Welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode 134 i'm your host rick shiels i'm here with special co-host today.

Sophie walker thanks. For being co-host today.

Yourself i know thank you sorry guy can't be here he's off in new york oh it's not too bad then.

Is it he's yeah he's not slumming it this week. So he's got away having a lovely time um seeing the sights so we thought well you know what who has been a fantastic guest so far on the podcast who is basically a regular miss sophie walker yeah i'm a listener as well rick. And you're a listener well you've ticked all the correct credentials to allow you to be a co-host and i only live 20 minutes down the road perfect literally perfect um we've got loads to cover today.

I think one of the things we've got to cover because it'll be it's the topic on everybody's lips at the moment live golf we will definitely come on to that. But in the world of golf it's been a crazy week ladies major yesterday min g lee won it yeah which is is actually sister of minwoo lee who's a friend of the show. So we're going to definitely talk about that we're going to talk about you going. For a ping fitting this week got some new irons oh i'm intrigued to know what you got i also got battered by a 16 year old this week on the golf course yeah on the golf course not in the street we're going to talk about that. And also the fact that i'm actually playing in a 100 ball this week yeah playing golf with 100 people all at the same time all on the same hole wow. But first off i've had a busy weekend as well i'm sure you have i went to robbie on saturday i was. So jealous i saw this on rick's instagram and you can take your tiger woods. And i'll raise you with robbie williams i have loved him since the take that days i've been to see him live in concert and you sir you've made a video with him and backstage and he's been on the podcast oh so yeah it was a bit of a bit of a mad one he was doing his homecoming tour he's from stoke on if if you're listening from america robbie williams is one of the biggest uk he was a huge boy band take that he then.

Went on to have an incredible solo career um he loves his golf he's not played. For a little bit he told me recently but he loved his golf we'd made a video a couple of years ago and he texted me at start the week saying do you fancy coming to the show on saturday i'm like you've got robbie williams's number of course. And uh he says uh i said yeah if you don't mind now i thought well how can i how can i do this i didn't tell my wife straight away i thought a surprise because we were supposed to be going to a jubilee party. So i'm thinking oh i think this might just trump the jubilee party i don't think she'll be too upset with me. So i kept it a bit of a secret from her um and then.

Saturday night until late friday or saturday i said oh by the way uh got some bad news i'm not going to jubilee party that's this week she's like what do you mean we are i said kind of got tickets to go. And see robbie williams she went okay let's go like she was like buzzing um she actually went with a few friends. And yes before the show um robbie's manager said come backstage he wants to meet you went backstage. And lit honestly not no word of a lie this is half an hour before his show super chilled super relaxed chatting about golf chat about the pxg golf clubs that he bought that he doesn't like which i told him not to buy. And he even said to me yeah. But they're so expensive this should be good i went no i wanted to shake if i went no just because they're expensive doesn't mean they're good. So i think he's going up going. For some new clubs soon um but yeah he absolutely killed the show honestly you'd you would have loved it i must admit there were some of the classics some of the new ones uh i'd had. So much to drink i was having the best time of my life. And uh yeah it's pretty epic sorry to make you jealous though i am well jealous um i wouldn't see liam gallagher which is another throwback to the 90s it is i saw him in manchester on wednesday. And he had lots of the old oasis classics as well as some of his new stuff so we've both done some concerts probably why we've not got a great voice between us yeah i've been singing everyone else's songs i've definitely been singing too much this weekend funny enough though robbie actually did an oasis song because he explained the time when he kind of fell out with everyone to take that when he became friends with the gallagher brothers. So he he did it awesome i can't remember which oasis song it was now on the wall. Or something but it was absolutely epic it was it was phenomenal um. And then.

Actually stayed at jcb because it was only down the road why would you not. And last week we talked about on the podcast that in the end of july i'm playing golf with john daly and john daly jr and me and the competition winner and we walked around the golf course mate of mine who stayed with us as well he'd never seen the golf course so it took him out in a buggy we went round the golf course it's the best i've ever played ever playing a good game and showing him around how have you ever done that where you've just literally been i'm sure you have probably for your job just being out on the golf course not playing but be able to go and stand on the t go and stand on the greens we actually found the pro v1 in the trees so i like to show my mate like the undulations of the greens to be able to drop a ball down and go look out it's amazing i have to do that every week on tour rig that's my job. So every wednesday i drive around in a golf cart and visualize what's the best way to play the hole where where should i hit it off the tee into the green where not to go no it's really good. And actually if you're talking out loud to your friend you can start painting a picture which you can use when you go play there with john daly it's pretty cool i've done a golf day with john daly before. And he is. So naturally gifted there's a great story about him actually he's in the car parking lot a pga tour event and he's got his massive winnebago and he's sat there and he's making i think he's got barbecue. And tiger woods walks past and he's like tiger do you want to come. For a drink do you want to come some food he says no john i've got to go to the practice ground he's like oh you don't want to do that he said if i was as good as you john no i wouldn't. But i'm going to the practice ground because i need to. And that's kind of the john daly way because he's so naturally gifted and everybody knows that and anyway on this golf day he came and he played played this par three and he just hit the most beautiful cut six iron into the back right flag and it was. So easy you're gonna love it he is a really top guy you know what i'm looking forward to as well. So again i took my pal up to the 17th the par 3. and again when you're not playing it it just looks incredible it was hard strong wind off the left pin was back left impossible like 240 yards. Or something silly i thought to myself again stood there and i was looking at the rough the rough grown way more than i remember thinking how hard is this golf course you know i'm gonna really struggle next.

Time i play it. And i thought oh crap the next.

Time i'm playing it it's probably gonna be when i'm gonna jump daily and i was thinking to that hall i wonder what he's gonna hit on that path three like is he he must still be a long hitter as well yeah he's still a long hitter. But it's just his the shape he can put on the golf ball he can just i'll he'll draw on demand he will hit a hard draw into that level no problem whatsoever. And um yes he's just a quality golfer. And so natural he's still got his long swing and he's got his southern accent it's going to be good. And then.

His son as well i mean i've seen him play on there yeah on the father. And son and they actually won that father and son tournament didn't they so yeah against charlotte did you um did you see as well the the stat when he played in the pga championship recently they monitored what what he consumed through that round of golf. And he had something silly like 24 cigarettes in 18 holes he had something along the lines of like eight to ten diet cokes and about four packets of like skittles or m ms or something silly like athlete that in it yeah. But weightsley gets to jcb and he tries those sausage rolls because at the halfway house at jcb they're epic a couple of them as well at the end of july well so far this is a crazy one as well. So far the entry if you didn't hear last week's episode the entry to playing with me and john daly you've got to go over to my instagram make sure you're following me and following jcb championship and leave a comment in a week jcb's instagram has gone from 600 followers to 16.5 000 followers wow so it's jumped up 15 900 in a week that's how many people have entered yes they must really like john david they must really like gender it's not to play with me is itself you've had that pleasure. And it's not that pleasurable um but yeah i i'm looking forward to that i played golf last week at one of i think it's my fate one of my favorite open venues. But weirdly i don't believe that's kind of the common view is it no i was just shaking my head are we allowed to say yeah where it was here royal lithum um it's not a favorite of many of ours because it's really hard there's a bunker everywhere you look yeah there's a lot of things i've played in a women's open there. And came home very poorly in an ambulance some people would say to miss the cut there there's that three right by the school yes the ninth no no by the on the back um yeah didn't judge the wind. And yeah i'd hit it well right i had a little blow up on that hole as well i won't give too much away. But it was a phenomenal um break 75 which will be coming in two weeks time because last friday there was no break 75 i mean i had a lot of very sad notes on this self i've had a lot of sad notes the amount of people that have stopped me in the street. And said about this break 75 the first question is oh rick's short game the second question was what did you shoot. But everybody feels for your short game tell me about it what are we going to try. And fix this maybe that was why i was invited to talk it through. For therapy yeah maybe maybe i just need to lie down on the desk. And you just take me to my happy place and go it's okay rick you're not gonna duff that chip you're gonna hit it. So close um it's been better not great yet but it's been better you know what i've done less which is making it better which scares me i've practiced less i don't know there's logic about stations i think sometimes when i get something really in like in my brain i'm like i really need to fix something i'll put everything into it. And about two or three weeks ago i was honestly grinding proper practicing putting loads of effort in went to see dan whittaker a few times. For some short game lessons and some lessons in general and and starting to see definite progress on the practice green a little bit even in just in normal playing golf and then.

A bit of lack of confidence you hit a couple of bad shots and suddenly that confidence just drops and it almost makes it feel worse because i was like i've really tried like i've done everything i can yeah if i dust one without trying i'd be okay i'm like i've really bloody tried. So in the last couple of weeks i've not been i've been actually been super busy recently but i've not been practicing as much i've been running loads i've been getting fitter and getting stronger and not really practicing my golf but what's crazy like you said my expectation levels have changed like i know how to chip i know how to play good golf shots i do. But it's like scar tissue bad thoughts bad memories where sometimes what i've done and this is a great little tip. For people listening as well there's been over the last three or four months when since been playing a lot more golf in the last three or four months there have been really good shots that i've hit it's been a mixture of bad shots obviously but really good shots so what i've done now in my brain i've actually got these kind of memory shots that i try and pull back on so i've got like my favorite tee shot i hit like one of them is the first older delimit when we played like as much as that wasn't a spectacular tee shot. For me i loved how i hit that like trouble at the left really tight hole i'm stood there with driver first he's always a little bit nervy anyway i think this lovely little buttercup right down the middle of the fairway that's in the bank it's a positive thought that's in the bank i've hit some really good iron shots i hit this incredible iron shot of royal lithum last week which again has gone in the memory bank have it some i played with lee westwood at close house. And as much i played terrible that day the last green i had to chip in effectively half the match after giving him a 10 shot head start obviously and i and it was a awful lie i had loads of people watching like loads of people from close house had come around. And watched and i played i was nervous as hell. But i played this lovely chip and nearly hold it that's in the bank you know and and i'm trying to remember these so when i'm stood over a chip now i'm going okay lee westwood 18th hole that chip you nearly hold let's just do that again that's really good affirmations as well i used to have affirmations before i used to go out. And play audio notes actually on my phone that i would say to myself and play them in my ears it'd be like you are a good putter you know you don't have to hit a good putt. For it to go in see the shot all that type of things and you just play in it over and over and when you said when i played with you you stood over a shot. And you you looked paralyzed by that golf shot you could see the nerves no. But you visually you could see that yeah. So maybe now you're not thinking don't fat it you're thinking about something good and it's going to get you in that state is the one that would need to be in that nice relaxed state of i can do this. And i will do this because like you say you've done the practice now you've got to let it happen. And actually that's one of the hardest things to do. So really good that you're starting to to put that mind games into play i think the other thing as well this is an element of you know having. So many bad shots on video now it doesn't really matter like i'm almost like ah i used to be really bothered about him i was like ah. So it'll make someone feel better out there like if i've hit a bad shot i'm sure people watching people listen and go you know that actually made me feel a little bit better i've just seen rick duffett or whatever so i'm doing it for you guys i'm doing it i'm a team player all right i'm a team player but yeah the golf is definitely getting better however. last week i played with frank kennedy at presbytery you played there quite a bit don't you press yeah play there a little bit i've not played there this year actually it's almost it's me yeah true it looks fantastic actually at the moment frank's off plus seven he didn't play his greatest golf he played he shot level power i won't ruin the video. For people watching but it we actually ended up giving similar to what i did with tommy. And lee westwood i gave or frank gave me a 10 shot head start it went down to the last i won't ruin it too much but honestly there was a couple of things that i really picked up on from this. And you might have seen it already so he's not like a 16 year old that i was like a 16 year old like is this the new wave of young golfer coming through who have seen how to become elite athletes now like he's strong he's fast he almost feels somewhat media trained already like all of his equipment is like really tailored spec to him he knows how to practice he knows how to get it around the golf course i didn't know all that at 16. you know. And it's like i was out like doing stupid stuff like um i mean that might be why i'm not obviously as good as i could be. But is that what we're seeing now. Or have you seen that in the past it's just that it can't it's been brought to my attention more recently i think it's another level that we're talking about now. And he is going to be that he reminds me a little bit of the sam horsefields that have gone out to america seen the big world wide world i've seen his met nick faldo he's he gets taught by dan hoy. And he used to used to teach me and he knows where to take him who to expose him to the fitness i mean tiger started that years ago it's something that you've got to do now that's a given the psychology the same club manufacturers are also getting on board with these players early because they hope that when they turn pro they'll be loyal to that brand if they've been supporting them. For the last five or six years and they're starting so much younger they're playing in the the us juniors and stuff like this it is absolutely crazy. But then.

There is only a handful that are that good. And i do believe he is i think he did he win the spanish. Or the portuguese portuguese amateur he's the youngest englishman to make a cut on the dp world tour the third best 16 year old in the world at the moment and the first best 16 year old in europe um look at that he's travelled yeah yeah at 16 you probably had never played golf outside of england no i bet i hadn't no at 16 i bet i hadn't. And i i didn't know things like what my clubhead speed was. And and even if i did i don't think it was as big as at the top like he knows what his club at speed is he knows what his delivery numbers are his launch angle his spin rates i didn't know any of that at 16. like that's how much the game has has come on leaps. And bounds now as well like he seemed like a mini tour pro already um mafia and you've mentioned it just earlier when you get these now bigger tournaments because certainly in america and frank said this off kind of off camera in america now there are big tournaments. For really little kids and i worry is it going to burn them out is it almost too much too early like you look at the masters when they do the drive pitch drive pitch. And pop pitch and pot drive chip and pull them pot sorry kitchen put if you're brittany the drive chip and port and some of these kids are. So young yet they've been exposed to like tv and pressure of a massive crowd like is it going to help them. Or is it actually going to hinder them are they going to end up kind of going at the age of 10 11. i can't be asked. For this anymore i've done week off you'll see it i went to loughborough university and i saw it through other sports um i remember my first couple of weeks there i sat next.

To a girl who was a tennis player. And she was a couple of years older than me. And she'd played wimbledon junior wimbledon all of that burnt out and was coming to university at 20 years old she'd had enough. For tennis and i was thinking at the time as a golfer i'm only just starting my career. And she's already finished you're going to see it that's people parents especially. But the kids want to do it they can see that golden carrot hanging down you know the millions of dollars that you can win it changes your life. And the exposure and there's going to be some kids that absolutely love it. And carry on through look at rory mcilroy tiger woods they've never been out the spotlight in fact they're more comfortable in front of people when there's nobody there i mean rory spoke about it when the covert times with no fans he he wasn't used to it. So you're going to get the likes of rory. And tiger but then.

You will get somebody in 10 years time that you'll meet who've said i gave up golf at 13. yeah i do i can imagine it i really can it makes me also think though with with this kind of new wave of these like every golfers are definitely getting stronger faster more precise better with the numbers. And everything we've seen that already do it then.

Begs the question i never thought we'd see it do you think there is somebody out there now watching. Or started playing or whatever that could potentially be the new tiger it gets it gets pushed out so often this guy's the next.

Tiger woods do you actually think it's doable. Or do you think we have only seen it once in our lifetime the tiger effects like can someone else do it there will be somebody there there always will be. And the fact that tiger's been that successful will mean he's producing a lot more better exactly however. i don't think we'll see a domination because of that tiger effect there's. So many good players now that it's hard for somebody to stand out tiger was winning nine times a season yeah. And now it's like you see scotty sheffler and it's like oh wow he's you know he's winning four or five times we won't see tiger effects like that because of the legacy that he's going to have left. So he's almost as much as he's going to probably produce the next.

Tiger he's also having an influence on this fact that there's. So many more of them to compete against yeah there'll be people as good as tiger woods at golf. But will they win as much maybe not because there'll be a handful of them oh my god yeah i didn't even think about that he's almost producing his own prodigy anyway like charlie i don't know if charlie's going to be as good i wonder if if i don't feel like always about pressure he doesn't seem to like he seems just. So kind of relaxed and chilled in it already he doesn't know any different though does he. But he's always been by his dad's side in the limelight what's going to happen when his dad steps aside yeah that's when i think we'll really see it talk was then.

Through you recently went. For a uh ironfitting did you then.

At pink yeah i did um i've been trying out irons all year like you do doing the reviews. And everything and it was what what stood out. For me and and it was the ping i five two fives okay yes is that what you went. For yes that's i kind of already thought about that i know when people do go. For fittings you might have a couple of irons in mind i was i wanted those i just didn't know if i wanted them in the power lofts. Or what shaft etc etc so i went down to ping like everybody else does. And i got myself fitted um it must be hard for a fitter do you think trying to fit the likes of you. And me because we do know numbers. And i'm going to be honest i reckon i've had comfortably double figures of fittings from all different manufacturers. For all different products i reckon i've only ever had one really good fit in my life really yeah i've always really struggled with fittings because what i found when i go. For a fitting and i think i spoke about it on the pod in the past certainly if it's driver. And i'm going to a brand they want their driver to perform better than the driver i've currently got in the back. So often which is most what most people want they want a product can be better than driving they've currently got. But it ends up for me just being a bit of a like a a macho kind of oh we've got this driver that's going to definitely hit it further than your driver. And we're going to put the shaft in it we're going to do that i'm like i have a i don't that might not be what i want from a driver i might want forgiveness i might want to find more fairways i might want a driver that'll look down. And go that actually gives me confidence to hit it's not just about launch monitor numbers sometimes which i've when i've gone into fittings i feel like that's all it's about launch monitor numbers look like and it's and i also find there's loads of times where i've been hitting a particular driver of products and going that's i love that perfect oh let's try it in this shaft. But i've just said i like that like don't give me anything else i love what you've just given me. So i've had mixed thoughts on fittings i'll be honest with yourself okay well people that know me know that i leave the fitting i know what i want yeah. And i think that's what you've got to you've got to say to that fitter i want forgiveness yeah irons might be a bit easier because it's not all about how far they go. So i wanted to hit it a little bit further than the irons i've got at the moment because they're blades and i'm not hitting them far enough so that was my first thing i want to hit them a bit first titleist islands at the moment tailor mates. So that was my first thing i wanted a graphite shaft he tried to put me in a steel. And i said i don't want that equally because my wedges are black graphite shafts. And like cam smith i like to have everything the same when i look down on it but he was a good fitter in the sense that we spoke about spin numbers. And if we'd have gone for a different um head and a different shaft i was hitting the ball further i wanted to hit it further. But i didn't want to hit it ten yards further with each iron i wanted about five yards so then.

I had to say that to him look i i don't want to be hitting everything 10 yards further i can't play golf like that it'll take me too long to adapt and then.

I did something which i think everybody should do i took a handful of balls. And went on the grass and i said that to him i said look i need to go. And hit these on the grass because off of mats i feel like they pop yeah i don't think they're going to pop off the grass. But equally he was like maybe go. For a shaft that won't pop and i said no i always hit it off a mat. So i took a few balls and they used pro v1 actually at ping which is great i didn't do that when i first used to go yeah yeah that's a new that's new i didn't know that they used them either now. And i asked is it everybody. And they said yes everybody gets to use the pro-v ones. And i just went to the side on the grass and hit a few in front of the fitter and he said yeah you're right on the grass they do they lower the ball flight. And that was it really. But i do think you need to know what you're looking. For and that could be the hardest thing a fitter actually is only ever trying to do his best. Or her best for you but equally they've only got that half an hour haven't they so they're only seeing that window of you and you've seen every shot you hit yeah that's that's very true you have got to go in with a with a a real definitive kind of right this is what i want from it i think probably where i fall in this kind of wheelie gray area is sometimes i'm going. For a fitting because the brand the manufacturer want to fit me the best for their product but i don't really want any different to what i'm already using because otherwise i'd be using it so it's just like just give me what you think is going to be best that's going to suit me really um. But yeah i'm not the biggest fan of fitting. So when'd you get them have you got them already no i've not got me you don't walk away with them which is a bit of a shame that would be cool wouldn't it. So i thought they used to do that service at pink they used to was a tour pro uh yeah you used to used to watch them getting made actually which is very cool now you're just a commoner you just you've got to wait. But they did tell me one thing because i said oh um i normally have these shafts when i was on tour um. And he said well when you're on tour they do try. And push you in the shafts which they can access easy because if your clubs don't arrive. Or something breaks they need to be able to send you that club straight away which i thought oh but then.

What a good idea that is they're going to fit you with what the best one which is also available because that's something that you need isn't it easy access when you were playing you sponsored by ping anyway yeah was being a sponsored tour player a benefit double-edged sword i think. And i can now say that as i'm not committed to anybody ping were amazing to me they looked after me from the age of 12. Or 13 when i was nothing if you know what i mean a county player. So i'll always thank them for their support all the way through but there are times when you think oh would that driver have helped me with that set of irons have helped me. And i wasn't paid by ping but obviously i gained a lot of money from them in in their support yeah. So sometimes you lose out however. ping is such a good all-round brand i think you'd be fine. But there was a time where i felt i lost a bit on the driver what was the yeah because actually you know me i i don't hit it far enough i hit it straight enough yeah. And ping are that aren't they you want forgiveness you go. For ping yeah. So maybe sometimes i thought oh i'm missing out on a bit of yardage there um but as an overall brand i think they do everything well did you ever try then.

Other drivers in that period like out of sight. And go oh god yeah there could be a bit more distance there yeah i remember when the callaway epic came out was it the epic. Or the epic flash and i was at the women's scottish open. And that was the time that i thought oh oh here we go yeah. And you were you were effectively contracted. For 14 clubs or my loyalty to it i'm sure if i if i said to jeff at ping look this driver is really helping me i'll put a pink head cover on it yes he would have been absolutely fine with it. But it was just me wanting to be loyal i'm from lincolnshire. And they've done so much for me we spoke with tommy because i must admit i wasn't i didn't quite grasp this idea being sponsored because having the flexibility of playing whatever clubs you wanted i honestly thought it was a huge benefit. And still think it is to a lot of a lot of golfers because as you mentioned i don't believe any brand can make the number one product in every category they just can't it's impossible what tommy was saying though. And it really kind of opened my eyes to it almost his relationship with let's say taylormade they almost act as like a mechanic to hit to his equipment so they'll be going out there. And it might be different on at tommy's level when he's out on the pga tour dp world tour when he's obviously often this time where there is big fitting truck certainly on the pga tour they'll come out. And almost assess his golf clubs and almost give him like recommendations on numbers that he needs to be filling or they'll tweak his clubs or they'll make sure they're absolutely perfect like a mechanic would do an f1 car. And when he said that i was like oh yeah that's actually quite a different take on it i hadn't quite realized i just thought big money deal signing with a taylormade. Or account big money deal and then.

Kind of just left to your own devices but it is at that level your clubs. And your equipment is. So paramount to the success you have on the golf course as well it kind of made more sense to me really so but for you i'm guessing there was no ping tour truck out on the out on ladies tour when you were playing. And there isn't now not even on the lpga tour there's no big trucks maybe uh women's u.s open. And the women's british open but that is it wow. And and that's where seeing them once a year you might i was looking at cameron smith he carries three lob wedges. But he only plays with one and he decides on the course conditions which one to use all that type of stuff yeah well i was just packing one one bag like a suitcase. And a golf bag so excess baggage was important you know when you're flying ryanair. And easyjet you get stung can't you i'm not playing private so i can't carry all those clubs around with me um a two iron instead of a hybrid everything like that i can't do. And also you know you do when you do the reviews you see justin thomas has helped design this golf ball i i never got asked to design anything at bing oh yourself you'd have been good you're a good designer. For a driver that you can swing 90 miles an hour it goes dead straight yeah i'd take that every single day um yeah it is really quite interesting isn't it another one then.

Do you think. And has it ever been tried or or is there events where there is almost like a pj tour event. And then.

Almost the following week the lpga tour go there it's happened excuse me it's happened at the us open yeah pinehurst the women were there the first week. And then.

The men the second and it's happening in a couple of weeks time at centurion so the live event will be at centurion club. And the following week is the latest european tour aramco team series. For infrastructure and for fans going it kind of makes sense. But i'm also thinking is there not a benefit. For the players like let's say again you're mentioning that the the ladies don't always get access to the tour trucks where the big pga tour events the tour trucks are there every single time would it not more make sense that okay we're gonna just this is where our tournament's going to be let's plug in the men's event. And let's plug in the latest event and the benefit from all of the kind of features there as well like the tour trucks the accommodation the transportation the sponsorships would that not work or was in the week after week before week after same week like there are there are huge bonuses to it the infrastructure that will be at the lift will remain. So that's a very handy for the people that are organizing it the course might not be in as good condition yeah the footfall. But there isn't as many people playing but you've got to look at the whole running of the event you need a lot of volunteers and a lot of spectators now to ask two weeks of that in the same place can be difficult. And also with tour trucks a lot of them drive to the next.

Week so they'll be if it's on the pga tour for instance so they're there for the sunday mondays so actually the women would miss out the women need their own tour trucks that'd be a simpler way of doing it wouldn't it actually thinking about it well tomorrow women's golf us women's open presented by was it pro pro medical pro medica well they've helped the purse of this event right yes is this the biggest lady's purse ever played. For ever ever ever ever and friend of the show as we mentioned earlier minwoo lee's incredible sister minji lee who's won is it twice in the last three. Or four weeks or something silly she's one of the last two outings yeah she took is it a tournament. Or a major record and she's picked up 1.8 million dollars shooting 13 on the par to win the us woman's open that is correct. So the u.s women's open is the biggest major in women's golf because of the history behind it that obviously being british we'd love to win that the british open. But minji lee she wanted to win the us open the trophy is awesome it's a huge trophy. And it was a tournament record because u.s opens like the men's is notoriously very hard now you mentioned that there is a sponsor at the women's us open that's something that doesn't happen in the men's game. But mike wan who was the ceo of the lpga has moved to the usga. And he wanted to elevate the events and the prize fund and in order to do that he needed a partner. So that is why there's a sponsor they sit below it they don't say it's the pro medica us women's open they say it's presented by. And that is why the prize fund was 10 million dollars. So 1.8 million for the winner and then.

Second place it's the first time a seven figure number for second place a million dollars for second place one million and eighty thousand and you know that eighty thousand the girl that came second had only won 86 000 on tour this year no way. So the the bit she got over a million is almost matching up to her earnings this year already um incredible. And she had a dominating lead going into the final round didn't she like is it really tough because it also happened on the men's tour this week with billy herschel i think they both have five shot leads i think that's weirdly harder position to be. And you take it every day obviously but it's like there is almost a pressure that everybody's after everybody's got a number on your back. And you've got to go out there and still shoot a good enough number hold everyone off to take victory that's the thing you could just shoot level par couldn't you and hold everybody off and that's what you've got to battle with there's only one way to go when you're at the top you'll be thinking that and so important to get a good start minjuli did that she hit the first which is a par five in two two putted made a birdie billy herschel did the same started off level par you want to at least maintain that lead through the front nine you don't want it to get to two shots that's the issue three shots is still okay minji had a slight wobble um. But made a couple of crucial par puts and i have to say she's she is one of the only people that i could go to bed early on last night. And know that she would have won in the morning she's not going to mess up his she doesn't mess up no you've interviewed her brother play golf with the brother she's different to him she's a lot more laid-back calm collective i think he says that her career goes in a straight line her life does. And his is a little bit of a wiggly line some player i mean she won the the us um junior amateur in 2014. And and in that interview somebody asked her about what's next.

And she just said i'm coming it's just she's very very confident in her own ability. And um carrie webb won around that golf course u.s women's open that's her idol and she's gone and done the same and was was long said to be the best player to never win a major she's now got two in two years i think she could get another one this year yeah she's absolutely awesome how how proud must the family be as well like you're literally there i think they live in perth in australia you're there watching almost week in week out one of your children just burning it up like absolutely burn it up i wonder what cut there. And i hope they get looked after the parents i'm sure they do there was a there's a really good um she's at the prize giving. And her phone rings oh it was a brother calling. And it's great and she won last year she won a major last year at the at the avion and then.

Not long after he won so they spur each other on it's such a great relationship and adam scott like messaged on instagram saying well done and for an aussie girl that's epic yeah that's really cool well i think min min woo. And adam scott kind of hang around quite a bit so um you know that yeah i just think it's amazing well done um i think again the fact that the prize fund like i remember going to the the women's open at carnoustie. And that being a record price fund at the time this is a now new record price. For like these numbers now 1.8 million dollars that only feels to me about three or four years almost behind the men's game now in prize funds the jump has been amazing in the majors the majors have really stepped up the us open has doubled its prize money in the last couple of years really it was only 5 million a handful of years ago. So it's really stretching and it's pushing the other majors to do the same evidence going up the women's british open is going up also the women's game is in a really good place. And there's some very talented players and mindy lee for me is the best in the world this season wow will um the women's open at muirfield be a new record prize fund again that will beat this no it won't beat this. But it will be a record. For wow incredible you'll be getting the clubs back ourself is this why you just got fitted again i'm on course i think that week. So i'm not playing though talking would you ever would you ever try and qualify for it again i will i think when it comes back to burke live in royal liverpool i'll give it a go locally really is that something like do you ever get like design when you see this happening now when you when you're watching it. And you're calling the golf you know i know you did it in your spare bedroom this weekend the luxury life of sophie walker. But does it ever give you that kind of oh i want to get out there. And play again i want to compete oh i'll never lose that the want to compete um one of the main reasons i stopped was because i couldn't make a living that the money wasn't good enough. And it didn't work its way down it was it was top heavy. But now it's it's really top heavy because there's a lot of money but it's filtering its way down and i'm actually shocked of how far the game has moved since i've retired it got in and probably five years a bit late but really proud how far it's moved in those three years wow talking about monet live golf the new tour with a global field right this the players have been announced last week which was a bit of a strange time i think they were supposed to do it the week before. But whether the the the eyes weren't being dotted and the t's weren't being crossed on contracts they got pushed back to the tuesday which a bit of a shame because it kind of overshadowed a little bit of the women's open and also overshadowed a little bit of the memorial i said that weird didn't i why does that sound north northern anyway the player list was announced. And there were some big names. And there was some shock names as well i think biggest name being dustin johnson do you think there was shock names yeah okay go on there i thought there was i thought the caliber of maybe maybe to me not. So much because i felt like maybe i knew a few people who might have been playing kind of rumors and stuff but i think. For the general golf public i think from my reading everything online there was a big shock of oh my god he's gone to it they've gone to it wow like almost more maybe have a public perception of shock then..

But we've got dustin johnson playing in it yeah i think that's a massive pull. For that event if you look at the rest of the list that you're going to name now i think he's a huge standout currently 13th in the world former world number one two-time major champion. And a big character in the world of golf not the most charismatic character but somebody who people want to watch like i remember a camera which i remember but i can't remember i remember one of the opens he was he was doing a practice round. And i was like i want to go. And watch dustin johnson i think he was at troon i want to go. And watch him i want to see him hit driver like i feel like people are going to want to watch him potentially you've got golfers like i think no surprises were like lee westwood ian poulter gray mcdowell um you've also got some younger players which i think they were a bit more of a shock. But you know also there's big money to be played for even like friend of the show sam horstfield's playing in it like he's won recently on the dp world tour he's going playing in live if you don't know what liv is it's eight events this year the prize fund. For each event is 25 million dollars um it's only three rounds of golf. So 54 holes next.

Week it's going to be thursday friday. And saturday at centurion club because a lot of players then.

Are jumping in jets on the sunday to go. And play in the us open um it's at centurion club london it's a shotgun start so you can have all golfers out on the golf course it's only a 48 player field. And there's a team element there's individual elements there's lots and lots of talk about how much these guys are getting paid it's rumored that dustin johnson signed rumored signed. For 125 million dollars to play in the liv golf events that is staggering isn't it um when you look at lionel messi he's on 130 million dollars a year he's the highest paid sportsman in the world. And that's his combined so dustin johnson's going to get 125 million. For this appearance as such in these eight events i don't know if that's a commitment for how many years nobody knows right i don't think we're life commitment potentially um. But then.

Like i said the price funds are crazy five million dollars. For winning isn't it which basically what's happened is it the biggest event on the pga tour is the players championship that prize fund is 20 million dollars there was a huge kind of oh wow celebrations. And what liv have done is said well we're going to do more than that. So anything the pga tour will do we will do more there has been backlash quite a lot of backlash um there's been fans that have been disappointed with players leaving either pj tour you know i don't think it's a decision as much as leave pj tour. Or join live bought what's not been kind of um worked out yet and i believe it's going to take place once the players actually tee up. And hit their first ball what the punishment is from the pga tour because it's going to be fines people are talking about bands there's rumors of lifetime bans which will be very very interesting you've had golfers like kevin narr who's currently 33rd in the world nine professional victories he's resigned from the pga tour like he's kind of come out. And said i'm not going to play in the pga tour anymore i'm playing exclusively. For liv which i didn't expect to see either because i thought there was going to be times where yes this is an alternative option you might be able to play in pga tour you might want to play dp world tour you might then.

Want to play. And live but the fact he's come out and said nope i am just going to play. And live and majors potentially obviously there's there's lots of kind of confusion about how this is going to affect world rankings world ranking points it's a lot of rumors about how it's going to affect these players playing in major tournaments this year whether the masters are still going to elig you know be eligible whether you can still play in the open um all this is. Yet to be kind of worked out confirmed there's a lot isn't there there's a lot of it there's a lot and this is even before a single shot's been hit like it's crazy the other big talking point as well is a lot of people know that this event this tour is backed by saudi arabia. And there's opinions on that there's thoughts about that um it's just there's lots and lots and lots and lots and lots it's been spoken about for a year or so and a lot of people didn't think it was going to happen rory mcelroy said it's dead in the water in february didn't he. And it's come it's next.

Week and people are just waiting now i think just just tee off let's see what happens um the players have obviously made their decision. And they're going to put it back in the tours hands because the likes of lee westwood have said i still want to play dp world tour pga tour it's up to you to not want me there's going to be a few people that might not be ryder cup captains because of this graham mcdowell lee westwood ian poulter they're saying i still want to be a riley cup captain absolutely. But maybe the tours might say no that that is the punishment people talking about lawsuits who knows i mean this is disruptive isn't it the the most i've ever known in golf. And possibly the biggest disruption ever in professional golf like when you talk about breakaway tours there's always been rumors i mean pga tour was a breakaway tour um. But like this is. So kind of like you say rubbing against the grain of of what is known. For professional golf um obviously these players have their families their well-being the money is very lucrative. And they're obviously thinking okay well if i'm playing less events i can make just as much money if not way more money it's guaranteed money there's no cut 54 holes no court you are guaranteed to walk away i'm sure it's a hundred thousand dollars. For last place i think. And in a world of professional golf the likes of lee westwood has gambled on himself for the past 30 years and he might not want to anymore and he's not the biggest fan of playing golf in america champions tour is a place that he could go. And play when he turns 50. might not want to do that might want to just stay at home in the northeast with his family. And playing eight events a year and pick up a lot of money there's many south africa well southern hemisphere players south africans new zealand australians down to play in these events these guys travel the world they pack a suitcase and they don't come home for weeks if not months on end that's why they're doing it but still a lot of these events are playing in the us. So yeah. But it's only eight weeks yeah it's eight weeks it's one less day of work it's only 54 holes there's no cut. For once in their life they aren't gambling on themselves they're taking a salary almost and the bonus of winning five million dollars the vast majority of the players on the list are coming to the end of their career you can't really blame someone like richard bland. For doing it he's in his late 40s and finally broke through on the dp world tour but it's been a struggle for him i think there's a few there the likes of sam horsefield that you question if he is banned from the tours if he can't play in the majors that seems a big shame on someone like that's career because she'd like to think that that's his next.

Level isn't it yeah. But then.

Again who knows are they going to get banned it's going to be really really interesting um just a few other names that were not mentioned sergio garcia that's a big name in world golf yeah. But he made it pretty clear the other week didn't he i didn't like that yeah he's done me out does that though i really didn't like that a very interesting one is chase i don't think that's interesting at all i think he's got nowhere to play. And his brother's obviously got some sway in the world of golf and the guys like that i don't blame as much because they do have literally nowhere to play. And their game isn't good enough to play on the the top tours but one thing is he almost like a placeholder. For the first few events before kind of brooks maybe comes over is there is there a bit of that because if this is the list right now what's gonna happen let's say the first event let's say someone like kevin narr wins it okay how many of the pga tour players are gonna be looking. And going hold on a minute i can beat kevin now i can make five million dollars i can i want a bit of this there wasn't that much of a backlash the ban wasn't that severe let's go like i can only imagine this list actually getting stronger as the weeks progressed like this isn't guaranteed these 48 players playing. For the next.

Eight events this is the list. For the first event there are going to be definitely changes in this list. But 48 is the maximum. So people are gonna get dropped people can get kicked out. And then.

Is it is it going to be a new wave of bigger names more popular names that we've you know that have in the past said it's not. For me but money talks well i think there's going to be plenty of players asking their agent how much did dustin johnson get there'll be talk amongst the locker room if it is over that hundred million mark okay right well we just said brooks kepker i've won more majors than dustin johnson. So what's my worth yeah. Or somebody that says i've only won one major if he's getting over 100 million can i get 80. there'll be talk of that because it does happen to a small extent in terms of signing on with club manufacturers. Or appearance fees what does tiger get he gets that what does rory get. So what do i get it might happen with these however. i think dustin johnson's probably going to get the most because he jumped first yeah no i agree i'm going to run through the actual events. And then.

I want to talk about enough because i think this is really really where they've missed the point is how it's how it could potentially benefit the actual viewer because there's. So much talk at the moment about money money money who's playing who's playing but actually how is it going to be a better product. For the viewer so the first event is london then.

They go to portland at the end of june then.

It's bedminster at the end of july again in america boston at start september then.

Chicago in the middle of september then.

Over to bangkok in october then.

Jeddah the actual only event that's actually been played in saudi arabia itself. And then.

The finale is in miami in october the end of october now that list of lineups you can see there's a lot in the usa. So a lot of usa listeners will be thinking well they might think are they all of all of them played in europe they all played in saudi arabia obviously there's a mixture there. And the one thing and it started earlier i spoke with andy gardner who kind of came up the idea of the premier golf league which this is a very very similar idea if not almost the same is how is it good. For the consumer how is it good. For the the golfer the golf fan and i think that is where at the moment that's just not being talked about from what people are saying it's going to be streamed live. For free it's only 54 holes which three rounds of golf so you not need maybe you might not watch dp world tour or pj tour on a thursday friday saturday potentially it's on for a long time this is gonna be a shotgun start you're gonna have five hours of action over three days a bit more maybe manageable if you are such a golf fan there's lots of talks about how the production's gonna be better not seen any of that just. Yet but we will see that potentially next.

Week like there's lots of potential. But i think the fan really has to buy into this they messed up with the ticketing pricing in my opinion it's way too expensive now get them free can't you've got a few codes out there they're giving them away. So a lot of the players now have signed up for giving away tickets 100 tickets if you use their code which to be honest in my opinion the whole event should have been free anyway for the fans just get people there like get people enjoying it potentially um yeah very very interesting it's third like this thursday we're actually gonna find out what is gonna actually happen what it's gonna look like um is it gonna be a success is it gonna fail i don't know i think they've got enough time. And enough money to evolve it week in week out i've worked on the uh the aramco team series the latest european tour stuff for the last 18 months and every event gets better they learn from it and they go again it's not in the spotlight as much so they have the opportunity but that the infrastructure at those events are next.

Level the golf courses are very good the players get looked after better than they ever will do. And i do think even with centurion there's there's rumor of well there is there's a huge stage that's been put on which i would assume is going to be concerts. And all sorts at night so they may be going. For some entertainment element as that the only thing dj's contract to do karaoke yeah dj is the dj stranger things have happened. But in the formula one in saudi arabia they didn't sell a ticket next.

Thing you know justin bieber gets booked and the whole thing sells out don't be surprised to see something like that at these events they have that much money to just click their fingers and bring the 13th ranked golfer in the world they could easily do that with the music stars as well there's no budget at these events yeah. So if they want it they get it i don't know would you go are you going i'm currently not going um i i don't know where i sit with it just. Yet i'm intrigued to see how it pans out um i i as long as for me the product is really good. For the fan i see that as a success if at the end of it on on saturday afternoon if people go wow that was really good that was different that was more exciting that was better than what we've seen in the past okay that was a success forget the money forget who's playing forget even who wins i think as long as like say it it's just got to be spectacular. And if it brings in new fans it's great for golf there's lots of talks about how they're going to incorporate a huge charity element into this with the money as well brilliant get more people into golf get more people enjoying golf get more people watching golf if you do all that. For me then.

It's it's a level of success um and again maybe live streaming it for free is a huge success like we don't see that really at all right you don't really ever get to see a lot of the time now live golf because it's expensive is often behind the paywall if this is genuinely live. And it's really really good for the fan then.

I think it could it could potentially work um one thing i'm doing this week though as i mentioned earlier i'm playing in a 100 ball yeah i i can't work this one out you were telling me earlier. And i i've still it's still not gone in the brain so friend of mine american eric anders lang who um many of you will know from the channel he actually was the reason why i started this podcast believe it. Or not so he um i used to listen to it i wasn't really dead into podcast a few years ago oh i love a good podcast and uh he he had one and it was really good. And i really enjoyed it and he had some great guests on he just they're cool he's got a cool life he lives in wherever he lived at the time l.a everything seemed pretty cool he's quite cool character is you trying to be cool yeah just a little bit. And i i used to really enjoy it and he was over at the isle of man in the isle of man sorry about 2017 i think he was. And he said let's hook up let's do a video he does a series on youtube called um adventures in golf where he goes around to all these crazy crazy places. And explores these amazing things that you think how we i know golf as golf going out playing the marriott worsley park shooting 100. Or whatever that's how i know golf golf is playing. So many different ways all around the world whether it's golf on ice whether it's street golf whether it's ice whether it's golfing like when he went over to asia and you see how they make the golf clubs at meow and things like this like it really does open your eyes. And go god there is actually a lot out there i went to asia once. And there was escalators on the golf course amazing unbelievable who'd have expected it. So um eric in his kind of journey set up a company called random golf club um i'm actually a member of random golf club and it's basically he wants to make golf more inclusive which again i'm all for so they do these mad me ups. And uh and basically you all play golf together like i've seen it on youtube i've seen it on social media like lots and lots of people come together they have the clubs i think you're playing maybe partners yeah i think you do. So there's only 50 balls in play only and basically you're all two up you mark your ball obviously you hit every time no everyone hits the first tee shot. So it's kind of social everyone's chitting chatting like enjoying whatever and then.

Someone steps up hits the tee shot and then.

Once everyone's hit you kind of wander down the hole together and you kind of find your ball and you hit it again and it's not really a competition or about score but it's just a a community like-minded individuals coming together and playing a golf course and um i'm doing a live podcast with eric afterwards and there was tickets. For sale on this which is on eric's instagram i i don't know if they've already all sold out um it's down in london. And yeah just it's a really really cool event which i'm looking forward to um i might wear my hat backwards just to fit in. And a hoodie and a hoodie and like rolled up pants or something and slack so i don't know i'll try and do something different. So so i don't look as as old man as golfing nerdy that's weird three turning just like everyone's like hey man this is really cool thanks. For coming along come on we're like hi hi i'm rick nice to meet you shaking everyone's hands on the first day cool to see a different side of golf like you say and i i've become more like that since i've retired from playing on tour before i always say to somebody you know what's your handicap don't ask that anymore no where are you a member at don't ask that anymore because it's not important even like where do you play like people i know golfers honestly that will 100 call themselves golfers. And they've almost never stepped foot on a golf course they go to the driving range and they have clubs they have the best clubs but they go to the driving range and that's their golf they'll go on top tracer or they'll go and spend a bit of time working on the game or hitting long drives that's golf for them like golf is. So that's the umbrella but golf isn't what we what we first originally it originated as now it's spread its wings and gone into so many different categories and so many different facets which is is all great. For golf life i honestly honestly love now going to a driving range at weekend i take my kids. And whatever it's packed full of what i wouldn't class as golfers under 30s just yeah yeah if a golf club secretary walked in there they'd be like wow do these people actually exist yes they do they sure do no it's it's exciting. So i'm i'm looking forward to that but i don't know how it's going to work out i'm going to try. And make some sort of video about it um we'll see what happens i might get hit by a golf ball who knows but it but it could be it could be very interesting right um we've got some questions to fly through um will you get mingy on the podcast actually you know what i thought that. And then.

I realized that they're in america so we can't get her on first thing i was going to going to try somehow to get her on today.

It would be cool i'd like i want to try those two together do you think i think they'd be quite nice dynamic together brother. And sister is that guy texting this is rubbish this is a question. For you for you sophie lowest round of golf you've ever played i shot 65 in my first ever ladies european tour event in wales i was an amateur oh my god as an amateur i got an invite. And i went down teed it up shot 65 minus seven was leading i thought these pro golf's easy that's from david highland um this is a question. For me aaron um why are you playing. So awful to me it gets better believe me the i did a break 75 at marriott played better i've got a break 75 out this friday hopefully saint andrews old course. And i eagled the last the ball well and you're not scoring well nicely put and world 666 which days are you at the open i'm at the tuesday through to sunday oh i've just just trumped you i'm there monday through to sunday monday maybe even through to monday oh yeah i think i get there monday night um. But i don't officially start work till tuesday what are you doing sky no doing radio oh face. For it no. So radio is quite cool in that sense that people can come up. And chat to me so is that is that radio. For people for for the open for the open well that'd be cool because i actually i can see um the value in that as a fan you're at the open obviously you're only seeing what's in front of you. But if you've got a little earpiece in and you can listen to you. And whoever who else is doing it with you you know oh there's loads of stuff yeah. So like you be able to tell me what's happening on the other side of the golf course that i don't know about or who's leading or what where where should i follow and who's teeing off now i like that it's good value you're adding a great service there so okay we'll be based on the first two which is quite cool that's really cool yeah just to the right literally to the right of the first tee i'm like the atmosphere is going to be ridiculous um i saw one before. But i can't find the name of it now where would be your ideal perfect golfing holiday destination i went to it this year well actually just first of all i don't go to america very often so i would like to do an america one like a pebble beach obviously. But my perfect one in europe is kinder delaga i absolutely love it it's two. And two and a half hours on a plane you're 20 minutes from the airport and the golf course is the quality of golf courses they've got three of them there north south. And laranjal they're epic and it's such a nice place to be nightlife good do you go. For nightlife i go for some sociable drinks on the beach so there's a few there's a few bars and restaurants that are on the beach there shout out to julius. So i'd recommend i'd recommend down there that's mine um i'm going. For a first lesson tomorrow what should i ask the golf coach it's an interesting question should i ask the golf coach how do i get better yeah um i would maybe more maybe more what should you ask yourself before going. For a golf lesson yeah i would try. And own your golf lesson i even as a coach i don't like it when a player says to me well you just do what you want you know it's your swing. Or something like that it's really not it's yours you need to know about it all the time i only need to know about it for this hour as such so go in what you want tom's saying what is the most slept on golf brand it's like what's the brand that people sleep on that's not maybe getting the credit that it deserves cobra's always one. For me um but i think it does get the credit amongst golf buyers i would say wilson irons wilson this year those irons are really good what about you wilson irons in general i have honestly i've used them in the past they are fantastic they really are um what golf brand do people sleep on wilson is a great shout out. So if you know i probably wouldn't i wouldn't have probably said that i do agree i think cobra now is getting the the note of writer that maybe it deserves it's pushing the envelope um yeah i'm gonna agree with you with wilson irons i can't i can't think of anything that kind of beats that really um it's just a shame they almost tried to do. Or they have tried to do too much wilson like they're still trying to make drivers like obviously i was on that tv show golf channel show drive versus driver 2 where they're getting people to come. And design drivers and i just think they should stick with making really really good irons good irons good wedges they make decent golf balls. But again it's not what they're known for they're known for the really good irons aren't they so maybe just stick with it um does simulator play does simulator play hurt your game play playing on a simulator are you coaching simulator don't you yeah coach indoor. And outdoor i think i think uh simulator. For for working on your swing is good because there's less things that can affect it obviously the lie is always good it's not raining it's not windy that type of stuff. But no i think having a club in your hand. And swinging it it can never hurt your game if you could improve simulated golf what would you do there's a couple of things i think i could the putting element it's not great is it not great i i think if you were to as we know what simulator looks like it's pretty much just a box effect of the screen a projector a map i think a few things i think first off if. And and i've seen greek maps to do this if they tilt in a bit of rough yeah they tilt. And almost simulate the shot that you're playing on the simulator so for example if you've if you've hit it into the right roof and there's there's a hill your ball it goes in the rough and the mat actually slopes to simulate that shot i think the other thing that would be really interesting is like some level of wind in there even if it's just a feeling like a hole looks longer when it's into wind. And it only needs to be a little kind of breeze on your face but suddenly you stood there going oh yeah maybe i do need to club up here i can feel it. Or i think one that's really a shock that's really hard to hit when the winds actually are on your back yeah buffering into. So you're almost on your toes as you take the club back i think that's really hard wind. So again some way we've been able to simulate that not in like a cheesy way but in like a way that's kind of beneficial to your game and like say put in it'd be amazing if you could almost turn around on the simulator or do something different. And again you had one of these greens that sloped so you could simulate the put you have on the golf course so if it was right to left downhill whatever it may be you could kind of simulate it um because i do think simulated golf is really good. But there's definitely ways of getting it better you know what's going to happen now someone's going to mess with me going oh you mean like this simulated probably already out there that we just don't even know about um what is what's the what's your favorite bless you favorite video i've ever made obviously you make videos now what's your personal favorite i watched you one at my home track the other day when i caught you filming on my on my territory i watched the video that was good i liked it what was funny though because i saw a bit of behind the scenes of of um your man videoing you on the 10th green when he was chasing after the ball i saw that clip in the video i was like i saw how that got made i like that it was really good oh drone that was it it was the drone footage that was pretty cool um what's been my favorite video i went to a hollywood golf club. And we did a little bit behind the scenes in northern ireland rory mcelroy's golf club. And it was. So nice to visit a place and you could feel the how proud they were of him the love the love. For rory and how the golf club has benefited from him being there so they've got a wonderful new simulator and bar and how the juniors have come through and and how they speak about the juniors there and that that was really nice. And to see that he's not from this really posh golf club he's just from a normal one that that was good. And then.

I got to lift the warner maker trophy that's so cool that was cool because there's like a little museum there doesn't he almost like a a homage a shrine to rory mcelroy which why would you not i you know i've seen a few places that embrace when a tour player has played there. Or grown up there but i think a lot of places should do it because it's a great talking point it like would you have ever gone to hollywood golf club if if not probably not i've been there i probably wouldn't have gone unless it was. For rory growing up there and playing there and i think you've got to embrace the golf clubs if you've had a superstar go through your ranks even if it was. For six months period attach yourself to it and and run with it really because there's even a golf course in um charlie shaw hill and uh nick dougherty yeah. And there's like a bit of a shrine for him there which i think it's just great get a tour by getting to sign a few bits a few little pictures it just brings a story out. And go oh that's quite cool he used to play here or that's his lowest round here or whatever it may be and and it does inspire that next.

Generation of golfers coming through they'll go oh yeah he that golfer like a rory at hollywood he he was practicing on this very putting green i'm practicing now. And he's now going playing on pj tours one of the best golfers in the world like there's definitely ways of encouraging junior golfers doing that really aren't they do you have a shrine anywhere um i have um yeah i do i have one at clay thoughts golf club i have my cheesy photo up there [Laughter]. And like uh all tour bag signed no i don't i don't have that not. Yet no no you don't i don't have it i'm actually going back there on friday to play in the the pro-am. And i don't play many pro-ams anymore but i always go back to playing the clay thoughts prom and that's what you're saying that's what it's all about you want to be able to go back and see all those faces that they took you to the junior events they drove you there or they ran the competition and the local pro and that's the way i felt when i went to hollywood that that's how they thought about rory yeah that well definitely does that as like says that appreciation that he's. And he he talks so highly of that golf club as well um i'm looking through more questions someone's just asked very quickly brad why is golf. So hard bloody isn't it i'm with you i'm with you there brad someone's asked for feet pics okay yep josh that's. For feet picks but i don't think we'll give that i think i think we're out of questions let's finish on that one when will you be ever interviewing tiger this is to you. And me i would love to in fact for this radio gig um got a phone call would you like to work the radio at the open yes absolutely do you know the second thing i said can i be on tigers group yeah. And the guy said well you're the first person to ask. So i said first come first served oh my god i don't know inside the ropes with him if that's the case. Or you're always in the studio no there's there's when you're doing on course commentary you're allowed in the rope. So if you're doing radio it's just inside the ropes if you're doing television like i did last year's open you're allowed on the fairways because you need to get the numbers. And you need to say you've got 167 yards and the flags on this way and all that type of mumbo jumbo i will be better at that everybody. So yeah it will be inside the ropes yeah you've got you got it into your tiger i don't know what to say what would you ask him there's a potential i might be on the same golf course with him very very soon. For two days and there's a potential i might bump into him with a microphone and a camera and ask him something what could be the first question i ever ask him i almost want to ask him what questions you hate getting asked yeah out of your leg like what's the one question that you always get asked. And you just hate it and i'll just scribble out all my top three questions i was going to ask him because that's what his i think the first thing i would say is i would thank him because i don't think me. Or you would be sat here without him no way not in a million years i mean look at your logo it's red white. And black he's everywhere isn't he he's literally everywhere he is if i'd have had it my way i'd call my son eldrick. But didn't quite work out anyway um sophie thank you for being a guest or co-host thanks for the invite i really enjoyed it promoted um looking forward to hearing you calling more golf very soon they call that in america don't they calling calling golf yeah what do you call it here in the uk commentating yeah it's better than it's better saying calling golf i know i like commentators calling golf's a bit like what you calling it hard [Laughter] thank you. So much thanks for listening everybody hopefully you enjoyed it make sure you like and subscribe check out sophie on all of our social media we're back next.

Week um with potentially a very very special announcement right see you all soon a little teaser there and uh thanks so that was amazing catch you next.

Time peace.