watch. And figure it out there you go i'll kind of do a follow through. And i kind of say to her so on this one i'm going to try. And hold my follow-through for three seconds or something and then.

Suddenly she's just got she's just that's all she's trying to do yeah call it the cameraman with a darcy yeah i used to call it like the stat the the man on the top of a trophy yeah like these guys who always hold the finish yeah. And suddenly like five minutes late she's like like this daddy like this i'm high just like that yeah why don't you wipe it away mattia that's my girl yeah that's my girl um. But yeah i think top tips. For parents give them the opportunity and and 100 this has to be the most important rule of any parent coaching the kid don't found the club on the takeaway keep it fun yeah. And honestly i still think this is my best tip when they're having almost the most amount of fun start to wrap the session up yeah yeah like don't let it over let them be wanting more coming back. For more 100 because i think as soon as you know if let's say your your daughter yesterday was a loving hitting driver. And suddenly you go oh go get another 50 balls yes the worst thing because like after 10 she's like i kind of i was enjoying it then.

I'm not going to enjoy it now can we go now i'm hungry no you will carry on um fun fun fun. For them don't push them might be the future stars of our channels it could be yeah could take over the just change the names of the channels golf yeah this will be pink yeah. And like in the background i have like unicorns and all sorts and like you his legs going everywhere. And just ripping it around it could be it could be scotty scheffler is the man well anyway i thought it was a fantastic podcast thank you. So much matt for for joining me today.

As a special host anything else you want to cover anything else you want to talk about no all good there i think we've hit the nail on the head i'm sure um i'm sure a guy is listening over on a beach. Or on a sun lounge or somewhere so hopefully that was all right guy go like delete the the episode how dare he come. And sit in my seat like that episode's not good enough delete yeah um. But yeah hopefully everyone enjoyed that make sure you like. And subscribe check out matt by the way matt has a fantastic youtube channel he's killing at the moment making some awesome content um not okay content let's not pick it up too much wow. So make sure you jump over there and subscribe to matt um how many subscribers you're on now uh 173 173 yeah brilliant 170 000 if we can get them up to 200 subscribers by the end of the week that would be fantastic yeah that'd be lovely he's on 173 000 subscribers that's that's more of a shock than scottish chefs thanks i'm joking i'm joking guys hopefully you enjoyed we'll see you next.

Week if i can chat to them before the end of the week you might get one more episode you might. But i'm trying i'll have my people speak to his people right guys that was episode one two six see you next.

Week thanks matt pleasure you.