Hey guys welcome back to the rickshaw golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy episode 130 pal we're doing all right it's not bad is it i think we've literally got 150 in us then.

It's a wrap then.

It's done done game over right now at 150. well that's when we get our yacht in aruba. So uh i just hear it's like a caribbean island or something now or something it won't be aruba's must be nice uh oh it's a little country uh oh yes in the caribbean there we go okay basically that's where the yacht's been uh are you pally good hmm i'm mixture oh emotions oh sorry what's wrong tell us what's wrong with you i played golf at the weekend oh okay i don't know why i bother. But we'll come on that later don't worry about it yeah we've gotta respond to that as well you. And me also call fates bloody isn't it the idea of golf so yesterday sunday was yeah well today's obviously tuesday here this. But it was yesterday. For me now why i always thought this bit so confusing about the fact we filmed on a monday anyway it was sunday i got a text of one of my friends saying him. And mother mate were going playing golf did i want to join. But you know what yeah sunday afternoon golf it's half house one tee-off in the sun absolutely they're playing a golf course near me in helens called shirley park. And he's being muni and he wasn't the best and it's been like brought out by this business whatever they've been a really sickle about it's proper nice and i'd heard that the course had kind of got a little bit better yeah played. And it had got a little bit better but you played it in the past i guess yeah ages ago. So it wasn't great and it was one of those who could wear any whatever you wanted which is fine i think he still counts quite good. But it was kind of very much catered to absolute beginner golfers which again i'm all behind. But there was not kind of a lot of attention goes into that raking bunk because she'd get into a bunker. And there's actually footprints everywhere again it still is to some degree. So i said some mates on the way i said oh yeah it'll be good actually because if you two do some tricks meaning if they mess up that'll give me some good content. For the podcast because my mates aren't massive golfers they play occasionally um but the fool that did the most tricks was myself oh i shot a million i didn't even keep score in the end a million a million one lost six pro v ones. And there's a very short hole a little downhill path four it's about 250. it's actually two shots at driver hit three wood green date on this path four nice and three putted for par we're not having a good time with golfing overrated golf really it's not actually that good i might go back to badminton well you've got a bike so you can start doing a bicycle another a little well is it gonna be a little craze this all you're gonna yeah. So no i've bought a bike a pretty fancy hybrid type bike. And i'm totally in love with it it's beautiful you've got it it's a piece of art i got it on monday last monday and kind of downloads for you yeah i've not even taken it anywhere at all anywhere. So it looks nice in the garage at the moment but i've literally but there's a reason for that we were supposed to go out on sunday. So we went to the bike shop because i wanted to get the kids new bikes and and because they're getting into it me and claire wanted to get some bikes as well so i had this picture in my head nice little scenic imagery where five of us would be just strolling down a canal bank you know everything be fine no kids definitely not falling in the water obviously um you know everything would be lovely we might have a baguette coming out the front of the basket on the sides bike. And you know just lovely really nice that's the dream the reality at the moment we ordered five bikes two of them arrived three of them are late one of them's arrived now. But not been put together um so we didn't have the bikes for the weekend why would it be on you also uh i've been running too much you've made me run you've made me well i've said a lot of people in the facebook group who are on this little challenge with us i've had loads of people putting pitch in if they're either treadmill. Or strava app whatever so it's going well a lot of people are getting a bit fitter this month update. So far i've done 40k oh nice year ahead you're 40 done then.

Yes obviously i've under 30k. So i did three 10ks last week um i'm gonna try. And do two more this week yeah i i feel like getting that bulk of three done this week i feel like you're you should be ahead of schedule that i'm guessing doing 40. yeah i did ten this i was in the gym at six this morning i don't wanna talk about that though i don't wanna go on about the fact i was at the gym at six this morning doing 10k. But i was just you know well i was doing other bits as well at six just uh working some of these bad boys i pointed my legs by the way people listening um yeah. So golf last week for me at conway um before we go into your commonwealth i've had a dear rick i want to read to you because it kind of alludes back to conway are you ready. For this so quite early on in the in the podcast for derek but i've got one so you ready for this is this advice. For myself well it's a question so it says dear rick i am a big fan of the channel so i hope this doesn't come across as a troll comment one of them when watching the recent break 75 and the scores that you shot i can see you have paid played badly. And then.

Putting brackets for your standard i'll be very happy with those scores you also don't very happy when you're on the golf course and you're playing and he's but again in brackets i get that you've been playing badly so i'm not expecting you to be really happy when you're playing the golf that you've played my question is though when i played badly. And i've really thought about quitting and actually i've had two stints in the last 15 years where i've stopped playing for a couple of years each time have you ever been close to actually quitting playing golf i get that you can't really because you make golf videos but deep down whenever you've played bad have you considered quitting so my question rick well the question this guy is have you ever wanted to quit golf rick shields um there's the one time which i've definitely alluded to in the past it made me quit tournament golf was that horrible event that played in spain not the event wasn't horrible the way i played at lumina in spain was horrendous. And really really bad um but no i don't i i don't think. So because what's bizarre when i've played badly and hopefully people have seen it it's actually it's not every single go it's not as if i've absolutely chopped it like by the two shanks i hit come where i didn't actually lose a ball i only lost balls on those two shots yeah. So like my driving was not far off my putting wasn't great mind play was obviously sketchy with a couple of shanks in there my shotgun was shocking. But it wasn't as if i couldn't hit anything so i think because i've got a bit of light at the end of the tunnel it doesn't really ever make me want to quit um tournament play yeah i'm not fussed about playing in tournament play is you know it's been documented over the last few years. But no i don't i don't think i'd ever quit do you get why people do quit though. Or should no one ever quit golf i i know i i kind of get it i i hate when i see it. But i kind of get it because let's say you work monday to friday your busy job you know you might get home late you might leave early in the morning you might get home late in the afternoon or evening you've not seen your family that much you know you're not seeing your kids or having a chance to take them to school and you want to commit to you know go out and play golf on a saturday morning every saturday morning because you're playing with your mates you've not really had time to practice you're not really had time to put any dedication in and you're out there for four or five hours and you've played crap and you've actually not enjoyed it i i can kind of get why you might go why not just go. And pick up a bike and go and cycle like rickshaws because like other sports certainly individual sports that you know jokes aside cycling like i never feel like i've had a bad run no i never go after a run i go oh that was that was such a bad run like my technique was bad sometimes i don't feel as fit as i could do. But i can almost like put it back until i had a heavy night last night. Or run loads this week like i can put it i can um contribute it to something do you think that's more than because you're often doing the runs. For pure exercise where if someone was actually a fairly competitive runner. And went through like a saturday park run and they didn't have 27 minutes 24 today.

Yeah you might get that feeling yeah definitely because the score isn't it. Or what he what he's saying there as well and this i saw this in loads and loads of comments by the way the the comments have been amazing this last week considering i absolutely chopped it around but it going off that topic what he said there going on a similar line to what he said is that yeah it's about it was a really bad round. For me you can noticeably say i played bad. But so many people said oh my god i'd like i'd sell you know my wife to shoot a score that low you know mid-80s. So it is all relative like you look at some of the times when these guys have played on tour we we went to the british masters last week which we'll talk about in a second like they'll be walking off absolutely fuming at themselves. For shooting a 75 or 76. but that's one of my friends when i played yesterday said something along the lines of wanting to be more consistent. Or want to be consistent or whatever and i said the thing is though you never engulf achieve consistency you can if you look at like we've said this before. But some of the tour pros might go 75-65 or way around like i suppose the number of shots might get closer together which could determine consistency i guess but it's not really if you're shooting 66 and 72 that's quite a long way off whereas a higher handicapper might be shooting 122 100 it's still kind of the same thing isn't it again it's similar like say to torpros they can go out. And shoot 65 and 75s 10 shots different massive massive huge like and we saw about that this weekend i didn't watch loads of the pga tour this weekend at the wells fargo but i read a story where i think mcelroy managed to hold a really good putt on the last hole on friday to just make the cut he's been struggling thursday friday he goes outside this sunday i think he'd finish tied fourth he's the one guy i always think of yeah he can go 77 67 like that can he. And then.

You look at thornborn olison this weekend he was leading by substantially i think two. Or three shots going into the final round playing with marcus armitage he had him. And marcus both had pretty stinking rounds pretty much you know for that at their level you know i'm sure they would say that as well yeah thornborne goes on eagles 17 bird is 18 to win it like that put on the last was outrageous. But for 16 holes he's probably been playing pretty crap like he's thinking i had this in the bag how have i lost this and there's suddenly a few of the leaders dropped down like richie ramsey should have been up there doubled the last he dropped down and of a sudden would just happen to be in the right place at the right time and sink to ridiculous putts to win a tournament like um you know we went to the british masters and how many times this i think the biggest standout. And we talked about this when we were having lunch i think the fact their bad golf is they make a scrappy par don't they obviously they'll drop in a bogey every now. And again and sometimes very rarely a double bogey but they're bad golf sometimes they can hit a couple of terrible shots on a hole. But they scrap it in on a part that's the thing it's it's it's more that they can hit a terrible shot. And they'll kind of they're that good at every aspect of the game they could miss a green but which is a bad set say seven iron. But the chipping's that good they put the chip fairly close or very close and even if they kind of don't quite put it that close the pudding is that good they probably think they put anyway. So yeah they're scoring. But it's an element as well i think something that lee west had talked about the other day was his grit. And determination and there's something i just don't have when i'm playing if i hit a bad shot and i'll just like walk up to chief have a quick look and then.

Maybe put it nowhere near then.

Miss the pokemon for the bogey they take a little bit more not even more time it's more attention on each of the shots and that little bit more attention that little ten percent more over all your shots it makes a big difference doesn't it big time didn't i bring up a quote a couple of weeks ago that i heard something like tour pros have really short memories yeah like because how many times i carry i'm sure you do. And a lot of people listening carry bad shots we've hit throughout the round into the next.

Shot well you look at tour pros and they'll hit a bad shot and we'll have a bit of a whinge and like we saw a tougher good friend of ours no i don't kind of discredit on the hits. But he had a little bit of a hissy fit on the 18th uh second shot into going into the green kind of did something that i wasn't massively a big fan of. But next.

Shot he had a really tough chip he got up and down yeah i'm like nowhere. And he's forgot that bad shot it's gone out the way it's like forgotten about um also people because this has got out tuesday would have seen my match against lee westwood now yes now the only one. But i don't want to ruin the results well yeah okay if you've not watched it. Yet maybe just skip forward a minute or two um but that's another example where like sometimes if it's not going your way like the front line. For me i just couldn't literally couldn't make the ball go in the hole it was. So frustrating i was kind of nervy. And and just not not i didn't have a nice feeling about me it just takes a couple of nice shots on the back night steady the and like the whole round turn around he wanted to destroy you i asked him on the 17th degree i think again i said last week. And he was adamant he was going to win that match he was going to leave no stone unturned i like it. But that that is the difference i don't i don't know if i've got that in me i feel like i'm quite competitive. But i've not i've not got it in me to the level that like these real elites that's how they get to where they get to isn't it's the practice it's that obsession with being the best like they could do anything they would want to win wouldn't they like you look at it with like even we talked about formula one a minute ago like those guys at the front they have to win like you know it's. So like ingrained in their kind of um personality you look at again old celebrities that were at the um the f1 this weekend like you look like michael jordan he had to win you look at serena. And venus williams they had to win david beckham to the greek had to win like it's just it's in built i wish i could inject it i wish i could inject that kind of steroids it helps a lot and just a quick one before we we'll definitely talk more about the british masters because we went for the day and it was awesome got some good news a little bit bad news with more good news it's like a sandwich of good. And bad news really so the good news is the live podcast is fast approaching us. So it's saturday the 28th of may in london the rick shields golf show live um a bit more good news i've done quite well on ticket sales great bad news is not sold them all out. Yet okay good news the listener is you can call them it's bandage. For us but good news for the listeners yes exactly. So it's going to be in london we're going to put a link if you watch this video there'll be a link below if you're listening there'll be a link in the podcast description. And we'll also put some stuff on rick's twitter and facebook in the next.

Coming days so you'll see more about it as well saturday 28th of may yep gonna be about half past seven start the bad news for me is that liverpool are in the champions league final i tell people i don't play if you don't come um i'd rather go to public much myself i've got to do a podcast well i might just do on my own i might yeah if you can if you don't mind well the good news is if you live in london you hopefully well hopefully you might support a london team. Or whatever so it's obviously liverpool and real madrid in the final and then.

We'll be done by halftime well um maybe i think we will oh yeah we'll see i don't know about that. And then.

We have some beers watch a bit of footage well that's the other good news that if you're coming this has got a different vibe that so if the last live podcast we did it was almost like a show wasn't it we had some guests on it was kind of how do you explain it it was a it was a show this one is a lot more of a chilled out vibe isn't it you're gonna be boozed up i'll be semi boozed up we're not we're not actually recording it. So people listening now we're they're live we're not gonna actually use as a episode yeah it's more of a vibe yeah gotta be there. For the vibe really not everyone can be there. And get that so it's a shame if you live obviously further away or whatever um but if you are a fan of the podcast you want to come. And meet rick get a picture with rick sit on the stage yeah to some degree um it's the chance to do it. So it's going to be a very much if you are coming we can't wait to see you all it'll be we will stay around. For beers afterwards you're going to get rat asked i've heard well i think you know what the plan would be everybody come in right we all agree we don't go on social media okay. And we paused the match five minutes before kickoff okay just outside in the little kind of vampy theater we all enjoy the show you. And me have i been having a few beers there's something the other right then.

Collectively hundreds of people go behind press go on the remote yeah off we go. Or we could go like forget the match really let's not be bothered about it we can have a couple of beaters. And everyone can walk out together with you like we've been to a football match right. And they'll be cheering tops off we are the shields aren't me. And we can walk to the local pub like it's a bit like green street elite have you ever seen that yeah yeah we could cause a bit of trouble in london wow can i get the train back the next.

Day well there you go either way who knows you're only going to find out how it's going to pan out if you come on. So it should be good that is the 28th of may there's tickets available online. And you can come along it's a big day today.

You it's a know very monumental day is it the day that you first are ever gonna get up. And down no no that day's. Yet to come um guess again what else could it be 9th of may 9th of may i think i know exactly what this is i am going to say it is 10 years ago today.

You did your first ever youtube video oh you spoiled the surprise yeah i always just guess. But don't get it get it right no no it is it's ten years since little ricky over here decided to go onto youtube. And upload press that upload button and uploaded the first ever ever ever youtube video on the rick shields golf golf youtube channel amateur medal about something what's mad is that not only is 10 years a long time it's the fact of when you first uploaded that video you would have had no expectations whatsoever i've had as i started with zero subscribers zero views zero hours watched i wouldn't have known what um analytics is. Or or algorithm or wouldn't have known anything thumbnailing description click bait obviously i knew nothing about clickbait back then.

Because the first video was actually called golf swing from above with rick shiels it sounds like a nice like um what does it sound like like almost like a poem. Or something it was 48 seconds long i think because it was the first ever video straight to the point it got 62 000 views yeah because people are going over at the time i remember this video like having 10 views yeah. And that was probably nine of me. And one from like someone else um 10 years and in that 10 years this is some crazy stats collect on this the main youtube channel i've uploaded 2027 videos wow in 10 years obviously 2.13 million subscribers that's a bit of a difference in it um i've got some other stats 59.6 million hours watched. And 532.1 million views so yeah please a medal would be would be fantastic you know what's mad though i wonder out of it your first like 100 subscribers how many of those people still watch imagine. For some people who've literally been a subscriber from like the first or second day or first like a month or whatever they still watch now you know again it's it's it was a lovely time i remember when i was uploading these i was at trafford center i was wanting to promote myself as a golf coach i had no idea what kind of youtube was doing there was a couple of youtubers doing stuff it was me my golf. And mark crossfield and a few others kind of over in the states but re a handful like five max and i had no expectations i knew nothing what it would do um. And i remember like every time i'd hit a milestone whether it was honestly a hundred views. Or 200 views or a you know a thousand views on a video was like crazy uh i certainly remember like milestones of getting to like a hundred subscribers like thinking oh my god i've like i've made it 100 subscribers we've got it pop the champagne open um. And it was just like it was more kind of a way of promoting myself as i've mentioned on the podcast loads of times before. And other kind of interviews and stuff but um yeah 10 years it feels like it's gone like i i've certainly aged yeah beard beard kids three kids there's a golf club. But reckon you if you went out now that a match play against rick shields of 10 years ago who would win i think i swing it better now. But i think rick shielsen 10 years ago had that grit yeah he wasn't scarred he was he was he was confident confident individual you know what's mad though with with like when you're saying they're about milestones. And stuff it is similar to golf like you're kind of in a kind of tonguing cheeks you know when i got a thousand subscribers. Or 100 subscribers whatever but at the time that was a big deal it's like when people start golf like you have to break 120. i remember my first ever score was 144 i was like eight years old. And i kept my score card 144 and then.

Obviously you'd be want to be whatever it might be 120 100 100 90 80. yeah like every golfer on tour you think of whether it's dustin johnson. Or rory has broken 100 for the first time and would have been made up with it 100 i i was 11 that i shot 120. And you're right i was like buzzing yeah i thought it was like oh my god i finished everything exactly that's the thing it's finishing the first time isn't it. And then.

Even my first ever par it's the first hole i used to play at and i'd hit like two three short the green i hadn't got on the green in three i was about 30 yards away. And i pitched it in that's mad and i'm thinking like that was my first ever part like it wasn't as if it was like fairway green to port it was like it was like a lucky part really it's great it's the green it's crazy like again i our my golf club i think i said to you when you came to the week it was it had a simulator well too early it had a simulator in about i'm going to say now 2001 maybe it was like it was too futuristic because people couldn't get a head around it. And um we used to hit balls and it was like he used to pay. For it but you should turn onto free for the juniors sometimes and i remember hitting a driver 100 yards oh my god and i was like absolutely yeah well you are like because it's like it they are these milestones that kind of keep you coming. So yeah no nice day today.

Happy to kind of get to that milestone thank you. For your help obviously thank you um you know thank you for everyone listening watching um subscribing interacting it's been a fun journey um hopefully ten more years can come firstly on a couple of things then.

I'm gonna ask one thing sorry 149 comments that first video got if you're listening to this let's see if we can double the comments on that first ever video let's even get to 300 maybe just a congrats on 10 years. Or rick you're not a nice person or whatever you want to say rick you're a plant pot um out of that hundred not a hundred years a hundred years then.

Uh ten years what's been your favorite ever video to make and i'm not thinking the one that's necessarily got the most views but the one that you st either now that you look on most fondly or at the time when you upload it you thought this is unbelievable you might look back at that now. And think it wasn't unbelievable. But one at the time that you were really really happy with it we'll just flick through all 2027. And have a quick look um i wonder which one it was um i'm most proud of you know which one i think from my point of view is up there. And it's ironic because the lee west would warm up yesterday i still think the one with tommy yeah that was pretty good because you had a torpo on who at the time was a concept it was everything it was the fact that you had a tour pro on who at the time. And obviously still now is an absolute elite elite golfer he was. So relaxed on the channel so that's like kudos to you into the channel that he was himself on there it was a video that was something that people haven't really seen before i think that's a good one you know which one it is that's that really daft one. But i think it's because of the kind of coach in me it was one that actually started off as a facebook video. And we uploaded it onto youtube which was like the bump. And room the toe down one like 8 iron bump and run the amount of comments i get on that from people like when we weren't the british masters like 10 people are. So i love you little hey i'm bump and run and to me it was like a shot that i kind of known as a kid like almost one of the first shots i ever i ever learned. But i think who did i ever learn that from it might have been a friend who i started playing golf with. Or a friend's dad well like some people now coming into golf don't maybe have that luxury of having like a friend's dab to show him and i'm kind of acting as that as that kind of sound board or that that person of advice to give you know little bump and run shots like the coach the comments i got on the coaching videos i just absolutely love you know that it's been very very lucky i think there's been a couple of standout moments certainly filming i think the probably the number one. For me if not top three was lee at saint andrews like playing saint andrews in reverse on a sunday with a tour pro he was a really cool guy with hickory clubs like i remembered stunts i'm not saying like nervous. But almost like pinching myself going is this real yeah like this this isn't real life who the hell gets a chance to do this because it's. So unbelievably rare but i loved this was when you were involved actually i think you kind of helped plan it a little bit when i did the interview with um rory mcavoy. And jason daye down at nike town yeah like that was it was i was well out my comfort level because it was again dead new. For me but i remember sitting there going this is really cool opportunity yeah like sit down with two of the best players in the world certainly at the time you know even videos like we tall paul like we get to hang around with the tallest golf tallest person in europe yeah all that eddie hall the world's strongest man like it's absolutely. So much the non-golf ones that are almost the most like the people that you meet that aren't even golf related like eddie hall that was a random collaboration. But did really well brilliant. And genuinely all the all the little matches all the times i played with pete or carly or matt fryer and the times we've had obviously playing with like james robinson even spending time with you out in the golf course in the most in like the recent 75s and stuff like you know i'm very fortunate i get to call golf my job and i get to make videos about it and i genuinely think in 20 30 years time as long as youtube doesn't get deleted there'll be there'll be days where i'll sit. And just watch old videos that is that's the coolest bit i'd say i did it i did it actually yesterday because it got me thinking like we when we went to british masters. And you asked me about the belfry and i thought i've played it definitely but i can't quite remember when i played and i literally just put in bell for rick shields it's like i've done like 20 videos there and i can just flick back. And go oh god yeah do you remember the show i see them like like roughly yeah i remember yeah i remember the search i almost remem i remember the outcome before i've hit it on video. So i'm like i don't remember oh no i do remember where this one finishes this one finishes right. And then.

I'm like oh no i got up. And down from there i've missed this part i can't believe i under read it and i'm talking about eight videos from like eight years ago seven years ago i'm like how do i even remember this stuff it's madness yeah that is that's the that's the weirdest bit that's gonna live. For forever you can watch them again like 2 000 videos like there's. So much different content from like say from the coaching videos or the fun entertaining videos to the break 75s to the matches that i've had um it's been a super fun ride and here's to many more years but like i say it's just it's 10 i just can't go over 10 years it's a big chunk of my life i know i'm only 35. that's like a third of my life uploading youtube videos i don't get a cake i wonder what i'd have said to myself at like 16 like finishing school i kind of wanted to be a golfer it's kind of what everyone's kind of dream was i went off to college to go to golf college someone said to me rick you're going to be youtube about a gun what's that that's a youtuber what's mad now i'll teach i'll talk to the kids. And like i'll tell them because they asked me what you do i'm like i'm a golf pro. And like all right i say i make videos all right i'm a youtuber you're a youtuber yeah how much subs if you guys yeah. Or i'll talk to like cousins or nephews or whatever and it's like oh you're a youtuber it's like yeah. But i'm a golf pro though first like don't forget that bit but youtube is a platform. And it's a viable kind of job i think what's unique with youtube. And with youtubers now as well is that even in the last maybe three four five years mo a lot of people watch youtube now who wouldn't have done before you know it was a very young platform six seven eight nine years ago like my dad loves his youtube now. But there's so many different genres on there like my brother as well he watches a lot of woodworking stuff and he like looks up to those kind of youtubers if you like yeah my dad watches like random caravan videos. And stuff so so many more people now like resonate with a youtuber i might even have their own favorite youtuber yeah. And i remember um it wasn't very long ago a guy said oh my daughter watches youtube. And all she does is watch kids playing with toys. And she's got the same toy yourself and he couldn't get his head around it i said. But do you ever watch gogglebox oh yeah i love it well you're literally the same thing you're watching people watch tv you've already watched yeah. So and it was all right yeah. And i think even that kind of mindset it's not very often you get that now people don't get youtube more. And more people understand it and use it and like you said where will it be in 10 years in my head i always think like it won't be here in 10 years. But why will it not you might have thought that 10 years ago 100. But also like when we talk about the certain the milestones like because there was no blueprint there was no nobody knew what how many subscribers could be achieved. Or how many views could be achieved and and in golf right now nobody still does we're at the forefront thankfully. But like you look at youtubers who are getting a hundred million subscribers. And you think you know maybe golf could get to that number like there's no reason why it can't like you know it could go it could get to 10 million subscribers we know every video could be getting two million views. And and that yachting aruba definitely becomes more achievable then.

But like um it's it's crazy what's mad and i i always said this to you. And some of the lads that obviously worked with us now and stuff that one of the ones i think was crazy was when i started it started with you it was i think set october 17. about a month. Or two after that i went to film that anzo links oh yeah you know the story. But you played golf with just one club and we had somebody else craig salter came and filmed and edited it did a good job. And about two weeks after it went live it hit a hundred thousand views which was massive like absolutely huge. So much so you actually did a standalone instagram post you remember it yeah it was like you with 100k went over the top. And you were like thanks. So much everyone for watching this video i can't believe it's a hundred thousand views and it was like two. And a half weeks to do. So and we were like at the time absolutely made awesome. And rightly so like that was a massive achievement the videos very rarely got 200 thousand views. And if he did it might take a year two years whatever that was two. And a half weeks the main channel video is now like the break 75s. And stuff is that like two hours three hours. And that's not like a glowing thing that's just showing the actual sometimes you have to look at something and that's ironic an instagram post that makes you think actually the time that i've been with you you obviously know it from the actual start when you like used to get a hundred views. Or a thousand views and you have to sometimes it's quite good every now and again to take a step back and look at the actual size 100 this is the scale. But yeah on that note massive shout out i've said to yourself you've massively changed the the channel. And the way that we've made videos and we make hopefully everyone enjoy everyone agrees much better videos now the fact that tim my longest editor has been with me for like seven years harry who's off today.

But he does an incredible job on all the break 75 stuff matt who does the podcast. And sometimes records it no i'm joking. But obviously he does great on the podcast clips. And he started off facebook channel we've got ed now another editor who does all the facebook stuff got amy like does a lot of the kind of admin work it's like it's a full full juggernaut of a team now which is uh it's really exciting. So uh so basically i can't quit i can't as much as i might start shooting 95s i can't quit no um it's fun i think that's the only thing that has probably changed my um you know when you put a video out there nine years ago. And i got 50 views on a video it didn't really matter how you played it wasn't that big of a deal and now i play and i put a video out and it's going to get at least half a million views in the first few days it definitely puts a little bit of a it does i should get used to it. But just on that just quickly lasting on this i think that's changed more. So in this last year or two partly with your own mindset and being kind of almost braver and also with the viewer understanding you more on the channel more because back in the era when you were still like kind of semi-competitive playing at local pga stuff. And all whatever and try to get into the open that was good content at the time. But obviously you were kind of wanting to play well in order to first get into the open do well in these pga events. But also for your kind of credibility as well you want to be a good golfer whereas now i think people are much more aware you don't play as much as you probably realize you are a good golfer by most people's standards. But also you're not going to go out. And even break something five all the time you will have some 80s 85s whatever it might be yeah. And but also one of the comments i saw that stood out so much on the last one that was really accurate was someone was praising. For the fact that we could easily and you could easily shoot that score and go that's not going on youtube i'll come back again tomorrow nobody would know like literally nobody would know those two shanks you could have just put the third one down said let's not film that lads let's do the next.

One nobody would know no you got a nine like you've put yourself out there. And i think people respect that more than if you did play well if you shot 70 round conway great well done like yo what i mean yeah. But the fact you're eighty what did you shoot eight wouldn't matter whatever it was actually showed the real score that makes. So many people feel better because most guys don't go out at the weekend and get 36 sale for points they get 27 you get 29 they might get 34 and play quite well every now and again you might get 40 and absolutely shoot the lights out but most times it's 30 29 yeah like that's real goals yeah it is going back to our point to start this podcast golf bloody hard. But anyway that's the last last point on this thank you so much um for everybody viewing and and uh watching 10 years so far and let's hope for ten ten more years they should buy yourself a bike as a present you already have perfect there speaking of ten years though in the future we want bigger we want better videos i've heard rumors i don't know if this can be spoken on the podcast rick. But i'd love you to do. So i've heard some little rumors fishing around the internet and there's there's been these kind of speculations for weeks months years now but you kind of told me something that i want to just talk on the podcast i don't know if you're hearing this it means that we've kept it in so that's good if you don't hear this it won't have gone live so sorry i've heard little rumors that you might be in the summer collaborating with a channel a massive channel good good people want this and i want this and always tell me now what's happening because i don't know enough about this talk to me are you going to collaborate with good good. So talks have started yes. And it's looking incredibly promising this year yes even though we've been trying to do this. For three years that bloody thing covered got in the way this year in the summer good good if you've not checked out good good channel yet they are killing it they're doing really good like the good lads they you know good golfers really good editing uh kind of a more i'd like to think probably a younger demographic getting lots of new golfers into the game young kids making golf look cool massively respect what they're doing. And they are hustling they are working hard um. So hopefully we can get a killer collaboration which i genuinely think will break the internet yes. So what kind of collaboration we thinking a friendly match um because i feel like if we went you play against them then.

They've got such a fashion fan base we might lose bring it bring it bring it let's go let's let's go out all guns blazing um let's just see i think a mixture of fun videos a mixture of a competitive one maybe competitiveness a whole mixture of different types of content i think the plan is. For them to come over in the summer come over to the uk um hopefully i'm not talking about a turn here because this hasn't been kind of booked just yet um yeah i'm excited to meet up with the lads um yeah i'd follow the journey i'm a big fan of the channels um what they're doing yeah brilliant i'm very excited. And i think it own the viewer. And people who enjoy golf and enjoy youtube will benefit from this collaboration that's it as well. And i think something that we've become more aware of now as well is that there's. So many golf youtube channels and there's so many good ones now as well like good good the way they film their course videos are unbelievable like really really good. And [Applause] um but that's the beauty of for us it's great to see other channels doing well because it makes it does actually make us more almost competitive we want up our production to make sure that you know hundreds of videos still looking good. And when we talk about collaboration that'll be the stuff that you see but actually with the collaborations that we talk about off camera yeah about how do you shoot that how do you get that. And they ask us well how do you how do you get your podcast looking that good. Or how did you do this. And they'll come to the studio and see it and we'll get them on the podcast and it's more it's a collaborative output yeah the viewer will see that. But it's actually more of a collaborative kind of input all together or you know like-minded individuals going well how can we all get better how do you do that okay well how do you do that. And let's exchange ideas and thoughts and let's make the whole platform that's it the better the videos are the better it is. For us because people watch their videos don't watch one youtube video a day or every two days oh that video was sick good good videos really good oh there's a rick shields video at the side i'll watch that one. Or vice versa it's good for the whole platform it's good for golf it's good that they'll be getting people into i think we know we speak to a wide audience. And certainly younger but a lot of older people as well they speak to a lot of younger people a lot of young golfers watch their videos you can see on the comments people say as you do when i was. But on their videos you say i don't even play golf i watch every good good video that person might become a golfer might want to a new driver and watch our videos so it's good for everyone it's uh it's a rising tides rise together and i feel like that's what wasn't good can do um british masters yeah we did a day out it did it was like a dad. And lad day you were the dad i was laughing um it was it was good on it it was. So this was the dp world tour british masters um hosted by danny willett at the belfry one of the most famous golf courses certainly here in the uk uh hosted the ryder cup a number of times um a world-class venue yeah it looked spectacular not whatever you used. For it lush yeah it did didn't it yeah it did super green uh immaculate condition the golf we went on the friday. So it's just before the court so all the golfers are out there um i think this was surprising though can you guess what the attendance was. For the whole week the whole week oh god i'm gonna embarrass himself here by saying a stupid number four million no um i reckon there's probably 15 a day. So i'd say including wednesday 75k you're not far off just over 50. i but it seemed busy wouldn't be the open is 290 000 this year it's outrageous like to put that into the level of perspective the only time you sort of do notice it was when i saw torbjorn on the last hole his port the crowd was probably three. Or four people deep yeah because everyone collects to that point exactly you get that at every shot of very much everybody at the open door yeah certainly when it's the last hole it's like 17 18 20 people deep. For like what feels like miles yeah no. But you know i i just i was. So surprised i thought it felt like there was more people there thank you everyone that came up. And said hello said hello to you. And me either enjoyed the youtube videos or the podcast or both um and we saw we followed uh our mate sam horstfield yes. And we saw one of the he literally joined him on the 17th it's a par 5 dog like around the corner he hits driver straight over the corner who was like yeah that was pretty. And it sounds good sounds hit like even though i've spent time with tour pros at an event it seems to sound better it does. And we walk around the corner he's there splat bang in the middle of the fairway hits a three wood pulls it a little bit shout out to shout four yeah because he thought he'd pulled into the crowd caught the bunker on the left-hand side you know fairly you know run-of-the-mill bunker shot he'd like to think. For a tour player opens the face up flips his hands underneath it incredible technique this ball just like popped out like a butterfly took one bounce on the front of the green just rolled and dropped eagles for three please good that one it was very good i guess i was gonna say like these tour pros are obviously clearly streets ahead of how i play golf. But that bunker shot i would feel more than confident getting out the bunker yeah. And i'd like to put it within putt range in reality i'm thinking get it out two put make the par again shows the difference he's not thinking get out and get a part he's thinking get out make a birdie but he's also thinking that i do fancy box in this as well. And he walks off with a three it's just crazy so good gave his ball to a little young fan he was just loving it i don't think i would give the ball away why could you just play an eagle with it anybody say i have a bunker scuffed oh i don't know i'd be i'd be dead weird with stuff like that you know what you know this is what made me laugh you say this now. And you're saying like with lee westwood about all this stuff of like don't do that like you're saying things which i understand because you're not at all bro. But it's like if somebody watched you and said oh dude all your different clubs all the time y'all drive all the time you're like oh no you're kind of over it it's like the same thing true. So what you're saying is you would make an eagle with a ball you'd walk past a little kid with this big puppy dog eye say please mr shields can i have your ball no my eagle ball now [Laughter]. So you can have it now yeah if you find it you can have it um yeah it was good good atmosphere um yeah we're just a bit of a chilled out there wasn't it it was good yeah there was like i said lots of people came up to you um. And said how much they like the videos which was very nice i was on cameraman duty taking pictures. For you you were really good at that i was i'm really good at opening an iphone. And there was an older guy couldn't his mate couldn't do it. For him so i had to do it didn't kind of save the day you were brilliant you got some great snacks really awkward weird thing though to will mention it was funny it was very cringe was there's a guy might have had a couple of beers. And he was like oh rick rick rick like which is again you were used to that by this point can i get a picture a few of his mates as well it's like all got a bit of a huddle. So i kind of moved out to the side obviously and somebody else at the pitch he went oh come on guy you got on if you want so i kind of luckily walked over and said an awkward smile. And i said i thought get on if you like i'm more than happy to not be in the picture get on if you want you said didn't he anything like you don't you're only going to talk about on the podcast yes well exactly. So well done five minutes but i don't know why i didn't just say no you're right mate if you don't i'm not bothered with me obviously if you want yeah that was a bit of a strange on that. So i'll done it of course i did because you wanted to be honest i wanted to be honest on the squad picture [Music] i just think as well i know these they weren't super expensive the tickets i don't think well they weren't i had to look online um if you are ever able to go to a tour event of any day. Or any i know it's hard people are in work. And then.

The weekends are a bit dearer it's definitely worth going because we go to that event. And obviously lucky enough that i've been to many many golf events now as obviously you have as well so some of the stuff that you see we kind of don't even really focus on but if it's your first time there's so much you can just learn just watching them practice watching them on the course just just being in a golf environment it's just great obviously. So many kind of like-minded golfers there um a lot of people actually asked william the podcast group who would go into the battlefield what should they were because if you've never got yeah if you've never been to a golf event yeah it's quite difficult to go in like your own clothes jeans whatever do you go in golf attire then.

You think if i go. And golf title like i'm too keen going what you want a lot of people wear golf clothes a lot of people don't you can wear what you want if you're going to the open this year it's a silly thing to make sound a silly thing to say it's a lot of people. But equally a lot of people will be going to the open yeah you know what you want if you want to wear your golf she's got the comfier where you gulp shoes you want to be a polo yeah obviously there's no real dress code. But you kind of feel like you want to be in it a little bit i'll take it here's a good little tip and i i did this when's when we met up with sam because sometimes when you if you you're spectating then.

It's not a big massive event obviously british masters quite quite a big one. But there's no there's no way of understanding how far people are away from the hole. So i haven't i had my garmin on me and i logged into the golf course just so you can get a bit of an idea of how that was a bit golfing how far away they are i mean don't take a laser though i think the laser's a bit too much um i can appreciate binoculars even though i don't think i've taken myself i can i can appreciate that we've got a grand stand you have a little look around. But yeah gps watch you can just have a little light oh owner of harry is here. And just kind of you know scale it in yeah um your garmin gps watch my garmin s60. So it was great um again i know saying this every single week on the podcast what it makes me even more excited. For the open just because being at golf events is fun it's different it's not like any other sporting event i don't think maybe cricket. But i don't know i mean qriket is different because weirdly when you go to golf event you actually watch that much golf really we didn't see that. But we probably saw 30 shots yeah. But you just it's just maybe even more now in fact i'm tracking but it wasn't many more than 30 shots um yeah you know you're probably right it's somewhere between 30. And 50 isn't it really if you sit on a grand stand then.

You see a lot you'd see a lot if you go to the bar you'll see none unless you have different kind of shots oh yeah well talking about golf events yes talking about ticket prices talking about some of the best golfers in the world live podcast in london live golf events yes. So i'm sure a lot of people certainly if you've got your ear on the ground i've heard about the live golf events this is the will often be called the saudi golf league um the first event is taking place in london. And i'm just going to go on ticket price straight away because there's been a lot of backlash if i want to buy a ticket now to go. And watch i don't know who i'm going to go. And watch by the way because it's not been announced who's actually playing in it it's all a bit secret secret at the moment it's nearly 70 pound a ticket it's a lot of money that four you don't actually know who you're gonna go and watch right now you might get some of the best players in the world playing yeah. But it's so wrapped in kind of secrecy at the moment it's a bit crazy in it it's a lot well it's how you look at it in some ways if you think of a golf event if you take it 70 quid you could go with the crocodile. And you could state that it goes dark so in that sense it's better value than football definitely than other sports but what's the different i think with this one is two things like you said you'd first you don't know who's going to be there it's like when you go to the open you know that tiger's going to be there etcetera. So that's the first thing and the second thing that's a bit weird about it is the fact this saudi golf league. Or sorry live golf invitational or saudi golf league whatever you want to call it has obviously been pumped full of money millions and millions and hundreds and millions of dollars billions even i think. And that's advertised how much the players are making the players gonna make five squillion quid. For shooting 85. yeah. But yeah if you're a punter that wants to go you've got to pay a lot of money i think they would have been. So much better off from a public image if they'd made tickets to add at three a hundred percent or like a tenner so it's almost like stupidly cheap because it's like this that's they sell 10 000 tickets 70 quid it's like 70 grand no 700 grand i think yeah that's not going to make you know it's a tiny dent it's nothing in in the money cash card that this is being that's being kind of tipped. For this massive purses massive money these players are going to make which is obviously lucrative enough. For them to be falling out with sponsors and tours and fans that's what that's what's happening yeah to then.

Charge. So much for a ticket i think it's a real own goal this live golf it's obviously we've talked about it many times. And we will continue to do. So such a big talking point in golf but what's frustrating me about at the moment is i'm definitely keen. For for change for more exciting golf formatting that's better for the viewer yeah. So that i'm excited. For that whether that's this tournament or other things well we first off spoke with andy garner about the premier golf league exactly what i'm not keen on with this so far the main story is about how much money obviously the saudi thing which obviously naturally gets a lot of people not happy about it which i understand. But then.

The second thing the kind of more golf side of things is that all the real output i'm hearing is about how much money the player is going to get it's nothing about the fans at all at the moment like when i watched the f1 yesterday i don't care how much. For stopping gets i actually don't know i don't i don't care if it's one million quid or 10 million i don't care so that's the first thing it's like yeah it's great the golf swing in loads of money. But they're only multi-millionaires anyway so i'm literally not bothered the other thing i don't like as well a lot of the people are potentially going playing the way they're going about. And things are saying it's really they're not nice like the whole thing with sergio the other day with what he's doing i can't wait to leave this tour only a couple of weeks left that then.

Naturally reflects badly on the new tour of course it does. So it feels like there's so many things that are kind of tarnished. And just another thing on this as well we haven't touched on i've seen quite a lot of comments from people asking about why we didn't talk to lee westwood now podcast about it so let's do this to see two reasons i've got two reasons well first off basically it was underembargo said start the podcast listen guys yeah off podcast i i can't talk about it because i said you know can we ask you about it he said i can't yeah like my responsibilities my response would be i can't say anything. And now since that last week he did get interviewed by sky sports. And he came out a little bit more so whether whether some level of embargo was lifted um. But it but it's when we certainly i don't know if this is your follow-up point when you sat with someone. For a full full day in a full podcast and filming the afternoon you don't really want to pick off either well it's kind of that but but also well firstly he'd said i can't talk about it. So we're not going to push him yeah we are happy to ask questions. Or you have as well an awkward i.e when you ask bryce you know what not shout out so that's not off the record but also when we have these somebody a few comments saying when you interviewed lee westwood you didn't ask him this i personally don't know what you i don't see there's interviews i think of interviews kind of very much kind of you asking questions back. And forth you have a right to know the answer to we almost see them as a guest on this podcast and we want them to feel very relaxed and at home and not like they're getting grilled so if he hadn't said at the start about the lifting we would have 100 asked about it. And maybe gone to a few of these things but if he said towards off which people didn't know he said off the record i can't speak about it we're not then.

Going to start pressuring. And go go on like you know in in the podcast and we want all the big guests to come on it's just not how we are no i mean it's a bit like the did you see the interview last week of uh suzanne from good morning britain yeah with boris johnson like that's an answer exactly that's it you know that's grilling rightly. So like when piers morgan interviews certain people it's a grilling well this isn't it's not sitting down friendly nice chat the we don't need to kind of pull up things like this if he does if he can't talk about it if he could we would have asked him are you going to be playing in it what do you think about a few things. But again i'm not we're not going to stand there. And grill him and go what about this what about that what about this because that's not who we are. And what we're doing we're not journalists exactly when you got interviewed by sky sports they're they're actual journalists who are trying to get this out doing a great job these answers out of these guys. And they're also being pressured from their big bosses we need an answer from lee westwood we need it well we're not pressured by anybody like i don't we don't need to do it. So either way live golf tour um the first event actually very soon it's a month away we still don't know who's playing in it no rumors we know rumors of westwood garcia mickelson um i just don't know how it's gonna pan out i really don't i'm excited to see how it goes. And i'm also excited to see again at the moment there's been a lot we'd actually don't know this because the lee western video is going out today.

For us it'll be out already if there'll be a lot of comments on that about people who aren't happy with him potentially played in it i don't know i'm interested to see though how that if it changes like if these players go to these events and end up being good events and good tv will people then.

Kind of warm to it. Or is the fact is coming from saudi. So fundamentally wrong in so many people's opinions and minds they will never give it a chance. And they will never entertain it i don't know it could go either way it's eight events pretty much one every month one in june two in july september september october. Or three in october it's not going to be long before we find out the answer to all of these questions like who's playing it. And is it successful i mean there's a there's a line on the website the grass is always greener when you're standing on it that's on the website. So this is like it's just mystery like i feel like they've gone out this obviously greg norman's kind of fronting this they've gone out this. And they're trying to sign the best players in the world or whatever they're trying to do. But then.

They sewn the wraps it's hard to get excited about it when you don't know who's gonna be playing really really really hard. And then.

Like say when you're charging 70 quid a ticket then.

I just think that's such an own goal really is um what else do we talk about i think that's pretty much everything i had really yeah um sorry i bought an ipad mini randomly yeah that was a waste of money have you used it at all i've charged it once. And it's not run out of charge yet okay that's a good yeah. So tell me how that's how much i've used it um new brake 75 is coming out this friday um already been filmed. And better golf from sophie walker from sophie walker sophie played fantastic she was very um i played better that video will come out friday 4pm uh thanks. For listening everybody yes i'll hopefully see some of you at the live podcast again tickets are available come in at two coming to three coming to one i'll be your mate if you're gonna come on your own you're thinking i don't know who i'm gonna sit with sit on your own. For a little bit maybe but afterwards come and have a drink with us you could also sit next.

To a cartoon character yes. So over the british masters we met up with a golf scratch book yeah it's cool illustrations which you might see in some of my instagram. And stuff is. So they're so so good uh we're a little chat podcast exclusive about maybe just just maybe just maybe doing a little bit of merchandise exclusive merch nice for the live show yeah. And if it goes well it'll be available in a bigger scale thank you everybody episode 130 we shall see you next.

Week see you then.
