So welcome on down to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode number 77 we've got some guests today.

Yes one of them has been on the channel before. But not in the new studio in the new studio which is unbelievable. And his brothers here today.

Who have also got a joint youtube channel together tubes. And golf life we filmed some videos today.

Which are fun they're going to be coming out soon. But we thought well we've got you here in manchester it'd be rude not to do a podcast on the number one podcast in golf powered by our really good friends motor caddy. And today's episode you you're very honored we thought we'd save it for your episode to announce the winner of the dear rick section today.

Well sorry listen this is the big deal hundreds if not thousands of emails came through. For dear rick yeah okay yeah why i don't know ask him ask him. For my advice for a free trolley not for your advice we give some very good sounds lovely yeah we've given some very dodgy advice. But today.

We've got one more dear rick. So we're gonna we're gonna kick that off first if you don't mind today.

I think people listening will just be on the edge of their seats as they're driving to work. Or cutting the lawn or whatever they're doing listening to this podcast or in the gym trying to come up with other solutions and people go that's me i'm doing that to find out who's going to be drawn to have the winner of the first prize which is a motor caddy superb trolley yeah yeah i don't know if they make a superb trolley. But a trolley by moa caddy as in that's not the name of the name okay superb yeah glenn hoddle had one yeah. And it had like an ipad screen on yeah that's that's like the one i've got yeah he was playing games in it all sorts of things made my game. So much more enjoyable but well what i was thinking rick is this dear rick i've picked on purpose because i think tubes. And and could throw in the two tennis worlds what's the what's that worth um so maybe just before we do that then.

Because some of the listeners will have listened to the first podcast with tubes that went down very well um some people might not have done. So maybe just a quick couple of minutes on who tubes and actually are. For our listeners that aren't aware because it's not our word now they will be very soon because you have got one of the best up. And coming golf channels on youtube 100 oh thank you we're trying well no it is it's really good. And i'll tell you what i'll i'll give it a quick what i think it is. And if you two want to elaborate on it i would say your channel is you two two brothers yeah playing golf in a fun way in a light-hearted way with often having guests of the elite premier league footballers some household names um. And it's just easy and fun to watch it's almost like a podcast but it's a youtube video pretty much yeah it's basically what we set out to do when we started it two years ago it wasn't it was like to do long form interview um whilst playing golf. And when we started well i thought certainly i don't know about you i thought all the fun sort of like three four minute videos like wacky videos catching things in buckets and bucket challenge you know fun to make let's be honest catch me if you can had like a baseball mat admit. And we'd go down there john terry was hitting him like 250 hours i was trying to catch it i thought that they would go they would fly. But it was the four hole challenge like the long form interview on the uh golf course about like i said like a podcast on the on the golf course that did. So well so it was a good mould wasn't it yes basically basically what you do on sky. But we're talking earlier with the fact that you get five minutes on a tv show and then.

You probably interviewed that person for 15 20 minutes so we were thinking if we start this channel that 15 minutes it would normally get chucked in the can we would you know include it in our videos we can cut out what we want to count we don't really count anything do we. And we can just leave it up to what we want to do really yeah you can sweep up the the mess that would have been left on the cutting room floor. And actually put it together and some of it's cold i think if you're just walking down the fairway it's such a great environment like we were today.

You know you came around channel which is massive. For us but to learn about your career and you know and have a laugh as well it's quite you know we can do everything. And we can have a laugh muck around serious chat discuss important issues. And birdie dance absolutely i think annoyingly we showed you our new studio today.

I'm really proud of it. And you've been very kind about it but we've had the noisiest day at the people above us so harry can you hear them. Or not on the mics no okay that's good well we might hear mark could you go. And throw some muscle out there please yep so as matt goes and sorts them out somebody out are you ready. For this dear rick then.

Let's do it did i just say that the studio is brilliant yeah brilliant well impressed unbelievable it's brilliant 15 years brother we'll uh yeah we keep grinding quickly we'll keep playing bad golf. And trying to make people laugh right like say going back to each other you do a great job. And it's really subscribed and also you're touching it there and they're going to come onto it a bit people again listening to america probably don't know tubes it's kind of history like. So you might have listened to the podcast but tubes is a presenter on soccer. And which is one of the biggest tv shows here on sky all about football where they call soccer am yeah um you started off i know we're going to probably dive into that a little bit. But started off as a as a kind of a test you baby yeah. And then.

And then.

You've done that a serious interviewer doing a fine job so thank you i kind of wanted to express that as well before the audience go who the hell is. And we've got no notes guys we're just going to freestyle we know you two can talk which we've experienced today.

Which has been great we've had a lot of um a lot of witty banter rick was on form doing something you'd never do on camera brilliant i didn't think. So i didn't think i'd ever pull it out on on the golf course i didn't think. But he pulled out on the goal i pulled it out he pulled out on the golf course she performed it very very well you also hit one of the best shots i've ever seen in my whole entire life it was a joke let's just talk through that shot briefly actually i think i think it's the best shot i've seen live we'll come on today.

In a minute. But that was i was in the top five golf shots i've seen you here hundred percent maybe even top three distant sound shape yeah yeah it was it was unbelievable except the scene i'll be getting it out again in a minute [Laughter] par five eighteenth hole um i won't ruin the score of the match. But it was a a must make hole yeah i was 230 yards to the flag wind very much into ball below my feet you know gallery crowd looking around you know in expectation of a decent shot which i didn't disappoint in my head i didn't i don't want to ruin it because it was such a great shot no i won't ruin it. So in my head exactly how i pictured it going i kind of hit this like a low bullet stinger three iron that kind of like missed flight it did something that old school golf balls used to do mid flight it almost took a level yeah like it started off taking off it started off super low like the old balata balls what they used to do used to spin really late in the flight. So they come out super low and you spin it up high and this ball came out like a bullet i thought that's a bit that's a bit low that and suddenly it just turned on the rocket boosters and started to climb little draw landed over the bunker that was probably about two to five carry rolled around. And probably had a little glance inside the house i had a little look for albatross and went nah not today.

Rick ran 15-foot past we thought it was stiffer than stiff yeah um i had a weak effort eagle. But it was yeah the shot the shot that went in there which is when it is at least a hundred yards away from you you know it's a good shot you just got away wow sounded beautiful thank you thank you. And you can come again just one thing i'm conscious of yesterday out the blue had a nosebleed. So i keep like i keep thinking i can feel it bleeding again it's not doing. But i touch my nose a lot i'm not picking my nose it just feels you're mean it feels weird unless you want to do why it's on camera. And it is on camera this is getting filmed. So if you listen to this on audio only and you want to dip in and out and have a look at the clips it will be on the second youtube channel the rick shields golf show. But you don't have to get offended yeah. But if i'm not picking my nose if you're watching it i also appreciate rick using the big mic stand because i didn't really fancy using that but you've bit the bullet and um you've got the big one he looks good yeah i'm used to yeah yeah yeah yes [Laughter] of this series there's been some really good ones actually. And what rick norma does is rick's quite hard to grab his attention he sometimes he floats in. And out he's always thinking different stuff but when it comes to dear rick he gets really thoughtful sometimes closed his eyes actually the advice you've given this kind of series i think has been a mixture of amazing. And outrageous sketchy it's been very very peculiar but people have to show your best bit of advice you've given off um divorcing your wife yeah ditching your mates finding new mates that rick does in real life i don't divorce what's the other one i did there was one last week where i talked about people as well this week's is from anonymous. And it says hey guys big fan here i'll be over the moon if you could discuss this quick question i started playing golf the age of 40. i got a few lessons straight away to learn the basics mechanics technique etc i joined a shortish nine-hole course in cornwall and i started to play pretty well i got my first handicap a couple months later which was 14. really good really good first handicap since then.

It's a year later i've joined a tougher golf club. And the handicappers fluctuate between 14 and 17. so whether this is handy i don't think it's an official official hacker we can't jump by three shots. But that's roughly what you're shooting my good rounds are solid. But my bad rounds are awful okay capital a w f u l awful capitals is really meaning this can an old dog learn new tricks should i be hopeful to improve further. Or relate to the party in your opinion thanks a lot for taking the time to read this so i have two opinions yours from the professional yeah i know you you tube started a bit later at golf. And it's a similar kind of level to you so came to hear your thoughts as well first off props for picking up at 40 and within a very short space of time we have 14. yeah like he must have some sort of sporting background can you only really get out from a sporting background yeah if he's played hockey. Or tennis or you know racket-based sports typically when i i remember teaching students and sometimes as i was mentioned to you on the golf course they're like if you've got that ability of getting club on ball yeah you can get it round you can play you know. And you've got a bit of touch and whatever it may be so he's done amazing there but you're right there is times where he's probably reached his expectations quicker than he expected. And i think that's where when the bad rounds take place then.

He can't quite deal with it because i think when when you're going up the ranks like obviously 14 just started playing. But you know if you are in your 20s. And just start playing and whatever you have your bad round and you grow through them and you learn from your bad rounds and you learn to deal with them to a certain degree don't you yeah it's not nice nobody likes doing it. But you learn from it i feel like he's come in and gone i've cracked this i'm not 14. but he's never experienced those shockers that we probably all did as we first started playing golf really sometimes might sound silly this our good rounds can almost do us more harm than good because if you're say he's off 14. And he might have shot 10 over power once that's great for his confidence but you almost expect to do that more because you know you can do it actually your ability might be 18 over as a rule happened to me last week we filmed we filmed with uh frank our hero jam friend goes all right. And then.

We played straight after and i shot 11 over and i was like shaking weren't you. So buzzing my old school buzzing was like yes yes i thought that's it. So that's i'm now you know i can play golf next.

Day everything left. And it was. So frustrating it was. So frustrating so you can get those sort of full scores. And think yes i'm amazing now i'm like. And it's it's not we were talking about in the course something about that just look the better you get you you always get expectations. So you always think you're going to do better. And better and it's just not the case you're a great golfer you're obviously i left shot out there i should have done better there no matter how good you get you've always got that i could do better i could do better. And i just i think it yeah no matter what standard you are you have a good round reality is you're not going to match that round because that's not your standard goal. But it's in there somewhere but it just never clicks it's weird i use analogy of running a lot but like if you went out today.

And did your best ever 5k. And let's just call it 20 minutes on the nose you can do that now. So obviously weather could play a part what you'd like to eat that morning or you know fitness and stuff you know pulling a muscle here and there but as a real you can do that everything goes right. But with golf you might shoot 80 one day but because everything went right that might happen again possibly ever which is quite worrying to think about. But it's so hard to play your best goal and it happens so infrequently i think as well when you look at playing your best golf if you're actually really analyze it from a really neutral perspective you even your good rounds you'll still pick up points where you could have hold something. Or something could have dropped but today.

What a lot of golfers don't do very often is actually highlight where they got lucky around the golf oh do you remember when it hit that tree on the on the third instead of bouncing out of bounds it bounced in play. And do you have that time where i felt like i pulled that putt. But it caught the bottom edge and lipped in or during that time when it was going to go in the bunker. And it just stayed on the lip and it was safe you kind of forget those those lucky points don't you really yeah you expect them you know boy why should i yeah what's the odds that happening slim. And you only remember the bad situations and then.

When you've even when you play bad obviously the look doesn't go your way sometimes and that's how it kind of rolls you hit off the tree and it goes out of bounds or you find the water or whatever it may be and suddenly your score starts racking up i think it's it's just analyzing that after you've played to go okay yeah i didn't quite i wasn't finding all cylinders there. But i got a bit unlucky here and i got a bit lucky there and maybe i chose the wrong club at this situation or whatever it may be also lost my head we've all done that yeah after six hours i'm playing crap. And i've lost my head and i'm suddenly now trying to smash the ball as hard as i can yeah you know what else i think he's in his name then..

But keep mr anonymous he's done i think he's not giving himself credit. For he starts off by saying he's been playing off a year and got to 14 at a shortish nine-hole golf course he's now joined a tougher golf course and he says that he stayed between 14 and 17. now that's what the new handicap index is. So so useful because obviously that new golf course might be well might be five six shots harder so you know if you're still shooting around that score a lot of the time that's great you might have your bad one but that's going to happen. So it sounds to me like he's almost been too hard on himself he's putting too much pressure on himself yeah yeah he sounds like he's really wanting to improve at a rate of knots yeah. And for someone that starts at 40 there's a 14 handicap that's that's i should be proud of mr uk was the uk average is 18 handicapped yeah if you're below 18 you're better than average yes. And that's what if you've played a golf for such a short period of time i think you've done great. And i think anybody listening who sometimes doesn't think they've improved just almost reset your parameters. And think well what what's the thing that what do i enjoy taking out yeah what me in it. For and then.

If it doesn't go my way that's golf yeah i mean that's very much our channel's model when it just we're not great golfers we're never going to be great golfers. But you could be do we have a great time doing it yeah it's the best thing in the world playing with your mates like having a having a crack hitting bad shots taking good shots having a laugh thank you catching up talking about family yeah exactly yeah it's just a good way to sort your head out. And fitness whatever you want how you want to do it. And that's yeah if you hit a purler down the middle happy days incredible shank one in the bush not. So good happy days yeah this is feel like a very mellow start to the show this has been nice i like that derrick i feel like we'll give him some advice i mean really what we should have said he should quit golf. And not play yeah forget it now we're gonna make it yeah yeah she's 14 after he after a year starting at 40. mr anon cheer up. And you might need a chance for winning well together we'll do that quickly i think we've kind of joked about in the last 10 weeks about motocaddy because we were looking. For a podcast sponsor motorcade came on board and they've been phenomenal and they've obviously we've been using the trolleys for the past kind of 10 weeks it's got the point where we went and played nine holes in the morning as a bit of a catch-up brainstorming session and we both took our electric trolleys to use over nine holes which i always couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it but it's got the point for us now you almost don't play you used it today.

Yeah you almost don't play golf without it. And again we would never have a sponsor on the podcast if we didn't massively believe in the product because it's not going to work is it. But we've loved the product but actually i think certainly you've loved it even more than you imagined to what were the main benefits. For you of using the motor caddy freedom i felt easier yeah like i've played i've played way it's actually coincided really well with the break 75 series. So be able to actually use it and play and and just have that luxury of going i can put as much crap in my bag i'm gonna put two umbrellas in. And yeah loads of waterproofs we've need to. And drinks and grenade bars and all this like and and just pack the bag and off you go and it feels like it's stress free i really like the remote i think you weren't sure on that at the start i felt like i was a bit jealous when i saw that i was like oh i already i felt very conscious because i'd think i'd i think i'd crash it yeah i've never crashed it i think i crashed it you're quite good you've got a good handling skills actually yeah i've not crossed your reverse is a three-point turn the whole ship exactly like a stabilizer wheel as well. But like the only thing i felt a bit conscious about i didn't want to come across as a bit of a posey yeah do you know what i mean look at me once i got over that. And once i started to you know embrace that and and it frees me up i can smoke cigars now something i've used to do. So i can now you know. And i can put my red velvet jacket on he used to be one every night. And rick would like it what's annoying he doesn't he won't light his own scar so we have to go matt matt come on like the cigar for me he might have to run over with his muscles out and send you your cigar for you sir um yeah it's been good i've used it way more than expected i'll continue to use it thank you motocaddy. For sponsoring the podcast you've been amazing sponsors and hopefully it may continue in the future yeah no yeah last thing on that it has. For me i used to use electric trolley many moons ago a decent junior but if you are into your golf. And you're serious about it is something obviously they can be expensive. But worth possibly considering because you do feel better towards the end of your round you're playing local club comps. And you want to play you know save a stroke here and then.

I i genuinely think it has the potential to do something i'm not affiliated to my head anymore i've got one. And i love it dude yeah i think they're great well they are going to be great. So chris what i'm gonna do right rick we've got the emails in a folder from week one of this to week ten literally in order okay i remember every one of them i've got a random generator on my phone between one. And ten okay number four because it hasn't been done. Yet so that's just literally on google so the first one i'm gonna do i'm not gonna read out yeah i'll say the number of it though okay they're gonna win the trolley okay the next.

One is gonna win the bag perfect okay it's the first one good luck everyone all 10 people come on the first one come on okay oh i'll show it to you okay okay. So the bag is number five which was ah when we had sophie walker on the person that said they've fallen out of love with golf. And loss of weight well today.

You have just won a moa caddy bag yes congratulations i can't remember his name. But it was yeah the one with selfie walkers what did you say. So basically if you just pull it up quickly i won't go through it and he's lost loads of weight it was basically to lose weight right honestly i can't remember the number. But he lost loads of weight yeah he came in the golf course yeah yeah he came back a little while ago yeah he became really good at golf yeah. And then.

Run a quick line out i love golf weirdly getting back into golf has been a massive positive effect on me i've lost four and a half stone in weight um i found i was 36 handed coming heavy. But he couldn't swing very well yeah. And he lost a lot of weight but he was getting a bit annoyed with his scores. So guys just enjoy your goals the better you get the more annoyed you get and the one that she came in first was actually number 10 the one that was just about just done weirdly yeah. So there's two people who have fallen out of love with golf yeah you've just once right back into it really still you've got yourself back into golf now you've got a trolley. So the motor caddy trolley is going to the one that we've just read out the derick. And that was generally just done there's no reason to fudge it you know the best thing is we're just going to put it in the box. Or more cardia there's going to write the word anonymous on it. And see where it gets no idea where the where the people live. Or the names or whatever it may be but honestly thank you so much for all the people who emailed into dear rick and we'll keep the section going. And uh potentially we might have another sponsor coming very soon yeah right should we get into the podcast let's do it um that was like that was just the intro basically that was just a little like yeah um. So craig brothers yep brothers your oldest auntie pete i am 39 and 34 i think i am yeah five years five years now joint content creators you on the channel golf partners yep best friends best mates um. So anyway i was a bit better at diddy kong racing in him. But ancient lake wouldn't it i remember i yeah of course i was with my girlfriend at the time i i'm not really a show off. But i was showing off. So i've i've gone past him and i'm like that and i've started spinning around on the on the finish line was it l1 yeah he was spinning around the finish line. And he didn't like that he just turned around and went bosh i was like literally i was like massive fight oh my god all over diddy kong racing can you believe it that's that's a that's a bubbly fight though if after a few hours you probably made up. And you were fine oh yeah we were grew up with each other. For about three or four days i was unconscious i don't want to crack a van it was a big punch. So i've never cheated again like diddy kong racing we didn't cheat you just no no i didn't show it yeah. And i never showed off so taught me a lesson and then.

Kind of i wanted to almost don't dive when did you first meet tell us a bit about the gold flag who started playing golf first uh i s i started playing golf i think was probably about 13 14 my uncle bought me an odyssey tubal putter. For christmas because he he was a keen golfer when he played women in park he loved it he was quite good he played best best best handicapper. And i was showing interest. And i was playing starting to play golf with ben his son. And he was i'll buy you a club. And then.

From there i was just like it was the best thing it was one of the best questions i've ever got. And i was just down you know down pakistan park our local sort of track fighting planning plan as i'm getting into this i was going to get in the bar i was like yeah can't wait. And i was like mum can i have a set of clubs got a second-hand set of clubs didn't i yeah. And that was it really from there yeah i couldn't put them down yeah it was just a great i was playing football at the time. But i was always sort of half head i think the thing with. And the thing around you always needs to be involved so if he's in a team game and he hasn't got the boys when he was younger anyway he's a bit like hmm. So with golf your income you always have the ball yeah it's your ball yeah yeah you can take the ball home if you don't want to play anybody with football is team could be playing well. And i'd be playing bad and i'd be like oh this is really annoying they're all the vice versa i was playing my own team where we lost i'm like i played really well on the team's last where is golf it's up to you it's your game you know even when you're playing with the people. Or a team game you're still it's still what your outcome affects us affects everything and i like that format i like that it makes me concentrate more and yeah four hours of concentrating not thinking about anything else like we talked about a bit mentally i think it's just great. So you then.

Became a junior member somewhere as well uh i didn't join a club until i was well probably yeah two years later probably about 16 at bachelorette party. And you got a handicap at 16 i got an official handicap of 22 but i was probably i don't know why i it was. So high i was probably playing off 16 at the time i was going to take that very much 22 brilliant there. For a couple of years moved to london came back joined clandon and now we've both got fox hills down in down in surrey yeah when you did you say did you move to proper london like london yeah is it hard to play golf in london uh. For me it never really bothered me because i never played go and playing them at the time you weren't bothered but when you moved to london my mates were all late to the game about a couple of people i used to play with. But now all my mates play they love it so much more popular now it's great but i didn't really have anyone to play with so unless i wanted to get involved go back to my old club and try and get involved with a few rounds i didn't i sort of down so i was hitting ranges. And stuff but i down tools for a bit i sort of you know every couple of weeks maybe a month i'll get out but not consistent but land's at a premium down in in london there's not many golf courses in the city is there at all no not in there there's that one oddly on the top of the reservoir which i can't remember its name now it's like one of the oldest course in london it's on top of a resin like an underground reservoir i'll try. And pull it up somewhere there's a quite a cool story about it recently i think that's the that's the closest golf club to central london if you were to put in pin in central london i'm sure there's a golf course in we'll dig it up a minute. And finally i think like down by dockland well that's it. But probably not when you were growing up oh no no no to actually play golf you'd have to go out yeah of out of town you've got to go out to surrey yeah that's it aquarius is it an 18-hole golf course i think it's nice yeah peter just move your mic slightly towards your mouth sorry someone more of an angle yeah there we go perfect. So text off harry um sorry harry aquarius i was put in london golf club um yeah that's the one that came up. So it's it's i think it's a night holder it's built on top of reservoir. But i'm sure that's the closest geographically to the centre looking at that knowledge um i saw a video on it recently and um but i know like you've got to go out to surrey you've got to go out to the outskirts to actually be able to get some decent golfing once you get out of those outskirts though hundreds golf is fox hills wesley um like some unbelievable golf courses around there earlier yeah good luck i mean some mega mega exclusive ones black something like the most the most um used golf facility in the uk like with the golf courses the driving ranges everything yeah i think it was the wow because they are they've got one. Or two courses there just the one one but it's like the busiest golf course because of where it is it's location it's price it's availability m25 right yeah it's not as stuffy as you'd be not stuffy beaver brook. Or queen if is more accessible yeah um. So going back. So when you you were playing loads you just have no interest pete at all not really know by the way just a very quick caveat. For people listening you've got several names between you so at the moment i'm going to call tubes tubes heat test tube any others [Music] sharp patch oh there's loads angus we've got the camera man we call him the raven pig the raven did you just call him ladders himself because he's got massive legs at this point yeah younger brother's playing golf yeah really getting into it yeah getting quite good from his standards. And you know and you just had no interest at this point not really no i was more football football everything football i'm going to watch football i love football. And i had no interest really i used to go. And play the odd round but i found after about eight holes i'd get bored really yeah i was like i don't want to do this anymore i'll see you in the bar afterwards yeah your attention span to goldfish. And watch football considering you grew up as great mates and brothers and everything else and you probably did a lot of things together i guess you spent a lot of time together was that the one thing that you did almost separately yeah when you feel like it's weird because we did everything together. But it wasn't like it never crossed part of it was gonna watch chelsea together yeah together playing the same football team he gonna play golf you know what's mad though with golf you know like sometimes you like something. And you almost can't comprehend how somebody else can't like it so for example um i love salmonella quavers right strange about someone in the discos yeah. So i can't imagine how someone can't like those crisps because i think they're that nice right with golf i love golf i also can understand why certainly youngsters would hate it. Or find it boring because 18 holes of golf can be perceived as very slow. And quite boring and you do find a lot of people probably like youtubes didn't like it as youngsters. And as you get older and you actually enjoy that going out on the fresher. And chatting to people it becomes so much more like appealing doesn't it and i do think i know it's a bit kind of deep from where we're going here. But i do think there needs to be more done to make golf more fun. For younger people and and sure or even just shorter courses or different ways because another analogy i use is golf can be born on tv. But if you show somebody a golfer with an eight foot pot and if they hold it they're going to win a massive tournament when 10 million dollars yeah that's. So exciting but yeah the thursday of a european tour event in belgium. And it's the first group out how's that exciting yeah it's not it's that yeah i don't really watch golf either well yeah we don't really do we massively everything [Music] i'll dip it out i like to keep my finger on the poster. So i know if somebody asked me what happened at the weekend i feel like i know enough yeah. But i don't religiously watch it every single minute of every single day but you do. And you're really interested when yeah when working from home it would always be it would always be on it really yeah i just love it it's like. For me it's like snooker if you put it on haven't you can dip in. And out of it you can see the scoreboard. So you know he's doing what you have it's not like a 90-minute game of football yeah that's true where you know if you go to the toilet you could miss a goal you're like oh it's just you know it's quite a nice it just takes a long night yeah i love it i love golf. And people find that weird somebody that was like what do you mean you didn't watch masters i might put it on a sunday i mean i think it's crazy you don't watch the masters yeah i i must admit that's one that i uh all day long ride a couple of days you know i'm not saying why the car's bad i'm saying right now because it's team they're they're they're competing against each other as as i'm saying what you were saying yeah. And i love that it's actually football history coming back out i love the ryder cup like with the masters i love the course obviously it's amazing but i'm like you're not rooting for anyone i don't really i'm not you're a cheerer you you want to go to stamford bridge and you want to cheer chelsea on and you have a team i like the mentality of all the fans together yeah cheering. For one aim for the team to win like i'm happy if someone wins a tournament well done you know i think golf's the hardest goal the game hardest game in the world by a mile. So i'm happy for the person but i'm not there i don't i'm not invested that much for that person to be yeah i'm not like you know yeah i think that hopefully will change going forward because obviously we're seeing now a lot of the tour pros doing a lot more social media content. And um bryson deshambo started up a youtube channel now he's put a few bits out there and i've watched a few of his videos you're good yeah i mean it's quite like one of them was like a half an hour long of his tournament week. And the other one was what's in the bag which isn't the most kind of out the box content that one. But it was i think that's what makes it. So magical well yeah. But watching that you thought you'd know him there's one scene in um the half now long video where he goes to petrol station before a companies and he's bentley so that's not that relatable but it doesn't like say him in the bentley just happens to have a bentley couch just fair enough and just stood there in the freezing cold it's raining just filling up his gas tank because it's in america and even that i know it sounds weird but you think these are normal guys. And i think if you could if you could learn more about them you get more invested you probably would cheer them on more. So i do think that's probably the benefit of all the social media stuff at the minute that we probably will start to see more behind the scenes of some of these golfers because i mean i don't dislike rory i quite like rory. But i don't really feel like i know him or know anything about him yeah. So if you've got to know more about him i do think you'd start to possibly cheer him up he's currently saying it's quite hard to relate with because you don't see the behind the scenes stuff he's. So regimented to what he does i also think that's the job of you know um broadcasters. And stuff it's like i could you a lot of footballers get a bad rep well they're boring they're just robots for me it's because they're getting asked terrible questions yeah they're going to give terrible answers. So doing the behind the scenes and stuff like if they're doing it off their own back is amazing. But maybe get them when you get half an hour with these golfers asking us stuff about them and stuff that people want to know i mean i don't think it's all their fault some of them that might be i don't want to talk to the media because i know they're going to ask me the same questions. And i'm just going to go oh yeah it's a big big round coming up. And everyone just goes right he's a bit of a knob he's not he's just answering a question yeah you got a chance of winning yes i have like it's the same like what we talked about earlier wouldn't it go well that's it if you look at the big personalities i'm looking at the book of sevi now he always had a huge following he's gone down obviously a golfing legend obviously was his talent as well. But his personality people like beef on a much smaller scale but have got such a personality in the difference and they kind of feel relatable and approachable yeah it definitely works in their favor i totally agree totally agree it's a good example isn't it. So so honest and true just love beef well you rick played him at wentworth you know i carried for you and walked around and he wasn't i was hoping it would be like i expected him to be. And he completely was i'm lucky i played with him twice in turkey. And in and wentworth he was just he's just the best he's such a nice guy um. So going back to this kind of you were already playing golf you've been into football you've established that now. And that's kind of you like your team you like watching all you go off when did then.

When did i think we probably covered this in the last podcast. But when did you start to actually go oh quite like this golf was it your brother that got you into it was it was it. And it kind of pushed that way or was it an external fact that proper got you playing tubes yeah. So like i didn't not not play golf but like and would go and play twice a week yeah yeah i would go. And play once or twice a month so you had a set of clubs let's say i had a set of clubs you know where you bought them no that really terrible driving range oh yeah on the back of bought them yeah you had them. For years didn't you i did i did a yellow bag. But to go back to what you were what you asked is like. So i was playing. But maybe four times a year yeah. And like i said i'd get to hallway. And i'd be like i can't be bothered but when i finally i'd say five years too late admitted i had a problem with alcohol um that i was an alcoholic when you're sober you have. So much more free time and you also need to be doing stuff and not just thinking i'm an alcoholic and i can't drink anymore yeah. So i thought right why don't i go and give golf another go and it was a great it was the best thing i've done yeah. And i was never bored i was just like i'm out with my friends you know. And we're just walking around something to your mind i think you still got that frustration. But you could use it like it's only got you got bored laughter and seven hours because it wasn't playing well yeah this is this is crap i'm not yeah why am i doing this. But then.

Obviously the more you play because you weren't drinking the the progression started to happen it wasn't yeah. And then.

After a while i was eighteen hours. And going back out. For another round in the afternoon it go on golf holidays and stuff like that and it did it just made like even when i you know i saw you guys this morning i was like the first thing i said was not hello was like can it get any better i get a proper buzz from going to play golf that i used to about thinking about going to the pub like i love i love going on the fairway especially when the weather was like that was perfect you could probably tell because absolutely yeah killer tomato yeah we got burnt. But i love that i love being on the fairway so for me i just it sounds a bit dodgy but i swapped the fairways for the pub yeah that sort of pub. For the fairways yeah. And it really has helped me it really has helped me yes i get frustrated um i think i should be better i've never had a lesson. So like last week i went to have a lesson but for me it's seeing my friends seeing my brother yeah. And just enjoying myself do definitely spend more time together now because you're drinking something going on about drinking. But we didn't really have a reason to talk about it i got fed up because you were just drinking i was laughing i was just bothered to play golf because you know just i just sort of that's the only time we sort of drifted apart a little bit wasn't it yeah drinking. And then.

Quite now you're very open with your your addiction and it really sent you down the wrong path obviously from an outsider looking in like how challenging was that. For you because i'm sure there'll be people listening who might have friends or family who have an addiction and absolutely i think to talk about i'd love to know where your angle on this was as well like watching your your older brother your best mate yeah somebody you've obviously spent all your life with in a bar the the donkey kong fight that you had diddy kong did he come racing. And like you would you were seeing you know your older brother really kind of yeah not go the right path like how how did you manage that yes. For me it was tough like it was tough because that dad had died. And what my biggest fear was you could tell someone not to do something you're blue in the face. But it's gonna if it's an addiction you're gonna carry on doing it i can't tell you do you stop that yeah because well you haven't got the addiction. So does it almost weirdly. For some people if you said stop it it almost drives them on to do it more potentially i don't know how it works. But not necessarily but you have to want to give up and say i've got a problem here this is enough's enough yeah. And i didn't do. For like five years and so and would like stop it but yeah yeah okay it wouldn't it wouldn't deter me to do it more water i just maybe i'll do it with not. For two days and then.

I'll just go on a five day binge yeah i mean then.

Sorry to interrupt. But then.

I could go right he doesn't like me drinking so i'll you know i won't go to him because he gets the answer i go to someone else to go for the drink drinking takes over your life and it dictated my life for like four four years yeah like. So i'll be like and then.

This angel wouldn't want to come out with me because he would be blind no one did no i mean my real friends like people that i love. And that love me were like oh we're not like i knew they were doing they're like i'm not really around pete like. And then.

They'll probably go to the pub and have two or three points together and go yeah maybe talk about him just. But then.

I'd find that the so-called friends who were like oh yeah tubes. And sacrament so i'd go to chelsea and i'd end up with people like i don't know just randomly i see them now like oh mate i'm like someone would text you like oh how you doing no idea yeah i'd be like i talk face-to-face. Or like hey how's it going it's been a while in it i'd be like yeah they could always show you pictures of yeah they did it together. And got it remember this night yeah yeah yeah great night wouldn't it the amount of times that happened was crazy. So like from somebody from the outside again did you feel like you had any level of control. Or any way of being able to convince him like and again i'm doing this for more from a learning experience yeah because i don't know how i would deal in that situation because look i mean touch wood i've never had to deal with that yeah um. But it is it must be a real challenge because it is the stress it puts on on your family. And your friends as well and i'm pleased i'm not taking this wrong like i'm not i'm not like digging into something or overturning something it's an important objective you've always been super open about it so i feel comfortable talking about it so you should um like did you feel like there was anything that was going to crack the shell of being able to stop him doing it. Or convince him to do it he had to do it himself that was the only way that's it. And for me could you because you're in a bad way weren't you so i just i didn't i didn't want to i was i was like if i push him then.

If he's in a bad way what might i push him to do correct. And obviously we just get worse yeah exactly we just lost dad mum was obviously struggling a little bit as well. So i was a bit like i want to help him. But it's not my right to help him but i can try i just try. And do what i can do. But i don't want him to you know to go over the wrong side of it because he feels guilty that i'm he feels like he's letting me or mum down so i'm just like trying to be a tough love essentially but not just trying to get that balance of how to to to be that person without because if someone tells you i said not to do something when someone's aggressive then.

He'll just come back. And go you know well you know why don't you whatever off and then.

And then.

More distance happens we're not talking he goes i don't want to talk to anyone then.

The bottle happens more don't drink more and then.

Get back to square one again drinking more and it's yeah it's because like this is weird because the death of dad ramped up the drinking of course. But then.

My actions probably made it harder for everyone else to get over it because you've got you know a son who's got vodka bottles under i find you know when i moved back to look after mum for the first year after dad died i was i was good i was still drinking. But i was like functioning be good yeah that'd be good gotta be good look at that there was motivation there that was great. But then.

A year on caught up on you that clicked into it and there's it wasn't but um we are talking a lot of alcohol like from a 10 minute walk from here back to home i'd have done a bottle of vodka wow really it's not like the way that one minute like a big vault like a what a liter not a little like uh what have they called yeah it's a half liter just down it straight bang bang. And i'd do that because i was living with mum. And like she she would have known so instead of like i used to hide them i used to i used to put football socks on yeah underneath my tracksuit bottoms. And put the vodkas in to get them back into the house oh my god it was bad i mean people would go oh yeah it was bad wow did you ever feel ange that you're going to lose your brother i don't i don't mean that from obviously. Or there's one that's as in you lose him he does something stupid he has an accident. And and you die like that there's obviously that there's that risk oh i mean there's a few times yeah he's lucky. But also the wrists have been which is horrendous. But also the fact that you could have been out of contact you might have never spoke to him ever again because that happens as well doesn't it happen did you ever think that oh crap i always thought you maintained a level. And i think that's the reason why i've never wanted to push it too much because i know other people that haven't had the success sort of that you had with people sorting it out. But fundamentally i just didn't want to push him away yeah yeah. For him to do something he didn't want to do. Or him essentially for him to carry on doing what he's doing and also i just wanted mum to to just be you know happy happier i mean i've made mistakes i'm not saying like you know like he's made mistakes. But that's that's that's all i really wanted from me i just wanted to get that balance of trying to get everyone back on the straight and now again without having to force something because people that i'm sure people watching this will be in the same boat as me you don't really want to upset the apple car. But you you you've got to essentially do it. And you're trying to work out the the the best way of doing it but in reality you haven't really got a clue what the best way is you know. And and it's tough i mean i'm much you know your positions tougher obviously. But i'd never want to be there but it's yeah it's a it's a tough one to manage the only person who can help an alcoholic is an alcoholic of course. And that that's said a lot. But it's so right again i'm gonna wrap up this soon because first off congratulations you've just gone to a new anniversary of how many years five years five years sober which is all the instagram pictures are sick that was. So phenomenal thanks man and you must look back at this now and and like i know we've come quite deep here but you must look like yeah you keep saying five years don't feel bad about talking no it's not i just it's not it's important that people hear this because there's. So probably so many people listening to this going ah this sounds familiar yeah comments if we had on the channel about this that's the thing as well that obviously we've kind of loosely said. But with this podcast obviously it is a golf podcast at his core. But we've got enough yeah we're fortunate we've got a lot of listeners which is great. And it's growing hopefully week on week but you know within that demographic it's mostly male 1 we do have some female listeners which again is brilliant. But it's mostly male it's typically middle-aged to younger males and things like this are happening aren't they. So you know not that we want to become some kind of beacon of mental health but if we can talk know it's 10 minutes in an hour-long podcast two people yeah exactly. But but even though as well i think what's because a lot of this while you're battling from what from what i know you were still working at sky sports yeah on one of the biggest tv shows in the country that's. So well renowned by so many people so on the outset people that didn't know you you might look like you're flying and super successful and i think it just shows that you know there is people out there suffering. And don't always judge a book by its cover and if other people need help and this might inspire one person possibly to get some help it's it's definitely worth speaking about the thing to say is just because you're famous. Or you're rich or you've got a nice car or you're you've got that job it's you know minimum wage it doesn't matter what person it is everyone will have their struggles. So just just listen like for you talk the biggest thing yeah. And for me listen but i had to listen to you so many times and you know one of the biggest milestone was just oh you might said a few swear words. And you know phone a phone a few punches but just you had to get something off your chest but most blokes when was that don't ugh on your bedroom again see this is yeah that's what's right i never forget it. And you do yeah i remember every name under the sun i was just like i know i do i want to be here is it easy to walk away. And go do you know what soju see you later yes. But it doesn't someone needs to talk should try and get it out of them or and also on the flip side if they're ready to talk be there for them because this listing is yeah it's it's a big thing. For people that have got an issue that's one thing as well kind of slightly off topic but on topic that someone's hate about golf how there is a drinking culture with it where if you don't drink whatever reason that might be you almost get frowned upon. And one little story i remember that happened to me is i'm not really a big drinker. And i often have spells of maybe going a year. Or two that i'm going to sit she just doesn't agree with me i've never had an issue with it as such. But just don't really like drinking that much i get terrible terrible hangover couple of drinks but i remember i was fortunate enough to be an abu dhabi an event uh it was the goal one that tommy fleetwood won in 2017. And i was there with my old job. And randomly i was with um i won't mention this person quite a famous golfer's caddy who i didn't know at all. But he was with the people i was with. And he's going to the bar to get around in. And he said oh what do you want joe blogs whatever. And they said what do you want i said oh just a bottle of water what that was the bar effing bottle of water. And in the end he kind of got it reluctantly but he didn't ask me he had no i didn't want it i was working i didn't really want to alkaline drink in 40 degree heat. But he never asked like anything well exactly and and some people might have then.

Either felt horrendous about it or might have to peer pressure oh well i'll have a half then.

And i just i'm not saying everybody but there is quite a thing i see sometimes the people i know certainly at golf clubs where it's a culture where you sometimes get made a fool of. Or laughed at for not wanting a drink or you know and i just think you know if if that's your mentality you need to chill out a bit because you never know what people's reasons are. For anything much alcohol but so many people that drive home from like golf when they when they finish goals right again that peer pressure can go on just another one go on just have another beer in full well he's already had three exactly. And suddenly thinking like it's not only your own risk life you're putting at risk everyone else is as well that you're driving home driving is i think people useful listening obviously be conscious of people be conscious of people's situation not only you know what they're going through in life because everyone is going through challenges. And whatever it may be but also like guys saying there about pressure and peer pressure and that that's something really important as well i feel like we've gone super deep here super duper i'm going to add to it if you are struggling in any way if with drink drugs depression talk yes you have to talk number one tip if you have the talk a problem shared is a problem half. And if you know someone always be there for them about how hard it gets because hopefully they're always like in the tunnel for everyone well look there is five years yeah that's class no thanks still how can you run a golf course yeah still still not any good at golf um kind of jumping on then.

A little bit from obviously we're going to talk a lot in this podcast we kind of have them you're going to say fancy a beer what we yeah what we we obviously love about golf. And there's lots of those things we've come onto those i think a few early we'll probably quantity again. But touch and then.

One of the things i hate about golf is sometimes that thing about people forcing to drink whatever. But for you to now obviously play a lot of golf what is there anything in golf. Or golf culture that does your adding that you don't like what is it that you think you could change. Or you would like to see change is that you know we sometimes said how the stuff people on the golf course. Or what are the things that kind of grind your gear. So to speak for me and very much come a little bit closer for me fundamentally and i won't know in the golf course i was a member at. But they made it really really really hard for juniors to be accepted and there was. So you know it's moved on a little bit now but there was an area that only you know adults could go to. And i just think without getting morbid those old people will eventually move on. And then.

That golf club has gotten has got no one coming up underneath. And no one playing there. And what happened to the golf course is it it doesn't do very well. And i just think people need to be more accepting to everyone not not just young people. But everyone within golf courses and just try and make it so it's you know it's more acceptable to everyone to play the game because golf is a great game. And i think more people need to play it no matter if you're rich. Or poor just trying to find levels of way of getting into courses and being more inclusive yeah i feel again i feel like that has changed enormously even when i was junior golfer you're right i used to remember like snooker rooms where the kids couldn't go in. And and there's like there's loads of places that i feel like it's changing i do i've not probably experienced it loads. Yet i'm sure there's plenty of junior listeners going it's not changed at my club it's still stuffy. Or whatever do you think it's a balance though. So i just put devil's advocate because i was a junior golfer. And i loved it but equal that's just just for the point of this if you remember of a nice golfer you spent two grand to be a member for the year and you're in the snooker room and then.

Some juniors who pay very little which is how it should be come in. And start making a bit of a noise or a new one on the table do you think that would annoy you. Or is it completely if you're an adult you pay the same as a junior chicken they would change their mentality towards the junior pro because they paid the same i don't know maybe maybe i don't know possibly not i like this conversation i think i don't know what i think about it the person can't get away with right i'm. For everyone i'm really playing devil's a junior golf from being eight till 18. so and we had rules where you could play in the men's comps if you have single figures so it was a kind of if you're good enough to get up here though that was up here yeah see i think well i think people up north are friendlier anyway oh yeah absolutely. But i think it's more chilled is am i right i'm saying i think well i've no i didn't grow up north. But i assume i just feel that up north maybe it's a bit more like family friendly like with golf courses i might be wrong as well i was a member of where you come from do you know what well we like you know when you were younger in the courses it's in sorry you know money maybe it's like yeah people are a bit more stuffy i don't know if yeah my experience could be totally wrong people could shoot me down. But every course that i've turned up to whether i was a member. Or just a pain play it always felt like it wasn't my place to be there and i know rick's obviously it's moved on and i think it has moved on. But i think there's still a lot more work to do to make it inclusive to everyone what do you think i know it's a proper cliche discussion. But i still think it's it's valid it's got some value like the dress code. And stuff like obviously like you guys were puma. And they're very sporty in the lines of the football brand and stuff but does that is that a barrier because it's how many kids wanna after school put essentially school pants back on. Or school shorts and a polo tucked in with a belt and stuff like do you think that is still a barrier i don't think. So i think i think it's got. So much more relaxed now when you see people walking around like the proper golfers and hoodies mm-hmm you know i think that has helped. And i think that has helped too generation coming up even someone seeing someone a top golfer in a hoodie playing golf i think they're thinking oh what's your thoughts on it yeah i think it's enormously changed dress cold like outrageously do you like the change love it yeah love it i i like wearing golf gear though. So if someone said to me right now. And i think we've had this conversation before you can wear whatever you want literally you can wear whatever you want you can wear jeans you can wear a t-shirt a buddy a vest. Or whatever if there's literally no rules i still think i'd wear golf gear to some degree then.

What. So what sort of golf gear though are you going. And that's what i'd already read like i wouldn't massively change anything massively because i quite like getting into my golf gear i like putting on smart pants or pants that are golf pants i don't particularly like playing in jeans. And stuff but i like going to the driver range what's going to say that if we were at the range you'd always wear jeans yeah. But then.

I think i think there's nothing worse than wearing jeans playing golf do i don't mind imagine wearing jeans out there today.

I just couldn't do it well until about a month ago rick used to wear jeans all the time didn't he's now going to tracky pants guys. And again i would i don't know if i'd massively want to go and play golf in tracky pants like proper golf though that's what i'm talking about you know you mean a few mates if we like i like getting dressed up i feel like i'm in the wrong night situation say i mean a few mates out having a few beers on the golf course yeah i might i might just chill out with like tracky pants. And whatever and like if i was playing holiday golf. Or whatever but i think when i'm playing golf i do want to feel like i'm playing yeah i agree with that the only thing like. So at marriott we've been today.

They're really relaxed it's like a hotel course my home club it's not the best club in the world. But it has got a dress code as most do. But sometimes i'll be at home thinking you know what i found someone in a little bit of chipping and putting but i'm in my tracky pants and i can't ever get him put my gold stuff on it actually lazy it sounds stopped and going i also think. And i'd love to test this as well i'd love to do it's actually actually a really cool video who would actually say anything like i don't i don't know if i've ever actually seen somebody be stopped. For what they're wearing i'm sure people listening will definitely say have you guys ever been once once um obviously not gonna end the course. But um no you you you know well actually. But oh yeah black socks yeah black. Or black socks and they're yeah because i actually used to endorse that dress code i used to endorse it. And i hated it absolutely hated it it was that recent yeah oh really because it's changed against this sense i don't want to name names on the podcast. But the guy that you know that i know he was cool no they were they were unbelievable. And i was like i totally respect people's rules yeah i don't understand those rules though i mean there's one golf course i can't remember you have to have the the socks over the the why it's crazy what's the point where it's another one ridiculous one i've ever heard my old golf club remember that. For a couple of years it's decent track actually class a bit weird but old you're allowed to chat in there obviously and discuss and have dialogue any volume you would like you're also allowed to watch sky on your phone when the tele isn't on for whatever reason but you can't be on your phone the clubhouse that does that if there's no phones whatsoever i'd almost get it it's like a weird rule. But you can be on it you can be texting you can be watching sport on your phone completely okay how dare you place that phone near your ear no put on loudspeaker guys know you know big into golf why that is about the phone yeah what what where's it come from. And why can't you talk about is it just from it ringing on the course. And it's kind of coming to the clubhouse somehow you can have sky sports on it yeah exactly i think going back proper though if if we look at what golf was back in the day it was a an opportunity. For and again this is not what i believe is what what happened it was the way of men going away to a to a sanctuary to play golf going to clubhouse not chat to anyone not be contacted what are you [ __ ] tight on yeah put you like not that was your time that you don't get disturbed. And everything else so i think when the phone started to become more popular the committees of these places didn't want that leisure time to be disrupted in any way capacity towards you i mean. So i think that's kind of potentially where it started. But we've got to bear in mind the photo the evolution of the phone has taken place so quickly in the last 20 years that some places have kept up with the time some others i must admit though i feel again there's not many golf clubs and we've been to some lovely golf clubs and i've been some mega golf courses again i've never really been told about being on my phone or being on my laptop or like i've never again i'm sure there will be places that endorse it. And are really strict i think give it another three five years it'll be completely different i know what i'm thinking i think a lot of the places that we go to are more aware of it which is probably why we're filming them in the first place yeah a lot of the small member run clubs work very much the secretary of this the committee this the commission yeah. And it is a bit dated can i think of a golf club what has rules like that yeah that cause like we played it we played it like championship golf cart like. And he's just i think yeah do you think it's a bit different. For you guys though because if you're there they yeah no. But you know that you're there and you're going to put some custom their way big times. And maybe they don't say it yeah. But i do turn a blind eye if they stand by those one where i played. But obviously not the raspberry yeah they did they're like yeah on my phone i was on the balcony doing it all the third i asked i said like to the waitress my laptop my phone oh yeah absolutely like brilliant yeah. So like but you're right though there will be some probably other rules that yeah i i can't change your shoes in the car park at some places i just i'm intrigued by these mad mad rules. And who comes up with them and why it would be really really like again i'm sure people listening going yeah i've definitely been colored about that i'd be surprised how many people are i'd love to see this roughly enforcing these it's a video. For you guys yeah i mean how many golf courses can you be kicked out of [Laughter] next.

Week's podcast is pre-recorded because obviously i'm away that's when wooly european tour win a really good guest. But the one after that is going to be kind of a normal podcast. So let's maybe start a new topic a new a new feature so if you've got a stupid golf rule yes you want to email us it's podcast can we come back. For that one of course yeah we can text us some ones that you've got as well. So we'll it's a podcast and send them in to us and we'll read out a couple of them next.

Week great idea picture proof or all like stories if you've been banned from golfer for wearing the same wrong too i mean that might be a stepping over the market i think we call them out. And go mr anonymous has said such a such a golf course didn't let them play because of this over there i'd like to give them a chance to answer. And go why why is that still the case oh that's nice that's a great idea. And then.

There's an answer to it go well yeah everyone's got a movie they might come back. And say well it's our golf course that's the rules if you don't like it don't worry that's fair enough but you won't know why they're really taking place yeah all right. But why because i think some of them are. So they're so old they might not even look to them okay well let's let's let's re-evaluate these yeah i mean i'm saying all this. But you you know i have some odd rules at my house go on so get your shirt off when you're walking really weird that's mandarin how are we going to take all labels all labels off you've got to you've got to swap the shoes on your feet. So you go left on right and right and left it's just listen a few little things yes the bowing. And the kiss on my feet might be a bit too much but still fun the shrine that you've got yeah rick will let you have a bottle of water with a low blonde. But i've got a kind of old monster on the side over there that's just giving free uh pr to monsters all right that's an old problem yeah you're sponsored by them no i just haven't got a mild addiction that was a more fun topic definitely i want to move on to now i think this is a great opportunity to really plug your kind of joint youtube channel now because it didn't start that way did it yeah it's always been joining it's always been joined yeah oh it wasn't giant was it was it not called tubes originally it was it was called tubes golf life. And then.

Yeah you're right you were right. But it was always joint scenes i you always get get involved. And i said no i said i don't because initially i thought because he's been on soccer. And he's already a celebrity famous or whatever you want to call it exactly influence the famous that's why i did that. And it looked awkward because i know you hate it but yeah. So i was like let me just do the behind the scenes stuff essentially. And then.

You're you're the face people know you're the face so you just stick you know stick with that and then.

Down the line maybe introduce me if it if it works give it a go and if it doesn't then.

We won't do it. And then.

We're not thinking if it flops it's all on tubes yeah you can get a little safety net thank you very much yeah no um during covid when the golf courses came back um the first lockdown we did we tried one of the vlogs uh with me. And ange because we couldn't get to guests and stuff and he's brilliant he's absolutely brilliant he's do you seem quite natural on camera he's funny he's. So funny he's so funny and he's and it was always the plan to in my eyes to have different strands. But like you know doing the challenges yeah two brothers vlogs he won't take it he'll be like he's brilliant he's really funny. And the audience yeah you are your opponent. And the don't let me go and know in the comments if you don't like me oh you get people like that entirely oh yeah what was he doing on there it's minimal we're lucky we don't get that much. But you know you get regular clients who are ourselves also when we started out we were a tiny he was literally me. And you wasn't it so i was doing the editing. And the filming and we had a robbie who helped us out a lot back in the day but then.

Yeah shout out to robbie knox yeah. And shout out to lab as a guy that we use um raven pig you know basically on our channel yeah we can't do it he's. So talented yeah piglet he does that it gives me time to to do stuff more on camera rather than behind. So yeah it was crazy. But then.

Andrew was on it a lot. And i said come on tubes downs golf life. And right relax so he said yes you know. And it's it's good it's good it's good i love him whose idea was it originally where did it come from well it all stems back from the the interviews isn't it like i was like there's something in as you mentioned before the rushes that were left on the floor footballers are playing golf more ghosts becoming a middle you know it's more accepted to everyone like we saw you know more people were starting to play it footballers were playing it. And i was like you've got a good relationship with footballers why don't you do what you do on a golf course rather than in a in a room with you know three cameras. And just static not talking about it'd be more dynamic and be more interesting you can play games within interviews tie it all into one give that a go. But you were drinking it at the time still weren't you i think you you wanted to. But you couldn't do it because you oh liability it was occupying your time drinking thing i know you don't want to go into it that you know. But i don't know no no. But it was like i was never you i could be good. For two weeks and i could be like on film like and we could go and film some golf stuff bang great but then.

Because it went so well i'd go missing for a week because i was. So buzzing so you've got to stay consistent with youtube from you guys you know since we started out it's like the consistency is important you know. And the upload and all that i was in no fit state yeah like to do that i couldn't commit you you also didn't quite get the concept plus i was like either because i've got a couple of youtuber friends that sort of obviously not on your scale. But quite you know sort of half a million and a quarter million and i'm at this state booker wasn't it steve booker and you you it was a eden hazard shoot on a chelsea training ground yeah. And obviously we've worked at sky we've got all the cameras there and you know it's a big event and i remember steve just turning around to pete because i actually got steve to play golf that's a tyrant wood and i remember you saying in the car park you were like don't you don't this is not meeting i'm not gonna you know i don't you know just don't if you if you talk something about youtube i'm not interested i'm like okay. So we started playing eventually like eased it and eased it in and then.

Yeah he we showed him a video of the eden hazard. And he was on on social. And she was like yeah you do you do that with a guest on you know on on on our channel. And it will bang like like that. And you okay. And then.

You got excited because when you're into something you are like you i've noticed you're fully in like on it on it. But you don't see the personalities yeah you don't see the visuals yeah into this yeah that's you know it's like everything like once i got talked around into thinking it. And then.

The next.

Day wasn't i was like oh you're john the man he's john's house like bang that i've got him got him he's sorted he's doing it he's doing it jimmy. But uh yeah it was just getting that initial belief that you it could work. And then.

Once you got that belief you were like when you look now though it's the legitimate channel i mean you know obviously you guys know how well you've done. But you have done really well you're obviously chasing down that hundred thousand plaque very soon i think you're currently like 95 just over 95 000.. So just after this has gone live hopefully you'll be right on that you've had just over 11 million views on the channel um getting a million a month at the minute it looks to be so you really need that obviously big on facebook as well so they're growing on there but it's um we've had this conversation before we won't go too much into the whole world of youtube and not all listeners are that bothered. But it's a strange platform isn't it obviously rick knows as well as anybody because sometimes you'll create a video that you know is is one of your favorite it doesn't get the views you expected. Or sometimes one that you didn't think was that great does really well. And it's it's a tough platform to be on but i'm guessing for you guys when you get your hands on that silver plaque that will feel special yeah it's just a journey first of all hopefully we do get there it's just it's. So much special that it's me and my brother and and lovers and it's and got to say robbie knox as well like back in the day he helped us but it's such an achievement because we've done it together do you know what i mean. And it's our idea it's our content it's you know we've worked so hard for it and you are right i'm more me more than. And it upsets me massively when i've we put a video out and i'm going he's doing that. And he said that like he's never said that before. And it does get me down yeah i can't lie what were the comments did you know the comments are great the comments what do you mean by then.

They're figures figures yeah oh first hour when it's not got what yeah yeah why is it not one why is it not one out of ten it just from your listing when you release a youtube video as a creator on the app on your phone it gives them a ranking from one to ten. And you've ten latest videos so if you release a video today.

It's doing really well it might be the number one out of ten when we get a video that's one hour ten we're like texting aren't we unbelievable excited i open bottles of champagne i let a white dove fly into the sky. And then.

When one is coming in 10 out of 10. sometimes we no one release a coaching video. For example it never does great to start with over six months it will do really good. But if we release one that we expect to be a good one and it's coming like six seven or eight or nine or ten it does sometimes it can ruin my weekend i have a teddy cat that kick not real cat i kicked the cat not a cat called teddy yeah [Laughter] whose idea was give it time it'll be fine yeah. But yeah i think it's managing those expectations it's a bit weird like golf we've talked about like sometimes you go out with all the best intentions that you're going to play the best golf in the world you've been in the driving range you think similar absolutely stripey you step on that first team you have a nightmare sometimes a bit like with youtube like everything you've done well. But sometimes the as it goes into the algorithm it just doesn't pop it doesn't fire sometimes it does again later i'll be honest with you i'm going to the franklin guy on vouchers it doesn't change it doesn't matter how big the channel is that is still the same like it's a blessing this one out of 10 rating. But it also can be a curse because it can really because also your content will be very varied if every single week you released a video that was. So unbelievably similar to the last episode for example yes you would expect growth growth all the time. But as your channels your videos and our videos are very different to each other week on week you can they can't you can't grade them the same way yeah you're right. And like what's really interesting with yours obviously you mentioned just earlier you had one of your idols on your on your show recently zola um which is like massive. But then.

Kind of working out before like if you're not a massive chelsea fan or not you didn't grope in that era or whatever you might not watch biggest thing in the world for you yeah it's an amazing credibility point. And the video will be massive. And i'm sure it'll go huge views in the future and it gives your channel huge credibility that you can pull in these superstars. But sometimes that video doesn't pop because it's just like maybe not as many people are interested in that potentially yeah. And it's something i'm learning because like i was bad when i like yeah i'm still bad. But not as bad as i would i've got better i've got better but it's like you wait 20 minutes to text me rather than 10. yeah shut up. But like i suppose it makes it harder for me as well where i've i can do an interview. For socrates and then.

Within a week it's at a million views and i'm like you but well the girlfriend i've done much better but so much more effort and time where does that goes like on youtube as well i know socrates got 1 million subscribers. So i understand that but i'm like the vast difference of the views on that one from something that you've got so much more information and laughs here how long has that been going. For like yeah i'm not very good at i think rick's in the same boat. And i'll be interested to hear you guys i'm guessing the answer already but like when you're reach looking for a milestone obviously as i said again you're fast approaching 100 000 which is incredible it's the first real milestone that youtube recognized obviously sending out the silver plaque which again we touched on. But like when we hit the million obviously for rick that was a much bigger deal it was. For me he's built a channel from literally zero to a million i joined him just before quarter of a million so it's still a massive achievement we didn't feel quite the same but we were. So excited we should be proud of that though he did i gave him a little pat on the back too much yeah no it was it was it was amazing. And we've been what but we've been chasing it for so long and you hit it and the first day it was like also euphoric. But so quickly it's like what's next.

And even with this podcast channel we've recently hit over a hundred thousand and we were. So excited the plaque on its way. And then.

Now it's like okay. And i sometimes don't think we actually celebrate enough i don't know i don't know meaning we should go out. For a meal or something we just don't it's always the next.

Thing the same with a big video that was good what could be next.

What are you guys like with that you know when you hit 10 000 subscribers you're looking forward to that. And then.

50. we want more yeah we want to put we want to get better. And better and better yeah i do think that what drives you would also like that's a good thing i think that's healthy i think it's good. But i also think you can look back in the future. And go this is what we did that's how i see it yeah i think sometimes the issue may arise that if you if you were to actually really go full tilt. And celebrate and everything else you almost take your eye off the prize and then.

You kind of go i've hit that milestone like if we got to a million we could have easily taken off the accelerator yeah kind of gone we're in cruise control now we're flying now why do we have to keep going as soon as you go over a million like right our next.

Video's going to be our biggest our next.

Video is going to be our biggest. And that and that's the kind of mentality you need and i think that's that can be seen in any walk of life as well. But the reason i brought up as well because of golf it's exactly the same you could go out today.

And shoot your best have a score of 79. we go home absolutely buzzing ring your brother text couple mates the next.

Date so i've done now let's get 78. yeah. And you can never beat golf can you. And that's why so many people listening might not create youtube videos obviously but everybody listening plays golf i imagine yeah. And it's the game that you can you can never ever be. And even if you go out and shoot the course record and you get your name on the board you go home and you think that put lip down on seven [Laughter] yeah. So right so right so what's the future what guests what if you were to put up three bucket list guests together. For the show so again people i'm sure hopefully they've watched the channel but the concept is quite simple you've got this new addition which is beat the dales which we did today.

Yeah where youtube plays a team bells versus shields is it sometimes handicapped i guess if they're not if they are we normally go. For people caliber of people like yourself so it's only if someone is hot yeah really really good they're the ones like the zelda one is that just a straight out the whole challenge today.

We're like we've got like me doing a four hole challenge with you rick there's pointless because you'll win simple as that. But me and ange can well the chat would be good she'll be great yeah yeah it's also a waste of time. But we can do more we can do more filming with you more shots more shots more goals more talking as well we did loads of talking today.

And it was really really interesting. So if there's someone who's really really good at golf we go dale's versus right um but we're going to start doing four whole challenges yeah we're going to do we're going to do more because more together nailed your channel like we said obviously we spoke to tubes last year on the podcast. And stuff and i know rick had been watching a bit i'd watch quite a bit my brother's a massive fan of what you guys have been doing as well so he's certainly been mentioning a lot of the videos that i hadn't seen and then.

I went and watched and i appreciate you watching it no it's good because that's making golf content now isn't there. And we see and and i think we always do try. And help if somebody reached out to me certainly i know to rick who we know ovens making videos and looking for advice we'll always try and help but it's great to see someone doing something different that's original which yours certainly is. And i really believe that um you know 100 000 now just under but i think it's going to get big i think it's going to get really big hopefully i mean we didn't really set out to be original did we i just think we'd set out just two brothers mates just enjoying playing golf. And having a laugh but i know it sounds a bit cliche but that really was that really was it i think. And yes. And no with that angel i think we we set out. And said let's do something like that you know we can't we can't do the coaching videos we can't you know how not to do it sort of getting that way though yeah. So we thought what can we do on a golf course that's going to get people watching i think yeah i think it's like where you've made it fun with a lot of jokes about doing the birdie dance. And things like that and you're singing as you go into your intros and all that like that's different and then.

You have some typical terminology that was that wasn't that wasn't interesting that wasn't thought about that's just understanding three guests then.

Yeah footballers you want on the show footballers let's go footballs first let's go footballers okay the problem with the people that i would love on i know. For a fact i don't play golf and i've been so lucky we both have but when i say i i mean on the four hole challenge i've had john terry yeah like john franco zola you know what john terry as well has been you know one of the chelsea's greatest filters what he did. For our family which i think we discussed them before on the podcast with you know when you're scattering your dad's ashes in the back door legend you know you know the whole family going around. For a bridge with that dad's ashes putting him underneath the ground was a class touch. So we've been so lucky to have these people so has he been on the channel john terry yeah yeah he was one of the first ones to really help us out again what about if you were to mix it. And not do out on the golf course like what about if you what about if you did like pitch. And put you could do minutes doing pitch. And putt i'd be quiet you guys could even go to the driving range like you don't have to i think yeah i think what would be really powerful. For you guys if you were to get a huge football name i'm gonna go huge ronaldo right. And took him to a driving range or mini golf or whatever like how good would that be for golf as well to show the fun side of golf so again we've got no barriers now okay give me three right uh messy messy messy because i think is it good english no okay subtitles i think he can get i think he can get by um is it three each. Or we're doing three com three combined we can find we'll ask you about golfers in a minute as well i'm gonna go messy your turn i'm gonna go hurry kane nice yep england captain i think that's achievable i think you'll get him i think he's a big goal. For two harry kane mr bale i think this time in 12 months one of those two will have been on the channel what about when i was trying to get bail bail versus dales oh we'd get whipped. Or just bail versus dales absolutely taken to the cleaners um one more all right what about [Music] i i know who i'm going to go oh he's because he's chelsea fan. But i love that bloke i think he's one of the nicest people i've ever met. And i love to talk about all his charity work that he does he sends. So much money back to his country he builds schools in his in his country yeah we could talk about football you could talk about all that. And he's a dude as well you can do the video drogba celebration down the fairways it'd be amazing. So we've had many managers on managers um yeah he's a big golfer yeah yeah let's see jared you know what this summer i'm going to get sean he would do it i i would text sometimes that sounds awful lovely cringy. But yeah he's one of people i do speak to he would definitely do it he'd be have you done have you played with him i've played in the same party as him right okay. So we went up to lomand and it was shawn dash um maurice david moyes yeah. And there was a couple of the managers i didn't really know um. But yeah he was dead into his golf like well he would definitely do it pep's a big golfer as well yeah that's a huge golfer pep would i've met pep i've been interviewed pep a few times he's he's. So intense i don't know if i don't know if you'd get it i mean shaun dies with us wouldn't he he'd have something oh yeah yeah such a laugh. And it's like you were saying earlier when we were having a bit of lunch you were like you only want people on it who's going to come on. And enjoy i don't think pep would come on. And enjoy it i think pep would be like tay's a good lad as well. And you could have a match it's been me from burnley yeah nice to teach ben did you stand there rips it rips it honestly you could go mate's nose bend me you two burnley versus north versus south awesome chris wood also plays golf what about would you not the golfer yeah exactly would you um have you interviewed. Or would you interview on on the show cause i know he's a golfer as well sir alex ferguson i'd love to love that that'd be quite cool i love that answer i think he would not do it no i am probably sure even that way even if we got to your level um i'll say if when come on we can do it um i don't think he'd do it no i don't think he would he didn't if you recently. For lads bible with phil neville phil harris i think that was just because it was gary neville all right yeah. And he probably got weighed in a lot of money uh documentaries is it good really good i'll try that i i just don't think there's some people that i don't even bother trying yeah i mean it's not me being defeated it's just going i just know from 20 years in the media you are not going to get into it would ferguson be as good as it would as good as it would be in terms of name. But like you you want people as we've said with the podcast who want to be on there they're going to part not a performance in a sense of acting. But a performance making it good viewing i've played with him once alex yeah few elves where was that he was a member of may he gave him copper. And bobby charlton yeah. But this is massive let's talk he's a big guy i know he wasn't particularly great. But he was uh remember the 17th hole yeah the one um coming into that massive house yeah all right yeah it's like a ditch i think if it wasn't. For me he'd still be in that ditch i i i rescued him wow um what was he like lovely i couldn't really understand the word he's saying. But lovely translator that was that was going back he was still managing at the time oh yes that was probably it would have been pre-2013 probably like 2010. were you coaching i gave him a few little pointers. But i wouldn't claim to have coached him i gave proper chat on the lesson an actual lesson and i gave uh sir chris hoyer a lesson as well wow um play golf with giggsy um due to hopefully have well spoke a bit with post goals yeah he's watching he's attention come on the podcast i'd love to get paul yeah he's a nice really nice guy um we could i reckon we can get false goals oh definitely he's a well into his golf at the moment like loves it uh used to teach carlos tevez used to come into trafford all the time. So when he first joined united he went united then.

City didn't he that's right yeah yeah yeah when he first joined unite oh maybe i tried no i you know what i coached him when he was at city yeah yeah he came to the driving range at trafford. And he used to come down with his translator to the driving range wow and i used to do this trick where if i knew a famous footballer was on the driving range i'd like the guys would text me going carl's tovers on the driving range right. So i went out there and bumped into him and i took it i took like his basket and stuff and go by the way golf balls mates [Laughter] but it is argentinian accents yeah. And i'd always say um if you want some privacy sir um i've got a teaching bay that's free at the moment if you'd like to come down and use my vip nice vip lounge yeah yeah follow me sir come on dude like look at me like. And the translator would uh explain to you guys balls in your house yeah i was already taking his basket yeah basically you come with me like it. Or not we went to dr went to the teaching bay then.

So i was kind of not teaching currently at the time when i was when i had him in. But i'd have the videos running so the video camera's running right and what i do after he hit a few shots kind of just go hey just have a look at this good oh you need to do this because it's dead easy to coach you can just use lines. And circles or whatever on the swing analysis before you know it he's bought 20 lessons and he's coming back like every other week robin van persie twins from united coming down was it fabio yeah. But robin van persie literally a week after he signed for united right again similar story come down to driving family right and it was dead funny i was quite busy on a sunday afternoon. And i had maybe a half an hour slot free after i had a client i had in the moment and after that client had half an hour spot and i got told again from the lab at the front desk because it was their thing that they text me if there's a footballer in yeah because it's got loads of money aren't they yeah yeah i'm not daft yeah yeah. So this is my introduction. So they they come down and again i thought they were rubbing my purse it's literally. So it's just come to united this is massive. So my client that i had in i kind of bargained and said listen can i cut you away this is awesome can i cut you a deal yeah could we possibly cut your lesson you're striping it yeah it's. So good you know you don't need me anymore can we cut a deal where i owe you half an hour in this current lesson. But i'll give you an hour next.

Time you come good okay if i can kick you out my bae right now yeah 45 seconds get out quick yeah i don't think i ever saw him again bless i think i annoyed him. But you invited him down and got him in the teaching bay and and he bought another 20 lessons i taught him his son his wife his daughter all down there and then.

My only last footballer certainly at trafford that i taught was hernandez used to come down. For lessons he was probably one of the other ones. And then.

The other other old school one was harry kewell harry kill yeah yeah this was a really funny one he's a good goal. For us if i should tell this story do you know the harry cool story ring's a bell. But i don't know i don't know if you should say it probably best of the fact that you've both said you know you're not sure don't maybe leave it. For the uh after hours give me a clue what to do with it if i can remember you have to do with these grips oh yeah i know it's not oh yeah i know it's sorry right harry cool comes in i can't wait hopefully i'm not talking about our turn comes in he's left-handed right yeah rips it he actually really really really good golf he could really strike it i'm going to really big him up just in case his backs fighters yeah unbelievable guy one of the nicest people i've ever met yeah yeah that's that bit out of the way yeah. But he was nice. But he came in one day and said rick rick i've got my clubs all re-gripped i went okay have a look at them right now harry is married to cherie cuell over in here in the uk soap star used to be on emma daley something like that i think it was out there yeah a few times she's she's wicked right yeah says check out these grips. So these grips he pulls out right and they are transparent grips okay which is not weird they were called see-through grips at the time i remember these the actual i don't remember yeah the grip was see-through. But and then.

On the tape underneath the grip you could have personalized so some people would have united chelsea and yeah you'd have you'd have the yeah yeah jack you'd have saint george's flag flag right harry decided to have 14 um bikini shots of his wife put on the grip no way like absolute this is a bit awkward. And i'm literally holding thankfully he was left handed. So i couldn't hit him but i'm like where do i put my thumb yeah oh hold on hold on i'm going to pick this i'll not go there. So that that was a really funny one. But hopefully i don't think that's too bad that's a great story it was just a really funny one because i was like i'm not sure if i like these grips here with the club bricks. For the club and how can i say don't like these grips yeah oh i don't like your seven hours something wrong with that is that one monkey that's the best story into the golf. And quite a lot of the footballs follow me on instagram and stuff now i'd like to say i'm a pretend football fan i'm not dead into it anymore i used to be super into it yeah you believe you don't pretend you're honest you're honest with it no yeah you're listening i pretend to know everything a lot of people do. And people can see through it going you don't like football you don't have to choose to keep on that cut line where i can just about talk it if i went to get my hair cut. Or down right yeah i can just about carry it off. But as soon as you start talking about the right back for buddy wolverhampton i'm like yeah no idea. Or whatever or whatever it may be um i feel like we've done work really well here that was considered absolutely no notes before this podcast i don't know i knew that absolutely you guys wing fest. For two hours two and a half hours you did really well there give it up how long was that we've got time. And a half 136 wow is that a record no there's a couple of competitors not even close oh yeah. So let's go let's go guys thanks for having on thanks for coming on youtube i think you're doing a great job. So we don't praise many channels um keep it up if you're not subscribed yet to the guys make sure you do we'll put a link down in the description of the youtube videos. And also on the description of the podcast as well um last big shout out to motocaddy for being an amazing sponsor for um sponsoring the last 10 episodes and well done to the two mr anonymous for winning the bag and the motorcade trolley uh thank you guys again for all your help i'm not sure why i'm thanking everyone thanks matt thanks harry thanks ladders if you've got anything to emails it's podcast i forgot what our new features called already i'll listen back terrible golf rules if it was called the rubbish golf rules at your club yeah you really really don't like rule breakers yeah yeah whatever it was called yeah yeah lastly last lastly this is out tuesday the s eighth of june. And you know that because it's two days after the guy's wedding i'll be married by now no way yeah that's weird. So the guy gets married at the end of this week fingers crossed so uh good luck with that thank you everything goes well yeah it'll last weeks at least i'm saying this now yeah sunday the 6th we get murray's sunday the 6th it's not the belfry is it no okay we're down at the belfry [Laughter] you'll be swinging an invite [Laughter] yeah good luck with that. And hopefully everything goes well and really yeah we've got ming woolie on the podcast next.

Week. And then.

It's back to normal normal service will resume awesome we are done peace.