Serious question now would you rather rob all get through to the open in england get beat by germany or german or england win and robo not go through all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy this is episode number 82. have a good weekend pav i did. But first of all let's pretend let's not pretend this is the first time i've done this i like doing it that way we did it about two minutes ago. And everything was going well. And then.

Matt who's behind the camera realized one of the cameras was fuzzy because i kicked it when i had an emergency wee before we started. So this is the second time we've done this. But anyway answer your question rick i had a good weekend i pretended i didn't hear what you said first time i believe you you went out. For some dinner well on saturday i went to liverpool with my mum and my two nieces and we had a nice day out we want to go to nando's um unfortunately we went to nando's and said can we have a table please said no it was an hour wait before he could even join the queue wow which wasn't very good. So we had a five guys instead that's not a bad switch it was. But i believe somebody spotted me you were you were you were spotted throwing your weight around outside the front of nando's. And you know who i am i'm the co-host of the rickshaw show podcast i know james robinson and michael made his head brown he went whoa but do you really know derek chan exactly he said no no idea um. So guys this week's episode we're gonna chat a little bit about golf about my most previous round at jcb the final of the break 75 which hopefully everybody enjoyed i think the reception. For break 75 has been outstanding mm-hmm it has um the concept that we came up with earlier in the year there's a good idea on it well done guys thanks um i think if we told you have we told the story about how we came up the idea i don't know if we have actually. So was it during golf courses still it was during golf courses were still closed. And it was probably about march time 2021.. And it was earlier than that was it yeah i can find out the email now what's that. So we were sat in the garage film ready to film a club review in my home simulator of the callaway irons. And we just all sat around it was me guy. And harry and we were just like how do we make this video interesting because we couldn't get on the golf course we couldn't do anything. And we ended up inevitably having a brainstorming session thinking about well how how can we make something fun this year what would be a fun series of videos that would get me out playing a little bit more as well. But also would kind of really take the the audience on a bit of a journey yes what was the date it was the 27th of january january yeah an email it's quite actually it looks quite good this email i think i um knew what i was doing if you saw this. But the format at the time so obviously it's changed a little bit um was how matt does my audio sound all right by the way yeah okay i feel like i sound a bit weird might be my headphones um we're going to have 14 episodes every friday at 4 p.m. So we work far from our fault we had 12 episodes but inevitably we didn't have 14 because we we were gonna do a um almost a preview episode you remember that's what we're gonna do yeah. But it kind of didn't quite work and it ended up becoming the trailer that you would have seen just before the break 75 series and we also threw in a clip from the pot this very podcast on the main channel so it's probably about right it was actually 14 episodes in total we were going to have them 10 minutes long every video that didn't stick to original plan we wanted to make them super super super snappy. But that was too hard i don't think it would have worked actually in the end it was if you think about this in 18 holes going around playing golf that takes roughly when we're filming four to five hours comfortably now these videos could be an hour plus long they could be five minutes. But you wouldn't see a lot in five minutes and but then.

Also an hour would be too long so we had this premise of being very short snappy i think the sweet spot sat somewhere between 15 minutes. And 20 minutes in the end but what was weird though is it's not always the length it's the actual story. So some of them that were longer actually felt shorter there's more going on um. But i think. For my actual probably favorite was probably the last one at jcb weirdly i think it had everything i felt like what's always a good sign of a good a sign of a good video certainly when we're looking at putting a really good youtube video together. And harry who did all the editing. For the um the break 75s big shout out to harry um also matt did a lot of the film news behind the camera today.

And also i don't want to nick like uh tim another one of our our senior editor does loads of the coaching videos that you see online. So big shout out to him as well i want to give him some love too but when harry shows us a preview i know it's a good video when i have to say how long are we through this preview because it feels like i've been watching. For two minutes and sometimes he says oh 10 minutes through and it's like wow this this feels like a good video because for those first 10 minutes i've been absolutely engrossed i can't wait to watch more and hopefully that comes across in the videos i like the little kind of quirky edits we've had in the video different ways of filming it different ways of putting it together i think sahari's music choices have been outstanding really set the scene on certain aspects of it um. So as an overall product we're really happy with it there will be possibly one. Or two special episodes coming soon which you can look forward to there will be i think one definite two's uh not gonna particularly happen now. But we'll see what happens in the future um and then.

Season two will be out next.

Year start of probably start at about april time again will it still be break 75 then.

I think that's still a nice number yeah i agree you know weirdly in the end i did it 5 out of 12 times which has let me down a little bit there was there was i think i shot 77 three times did yeah uh obviously i had a couple of nightmares two at jcb one that said anzold links um. And then.

Just a couple of kind of high 70s so i still think 75 is a nice number i feel right now as the end of the series approach has approached i feel like now i've got nine months to get ready. For next.

Year's no pressure i don't know what i'm going to do different i might have anything different i might put a few more balls. But i think the level that you're at the number is right because it's like you said if you got if you really put a little left into improving. And you and you did. And it would break 75 you'd probably do it a bit more easily. But i think it's a good number at the minute because like you go out. And you could do it you could not that's what people enjoy as well it's a realistic it's probably more reflective of people's handicap i know again your handicap's been given as plus one. But in reality if you go out and shoot free over you're pretty happy with that yeah. Or two over whatever exactly um but no it's been good. And i think people have enjoyed it. And there's gonna be more episodes coming in the future yes i'm excited. For it and i think going back to what we've just talked about there this kind of idea of setting certainly my own parameter um it was exactly now four years ago since i last qualified i last really played competitive golf. And the last time i actually participated in regional open qualifying well my last open qualifying took place in 2017 at west langs where i finished in style with the holy one on 17 and power on 18. i hung up my open qualifying boots and went i'm okay with that now because i know where my limit sits well open qualifying was this weekend it was. And today.

Well this comes out tuesday it is the final qualifying. So we should know by the end of today.

Well not actually today.

That we're recording this. But bad times podcasts out who's got in who's not got in etc i'm gonna give a very very quick summary of what open qualifying is certainly. For people in the states that might not know it a lot of people in the uk might not know what it is okay over the last few years it's it typically you'll have a regional qualifying golf course which is as it is a regional qualifying course normally there's probably about eight regional qualifying golf courses around the country. And on one particular day normally at the end of june there is an 18 hole competition. And a top section of each regional qualifiers the lowest scores will qualify to play in final qualifying which normally takes place about a week. Or so later at a different venue a final qualifying venue where typically three players qualify after playing 36 holes of golf and those three players from four different final qualifying events so 12 in total play in this year's that year's open championship this year has been slightly different there's only four regional qualifying venues once you qualify from there split over two days more field went through to final qualifying final qualifying takes place today.

At the said same said venues as regional qualifying. And making the sound dead simpler again regional final qualifying is 36 holes top three getting 12 golfers who sum a mix of amateur golfers who are playing off scratch. Or better teaching pros x tour pros tour pros anybody has the chance potentially to be playing in the open in those 12 spots the magic comes from like you said if you're a scratch handicap amateur. Or a pj pro or just to pro you're 54 holes away from playing in the open crazy and that is why the open obviously the name the open is kind of. So kind of magical and i think you would find that most pga golf pros at your pro shop at your local golf shop i've probably tried at least once haven't they most because why would you not is it 120 quid. Or something to enter i think it's getting close to 1550 quid to enter certainly if you're an amateur because actually i'm going to quantize this in the moment there's a guy from my golf club who entered i don't think there's a couple of guys there was one guy who in a touchdown at the moment who entered. And his reason for playing it was literally it's 150 quid to play a good golf course in its best condition at its most tough tough test you know back tea super thick rough etc. And you've also got the chance of playing with either a pro or another elite amateur who may go on to be a famous toppo in the future it's a good way of looking at it so it's a day out and it's putting yourself because a lot of these guys are amateurs might be the best player at the club. Or even at county level or whatever it might be so there might be a big fish sometimes a small pond and you go to up and qualify and then.

Some real serious golfers in there and it puts you on a level you see how good you actually are. And again it's that dream if it's if even if you scratch handicappers it's not gonna happen probably but if a scratch handicapper has three rounds where everything goes right it could happen maybe yeah that's the exciting thing there's no if you got to if you got through. And you played great regional great final you shot the lowest of the scores it doesn't matter what your handicap was what your background is where you came from who whatever it may be you have a chance playing in the open. So we've got some great news very good news because your friend of mine friend of the show yes who had an amazing podcast episode you'd have heard it i can't remember what number it was now probably in the 50s would it have been i don't know a while ago james robinson yes who played in the open in 2019 at carnoustie 18 18 at carnoustie yeah 19 was in ireland 20 didn't happen yeah yeah um he participated in regional qualifying he shot five on the path lost it he's through to final qualifying today.

He's an absolute baller. And like you said did he have no bogeys zero bogeys that's happened five birdies at his home course with with a relatively amount of pressure pressure from our audience starting to follow him now he's got like 16 000 followers on instagram now yeah he's been participating in road to the open that the documentary at the opening that was a very shout out to the open. For that those videos were really good they documented four people on their journey to hopefully qualifying. For the opening and james one in particular was class. And he featured you on it as well you'd have also seen him from the two videos we filled or three videos we filmed with james where first off we took on the challenge of can he shoot on the par with 70 pound golf clubs yeah bossed it like you said can he challenge me with playing with only four clubs smash me. And also a little cool coaching video that he did five tips to play better around the short game. And when he pitched one in from like 50 yards we know he's got such a following now and he's so cool and everyone aspires to be him when you hear the kids on the streets now they're wearing some new trainers or sneakers they don't go oh they're sick or they're cool oh they're robbo them because everyone wants to be robbo i like new hurts roberto that does that new taylormade java it's proper robbo cause that just means cool now guys want to be him girls. But want to be with him yes. But he's been happily married um with a child so yeah he's qualified i we. Or everyone here from the rickshaws golf show massively support him hopefully he continues that doesn't that's always slagging him hopefully continues and you never know at the end of tuesday when you're watching england versus germany and england go through in penalties and we get the good news that james robinson has also qualified for the open the champagne is being popped even you're going to pop a little bit of bubbly on the second monster today.

And go mad serious question now would you rather rob all get through to the open in england get beat by germany or german or england win and robo not go through i know i think you'd go robbo i think i would yeah it's fine yeah i think i'm sorry england. But for me comes first bravo rubble is priority yeah if i had if i if i yeah if i had a golden ticket. And i could say only one thing happened robo's playing in the old your hair's getting more like rubbles as well everybody else i'll take his hair any day no take any part [Laughter] um. But no robo has killed it. And and regardless of what he does today.

On tuesday he has. For someone that coaches full-time with a very young child very very busy golf coach to go out and shoot five under with no bogeys his awesome goal. So he's really kind of lived up to his height well not his own hype he's not great the height but the hype we've created if you like he's lived up to doesn't it also show that talent is. So paramount so you were telling me the story. And i was following it a bit as well because i know a little bit about him. And his and his um his ladder is really good on instagram um oh god i forgot his last name that's going to annoy me who ben oh barry yes yes. So barry taylor who is a golf pro at clarks golf center where you go on practice sometimes really nice guy had loads of like local event victories have you ever played in the open no he's got through um regional before he's never got through final i was following his journey. So much yesterday because after nine holes he was three on the pirate um west lance yeah. And then.

Unfortunately had a little bit of a nightmare finish and just missed out by one but again barry's not he doesn't practice does he yes about as richard then.

Barry taylor is a golf coach he used to be a full-time player certainly like the local tours he's very good at kind of language level. And country level i think he's probably his best accolades he played in the pj cup which is where the best pga golf pros in the country play against this it's like a rider cupboard. For pj pros basically um but he's a really good player but he hasn't played competitive golf i'd say for years and probably hasn't played a round of golf i think it's me. For a year or so he clips a few balls in between lessons and stuff yeah he shot two over. So he's currently as it stands now he's the eighth reserve um which he's probably not going to get through on that. But like you said just to show there's comes a level where obviously you have to practice. But some guys and girls have just have a level of talent work they're always gonna be able to get it around aren't they they just have it well it's a bit like probably similar but bit different but like when you watch ian woozen at the masters and we've said about it over the week he's obviously going to win it he's not embarrassing himself he's getting it around. So he's just he's got it to a level hasn't been i think some of these guys i mean two over around west lancaster not played. For ages it's really impressive um another so that that guy i mentioned before from my golf let's try to touch on that so there's a guy who is a scratch golfer i think at my golf course he might be lower now with the world handicap system. So i know a few people have come down off that his name's dave jarminard i think he's like a french setting. But he's an english guy um and he shot nine over at west lance but this is again. For me i know we've talked there's a lot on podcasts and people might be getting a bit sick of it but there's levels of ability so dave is a scratch golfer. So at my club he's one of the best players there's one club champs at hanford i'm gonna say he's competing every time club champions he's from what i've not played in for years he's not a massive hitter but keeps it straight can get it round. And round his home course he's a comfortable genuine scratch golfer really good at like i say playing that golf course that he's played a hundred times yeah. And he can score really well. So he went to um qualify and he shot nine over eight to one which was come tied 95th. So he's far from embarrassed himself he shot nine over which is probably the kind of worst he'd want to really shoot. But again not horrendous score is 81 really. But it just again goes to show the levels the scores that have qualified so far has won over so he's about eight shots away from qualifying but our local golf club he is what we call an elite player. So again that kind of big fish in a small pond and it's just that level of light every golf club again has got the scratch goal for the plus one goal for the elite junior but even to get for the first stage of open qualifying it's just that different level and he's i messed him before and said you know i was doing the podcast today.

And did he mind if we mentioned his name. And his score and he said absolutely no problem at all he was playing pretty well he said look at 8-2-1 he was only one over. For 15 of the holes but then.

Eight over the other three so as we see with these links courses you have a couple of bad holes it just destroys you so easy to make doubles 100 but he said actually as well he said um all in all it was a great experience when am i a decent club golf which is quite modest. But nothing more than that it's very modest really ever get the chance to play with a likely future tour pro around west lancaster 150 quid loved every second of it very good and he actually weirdly played a josh grier who was the australian young lad who featured in your break 75 video with minwoo lee at king's barns who plays off plus five. And he qualified yeah wow mad small world isn't it really. So so uh josh qualified james robinson qualified a friend of mine from college who was the best golfer in college by a million miles when i was there chris hansen qualified i think he was nearly winning it um was there any other names that you know of um i actually qualified i know sam avery from sentence old links did he get qualified oh my god um there was a 19-man play offer sent until links i think he was in it. And qualified that's awesome i didn't realize that oh yes there yeah wow that's cool in it that's really good um shout out because i think people want to know i think dan webster did solid yes he would have been it wasn't his best round of golf ever i think he shot 10 over. But considering only the last week he participated in iron man yeah was it iron man. Or trash what's the difference actually i think an iron man's longer character he did it well he did the one that's a marathon a massive bike ride. So whichever one that was it was ridiculous yeah i think he raised 17 000 pounds. For old lake alda hay hospital where he's obviously his son was uh big shout out to dan i think he's done an amazing job there. And actually i'm sure he'll be slightly disappointed about his result but good on him the alpha in the room peter finch peter finch he shot seven over at west lancaster 79 and he came tied 74th so from qualifying he was eight shots off it's really interesting because i i feel like this [ __ ] is my bad seven shots off yeah because one over qualified at west lance i feel like this year as i was looking at it from from kind of looking it from the outside perspective i've not played with pete we've not played golf with pete. For a while but from the outside perspective i felt like he was trending in the right direction i felt like this year with with the things that you couldn't have a crowd at west lance there's no audience that's something that i found really hard to play in front of i don't know if that might have suited him there was a much better chance of getting through regional qualifying because it was more spots available um. But unfortunately it didn't go to plan he didn't qualify which i'm kind of surprised about to some degree because i think he's put a lot more work into his game this year i feel like he he looks like he's swinging it better hitting it better. But it begs that question again you look at the guys who have qualified the ones that we know put somewhat personal josh james um chris hanson whoever else they just have that ability to score outrageously well regardless of pressure like they just have that ability to get the ball in the hole in less shots than most yeah i think that's where pete's lacking at the moment i don't feel like he can put a score together that resembles a five six seven under. But if you said that to me can josh do that who we played with at king's barns yes can james robinson do that do that yes yeah. But but in fern i get what you're saying and this might not be a clip on the youtube channel i'm sure so i want to just get this in before anybody starts commenting things not listening to what i'm going to say fan of pete is i wouldn't cuss him as a friend as such. But i'm not because i don't really know him that well but he's a nice guy and whenever i'm with you we have a bit of chat and he asks how my family doing and stuff so i can't fault him as a bloke yeah first things first. But what i would like to kind of i i my opinion is this is where social media is i think can be false because even you just said it looks like he's doing well that's it on what basis because i can put. And i've done this before myself i'll hold my hands up clips on instagram holding a chip that could be for a triple bogey but if it goes in it's a good clip for instagram could have been your tenth attempt and all and exactly and again another thing to be honest about i've got not many but a couple of swing videos instagram i'll make sure it's the best swing out the bunch where i like i might actually the result might be terrible but if it looks in the positions i want to see himself in i'll put it on yeah. So that's where social media and youtube and you know this was anybody it's not always it can't well your scores are real because your scores. And 75 are what you've shot. But you could put clips from when you've shot 85 and a 75 looks like you've shot six under a smoke drive a chip close a long hauled putt yeah. And someone could go god real estate is playing well well i think that was something that really people loved about the 75s is there was probably two main examples where let's say the first tee shot on jcb the most recent one when i dunked it in the water i could have been. So easy just to go actually guys i'm going to take that. But it's it's that's what happens in golf exactly when i played at hillside and left it in the bunker when playing with spencer and made a trip of bogey that's golf but you don't get these retakes and i didn't have these retakes i wanted it to be authentic and i think that's where it is like i could have easily made those break 75 look like i shot 70 68 every single time yeah. And i could have made that happen and and with like you know you're just saying then.

What pete looks like he's doing off videos and stuff but when it comes to obviously playing golf and putting a score in your hand forget instagram and forget youtube's a different kettle of fish completely isn't it and like you said then.

About you don't you don't think he's got that fast he's under in him maybe he's not. But that's what you're asking for open qualifying you're asking for one over yeah. So it's it's a different level and obviously pete massively does it in his kind of mantra is that he. And i get it he wants to qualify for content because people enjoy watching it and he also has this kind of idea that him played in competitive golf he might learn this about his own game that he can then.

Transcend to the viewer which again fair enough you know if he's played in competitions. And he feels his head's gone or something that's happened or a swing falsely cost him a shot or whatever he can then.

Tell that's the view. And hopefully help the game so again that makes sense but the level that there's a big level there and you know this year he's obviously had the ability to have a personal trainer he's got obviously a simulator in his academy with his studio we can hit balls all the time he's having lessons he's got all the best equipment fitted to him perfectly this was his best [ __ ] getting in i i think looking at it this was his best chance i do. So i'm intrigued to see where it goes next.

Does he continue it does he try it. For because i mean i i stopped doing qualifying. For the opening in 2017 when i was doing the series request. For the open i did it in 15 16 17. after three years i realized i've got no bloody chance yeah like that's it at the moment pete's done he didn't do 15 he did 16 17 18 19 didn't do 20 because there wasn't 121. So he's had five attempts now plus the ones that he's had previously i don't know where i know probably a question for pete where'd you where'd you end up drawing the line and going i don't know if i can shoot that low enough. But that's the thing with the open it's it's 150 pound you have three rounds at it that's it and in in one sense why should ever stop because if it's 150 quid it without being funny is not a lot of money i'm sure to him certainly. For the content it's making it's nothing 150 you have you know all you need to do. And i'm using that term loosely all you need to do is have three of the best rounds of your life. And you're in the open even for him i'm sure he wants to get through the first bit which he you know he could shoot one over on them he could you could do today.

Um. But it's just that thing this is the beauty of the of the open. But also what you need to be realistic about is anybody who's off scratch about i can enter. And like it's only three rounds of golf but it's actually a lot more than that and the analogy we thought of before which is a bit silly i know. And i use this analogy a lot but we've got a dart board in the back off camera if you give me three darts sounds like you get a 180 i'll give you a hundred grand i'm gonna have a go at it and i might do it. But i'm probably not gonna do it am i. And that's that's that it's almost like a gamble in it for 150 pounds for it well probably would for we go yeah because if i do it which i think i could do it's not i've hit 180 well never 180 of it trouble 20 loads of times. So why can't i do it now you know what almost even a better analogy is like each dart is each qualifying event yeah exactly okay it's regional qualifying okay i've hit 60. the next.

Round is the first round of final quarters i've hit it. And then.

The last star is the second round final qualifying to get in the open. Or to for your analogy to win a hundred thousand pounds like your hands like this shaking like crazy i mean that's the different levels i've got a question one can a youtuber who makes content okay there's lots of them now lots of golf youtubers can a youtuber who documents their story. Or puts themselves out there making videos that's their job can they have the ability. And the skill to get into the open absolutely because this weekend i was tracking a lot of the youtube golfers a lot of them didn't have the best performance. But this is the problem right. And obviously i love youtube golf and i'm not going to call anyone out no because that's the other people to look into you've had bad scores which you've talked about. And i want to touch on that 100 but what i want to try and get off my chest it's stupid and once again preempt this if anyone says anything every guy we're talking about i'm sure would go and beat me 10 and 8. so it's not about me thinking i'm better than anybody's that's not relevant but people that make youtube content obviously do it to entertain the viewer to educate them to inform them. And all that and it's great but i think. And i'm involved i'm part of this almost problem if you want i get sucked into it the better than they actually are most these guys that are making content on youtube decent players who can played. For 10 15 20 years and get their self around the golf course but that is one thing doing it properly these guys are a serious serious golfers is a different kettle of fish. And the scores are reflected in that there's no reason why somebody it's not like it you know you could document your round. And then.

Edit it but on youtube might take a couple of hours to do. So you can still balance that with a really heavy workload of golf practice. And be an elite golfer that's doable but the people from the current crop there's none of them really that are that amazing the only ones. And i know i got a little bit of uh the slagging off for saying this last time the only ones i've seen a little bit more promise now because i've seen a bit more resulty type golfers like mika from good good lads mika morris but i don't know again i've not seen him in a competition youtube golf when it's just cameras it's entertaining like i i feel like i'm in my absolute element when i am in front of camera and i'm talking and i'm and i'm like right guys this is what i'm going to do i'm going to hit this shot i'm going to hit a little drawer off that tree i'm going to do this this is what i'm going to do blah blah blah blah oh yeah look at that shot how good is it i'm very verbally the way i'm expressing it i'm turning back to camera i'm giving it a cheeky wink i'm walking off got a bit of swag walking down the fairway that that's how i feel like i play my element playing competitive golf is not that completely different you don't talk you don't get excited really you can't do because other people you can't you can't be doing what i just did then.

Because like. So i'm gonna i'm gonna spin it about that question because when i played competitively as a youtuber i thoroughly didn't enjoy it that thoroughly is probably the wrong word. But i found it very different to obviously playing just golf on camera but playing competitive golf when you know you've got an audience that are following you. And the want to know your result i found when i was playing golf in these competitions if it was going really well. And i was playing solid i was already thinking in my head what's going to be my instagram post after this round of golf like i can't wait to get on on instagram with with me next.

To the leaderboard going hey guys i've shot 67 today.

I'm leading in the clubhouse how good am i. But on the flip side there's so many times as well you'll be playing and you double bogey the first few holes and you go oh crap what [ _ _ ] how am i gonna how can how am i gonna explain this now on instagram how am i gonna tell my audience that oh guys i just didn't didn't have it today.

I've shot seven over again dude that's the difference though certainly in the uk i'm sure the people in the us. Or i might not be aware of all might forget but everybody over here has been a youtuber who then.

Goes actually i'm gonna try and do xyz i'm gonna try. And get on the tour i'm gonna try and get into the open if it was all the way around it was if it's an actual seriously good golfer who then.

Said actually i might document a bit of this journey then.

That's different again different different story in it because they've got the pedigree already it's just whether then.

They'd have the on camera presence. But you can learn that like it would be really interesting something like josh yeah yeah who played it with played me at king's barns qualified. For final qualifying as he got it in him to potentially also do what he's doing with with the ability he's got. But also to make a youtube channel and to be good on youtube as an entertainer yeah. But then.

Again is he. But if he's doing well at his golf is he going to be bothered to exactly. And it's it's a hard balance i think people do get disillusioned by some of the people on youtube because they see them go. And shoot level pilots in a vlog but not only is everything different in terms of how it feels the pressure with your friends the courses helped differently as well yesterday i imagine might be totally wrong we'll be set up well different than if we'd have gone six weeks ago from mesa battle it'll be on the furthest back tease the hardest pin probably the rough will be long it's different isn't it. So and again it's a bit like i know like if i went and played jcb in february off the yellow tees i could get way closer to par exactly but playing off the back tee 7 500 yards when the rough's up to your body hip that's a different game i think my final bit on this. And it don't know why i feel so passionate about it i wish all these people going to open qualifying who make youtube videos all the best they are quite brave like you said they're putting themselves out there knowing full well their score will get scrutinized by that's what happens potentially that's why i stopped playing competitive 100 it's a third play to pete to james wilshere to all these guys the only thing i do kind of stand by is i do think people think the far better than they actually are i really do because you get you you watch them on the odd video make a nice birdie here. And there you think the player thinks they're better than they are. Or the audience think that that player is better than that the player thinks they're better than they are. Or let's sound like the better than they are i mean they don't believe it deep down i think the audience gets sucked into it i definitely believe the audience think they're better than they are because even me like a couple of weeks ago i had a guy going i was in the car park at the marriott. And they'd seen the handicap video and gone oh well done rickoff plus one i'm thinking oh don't be fooled i'm not really i know on paper now with these but i'm not plus one on paper i don't i don't believe i i'm really i still believe i'm a three handicap before handicapper and again it's just that it's that balance between being honest with the audience being being transparent and going like say holding your hands up. And going okay i might not be as good as as i think i am. Or i'm gonna put like i feel like if james robinson played all of them it'd swipe the floor with them without even breaking sweat the other thing we touched on before off camera is handicap now i know again someone's going to probably say well pull to turn prof 4.. But most of these guys you know who are making the youtube videos as well like yourself as well to improve three. Or four i'm not using the last podcast or the one before when you suddenly turn pga pro you think right that's it now i'm a scratch golfer i'm gonna go. And shoot but you're not like pete i know he's probably better than three now obviously but i think pete said prof three james robinson turned off plus four. Or plus five do you have eight shots behind him now you might have got a couple of shots better in a couple of years with all the practice. But you're still so far you wouldn't email to enter if you're an amateur you have to off scratch i also just want to make sure people i know i'm sure people have know this we're talking about james robinson the talk the x-tour pro the ones we've done videos with not james robinson who does the youtube videos because i saw a bit of confusion on that yesterday as well um i think the last last last thing to touch on this because i saw a few tweets again yesterday. And i've you know i've tweeted a little bit about open qualifying obviously is a big big part of the podcast today.

People saying oh why don't you qualify why don't you have a go rick if you think you're. So hard like if you think i'm not because i know i'm not good enough yeah i i know i'm not doing it because i know i'm not good enough to qualify i think that's the thing where people say that that's what i said earlier on with my thoughts people might say oh they're better than you yeah they are yeah. But i'm not for one second in any illusion that i could and and a lot of these people like the guy i know from my club dave who played just for the experience to play in around a good golf course i get that but he's not expecting he can make it the guys that making content around it must believe they can yeah cause you're gonna make videos every year we're not gonna if you're not gonna do it. For me i feel like if i was if starting next.

Year. And joking aside before and so i might do some practice. For next.

Year's break 75 and suddenly those 12 episodes where i'm playing mega mega golf courses and weirdly i'm like shooting five or six under every time i play which is hard to believe. But if i did i might think oh actually my confidence is like sky high right now i'm gonna give it a little punt. But unless that's happening there's not a chance i'm gonna if i if i shoot anywhere close to 80 a couple of times in these break 75 i'm like that's i'm out i just can't do it if you're not winning local pga stuff every single yeah the pga events like the local ones there's like 30 players playing in it. And it's hard no one's playing it. But like there's bigger professional tours traveling like the 2020 tour and the clutch tour which have massive fields in them that are much like they're the ones you've got to be winning to really consider actually yeah i'm pretty good at this yeah. Or challenge tour or whatever like it's got to be levels anyway good luck with everyone hopefully wherever you find wherever you find your place in what it you know if you want to play an open qualifying you want to give it a go go for it um just a quick one you so you know barry who's my barry taylor was touching earlier on he's my kind of friend he's a golf coach he's never played the open he never never was on the european tour. But he had a really decent career as a golfer so he was seven-time lancashire order of merit winner seven time language a professional match play winner three-time open championship regional qualifying winner he won open qualifying at regionals three times he had um four wins on the damsel tour talk four times at all victories in order of merit winner um five times 1836 torvich's node of merit winner six times players tour an older merit winner hit over a hundred problem victories that's ridiculous. So all that stuff so he's won the first piece of open qualifying three times but never got through to the actual open he's won over a hundred pro-ams he's a serious golfer that's good and that's against and he rocks out of his teaching bay and shoots a couple of missed out by one like that is the kind of golfer that is he's a baller that people haven't probably heard of in you know further than lancashire ever who can actually play golf to a really good start doesn't document it all online doesn't post his nice swing all the time. But can actually play golf i mean i almost feel like he wouldn't even put a post out about missing out on one yesterday i think he has as far as i've seen well look before you haven't done i love that it's just different in it it even goes back to the last on remember last week we talked about the amateur championship yes. And uh laird shepard won it nice he only posted something yesterday so he's been amateur champion now for nine days and only yesterday did he post something. But that's the thing he's mad i'm the same as you i'd be thinking straight away what i'm going to put on instagram. But that's why they're the best golfers they don't live in this world at all there's more to life than youtube and instagram isn't there really which we can't believe because it's what we do. For a living but it's true like i'd almost i almost found i always find it fascinating like a lot of these lads and they might switch the tactics as they turn pro and sponsorship money start to come in because having an online presence is really key when you when you're trying to make the sponsorship. And you're trying to make money i get that but some of these amateur lads or or you know early pros who they're so not bothered about social media because that's a distraction that stops them playing golf at the best level they can possibly play it yeah um that's a lot of cough it's like i've got a stupid golf reel. For you okay let's break it up. So possibly my favorite feature this at the moment stupid golf rules if you've missed the last couple of episodes it's where people write in with things that happen to them either on the golf course or at the golf club where it's a stupid golf rule hence the title if you've got one you want to send in please do its podcast And we'll get them out hopefully we've got loads of them in the in the bank in a minute but the more the merrier this one the good ones make my blood boil rick okay you want your blood to boil i want it i want it boiling hot okay. So it's from ollie um i don't think there's anything i don't need any reason fit to be anonymous when i started playing golf properly at 15's about nine years ago i was a junior a golf club um having taken up the game that summer i started playing a few junior tournaments. And i was giving a handicap of 32 okay which i think at the time they were official were they 28 was the highest there was a men's four ball better ball competition coming up. And my dad asked the head pro if i could play with him but obviously making sure i was playing off 28. okay. So we didn't take more shots and was kind of legal at the time yeah the pro agrees that that was fine we booked to play on the comp i basically played the best golf i've ever played up to that point. And we shot the best score overall winning the comp so it's better ball him and his dad yeah uh four ball better bowl something's just two against two i always forget with that one. So he's gone off a handicap there's four shots slowing his actual kind of handicap but wants to play fern playing the camp obviously the committee of old men heard about what happened and we got disqualified the head pro in all fairness was really good about it. And was really angry as well. But couldn't get the committee to change their decision um the old blokes have since moved on the club's been better for it so basically he got banned and told he can't win the comp because of that this isn't the first time i've heard a story similar to this many many times i've heard a story where junior golfer has played the men's competition won it and then.

After has been disqualified not allowed to play in it not allowed to collect the prize whatever it may be and for me it's it's unacceptable in any capacion is things like it sounds like that golf club the pro wants it to be act proactive. And proactive to juniors ollie you said his name was yes all he wants to play in the men's competition like he wants to play he he's done the somewhat the honest thing. And played off the maximum men's handicap which was 28. So he's already taken a hit there and he's had a field day which a lot of junior golfers have the capability of doing so because they're playing at the golf club a lot like when you're a junior you do reduce your handicap. So much don't you really yeah i mean you playing. So much you play more than the comps so you can't get down low enough quickly and i think that's where the old men committees at many many golf courses they can't get the head around they can't accept the fact that because i only get to play once a week. So i'm working every day monday to friday i'm an unfair advantage at a junior who can play every single night. And get a handicap down but that that's it that's golf like if the player shot the lowest net score if that's what it is if it's a net tournament that player regardless of age regardless of sex that's another big thing that's coming to kind of fruition recently regardless of of what's taken place there if that player has entered to play the competition. And abide by the rules that are set out in play they should be able to take the prize they should be able to win they should there should be no restrictions to who wins that competition i think. For me what it looks i mean obviously it looks like there's probably something against juniors it's more the fact that if i'm trying to play devil's advocate they've said will you put up an incorrect handicap because you're handicapped 32 you've got 28.. But is governor hannah that's lower. So it's not sure you're allowed to go off hand the cat like all right i might be wrong but i remember something along the lines of i'm sure you're allowed to play off because there's lots of like corporate days or other days where the maximum handicap is 20. Or 24 or that's true yeah. And you have to play that happening that's so true because the maximum handicap is 28. fair yeah the only only thing. And again for me is that if it was. And i don't agree with this rule one bit i think it would be ridiculous to have. But i know golf clubs will have it if there was a rule that very clearly stipulated that junior golfers cannot play in men's competitions. And that was the rule set out in play. And this junior entered a men's competition and won it if the rule was set out in play that juniors categorically cannot play on winning men's competitions then.

The committee have a point i don't agree with that i think that's wrong. And incorrect that's the only time that you'd ever think oh actually he doesn't deserve to be disqualified he does deserve to be qualified because he's actually broken a rule of the golf club i've got a question. For you then.

Go for it i want to be honest on this it's tough one i don't agree with it but it's just worth the discussion so my golf when i was a junior if you were a single figure handicapped junior which actually there were quite a lot of us at the time you could play in the men's comps. And i think you could win them all if you were i think you could it might be completely couldn't. But i think you could. But you knew that going into it anyway whatever the rule was. And obviously at the time i completely was was full that i thought it was completely fair. And a lot of people did as well. And i still do. But just what different opinion out there how would you feel if you were um a full member of a golf club. And your green fees alex just say 1200 pound a year and juniors are paying 100 pounds which obviously it's great. For juniors to pay reduce green fee it's good to get people into golf etc we all i'm sure we all agree on that but if you want to play at 10 o'clock on saturday morning because you had something on the afternoon it was your daughter's birthday party whatever. And it was busy you know club comps these days. And open experience get very busy very quickly you go to book on about 10 o'clock and there's no spaces. And the 10 o'clock t you were hoping. For has got two blokes and two juniors they're paying a tenth of your green fee would that annoy you that you can't get the green because juniors there or is that just really petty. Or how would you feel because i could kind of get it to some degree if someone was annoyed i just i don't ever think i'd look at it that way i don't think i'd ever break it down to how much the pain from a person's perspective. And the other thing when people get asked about juniors winning personally again if you're asking me i just don't think i'd be asked enough like even if i hadn't get my name on a board i don't think i'd be asked enough to think. Or juniors beat me because he's shot less net score than me it's just golf like but what about that i know it's hard you're not a member of a golf club but if you wanted to if it was happening all the time i think i'd want to i'd want to get in a point going how can i guarantee a tea time at 10 o'clock if i want if i want to tea time at 10 o'clock what do i have to do to guarantee it the the thing i mean remember the old school things probably still happens at golf course where the saturday competition the paper board the paper sheet would go up in the clubhouse on a thursday night of the week. For the week but after it's not the next.

Yeah that just happened at night it's all online physically yeah go down to the golf club because it was the golf club's way of getting uh rick. And guy are going to go down grab a quick pie. Or whatever um but i mean that that that i found ridiculous because if you were evenings. And you couldn't get down that's just the most ridiculous thing in the world um yeah i'd say it's probably hard. For me to really give an honest answer because i just don't think i'd be asked enough no that's good i don't think people should be. But i'm just trying to i'm trying to give all the reasons because i don't get it why people are. So against juniors sometimes but like that could only be one angle that people might say well i'm paying 10 fold up the pain and i can't get a tee time but that is very petty yeah it happened every week maybe you've got a point where it's a one-off it's it's not really yeah because otherwise the 954 that's been taken by four members full pack what i should still i just can't get a t that's what i'd be annoyed about as opposed to who's in that t-slot yeah like it's almost more the club's fault why can't i get a tea on a on a day that i want to play golf do you do you think that juniors would have to should have to play with men though. So you couldn't have four juniors in a comp or three i i must admit i'm not opposed to that to which um junior's needing to play with it and i don't remember and you know what it's not so much the fact that it's it's checking up on the juniors it's just making sure that that no nothing happens that the juniors aren't aware of let's say a rule impeachment. Or they've not quite added up the scores correctly or like i feel like it's just more of a guidance rather than policing yeah like it's more like we're going to put a male um a male golfer with you oh sorry not a male an adult golfer with you just to keep um not check that's the wrong word just to help help you out not to police you. And i think it's good as well 65 people might be thinking it's a bit wrongly. So people might be not believing it but if there's a grown up there with them it might be a bit more yeah that's all it is i feel like you know if if it sounds a bit petty. But if three juniors were at school in the playground their version of an event on their own would be very different if. And if an adult was there that saw it all happen i feel like the adult would have a better perspective of the event that took place. And that's similar to out on the golf course like if you've got three juniors out there playing on their own uh if it's a junior comp fine that's what it is. But i think as a as a proper tournament. Or whatever you're playing in i don't think it's the end of the world if you did have an adult there just checking it. And the other thing as well i'm not sure how confident because i've had it not personally but a student i used to coach had an issue with another junior and they thought this other junior was cheating a lot. And that the junior that i knew didn't maybe have the confidence or the ability to raise that subject where i feel like if an adult there an adult could go i'm really sorry little jimmy you've made an error there like that's that's actually against the rules of golf i'm not sure if you're aware of that but you can't ground your club in a bunker or actually by the way did you notice that you took eight shots. And you didn't take a six or do you know what it is it's more just giving that little bit of guidance having that having that grown-up brain being able to put an input in there nice nice yeah deep say what then.

Um quick dear rick. And then.

Let's i've got some questions on instagram for you okay. So the dear rick this week um quite sure but quite sweet i've recently started playing last year um after playing when i was younger i owe you to get bored. Or annoyed after 12 holes or so stopped really enjoying playing got a couple of groups of friends i play with and they are all between a 15. And 23 handicapper at handicap and i am playing off 32. i've had a few lessons but i find um once a week for half an hour doesn't seem to be beneficial and i'm probably playing about twice a week i'm slowly improving but really find it difficult to keep motivated as i almost feel like i get sympathy good shots when i know they're really bad would you recommend cutting back playing and taking more lessons for a while or just keep going from anonymous half an hour a week half an hour lessons i always really struggled with personally i feel like in a half hour you can't really dive into a student. And really get you know make some actual significant changes for me i always wanted to coach hours or even somewhat two hours so what might be a good recommendation there is if he's gonna take half an hour each week why not bunch them all together. And take two hours once a month because you might even get a better discount on lesson prices as well then.

Continue to play and if you've had three weeks of playing experience at least then.

At the end of the month or start next.

Month you can go back to your coach. And go for the last three weeks this is what i found these are my scorecards these are a little bit of stats i feel like i could do with working on my chipping on my putting on my driving. And then.

The coach can go great we've got two hours today.

To really dive into this information um i think little half an hour's here. And there just don't quite do what you want it to do um. So that'd be my recommendation play a lot of golf yes have two instead of half hour lessons every week have two hours once a month that would make much of a bigger difference in my opinion you know what i understand about this question though that's kind of why i picked it because he started off. Or he or she started off by saying they started playing last year and they played a lot when they were younger they used to get bored. Or annoyed 12 holes they then.

Said really enjoying playing got a couple of friends. And then.

But then.

He says i'm slowly improving but i find it difficult to keep motivated i'm feel like i'm not getting as i feel like getting these sympathetic good shots etc and all the bad shots i don't kind of get in one wrath he's saying i'm really enjoying playing and being back and obviously enjoyed it much more than when they were younger because they're playing the full 18 holes. And stuff now and being with friends but then.

Saying that they're getting kind of demotivated by the bad shot so it's kind of like i don't understand if they want to what what the do you get what i mean yeah it sounds because the friends are better than them that's getting them down possibly if the friends were off 35. And he was off 32. Or he or she was off 32. he might be thinking i'm great is it more than components with other people who might be more gifted what's that uh meme always play golf with someone who's just slightly worse than you well that's why i love playing with you every time i play destroy you score in hand guys wins simple as that oh a lot of crap match play around married rick might have the edge. But score cards separate the men from the boys one round for these old cars oh yeah andrews the old course yeah the most famous golf course in the world no. But yeah i don't i think again i've said this before. But as golfers we're also both how we play aren't we naturally but we need to just enjoy playing and that i think you know what i was looking at the other day actually just just briefly. So you know on facebook your memories pop up the year 2013 stuff that happened around this time so what's eight years ago now is a few things that popped up. And that was the best i've ever been at golf. And yeah it was a bit cocky. But at the time i was taking pictures of like because you know when you play a comp at the club. And i think they still do this you always print them off. And put it on the board yeah i had a couple of wins in some of the men's comps as well. So i was in the full section then.

A couple of wins couple of lowest grosses feel like level paths. And stuff and at the time i remember what the difference was. And the only real difference was i probably think i got my handicap down to 2.6 was the lowest official i got to i think it was nearly two. But 2.6 and i was having this really good golf i'd shoot level one over a couple over. And the only thing that was different i remember. So vividly was i wasn't getting bothered by it i remember this weird feeling of hitting bad shots. And thinking i don't care i think i was 22 at the time. So i knew i wasn't gonna ever be a good good player dreams have been a pro long since gone off working full-time i had this feeling of like i don't really care and and off the back of that i actually played the best golfer we ever played who famously now has that same kind of mindset who doesn't care yeah one of the best players in the world dustin. And that's what a lot of really good players when they when they praise dustin johnson for his golf game they praise his mentality yeah because he just doesn't care does he no i mean he's great he's. So chill multi-multi multi-millionaire and he's won everything that's in sight and pretty much everything in sight he just doesn't seem to care and and i think that's again going back to you know when you do hit a bad shot i almost see it as an opportunity right my next.

One i'm going to recover from this bad shot. Or whatever it may be and it's it's listen it's difficult and it's it's it can be draining golf sometimes i mentioned in the last last episode of break75 sometimes you have highs lows. But just get out there and enjoy it like enjoy the environment enjoy the people you're playing with enjoy the challenge it's not always going to go your way. But if you stop enjoying it that's when it kind of becomes a bit of a problem um i want to very quickly only because i've not we're not touching that load european tour over in germany victor hovland won it uh it's really interesting with victovlan because he's obviously playing loads of golf in the pga tour over the last number of years competing against these best players in the world all the time it almost felt like he was always going to do incredibly well at the bmw international this week in germany just because he's playing on the european tour like how different does it feel. For someone like that do you think to be over back in europe yeah the course is different typically yeah. So that's gonna be different the the standard of golf is is different obviously the pj tour is the elite isn't it that's fact you just have the best players if you look at the top 20 players in the world they're playing on the pga tour they're not playing in europe all the time are they really no like he was competing against second place with martin keimer where you think martin comey yes seven years ago was one of the best in the world i think he got to world number one in here almost yeah. But like now he you know when you when someone like victor hoffland the young lad who's every week playing on pga tour playing against the best of the best players i always felt like he was always going to come back. And win that this week which which officer did why was he um over here i'm guessing it's a link with bmw okay i'm guessing. But also don't forget now there's a swing next.

Week they're in scotland the week after they're in there yeah that's true potentially. And obviously he's from holland so it's like does he do norway no way sorry does he does he come back. And go to germany nipple to norway i don't think you've actually done twice in the pga tour has he won twice yeah. And i thought i knew he'd won once i didn't want um the puerto rico open in february of last year and then.

In december well the rica portugal is the one that they say is a bit of a curse like if you win that you often don't go on to win other events. But obviously he's broken that curse he's he is honestly one of my favorite players to watch it's maddie look his birthday was uh september 1997.. So he literally wasn't born when tiger won the masters it's badness that isn't it oh my god you know what i think it's mad at stuff like that that's actually crazy i've seen this the day with the the euros on the football a lot of these players now born at the year 2000. it's not. So much mad that he doesn't he wasn't born and tagged on the masters because although i remember that was only six it's more the fact that he remembers it from like 2002 that well which. For me doesn't feel like i said high school in 2002. you won't remember like 2 000 tiger yeah it's bizarre isn't it crazy i've done some questions then.

I'm going to touch on two more things one traveler's championship i know i don't know anything about this i'll let you leave anything until the eight hole play-off that is crazy. So uh harris english ended up winning it he was 13 under through 72 holes. And then.

I don't know butcher's name but kramer hickok um was also in the playoff they had eight holes i watched a lot of the playoffs on social media. And stuff because it was super super late at night when when it was on. So we didn't watch it live they had seven pars continues to play in the 18th and a few times playing the 17th randomly and then.

It came down to the last hole and um harris english made birdie and won the tournament i just wanted to touch on that very quickly and then.

Last last last last thing because i actually weirdly watch more of this this weekend and any other golf event it was the uh kpmg women's pga championship. And uh nelly corda who now has gone to world number one won it and she's famously with the famous sister the quarter sisters her golf just looked outrageously good she made two eagles on the final round and threw in a weird double bogey as well which after dunking in the water um but i actually watched a lot of the ladies golf and actually really really enjoyed it this week not that i don't normally but it sometimes gets overshadowed with with how much golf is going on at the weekends like. For example a couple weekends ago with the amateur championship um the u.s oh not us open us open whatever happens in european european events and then.

The ladies i always feel like there has to be some level of priority uh but i must admit that went higher up in my priority this week watching it so it's class nice that's uh rick's tall pro what's that do that 60 seconds. For it to pretend to watch the golf i'll just sit and have a clue it's talking about these names i've never heard of before nobody shouted four again whatever it's um whatever yeah each of their own uh okay. So let's i've not done this for a while just got almost like quick fire questions obviously it's never that quick fire but um so this on instagram um sean has said pick one a driver fitting. Or a putter fitting now it probably depends on the visual but what do you think is going to be more beneficial. For most people uh i think more people would pick driver fitting because they think oh can it longer in the side of the button neglect how many times they use the putter i feel like in a weird way you can if you had a rack of putters let's say there was you went in a pro shop. And there was 20 putters have a few putts with them. And weirdly it's a bit like excalibur's sword you'd find the one that kind of suits you naturally yeah you'd want oh i like the look of that i like the feel of that the weight of it i feel like i'm rolling that well it's going in the hole more more often i feel like you can almost do that on your own yeah don't think it's perfect. But you can kind of do that on your own unless you're massively like seven foot tall. Or you know you're really quite sure and you need a little different angle or length or whatever it may be where the driver fitting you can't really do that you need somebody to have the day to launch one. Or two the screws that fit in different shafts the different lofts have that expertise a bit more i don't feel like you can do that on your own yeah. But that's the thing as well it's how do you determine fitting. And something i always confuse you is it confusing maybe cars fitting like you've just said i know what you mean about doing it yourself. But if you give someone like a traditional bullseye potter it's like we have a crazy golf versus a massive light tube or big spider and and they said try one of those out suppose that isn't that sense fitting. And you did it yourself you fitted yourself back in like that putter like that one was when you think of fitting you think of like being in a studio hitting balls the professional fitter i must admit my brother had an amazing putter fitting um. For lisa loving and it was phenomenal it was. So insightful it was not important to put in at all i wouldn't say. And that's not an effect didn't improve his putting but i'm not suggesting that the fitting was great. So sorry giles by the way no yeah he does. But yeah i don't know it's it's tough isn't it i know we have this fitting debate quite a bit. And stuff but it's i'd love to know maybe people can email in real actual factors where you've had a fitting. And you've actually dropped your score yeah. And that cat but but then.

Again how do you measure that is it because i've got faithful vines then.

Played more golf's i love them. And therefore. my handicap came down was a direct result of the fitting too hard to measure almost um our tattoos looked down upon on the golf course that's from connor would you look down at somebody had a tattoo rick you gotta talk no i don't have any myself. But i quite like tattoos actually weirdly i follow a lot of instagram accounts of tattoos and tattoo artists i find it fascinating really yeah i find it. So incredible certainly when it's like artwork and i can really appreciate it it's not something i have. Or i don't know whether i would do in the future um i wonder whether that's because of my profession like have i ever been influenced by i don't think it is i think tattoos are love. And much well love them hating much don't have them do you know what i mean. But like let's say i worked in in an industry and i don't want to i heard barbers if i have tattoos yeah let's say i was a barber professional footballer do you feel like if i saw that all the time would i be more inclined to do it possibly. But i feel like a lot of footballers have tattoos boxers do typically as well a lot of boxes i wonder if that's if i lived in that world whether i would because golfers typically do not like this there are some that do obviously have golfers. But i don't there's not real maybe ricky fowler's the only one on tour that i really know has seen and and jt what they got ricky fowler's got um the olympic rings here oh yeah that's fair uh jt has got something on his wrist i think i'm sure he has let's have a look it's all pros time quick question we're looking. For that um what course can't speak today.

What course should be on the open road. But isn't um i don't think it's a popular choice. But it's one that i've played and think it's the best one of the best course i've ever played trump international yeah i don't think it ever will because of politics. Or whatever else um but i think as a golf course that golf course is spectacular. And absolutely geared to have an open championship but i don't think it will just because it has the word trump in it take take that as you wish i don't know what what to say you saw a toe his logo on his uh left kind of uh forearm there yeah ricky fowler's sorry i've got it wrong ricky fowler's got olympic tattoos here guy on his forearm. And a few other tattoos just around dotted around his arm um who else i'm sure justin thomas has got something i wanna have a lot now uh any other quick fire questions um there is. But the problem is a lot of them have been asked before. And i don't wanna bore people with the same old questions like someone said what's your favorite golf brand. But it's hard in it danny willett has got an infinity loop on the inside of his forearm inside of his bicep very good so uh welcome to rickshield tattoo review okay there's this website every every page is like a new page has to load thomas bjorn famously oh what's this is that radar cutscene he's got the ryder cup score tattooed on his ass nice yeah okay well that was good um i don't know how how long we are at an hour just over an hour just over an hour um okay thanks rick bubba watson's got uh what does that say i think what i might do i might just walk off the set. And let rick look at tattoos on his wedding ring finger because he doesn't play golf with his wedding ring on but so when he takes it off he's got her name he's got her name lydia ko he's got tattoos which doesn't show what it is i thought people are driving along now kind of they can see there's like two minutes left thinking what the hell is this going. For two more minutes and rick just saying random names pointing at body parts people can't see or listening to it on in the car uh i just want to get to justin thomas i'm sure he's got one well i'll go well so people will probably on the treadmill now we're out. For a run or on a long car journey what motivational quote we're gonna give them right now practice in the dark to shine in the light well done it's quite good beef's got beef head diamonds great pressure oh it's dark the wrong way around pressure creates diamonds i know it's hello this feels now like terrible podcast i'm literally sat here with rick looking at it francesco molinari's got a chinese symbol what's it say uh i wish it was oh okay he doesn't even know he got it when he's 18.. So thanks for listening everybody that's really mel reed has got a parent has got her parents birthdays on her forearm i do have justin thomas gotta keep looking justin thomas tattoos what are you up to this week um well harry is on holiday he's doing all the wonderful editing. For break 75 so he's chilling so i'm thinking like bit of golf a bit of brainstorming hasn't got time anyway i think i think this is genuinely time we should be wrapping this up now you can carry on this off we can't turn the mics off you know people this on youtube as well watching this this was the absolute if you know what if you've turned off that's fair enough i respect you more. For turning off than watching this crap if you've not turned off thank you you're a hardcore fan and lucky for you you've just been entered into the draw to win a million pounds yes. And also what i'm thinking people all you've got to do is send a thousand pounds to rick shields what's quite good is there's people who want to be in the clubhouse desperately. And don't want us every week so they have to keep listening to this so just keep those people are hardcore just keep them listening. For ages no let's end it now guys thanks. For listening to the rickshaws golf show podcast we're back for episode number 83 next.

Week and we've got some new guests lined up very soon i'm excited about you are. And i think you should be too should be peace out everyone come on you.