Hey guys keep that in okay we're going with that hi everyone that was rick's best intro wow you can tell it's monday morning can't you yes uh hey everyone welcome back to the ricky shields golf show podcast episode 131 uh again you'd think i'd be good at this by now you know over 2 000 videos on youtube 131 podcasts millions of views. And i can't even do a simple intro to welcome the podcast your podcast skills are going the same way as your golf things started. So promising and it's just dropping oh don't because my confidence in my golf isn't good so don't don't my confidence when i'm when i'm doing this as well without spoiling anything you've had some bad rounds recently on break 75 and um we had a lot of comments about it rick people concerned and the big one is people most people are loving it the fact that you're showing some real rounds of golf because as we've said before you could go out. And you could forge them you could fake them you could spring a little bit of editing dust on them and we don't what you see is what you get the big concern from people are it's not. So much that you're playing bad it's that you seem to take mate seem to be taking it out on yourself getting angry at yourself yeah you know what i didn't realize before i genuinely didn't realize this how many golf coaches we have watched the channel like tens of thousands of golf coaches yeah they're telling me i'm swinging too fast too slow face is too open too close grip's too strong to head up lift my head up all this all this jazz um i'm just playing it i'm just playing a bit crap it happens to the best of us. But we we're actually shooting ahead of schedule at the moment on break 75 so we've actually already shot episode number five now yeah episode number four is not even ours yes i'm with you yeah. So episode five not giving too much spoiler away during the round of golf you said at one point when you play like this i can't ever imagine you're playing bad i did you've got a game right when you're playing badly the wheels fall off don't they like a lot of us yeah i think it gets in your head. And you get frustrated at yourself again that is what golf does to the very best of us when you're playing well which again without spoiling anything you play well in an upcoming episode you just look solid your driving is good your putting is always solid. And the kind of nice pace of putts iron play is good you don't over shape it your chipping is was better yeah yeah much better. And honestly what you're thinking i don't know what you're gonna mess with i don't think you are it's almost like solid well it's weird when i'm playing well i can't imagine making bogeys like i just don't even see it obviously i'll throw a few in. But when i'm playing bad i can't even imagine making paths never mind birdies but that's gotha that is golf well like say i've seen lots of comments. And lots of uh of comments that are trying to give advice i've had i've had some very very heartwarming emails uh you know really really concerned like people really genuinely concerned i think a lot of people watched looked at the title of the clip we posted on the podcast channel last week about me quitting golf. But didn't actually watch the video yes. So i think a lot of people saw it. And instantly went it's quitting golf i had a lot of emails like begging me not to quit even though in the video i said it's not about quitting it's just a very good clickbait title um. But yeah no games coming along um. But also like i feel like we've been busy recently like we've been shooting a lot we're making a lot of content um running yeah we're gonna come on to that like hitting the gym family life i feel like sometimes you know what i'd love to do. But time can't ever manage this i'd actually love to go away for two weeks like to a really class practice facility you know like somewhere that just has it all work on your game and just grind like you know figure it out in the dirt well the downside to that would be it would help your golf but it would again make it more then.

We could make videos be boring it would make it almost not as relatable because even though you play now probably a little bit more than the average person obviously because it's your job but most guys or girls play on a weekend and maybe sneak in a range session so that's what life's like that inconsistency of golf and white self-esteem if your practice regime became like a tough bro it wouldn't be as relatable i've shot some guys that yes they actually that kind of casually play golf. And they said you know i'm playing you know i'm new to golf. And i'm i'm just dead inconsistent and i looked and i said that actually never changes doesn't really does it like consistency never actually changes it's just that your badge cops get better like your perception of a bad shot compared to someone who's just started is very very kind of a bad shot in your first start it looks like a shot yeah all right all right really really bad like we're going to come on to it in a minute. But like sam horsfield who's just won this weekend friend of the show uh he won which is phenomenal i just i watched little bits of it yesterday. But watched his highlights this morning he hit some bad shots like he even went on to victory and still didn't hit every single shot perfect you look at his scorecard and think he had yeah like shot three under you think wow what a great round final round. But you actually look at the way he did it. And you think god there's actually a lot of not great shots in there. But mixed with a lot of very very very very good shots it's speaking of victory thanks for in your red liverpool top today.

So celebrate our fa cup win well you're getting a bit more towards the liverpool fan again we had that kind of last year yeah yeah i think i'm tram here at the moment i'm imagining towards i won't go everton. But no i you're watching the football i did actually did yeah yeah i wanted ridiculously white chelsea to win why because i just don't want liverpool to win four trophies this year because then.

You've always got it honestly yes do you know what i mean i can't see the full happening. But it doesn't matter what happens like you are ridiculously better team than us right now without even a question about it everyone can see that you. And city are way way above everyone else in the league. But like when i look at it and think we've done the treble back in 99 i think oh god if you did the quad it's like you've got it because we're never going to do that no not. For the foreseeable i can't even imagine it um so yeah i was kind of hoping praying chelsea. And they had a lot of chances early on didn't they good but for a nil nil it was a very good match it was it was almost like there was. So many chances but neither team could like put them away yeah it's a bit like having a round of golf. And you've hit every green but you've not sunk any played well yeah exactly um also on the weekend i did some running. And you've been doing some running you upload a picture onto your instagram which will insert maybe here on the video if you want. And you were looking trim fuckingly don't go all blushed um i don't really know because i've actually stopped kind of stopped weighing myself a little bit yeah i think it can kind of bog you down a bit kind of get you excited. But it could also like you said bog you down you have a week that you've done well because if you're doing some weights now which you know you are you might get a little bit of muscle mass. So that scales might not be the best reflection but i'm just feeling better you know you know the biggest indicator for me when i'm when i'm exercising so i've done 50k now on my run i know you've you've topped that you're up to 80. i'm up to 80 now that's ridiculous so i'm i'm going along this kind of we thought it's been a couple of podcasts we're going to do 100k. And hopefully loads of people are joining quite a lot aren't they well yeah go on sorry. But i'm doing 10 10k runs i've got them all in my diary and i've pretty much stuck to it that's good you know i might have swapped a couple of days but i've pretty much stuck to it um but yeah i've been doing a bit more working out as well you know how i can tell i'm doing better is i don't get anywhere near as tired like evening times when i'm putting the kids to bed if i'm eating crap. And i'm not exercising i get dead tired around seven eight o'clock yeah where now i'm like seven eight o'clock. And i've got energy and like i'm going to bed slightly earlier because i feel drained. But i'm not getting that light lollipop nice tired yeah it is it's a deserved tire rather than just a lazy time you wake up earlier can exercise yeah definitely you're right we've had. So if you missed this couple of episodes ago it's not too late to join the challenge we've set like essentially like a golf there's red teas yellow teas and white teas red teas is 50 kilometers this month yellows is 75. And white is 100 kilometers. But you can walk it. Or ruin it so i'll obviously laugh you're going off the black tease today.

Or this month yeah well we'll see what happens when it's 100 if i'll just quit. Or keep going um. But we've had i've had loads of people dm we've had a lot of people in the group as well on facebook saying how they're getting on and they've been a bit more motivated to do it. So as i said if you've not done anything. Yet it's currently going to be may 17th when this podcast goes out go. And do the 50k walk you know an hour every now. And again going walking get three miles in you'll do it easily. And i think people are enjoying it together a bit of that kind of spirit you could add your golfing you could have you got one i played on friday. And i set my watch and played after work so it was quite got quite late. But still then.

It was about four miles well over a thousand calories that's cool. So golf's good for it article randomly about exercising when you're golfing and apparently obviously walking with your bag is the best you burn the most calories walking with a push. Or pull troll it's not an electric one but push your pull isn't far behind the bag weirdly because obviously you have to push the trolley or pull it the kind of the worst one if you like is using a buggy a cart in america. But even then.

At most courses you have a buggy pack you got stick to she's still walking so any any kind of golf is good it always surprises me how many steps you do even in a buggy yeah what do you do because because like i said you've got to park it you've got to walk across the green. And like it is amazing even though a round of golf on a let's say a 6500 yard golf course it's all the walking in between tee to green. Or green to t shall say but then.

It's also zigzagging if you're not playing well but it's also like the the walking around the greens and stuff like when you even like when you go and take the flag out for somebody and then.

Walk back like you do get some. So we might do not every single month. But maybe a couple of times a year we'll start doing some challenges and people want to join in feel free um when there's a speech is it a thing 100k in may no i just made it up because it goes. So well it's got all right no i just it's just uh i wanted something that i said to you. And then.

You kind of committed to as well and then.

We said in the podcast i wouldn't skip on um. But i think as well the fact we've got those three different options you've got the 50 75 100. And you can walk it. Or you can mix it it gives everybody a real chance of actually completing it. And 100 well done to everyone that's doing it if you're not doing it feel free to start you can do 10k 20k do something get active do it together. And it feels better yeah i know i just pushed on a minute. But can we just really celebrate the fact that sam horsefield won this week sam horsefield sat in this very seat in september. And the podcast with him came out on september the 28th my birthday just but then.

He dies everybody and so he went over in belgium at the souldale open or the belgium open a lot of people have been calling it uh 13 under for his tournament uh one by two over ryan fox and paul yannick um had his girlfriend izzy on the back which we weirdly met we met her last week we obviously filmed with matt at matt with sam six seven months ago and we didn't know about his girlfriend at the time he actually met her then.

We went to the british at the cat suite today.

British masters on friday a couple weeks ago we were following him round next.

Thing we got speaking to her she did she stopped you. Or did you. So i saw a couple like a kind of a mum and dad really like like looking over at sam yeah like as in like taking pictures i thought i'm sure they must be related. And i kind of said oh you are you sam's mum. And dad and one of them said no i'm actually um how did how did it work now it was is he's dad is he's dad is he is sam's girl she said oh hi like yeah i'm sam's girlfriend. And she goes to my school where i used to go back in the day um she's studying golf studies she was just wandering around at the british masters i'm not sure why she ended up carrying. For him at well his caddy has got some family issues at home unfortunately he couldn't caddy um and i know that on the after the third round salmon said he wanted to win it. For his car i think he's called mike don't quote me on that i think he's called mike. So yeah. So we literally we wandered around for a few holes with izzy we seem like a such a lovely lovely girl and uh next.

Week they go and play in belgium and bloody win that's awesome well the story was i'm sure they won't mind us saying that she met him was it the score wentworth scoreboard carrying they got chatting uh i think somebody said into dm's not sure which way that was. But why not how it works um sam's a great guy izzy was a very nice girl very both down to worth. And he went on one so he won i think it was hundred. And thirty three thousand euros not bad yeah. And weeks we signed the contract then.

We're 25 yes great i'm glad we we got that sorted yeah we did um i think he could be a real real world beater that's his third win i think now in the european tour dp world tour. And he was saying which i kind of forgot. But i did know. And they said it that he's won twice. But it was in covert time there was no fans this was a big one. For him and on the last of you you obviously saw the highlight see i watched a little bit live because i saw he was doing. So well you hit a bit of a pull t-shirt on the lasting heat is three wood. Or five would have she'd been striping all week put it in the trouble yeah that shot out there was. So good then.

Ryan fox in a bogey so he he kind of won quite comfortably that's putting up to world ranking number 64. so he was outside the world a hundred when we were thinking with him yes. And then.

He was i think he was inside it recently. Or before this but that top 50 is where he wants to be well obviously number one. So he wants to be but top 50 is when it gets serious isn't it. So he's really climbing the ladder and he's been out injured for a while with the hippie yeah he had about three months off because he's like i think his last tournament before he came back. For british masters was the oh my amigo no no that is it what's it called now the dubai desert slink io. Or something oh yeah okay quite well in that yeah he did um. But he's killing it he's such a good guy he's such a good guy like we watched him on the british masters we literally watched him on the 17th he hit a great tee shot par five dog leg right he kind of pulled this five foot i think we saw that on the story a couple weeks ago put it in the bunker literally just lobbed it out with such beauty. And finesse and hold it for an eagle walked over to t had his golf ball and and just gave it to like this little lab this kid's face just like lit up and it's like those little i don't know they're really important moments um aren't they because like that kid might take that golf ball you'll remember sam and you know whatever happens in the future and imagine the following week he's like you got on one and you're the little kid you've got his golf ball and was like that's sam horsefield gave me his ball next.

Week he wins i wish i'd got it i wish i got his coffee i bet you do i'm gonna i'm gonna take i should have taken off that kid that's gonna go shut up why are you screwing up to a kid at the time let's go to this golf ball give me that golf ball back he's my friend uh no well done sam absolutely awesome. And then.

Also other friend of the show minwoo lee's sister won her seventh lpga tournament minji lee awesome um i mean she is mimwoo talks. So highly of minji lee and i bought a few holes um when we were down at centurion. For the ramco series and i play i walked a few holes with her she was ridiculously good like i know they have a huge competition between them. But um seventh victory so she's like just everyone everyone knew wow that's only a question i've got when the podcast was smaller. And we had fewer guests on so like when we had min wu one for example and then.

He went on to win it felt really kind of attached to us because we'd done stuff with him thankfully now the podcast is growing. And growing and we're getting more and more bigger names on ie bryson's i.e victor hovland's how much can we still claim to do with those like literally 100. So next.

Time lee westwood wins which i'm sure he will again we can claim 100 okay. And it's real is there a lifespan after the podcast no okay nope it's forever that's ideal it's a contract forever if you've been on the show as long as you win at some point in the future literally then.


It's it's out we've we've made that win happen this fight as well when you come in this room good vibes come off yeah apart from falls. Or just anything yeah well i think i think i almost extract i feel like when you finally break 75 i can claim you i'll pick on instagram with you made up my mate rick shields broke 75 must have been the positive podcast fives yeah i try. And like i'm so i'm so uh selfless i just give my give my good luck my fortune uh good will to all these wonderful guests oh that's good. And so i played golf on friday okay after work obviously. And uh it was a great day because break 75 came out that video did well now i played golf. And i beat my mate so that was also very good i don't want to brag about that too much. But i did win um. But there was something happening at the golf club that was small. But huge okay. So when you played my golf club hoffwood golf club it's called in st helens it's not the best golf course in the world but i've been a member that on and off since i was eight years old it has a place in my heart i literally a picture of you in the clubhouse in the pro shops well maybe put on the video now we'll get well you've got to talk if you're listening go. And watch the video versus guys eighth birthday my eighth birthday i've got a big head and no shoulders not much has changed really uh you have a shirt i had a shirt i'd had a weird i think it's orange like checked shirt tucked into my cord dry pants. But i was swag that's probably quite a cool outfit no it would be yeah like if you're all students yeah turned up in it it'd be cool in it yeah i like to say those students that said andrews they were just like rocking it i was just naked [Laughter]. So i've been there all my life basically and when i kind of rejoined last year there was thing obviously we're very fortunate we can go. And play lovely golf courses so when you go to your home golf course you don't expect that all those features and stuff out there it's just never going to happen. But you notice some things that you think need to change one of the small things that sounds ridiculous with the actual flagsticks. And the flags were just rubbish they've been there. For absolutely years to dead flimsy like the actual flags were quite ripped. And just torn it's like that's just a small thing that's rubbish don't know how much flags and flag sticks cost it can't be that much i bet they're surprisingly expensive two grand for the whole lot maybe yeah i need a couple spur yeah you probably need 20 22 flags well actually we have more than that because we have a color system. So we have i think it's is it red yellow. And blue so if it flags at the front it's red middle is yellow. And black's blue but you'd only have six of each that's oh yeah that's true that's how it that's how it works. So what typically would happen with that and you'll you might notice it now let's say one day the the pin is at the front on the first yeah middle on the second back on the third what happens then.

They just move the flag to the next.

Hole i get it. And they'll put they'll put the second on the front yeah i go over did you get what i mean yeah. So okay well whichever way it can't cost you still need 20 flag sticks. Or something yeah exactly minimum 18 hours on friday i played. And when we got to the first like hitting into the first screen we had to stop because peter the guy that has been at the golf clubs owner for years he was actually putting new flags in i was like oh my god that's a new flag an actual flag stick. And a flag got down to the green and it was a new flag wow. And it was like thick it was heavy it was steel had girth to it sorry i had to go to that stupid route. And the actual flag was a new flag a much better quality like this logo on it. And i was like oh my god even the cups were new as well i was in heaven it's ridiculously important such a small change. But i just felt so much more almost proud of the golf course and again it's ridiculous you remember me back in the day when i was obsessed about flags. And people used to send them to me it does make a massive difference that's a thing like good quality flag that kind of sits nicely a bit of embroidery i'm not opposed to a number on a flag oh i like that yeah i'm not opposed to that um really nice cups yeah i think cups are. So important i'm also a huge fan of painting the inside white i mean it takes seconds. But it looks so good how easy is that i think it's done originally. For tv cameras so when you're watching the golf see the whole easier when the putting obviously but when golf courses do that it just adds a little bit of it's. So easy it listen if you have any control over your golf club i.e you're a green keeper or you're on the council or you're one of the head pros whatever let's give let's give some top tips and we've got a lot of so we have so you know so starting off great flags yeah sticks great flags of the golf club be proud of it really nice cups like clean fresh cups get them every year they can't be expensive. And then.

White paint to go around the inside of them if needed i mean that's. So easy so easy well we asked in our facebook group so again just a quick plug for the facebook group if you're not a member of the facebook group what are you doing like don't said not got facebook that's an excuse make a burner account call it rick shields with a different spelling. And if you've got that facebook you can join us twitter clubhouse as well um. But the rick shields golf show podcast group on facebook is a group you can join. And within that we've asked what so i put feature on the podcast is what i'll put to start with because that would get people interested. And i explained that i've played golf and how those little things made such a big difference so i said tell me the tiny things that can make. Or break a golf course so we don't want good greens good teas that's obvious that goes that same we all kind of desire those but also they're quite they are also quite hard to do well that's it you know. And if you you've got um finance restrictions so little things we've gone with um i love this one from james barton ball cleaners near every t-box they help yeah i'm gonna raise him one up i'm a big fan of a ball washer if your golf club has ball washers there is no excuse why they shouldn't be soapy yeah i'm a massive advocate of a soapy ball washer i can't believe i'm saying this on the podcast. But i am all that would take is every morning a green keeper just to go with a little bottle of water bit in a tiny little bit of fairy liquid done. So easy big thing for me that a towel hanging off the ball cleaner i do like that. But as long as again the towels maintained well because our old stuff yeah just just a little bit of can't be a lot yeah um chris short trade a set of sand in the bunkers now again sand can be expensive i think it's really good up in the current climate bazaar i've heard people say i was dear sand actually is. But again if you've got bunkers keep them all keep them consistent yeah they've not got much sand in have them all have all of them terrible this is a good one from joel shipton tea boxes that are level it may sound surprising. But some tea boxes on golf courses near me aren't level yeah i'll be honest with you i've played some really really really nice golf courses. And the t-boxes their art level yeah i feel like. So that's a a fundamental thing that can definitely be done through the winter where teas can be leveled yeah um nice one from logan middle mass rakes in the bunkers now again it can probably get fairly pricey. But every bunker should have a raking and sometimes it'll be like maybe two or three green side bunkers might be one rake for all three yeah not a fan don't give people i mean people should go out the way to rake him anyway. But don't give golfers the excuse not to rake them yeah because if if you think oh there's the rake right over there yeah bother exactly. But if there's a rate right next.

To there's no excuse yeah i've got this one a favorite from callum davey. And it's the most simple thing ever and i relate to it you ready for this one yeah bins emptied regularly regularly well i can't say regular right there reg oh my god i can't say regularly often often no. But why can't i say that this is happening like delusional again regularly oh my god what is it i feel like okay i feel like i need to see the word regularly oh my god often often regularly oh my god regularly regularly that's right i don't know i've gone my head's gone um. And then.

Another one but bins a lot of golfers don't have bins on the tee i know this again it's such a small thing but a little bin you finish your monster energy ultra red yeah you've done with it yeah put it in the bin easy banana skin in the bin easy are you are you looking now we just yeah i've got enough of you i've got some go on let's hear a couple you've got that to be honest i've not i've kind of got some of my own a little bit i'm gonna say i throw my own in when tea markers don't line up with the whole yes that's frustrating. So green keepers cut the t and they'll stick the green they'll stick the t's down but they've not thoughts themselves where the actual whole point yes. And they just kind of point them in a bit of a random direction and it can really throw you off scent really can't it yeah 100 another one that is unbelievably easy. And really rounds me up when i when i when it doesn't happen you know on a on a um hole you'd have either a post for how the whole information wouldn't yeah. Or like one of like the little gravestones right that the kind of ceramic yeah have them clean yes they should they shouldn't be covered in bird poo they shouldn't be covered in dust. Or grass cuttings it's so unbelievably simple like i did work experience actually at the marriott where we do a lot of filming now when i was a kid. And one of my jobs was to go around with the soapy bucket. And literally clean all the tea markers all the 150 plates in the middle of the fairway like i loved it and it looks so much against a tiny thing this is a nice one from seth at brookfield it's a bit more of a pricey one. But again makes a big difference a working urgent to clean your shoes after a round i love that fan yeah another one again i've not seen this on one of the comments. But when the green keepers cut the fairway have it where the grass gets picked up yes i don't know again i don't know how expensive that is. Or whether you need some special machinery but it's it looks awful when the fairway's been cut and you think oh that's perfect. But there's loads of grass cuttings everywhere it drives me insane because you're like well it's gone against the reason of cutting the fairway really yeah a lot of people are saying about things like bins. And ball washers like so many people it obviously is something that it's one of those weird small things what's matt texting me saying broken matt behind the camera is saying a broken tee booking expertise okay yeah okay we can go with that i like that i like that because then.

You can use it. For an iron as well okay nine number two girl a couple of broken tees that'll pinch one you know what what i think's a really good one. And and again it i don't think it'd be expensive. And you get it at really nice golf courses a little station when you start on the first hole just like a little plinth and you open it up and there's a few t-pegs yeah a few pencils dead cheap pitchforks yeah you know ball marker just. So you can open it when you get to the first tee grab a few teeth. And it's it's there's no money in that like it's. So cheap to do that feels like that would get a little bit pricey throughout the year imagine everybody's taking i'm not sure. But it either it's nice though really simple plastic or those those really really cheap pitchforks which are like tempe. Or something a green thing like again you're not giving anybody an excuse to not repair pitch marks or do things like that no i agree we might come back on some of them in a minute because loads of good ones um just another quick plug as well we actually after the last week. Or the week before we mentioned the live podcast we've sold some more tickets which is great we are very much looking forward to it. So it's not too late to come there's still a few tickets left next.

Weekend 28th of may down in london town islington um come along podcast live uh we'll get to have a beer with us maybe afterwards we're not gonna make any promises but maybe i'll make a promise now okay you can have a beer um we will have shots of sambuca it's gonna be really different to the show it'll be a little bit more live podcast um me. And guy chatting talking to the audience we're not gonna film it or record it for actual uh public consumption so you have to be 100 i mean borderline. And i don't want to throw this out there the people who don't come do they kind of sacrifice their clubhouse oh wow eligibility um as the inventor of the clubhouse a founding member the president the ceo you're overruled there okay being in the clubhouse is a mindset it's about listening to all the podcasts coming to these events is brilliant. But that's almost more like bribery yeah bribery um no if you come you'll you'll have a good time i think it should be good it's annoying the champions league finals at the same time well i know i'm going to come clean. So i'm a liverpool fan obviously i'm gutted we're doing a live podcast now i'm joking it's going to be good we'll just keep um my phone in my pocket when liverpool scored i'll just be watching on this phone i'll just i'll just be entertaining like pretending to juggle. Or i'll tell you what everyone's coming can can give me a chipping lesson i'll be good every like everybody got all bloody nights [Laughter] it should be good anyway we'll put a link in uh if you're watching the comment box below there'll be a link to buy tickets if you're listening there's a little bit of thing on apple. Or spotify you can click a link. And buy them but come along bring a mate bring your date because they hate it hasn't bring the dates to the podcast yeah. So what someone's first date he goes um hi kelly um i'll pick you up tonight at about six o'clock where are we going all right okay we're just going into angel just chilling oh no there's some nice bars in angel yeah there is well we're gonna go to the assembly hall first oh about seven o'clock doors up yeah what do i have to wear um some revealing that's sorry we may have to bleep that out the dress code smart casual okay um not golf attire. But if you want to look after you can um why would you why'd you say not golf attire sorry did i say golfer then.

Oh no anyway then.

He picks her up. And you go uh oh so we're just going to this um golf podcast there's these two blokes who can't break eighty it's all about golf granola oh my god imagine. And imagine poor kelly's face yeah imagine kelly goes it's not rick shields. And guy is it. And then.

She's good yeah oh. And like she shoves him out the way yeah. And she goes well i'm gonna i'm gonna go on my own uh because i don't wanna like make it look like i'm on a date who's gonna shout out the way next.

Me or you she's gonna not chavos oh she's gonna shove him and then.

Shoot she can't have us both all right no i just thought we should clarify here just my own back if you go on a date with a boy. Or a girl don't ask them to wear something revealing that's not pc okay it's up to them i think you can say just to cut my own back i am married. And if kelly comes no i'm not interested my wife will be there. So uh anyway yeah. So that's all mine actually yeah exactly kelly you know what we're thinking is we will get somebody emailing now complaining about that. But anyway it was uh just the bounty gonna get on the night i think how much. So we can see on the night that's x-rated we're not gonna get any complaints we will get an email of somebody well. So be it yeah. So speaking of emails if you want emails podcast rickshaws.com we always love emails off people um i read a lot of them and i give you the best ones the creme de la creme but this week we've got a dear rick okay. And it's a similar kind of ads we've had before but people still asking rick we need to give more advice it says dear guy and rick and his actual title of the email is very simple derrick that's great we've had more people trying to clickbait me now because i've been said last week. Or the week before about how that gets your attention somebody did one that said um i've got rickshaws nudes. And it was just two like two clickbait everyone's got them yeah they're good real good not expecting them in certain areas um delighting yeah i thought you had a longer drive on you even work really no it feels like it's going in very different fastest parts no it's gonna stop now right okay. So i try to say i'm a huge fan of the main channel and i'm a twice over clubhouse member so that that line then.

Is what got him his email right out really he's not only listening to every single episode of the rick shields golf show podcast which gets you into the clubhouse done it twice does that look loud no no he's not complaining i've scott it's here all right i thought you've just i feel like he's like i don't know that's a lot in it that's too much no it's not no i i feel sorry. For him already why my advice to him is not to listen quite as often no listen more um because every time you listen there'll be ads. And then.

You get paid so oh yeah no sorry yeah that's how it works keep listening i am 27 years old. And i've been playing golf for about seven years now but only recently i've started taking it more seriously i play off 23 handicap and i've recently felt massive improvements in my game however. my scores aren't reflecting this i'm getting more powers than ever and sometimes up to three or four in 18 holes which for me is great. But i'm still shooting around 97-105 my home golf course is a part 74 which is quite rare in it possible yeah i have told i've been told by some mates that a better way to improve my golf is actually playing in medals. Or club competitions is there any truth to this. Or simply playing with friends um and solo is that enough to better my game like i said i feel like my game's improving. But i'm struggling to hold scores together so just quickly can i just throw something before you give your expert advice on this i think he's we mentioned a couple of weeks ago well i think he's on the podcast might have been in real life forget that when you first start golf. And you hit earth shots you're topping it you're shanking it a lot more whatever they are what your class is bad shots as you stop doing that. And you get better those bad shots become hopefully less frequent but bad shots might be things that hit in the bunker getting out of bounds you still you strike it better as such but it doesn't go we want it to go which can still result in a high score yeah is that what you're suffering what do you think it could well be i mean he's been playing golf. For seven years now i mean it sounds to me he's kind of been playing quite a casual game of golf i think it could go either way if he plays in medals i'm not saying that's the worst advice ever his friends have said that his friends might have seen improvement with that it just depends on his personality like if he's con suddenly if he's normally used to playing with a couple of mates in an afternoon where it's nice. And chilled it's nice and quiet and it's got a nice vibe to it so go in there and go and play on the saturday morning let's say in a club medal where you've got to pay an entry fee and it feels a bit more official and you get a proper score card and and you go and you've got to you know keep up the speed of play and you've got to play properly obviously not that he's not doing but you got to play really pro properly that could switch someone's mind and move them from third gear up to fifth gear and that concentration level can definitely help improve the game on the flip side the nerves might kick in they might go oh my god i'm throwing a big boy tournament. And suddenly like shoot 120 and like not want to play again so it really depends on that person's personality i would say and don't you know don't knock it until you try it we gave advice similar to this a couple weeks ago where don't just worry about playing medal either like do have these different formats i think i think. So many golfers obviously they see it on the pga tour the dp world tour the break 75s you know these crazy people play medal all the time like full-on scores but that's that's not the only way to play golf um so yeah i think if he can give it a go play the medal he might enjoy it he might be nervous get you know maybe give it a couple of goals. But all apart from that just really trying to identify what his weak areas are i think enough golfers will put a number on will put. So much emphasis on the end score let's say he goes out and shoots that 97 has been made up from many different shots loads of different tee shots different iron shots wedge shots putting bunker shots well look at that round and go well what area what area out that those selection is really letting me down most you know i mean like people i don't think golfers quite look at that enough well it's interesting at that level just rereading his email he says i have made massive improvements which is a bold shout out. But he scores that improvement so i'm interested to see like what is a massive improvement is it strike is it the fact that he used to hit it very thin very healing now is catch it much more efficiently. But if he scores out improving there must be something going quite badly wrong. And also it is that massive improvement the fact that he might have not played with a mate. For six months and suddenly he's been practicing he gets on the first tee and hits a great drive and his mate goes oh my god you've massively improved it's true but actually has he actually massively improved or or is it just because he strung a few nice shots together. And his mate said oh you've really improved. And he's gone no i have i've really improved. But has it i've listened to club the podcast twice over i must have improved um medal's difficult it really is. But really try and identify if he can what pockets of area in his game does he need to go. And write let's really try and nail that like if he's going out. And shooting 97 but having 40 ports well that's not good enough he could knock five or six shots off his score if he just works on his putting or whatever that may be i've got a question well not even a question of theory uh maybe a question i don't know what it is. But i actually feel like a lot of golfers never improve once you get to a certain point because a lot of members at my golf club who i hadn't seen for a long time because i wasn't a member then.

I've rejoined and they're still often the same handicapped the guys off twos quite good the guys are 50. And the guys have 22. and they've been playing for years fairly consistently do you think we get to some sort of even my friends really they've improved they're not massive golfers they all played football. And they've kind of started to play golf the last five ten years but they play in the summer they don't ever go to driving range play golf maybe three times a week max once a week normally in the summer and they've all got to a decent standard now of like let's say shooting mid to high 80s possibly but they've not only got any better do you think we can get to a point in golf where like that's your standard. And unless you do something drastic that's what you're kind of your best you'll get i bet there are limitations deaf physical limitations like some golf remember when i was coaching full-time. And they'd they'd be desired desperate to hit the ball longer but physically regardless of what we did technically physically they weren't fast enough strong enough they couldn't make the club travel fast enough to hit the ball longer i bet when you were at me. And used to work in the pro shop there was some members you're off like 15. For literally years and still still will be now that's not that's not a bad handicap i'm just saying that it's not like you suddenly start playing golf. And you get off and then.

Or 28 or whatever and it becomes 23 then.

17. then.

Like so some people that clearly happens but a lot of those people is it is it a case that they're just reaching the kind of natural potential do you know i just think it's a lot of people have that handicap interest people if you want to email us if you've had a handicap. For just years let us know the other flip side though let's say you are 30 years old playing off 10 just. For argument's sake 15 years later you're 45 playing off 10. you might lost distance have you actually you might have actually improved did you get right into it as far. But yeah. So yeah you've aged by 15 years. But you're still playing to the same standards you know the course but you know puts better you know how to play the game that we might have lacked in strength yeah exactly. And the other this i still remember this conversation you and brody smith had a uh port rush do some golfers want to improve i still don't think they do like i i genuinely i honestly think i think if you asked them they'd say yes my point wasn't that they want to improve my point was lots of people play golf with very little cur about how they play. And i still stand by that like it's my golf club again i'm using it a lot today.

But it's my own experience there was there's groups of men. And women but there's a certain group of women who were lovely they used to play everything it was tuesday. And saturday or sunday and there was probably about 30 of them in the kind of ladies hardcore sex who would like go every every comp. Or ever and for them and rightly so it was. So much more about socializing walking around a hilly golf course and getting some good exercise in and they could obviously one week one might win and she might be over the moon but they weren't bothered they didn't throw clubs around and go the driving range some of them had lessons admittedly but the vast majority were just there just to have a good time it's like it's okay a lot of what we do in this podcast. And obviously your video is about people getting better. But equally it's okay to not be bothered i think i think golfers certainly just want to maybe just stay competitive like they want to every now. And again shoot a good score and shoot under the handicap but they don't want to they don't want to completely scupper themselves by playing so well and they have to play to a handicap they can't really play too well that's the thing they kind of want to just be quite level like say a lot of people only play once a week if they get time or not even that sometimes once once every two weeks they just want to go out and just enjoy it have a bit social they kind of know what to expect yeah i might have a good round i'm out of a crap round that's all right well it's funny i again i played on friday when i saw the new flags. And me and my mates played and we didn't none of us played great and i ended up winning like 31 points which obviously isn't great to win there's only three of us um but for me it was like i said to my mates we're walking up 18 like realistically how many points are you happy with again they're not hardcore golf's like 30. i think yes well right if you don't play a golf course with your pals. And you get 30 stable points yeah you should get 36. But 30 feels like a semi-respectable like i've not played great but it's okay. And i think that's. For most people if you could just go around most times and get 30 sometimes 36 or 32 points 34. it's pretty good in it yeah well a handicap. And i still remember a handicap is a snapshot of you on a good day yes that's what people forget it really is you on a good day right. And you look at like say any any golf club around the world on a saturday when they've got their normal competition there'll be two or three golfers that have really shot the lights out yeah. But not many and sometimes those new those golfers that have shot the lights out and played way under the handicap are either quite new. And they're improving dramatically yeah you know. Or they might be there might be younger golfers who are practicing every day because they can do um. But it's all it's also perfect acceptable just to cruise and just go and enjoy it have a bit of social i would be interested to hear from some people who again emails podcasts at rickshield.com or comment whatever you want to do it on this video maybe um a lot of people i've seen now are moaning about the new handicapped system that you are getting more people winning with ridiculous scores because the handicaps i suppose in the longer run if you're a proper weekend golf replays every week it becomes maybe more accurate. But there's some people who get a new handicap and are getting silly numbers. So i'd like to hear people's thoughts and i don't have much experience on that the one thing i have seen is that a number of places are annoyed that the course hasn't been rated. Yet yes yeah like that's been quite paid don't you i think yeah i think. So but don't quote again don't quote the club i think. So i think. So but i'm not fully sure um i've got a couple more questions on twitter actually um so quite good on this off jamie o'brien we talk a lot about filming with tiger would be the absolute dream and that you probably will delete the channel after that because what's the point of exactly question if rick got the opportunity to do a video a target what would it actually be now let's give you the ideal one with 18 holes whatever. But if you had an hour with him 90 minutes which i think is realistic if you ever did get to film then.

What would you actually want to shoot it's a good question yeah um what would be the best tiger video the thing is anything that you did with him would be great like if you got to put in comp with him if it'd be killer if you got him to give me a golf lesson it'd be absolutely killer if we did a long drive competition it'd kill it like there are ideas in there what would be your favorite thing to do it's like rick um you've got 90 minutes of tag awards at murray at wesley park ironically 90 minutes 90 minutes what would you do with him what'd i do with him i'd look at him. And sit there saying just look at his quiet room just look at him you know what i would i would like to do obviously i'd love to sit down. And do a podcast with him um what would you ask whether well i'd almost quite like to start off by saying what the what the questions you get asked the most. And it will say okay. So we're not going to ask any of them like well like what what are the questions that annoy the most you know i'd like to do with him i didn't scratch him off our notebook have you ever watched those videos where like they get english people to try american snacks. And vice versa sit down with tiger and get a lot of english food getting like a greg's pasty get him a sausage roll get himself that we like and he's getting to eat and see what he thinks uh passive arm yeah i'll tell you what also be a class video like finding the cheapest clubs we could possibly ever find. And get seen it seeing how well he'd play with him yeah like he'd absolutely kill him i'd love to take him to trafford golf center. And just walk around with him watch people's reaction i don't know what i don't know what we'd do i think anything would be great tiger give us a call yeah listen it's gonna happen. So let's not let's not put it off does he stand to the phone series i've not spoken. For ages me no no we haven't um a few times. But yeah honestly it would be phenomenal i know we've not sold it there. But give us a chance we've got no ideas. But we'd be good i mean give us a day with tiger yeah then.


We would do 15 videos 15 20 videos um got one last question. For you before you have to wrap it up we've got some stuff to do this this today.

So we're busy um another one off um twitter from sean brown what score should you be shooting before you start using premium balls or should you use them whenever would just be prepared to lose them well the the brand welcome to my world the brands certainly someone like tyler they say everyone should use the pro v1 yeah. Or pro v1x right because they're the best ball in all this but realistically you're not gonna go out if you're not playing well and you and you you know you're hitting them into trees and out of bounds and bushes and over you know whatever you don't spend three pound four pound three pound fifty a golf ball are you no never in a million years like. So it it's it's whatever kind of fits your budget i don't believe there is a a certain time because i i think you've mentioned isn't one of your best ever rounds with like a dt. So i was gonna say that yeah my best of around my mother-in-law was somebody who's leaving her work she got two yeah i randomly had some golf balls he wasn't bothered about she took them. For me they were like titles dt solo. Or whatever it was pts wow that kind of golf ball. And i took them and i saw thank you and i really went playing my friends one day used one and shot three undergrowth my best score you know i'm not the best girl from the world three undergrowth around 18 holes using this golf ball which i would never use in the competitors not even playing with you or anything just i just would know me as a pro v it's like well actually kirkland balls are great yeah i think if you want to use a pro v1. Or a tp5 or whatever it might be that's any ability i don't think you can be too bad. For them it's just the fact that just be prepared to lose them yeah exactly. And equally on the flip side i don't think they make although again i'm always a pro v1 user. And i have been forever and probably will be forever potentially they're not really better in in the grand scheme of things than a mid-range ball just what you like isn't it even a mindset thing as well well i think it's a mindset thing definitely it's almost like you're not questioning the the ability of the golf ball like i love teeing off with a brand new. Or extremely clean pro v1 but i never when i play with the pro v1 or oh a real premium buff many brand i never blame the ball no as much as i want to i never blame the ball i think the ball's the last thing you could blame where sometimes if if it is a lower price. But like much much lower or it's from a brand that maybe isn't as reputable or it's another doubt in it doesn't have that stamp of real real approval you kind of there's question marks and you might hit one through the green you go oh what you know is it was that the ball like you sometimes then.

Start questioning it when really you shouldn't do no. So hopefully everyone enjoyed the podcast today.

There's a few top tips there. For for green keepers head pros golf club councils dead easy to elevate your golf club we might do a couple we had a few other good ones left. So maybe next.

Week because obviously a lot of people don't use social media they just listen to the podcast or watch it so if you want to leave some in the comments below if you're watching on youtube if you want emails if you're listening it's podcast rickshaws.com we'll get some more and maybe next.

Week at the start we'll do um a couple more one other note next.

Week's podcast will be out on tuesday it just might be later in the day because we're away on the monday scotland okay. So we won't be able to record it on monday we'll have to record it tuesday which means it should still be out tuesday but maybe later on the day yeah. So be warned um you've been warned thanks listening everybody can you close a pod you didn't start the podcast great can you close it well straight down camera one yeah lot of numbers thanks. For listening everybody hope you enjoyed the rick shields golf show podcast with myself rick shiels and co-host guy um thanks for listening we'll see you soon and uh kelly [Laughter] give me a call i know a man who's got tickets for the podcast.