Listen it and we've also got to say you know you're obviously terrified about playing me at the moment and that's perfectly understandable [Music] all right guys welcome back to rickshaw's golf uh thank you i'm rick shields i got my name right this time yes i'm here with guy i'm here with uh guest as well peter finch hey how are we doing i'm all right thanks pete this is like we've just sat down 55 minutes. And and gone through all the all the the controversial the open topics we've we've been all i feel like we've come out of it in a much better place but now it's interesting we're gonna go back [Laughter] but now we're gonna go back in and uh have a little peter finch proper podcast okay. So pete explain to the audience like how did i go even back back because i don't think i'm massive in a story like how did you even get into golf in the first place um dad introduced it to me. But i was how old um about 12 13. well no to fair probably a bit younger than that. But i didn't really start playing until i was 13. because i was just always more into me football. And your dad played for a lot of his life yeah did he get on did he get into it early um no not. So much i think he was like 20s as well all right okay. So he's just at a local local club in preston like what got him into it do you know i'm not sure no because normally just really into it really i think maybe getting away from the family i think um. But no nothing um nothing specific it was just it was just another. For me and it was just like another sport to play i played loads. And loads of sports as kid and football was always my favorite. And then.

I got good enough at golf for that to kind of warrant more on my time yes. And then.

I got injured playing football and then.

I couldn't play golf and i thought well actually missing golf yeah yeah football. So then.

Just carried on from there what other sports football golf anything else oh i feel like cricket imagine you'd be a cricketer yeah i was good cricket rugby um rugby. But preston's not a massive rugby tower not right i lived it was big way usually yeah see where i live rugby wasn't it was hardly even a thing really yeah. So yeah it was football cricket hockey i was decent at um badminton i was i thought i was good at until they actually played tony awards. And then.

Yeah i just i just played everything to be fair you know a sport i never got into tennis i feel like i never really got into tennis no i was awesome at everything apart from serving which is the most important thing as soon as the ball right above my head literally lost my mind under armour i wonder i'm searched oh honestly every time i played ended up being just like under armour. And it over can't get it so 13 you got got into golf with kind of bit of football and you kind of obviously shifted more into golf like what was was was a young peter finch at 13 to 15 was he a good player can you remember your clubs i always like to know people's like first. Or are the first clubs. Or the first ones you remember getting absolutely loving or wanting i remember my first clubs were like uh housing house. And then.

Yeah was housed in hippo wasn't there housing with the bomber yeah i always regret i should be playing them still now imagine yeah fluffing it in the mouth i'm that excited um the house of thought i remember getting when i started to get decent got some ping guy threes nice i went down to gainesville to get fitted. But i've just had a lesson before i went fitted and for whatever reason the pro was getting me to stand mega tall with like my hands really high see it up that up right yeah. So i got a fear for like three degrees upright clubs a green dot or whatever yeah like what 15 year old yeah. And i was growing some sun it's just it was completely ridiculous. And that light just put me back for about maybe a year and a bit but yeah those are the clubs i really remember what did you have at college were you in were you into the jail in the world you were pink at college yeah i always feel like you're a pink kind of iron player definitely you probably grew into those ones that you you're playing yes were you like rick were you into jay lindeberg stuff as a kind of junior into 18 19a joe you know nah nah i could very much just could afford i remember that era though it was like gold fashion really went a bit whack it was all the white belts it was like coloured pants it was afford the 25 pound sweat bands it wasn't like i was fully to be honest i did have quite a bit i was quite fortunate. But on dutchess dutch mafia that was good that back in the day i i just i just got whatever fields if i remember a pete. So so i want to set a scene and have you ever talked about the first day at college when you met pete well just the first day of going to college. So we so i think a lot of people know. But we went to college that's the first place we met 16 years old at a college in preston which you were quite lucky because you lived. So close didn't you i had to get a bus in there i really like it with his golf clubs not a great bus guy so how long was that half an hour journey yeah yeah yeah. So it was on a preston bus with a walkman. So it felt like an hour so at 16 i was probably about an hour. And 20 away from college so i lived in monday to friday i loved it do you regret not living in i do yeah i do in some respects. And then.

Others like i never would have like got through college i could have lived in so i would have everyone did that um. For me i turned up first day and this might set the scene and i'd like can you remember what you were first day when you went there no well i had i remember it vividly right go on you're pulling your face. So black polo good start okay. But it was a burberry black polo with a little hint somewhere of burberry not little hint it looked like someone had thrown up at burberry. So all the color with burberry check right the wrap wraparound of the of the arms oh yeah the button down oh was it genuine yes 55 quid i paid. For that um what else did i am i off i might have had a burberry hat as well did you have any ring any part two two earrings yeah. So i i didn't really know rick to begin with i kind of thought well you sort of stay away from the deal yeah i'd i definitely won't decide i'm gonna say i'm gonna set a statement early i think. For me i was quite quite not dead shy at school. But i was like never one of the super popular boys. But i was kind of i i got in the football times have changed i got in the field not really i got in the football team. So i always felt like well at least i feel like i'm top maybe eleven did you actually get into what position uh left wing weirdly even though i wasn't really left-footed i was famously. And this probably would i think a lot of people would know this kind of understand this story because of the stuff i've said on the podcast in the past famously i uh was most known. For doing the most horrendous tackle on a lad from a different school nearly broke his legs and i got sent off but i went down like did you put your collar up like an eric cantona vibe i feel like you could have done this sent off from a school match that must have been a bad tackle it was horrendous. And what's weird this is dead strange you know why i'm saying this on the podcast that lad that tackled right i kind of weird they had some beef with him i don't know why. So attacking him at school nearly broke his legs got sent off right and it was middle of the pitch it wasn't he wasn't going to score. But somehow i got hailed a hero about six months later we were playing football again in like a local park. And he was kind of a local lad he's at the side on crutches. So yeah he's playing again right sitting there with a blanket over his legs. And weirdly i don't know why i decided to have another go but this time karma came back at me so i went to slide right and nearly took his legs out wet pitch it was great. But what i hadn't noticed by but it was like a it's like near a bush kind of like a firm bush. And like a branch had fallen down with a really sharp prong sticking out of it absolutely slice my leg i've still got the scar this day i've tried great just getting his leg up for the people listening at home rick's just getting his leg out to show pete this is the scar i got christ get on the table now oh god from that famous tackle oh wow that's a proper one. So oh there you go i like i actually tell my kids it's where i dodged a bullet of course back in back in the day when i was you know [Laughter]. So anyway um but how did you dodge a bullet if it weren't in your leg like slightly like sliced past right okay that's what i tell the kids yes i'll often tell them one day it was actually dad just being an idiot trying to slide tackle the lad yeah what's weird to the story i'm strong to tell your kids that already i don't want this to be afraid to go outside this is the thing bad thought the store is this lad i nearly broke his legs twice right he might actually listen to the podcast weirdly i know his mate does um years later years later marry my wife obviously i'll get my get my wife she's a school teacher yeah right. So one of the first days in like meeting her and talking about school and certainly that i think a couple of weeks weirdo i went into school to help her out. Or whatever and i'm looking on this board of all the teachers the lad who i nearly broke is a teacher at my wife's school i feel like i really like this i feel like leading to the math lesson. So anyway i don't want to tell this story but i thought it'd be quite interesting break the ice for me so then.

Because i kind of came out of school as quite a shy boy as you can see i felt right i felt like college was my time to go let's be let's not be rick let's be ricky i'm gonna go in burberry i think i have two earrings two diamond earrings my hair definitely a different color bleached. Or something and i really went in to make a statement and i think it worked i think peter do you thought what that is i think i reckon you turned up in like brown like slightly oversized chinos. And a very conservative foot joy t-shirt shirt probably [Music] so we went to college together we met lots of friends at college obviously carter sameela um who've missed her they're they're the two main ones those weren't and i think i've missed loads there was loads of people at our college at the time because even though me. And pete were in the same year did we have about 40 students in our year yeah it was quite a few kind of whittled down a bit. And then.

You also had like four years ahead of us of the students that have been there already who also into golf once we moved into second year the year below was also into golf a lot of the sports um students were also weirdly into golf. So it was a it was a mad hub won it really there's quite a few older dinners as well because like was it you clan because he was like a national diploma it wasn't like i pulled my leg child's leg down there you have to get up because it was like a national diploma there's quite a few people in our year who were quite a bit older like 17 18 already bad influences i was going to go to that college. And i went to go and view it and it looked really good i decided not to but i kind of wish i did now did you like it in my school um yeah i lied i'm not i'm not a great classroom guy. So i enjoyed getting out and playing golf but like the rest of it was. So so when you were going to college. And i certainly had this mindset did you think we were going to college just to play golf of course yeah i really thought that i honestly thought we were going to college to literally play golf nine to five monday to friday. And what did it actually involve i was like learning to run sports clubs. And all this not here for this i like i like the sports psychology nutrition and fitness um what other courses did we have it was like a sports course that incorporated golf elements yeah. So could other people do it. But they'd implement like football as such yeah. So there was other courses that almost ran parallel with each other that would be almost with the same syllabus. But their sport was football yeah. Or golfing was the geeky lads then..

Or not well until ricky shields turned up oh yeah rick really changed the perception of golfers it was perfect it's quite incredible that's all there's a one-man wave of change yours the fact that i completely it's like a links africa advert where all the girls just stop what they're doing. And look at rick as he's struck through in slow motion there's all the football lads who wanted to knock my head off yeah that's true oh you made. So many friends in the football league so many friends yeah it was i think everyone i think everyone literally in our in our class by the second year ended up looking the same like everyone had bleach there everyone wore a visor what year was this 2001. And three 2001 and two no it's three. And four i think that was a big error. For golf did you use to gel your hair. And then.

Put your visor on and then.

When you took your advice off you could flap it at the front but all spiky it wasn't three and four because did you start high school in 97 yeah. So nice so what year would we have finished 97 98 99 2000 2001 we would have finished school in 2001. so 2002 2003. 2004. yeah that's how years work i mean listen there was a college there was some there was some classes you should have attended that's why rick shoots 73. it was 85 mate i went one in the one in the bunker i have to get out i got three yeah that's never been my strongest point yeah i was watching the break 75 scratching red a little bit i wonder why i got paid less that was 95. But it says the scores i think one of those shot clickers i was like um yeah. But i i for me college was the biggest life learning experience ever like. For me i grew up i made a lot of mistakes i grew up very quickly at college uh we went out a lot i didn't feel like i don't remember you you definitely came out but you weren't one of the regular outers were you it was just wednesday just came out every wednesday went to toks. So i was like monday wednesday thursday because you like how's the uni when you live out you still want to go out sorry when you live at home it's you don't you don't get them spontaneous nights out as much you'll be at home chilling like you're coming out pizza oh i'm going to get the bus into town where's euro there on it yeah yeah. So wednesday and every occasion on monday squires let's go back into the show what was a wednesday like then.

Talk with your wednesday night out 50k oh god disgraceful. So would you meet was that college audrey would you meet in town yeah. So for us at college we let's say it was eight of us right i used to have a number of a taxi driver who would always do this ridiculous deal. So it's something like return let's say 20 quid return right and there's eight of us so that's like little old each little over two quid yeah right. So that was you that was your taxi money sorted then.

If you got into the bar was it before ten. Or maybe four eleven uh in squires yeah i know in tokes oh um like yeah it was open from like eight. So all of us were queuing up like trying to smuggle in like pidge. Or joppo in the middle like two two lads who were older than us who looked like literally twelve. So so you went old enough at this point well so do you have fake id yeah did you yeah i i don't know we didn't we were just saying this. For effect of course i could tell a really funny story about the fake id do you remember the story about it no no no no don't cause i'm pretty sure that was a criminal offence passport don't say it i think the statute of limitations are probably shifted by now. But like just in case okay it was good though yeah i mean it was literally a white just a child you don't condone underage drinking no okay thank you. And nor do you pee either no. But we're from the north of england like it's uh so anyway yeah college i mean it's probably not painting college in a great light here. But we'll talk accurately nice positives as well the times must have changed it can't go on like this anymore it's a great facility now i don't think we took because it was quite a new course i don't think we probably took advantage of the actual classes that were on available. But now they've got a massive indoor kind of short game area and smart now jokes aside then.

Obviously you've both done unbelievably well so i'm sure doesn't matter too much but now you're older and more mature ish do you look back i think you'd wish you'd done more with the educational side the practice inside are you just happy you had a good time. For me it's hard for me to regret with anything because i honestly i felt like at the age of 18 from that 16 to 18 i'd live life like really lived it going out loads having a great time. And i felt like 18 i i got it all on my system and i was ready to work. For me are you the same pete yeah i i wasn't no interesting going to uni that was that was it. For me that was that was almost our uni i felt like then.

At 18 i wanted to get a job. And i wanted to start my career yeah because that's the thing when you're 16 it's quite young's. But you know what we're going to do when you're a grown-up isn't it. And your life's choices but equally on the flip side like youtube let your hair down blowing off the steam getting to work then.

Did you move down to midlands pete at that point yeah i went down to shropshire was this. For golf at this point it was. For a lady all right okay um which worked out well um yeah. So this isn't the lady with now no this is another lady no no no yes this is another lady um he's had many ladies let's just try. And keep track um [Music] um yeah i wanted to do a pga. And when you want to be an assistant you just need an assistance position and there was one going down in shropshire. And my ex had family down in shropshire so ended up going down there um that situation didn't last overly long uh. But then.

Stayed down in shropshire for like 10 years before me did you have to get your own place enough. For that because i'm quite young we were 18 at this point. And then.

You went off with the girls thing didn't work out then.

How old were you at this point like early 20s uh no eighteen nineteen all right. So you have to get your own place then.

Yeah yeah yeah that's quite a big move at that age yeah to be fair was good the the place i was at um the shropshire there was a group of like 10 to 12 of us like bar staff waitresses. And pros assistant pros and we're all the same age and it was it was basically like being at uni just with what you're working a bit more money can i come in oh my days it was great i absolutely loved every second of it i mean yeah i mean getting my own place was it was horrendous um did you share with these people. And i could flatter a house or something no i got a i got a flat in wellington in telford uh which was above like a fish. And chip shop and it is as glamorous as it sounds i'd like one pain window freezing in the winter boiling in the summer didn't have a bed it was great didn't have a bed i slept on the floor. For like two three years i kind of just got used to it oh my god back probably i got a bed so my parents came to visit and they took so much pity on me they're like right we're gonna get you a bed i'm gonna get you a bed so go to bed put it up in the flat and then.

Literally within a day i'd broken it how did you break the bed. And i would love that that was lady name i would love to say it was me being uh absolute romantic. But it wasn't it was uh my mate power slamming another friend onto it okay yeah. And then.

It was propped up on books god you've really been through the grind. So then.

Makes me a man how did you then.

End up from being in telford to be back up to trafford which is where obviously then.

You've got re i'm not reintroduced. But re what's what i'm thinking of reconnecting with rick possibly is that the right phrase because at college like because pete again lived out of college we obviously knew each other. But it wasn't like we knew i don't know we weren't like because you didn't live in you you really like close close friends lived in where you kind of connected more with the friends who lived out didn't you really like natalie lived out didn't she and you kind of connected with her a bit and then.

We obviously crossed paths and stuff so you were i feel like we're missing a big part there because when you were down south you then.

Moved out off as well didn't you yeah yes i went into. So i did i finished my pga qualification. And i was working in the shop doing a little bit of coaching. But it was it the whole shop environment. For me just wasn't it wasn't going to work i couldn't see myself in that situation what club were you out there sorry uh. So i was at the shropshire. And then.

I finished my training at lillashaw golf club is that a football thing lilith shot is that different he used to have the national like what saint george's park is now yeah used to be there i've heard loads of footballs went there to study didn't he as well yeah. So it's like a massive sports center there i think the national archery centers there like gymnastics it's an amazing place. And the course is really cool it's really nice it's only short. But the back nine's blasted through trees it's it's lovely like it's an amazing summer evening course um and but i just didn't want to i just didn't want to be in that shop environment and i'd been doing some kind of articles for some golf magazines just on equipment and stuff and then.

Ended up doing some journalism qualifications and getting a job paper so i was a daily newspaper journalist. For like three years and would that be about just things that happened in the area like yeah the only thing i didn't do was sport only thing i knew anything about name is give me the maddest um oh god um there's been a few um oh crikey all right what time is this podcast go out we can bleep if necessary. So i mean there's quite a few situations where i kind of put myself in a dodgy a dodgy place um with some people who probably weren't the nicest in the world to try. And get some stories but probably the best the best example i can give of what it was like. And this is what it's like. For a lot of daily kind of local to regional journalists um i was working in like the main office which covered a lot shropshire. And like i was doing well. And they basically transferred me down to the ludlow office and that's in the south shropshire it's very countryside and he said right no one's really there at the moment you go run that. And i was like this is amazing. And then.

The last night i was on call. And there was a big fire like an old building in telford. And it was an arson. So i went down there like it was on fire fire brave fire brigade with there. And i saw this guy standing outside like looking at the building like really upset and sad so i went over i said are you all right it turned out he was the owner of the building. So i got like a full interview off him like you're there with you yeah honestly great this is god honestly being a journalist turns you to a horrible person at times. And i was like really please tell me about your upset i'll sit down anyway got the whole story. And that was like his front page was amazing next.

Day i was down in shropshire. And i was down in ludlow. And i was like oh man this is great i went down there got a phone call from the news desk. And they're like oh um are you on your way to ludlow got a story. For you it's just happening now if you want to get over to it all right yeah you're cool where am i. So well just outside ludlow uh on the a49 there's a cow loose we need you to go get the story oh my god oh my god being loose on a road and i was like what is the story there exactly i'm still quite young i didn't feel like saying what what what am i going to do what am i going to ask the cow i want my meant to be doing here it's like making youtube content yeah sorry how could i make this into a video. So i was like chase this cow around the country lane to ludlow i couldn't find it. And that was like that. And then.

I spent a year down at ludlow and then.

By the end of that it was it was clear it just wasn't it wasn't good was it because it was a small like countryside little things become big stories i eat a cow loose bk i mean that's not gonna happen in london. Or something that's gonna become a headline story a cows loose is it. But did little stories become bigger because of the smaller place yeah yeah 100. And there's like a lot of local politics and it was it you know it's very it's a nice representation really sometimes what happens on social media like a little story within a little community like getting really big everyone getting angry that sounds familiar hold on it was like i was. So funny but yeah i i did it it taught me a lot i definitely grew up a lot. And i definitely had a bigger appreciation for what being in golf is like like the last the last story i did it basically made me quit there was a um a lad young lady back from uni. And his family had a farm in south shropshire and he was helping fix um the grain silos. So those big ones and the roof collapsed and he fell into the silo and basically drowned in the grain it's like quicksand just drowned that's horrible and because it was my patch news was like whenever someone passes away um you need to go out to the house. And try to speak to the family so they can give a tribute. And you know tell you the story it's a horrible horrible job like door stepping people like that and i was basically driving up to this farm it was in the winter it was snowing it was bleak i got into the got into the yard all the lights were on the house there was a dog out in the yard like freezing i got out of the car. And i was like what am i doing here what am i doing here this is this is not what i want to do. So i just drove back and gave me notice him and then.

Works at a driving range down there still not sure about what i wanted to do. And then.

Job i don't know how i've heard of the job at trafford actually um i'm not sure but it was it was definitely advertised yeah yeah definitely advertised. For the position i maybe saw the pga and it was at the time my mum had um fallen ill that time i just wanted to be kind of closer up north to the family. So i knew you were there. And carter was there yeah. So it was a case of like who you know that's very much who you know yeah. So uh quick question on journalism then.

Have you got is there like a clip you know. And you've got that front page that say like written by peter finch oh yeah yeah i used to collect them oh yeah i used to collect them all because that's the only real recognition a journalist really gets in it like just that little bit of a nod at the end of a story yeah from page by line yeah do you think like that's where i i don't know why i'm talking about journalism. But just like it's got like national-wise it's why there's so much pressure on these paps and these journalists to get these like headline stories like when they're like harassing like matt hancock's wife when he's just like there's a lot of pressure isn't there like you've got to get a story really it's a bit of a nasty kind of world to live in really yeah it is it's not it's not great i think a lot of journalists i'll have i have a lot of sympathy. For them because a lot of the times they're just sent to cover stories it's not their choice is it really no. And like you know it's completely off topic but a lot of the a lot of the very best journalism it's not done like that you know the best journalists and the best stories they take weeks to put together us and certainly from a from my point of view i was like given like a morning go get the story anyway i remember. So when we're at trafford so there was there was four pros at trafford carter being one of them me uh director of golf pete styles i think whose job you took james hopkins adrian. Or james i think it was james i think they left quite close together yeah very closely. So there was four of us. But the facility got busier much much busier at trafford and it was opening. For longer hours we started to open earlier in the morning until later seven in the morning until 10 pm and basically there was room. For other pros so we put this job advert out and i was working quite closely with pete styles at the time to trying to recruit a new new person coming in. And um we had a cv that got put on our desk and from peter finch and and um pete said do you know pete. And i said is it because there was a couple of inches you've had this you've had this issue haven't you over the last few years we've got to come on to the story of the pete finches i was like if it's our peter finch we're like we're not sure real peter thinks it's like me. And carter are going is it the peter finch we know i'm not sure did we message you there was something anyway you came up. For an interior it was pretty much a given you were going to get the job. And obviously you joined the team and uh the rest is kind of history obviously with with stuff with youtube because at the time what year was that do you remember ah carmen i think this was probably seven years ago i think it was 2013 because i stopped working at the american golf in 2013. And i feel like you didn't work though when i went to the american golf but because i just come in because of nike all the time you were there if that makes sense it was yeah it was 13 off maybe early 14. because 13 i hadn't really started youtube. But little tiny bits that's the year i got married i remember being on my honeymoon releasing videos weirdly but it was very very loose. But 14 i kind of kicked it up a little bit more it might have been 14. um yeah. And you joined the team and then.

Kind of where did like i've heard the story a few times. But for people listening obviously that then.

Threw you into a full-time teaching position did you find that challenging at first did you find that quite hard yeah i'm not the only problem with being at a driving range in the past was that you've got to drum up your own business. And i i hate with a passion being the guy who goes around collecting baskets stands there wait still they hit a bad shot and be like oh struggling are we i know someone who could give you some lessons let me give you this quick tip that was me that was what you used to collect baskets didn't you really it was a basketball it's a different personality that was nice oh yeah that's the thing i i'm not i you know if a stranger speaks to me in the street i have a male panic attack i can't i don't know what to do i can't cope with new people. So like that kind of environment like oh just quickly interrupted now i'm sorry on that do you find it weird that people come to you who are fans of the channel. And now have you got used to that a bit more i'm used to that and i like that because they already kind of know me yeah. And that's a lot it's not an actual stranger straight into an exactly yeah. And that's why you've been drummed in into a stranger danger exactly because you got shot in bolton as a kid scared him rough streets up there um but no whenever. And certainly this was same with coaching once youtube has all started when people come in who like watch your videos. So you already have something to talk about yeah. And that's so much easier even that little bit of like oh your video last week we did that was good there's something to talk about isn't there some level of like something that you've got in common i guess yeah yeah there's always a whenever you coach a new person there's always that like awkward getting to know people phase. And what youtube really did from a coaching standpoint it kind of took that away because i by the end of certainly a trafford like it was client see without have. For a while or new people coming to watch the videos so it's just so much easier quick question for both of them actually i've never thought of this before i know again you don't either video with your coach much now but because you obviously had or will have. But had large followings when you were coaching did you ever feel any pressure when people came in because they thought rick pete whatever you've got uh i did the wrong way around then.

Pete rick you've got let's a hundred thousand followers at the time whatever you're gonna be you're gonna be the best golf coach i've ever seen i've been see five coaches before you're in the best did you ever feel pressured to almost perform that was the best did you like that because they they almost you could have honestly there was. So much trust with the student does not come with pressure though no because i think we trust you can you because you're going to tell them the right information obviously you're both really good coaches. And just how about it it's that it's that idea that as pete just alluded to a minute ago when a somebody comes into your teaching bay who who knows nothing about you not been recommended to your let's say cause that's a big thing if you've been recommended you have trust if it's someone completely cold coming into your bay you had to really warm them up over perform almost yeah. And get them to love you get them to understand that everything i'm telling you is going to be. For the benefit of you everything that i want to help you with but there was always a level of resistance. For someone cold until they saw some proof that you know what you're talking about i felt like people coming from youtube or have been recommended you don't have to prove that yeah i could say it's from first swing right this is this tip's going to help you become unbelievable at golf stand on one leg spin round three times. And hit a golf shot and they'll go okay i'll do that. But and because they had so much trust i'd say that was an example of i wouldn't say that. But because i there's so much trust in what you're saying it kind of it works they want it to work are you the same peter do you felt oh did you ever feel a bit of kind of pressure almost. Or no no i mean rick used to have like competitions about how how silly things we could get people doing how far trust would go um no it was it was the same i think like rick alluded to it was whenever you go. For a lesson generally unless it's a very simple thing generally whenever you change anything within town swing there's going to be a moment of awkwardness. And there's going to be bad shots. And what the video certainly allowed you to do is say now listen just stick with it give it 10 minutes. And it'll be better and they did that that trust yeah yeah maybe stick with it it's a bit it's a bit like if you had a tradesman come around to your house it's been recommended. For me from your mum and dad like you're probably not going to question their work really because i get the only thing i'll think is sicilian do you mean pressure on the actual tradesmen themselves yeah it was more like yeah you fee. But but then.

At the same time if someone recommends like a nice pizza restaurant and it's got the instagram fault it looks good and you go often you are you love it. But you might think oh i didn't know what you know you almost i didn't know if anybody ever i don't know it felt hard you think like this guy he's come two hours from newcastle i gotta be good today.

I think that's i think that's the only time that took a little bit of adjusting. And getting used to is when people started to come in from a long distance. So people started to come from scotland and eventually people like literally flying must feel different it was strange. And but you just get you just get used to it yeah the only thing i found more challenging towards that towards the end of coaching full-time. Or teaching a full diary they're obviously coming in to see you to see rick or pete from the video right so you're full on that's who you are. But sometimes after 12 hours being that person that energy it's hard to maintain so sometimes by the back end of the day they're expecting rick 10 out of 10 energy level because that's what they see on the videos or p at 10 out of 10. but by the time you've coached you've you've been at that standard all day long sometimes you get to the final lessons you like you might only be six out of ten personality-wise energy-wise of what you normally are. And you feel like i need to really try and up my game here and that that was something that was quite taxing. For me in the end like i get home and i was i didn't want to talk like literally i got home. And i didn't want to talk to my wife like because i'd been 10 out of 10 rick all day and that was the hardest thing it was that energy level one of the things that you said i kind of know your story on this rick. But i'm interested to hear from pete your lessons became towards the end less of a lesson and more like almost like a red letter day people could come to meet rick shields our rickshaws experience when did that start happening. For you pete like i'm guessing it's the same people almost still come to get better at golf obviously but the more come and see the favorite youtuber and meet you in real life and get a picture and shake your hand was that probably the end of trafford. Or the quest days or whatever happened yeah that was maybe a little bit more towards when we had our own place um. But to be fair i didn't i didn't really i was very much in kind of coaching mode all the time. So i didn't really i didn't really see that i even if it was getting that feeling i would probably always steer them more towards their actual golf if they just wanted to talk that's fine. But it's kind of like well you know just let's see with some see some shots i i certainly i remember this guy who came from germany or somewhere and he booked him for like a two-hour lesson because we had the online book he just booked in the diary and uh he turned up he was dead excited. And it literally we spoke for 45 minutes of the two hours and not my i didn't i wanted him to get on the mat and hitting shots and uh i kind of in that discussion i'm saying now where have you come from i've come from germany i was like all right wow. So you're here for for the week you're here for family went no no i've come. For today.

Right. So yeah i flew out this morning i hired a car from manchester airport i've driven up here to come. And see you i've got two hours with you because i couldn't book any more time in your diary i drive back home to manchester airport tonight and then.

Fly home and i'm thinking we'll just use 40 minutes because you're he was asking me about youtube asking me about what the next.

Video is that's it that that's where it became. And and it got to a point where we were getting quite tight on time we've been chatting. And he was loving he was enjoying chatting. So it wasn't as if i was trying to force it on him. And i kind of said right we probably need to start doing some work here like what do you want to work on you go right. So now because i've got you for two hours come on watch thinking not anymore like you've got me for 30 minutes now i want to work on putting chipping driving i want to get more distance because you just could just check my shafts on my irons like thinking oh my god and that that was the point was me is like i need either need to change my model i can't let people book him. For two hours coming from germany or i need to kind of ship shift what i'm doing really because i didn't feel like he was getting the full benefit out of it i felt like i wasn't given the service i wanted to give out of it. But it was kind of really no one's fault really question again i've got a little question. For the perv it's good to hear you both together and i'm kind of putting words in rick's mouth there so please feel free rick to jump in but i think over the last couple of years rick is still you know you don't coach people one-on-one. But you make videos online that thankfully helps hundreds of thousands millions of people but you're a golf coach but you've almost become more like a golf personality i would say and i think would you kind of yeah from your own you wanted to i think. For you pete again you obviously have massive following in a personality but i still think certainly i've got the impression that. And this isn't a bad thing by the way that you want to be still known as a real authentic coach and i knew you brought a book out like 12 18 months ago do you still feel now that you've got your team on board. And stuff and you're growing in more of a media brand do you want to be more that kind of personality. Or do you still want to be a really kind of authentic coach in the same conversations as some of the the real real good guys um i guess you can't do both yeah imagine i think the best way of probably explaining it i would like to i would like the coaching aspect to be part of that character it sounds like i'm kind of building a character. But i mean my my content still is very even when i'm trying to play. And improve my own game that's still based around coaching other people and certainly when you know stop making videos whenever that would be i still want to carry on as a coach so you know keeping that grounding in is pretty important. For me are you you don't coach currently are you looking to set something up to coach again is that anything that's in the pipeline i will do eventually. But i think you know we're in an exceptionally lucky position where if we reopen coaching. For dia reopened our diaries for coaching we could be pretty much guaranteed that we could fill it um so there's no there's no rush there's no rush just to quit on the last podcast i did then.

On tuesday um you you were the discussion about how coaches you think should still play to some degree which i get do either of you when you're making an online coaching feel you're a hindrance you don't coach face-to-face anymore. And you might lose that also what i'm looking for i don't know but do you think you lose that at all by not seeing people hands-on it's it's probably a good point yeah. And and even though i can only speak. For myself on this i'm sure people kind of bounce in for me even though i don't speak teach full-time now i did it. For so many hours in the bank that yeah i feel like i've really put the effort in. And and even now like we we went and played with a friend of ours the other day and i coached him and i'll still coach like my kids a bit more now and even friends who maybe come and have a whack in the golf simulator at home or go to the driving range i feel like i'm always or even on instagram sometimes i'll flick through a swing and i might not be able to every time tell them exactly what i need to tell them um through it through online or visual but i'm always looking to swing going oh yeah that's what you need to fix that's what you need to look at you know what i mean. So it's like even though i don't coach every single second of the day now um i feel like i've done the hours yeah i think certainly from coaching a certain level of golfer i think the big difference is. And this is something i do want to try. And look at a little bit more in the future is you know give me a give me a 30 handicapper with a slice. And i'm pretty confident that after not coaching in a while i could still help that golfer um but let's say an elite player came in you know that's a different style and level of coaching which i've not done in a long time is that more personable as well you've got to be on whatsapp a bit more like dan whittaker with his clients. For example i'm guessing he's more you might get text on random tuesday my game was off today.

Like do you think you've got that more relationship with them as well yeah you've got to you've got to be there certainly if you're going to coach like uh if you want to coach say a tour pro like that's a full-time responsibility you've got to be at their back do you guys ever feel like um i know you said this when you were playing ricky sometimes you feel like some of the pros in local comps might be a bit like look at these guys with cameras. And stuff which i'm sure they're probably more used to now because it's been a long time but do you ever feel like some of the other pga pros look at what you two have done. And almost feel like a little bit jealous and and almost play it down that oh these aren't the because you sometimes see the comments and obviously i'm completely on your guy's side clearly but oh they're just ranged pros who got lucky does that annoy you did you get that much still. Or what don't bother me no i think maybe initially there was a there was some resistance from some pros. But generally that was just a misunderstanding. So yeah just didn't understand what was going on. And i didn't understand what was happening to be got to be honest at the beginning of youtube either like i didn't know what i was doing i was just putting stuff out there. And hope it worked i think the reason i say that is because again i know how this works. But to the outset to some people it just looks so easy doesn't it a video on facebook or on youtube if you fix a slice looks to be so easy and these coaches at home might know it themselves but actually there's so much more to it and there's so many people doing it now it's such a hard market to crack certainly if you started it tomorrow yes it was timing as well like we got lucky with timing we were early into that space when not many people were doing it. And we managed to get a bit of a head start and obviously you know it takes hard work to maintain it but there is a bit of luck involved as well yeah certainly from my point of view because if i hadn't gone up to traffic i wouldn't started any youtube stuff am i right in thinking back to college that actually at my scope part of the course. And stuff now are about this kind of career well i've seen that because i've i've been tagged in like post where students from my school as part of their assignment have to look. And watch our videos and or or youtube golfers in general videos and highlight how do they present the content how how are they leveraging social media to grow their business i think well as last year. And the pga as well yeah the pga that was one that got me. So really like a pga trainer that's what i'm thinking of actually i've seen it at my school as well for me i found a little bit resistant certainly when i started playing in competitions kind of 15 16 i felt very much not welcome there just because these bloody jokers with a couple of cameras thinking they're all that i felt like uh but that was probably my own perception once i got to know a few of them you know there wasn't really that hostility. But i think now. And i've done a seminar with the pga have you done a seminar with the pj you haven't yet no i'm not with the pj seminar. Or a webinar anymore no no no no no no i'm not with the pj sorry through lockdown with the pj. And they said it was their most attended webinar they've ever done which is great obviously i really appreciate that. And i can only imagine that i was only talking youtube i wasn't talking social media i think now if you looked at i think there's like 600 pga pros listened in because 600 pga pros want to get better on social media. And they want to see let's say what me you mean what you. And me have done what me and my golf have done what crossfield has done as many others chris ryan danny moored matt fryer now more recently on the car to lots of pga pros who have leveraged the platforms and grow and i'm sure i've missed someone out there and knows someone but have grown and taken advantage of it really and grown their businesses let's say but you're dead right i've always had this mantra and i'm sure you're the same but i want it to look easy i want it to look effortless at the make the videos but we know it's not like we know it's hard and the editing and the team that we have here now are phenomenal at what they do. But like that's hard to stay consistent with it for so long that's a big thing as well which stays so consistent for like six seven years now i've been super consistent on uploads i don't know i'm getting out with the story but i feel like i think it's just it's hard. And it looks is like that was the thing when it first started to really pop i think i did see a bit more of it online. And people i just is it more of a feel as much as anything it might not have stats to hand obviously. But it feels to me more like a lot of these real authentic pros are. So much more open to what you guys are doing. And actually respect probably that would respect it a lot more which they should do obviously yeah i feel like now if we if we wanted to i mean we've seen it even like with david lepets doing videos with like me my golf i reckon six years ago that just wouldn't have happened no no no no you've been like why do i need these guys what's the point. But they've got books to sell they've got things to promote like you've done stuff with carl morris and um gary nichol gary again i could imagine them being quite traditional in their thoughts but it might take time and and they start to you know be more receptive to change and social media i mean even those having david cannon on a few weeks ago yeah i couldn't imagine that would have happened by the fact that actually there is an audience there there is there is a following etcetera no it's interesting don't quite know where i'm going without topic. But it's just how perceptions change isn't it and how it it will continue to do. So and there's always like even now i don't know how you feel on this one peak but like tick tock's become a big platform and there's some guys who have like quite big followings on tick tock and that's their kind of main platform and i still don't massively massively get it i do to some degree. But they're gonna be like the next.

Generation and it's always evolving and hopefully youtube survives forever but there's always this you know the probably guys out there who are doing tick-tock coaching you've now getting people coming traveling half an hour to go. And see you know an hour because we found them on tick-tock yeah yeah. And it's all i know neither of you two would do this. For one second and know but people might look down on that and go tick-tock i'll go tick-tock golf coach but that's gonna be the next.

Evolution isn't it it's always changing but it's always what people like what people don't understand as well yeah. So certainly when kind of we were starting out youtube if you wanted to be a successful golf coach. And to be a more renowned golf coach you had to be on tv or in a magazine that was seen as like the thing now it's completely changed like tv. And magazines like they're not they're not the way out obviously but they hold a lot less sway than if you take in the whole social media now where okay well i've obviously got massive following now you guys on youtube. For example youtube i don't think is going to go anywhere. But you never know but you never you never know dear he's not he's not going anywhere it's like it's like facebook as well are you guys. But massive following on facebook there's not any young people going on facebook they're on tik tok yeah. And in 20 years people if tick tock still going will still use tik tok. But the kids will be on something completely exactly it's always new platforms. And we will understand like why are people walking around with ar glasses on yeah i don't understand it well it's like now a very different uh example. But like i don't massively still get like esports personally i get it but i don't particularly subscribe to i don't i don't enjoy watching people play fifa against each other but that's become a professional sport now so you have to embrace it and be open-minded to it so much you know you've done a thing was it didn't you do that thing. For the golf the wgt there's a tournament and you like hosted it with seb now at the time i was thinking i don't really get this. But you have you can't be ignorant to it because that's the way the world's going. And we could be hopefully saturday in 20 years time whatever and there might be literally the e open and there could be guys playing the openings and andrews on the it's crazy and on the laptop on the playstation whenever it plays in 10 by then.

Whatever and that's what it could be and you have to in this industry stay open-minded tiger could still win more majors yeah just e majors. And going into youtube as well pete like how much do you like obsessed with it like as in stats growth are you really kind of into that yes. But not me personally so david who kind of is my brand manager now what he's brought partly to the table is an understanding of the knowledge of those things like i can look at youtube numbers youtube stats. And the analytics now you can delve into. So deeply but interpreting those and actually understanding how that relates to what you should put out that's not a strength of mine i don't i don't understand what a lot of it means but that's what having people in position who know what they're doing is a massive advantage well definitely obviously guys has such an influence on that as well. For us i think the downside to that we do. So much of it as well but you can almost go it can also ruin content sometimes you can be. So obsessive with trying to find like the right title the right thumbnail taking too much out the edit yeah it's exciting by youtube that's it you kind of work. For youtube and that sometimes upsets me a bit it's like literally like a really wholesome video you've got you've got to you've got to try and stay authentic that that's the key like we could all we could all put out videos which i think we know would get a lot of views. And great but as soon as you just start chasing views that's when it starts that's when it starts to speaking of chasing views though that's a really good segue one of the clips we'll probably use from this video is youtube falling out. So there's been a lot of um i'll start this fresh so we've got it as a perfect clip um there's a lot of people asking how rick shields and peter finch fell out we see it on comments pretty much every day every day i would say you have got two hands rick yeah that's correct that would help um the accountant's improvement yeah yeah they're knuckle fists there's people asking every day on rick's platforms i see it on your stuff pete on instagram on twitter every time you post a video. Or either way it's when you're playing with pete when you're playing with rick let's just settle this now and also we didn't help ourselves after last week's podcast with you know the open fiasco um have you two fell out have we fallen out pete i don't know rick having fallen out we have not fallen out everybody that's news to me the fact that pete rang me when he got here this morning so he was here. And didn't ring you i don't think that's my number james i changed my number last year i don't think he's got it no not at all i think because obviously we spent. So much time together back in the day and i think that's where maybe there's a we work. So closely together like we were we were at trafford together we obviously moved to london together set up our own academy we moved to um burnley together set up our own academy like all the time we were with each other. So making content one's very easy and i think that's where possibly the things have changed we've grown differently in directions in business. And growth and teams and expansion and then.

Once the kind of academy kind of fizzled out we weren't there every day because what was mad we went through a time of period certainly at burnley where we literally never saw each other because we coached on different days. So like i'd coach i remember the structure now it's only a couple days a week when each lives on different days yeah i'd coach maybe i can't remember thursday sunday. And people were there friday saturday. And i might film their monday and you might film their tuesday because it was one day we literally never saw each other like. And i think that time of period everybody felt like because we had the academy together we'd see each other every day because it was only one day it's literally how they ever got a chance to see each other. And i think just over time it's funny with friends. And certainly male friends i always feel like some friends of mine i don't see for like five years maybe but soon as you kind of see each other again you're like if you remember oh and you have beers and you have a laugh and you have a joke like hopefully this podcast has come out today.

Sometimes we don't see each other as often it just doesn't happen like that does it no. And i think you might say me wrong you might say no i already ate yeah no i i think you're right um no you are right i think it's obviously easier. And certainly i found this with with mylabs it's just easier to do stuff when you when you're together. And i mean certainly over the last kind of 12 to 15 months physically a lot of the time not being able to get together with people. So that obviously puts another spanner in the works but i think the fact is that the content that we film has also changed. So a lot of the stuff that we did film together you know three-part course vlogs you know film kind of once a week play they'd be put out i mean they were easy to do. And easy to film and edit but we don't really do those well if we're being honest. And they have a massive following those course vlogs and people be again commenting below saying how much they missed them and i'm sure you guys can do more in the future different styles. And stuff but you hit the nail in the head there were ease to do yeah the other guy could hold the camera when you hit in the shot it was three videos. For that week done three on your channel three on yours your content was almost ticked off after an afternoon's work really. And as you've both got bigger followings and your content has to be so much better you know you've got more people watching productions got better yeah. And i feel like now kind of course vlogs it's kind of it's the lazy content sometimes it's the easy content and we saw it from stats and again going back into stats it's not again unfortunately. For youtube it's not the thing that really pulls in the the mass views or the it's not really is it. And certainly when you break it up into three parts and stuff i think the problem we've got now. And we just do something about it. But like because you've not filmed together for such a while when you do it's got to be a good video. And a good idea i don't think it could really work because just like go. And play nine holes randomly you know what i mean it's got to be i think the first one could be well yeah because because nobody's seen it. For so long and that's the other thing like it's it's what is the idea because i think the one of the last times we filmed was at formby yeah i think i was last time. And that was when we did it with matt. And weirdly we did like three challenges. But each challenge was different. So they did well on views didn't they each one separated the time before that was it was at formby. And we we did a challenge where we played with three clubs. And you had the dice and you brought the dice that was a different challenge. And that it's that kind of like that angle like it's it's got to have purpose when we had the big match in vegas that was good that was the match that was like something that people really built up to. And we kind of had that the beef and the and the tension beforehand and like even secondhand club challenge people love that obviously i think with the second club challenge a lot of people like there's got to be a time as well where series finish. And it and i'm a big fan of series finishing when they're doing well yeah because there's nothing worse than flogging a dead horse. And trying to keep making them all the time so i just think it fizzles out yeah no i'd agree with that i mean listen it. And we've also got to say you know you're obviously terrified about playing me at the moment and that's perfectly understandable you know it's what they say about hammer hands shields whatever you're calling yourself so all right then.

The fear is the fear is real right now let's have a match okay. But let's give me a little bit of time to prepare can i set a date a little bit of time just all you do is play golf. And every now and again break 75. i shot 79 in the last competitive round you're you're better than me that is true actually i think you should actually give me some shots that is true i probably would i might start off august would work i'm very busy in august i'm sure you are very busy hey i know i know you're gonna be busy hiding give me i'd go september september yeah i saw it past august calendar okay the kids are back at it september yeah gives me that gives people look at them september could be my birthday tree um let's not say it on the podcast this is the podcast you're saying on right now. But have you got a venue in mind um i'll pick the date you pick the venue frick listen man anywhere anytime stick some holes in the concrete for all i can make are you going to what was it called the one that we used to play all the time is it even shut down now clickstand like i don't know how flexible royal flixton's still there no we'll set a date we'll go somewhere. And let's have rick versus pete the match too yeah september pay-per-view. For people listening we'll take it off youtube i'll put on thriller yes underneath the logan paul what's up i think 30 pounds of view is decent uh oh i'd say that's cheap yeah 80 20. we've gone to an hour again by the way any other questions yeah let's just. So basically thanks again pete for coming on today.

We've already seen your podcast it's been really good really um kind of insightful next.

Week's podcast will be back to normal. So if you've got any emails to send us maybe it's a dear rick maybe it's a nightmare golf shot or a stupid golf rule email those to podcast um but yeah we've got some questions on the facebook page which were. For people we've had loads how many shots would you beat rick bye oh god crikey i don't know like over oh over 18 holes over 18. let's be quick fire this all right over 18 holes well it takes a lot of calculation i'd say at the moment eight to nine okay fair enough what you're not going to beat me by eight. Or nine shots i don't know i mean in september bear in mind that gives you time to prepare it gives me time to prepare as well uh i'll let you have a little shot shot of me pete because what do you think a guy's trash talk um yeah i think it was uh it was an interesting conversation you have to watch the last podcast on this first rodeo um do rick. Or people miss teaching one-to-one lessons uh yeah i do i think there's a lot of other stuff to keep us going at the moment though. So i do miss it. And i will get back to it eventually. But i'm the same i do i miss it. But i miss doing it full time like i was doing it full time i'd love it again yeah. But doing it like sporadically it's just so difficult to manage andy clark has said what do you like to do away from golf. And youtube eat and drink that's my main hobby and what the dog and i'm really good at it there's actually favorite scottish golf course royal aberdeen i think still what's that one you played the other day that looks sick don barney is that really good where is that by the way right there andrew why did we go we were gonna play it because we did king's barns instead yeah it's just over the hill um what do you see as the end goal in life um just maybe not in the enjoy yourself really let's go let's go end goal. For it is a tough question cause i don't really know when goal is there end goal. For quest for open when they open yeah this is a bit more of a serious one. But a good one and we pushed the fastest earlier on but uh does pete think all the training fitness. And speed actually helped on the golf course quite interesting your thoughts on that one yes um certainly kind of when i was that was my main focus when i was doing the woop fits that was like a real concentrated effort. And on the course he was paying off. And then.

I did i did believe a video with bryson's grips. And that's what set my wrist off and after that i couldn't do as much do you think you hurt your back though during the ridiculous swing speed training not on my back no my back is a what do you know remember i said i got injured at football it's the same place in my back really. So it's still like an ongoing issue for like 20 years yeah um this is really when someone did a slide tackle really heavy question. So i might take this quite a deep question this one from norman terry how do you maintain that level of pure sexiness i mean moisturize yeah pretty regularly um don't shave just are you still be perceived to have the best golf swing on youtube i'm not sure perceives the right word i think recognized who do you think swings it best on youtube uh i don't know probably probably george bryan i would have said who do you think who do you think is the. So do you think he's the best youtube golfer i would have thought. So yeah i'd say bryson deshamble now actually started uploading oh he's not not nice who would you be in youtube golf question by anonymous richard shields in youtube golf i'm confident that i'd beat everybody on my given day to be fair i think you're good the guys in america are good they want like mika. And or mike i look at his name wrong it's a tough thing we go for it because it's like he's literally just on the day question question and that that's the last one but on a serious note now do you believe i know this isn't about the dig. But most people hit the barrett golf in the r because i do i think i'm better at golf than i am. And i hold my hands up in my head i think i'm off scratch. And i'm not i'd say one thing which is good about the new handicap system that'll actually show it up if people are playing regularly the way that that works i think that gives a much truer reflection of where people are at yeah i think that'd be good obviously you need to give it a little bit of time probably after this year you'll get to know a little bit more. But i think that's a good measure do you think with golf though it's because like at my home course i've birdied every hole. And i've eagled quite a lot of them obviously over years and years of playing no i know. But i know in my head it's obviously not i'm never gonna shoot 52 clearly but i couldn't well 53 i could shoot eight in the past but it's not going to happen. But then.

Do you get what i mean it's kind of like you know you can do it. But i think a handicap as well we've discussed like a handicap is a snapshot of you on a on a good day yeah like you shouldn't play to handicap all the time what would you guess your handicap is right now um i think there's a video on it last year year before. And i think it was like was it plus two was that with the normal the old one that was it was it was kind of like a bastardized version of the new right one i i did it in a way which made sense from all my other comp results um. But i don't know i i think i mean i'm probably a plus plus handicapper. But i don't know i don't know what i'd be yeah. But a lot of the young young kids now i plus six percent that's the thing is it is it's ridiculous handicap do become irrelevant to that level don't as long as you're low enough to get into like british amateur whatever it just becomes irrelevant there's loads of questions some of them are quite long are we are we happy with those. So far anything else you wanna um there is a lot of good ones a lot of would you lamp rick from liam krauther would i lamp him yes i said i like that terminology i mean let's i mean let's see how september match goes first i'm ready. For this only he's ready for two months away i'm so ready i'm going to 60 days give me two months. And i'll be ready for this scott freya said what do you prefer hitting a stinger. Or seeing guy back making the coffee behind the scenes and playing darts stinger is a stinger i was absolutely quit the podcast last week i've said this about three times. But then.

I decided to uh grope a little bit and if you say things online you've got to be that's a freaking double salary it's just to keep him on oh no he's a tactic well we chatted about it yeah this is all we discussed this two months i'm gonna write a check to fifteen thousand pounds in a minute. And my new salary of four hundred grand a week i actually opened to keep it quiet i actually got through both qualifying stages i gave results i gave harry kane a little call and said right you want to leave tottenham what you have to do he gave me some tips. And uh oh there we go well that's been good uh september something for people to look forward to i feel like you can't give me like death eyes now i'm looking forward i feel like he's gonna go back and grind his ass off now and give you i'm not releasing any videos for like two months now i'm going into the cave i'm glad i motivate you i feel like he's gonna battle it i thought you're gonna walk out of here now peter like why the hell let me do that i'm loving it i'm kind of staring at it a little bit right i i think you need like cut that from the podcast i'm not playing against i think you need to reassess your game i think i should play in competitions again if you want to i mean you don't i won't say you missed out what caused you to quit the real elephant in the room sorry. But genuinely luminous yeah that was 100 percent oh yeah no no 100 i made you quick i was there i saw i saw the disintegration of the golfer after the what do i do here. And i went in the clubhouse and they said well you if you win i you forgive your prize money i was like oh crap i've got got you two more rounds keep it going that was 100 what caused you to quit playing pro because i ended up on golfbidder rx it ended up everywhere today.

For me it was that idea that i don't even know why i was. So out of practice in my head i wasn't doing open qualifying that was it. So like i think that was in february time. Or march i think it's feb. And from july the previous year when i did open qualifying. Or june the previous year but no competitive golf. And so it's like six months out of competitive golf and then.

Thrown straight into that i was like ah i don't know how to play golf anymore yeah under competitive standards tough one at looming as well because it was the first round was on the the title course. But anyway that's why i heard on the grapevine it's quite easy though a couple of days practice school ridiculous honestly i think i think it's. So good in the practice round i don't think you give yourself enough credit. For the fact you're a good golfer but also that you could be a really good golfer oh thanks mate i also made the mistake of getting a bit drunk the night before that luna prom wow leaving a problem of course you were everyone i think everybody was three friends like this i think the playing field was completely level because from what i saw there wasn't anybody on water that night. But did that one of the swedish team. So we got in the morning at seven were smashing the pines maybe they have enough maybe that's what it was have more that's what pete does that's what it is the secret i would i would like to because some bit of me missed it. But too much of it doesn't what about then.

If you beat pete if then.

You enter a pro tournament okay what we're doing it would be match play yeah well listen if we're gonna have a day of it in september we can make a few videos we'll have stroke play match your apology you should put my side of it i've got to get back in pete's good books um great awesome thanks pete. For coming on all right we've got everything done um september now we'll do a poster we'll do a podcast no i think i think you'll be fine i mean how we should be able to have crowds about by then.

As well yes mate imagine we'd have hundreds of people there that'll be class on the t right cheers get down into those comments would you come. And watch oh freaking the match mano and mano slugging it around around the 18 holes i only lost in vegas because that family came and watched them like 14. i mean it might have been quite heavily down in the match. But from that point yeah went to ratchet well you could also say the best up. And down of anyone in the planet when they came to watch is pretty good right that's an absolute pleasure um yeah email us rate us five stars um give guys some love please please my ego's really hurt. And we'll see you soon thanks pete good luck with everything be nice to see you get through regional qualifying yeah nice to see.