I was literally crying my eyes out sat on the sofa on my own at one o'clock in the morning going why does nobody shout four [Laughter] andy shouts four which i love about him as well welcome back to rickshaw podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy episode number 81. um i feel a bit knackered today.

Guys. So you can you have to carry this one a little bit today.

If you don't mind standard uh i stayed up. And watched the us open um i feel like my fingers are hurting from all the tweets i did yesterday which we need to cover. And yeah i'm just a bit not quite with it. So i've got a cough it hopefully i i kind of perk up and get going. But hopefully it's gonna be a good episode you've got a coffee i've got a monster there's probably loads of comments on the youtube video people said you shouldn't be drinking that stuff. But i've got a mild addiction sugar-free one can a day it's not great though i must admit though claire sent me a message truth be told this weekend where was her anyway she said have you seen this article. And a man in his thirties um unfortunately lost his life by drinking too much energy drinks wow so be careful anybody out there i know it's not too many that's the thing though isn't it where it's like that becomes news but how people lose a life from alcohol or from smoking so i don't really drink very much alcohol anyway on the on a brighter note well before we get on to us open which obviously a massive story you watch loads of it i watched very little but i still know roughly what went on obviously we've got a new jingle and we've got a new cover art on the podcast which has got so far gone down mixed but i think partly that is because people don't like change which is fair enough. But if you've not noticed hopefully when you have a look on the podcast you listen to it on the audio whether it's apple podcast or spotify etc a little bit of a different tweak i was at the office at the studio. For half a day when i come back there's a new jingle a new logo that the whole the whole thing's changed but i really like it all it was i was looking on apple podcasts. And pretty much every single podcast certainly the sport category the actual album covered a little bit of art we had the rs logo with the headphones on which is gone got a bit of uh people know that now don't they yeah it's got it's got uh what's the word i'm looking. For established brand if you like people know that's the podcast and it may be coming on some merch very soon maybe it is um. And in fact i'm actually really looking forward to that i need a new head cover okay i'm gonna say oh um. But we didn't have any actual font on there any writing so obviously a lot of people i think you phones this bracket just scroll on the phone quite quickly. And they want instant like yeah you need to know it's it's who it is straight away exactly. So now it's literally the same logo i think we're doing this a lot of um really going over the top this is the logo. But basically it's the same logo and underneath it says the rickshaws golf show it looks pretty clean it does um. And a new jingle and the jingle's a bit different in it i like it i like it be a little bit more jolly um and and it's a change so people listening get used to it and in a few episodes you will you won't even remember what the old jingle was that'll trash that old christmas song we um somebody said somebody put a comment on the facebook groups. And if it's not broke don't fix it now i get that to some degree but we're not trying to fix it just trying to give it a little bit of a spruce i i think elevate is a good word. For this an elevator it's not a change it's not a dramatic shifting direction it's an elevation to what is already the number one podcast in golf certainly here in the uk we'll try. And get up that charts in the u.s um where should we start with that i want to we'll come to the us open obviously in a second because that's for me the second well the third best major actual second the standard order open masters us open uspj do you agree you you're on the fence i can i can when it's the masters week i can't imagine loving the open more when it's the open week i can't imagine loving the masters more. So i think it's it's a bit time sensitive. For me i love them both as equal it's almost like having a favorite child i don't have a favorite child you always do i do have a face it's just changes week to week um all right then.

I've got one. For you the open at saint andrews versus the masters they opened at saint andrews i think that's the absolute pinnacle isn't it. But yeah george's this year i'm excited about it because it's the open it's got crowds again hopefully going to be there um i hear very good things about raw saint george's even though i don't know about it loads it ranks. So high in like the top charts in the uk and everything um but like i said next.

Year at the open now certainly because we played it. And played it in reverse luckily enough i think next.

Time they open 150th uh sent andrews next.

Year that's going to be a big big big one yes i agree i think i don't feel that excited to see andre george's just. Yet because i don't really know the course but i'm going to do a little bit of research look at some of it do you know any iconic holes are there any good part threes. Or anything there that we need to know about i i'd be lying if i said i know a lot about it i know it's tough i know it's demanding i know it's right next.

Door to princes which i have been to. So i kind of know the area um i just don't know a lot about royal saint george's it'd be quite nice and i don't know we might be on the on the time a little bit here potentially to get down there before they open just try and figure it out i think when you know a golf course it's better. For the for the experience in my from what i've found when you're watching it yeah yeah. And it's probably why i love the master so much because even though i've never played that and i've been fortunate to play there yet that's not a teaser for anything to come that's just makes only five at a ghost i mean i get. So excited about playing the gusto me just predicting the future um i know the whole. So well over all the years of watching i feel like i know it where i like say when it goes to a royal saint george's or um do i think of any other golf courses on the roster that that i don't know i probably know most of them now maybe maybe somewhere like a troon i don't know really well um i know canoes i don't go through more. But i know most of them pretty well anyway okay let me just. So today.

You record this out tuesday recording this on monday morning it's currently 10 32 a.m yesterday was sunday yes it was father's day it was. And um i got a toasty maker a toasty make it nice one of the best things ever been bought for me for father's day cheese and ham we had two yesterday we had like a mid-morning one which was cheese. And ham and then.

We had a mid-afternoon one which was like tuna. And cheese like a tuna melt nice it was a diet pause yesterday yeah just yesterday father's day today.

Correct perfect um. So before when i went out for a meal my dad just stayed for father's day before that um i went to the gym didn't do any exercise saturday i sat outside the outdoor pool just got a few rays yes. And then.

I came home i had a bit of a chill before i went out for tea and and weird i wanted people i use twitter quite a bit not loads but a little bit but i always like i use it on the browser and always log out so that it's just less i don't want it all the time because twitter on the map she can be on you can be scrolling aimlessly. For too long with me so far twitter yeah. So twitter i'm not the biggest fan of well i just thought yesterday before i got ready i wonder if rick's tweeted much this weekend over what he's put on so i searched on on google rick shields golf twitter found it very easily go and give him a follow if you're not already thank you and you got to melt the hell rick i don't know what i'm only texting is everything all right what was your melt that explains to listeners why you had a twitter meltdown this weekend went down didn't it yeah it did right i'm going to set the scene. So as you mentioned a minute ago twitter isn't my favorite platform in the world it is quite volatile quite um unpredictable. And everything really though i feel like every single voice on twitter you hear where facebook instagram youtube you don't hear every voice every comment because there's so many and the way that the platforms are set up you can kind of pick. And choose what you read twitter's not like that is it no. So i was looking through twitter checking up on the golf i'd watched a lot of the golf troopers told i hadn't watched much on uh maybe i did watch a bit on thursday actually just to get the light of the golf course i did thursday because we did a break 75 on friday i was talking about it. For me i wasn't that excited about the us open. For a number of reasons obviously the event i couldn't get really behind any particular players for this week for whatever reason the golf course didn't really excite me that much i could see how tested it was going to be i just didn't feel like there was anything that's one big reason you're forgetting on friday you become a massive football fan. And that was a bloody waste of time yeah that was 90 minutes of my life i'm never getting back you go come on the white men come on the lights go on marcus sterling um no no i did i watched the football. And that was that was more disappointing than the thursday golf to be honest. So so yeah anyway through the through the weekend i wasn't that bothered i was flicking through it i watched quite a bit on saturday because it kind of started to get a bit heated up i started to see a bit of movement on the leaderboard. And the leaderboard was looking pretty stacked not the top of the leaderboard that was quite a lot of kind of names that i felt might have just dropped off eventually. But just underneath that layer it was bubbling like rory brooks bryson uh louis houston hazen uh trying to think of john rahm yeah obviously. And i looking at leaderboard going oh oh this could be good tomorrow night. So sunday it's a california tee off so it's much much later for us in the evening so i do hate that yeah i do it's hard to watch. So kind of watch out my phone oh no sorry i need to come back early then.

Don't i. So sunday afternoon i'm sat around looking at twitter thinking i wonder what people are talking about in the golf world what are people looking at. And i stumbled across a video which i hadn't seen footage of live when it happened on saturday i believe and it was a clip of bryce de shambo one of the best players in the world respected icon superstar role model to many people watching old young male female he is a role model whether he likes it. Or not doing something that i didn't agree with and he's not the only one and this isn't anything new but he did something that kind of i watched. And i was like i need to say something about this i'm not happy about this i feel like something new if you said listen to anyone it's gonna be to you. So exactly exactly ricky two fists rickard he's gonna listen to me so he to set the scene i can't remember which kind of hole it was around the back nine where there's. Or was it i came in what hole it was anyway it's by the coastline you can't miss left left is the ocean coastal it's dead. And on the right hand side you've got spectators you've got crowds and you've got you've got the world i think in the clip it said you've got from here to atlanta to the right because you really have the rest of the usa is to the right bryson knowingly hits it down the right hand side he smashes one big long drive sweeps up his tee sticks in his pocket. And everyone's thinking that's down the middle of the fairway i don't know what the problem is. So far rick you look at that shot and think he has absolutely striped that there's no reason. For any any alarm there's no worries there's no anything that that is gonna the next.

Clip i'm going to see on this video is the ball bounding down the fence 500 yards down the hill this ball is going to be bounding. And bouncing and and he's gonna have a wedge left into this par five yeah okay unfortunately that's not what i saw ah what i did see was the ball a missile okay give me a rough estimation of ball speed well it come he's hitting at the moment coming off the club face at 200 miles per hour now it does slow down obviously from that point. So once it lands it's not traveling 200 miles per hour thankfully but it's it's traveling fast i actually don't know the speed of a ball when it lands well depending yeah 50 60 miles per hour 70 miles per hour. So this missile this hard let's call 100 miles an hour for the story's sake let's call it that and it's on fire of course so so this golf ball then.

Lands in and amongst a crowd of spectators unwilling not not having a clue that that their life in that a split moment is in jeopardy yeah. But surely she would fall to warn them rick well that's where the story does get a little bit twisted guys okay because that's not what what took place. So there was no shout there was no warning there was no marshalling those spectators had no idea that golf ball was going to land near their feet their ankles their heads their children their sitting there might be having a little drink chilling out watching the girl thinking this is lovely i'm here at torrey pines this is i'm enjoying my day next.

Thing i'm trying to get this. For the kind of sound do it really hard punch your face really hard let's see come on let's see look right let's everyone now rick's gonna punch his hand let's see how okay. So that ball landed into the crowd bounced never sounded right then.

No no it would have hurt if it landed somewhere right it's like a thud in the ground definitely luckily very luckily it didn't hit anyone okay yeah it bounced through. And it landed into a position the the commentators the a lot of people saying that's that's perfect that's in a good spot it's the rough been trampled down he's got a good line into the flag he's avoided the trouble so was he aiming there then.

Do you think. Or allow his miss to go that direction a million percent yeah a million percent because it's. And apparently a lot of players were hitting it over that right hand side. But this particular and then.

I i'm going to kind of confirm about what i think about bryson in a minute because that's got a little bit twisted in this translation this golf ball finished in an ideal position his second shot into the green. Or whatever it may be i didn't see the rest of the clip from there but for me that was a perfect time where that ball was was definitely heading towards people people's lives were in danger it's been an age-old tradition in golf that a simple four-letter word is shouted okay as a warning. For fore i typed that word a lot yesterday that is the most simple thing to do as a goal. For the most courteous thing the the right thing for etiquette everything to shout for at the top of your frigging voice to warn people a golf ball is coming your way okay it goes back hundreds of years the first mention of the term four in the british golf museum is from 1881. So it's at least it's at least what's that a couple hundred years old nearly so this ain't new okay. And i believe it's about it was a there's two translations on it one it was to warn back in the day used to have four caddies yep. So they'd have caddies down the fairway um to help look for your golf ball speed up play whatever it may be and basically shout four as a shorter version of four caddy to watch where your golf ball went that's one of the things another thing as well it was apparently uh abbreviation of before because the golf ball is going to be coming before you. So be be careful or a warning of whatever it may be so it's not new many many players shout it i've shouted it hundreds of times in my golfing life yes as of probably you have probably most people listening i like a loud shout out. For yeah. And it's and like i say it's not new on twitter yesterday i was your first tweet then.

How did. So well obviously i also did a poll i want to come to this first because i think this is really important even though this was out of order i did a poll do you shout. For if your golf ball is heading towards people okay seven. And a half thousand people voted in four hours it and alarms me that it's not 100 yes the option is yes. Or no okay yes got 97 yeah no got three percent that could be people just doing it. For the whole yeah i must admit a couple of people said i've got fat thumbs. And pressed no by accident. But an overwhelming percentage of people are shouting. For are doing the right thing okay. And if you shout if you heard for you would cover your head duck knowing that a golf ball is coming your way yeah okay gives you a chance to protect yourself protect your head protect children with you a chance of just being able to cover your vital areas temples back of head whatever it may be. So you don't get absolutely battered by a golf ball so i i completely agree with you and i think i've said in one of the podcasts recently about it how it's ridiculous to not shout. For but i saw obviously some of the comments from people and just literally to play devil's advocate could there be an argument or discussion to say that when you're on the golf course and playing obviously people do shout. For for other players but when you go to them as a spectator it's your responsibility to also be aware of flying golf balls and and there's a risk that you could get hit and now that's what means you shouldn't shout for but but i saw a lot of people saying that i don't really know there is a risk getting hit obviously you're at a golf event. And i think people are kind of somewhat of an understanding of that. And i believe on tickets it does say only that there's a responsibility you know you might get hit um. And i get that that's golf that unfortunately does happen regardless of warning shouts regardless of whatever it is people will get hit famously brooks kepca hit a woman at the ryder cup. And took her eye out nearly killed her he did shout four. And that he still got hit and so you can't completely prevent it but at least as a player you've covered your own back there yeah you'd feel terrible still if you're brooks kapka. But equally you've hit a bad shot the spectators are there it's their own risk. And you've shouted four you kind of feel like i've done everything i could do covered your back okay. And i don't think. For one second he would have intentionally hit it towards people no not at that time because it didn't give him any advantage. So my first um tweet was shout. For ffs someone is going to get very badly hurt soon if this continues. And i did tag him in i tagged bryson the chamber with not that he's gonna reply to me. But can you explain why you didn't shout. For is that what you said. Or can you explain why you didn't at bryson dechambeau. So that was a way of me kind of i didn't want to be accused of oh you why don't you just tag him in. And ask him oh i did have they seen that tweet you know 2.8 000 likes. And it's been retweeted 217 times so then.

I continued to go on to the and again the response was really really alarming um. For me i i put a subtweet under this this is also setting a terrible example to young golfers around the world who either idolize these superstars they have a responsibility to set the benchmark. And that that for me is a really important thing because you see it in football again jokingly i watched the football friday. And you're seeing the players not as bad anymore don't feel like it's as bad in football you might disagree where players dive and they roll over 10 times and they spit on the ground and i remember my wife we were watching at the time she went when i was because she was a teacher she had when i was teaching that's what kids do now they spit when they play football they roll around they try. And get they try and get penalties given to him the argument the referee because they're seeing their superstars do it you know they're these young kids watching football are seeing the best players in the world footballers spit swear disrespect the referee whatever it may be. And it filters down into junior football things like this players not shouting for for me is the set in such a bad example to junior golfers watching because it will filter down there'll be junior golfers out there going why should i shout. For yeah bryson doesn't. And others and others which i'll come on to in a minute then.

I go on to the fact that golf balls can kill because they can there's evidence of that golf balls have killed people started tweeting me evidence of matt wolfe not shouting. For so i also tagged a video with matt wolf not shouting for and again he should have done sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't um i said a good example of phil mickelson shouting. For and again he's not done all the time he's not done it forever but he did in this situation that video i've got off. And then.

For me it was the alarming responses i was getting off people that were giving players excuses. For not doing the most simple thing of shouting for question for you i don't know i actually answered this did bryson's caddy shout. For nobody shouted for that in that instance right there and and i think this is where because a lot of people were saying well around a player. And again i've been to many tournaments you there is a lot of people there there's marshall the spectators there's scoreboard carriers there's referees there's caddies there's players right i wouldn't expect any other pl any other person in that set situation just to maybe start the four i solely put it on the player's responsibility unless it's unless it's like let's say. For example that golf ball mid-flight took a turn the wind hit it off the ocean okay bryson picked up his tea walking away. And then.

Somebody still watching the golf ball suddenly goes oh crap there's somebody in danger here and shouts on bryson's behalf but i still think it's the player's responsibility to start the shout off personally again i do agree with you. And i'm just trying to find different angles to look at but you wouldn't expect bryson to replace on divot would you or to rake his own bunker so could it be argued that he's paying the caddy and it should be their job if that's what it is that's what i don't know i don't know i'm just saying i think there's i found it as well where i don't expect a fan to shout. Or a marshall because again i feel like they could the player hitting the golf ball has the knowledge the ability to know i've hit that golf ball at said speed said distance that far off line i know where those people are stood i know my ball is going to land somewhere near there that's on the i think that's more on the play than anyone else maybe the caddy because like say. But i still i don't think you should pass the blame in this situation i think if you're gonna do it. And and i i very very much respect players who do it on behalf of other players i think that's really good because i think there was a clip where matt wolf hit it into the crowd again don't quote me on exactly this. But louis usnaison shouted because matt didn't awesome love seeing that because again give people warnings the next.

Thing i really really disagree with is this fact that people can't hear you when you're 350 yards down the fairway that again doesn't matter even if you do. Or you don't shout it cover your own back because again if if you're a player shouting it and if you're a tournament like this the caddy shout the marshall shout the the other players you can here can't yeah you could hear somebody. And i get that the ocean that's still no excuse like i don't think that is an excuse to be able to not shout it. But going back to this kind of idea people were then.

Going on um one being against americans that was one thing i couldn't believe i was reading people saying i'm against americans which i will tell you now i am not against americans why one bit the two examples that i showed you of the bad ones were americans the example of a good one was an american it's just a footage i could find. So i'm definitely against that and most of the time i'm not against bryson like i actually quite like what he's doing to the game i know we've talked about him quite a bit on the podcast about the equipment he's using his golf swing his ability to do what he's doing with with his golf game a lot of that i really respect. And and i respect the grind i respect what he's he's looking at a situation going i can do this differently i can use better. And it can help me become a more proficient golfer huge respect. For that but don't forget that you are on tv you are being watched by hundreds of thousands of people around the world do the honorable thing the simple thing if you know it's gonna go towards crowd. And i honestly still believe that he hit it there on purpose as well which is also a big thing shout. For i then.

Watched yesterday several times he did it again yesterday not not one regard. For shouting four there was one really bad instance on 14 he was in a bunker short of the green thinned it through the back this the excuse of the excuse of um not being able to shout here. For it doesn't exist 50 yards away there was there was zero excuse to shout it. And it clattered into the crowd i think a few people did shout it clattered into the crowd. And whatever and i was like that was. So that was simple that was a simple you've hit a bad golf shot i'm not saying that you don't hit bad shots everyone hits bad shots. And it's not nice it goes in the crowd um the other thing i found really really worrying what i heard people saying on twitter as well is this idea yeah they're aiming. For for the crowd so they can get a bounce back into the fairways are you actually having a laugh like that i don't think that's true. But also like that's why they're not shouting for yeah. But because accurate you'd have to be to hit the crowd just hitting the fairways that's not that's nice but also in this idea that if you're gonna shout four at least it gives the the spectators a chance to cover their head which is the important thing if it hits their back. And bounce onto the fairway it still works still effective if it is the head kills the person bounce back on the fairway i would be interested to know because again i i'm the same as you i think you should shout. For it's ridiculous i think it almost looks cool if they shout forward loud it's like yeah i've hit a bad shot i'm gonna go. And ideally a direction and ideally a right or a left and again this isn't just to find it so i wonder is there actually a reason why they don't because i can't work out they would have grown up playing golf matt wolf's only what 21. Or 20 early 20s brighton's mid-20s they're not you know they've been playing golf as an amateur not that long ago and and it's a done thing and that's why i tagged him that's why i tagged him and stuff that's why i see what the actual answer is if there's an answer if the tour said don't shout it we don't want to set panic up. Or whatever it may be it doesn't look good it doesn't look good on tv if you're shouting for give me that give me a valid reason and if it was across the board if no player shouted it okay that's something that tour have decided to do i don't agree with it. But whatever it may be but that's not the case and you can see players other players are getting frustrated with players that don't shout. For like john ram who won yesterday will definitely come on too because he deserves more air time on this podcast than than the players who is not shouting. For on 18 uh not 18 whatever it was yesterday 17. Or 16 he blasted it miles right big loud very obvious shout out for gave chance spectators to cover their heads and not get hit last two things i want to talk about first off somebody said about how spectators when they should know where to stand. And not to stand don't agree with that if you've got the rope you can stand outside the rope i don't think players. And i've been to many tour events if i've not played the golf course i don't really know where players are going to be landing the game this is the problem with twitter without being disrespectful because a lot of people use twitter a lot of blonder have opinions you might know anything about golf you're engaging with a stupid opinion like i don't mean that everyone can have an opinion. But the person that said that might have started golf last week be not know anything about golf. And so and they want to have their say cause it's twitter and they can. And then.

You're getting them annoyed by their opinion i know i almost think that they're the guys who think everybody should know as much about golf as they do i don't think they're the new people i think the guys who are saying that yeah are the ones that believe that everybody should who go to a tour event know where to stand they go maybe that's not the best. But in general though everybody can have an opinion on twitter that's the thing. And when you start to obviously it's good to engage with your fans or listen to the podcast or views of your channel but when it's an argument like that where everybody wants to have the say it's almost like you can't win because 97 97 of people agreed with you which you saw on the poll but the three percent that don't are often the loudest in the room. And they want to say oh yeah. But they should know where to stand or it's this it's that and it almost rails you up more because it's like they're talking nonsense some people do it on purpose to annoy you like you said you're slagging off americans that's not nothing to do with what country they're from. But that's what people are going to pick at twitter's not always the best place. But it's the good news gained 600 followers there you go people were saying that doing it. For clout i wasn't you get it from it yeah i'm doing it. For 600 followers i did it. For 600 followers i just won't mention that time we played you didn't shout for um no one joking you're very good at shouting four you've got a very loud four votes people have said like you don't do it on videos there's many evidence of videos we've done it on even the latest ming woo lee one that we did at saint andrews like i wasn't the player hitting the ball. But we all shouted four to the top of our voices because there was two ladies walking the golf course. And didn't realize we were playing golf like you've got a shot. For even said to my wife what if you heard four what does it mean it means a ball is coming my way what would you do duck. And cover my head like brilliant so even if if anything if i lost followers if if bryce nishambo never wants to talk to me again if he wants a boxing match whatever it may be if that's if that's what it's taken to educate at least some people won the important shouting for two what to do when when a four takes place i'm happy of annoying some people if we've managed to educate a lot of people yep good. But you're right feel better it's interesting you're tired at the start you've got your sleeves rolled up coffee's gone i've got sweat on i feel like i want to like start a movement i feel like you don't normally get this normally me gets annoyed about stuff you know what it what i honestly the thing that annoyed me the most i honestly genuinely now naively expected to put that tweet out and people go oh yeah rick completely agreed they should shout. For like that's what i expected essentially have the knight i know i know people have but it's like it was just the craziness of it i was like you're actually come on this can't be real um. So hopefully yeah i think it should be a thing i i want it to become a thing i think every single player has the responsibility shouting. For regardless of whether you think it's going to hit someone. Or not whatever it may be if you think there's people in danger shout. For the top of your voice um and people golf will be a safer place yeah okay let's have a little bit of a break now we'll not break let's go on to uh the new segment. So when we had tubes and engine of the week we decided to launch a new section a new segment new section of the show called stupid golf rules not shouting for yeah no yeah just leave it now definitely please leave it um that's why i was let's have a break i thought rick needs five minutes to calm himself down. And have a glass of water i want to talk about john rahman a bit definitely yeah we're looking to john right he deserves a lot more praise um. But anyway stupid golf rules so we had this idea that there's this rule i don't mean necessarily rules on the golf course um more like just rules about golf club. Or just things that don't really make sense or that annoy you so we've had loads of good emails in if you want to send your stupid golf rule or your dear rick or anything the podcast email is podcast rickshaws.com it's amazing how people messages on social media saying what's the email address it's really simple it's podcast rickshaws.com to send them in. So it's got two because there's loads of good ones right so i'll put a couple down um let's say your thoughts on them as well so the first one from andrew said shout out from canada it's a bit of a double whammy of a story with stupid rules etiquette that i encountered on the same round about six years ago. So to set the scene myself and three other guys made a weekend trip to a golf course which considered to be quite a nice um golf venue it's quite a bit up more upscale than the course we used to play at um but nothing we couldn't you know couldn't handle the defining feature of the particular course was it designed by none other than john daly um now you know daley himself is quite prone to wearing quirky um bud line ridiculous attire on the golf course. And in fitting with this theme all the staff including starters marshals and all the pro shop staff were kitted out in rather kind of bold polka dot. Or striped pants etc or skirts you know the kind of stuff the loud gear um you might guess this is heading. But one of our guys was quite new to the game. And hadn't really got any proper golfer tire he had a nice colored shirt on but the best pants he could find were a pair of black denim jeans um this really irritated the club staff who rudely protested his pants being jeans. And thus not proper respectful golf attire needless to say we found it ridiculous that beyond words that a man in literal clown pants could be in a position to judge anyone else's golf trousers and classic has been disrespectful to the game these genes were black. And from any more than 15 yards away you could not tell um they were golf pants that's his first part of the story now i can get why he's very annoyed if i'm being super critical on andrew if the rules are no genes. And he's gone in genes they have got a point however. if they're walking around in clown pants they've got a pair of black jeans on that could be quite furious what's your take on that first bit um the only challenge with jeans and as much as he's there saying the black you can't really tell by 15 yards the definition of gene extends much wider than that like where does it stop if the guy next.

To him goes well i've got jeans on. But mine just happened to be blue yeah okay well i've got jeans on. But mine just happened to be like proper denim yeah yeah okay yeah that's fine. And i've got jeans on and just happens to be shorts hot pants whatever it may be so that's my only thing there i'm not saying i agree with it but it's a rule that's yeah okay what that what defines jeans is it i don't know is it dead. So i used to when i used to work at mia we just have to keep an eye on this and apparently what defines genes is the studs oh yeah. But then.

Do you always even have see that one i like my pocket apparently that defines a gene. But you can get those on trousers yeah well this is what was mad. So a couple years later jay lindenberg started bringing out trousers or something like that and they had these studs and we were like well actually does that become. So we have to change like the rule or whatever so on that first point andrew i kind of i do agree with him. But it's also um it's a tough one anyway the next.

Point i can see why this annoyed him he said. So anyway we had a bit of discussion with the staff i know they did let us go out in the end we got the first tee. And this is where the next.

Part of the story comes in after all that hassle i went to my golf ball on the second from the last t-box. So they must have like a blacks at the very back whatever it's the next.

One before that only for the starter to run over and proceed to boldly boldly states that my group could not play off this tee because we didn't look like we'd hit it that far okay at this point i was fuming as we hadn't even hit a golf shot. And already being through so much idiotic castle i proceeded to tell the starter to shove it in a nice canadian way and channel my rage into bombing a drive straight down the middle and um straight down the middle and a long and straight one as well after which i simply stared at the bewildered course marshall who didn't say a word after that as you can imagine this experience soured our round. And um didn't go back to that venue again that that's a misjudgment there isn't it if he just said the white tees are. For members or for comps whatever you can't use them fair enough or if this if there's a very clear obvious um of course in america or canada or anything else but from what i've seen have like if you want to play off the blacks you've got to be an ability of scratch or better yes to play off the white she's gonna be off five. Or better whatever it may be if that was implemented. And the starter had a start sheet with the everyone's handicap on and went well actually you guys are off 20. the tg. And and said it nicely really sorry gents uh just just to let you know that the teas you've actually chosen today.

Are. For golfers of 10 handicap and better yeah you're probably going to enjoy your round better that's fair if you played off a tee that would suit you more. So yeah we've got these yellow tees. And the golf course is. So much more interesting from there you'll enjoy it better um i would i would advise if you want to try those tees you can do. But i would advise maybe playing off the yellows you'd enjoy a lot more yeah um golf okay i've got one more as well because i thought that was quite a good one. And i think i do like this kind of feature i think it's gonna be a lot of variety. And different people's experiences so the next.

One i've got it's a bit shorter this one's from william um if this if i've read this right the first time i've read it it is outrageous i just want to read it i'm gonna be obviously out loud now i might have missed something. But from when i read this this did infuriate me my experience of a silly rule slash ban about 12 years ago i was a junior captain about 15 years old at my local club. And was partnered in up in a knockout pairs match which runs throughout the year with a with a fellow junior who was my friend okay we got drawn to play against my dad. And his friend in one of the rounds the deadline for our match being played running out which often happens at golf clubs because you've got people are busy etc. And our availability to play was limited we arranged to play the match on a thursday evening okay nothing untoward here thursday evening happens to be also junior night at the golf club to which there were approximately 10 junior members at the time long story short we waited until it was clear played the match we won. But got disqualified by the committee because we played a men's match on junior night to make matters worse following a committee meeting all four of us so the lad his mate his dad and his dad's friend all got banned from playing golf for four weeks how outrageous is that oh my god we've got the junior captain playing after dunes have gone out on a thursday with his father who's obviously an adult. And his friend and they got all four of them got banned for four weeks has that annoyed you i i believe the club 100 would lead the club i wanted to name the club i mean it was 12 years ago now whatever it was still that's ridiculous that that is that is absolutely it yeah. So if you've got a story this is nothing yeah if you've got a story that's as annoying. Or as stupid as that um please email us because we want to hear some more fine crazy and hopefully golf's changed since 12 years ago like that story you're paying for these facilities now unless you do something that is absolutely unforgivable yeah like if something happens which you know something last week we're not going to mention yeah yeah if something happens where you they're not barrels by the way if you do something that seriously breaks the rules if you steal break something you know completely disregard the rules several times then.

You deserve to get banned then.

You deserve to get kicked out because you obviously you couldn't do that if you were paying at a gym if you were paying money at a gym you can't do you can't go swimming in the pool naked because that's not by the rules. And you get kicked out so that's why i'd equip a membership david lloyd but if you're oh i just find it crazy annoying right it's just ridiculous just a quick one matt how far in are we 36 oh right okay i'll tell you what then.

Before we get on to the uh we're going to put the u.s open in a bit of depth. But before we do that i want to give you a dear rick. And then.

We've got a nice bit of time towards the end to really want to do something happy with that i also want to talk about average championship okay well let's do derek first then.

Because this kind of might lead us into watching a lot of golf this weekend. So i want to talk about it okay well i've got a d-ring. For you then.

Um obviously rick's the moment aren't sponsored so the person who gets their email read out today.

Who's called rob i don't think i need to leave anonymous you're not gonna get him into any prize drawers getting nothing. But you are rick's friend. For life happy with that wow it's quite it's quite a commitment if you shout four you're definitely his friend it's quite a commitment um okay. So rob has emailed in and he wants some of your advice rick so if you listen are familiar with dear rick you've noticed the point where rick starts to close his eyes. And get really into this he really likes his derricks so let's go with this one so dear rick i'm at a stage in my golf life where i don't know what to do okay i played a decent standard as a junior. And i was scratching i was 17. And played county level so he's a bit of a baller i stopped playing for the best part of 10 years due to family life having kids etc i started playing again a few years ago and it was like i never stopped first round back i shot a couple over. And i'm consistently breaking par around various different courses i feel for the game now that i didn't have when i was younger i feel there was too much pressure as a kid that's gone now okay. So that makes perfect sense he's a junior is at county level you know it's a lot of pressure it becomes your whole life now he's 10 years older got children golf the hobby. So he feels better when he's playing my problem is that i feel like i'm being pressured into playing competitions everybody i play with tells me how to get a handicap which i don't i don't have at the minute. And play some open competitions and see where i'm at my worry is by doing this it puts pressure with back on me. And it could potentially obviously have an impact on my enjoyment for this great game part of me thinks why not i know i can compete with most people. And on a good day i can knock it around in six seven under. But it's stress-free free uh even when it's a bad day and i shoot 75 i just don't care at the moment it's just nice enough sunday to get away from the misses and the kids a bad day in a shoot 75 yeah he's a good golfer it's a good one to say surnames he says it's nice on a sunday to get away from the wife. And the kids for a few hours and just have a laugh i'm really in two minds what to do what would you do i know um i will enjoy playing competitively again. But when i play bad i don't want to be breaking clubs anymore etc um oh christ he then.

Says if he was a podcast could you keep me anonymous i've always said his name's rob. So there's many robs to listen to this podcast so sorry rob you're not anonymous but i'm not a surname um i i like what i'd i'd stick with what he's doing okay firstly from somebody who has had experience of playing competitions. And had had my fingers burnt several times and actually no longer enjoy playing in competitions i think he's a really nice spot where he can relax he can play with friends he can if he goes. And shoots six under he's happy as larry if he shoots 75 or whatever he shoots he doesn't have to go home and kick the cat he can just like he can just chill i like i like where he's at at the moment i understand there's probably a hunger. For other people for him to compete um it's a bit like when we james robinson xtor pro we're like go on james give it another shot but he's quite comfortable he's happy with what he's doing you know and there's a lot of commitment to trying playing in competitions he might want to practice more he might want to suddenly start putting more time and effort in and he doesn't want to rob doesn't want to he just wants to chill he wants to get away from the family at the weekend bit a bit of rob time and i respect him for that you know what i'll say no no i i don't think he should he might something we've heard soon that you don't massively have to be a member. And you don't have to play in competitions to get a handicap soon do you either get one. So you could get a handicap if you wish to if he doesn't play comps it's probably pointless anyway it might just be a way of him just going oh yeah i'm off scratch. Or whatever it almost might appease his friends more that he's playing with that they they oh yeah he's got a handicap now we play with rob who plays off plus one. Or plus it sounds like he might be off plus five or something you know what i in a lot of ways i completely agree with what you're saying and although i'm not obviously at rob's level i'm in a similar boat right now where i don't play comps don't have a handicap i just play and enjoy it and part of me is thinking she'll just start playing comps again the only thing i would say is. For me although i don't play elite level comps clearly but when i have done or when i did playing comps having a good round in a comp versus having a good round with your mates just on a saturday on a sunday is different that buzz you get when you sign your scorecard after 18 holes. And you play in the comp and played well even if you don't win is unreal it's it is. For me it's so much better i played at bert the other day and it played quite nicely and i was happy about the card it was all friendly. And i went home drove home quite chuffed if that was a comp i'd have been well more chuffed however. the downside is if i play bad when i play with you walk off get in the car it's gone if i was playing a comp with you that's probably gonna annoy me even though i'm not any good level until i go to bed that night. So it's that kind of i think there's more reward playing comps. But i definitely there's a lot more annoyances and you'll get angry 100 yeah just stay in the middle section where's that yeah i don't i don't think he needs to change it. But the desire might overcome his is his kind of comfortable position yeah we'll see how it pans out let us know rob. But um my opinion i since i've stopped playing competitions i felt a lot more kind of chilled about my game if i was grinding every day all week like competitions is the things that that's the medal around your neck that's the reward you might need. But if you don't want to do that hard work. And effort just chill and play some casual cough hey um can we do amateur championship quickly first yeah right. So amateur championship here in the uk um this is the british amateur championship it was played at nan this this year which is up in scotland very very north the format is it something along the lines of like 120 120 our players playing it. Or something it's quite a large field these are amateurs from typically around the world this year it's quite different. And i know this because a really good friend of mine played in it he plays off something like plus four and he's never been able to get into the amateur championship because typically it's filled with a lot of people from abroad from different countries where the handicaps might be different or whatever it may be there's two reasons why we played it this year one the world handicapped system has neutralized that out a little bit so it's a bit more of a level playing field and because so many more people weren't actually coming to the um event from overseas he managed to get in off plus four i think he was off you then.

Do 36 holes to qualify. For the knockout stages where then.

It's the final 32. no it's just a quick one it's 288 players getting it all right. But yeah. But it is from all over the world um. And then.

It's two rounds of 18 holes um over the first two days and then.

The 64 lowest go into the um match play section right yeah. So it was a little bit yeah it's right kind of thing. So apparently the golf course was ridiculously hard the um wind. And the rain and whatever it was it was very challenging anyway it came through to the final day this was sunday i was saturday i was watching it because it was live streamed on um youtube eight hours live streamed it's quite cool. And it was between two players now i don't want to savage the name let me just bring this up it was from laird shepherd. And monty how do we pronounce this sir scarcely it was one of the most epic matches i've ever witnessed in all of my life okay i know you didn't watch loads of well you didn't watch any of it. But i want to kind of explain it a little bit so the final is 36 holes. So it's match play 36 holes so if you're on a run it could end quite early like it could end midway through the second round if you if you play it well because theory could end after 19 holes obviously it would never do that. So the first nine through the match was fairly level playing field the back nine of the first match monty took a massive lead after 18 holes he was seven up in the match flipping there okay. So lad was seven down with 18 holes left to play it's outrageous now what would you be thinking at that point one what would you be thinking if you were that monty. And two what would you think if you led you're eating lunch you're seven up right picture the scene you're seven up you're tucking into your butt right you're kind of thinking you've got it won haven't you yeah you weren't really you'd like to think at that level they've not got that mindset. But they probably have got that minds haven't let's be honest you you pretty much think you have one won the match you kind of turn up in in the last um 18. And you're thinking if i just get it through the first nine i can't see him beating me yeah right on the flip side if you were laird you're eating your body thinking i don't even want to go back out like do i even like what what am i going to do because i can't come back from seven down can i 18 holes left to play in the amateur match played in the amateur championship which by the way gets you if you win it uh i don't think there's any prize money because it's amateur if there is it's not a lot of prize money. But it gets you access into the open this year gets you access into the masters next.

Year and the us open and the us open and you can turn pro now i believe you couldn't used to you had to have had to keep your amateur status to play in those events was i believe now you can turn pro yeah. So if you let's say let's say the winner turns pro as soon as they've won this they're playing they open they make the call they're getting to top top 15 they're making someone yeah some big money right. So apparently these two lads are really good friends as well lad. And monty both from england but i know lead lives in scotland now he's at um 5 for university or something like that i've never seen a more epic final 18 holes in my life now it was close. And it got to the last four holes and laird shepherd was four down with four to play right right monty was four up with four holes to play right you've got that beat haven't you you'd like to think. So like you can't oh he can't lose this is where pressure. And kind of sheer whatever it may be determination there was a crowd walking around it was live streaming on youtube this is gonna be big news this is where the attitudes changed because it was horrible to see. But monty definitely kind of didn't quite handle the pressure lead made some phenomenal golf shots in the final few holes he bird i think he birded 17. Or whatever it was to force the match down the last hole monty had a bit of a nightmare on the last hole anyway leading up level in the match after 36 holes it was all square. So they go into a playoff right on the second hole of the playoff laird shepherd won the match mad absolutely crazy i couldn't believe it i mean i was just literally watching it i was flicking through it all day just going this is one of the greatest matches i've ever seen in my life it almost didn't get enough air time even though it was live streaming that should have been. For me on sky sports news it should have been all over the news as one of the most epic matches ever in golf because it was literally it had everything great shots kind of not great shots where the pressure hit recovery fight back it could be written into a bloody movie um no i i watched a few clips on youtube after when you mentioned it. And it did look unbelievable. But i think obviously any elite tournament there's masses. And masses of pressure clearly but i think. For me that is arguably obviously about you know the majors. And some of the huge soar events it's one of the most one of the most pressured golf tournaments in the world because the amateur championship is regarded that. And the us amateur obviously has been the biggest amateur tournaments in the world obviously and you know your name goes on that truck i mean if you look at some of the names on that trophy um you've got let me just you've got manosaro i know he's not quite going onto. But he obviously came off the scene massively after winning it jose maria you've got sergio garcia you've got gary woolstone won it a couple of times tommy fleetwood is he actually got beat in the final at term. And then.

Obviously the most famous winner is bobby jones i believe won it as well um it's mad when you look at the actual finals like there's a lot of big names got beat in the final isn't there in 84 it was alessarbo versus monty like colin montgomery monty. But what's weird is when you go down the list of the it's on wikipedia you can look at the um the finals obviously champion. And the runner-up some of the names have gone on to be absolute household names trevor and woman lost in the final 97 but then.

Some of them you've never heard of so it's weird isn't it how like obviously not guaranteed to go on and be an amazing professional golfer but equally some of them do go on to be a friend of mine who i when i was at mir his dad won it really yeah back in 1980s he played in the open. And everything won't bring his name up but it's like crazy to think like there's. So many people that have done so kind of well with it you know there's i mean it's just crazy anyway it was awesome i just wanted to shine a bit of light on it the amateur game is. So phenomenal and you know certainly for me i think after watching it i am i can't wait to see what laird does at um george's because i believe he's quite he lives quite close to there that's where he grew up uh because he's from rye is that kind of that way i'm sure it is sure i want to have a quick look. So i'm sure he said in his speech after that he's he grows up he grew up near uh royal saint george's let me just have a quick check yeah not far away half an hour probably from royal saint george's. So it'll be really interesting there i can't wait to see him in the masters and just hope he does well like obviously it's hard to predict how these guys are going to do. But um from one golf event to another us open yeah we've covered quite a bit already this podcast. And sorry if you've tuned in not to listen to golf you're getting a lot of golf today.

So so the bat nine of sunday when i rapper sat down and started watching it was i couldn't believe that the leaderboard it was outrageous who are you rooting. For honestly ram really yeah because of what happened a couple of weeks ago because of what happened two weeks ago yeah the fact that he was leading i can't remember the memorial by six shots going into the final round who's guaranteed to win i say guaranteed we've just after talking about the us yeah playing well he was almost guaranteed to win it his first win using his new clubs is signing a different deal um first win becoming a father everything like it was his stars were aligned. And he's not potentially over the last few years really fulfilled his potential how's he really you would have thought he'd won a major by now but he's he's quite it's world number one now yeah he's obviously an unreal golfer i can't get over. And i watch him how much speed he gets from that like almost three-quarter swing i i've grown to really really love him yeah. And honestly right now and i know i'm probably a little bit honeymoon period he's really getting close to one of my favorite golfers yeah i just love. So much about him i love his attitude i love his passion i love how he gets annoyed and it sounds ridiculous but i love seeing that his golf game is just different level i want to hit that shot that he hits off the tee that little peeling fade that starts down the left how lucky was he when he went out of bounds ridiculous was it 14. Or something whatever it was. And that that is in a golf tournament you do need a bit luck where louis houston hasn't i love louie he's such a calm relaxed never looks too faded he's won obviously the open at sent andrews many years ago i think it was 10 years ago. Or so he's come second so many times in major tournaments it's outrageous the difference between ram and um louise nazen in that final six seven holes his ram was looking at attempts. For birdies and really really giving it a go where louis was holding phenomenal power puts like he was holding on where round was pushing those two that ram hold on 17. And 18 as left to right slippery ones were outrageous ridiculous he got he got lucky stroke unlucky on 16 because he was way across the green. And he hits this port a little bit too hard and it hits the cup quite a lot of the cup and stayed out but if i'm honest if it would have missed it's going well it would have been 6 10 foot 12 foot past right. So he got a little bit on because it could have dropped and it could but again you need a bit of luck the put on 17 was just out of this i hate left to right puts i do hate him. And he holds an amazing one there and he's done that quite a few times on the final few holes he did it against dj he did it to win i think the travelers back in one of his first ever tour wins he has the ability to hold big puts when it matters his birdie on 18 is one of the greatest birds i've ever seen. And it sounds crazy that because he hit this amazing tee shot down the left side of the fairway in prime position he had 220 yards left in i think he pulled a five iron. Or a six iron hit his little peely fade he was very very very unlucky hit the kind of side of the bunker. And spat across the bunker face so he was on more of a down slope three yards left he's on the green putter. For eagle weirdly two yards right and it lands in the bunker more he would have had a much easier shot the shot he played from that bunker under that much pressure blows my mind it absolutely blows my mind because he he really thought about it he had to count he couldn't go towards the flag he had to play out sideways he had to use the contour it was one of the great shots i've ever seen under that amount of pressure. And then.

To stand there and hold that put for birdie to set the clubhouse lead to set the benchmark that louie had to beat i was looking at going this is this is um. And i was not bothered about this tournament as i mentioned earlier i wasn't that bothered about the us open it just whatever reason went under my radar in that split moment i was. So glad i was watching history being made hopefully he continues to win many many more majors the fact that he warts off the green. And got to hug his little boy he's only got his he's a few months old and his wife there uh a really lovely moment on father's day everything that happened two months two weeks ago i was literally crying my eyes out sat on the sofa on my own at one o'clock in the morning going why does nobody shout four [Laughter] andy shouts. For which i love about him as well i just love it i think you know. And and we didn't live in the in the area of sevi we talked about this before you know when when david cannon came in a few weeks ago and gave us his lovely book with sevi we didn't live in that era but what it means to spaniards and what it means to europeans and certainly john rahm the us opening is a tournament that sevi never won. And really wanted to win um it i just it was literally talking about the amateur championship being a film the us open this year would have comfortably been a film because you had you had your villains yeah not shouting four you had your ups you had your downs i mean louis again on 17 they hit it into the hazard up the left-hand side um ended up needing to take a penalty drop um nearly made par wheelie with the second ball had to eagle the last hole got really unlucky with a bad lie down the side of the fairway on in the roof on the left-hand side who couldn't go. For the green in two annoyingly had to lay up had to try and hold his pitch um just awesome i like it well obviously everybody that wins a major deserves to win a major because you wouldn't have won it it's four days of competitive golf with the elite golfers in the world you can't win a major without deserving to win a major that makes sense but i always like it when somebody wins one that i feel like really should have an unlocker do you get what i mean it's like when sergio finally won the masters obviously now with john rahm there's been a few players like molinari in the open who have been up. And around for a long time yeah. And you almost think i don't mean rounds 26 there's no mad rush. But you almost think i'm glad they've got one now because they don't become that player that's the nearly man you know. And i think now he's got one there's no reason why he won't go on to win obviously loads more another quick question. For you then.

And again i know i've said this a million times the podcast. But i don't watch loads of tall golf and i probably should start to watch more but rory ended up coming tied seventh and he finished two over for the day so i think he's won over the tournament that must have been one of his best chances in a while really it's now been. And it's mad to say seven years since he last won a major is he gonna the last one was the opening. So literally come to bang on seven years ago again he's only how old is he he's 30 he's 32 she's a very young man still is he going to win another i must admit looking at leaderboard last night i honestly if if my heart wanted jon ryan to win i was looking. And going. But honestly i was looking at leaderboard going rory surely got the greatest chance of winning this because rory. For me and there was a start that way that came out this weekend um players who have the most under par on the last two days in majors okay yeah rory is number one he's 54 on the par in. For the weekend of major tournaments wow i can't remember what time frame that is now how crazy is that because typically he gets off to a bad thursday yeah that's what happens he didn't this week he was right up there. And typically and again i think rory is an outrageously good golfer not. For one minute i may have a question in that and he will i think he will win more majors i really do. And a bit like almost john rahm i think he needs to get that one in. And then.

And then.

I know he's already won five as it's one four four i know i know he's already had them but they almost feel like a different time zone now right think of the change in golf the last seven years who's come on to the scene. And one kept becca's got four in that time speed start of course a long time ago seven years ago yeah now john rahm as well what else is match if you look right. So seven years ago go on so matt wolfe for example oh come on that's annoying there's somebody when you type in matt wolfe there's somebody that's actually a filmmaker that comes up first on wikipedia one sec so matt wolfe is 22.. So when rory last one a major he'd been 15. how mad is that that is mental like these guys now that are really up there. And competing were like literally mid teenager. And rory last on a major madness yeah. And i was watching yesterday. And the only thing and i'm not jumping onto this i don't want this to be a big deal or anything for me the difference was there yesterday john rahm was holding puts a lot of people weren't rory being one of them. And literally john ryan stood there and he had to hold otherwise if he doesn't hold those puts on 17 or 18 he he's third fourth he's in the pack you've got to hold those puts and that that is the big the big big difference in that situation. But honestly from what i thought was not gonna be a great tournament i honestly thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it sunday afternoon with that packed leaderboard i mean you look at the leaderboard again. But shout out to um uh addresses surname the italian guido yeah i don't know how you say it that was class i was a big fan of that yeah um because he's come top four uh tied fourth the fact you can see bryson colin marikawa zander schaffler uh poor casey back up there um bryson until he's kind of collapsed on the back nine he shot eight over about nine sounds like me i'd like to say it's just one of those things. But um that's what happens if you don't shout for you get the evil rick shields vibes is that karma possibly [Laughter] i mean have you enjoyed today's show rick i felt you've got a lot of your chest i feel like i need to dear rick dear it myself yeah okay we'll tell you what then.

Let's close it up there we go an hour the only i'd like to a longer one. But i said last week what these problems are having with their apple podcasts weirdly the only thing i can find having common is when the long going like an hour. And 20 minutes long that seems to be for whatever reason when apple just can't handle it and doesn't spit them out so let's keep this about an hour today.

Okay. So hopefully it'll go on tomorrow and tuesday and everyone's iphone and it'll be there ready um i recovered everything we've covered everything correct all we need is more emails of people. So podcast rickshaws.com if you've got any dear rix you've got any um stupid golf rules we need to bring back up to nightmare golf stories uh list of the week we've got loads to cover next.

Week um also asked last week you know the last time would last for a while now if you've not written the podcast on apple please do give us five stars that'll make rick feel good um. And if you'd rather actually this isn't it if you're right turning me into like some sort of like like moody bastard you've been a moody bastard today.

I'm gonna made bastard the other one that came in punching walls. So people don't shout for um but if you leave a review maybe just leave a review hopefully five stars and say i shout for and that would be nice to know people watch out for and then.

The last thing should maybe have the jingle play for a little minute at the end now so people just get used to new jingle and and this ain't going anywhere don't get used to it thanks listen everyone that was episode [Music] 81..