Welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode 133 i'm your host rick shields i'm here with coast guy we've just come back from london town after smashing oh boo yakkasha the live podcast london which will never be heard. Or seen unless you were there i'm afraid. But if you were there thank you. For joining us and uh it was pretty bloody good sometimes i think you're quite a cool guy another time i think you're really not why did you think that why would you ever think that i was a cool guy i have no idea maybe she's a cool new haircut it could be my cool new haircut if you've not seen the video. Yet come along over to the rick shields golf show podcast youtube channel to see my fresh fresh trim yeah i feel like i feel younger vibrant um more energetic yeah bringing apology references twenty years out of date that rick to start the show it's just like the finger click yeah i did i thought it was weird this morning when he said it's that new website it's called myspace oh right yeah friends reunited the blackberry bold 9700 phone that's just what i do these days anyway we've just come back i feel like still quite hyped um honestly genuinely bottom of our hearts thank you if everyone came to the live podcast at islington assembly hall um it was bloody good on it it was a really good show it was not recorded. So you'll if you weren't there unfortunately you will never see it. Or hear it and we had a few people asking if they didn't turn up are they still in the clubhouse you are because not everybody yeah it's next.

To you a little tiny one. But not everybody could come obviously those who did as you said thank you it was very um raucous you swore a lot i did i swear i swore you you had probably seven guinnesses i think it was going down to eight oh my god yeah eight guinnesses um i think because we did we recorded the 100th show which we did at lowry. And i think it's very difficult certainly from a golf show we we when we're trying to put a podcast kind of live show together it doesn't always come across great in the recording. Or the video and because we were going out to london we didn't really know the actual setup there it wasn't like manchester it was only 10-15 minutes away. And we got to do a few rehearsals. Or like we got to go there quite a bit and really plan it yes this was part of a podcast show. So they had all their own sound all their own lighting and it was like you know what let's not put too much pressure on ourselves let's perform let's give the best show we can. And not worry too much about actually the audio and again because we swore so much um almost too much it would it probably would have never been aired here on the channel anyway it wouldn't um no it was great. And it was. For me the highlight is at the end we stayed around. For 20 minutes or so and got to speak to those people that listen and watch and some people came from like ireland and one guy came from somewhere in europe i can't remember i'm sure and i don't know if he was winding me up new zealand yeah i think he said to me that he came just. For this i'm sure he also put in the facebook group it was with his wife. Or something else as well i don't know but he kind of made out i can't imagine he's coming from new zealand just to watch that's hardcore but um everybody was really nice we did we had a special guest we did as well. So we had snooker legend sean murphy come up on stage and be a guest i think we need to get him on a. For a full podcast because an interesting guy unbelievable story the crowd went crazy when he came on um luckily he's a fan of the podcast and he was actually attending i was like well actually let's do better than attending please be our guest go. And join us like a lot of people in the uk i'm not a massive massive snooker fan but i know a lot of the main players from watching bits over time and for them they have three majors like we have four in golf they have three and they call it the triple crown and he's only one of 11 guys ever to win all three of these and and become a triple crown kind of champion he's also a scratch golfer his dad was a golf pro an amazing story um. So he was he was unbelievable like he said a full podcast with him i think would be. So interesting to hear from like snooker a little bit and then.

If you've got into snooker it's you can really take a lot from snooker into golf i think i think practice the kind of concentration dedication yeah. And also like he will have bad days 100 i'm sure there's times where he'll get bad kicks. Or bad rolls or bad bounces you stroke whatever you want to call it just feels weird yeah your strike isn't quite right. So i bet there is quite a lot of um similarities also big shout out to sam yes all about sam. So how would you explain sam to people that weren't there he's quite simply the best girl from the room literally was we we um like at the first podcast show everyone at the start to stand up. And slowly but surely i've got to sit down so we wanted to find who was the best golfer in the room. So we i think you said if your handicap is more than 28 sit down. So a few people sat down 24 sit down i think was it 12 a lot of people sat down. And always and then.

We got down to the single figures and it was slowly ticking down. And then.

End up sam being the best girl from the room he had to wear a bucket hat all the way through the podcast which said bogeyman punishment just because we're such banterments we really are in london your banter elevates to another level after eight beers it certainly does um. And then.

We had obviously we finished the show like you say we got we got a chance to say hello to loads and loads of people um we went out for some food a few more drinks uh me and claire my wife ended up we ended up hitting the town okay he did london town massive this is why i've come back with boo yakuza. And all this yeah um. And then.

Sunday afternoon we got the train home and just generally i know we kind of spent you brought your wife down and i brought my wife down i had such a good time in london what a city it's unbelievable in it it's something it's the size of it like obviously i'm kind of liverpool you're manchester but i go to manchester a lot you could live people a little bit as well and these are good size kind of cities. But we go to london it's another level there's just so much going on there is. So many different pockets of areas whether you're going to to soho. Or whether you're going kind of south of the river. Or whether you're going to like the iconic scenes like westminster. Or big bear not london eye whether you're going watching a show. Or going i went. And watched rudimental randomly at brixton academy it was phenomenal had some nice meals it was just it is just literally that the city i know new york has this title the city never sleeps london must be pretty close to london sleep. For like two hours like it doesn't sleep a lot london's a city that sometimes has a nap yeah manchester likes a lion yeah yeah that's the kind of vibe. But it but it was absolutely phenomenal um. And just like say we had beautiful weather and um live podcast i would say it was a very successful one um whether we do them again in the future who knows who knows i think we've certainly refined what we think is a show now yeah. And i think there's that nice blend of kind of exclusive content that was only listened to. And heard actually live a bit of a guest a bit of banter a few competitions some of the fans actually won never seen never released completely exclusive podcast merch it's on ebay now which week which we've uh we've teased out for many a month but we've never done anything with it but anyway we took some down with them and some of those guys actually won it live even a putter we gave away a putter for some putting challenge phenomenal so again thank you everyone thank you everyone for organizing it thank you for being such a great co-host thank you for being a good help co-host as well thanks and then.

Uh and then.

Like i said i think we smashed out the park yeah we did next.

Up next.

Up. So um i want to take this test it's quite a harsh transition sorry that's okay i've got i've got a list okay. And i want to take this moment now um to congratulate you well thank you on the very fact that this last episode a bit of a spoiler actually if you've not watched the most recent break 75 maybe just skip five minutes forward if you have watch that episode we can all sit here. And clap thank you finally i'll get two eagles i was pretty sick at the end no you you played well you played very nice golf. And um it was the golf that i think we should we we will see more of from you coming soon i feel like i think i'm in your groove i needed a confidence booster i'd been beaten up by archfield conway uh rose house close house my mind's gone blank as well here we're going between them i can't remember. And then.

Obviously coming on to the episode five which has just been released that's really annoying all right it was done at delamere of course um i needed a nice confidence booster because my confidence was i've got to be honest rock bloody bottom. And i needed to go out home course bit of a you know just a bit of a different vibe somewhere i've had loads of experience i don't think i particularly played great. But i knew i wasn't going to make a big score around there like i was never going to throw in a double. Or a triple from nowhere i made a few bogeys i made plenty of birdies shot 72 so one over par could have been better could have been a little bit worse but i think i was always going to pretty much break 75 rounds i think though is a mindset. For you because obviously mario is an easier course than some of the ones who played clearly because some of those golf courses are very very tough. But equally if you didn't play well you could have shot a high score on it there are places you can go wrong. Or you could have done some chips or lipped out on puts or going out of bounds from a really bad random shot i think you went into that game of golf feeling confident which is good. And you ended up playing well because you felt confident and against not to spoil it too much it's definitely kind of overflowing into next.

Break 75 as well so um yeah confidence is feeling a little bit better um it couldn't have gone much worse i've not been practicing as much weirdly uh just because we've been quite busy at the moment. But sometimes i think i can over practice as well i think i can get too much into my head about technique. And hitting balls and trying to grind it where for me my practice best practices like say going out posting a bit of a number having a bit of fun maybe even playing match play against somebody just as a bit of a confidence booster. And that's really all the kind of the energy i need into my in to my golf game ultimately like when you're at the elite elite level you have to be practicing all the time to kind of keep yourself sharp but also because your competitors are always practicing yeah at the level that you're at now. And the level you kind of want to be at you've hit enough golf balls in your time it's more about again that feeling of confidence and not making silly mistakes and not trying to chase a number i think marriott you did everything right you were confident leading into it you kind of hit some nice shots you started off with a nice start again which bill's you went birdie birdie which. For me was obviously important. For the score clearly through two and a half two but the biggest thing i got from that was again your confidence on that just the mindset it was 100 it wasn't it was the score was great it was the fact you felt good do you know what was a big telltale sign of that on the third as well. So i hit it left i had a bit of a pull bit of a crappy tee shot i'd snagged a really horrible lie at the left hand side now i know for a fact if i'd gone bogey bogey i would have tried to go for a ridiculous shot yeah i would have tried to hit three iron from a lie that was never three iron. But because i was two in the pan i thought look you know what if i make bogey on this hole it's not the end of the world. And i could make par to actually hit a tie-in put myself 100 yards short of the green wedged it on gave myself a look at par i walked off with bogey and thought that's okay 100 percent i think more than mine. So it is definitely i i've done that before. And it sounds bizarre this and it's actually worked sometimes play for a bow you're not off the tee intentionally as such but if you like you said if you've got a position i think well if you make a bogey it's not into the world i can maybe make a bird on the next..

Or few piles or whatever when you try and take shots on sometimes you just haven't really got the ability to do. Or you can't quite see it uh bogey can become a treble yeah. And you regret so much and sometimes in those situations when you go off play for a bogey you might like say play it out on that third hole that i played played it out the wedge shot wasn't that far away of being very close and suddenly knocking it for part 25 and that and that feels like a birdie yeah where if you come off with a part a bogan you've kind of set your stall out. And went well actually bogey's fine on this hole you've kind of technically in your head made a par really um sorry do i get a phone call yeah no exactly. And um speaking of break 75 courses yes. And hard golf courses oh yeah there is something very exciting coming up soon. And it's very exciting for two reasons the second reason we'll come on to in a moment but the first reason is there is an event at one of our favorite places now you say favorite places a lot. But i think this is genuinely one of your favorite places it is um in july there is an event the jcb championship yes now i'll give you two points if you can tell me where that event is at all right let me just see the acv championship is it at jcb gold from country club two points fantastic. So on the twenty on the date 2022 that's this year um there is an amazing event. So it's with the legends tour and um it's a three-day event and you can go as a spectator let me just run down the players this is the thing. So first of all jcb is an amazing golf course it is exclusive. And it's very hard to get a tee time there a lot of people have watched your videos and fell in love with the place because there's some fascinating hulls the 17 which is the par 3 down the hill island green is insane there's not a bad hole in the golf course. And it's probably the chance that most people have got to actually go walk that place because even just walking it is unreal yeah it's it's a real delight. And like so you've seen me play a few videos there um and it like i said it because it's. So spectacular and manicured and peaceful and beautiful it's definitely going to be one of the best events if you can make it you've got to go. And the best thing is ticket prices are on sale now we'll put a link down in the description. But it's at www.jcbchampionship.co.uk for adults it's 20 pounds that is good. For youths which are 17 to 13. Or 13 to 17 year olds it's just five pound and if you are a child of 12. And under it is free now hear this line lineup key players that are confirmed now host of the jcb championship is the 2011 open champion darren clark yes bigger than life character yes like ryder cup legend one of the i reckon one of golf's most iconic characters yeah really he is going to be hosting the event. And playing the list gets carried on yeah okay the next.

One four time major champion hello ernest l's ernie ells what a guy the big easy one of the best golf swings you'll ever witness the effortless power he will be there it'd be interesting to see if he's still got like effortless power thank you of course next.

Up one of i say darren's a character the next.

Player is arguably bar tiger maybe the name that gets mentioned most by non-golfers okay i would say two-time major champion john daly yes john daley is gonna be playing in the jcb championship. And remember that name because we're going to come back to that name in a moment because there's something incredibly exciting happening to me. And to happen to potentially one of you watching or listening to this video we've also got your friend of mine three time major champion 34 times winner on the pga tour vijay singh how good is that yes you you wanted to start the vj singh appreciation group i founded it next.

Up two-time major champion. And top ten world ranks for over 250 weeks between 2001 and 2007. ratif legendson i saw his head cover on my driver yeah did um jose maria i love barbell two-time masters champion. And 2012 ryder cup captain absolute legend over here in europe well worldwide over in europe he is literally an absolute legend of the game. And then.

The final player that's been confirmed but believe me there's many many many many many more legends playing in this but this is the confirmed list right now eight-time european tour money list winner a 31-time european tour winner colin montgomery yes. And that list is ridiculous darren clark ernie ells john daly vijay singh ratif goose. And jose maria olasabo colin montgomery is just a slice of the players that are going to be at jcb championship we were very passionate. So talk about us on the podcast because often golf events are perceived expensive which i understand. So if you've got a family of four or whatever this is an event that is 20 pound. For an adult it's obviously free for kids under 12 and it wasn't a five or if you're 13 17. so it's it is pretty cheap um. And the players are going to be there absolute legend there's um. So many things you can learn i think going to the events from watching these guys played off if you've never been to the open. Or to an event before which a lot of people haven't seen it's quite difficult sometimes it gets them and obviously tickets are expensive. And it's a lot of time etc but if you watch these guys play golf it's just different certainly for me watching off the t is impressive because deep just whack it miles. But that's not always relatable but what i think people can really learn is that when you watch them get up. And down from around the green it's firstly how you play different shots but also how much like effort goes into each shot and that that grit that we lee west would spoke about if you see like let's just say colin montgomery misses the green on a par three he will then.

Take his time not not in a slow play where he'll really think about his golf shot he'll hit the right shot bump run eight iron up. And that's something a lot of people can learn from. And i think genuinely because this is such a kind of intimate event i reckon you'll be able to get up close. And personal to a lot of these players like it's not going to be like they open where there's there's 50. Or thousand spectators a day there's going to be hopefully thousands. But you can get close you will be able to potentially chat to them you'll be able to essentially get things signed have a selfie with them. And so again 20 pounds for adults 13 to 17 year olds it's just what did i say before five pounds. And children 12 and under is free now i want to see you though. And raise you for the exciting bit yes. But they're really really exciting day before the 28th on thursday the 28th now unfortunately the only slight criteria and i'm i'm quite thankful for this on the 28th there's no spectators okay. But there is a celebrity program okay now in this celebrity program there will be a legend yeah a celebrity yeah. And then.

However. else you can get in there by either stealing bloody leprechaun coins. Or fight or i've been able to you know skip down over the chinese wall what i'm trying to get at it's really really really hard to get pro okay that's what i'm trying to get to i felt bad that i was like letting you just keep going it's really really hard okay unless you are a listener. Or a viewer or a fan of the rick shields golf podcast or rick shields golf channel in any capacity because the wonderful people at jcb have donated a spot to play in the program and you're the celebrity exactly weirdly so listen to this lineup if you want to play with me in the celebrity pro-am it gets better with legend john daly that is crazy. And john daly jr yes. So john daley and john daly's son and me and potentially you watching this video right now you can be plain jcb. But i mean that's that in its own right is special it's unbelievable john daley. And john daly jr is special he's been playing with me it's slightly disappointing i'm sorry. But either way it's gonna be phenomenal i'm gonna make a video about it and this is how you enter you must jump onto instagram. And follow me the rickshaws pga and also the rickshaws and also follow instagram page jcb championship do we leave a comment on this video. Or not you can do just say hi rick have entered. But i think what is. So unique with this like you said then.

You're playing an amazing golf course a ridiculous golf course you're playing with yourself people obviously watch your videos. And want to meet you in real life and play golf with you you're playing with john daly he was an absolute icon of the game. And his son who without putting pressure on is potentially going to be an icon of the game he is an amazing player we are going to be drinking diet coke yeah smoking cigarettes yeah yeah eating peanut m ms all the way around baby it's going to be awesome. And so yeah you've got to follow jcb championship on instagram you got to follow me rick shields pga. And we will pick a winner very very very soon to play with in the pro-am jcb championship 28th of june live yeah just a quick one there will be some people watching who may not use instagram it's definitely worth setting up an account just following rick following the jcb championship. And entering because even if you don't use it for anything else other than that it's free to do it'll take you two minutes maximum to do it. And we'll put a post on my instagram as well just to clear up exactly how you enter but it's gonna be i mean i'm ridiculously excited i'm gonna shoot uh a video with john daly yeah. And baby potentially john daly jr also we're gonna use another legend hopefully to film a video on the day before on hopefully the tuesday or wednesday we're also going to record. And film some podcasts while we're down there so let me know in the comments down below on this video who do you want us to interview. For the podcast or not interview as such have on the podcast as a guest from that lineup whoever whoever's going to be playing in it it's going to be epic. And i am ridiculously excited if you cannot tell yes i can tell um golf over the weekend i've got to be honest i know we got slated a little bit last week because we didn't watch loads of uspga cause we're up in scotland i've got to be honest again we're down in london i didn't watch loads. But i saw the um play-off on the dp world tour with victor perez and also ryan fox victor prez's putting in the playoff was absolutely ridiculous it was a four-hole play-off he made three birdies. And even the even the the first bird he made he was. So out of the hole every time it looked like ryan fox was definitely going to win the hole victor perez somehow pulled out these incredible ports ended up birding the 17th the par 3. And took victory crazy absolutely mental and on the pga tour it was um scotty sheffler. And it was um sam burns there was loads of players in the mix sam burns came from seven behind on the final day to get into the playoff against scottish sheffler world number one who's won four times. So far this year including the masters obviously it almost looked like a dead cert scottish scheffler was going to potentially take his fifth victory in just 10 starts. And sam burns hold a ridiculous put off the back of the green um and one won the playoff for the pga tour yeah it was um i was looking last night i didn't watch much of it at all i couldn't believe that scottish shefflow's in contention again it's outrageous. And you pulled up some good stuff well yeah i kind of obviously before this year i mean this year scotty scheffler has had an outrageous year i think we all know that. But i kind of i had heard of him before this year but kind of naively had this kind of mindset that he's kind of burst on the scene this year i was like on wikipedia yesterday. And last year 2021 he actually out of the four majors his worst finish was tied 18th at the masters last year that's his worst finish in a major last year he had a tied eight at the pga tied seventh at the us open. And a tied eighth at the open what a year that was. And that was last year. So i again i was only kind of i'm only a kind of as i say a lot i don't hardcore watch the goal. So i kind of do miss a few bits. But i didn't realize how good he was last year. And that's obviously followed through into this year um i need to put himself in that kind of position again and getting the play off and and i probably should have won it shouldn't be in hindsight it'll be probably a bit disappointed but what uh what talent he actually is it's ridiculous. And it's not even as if you know he didn't quite win it because he bottled it because obviously he's shown that he has got the bottle to win it it just seems like it actually just nothing quite kind of went his way in actually the final round i think he shot two over in the final round in the end which is very unlike him um back to a play-off like we've said with tony fenow before. And obviously now scottish shafter as well when you're playing that well often you're gonna put yourself in contention so much which is what these guys obviously want i think sometimes the downside of that is you can often think that they're falling away at the end. Or whatever but it's because they're putting themselves up there you notice that rory isn't allowed to put himself up there so much that you think i never win as much as you should do which maybe it doesn't. But it's the fact it's always in contention or often in contention you see his name whereas if you just miss the cut you kind of forget don't you yeah. And and also putting four rounds of golf together at that level yeah like you're always gonna have a bad round whether it's the first day second third. Or fourth um typically even the winners do have a bad day you know what i was thinking this is a stupid thing to say. But it's it's true the golfers on the pj tour and the european tour are incredible they're literally the best golf in the world. But what's the bizarre thing about is. And obvious but whoever wins that week is not only an amazing golfer the playing the best golf it can. So think about how hard it actually is to be in contention. Or to win only you're playing against these guys they're all the ones that are doing well are obviously playing well as well yeah like it's. So difficult to get to that level and compete consistently and then.

Win yeah like winning isn't easy you see it now you see some guys will win it was only the other week was it justin thomas obviously won the pg they missed the cut i think the next.

Week that's. So common that guys win and then.

Maybe they missed the cups obviously there's so much adrenaline and stuff but like they can't go from go over still well exactly but how do you go mean like the best player in the world that week essentially. So then.

Missing the cut it just shows how competitive actually is out there. And how from week to week things can change. So much like say in your own game it can change like one one week. And probably everyone listens to this can think you'll go to a practice session. Or you'll play golf and you'll think i've cracked it this is it i i have cracked golf next.

Week you go. And it's like you never play golf before that is yeah that's what is the frustrating thing about golf. But also massively keeps us coming back but on that note i've got a dear rick for you okay um we said a couple of weeks ago about how the click bait titles were not working because i was getting sick of it when people emailed us. But it has worked again it's worked together someone's got a really rubbish pathetic guy you stink don't read this so what did i do obviously yeah you're going to read it. So if you have your dear rick or an email you want to send it to us it's podcast rickshield.com i would say don't put a stupid clickbait email but some of them do catch me out it's up to you that risk. Or not there's no method. And i also do like one that just says dear rick. So it's kind of no method no method at all it's a bit of a lucky dip it's a bit of a random question this is something we've not really talked about before um i don't know what advice you're going to have is i'm intrigued it's only a short one. And quick question my local driving range only has around 20 bays and on weekends it gets very busy and often there's a queue to get into a bay as a close to scratch golfer i take my practice sessions very seriously and will sometimes use the bay. For two hours of hitting uh a hundred balls or or even more trying to improve a particular part of my game i feel a bit bad at doing this because other people are waiting is what i'm doing okay. Or not oh that is a good one isn't it oh yeah um oh i don't it's probably quite a tough one i mean two hour practice session that's the grind isn't it too much it i think it's a grind certainly if you're hitting full shots uh driving range you know i think golf is has. So many elements everyone knows obviously you're driving your iron play your wedge play your actual chipping bunker play putting i think if he's spending two hours on. And i can probably presume a lot of them are going to be full shots really if he was to have a very balanced practice regime he would almost be spending two hours on all of the other elements as well like he should really be spending two hours on short game two hours on putting like that's gonna take up a lot of his time. So potentially he might be using too much of his time to practice in in the wrong not the most efficient way hitting golf balls at driving range is one part of practice um about feeling bad he's thinking there's people waiting behind him he's there. For two hours yeah i suppose if he's if he's a regular customer it i it depends if he goes on peak time. But if he can only get there in peak time if he's a repeat customer. And he's giving you know he's paying for his golf balls um and there's no policy of how long he can have the bait. For he's not doing anything wrong he might get a few evil looks but he's not really doing anything wrong is it massively do you ever see it like the gym do you ever see like somebody hogging a machine yeah. But it's yeah you do that's going to come on to that you certainly have squat racks you see some people who go on a squat rack. And get into the gym and they'll have like a little bag full of tricks or like a foam roller and all this different stuff and they'll get under a squat rack and they might be there for half an hour because we're doing like heavy weight for like three reps having like five minutes rest potentially yeah um. And you can't jump on in between kind of well yeah you kind of think it you can see both sides you could argue it's peak time there's only four squat racks. Or whatever it might be in your gym and i want to get on one but equally that person has paid the fee as much as anybody else has and that's how they want to train so it's a weird one it probably comes down to your personality i'm the kind of person that would feel really awkward that people are looking at me. And thinking get off there mate so i'd probably in a rush other people like my brother he will just take his time. And not really care and it's it's not a right or wrong it's just kind of who you are as a as a person really it's a bit similar if you if you went to a gym. And only had one treadmill you might not want to go and do a 10k on there yeah spent you know hug it. For 50 odd minutes because you're thinking well there's only one of these machines you know 47 minutes for you thank you really fast yeah. So it's a tough one in it really i think it's a case of do what feels right. For him yeah if you feel like people looking at you the only one thing i'd definitely say that is if if he is spending two hours on hitting golf balls i would definitely recommend him in separating that time out a little bit. And if the if the facility he goes to has got a short game area or he's got a putting green or he's got some it kind of balance your practice don't just spend two hours hitting golf balls neglecting other parts of your game cool good answer i've got another question for you it's not so much a dear rick but it was a question that i thought was an interesting one some we probably know the answer to a bit. But i don't know to what extent and i also don't know if we've talked about this before ever so it says derek so technically it's a dairy just in the middle of watching your break 75 at marriott worsely park got me wondering how much foot traffic has the golf club had from the exposure it's had from yourself have they ever mentioned i'd imagine it gets a hell of a lot of people going to play there because they watch. So many of your videos where you're playing at marriott worthy park thanks deck it's too busy now we don't film there anymore because we literally can't get a tea time or film um it's probably been quite hard because it's not been it's not been a start to a finish point really and obviously with the pandemic and golf courses being closed like we've had times where it's been completely empty because nobody could play the golf course so sometimes where it's absolutely packed out from my experience at the moment just generally golf courses seem busy yeah don't they 100 like golf courses just seem super super super busy which is a great thing golf driving ranges we've spoke about it before when we go to trafford it's busy. So i think it's very hard to specify it uh. But they've always been great with us at the mario we if we go out filming we go filming early on the bat nine um you know they've they've definitely said well we've seen it we got loads of messages tweets i'm playing the marriott today.

I've seen it on your video the guys who when we go. And speak to let's say the starters or the lads in the pro shop they'll say oh groups come down and they've been asking about you today.

Um you know some people even dropped presents off there before we had that happen people have gone into the pro shop. And said there's presents. For like rick and guy make sure they get them uh you got a scottie cameron head cover and i got chocolate bar there you go um but yeah overall i would yeah i would say it's busy well this leads me on to another question ironically again another email we had that i think fits perfectly. And i i kind of throw my take onto this first but i also want to hear if you've got anything else to say on this but it was titled how about an average golf course. And it says um love the podcast always a good laugh i like how rick plays his golf at fancy golf course on his videos but what other chances of rick playing around a standard course there are. So many really nice courses in the north west that cost less than 30 pounds per round i think should get more love any thoughts. So again my take on that and you might have something different to say is with the break 75 videos the majority are played at kind of nice venues. Or certainly tricky venues as well i think that's kind of well-known vegans i'd say well that's. For a couple of reasons firstly people can't always afford to play these golf courses it's kind of nice to just see them and see you playing them as well and often a lot of the audience are in america as well. So they can't necessarily go and play the courses anyway so it kind of doesn't matter to them what course and they'd probably rather see a course if heard a little bit or might have seen on the tv than the one they've not potentially i don't know um i think. And also as well like marriott worsley park is a very nice golf club it's a very good golf course it's in great condition the staff are lovely. But it isn't and it does host some like local pj events. But it's not a ludicrously expensive golf course out the reach for the average golfer and that is where we probably film percent of our videos. So you are giving i mean although it's only one venue you are giving people the chance to go. And play that golf ball exactly and we have done videos on the golf course like the one that james robinson tried to beat the course record out um yeah it was very cheap to play we did the video it's in andrews where you played the golf course what was called it was like literally a five. Or something yeah. And that's something we're very passionate about and also with equipment as well you know you've reviewed pxg at grand drive whatever but we've also done videos of slaving golf clubs at 20 quid or whatever um just a quick one on that we've also filmed some of our biggest biggest videos at townley golf club yeah which is a municipal literally municipal in burnley. And we've had some of our biggest videos there like the swingless golf club when i bought the 70 pound package set one night was against matt fry i got a slice video there that absolutely killed it. So you know i i definitely don't feel that the golf course that i'm at all the time are ridiculously prestigious it's more the break 75 episodes are gonna be at maybe more well-known venues. Or um and also as well as another element to this as well where i definitely think smaller golf clubs would love to run the channel. And have the eyeballs on them um but also it's quite a lot of stress for them and the green keepers to be honest with you because they know their golf course is going to get seen by upwards of a million people at least half a million if it's a break 75 episode. And it sounds bizarre thing to say but some of them probably don't quite want to because they can't they haven't got the staff they haven't got the money the infrastructure to make it look probably how they know it should do yeah. And even now finding it more this year than last year when when you ring up a venue to want to go and play nine well nine and a half times out of ten they can't wait to have it and they're very accommodating but it's moved a bit more almost harder now because they're saying oh well actually not next.

Week because we've done something to the fairways or something and it's not quite great i've never known a year where i've been turned away from so many golf courses that's it it's because they've seen the evidence of last year's series and how well it's done so naturally and rightly so they want their venue to be shown the best possible light of course to do whereas last year even though you had a lot of subscribers they were a bit more oh yeah come. And film and it's actually getting harder it is it's getting a lot harder. And also typically when we go to a nicer golf course or we go to a golf course we've obviously pre-arranged it typically we'll we don't always have to we don't demand this but typically they might um book out quite a few slots yeah around us. So we can actually films we have a bit of time where again a lot of other golf courses might not be able to afford that yeah that might not be something they go actually we want to do that really every tea time is valuable to percent. And we will definitely continue to do more videos at very accessible. And cheap golf courses because we love doing it and it's great but it's just maybe not something as much for the break 75 series yeah like. So we and also we what for me personally playing i want to play at nice golf courses like i want to play a golf course they're in good condition you know to give myself the best chance like greens that roll nice or a good speed or you know it's very well manicured so sometimes they are slightly more expensive ones particularly yeah we have had an abundance of questions in the rick shields golf show podcast group on facebook. So if you're not if you still listen to this now and you're worth that group and you've not joined it why why would you not rick give me three reasons why i wouldn't um they don't like mark lizaberg yeah that's one reason valid um do you think meta is going to steal all the data very true second reason. And um the other reason is they like you that much that they're not the biggest fan you like you think i'm an idiot i don't think the fact that sometimes they'll put a post on it doesn't always get approved yeah that's true because if we approved every single post it would literally spam everybody's facebook yeah that's a good thing how many posts do we literally get a day well currently on pending we've got um i think i'll say on my phone better. So yeah as rick says we love the facebook group we're very passionate about it. And i spend a lot of my time on there and engaging with people and as do you we've got 13. And a half thousand posts waiting for approval so imagine now there's i think there is a button that says approval yeah if we you everybody would leave the group because it would flood everybody's time we do try. And keep it super balanced and sometimes we might get one that i don't approve where someone's a bit annoyed they might leave one saying i've had six pro posts now and some haven't been approved but then.

Some have as well it's just a balance anyway yeah in fact you've turned me off don't join the group actually if you don't if you don't wanna don't there's no hard feelings here if you wanna join. But don't post that's fine yeah a lot of people do that you want to join. But post that's also fine um but don't get asked if you don't get approved i think you should still yeah really the more we talk about it. And yeah matt is going to steal your data. And it's rubbish but anyway did want to if that if that hasn't put you off make sure you check out the annoying thing is i've now been messing with facebook on my thing i've lost a question anyway if you want to join join we've got um it's a good place to get questions off people. And we had one and i'm really annoyed now i've lost it but i know what it is. But i want to try and find the guy's name anyway i'll find a minute the name it was a question saying do you think tiger will retire at since andrews there we go it's from fraser borthwick do you think tiger will retire at st andrews um i think there's a chance now you know do you think i just think he was very adamant after the masters he will be playing at the old booked it yeah now i know he's flying there it's apparently his favorite golf course in the world. And it's somewhere even if he was only 80 i really think he could compete there i just think the way he obviously had to come off at the pga he still looks in. So much pain i feel like obviously we don't know he could be on a journey still to be getting better and he might each david in half percent better and he might be in a year back to full fitness equally yeah on the other hand he could be declining. Or not you know he could be not getting something much better i just think when you watch him walk now it does look hard work yeah now tiger being the guy here i can see both ways i can imagine him ending it since andrews. And and walking over that silicon bridge hopefully on the sunday we're in sunny red and going down in a lot of people's eyes is the greatest of all time there's obviously debate. For jack which is a great debate we could have that all day long um i also could imagine to set to play. And again hopefully make the cut and kind of just play the odd event here and there but tiger wants to be winning events there was that famous clip with curtis strange when he first came on tour like 96. And he said like i wouldn't i don't play tournaments if i want to win i'm basically here to win tournaments. And i still think he stands by that tiger's not there to compete well no sorry he's not urged to be part of the field yeah that's the word participate he's there to win. And if he knows deep down which will be getting more. And more kind of data and insight and just feelings of that as time goes on he will be knowing now how his journey is the trajectory of his journey. And his fitness and if it's possible to get back to full fitness if he knows now it'll chance he will is he gonna still want to compete i hope. So i i think he may retire at st andrews i just don't know if it's gonna be this year yeah i i could see it happen in another five years potentially when it's because it comes around to saint andrews every five years it won't be the 150th granted. But i don't think he also needs that it's not a big deal. For him i think in five years i mean how was he now is he 42 uh i just guessed that quite a bit older than that. So you know he's going to he's going to be maybe clocking onto 6 46. So yeah it'll be getting close it'll be over 50 at that point um that that's my guess i think he'll he'll do this one i think he'll play in the four majors each year a couple of little events around it his own event a few other tiny little ones that you might play in um that gives him that that'll give him another probably 16. Or 17 chances of winning winning the major in that time frame it seems quite a lot yeah he's got to win how many more to become to overtake jack now four more well you know what though kind of go with it completely against what i've just said he is super competitive. And wants to play to win but actually having said that. And i still do kind of obviously stand by that. But we have seen him change a little bit in the recent year or two haven't we since certainly it's in zach's since his children are getting a bit older he has got that more happier approach. And like we've seen him laughing yeah having a bit of a joke after his events he's been like hugging henny. And stuff like that he really looks like he's happy to be there maybe there's part of him again maybe it's a part i don't think i just want to be i just want to be able to be to participate again i don't know i can see kind of either option really it's very difficult to know i think putting himself in contention is probably his main objective i think as well what's different maybe. For footballers than like sorry for golfers and footballers is when footballers often want to retire at the channels at the peak don't they. And and not be the guy that comes under the sub in the last five minutes do you want to you know some do that. But some want to kind of go out on a real high which i get it's a bit different with golf i guess isn't it because we do get some as we see in the masters. And we discuss the sandy lyle stuff which kind of people have different opinions on some guys want to just kind of play in certain events for as absolutely long as possible which you can understand some people may want to retire when they're on a high. But he said yeah i have no idea it's a long answer to his question is it. But i i don't know it wouldn't it wouldn't totally surprise me but i think it would it also would massively shock me he would only retire if he knows he can't compete anymore if he's still got a one percent chance he thinks in six months it'll be a bit better there's no way why would he retire um it's a good question though it's a very good question fraser he sounds like a caddy sounds like a caddy from saying like a really wise um caddy another question we've had a lot recently. And we got asked this at the live podcast show from alistair gray when are we going to get this rick versus pete match is it going to happen this year are you bothered about score are you actually winning. Or do you think would be a good video someone joked about whether i need a 10 shot head start. And maybe i do no i don't know no i think if it was match play i'm i'm in let's let's write up a contract yep um let's say let's say i win two up okay i'll put that in the contract the video doesn't go out unless i win two up can we have a bit of a dramatic twist at the halfway point i'll be one down through nine yeah i'll let that happen an epic comeback no i think i'd want to obviously he's got his open qualifying coming up in june. So i reckon he's practicing playing lots then.

So let's not get him when he's hot let's let's go i'm away let's go september i'll book him in for september okay. But he said you said that exact thing last year did i say the year last year that's very true um no i definitely want to um it'd be good to get the lads back again matt. And uh um carter as well um but yeah i'm not scared that's what people think i'm not bloody scared all right um another question from it's a random name ar fenton photo that's obviously is i don't know what name is. But how many kilometers did you get done this month the running. So this was the month we wanted to 100k well today.

You listening to this episode will be the 31st of may. So the final day of may yes okay now hopefully if everything's gone to plan i would have completed the run to 100k today.

Because right now the number that i'm going to show you is 90 kilometers on the nose very good seven hours. And 23 minutes of running yeah it's a long lot of running that's awesome. So i've done i've done nine 10ks very good yeah um i've done well as we do this now than 115. i added 100 quite early on which i was very proud of. And i have this last week or so and kind of i think it was. So much everything once hit 100 at once i had a kind of slacked out i thought you might have gone for the 150 at one point yeah well what i probably should have done really. But i want to try and keep it going every month i don't want to have a big month. And then.

Suck it off again i want to kind of keep it rolling over and you're thinking 100 each month possibly yeah i didn't realize this. But i've actually set this challenge up i said to you kind of off the podcast well look back at my apple fitness thing i've done months before i've been like 150 130. So i have done it before i didn't kind of realize at the time though but i think it's just good to have some level of goal well it's a hundred percent forced me to do runs like yesterday we came home from from uh london kind of got back home unpacked we're about to have some food. And i went you know what i'm gonna get one done yeah like now because i need to because i need to do one yesterday which was the sunday. And i need to do on tuesday to hit the 100k. And i'm like it's forcing me to get out there and run that's it it's a good number that it is you could do it every month it's not really it's quite a bit of work admittedly. But it's not ridiculous it's not like something you just can't commit it's not as if it's every single day for me if it was like if i was doing 5k every day i think as soon as i miss a day i've been like i'm out yeah well this is like i was certainly the way i've been doing it i've been doing 10ks like every three days. Or something which i've really been enjoying so i've got a little bit faster i've lost a little bit of weight and i'm feeling a little bit better yeah yeah. And like say the the times have have been definitely gradually getting faster and faster very impressive my last one was yes i did yesterday 47 uh minutes. And eight seconds so really happy with that no we've had a lot of people as well emailing us. And dming on instagram and stuff and in the group on facebook saying that they've taken part some people have walked it which again is it's brilliant they might have done some somebody's like 200 kilometers of walking. So that's what's been good with this you've got different kind of vibes different levels of fitness and what's mad and what i love about this there'll be some people who've done this you might have even emailed us or whatever who've done it for the first time and that'll really help them get on the journey um i think that's the only downside sometimes with the podcast you forget that like there's. So many people that do comment. And message us which is brilliant we love all that. But when you look at the numbers we get on the audio podcast and the video podcast we probably get like one percent messages which is absolutely fine. So many people out there listen and take part in stuff that won't ever message us so you forget about all those guys but on girls but there'll be loads out there who have smashed it this month so if you have done it or you've not done it whatever but congrats and keep going if you've done it congrats. And thanks for for forcing me to get out there and do it yeah i honestly have really really really enjoyed it. And uh and long may continue yes that was a nice really nice podcast like last week was an absolute shambles when we were knackered in saint andrews i think this week we've brought the energy we've given her energy given a giveaway that's a lifetime opportunity we talked about an amazing event we talked a bit about golf i think that's what what's good yeah we talked a lot not about golf yeah. But yeah. So on that as well with a giveaway we will have this this is an audio podcast if you're listening um the best way to enter is to jump over onto the the video on the youtube channel. So there's gonna be two videos will be the full length podcast which is like an hour long. Or however. long this has been she can enter on there by just saying i've entered. And obviously following rick and following the jcb championship instagram they'll also probably be a shorter verse like an eight minute or ten minute version which is the button would just talk about that championship you can enter on there as well. So there's nothing better than what i think i'm gonna pick the easiest way of doing this is pick a winner from the jcb championship instagram that follows me. And me and jc okay that's a good way doing it. So doesn't matter if you comment on it on the video that makes sense because then.

It's likeliness if they're following jcb championship they've heard it from us how they're going to follow us now. And the followers so i think that's a great idea that's why we're doing it. So we get that what i just said. So good luck everyone have a great week uh we'll be back next.

Week you're on holiday i'm on holiday next.

Week so i'll probably get matt fryer in and i'll get slated and i'll room holiday so thanks i'll bring some friends and i'll bring someone in much worse um right enjoy have a nice holiday thank you you're off to new york yep i don't if you wanted that show out peace.