If memory lee had won scottish open and england won the euros i'd have almost felt too greedy so welcome to a very unscripted very random very late night show of the episode of the rickshaws golf show podcast it is 10 minutes to 11 p.m wow me. And guy have been on a few little brewskis we are still on the brewskis. So if you want to tune in to the youtube channel to watch us in a very different location to our studio is it a chalet i would classify it as a chalet um if it was its posh term it's a lodge uh we are very pleased. And very happy to be down very close to ralston george's this week here at the open championship 149th and uh doing some work with mastercard this week we've got another podcast coming out later this week a biggie a very big i've got a special guest on there i managed to interview victor hovland which is going to come out on thursday this should be wednesday that should be tomorrow exciting time. For everybody now we wanted to treat everybody because we didn't have opportunity to do our normal tuesday podcast lots was going on in the world first off england were in the euros final against italy yes. And i decided because i was going to be rough i expected everyone else to be rough. So i gave everyone off everyone on the day off on monday very kind of yeah kind of backfired because we didn't win the euros. And i wasn't really rough and it was a horrible day to be honest we wouldn't be able to do much anyway would we good on a podcast though we could have done a podcast that's a very good shout out. So apologize you didn't get your normal tuesday podcast but hopefully we're going to make up with it with two fantastic episodes this episode. And then.

A fantastic episode tonight well this one could go one or two ways because you've had you four beers deep five beers deep i think i'm five beers deep yeah really you're. So deep at the moment you are like surprisingly i've had force this is my fourth cider wow i've been tactical i've had a few waters in between because we did play nine holes before we did play nights buggies beers banter butters butters long drives short drives it was an interesting day it was we played at the golf course that we are staying at i don't think we should say that. Yet just in case we get some super seals fans coming super fans come here tomorrow night but it's a golf course close by it's a really nice setting we're staying in lodges nearby and we played nine holes the bat nine and the first time the golfers that work at rickshaws media byron tim who doesn't play golf we had a match we did. So it was me. And matt versus you and harry what was the score in the end i think we won three. And one three and one was it did you do you par the 17th yes yeah two. And one then.

Uh i did have half the 17th yes i did i think we went before that what was 17 in the past three little part three yeah part of that yeah anyway um apart from that nothing else happened no nobody drove nobody hit it longer than me getting short in your old age now i'm getting really short set the scene we came to a really good par four. And you went right let's have a long drive comp yep it's you medium to long hitter it's me medium to long kitter there's young matt behind the camera who's a long hitter and there's harry behind the camera who's a potential long hitter he's got it in the locker i stood up hit one i said mine was hit well 93 percent it was like not perfect. But i was i was happy with it you ah absolutely crunched yours i said i i reckon mine was 95. So crunched and then.

Matt absolutely banged once he was the longest he won fine whatever. But you were i was one yard behind you yeah sure how far were you matt sixteen yards ahead of you ahead of me. So you were like 17 yards ahead of me christ harry didn't unfortunately find the fairway. But we'll continue to fight another day anyway i feel like we've got a lot to discuss we've kind of started off this really mellow but we should really be singing all singing all dancing because this weekend the momentous occasion of the 11th of july even though england did not win the euros which i was devastated about which we'll come onto in a minute he became a big football fan in the last two weeks huge football fight goes to games. And everything go to all the games i'm a proper england fan our boy minwoo lee he won the friggin scottish open we said he was one of the best golfers if not the best golfer we've ever seen up close. And certainly it filmed with obviously we've been fortunate to see like tiger hit balls at the open before but you can't really say that's like you've not been with him have you but we said. And you said he's the best golf you've ever played with he's been proven to be right he was the he's definitely the best girlfriend i've ever played with that did i mention the part obviously we did the podcast with him which was a few episodes ago hopefully you've heard that that's the lad that lad who we did the podcast with has just gone on to win a rolex rolex series event is one million plus pounds worth of prize money plus i actually don't know what total is i think i heard rumors it was 1.9 million i think it's just over a million quid. So he's now a millionaire if he wasn't already he has got access to probably all the majors for next.

Year i would guess he got access into the this week's open championship here at royal saint george's yes um is world ranking now has gone to late maybe 50. Or 60th roughly i don't think it's quite that high let me just double check is it i thought it was like 90 yards. But let me just you might be right he um has unlocked the potential to play on european tour much more pga tour potentially he just killed it and hand on heart and i mentioned in the podcast after maybe we filmed with uh mimwoo lee and after the podcast he is hands down the best golfer i've played with. So far because his skill level far exceeds anything i can achieve even close to it even close to it that birdie he made. So if you're not if you didn't see it i'm sure people will have done he won on the first playoff hole against two other guys is that right there's three of them all together. And he made that fitzpatrick and he made a birdie he saw was it like a an 18-footer to win a 15-18 yeah maybe a touch closer. And he that was a proper port wasn't it like that was one of those puts where he obviously saw the line committed to it. And just boxed it off yeah to win a million quid shoot 64 in the final round outrageous golf gets into the playoff could have easily won it out right he left on the lip on the eight on the 72nd hole just on the lip agonizingly three-man play-off loads of pressure playoffs can recently have been going a long a long way we've mentioned a couple of times on the pga tour i think there were seven holes recently a play-off like three-man play-off can go. For many many many holes he steps up there bombs driver down the 73rd hole the first playoff hole it's a beautiful iron shot into like say 12-foot or so three perfect shots boxes it legend how tough are you on a scale of one to twelve it really helped me um overcome the disappointment of sunday evening knowing that i can't have both things happen in one day like if memory lead won the scottish open. And england won the euros i'd have almost felt too greedy that's too much i had an indian that night i had friends around we had loads of drinks the kids were having a great time like if england would have won as well as lingually winning i just don't think that could have worked. So i apologize for ever listening it's kind of my fault england didn't win yes because i wanted minwoo lee to win. So much i must admit obviously i didn't watch much the golf bar sunday i got really into it and i don't normally get that behind somebody because we'd film with him we spent some time with him we had little food with him we kind of got to know him to some degree i did feel really invested. And when he won i actually was unbelievably chuffed. And i put baton into the open so if he wins the open i'll be even more chuffed we'll talk about bets one of our fantastic listeners i don't actually know his name i don't think i got it who put in the facebook podcast group okay because a lot of people who listen to the podcast have rightly. So become huge minwoo leaf of course huge if you've not seen the videos i did with him he featured the break 75 at king's barnes which was titled my perfect round of golf. And he also was my phenomenal playing partner when we played saint andrews in reverse i mean that's only me. And the new scottish open champion who have done that recently yeah just flex somebody in the podcast group put a bet on him at let me work out the answer i don't really know the odds anyway in long story short he won ten thousand four hundred pounds i think he put four hundred pound on minwoo lee to win each way at two hundred to one does that sound about right no no sorry two it was two he put two hundred pound on each way. So the total state was four hundred pounds he bet he had him at 41 to one to win oh yeah. So it must have been joined about right in the third round or something like that ten thousand 400 pounds outrageous you're welcome that listener should give us a cut really you are welcome um. So yeah really happy. For minwoo lee i managed to message him we had a few little exchanges um i actually met his sister who is we mentioned on the podcast i met her at centurion just the week before uh because we actually went down. And we've got some videos with we've i feel like we've got a load of talk a lot happened since last week so last week we went to the uh down at centurion i've had a few beers and that was one of the first events we've covered. For a long time since well before covid well hen no the only one i did was wentworth yeah. But that's what well that was that when the event was on the practice around our fair dudes there yeah no the event wasn't officially on it was a practice round yeah okay there's no spectators. Or anything so yeah it was an event didn't feel this one felt this felt a bit more like even still a practice round we went. But it was people were going it was felt more kind of real. And you you're a bit of a lucky charm i didn't you know what for a while i've kind of suspected it but recently i think it's confirmed it why well explain this to me then..

So right we had mineral leaf was mentioned one filmed with rick shields right with him two times we did a podcast with him he goes. And wins one of the biggest events of the year on the lpga tour this weekend i'll try and say name correctly nasa hatter kocher correct one on the lpj tour who before minwoo lee i would honestly say was the most impressive girl forever i'd agree she was awesome she won though slight default because the event got called off after 54 holes she still wore she still won actually she played this chat yeah exactly. And then.

So this weekend just this one we just got you went to aramco which is. And actually a ladies european tour event is it co-sanctioned with lpj as well i think it's just some lpga players that come over big purses quite a bit money involved big money. And it's weirdly so three pros play together with one amateur and there's a captain of each team i believe 36 captains in total and they get to do almost a draft pick at the start of the week they pick two pros. And then.

One amateur gets chucked in yeah i was invited to be one of the amateurs to play a plus one. But i decided not to you still went at a good time for the practice round and we filmed the video which won't be out yet what's now yet with olivia cowan yes. And how did she i'm in the event rick um oh yeah she won yeah she won the team event. So olivia caron i did a video with her where um a bit similar to the westwood video we did it went with where i carried. For her for five holes we tried to shoot on the par weirdly this week she didn't have a caddy so i could have actually been there she actually pulled a trolley all the time pulled the trolley and cleaned her own clubs and picked her own distances save money save money i had messaged her after and said not only did you win. But you also managed to save some money because you have to pay caddy that's ridiculous um she went into winner win the event alex i think it was a massive purse which is crazy um the video i think the video people are gonna really enjoy that video i i enjoyed making it. And i feel like if i really enjoy making it it typically comes out in the video and it's normally a really well received video i'll tell you what i always think when we've been to what we've not been to many women's well i've been to many women's tournaments. But i've been to a handful now when you see them on the range which we did again at that event at aramco i almost think it's more impressive than watching the men because the swings are a bit slower. But they're so like smooth and they get so much from the speed they're generating into balls being into distance and they're so accurate and it's we all spent some time with ann van damme which is another video coming soon yeah. So i'm van damme if you don't know she's the longest lady tour player on the led definitely on the lpga last year for certain not currently on the lpga just because she's not played in many events yeah. But she she total distance in the us and on the lpg at 290 yard yards she mullers it and in the uk or the led chasse on the european tour she's averaging about 280 odd yards she swings it ridiculous unbelievably pure so we did almost like a mini documentary almost like an interview style which again might come out this week we'll see how it works um we've got quite a few bits in the edit at the moment. But she was fantastic to spend time with she was really good she's playing in the first ever olympics this year representing uh holland um don't actually i don't think she's great in the event my luck can't extend that far do you know what i mean i mean she'll probably win this week right. So she's gone back over to lpga this week actually so that was really fun video um then.

After we filmed that that evening i managed to grab a ticket to one of the hottest oh that was the right word one of the hottest tickets in the world yeah. So and a lot i want to clear this up a lot of people say oh you're getting a ticket because a corporate i managed to get a ticket to the semi-final england versus denmark at wembley and it was absolutely incredible it's not what you know it's who you know. So let me explain because i've heard of people saying oh look at you you corporate ticket not even that big of a football fan i was a huge football fan a massive football fan i fell out of love with football. And now i'm back in love with football yes i'm at the moment gone by next.

Week at the moment i'm in a little breakup period because obviously the result didn't go our way in the end. But i managed to get a ticket so a friend of mine who was an ex-client of mine dan rigby who listens to the show by the way. So big shout out to dan like massive shout out i feel like i owe him a lot and it's gonna sting me in the butt at some point so he went to the germany match the very next.

Day i saw it on his instagram and the very next.

Day weirdly text me asking about a golf question so i replied back to him and i went oh by the way how did you get a ticket to the germany match he went well actually funny story i've got tickets from i should have had tickets. For the 2020 european championship but i'm i've i've now got your tickets for the semi-final and the final i'm like oh my god i said listen if you hear of any tickets let me know because i really want to go because with us we're down in london i was like i desperately want to go a couple days later he texts me saying i've got a spare ticket do you want it i'm like yes 100 i said what do you want. For it he went nothing so i feel like he's got an ace in his car where like i'll get tickets like the masters one time and you'll want to come with me but that's okay i'll live with that the atmosphere was out this world looked ridiculous oddly enough a golf event sorry a football event i mean we've seen it slightly today.

We went to the royal saint george's touched on in the minute. But we'll dive more into on that on thursday's podcast yeah whether it's because people were more drunk even those at a football event i've never been spotted more times ever in my life than i was at wembley hitches pictures people coming up to me ricky rickoy i feel like i'm more ricky when people are drunk yeah um. But atmosphere was electric obviously we won the march i went out into town later i was out till about 2 30 a.m how many sauces did you have double fingers yeah it was saucy. And then.

It was it was just class really i say really great atmosphere. And i think you even asked me a question afterwards does it compare to the ryder cup because we you spoke to yesterday i said that even though i could barely talk because my throat was just like it sounds very rough just all the shouting all the screaming all the cheering the chanting i've heard i've learned a lot of new words all the songs i know all the songs yeah i know everything now a proper football fan was already a miller wall tattoo on your arm now. And um you said you asked me is the atmosphere better than. Or the ryder cup and your answer was 100 wembley at that point. And you went to the have you been to two to two rounds been into three rounds celtic manor celtic manor belfry uh not belfry sorry have you been to two but yeah because i didn't do glenn eagles sorry i've been to two celtic manor in france the first tee i was lucky enough to be there friday morning first tee france like mega mega early that was that was ridiculously amazing atmosphere. But but it was a different atmosphere i think it's different because with the football it's like you're. So passionate for your country where's the ryder cup obviously you want europe to win but you're more ecstatic just be at the event if you get me yeah i i found it really difficult to understand certainly at ryder cup how the players could because it's. So slow like you have to get a ball and put it in the ground and you've got to do a practice swing. And you've got to hit a great shot in front of tens and tens of thousands of people and you've got all that time and that everything must be going through your mind even though the ball's not moving i found it phenomenal that they can stand up there. And hit a great shot when football everything happens like that yeah bar penalties which. But like everything happens you've got to react so quickly haven't you yeah i get that. So that was amazing um. And then.

We have made the journey down here today.

I feel like everyone's getting a little bit tired my left eye is going saggy i feel better i've seen matt's news in the corner already we uh like say i filmed yesterday which will be coming out thursday an interview with victor hovland which was really good yes. So if my lucky charm is working he'll win the open he's got to back him. Or him or min wu i've got somebody on win minwoo i think he's going to do it well the one the bets i've got come up to top 12.. So if go each way can you name a player who's won the scottish than the open i thought has it been done before yeah fairly recently that's right i gotta say phil mickelson i was gonna say that. But i didn't do he won the scottish um. So yeah that's going to come out thursday. And then.

We came we drove down here today.

Five. And a half hours to get down here which is a massive track. So they opened this year certainly if you listen from america let's set the scene of where the open is this year. So it's the very southeast of england so it's a long way down and quite a long way to the east yeah. And it's a hard place for us who are from the northwest it's like the opposite end of the country totally it wasn't it wasn't a bad drive in terms of traffic. But it long was it 270 miles. For us roughly smile so it's right in the corner it's on like it's on a patch of real estate which has some phenomenal golf courses on so you've got prince's royal saint george's and i'm gonna butcher the name slightly on this one it's poor poor sinkport port sync royal synthetic royal port sync something i don't know um look like three golf courses there that are all phenomenal apparently. And royal saint george's hosted the open 10 years ago when darren clark won it's just one of those venues i don't know the golf course that well i've never played it so i don't really know many of the holes we had a little glimpse glimpse at one and eighty it looks pure though the bunkers the greens the fairway it looks very green it looks very difficult it was a little bit breezy out there today.

The forecast this week is very dry. So the only thing that's going to defend it is wind yes the rough looks astronomically hard like ridiculous because we played golf tonight just up the road 28 minutes up the road at the golf course we're at today.

And the rough here was brutal like really brutal. So the open championship this week i also think the roof the rough is going to be the big factor. For me it is it's i've said this before it's my favorite major it's between the open the masters. But it is my favorite major. But a lot of people obviously matt and harry are with us today.

I've never been to an open. Or a golf event a proper golf event for me the open is just special. And obviously last year we didn't have it this year we have so it's great that it's back but just walking around and we went to the range we watched bryce and smacking driver now obviously everybody listening knows bryson hits a mile but watching it in real life it's i would say truthfully hits it appears to be anyway double the height of an average like golf shot when you see it when you see a good goal for a golf club smack a drive it looks double the height doesn't it did you see him properly before i did it it was hard to spot at first because we weren't super close to him. But you're right the hang time he had now whether that's going to help him around the golf course like i swiss week who knows who knows he might just try. And brute it his way around because can you do that though well typically open golf courses aren't super long. So it's not the length that protects it it's if you're offline you're not in a fluffy line that in the rough do you know what i mean you're reading because as well a lot of the time thick thick thick rough. So yeah it'll be a really interesting week um we spent a bit of time in the merch nice tent you did you got your wallet i was really nice i did you're welcome what did you get again i got a random added ass t-shirt. But whereas you got the three like stripes logos three golf club heads quite good might work tomorrow i got this hat copy if you wanna if you wanna watch no this is nice this is classy this one. So if you wanna watch in the uh youtube you can see my hat treated harry. And matt some bits as well so hopefully it's gonna be a good week we're down here until friday um got a little bit of social media planned looking forward to meeting more people when they're down here if you do see me around. And about come and say hello come see guy um if you want to buy us a beer yeah i'll say that well i'll have the beer i was thinking of northwest prices there's going to say we're down south. And we're at the opening probably about 750 a bite and so it should be a good full week um what else have we covered anything else was there anything else that we need to talk about um not massively it that's not a good thing to say not massively i think we've never had everything to say we've got a lot of facebook questions okay should we fight yeah let's fire through it feels weird because part of me is really enjoying the chat um is a bit tired. But i want to power through how long have you actually been running for me okay let's do it yeah just. For another 10 months let's go right okay. So there's been a lot of questions on facebook um sean harris what's the best caution ever played rick unpopular choice but it is the best golf course we'll play trump international in aberdeen i don't know why i asked that one i'm sure people say why is it the unpopular choice it's just because it's got the name trump to it i'm not political. So i don't know the ins and outs of what's happening in america whatever else or around the world but i know he's a very polarizing figure so they have a standard question but i think it's a good one i don't think we've quite covered. Yet from justin bignell who was going to win the open you said your min will leave. But is that who you no genuinely right now hand on heart even though i've not put a bet on him i think john rahm's going to win his game's. So good at the moment you know he's proven record on link's golf courses he won the irish open a couple of years ago obviously just coming off the back of the us open win i just feel like his game is. So good he's world number one he's in a real happy place the europeans love him when he comes back over here i just think he's just he's just a different level he has every aspect of the game strength power creativity skill putting um short game prowess i think he's hard to stop. And i know it's not a big shout out his number one in the world like it's not i'm not putting my neck out on the line here but i just think he's got everything it needs he needs to have to win an open championship big question from david paul i've seen this a lot recently creeping up online on twitter okay facebook not thief thoughts on the garmin r10 device i've seen a lot of these tweets. So let me just rest every put everyone's mind at rest the garmin r10 which if you don't know about it's a new launch monitor portable launch monitor that cost 500 pounds it's not only a launch monitor you can set up just like solo. And connected to your phone there's also ways of connecting it to a simulator software i have been in the process of we did some beta testing a few months ago. And there was a couple of things that needed addressing those things now thankfully been addressed the version that's coming out now is the all single dancing i'm in the process of testing content reviews everything will be coming very soon can we just talk a little bit about some of the testing we did because i was impressed. So we went to the marriott golf club on film and we went onto the driving range we did. And we were testing it you had a device an early kind of sample if you like. So you're giving some feet obviously people know you're a garmin ambassador so you get sent their products early they value your feedback anything you think good. Or bad or indifferent you feed that back and that helps them make better product basically which is you you. And you love you're in your arm when you do that we did something that was really fun i've actually never done before. So right we had one of the testers got this garmin r10 so you had your gc quad which is the all signal dancing like launch monitor really isn't it it's 20 000. i think if you bought it actually on its own just a device it's like 15 000.. But once you add all the extras on all the software and everything else price 25 very expensive but it's the absolute pinnacle if you like of golf launch monsters it's so accurate it's it's just brilliant for coaching for fitting etcetera um so we had that one and we had this garmin r10 which is about 500 quid it is we paced out 50 yards paced out 100 yards. And pace 150 yards so normally that paste paste that out and lasered it yes with the z82 yes it's also gaming products. But we like we made sure we were pretty much spot on yeah we put an open umbrella down yeah very unbrand all of this hit balls to each each thing. And then.

You would stand like say if i was going. For 50 yard you would watch me hit it and go right that's bounced one yard in front so it's 49 it was definitely 49 yards we look at the numbers of the garmin r10 versus gc quad it was very very close. So very good if that's not a little teaser i don't know what it is. So stay tuned there'll be content coming very soon do you just a quick note on that then.

Do you do you think there obviously is a place to market. But what do you think of these kind of cheap well i'll say cheap. But they're obviously still a lot of money but cheaper launch monitors do you think there's something that people golfers certainly amateur goggles should be looking at. Or can it start to confuse people too much with things like the angle of attack the launch spin what's your take on it as a pj pro you spot on i've seen i've seen less it's the right word i've seen golfers who. And i like to rate this like i feel like a lot of golfers have a not only a golf handicap but they also almost have like a golf intelligence handicap okay now some a lot of people's golf intelligence handicap is um through videos. And education and self learning is quite low like people do understand the concepts of swing path face angles angles of attack all of that stuff now they do yeah other people don't. And that's fine they don't need to know it i think when it gets confused if you go into a device like a gc quad. Or this new r10 or whatever it may be when it's got so much data it's understanding that data and knowing what is relevant to you which is the biggest challenge because everyone wants to know all right well i found out at what's my clubhead speed. But then.

As soon as you start getting into angle attack and spin rate and spin axes and um clubface rotation like these numbers are crazy it's a lie. And like i say as a pro i can take all those numbers on board. And know what to pick from and know what to choose and and then.

Use that information to help educate my player that's in front of me i fear sometimes if they hire handicap a golfer and not only ability higher handicapper but mental ability high handicapper if they got on that device that might be quite challenging for him but yeah it's one of those things hopefully everyone can learn a little bit from it like you said though the simple thing is with those that give you your carry distance total distance etcetera sure that's going to help mo if you know our fire hitting your irons that's going to help your game surely 100 um there's a lot of questions um somebody laughing at harry. And matt matt looks absolutely goose um jake has asked who's your favorite golfer right now and you can't say minwoo lee so don't say minerally uh he's my favorite car for right now matt's trying to flex his muscles you're on my team today.

And we won so i thought carrie does actually uh who's my favorite golfer i know it sounds weird. And i said it not that long ago. So i don't feel like it's too weird and whether we've got him on next.

Week's podcast or next.

Episode i really like victovland i just think he's cool i think i like what he's doing i really like um uh colin murray marikawa never met him. Yet loved to meet him one time i just think he's got a right attitude i like a lot of the young kids like matt wolf i really like yeah like i like a lot of these kind of young 20 year olds who have hit the scene. And and kind of not scared not scared to go and win not scared to post a numb but not scared to do anything really. And you know i quite like pulse like i do quite like ian poulter probably more on social media than maybe i don't say real life because i've only met him a couple of times. But like you see he shows a little behind the scenes his life doesn't like that i like that and i think he does a good job of it barry bradley has asked us when will we draw the winners of the motorcade. But we've done that and that was quite a number of weeks when we had tubes on i think. So that was. And they've been contacted and they're all getting sorted richard gaines has asked will you be reviewing the taylormade 300 mini driver well actually i had an email today.

I don't know if you saw that i did it we've been sent um the sample one. So you could possibly look at doing something with we hadn't hit many drivers we've not i've not seen well i've seen obviously images of it not held that one put it behind the ball or anything the extra not not got the sample yet the the um one that you might do a review on they're weird aren't they you're like i'm just laughing at that it was absolutely goose. And how long have you got left in your i just feel like they're a bit of a fad but they must be selling yeah that's what we said last week they must be selling. For me i think they're a waste of time yeah hit your three wood. Or get a lesson that you drive but like we said taylormade you know they're all about profits like most businesses are obviously they're not gonna make products still that just doesn't sell you know what was a really really really good product that never continued. And honestly i think if they still sell it now sold it now it would crush it quan what what would you think about it it was a taylormade thing. But any brand could do this um not high obviously rescues hybrids still though in the driver range um i don't know did you remember when taylormade browse 16 degree driving oh yeah well was that not because that was because wasn't it the slider was. So low it was an unbelievable club like. For so many slow swingers it's unbelievable because you've got that massive head yeah it launches a bit higher. But it's so easy to hit i wish more brands would bring out a very lofted driver yeah that's a good shout out um. So i'm just scrolling through these anything else to say rick somebody said did guy win the shirt contest i've got quite a bold shirt on. So if you're listening you want to see that click over to youtube video someone said are you at pontins no it's much nicer than pop when i went to ponton. But i guess it's probably nice a while ago what was the one that my missus what was on the clay i went to that time in southport. And i'd have to drag her back because it's surrendered that was butlins that was shocking i've been spontaneous it was nice someone's asked did rick loan your cap no we just got one that's very similar probably a bit more not market version than mine any news on the rick shields merch from scott yes there is news it's coming soon isn't it hopefully yes it's coming soon well i've been if if you see me at the open this week. And this is a podcast exclusive. So i'm not posting anywhere else i've got a pocket full of treats you don't know what they are you might be disappointed when you get one well i've got a bucket full of treats. So if you come up to me and say can i have a picture. Or hey rick you have a treat like if you say to me hey rick have you got any of the good stuff yeah if you've got any like good stuff in your pocket. Or rick running the good stuff look for the man with a the cap on and the middle wall tattoo on his left eye set and ask him for the good stuff and he'll uh put in the right direction um there's yeah there's a lot of questions the problem is these questions there's some really good ones which we've answered. But a lot of them we've done in recent podcasts so i kind of don't want to ask that one was actually my favorite golf course as i said that i remember we've done that quite recently um it might change though. So tomorrow we will do a little bit more. So tomorrow's podcast thursdays as rick said we've got victor hot well you've got you've had a really good chat with victor hovland i've not heard that. Yet so i want to listen to that i'm excited. For that um but we're going to go a bit more in depth about the open what we've liked. So far what we've well i'll say what we've not like there's not much to not like at all maybe a top five things to do at the opening oh nice yeah. So that that can be in tomorrow's podcast because like i said we how long do we spend that day like two hours a few hours. But not yet we have to obviously do a little bit of work we're doing some work with mastercard which again you'll listen to in the next.

Podcast which is a great initiative. For the open um and for people around the world like it's a good it's a good it's a good positive feeling thing that's taking place interesting as well it was actually um. So yeah podcast tomorrow um hopefully you've enjoyed this ellen will be running format i'm happy with that it's a short. And sweet it's getting like it's it's currently 25 plus 11. i'm not in bed for 11. and you guys you guys charge a lot for overtime right massively yeah you're on double time right now yeah triple time okay everyone's a good dream time right now um right thanks listen everyone um any other things only last thing actually um just quickly tomorrow's is this open special with victor next.

Week we'll be back to kind of a proper normal at the studio. So if you've got any nightmare golf stories dear rick's stupid golf reel send them in podcast rickshield.com how are you um question. For you guam how are you feeling after the kind of after last week podcast um well if we go in there no no no um obviously last week well we had two out this weekend we had the first one with pete which is when he um sat down. And we spoke about um the one that we did episode 82 i spoke about his game. And stuff like that and then.

Episode 84 was when we had the normal kind of pete came on as a guest it was very laughing. And joking did that go down really well that's come down well yeah 83. So that's i had a hell of a lot of comments that were negative which i'm sure a lot of people have seen uh there was like 1200 comments what's that i got absolutely destroyed in the comments um obviously it gets you down to some degree it's not nice seeing loads of people saying bad things about you the one that was. But it's a weird one because everyone's entitled to opinion so i had an opinion about pete and stuff not about pete but i was game which didn't go down very well. And i do sometimes obviously i looked back at it. And thought it wasn't some of it i'd said didn't come out very well i didn't articulate articulate myself as well as i should have done. But also things that you say a lot of people take the wrong way and that's obviously hard and you never know as well because for every bad comment you get the 10 people who loved it don't comment some guy that said something like i deleted this one he said something like um i hope guy gets sacked by rick has no money. And his new wife leaves him well i think like why well then.

That's a proper triple. But ones like that don't bother me because i think genuinely now see how much doesn't make sense. But how sad must your life to be well you either genuinely wish that someone you've never met gets sacked his new wife leaves him or it's upset you that much if i said something really bad on the podcast. But of course i didn't did i um well first off let me be the first person i know i've said it to you off-camera we at rick shields golf show appreciate everything you do because it wouldn't be a podcast without you thank you because you produce it you put all the questions together you make us do it i mean you're slaving us to do it right now at 11 30 at night. So i appreciate it no. But genuinely everyone listening everyone watching a guy does a tremendous job behind the scenes. And and just because he has an opinion about somebody doesn't mean that he's a bad person you're you're a fantastic individual. And you don't deserve any of the hate that you got last week so keep it open and like i say it's not always going to be to everyone's liking like. And that's what an opinion is it's a podcast. And people say you should have been sticking up for your friend rick it's like yeah. But everyone's got an opinion i think it wasn't it wasn't unjustified like it was a grown-up adult chat. And we had it out and if pete wasn't comfortable with it or everyone else it would have been aired out well there was two things there was two other things that kind of annoyed me a bit the first one was people saying he didn't treat him like a guest it's like well that's true in a way i get that. But he shouldn't it doesn't look like he is a guest you know he's like a mate. And stuff he's more obviously mates with you but i kind of treat him as a kind of a mate when i'm with him and and then.

Also the next.

One it was a guest if you like we had that kind of more how do you play golf. And all that stuff but then.

Again what again you can't read the comments too much what got me down a bit was people saying like guys to shut up. And let a guest speak well they didn't say that when we had david cannon or dan webster or james robinson or sophie walker or tubes or all these other people where i have sat back and let the guests speak it was one that might not be the best work. And i do look back at it. And think i wish i had said things differently. But i don't know you can't you can't take it to heart can you too much um no i think you do a mega job. And like say it's it's makes things interesting like if everyone had the same opinion it'd be boring i think i also last thing on this though what i hate. And it's my own fault and you can't help this is like checking the comments you know that they're there. And like that day after when we were at aramco i was really down as you could tell i was constantly checking. And checking and checking and there's loads of comments it's like oh but anyway people don't i don't think people. But then.

What's also i'm not gonna name anybody's name i had quite a few like negative comments and things like instagram and replied people and they say oh my god i didn't know you reply thanks so much and then.

Like followed me and stuff and it's like well if you're going to be nasty like do you get one of me back it up yeah you're going to be nasty don't like turn back on it at least it's all um that's that's gone now hopefully we'll be on some more positive podcast tomorrow's is a is a monster i've not heard the bit with victory i'm looking forward to hearing that um yeah should be good. But like i say you do a great job do not worry about any negativity. And the clips on podcast got shared loads of views for the thing so thanks for that right guys thanks for listening um if you've listened this far well done um not our finest work but we checked a couple of guys sat on the sofa two lads behind the camera absolutely knackered my mat looks absolutely um yeah. But tomorrow we'll fill you in a bit more with what happened at the open our first actual proper day there and uh interview with victor which went down really well yeah it's hot in here as well really hot right we've got some more sambuca tequila to drink. And enough to bed yeah peace out everyone enjoy your afternoon imagine imagine listening to this chat like six o'clock in the morning i feel sorry this will be out at one o'clock in the morning it's now half eleven. So matt's gonna upload it and then.

It's out obviously it'll be asleep all right just go just put it on on the podcast first put on podcast i'll be on the video about nine ten o'clock in the morning whenever matt gets up right thanks everybody raiders five stars i had a one star review somebody called me a ferret face please don't call me the ferret man anymore can't take it to be fair that i shouldn't have wrote that that was that one was a bit nasty all right everyone peace out cheers.