That must have been the worst pr ever for cobra all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy we're on to episode number 87 and we're recording this the day after the open championship at royal saint george's where colin marakawa put on a near flawless display to become the champion goal for the year his golf was near flawless i think his speech was flawless i think classy that one i was i was watching it. And i wanted him to do well i didn't want him to fade away. But i also wanted spieth to make a real charge she did to be fair i was kind of rooting. For spieth i don't know why but then.

When colin won i was thinking you know what yeah i'm happy with that he's got two majors he's won both maids. And his debut in those majors which is ridiculous outrageous. But then.

His speech was just utter class he's won 25 percent of mages he's played in [Laughter] that's madness. So with lots to unpack today.

Um i certainly it really really absorbed into the open championship this year obviously we were lucky enough to be down there tuesday wednesday thursday a little bit of friday we drove home um. But then.

Obviously to see the golf progress over the weekend and players kind of looking like they were going to take a charge like john ram. And brooks kepker we've obviously got to talk about louis hazen because i i actually thought it was his this year of all the times obviously he's won the open before in 2010 at senate andrews he's been. So close this year knocking on the door time and time and time again if anything we learn from this week's open always bet on louie each way because you're going to get pretty you're going to get pretty decent return over the time i think you obviously have the best round who's won over par which it was only it was only around that week obviously over par. But then.

I think because colin's round was. So good he went 4 under i don't feel like louis necessarily blew it but you would have had your money on him at the start of the day wouldn't it 100 i just felt with experience i felt like if i'm honest with colin never playing in the open before he played in the scottish open last week he's so new out on tour i thought the occasion might have got the better of him at 24 years of age i try and put myself in that position now never mind at 24 years of age i mean are they brave about them was it was were people more people i don't know i'm trying to picture myself at 24 i just can't imagine being under that much pressure in the final group of an open championship with some of the greatest players in the game chasing your tail. And you go bogey free to shoot four under and win by one i almost don't think you're two sorry did you win. But you won by two i almost don't think you can put yourself in their shoes as golfers as people because if we went out playing a game of golf now just a casual even just. For no money. Or for a five row to buy lunch whatever it was. And i'd have put to beat you on the last hole it was six foot i'll be honest now the pressure might get more like might be too much i mean i've only missed it i get shaky knees. And miss it but these guys not only obviously won the open down the uspga it was the pga when it comes to the one with the wanna make a trophy yeah um he's had obviously big games of golf i mean a junior being an elite amateur now obviously on tour these guys can handle it. And that's how they've got to where they are isn't it they obviously feel pressure like we all do. But for them it's just different and the way he was. So calm the last few holes and they didn't massively celebrate did he really he's kind of. So reserved and so casual but i think. For these guys that's how they get to the level they are they're just. So cool calm collected and i was watching him thinking how on earth are you hitting that t-shirt on the 18th how did you not just turn to jelly i know even on the very first tee shot i kind of had a little side bet myself i said to myself if louie hits the fairway he wins. And if colin doesn't he or whatever colin stright went right down the middle of the fairway and louis put it in the right rough and i just thought even just then.

I thought god i don't know how you do it. So all credit to colin murakawa i think he's a very worthy winner um it'll be fascinating to see how his career pans out because i don't feel like he's fourth in the world he might have been ranked higher now even after that yeah is he three he's like come out of nowhere as well he's third in the world. And most people obviously now know who he is i bet not a lot of people in the world of golf know who he is. And certainly nobody outside of the world of golf knows really who he is until possibly now is this his kind of big launch pad that sets him aside to everyone else i think yeah i think we're in that first major got him onto the the minds of the actual proper golf fans like the casual fan that dips in. And out who just watches the ryder cup and maybe the opening of the masters might not know who he was maybe not people listen to his podcast. But you know the less the more kind of casual fan but i think he said winning two i mean winning sounds obvious. But you think about mage. And how big they are. And we say this a lot and it's not obviously anything that people haven't heard before but westwood never won a major ian poulter never won a major montgomery never won a major who could go off all day you know a superstar elite golfers borderline household names who are at the top of the game. For 10 20 30 years time well in fact how far is westwood off being 30 years on tour now it can't be that far away well wasn't there a stat that we saw is he played in now the most major championships without a win he's won eight i think he's not one he's played in 88 majors i believe now without winning one. So she's 20 i think he's not far from a 30-year career now well his first open championship i believe was 95. yeah. So he's not a million miles off the 26 years or something i might be wrong with that but i'm pretty sure it's 95 his first opening and he's won two in eight colin marquez won two mates in eight eight um ages so incredible you played the same amount of mages as westward and then.

That record will win 20 odd yeah that's outrageous isn't it it's obviously a big ask i mean they were trying to pad it out on tv a little bit as well. And obviously they were just trying to fill some air time. And they were talking about can maurico be the next.

Tiger can it be this nobody knows the answer to this. But from the way he started the way he's been playing is ironplay is exceptionally better than anybody else on the planet right now i mean that's quite a scary fact yeah his iron plate is something like he's plus one like 1.5 shots gained with his irons. And the closest next.

To that i think it was dustin johnson at 0.91 she's like .6 of a shot ahead of dustin johnson with his irons. And his swing i love how it's that's quite a slow takeaway back to the top and then.

He just turns in so much speed um i think actually i had a lesson in the week. And i kind of tried that a little bit because i had to change some things on my backswing and that kind of slowed back getting into position and then.

Trying to turn into speed at the top i quite like that feeling i wonder if more people will start because matsuyama had a similar thing i wonder if you'll see more people now it's very true it's quite nice you know i mean you get all right she'll be here. And then.

Bang but your swing is pure who who did you really think was gonna obviously mention spieth his final round was phenomenal yes ions i tipped john rahm to win you went far off i had dustin sort of a million miles i know they were outside yeah number one. And number two in the world but after kind of the starts but john rahm yesterday could have easily shot under 60. he had so many chances to go ridiculously deep yesterday um he didn't he shot four on the same as speed same as morikawa but the way that kind of those three players all shot four under was very different like murray coward just did a no mistakes. For under where spieth was a little bit more like sporadic. But obviously he still made when he shoot four under rahm again had a four-under but could have easily been ten under brooks was five you know what's mad though. And you look at like the top ten there it is. For me what separates those super super super elite top players because you've got john rams now will number one again he came third well tied third brooks came tied sixth. And dustin came tied eighth it's like they're always up there out there it feels like they're always up there they're not having the best weeks and that they're still a couple of shots away from winning yeah tony fenow's tied 15. he's always kind of in that top 20. And he really it feels you know these guys are doing it week in weekend aaron rye tied 19.. But yeah it was um it was a good open i think i like two kinds of open well i like to a kind of an open winner i do like people winning one that you feel like would do a mages like when harrington won he was due a major yeah. And then.

I also like people winning them like a tiger who are on a rampage of winning mages. So for me i think maracao was that latter he's already got one major in the count he's now on two you'd like to he's going to go on to get double figures. And he's like you like him because he's young young blood a lot i know a joke it doesn't always go down well but i personally would prefer a younger guy to win than an older guy and i can see both sides some people prefer the older guy because what makes golf. So different you wouldn't get a guy who's 50 competing in the premier league would you for chelsea or liverpool but you can get a golfer who's 50 go on. And win the open or do very well in the open. So i can see why people love that. But for me i always think as a golfer. And as a kind of well not that young anymore but it's like younger golfer if you like compared to some of the people that play we want obviously get more kids inspired personally i think marukawa is going to be more inspiring than some of the older golfers 100. But you could say some of the older golfers might inspire older people to take up the game because they can see an older guy's 50 doing well. So it swings and roundabouts but for me it was a great win as i touched on earlier i think his speech was classed the way the first thing he said was he congratulated the amateur um what was his name matthias yeah smith i think it is pronounced the way he gave him like a couple 30 40 seconds of like uh time just just thanked him that was. So classy it was it made me laugh though how he was saying like you know i remember two years ago i was in your position. And and you think oh my god it's literally two years ago you were you were that person two years ago you know. And everything you've achieved five pga tour wins now or five wins let's say not pj tolerance five wins 14 million dollars in prize money so far outrageous i think he's doing all right. For himself i think with with how he talks. And how he comes across he's going to be a sponsors dream one thing i want to touch on though on terms of sponsored dream i think he's quite interesting here. So obviously as most people will know he's a tailor-made player tailor-made ambassador. And what a good ambassador he has is of your brand the way he speaks the way he articulates himself. And the way he plays golf obviously now is class the taylormade i'm sure are rubbing their hands together. But what was quite interesting i got tagged on this on instagram today.

And i went over to look at it was naturally taylor made it went to town with a promotion why would they not they pay him obviously a lot of money. So they want to utilize him when he wins but we'll on the video version of the podcast we'll probably put a little picture of this so if you're listening just go to instagram and have a look but on taylormade's instagram taylormade golf it's currently the third picture across the grid so like the third newest picture there's a picture of marukawa and his follow through says colin murakawa wins with sim two and then.

The title the captain of that post is colin maracao is the champion golfer of the year historic performance at the open propels him to his second major title in his eighth major start hashtag sim2 team taylormade okay. So so without me seeing the picture i'm fully expecting that picture to be a brand new sim 2 or sim2 sim2max driver that you smash down the middle of the fairway that's what you're presuming it's going to be 100. And to be honest with you to the untrained eye the person scrolling quickly on the phone that's what it is. But actually it's a furry wood okay. And it is five wood okay. And the reason for that is that he's what's in the bag he's currently using the old if you like sim drives the sim what would be sim one. But sim driver so the 2019 sim 2020 sim and using the same three was the sim again one if you like from 2020 um. So his 5 wood is the sim 2 to be first we use using that i know we're in this picture does it say this is his driver. But it does feel a little bit misleading. And there's a lot of comments saying about how he was using the old driver. And they got me thinking i'd say they made a right to do that should they have done something around the old drivers should they have tried to leverage the factory in last years. And maybe you've gone down the campaigners maracao winter the sim driver we don't make our athletes change unless they absolutely want to like do you know what i mean what what do you think rick from your experience kind of in this industry now. For so long what should they have done is that okay should they have gone with the old driver what do you think it is it's very interesting when a player wins with old products into because the brands have a bit of a it's great. For the brand because everybody knows that he is a taylormade player he's got his tailor-made bag the brown. And white one that they had for the open this week um there was a big story about him switching designs at the start the week. And that's he actually switched to the irons i i use the p7mcs but then.

Like you say it's very misleading when they're trying to push this message that our new driver is the best driver our sim2 driver is the best driver that's what we hear that's what all the messaging's about. But yet they've got their best athlete going out there. And apart from dj x that technically is the best athlete. But going out there. And winning with an old product um i think they should have been open with it personally i think it's a hard battle. For them because they can't sell the old stuff because it's not in stock i've heard a rumor that they can't even get older than new stuff like stock for sim 2 is really difficult to get hold of. So they're in a tricky situation because they obviously want to advertise it they want to promote it that post is a bit kind of sly because obviously they're leveraging on the fact that he's using a sim25 wood which statistically i don't know how many times he even hit that week um i think they should be more open i think they should almost joke about it. And go our old driver's still as good as everybody else's drivers like like go our even our old sim is still better than everyone else's driver. Or use it as some capacity it is. But also again again we'll put this image up if you are watching if you're listening again just look on the instagram. But the actual pitch they've got i'm sure they've not faked it but the five wood head looks big and it does look like a driver have a look now it's it's literally though he's got like three pictures on one there's one of the kind of club one of him like in a swing there's like a big one that's him kind of posing probably like a press shoot. And the way it's taken the five-wood head looks like a driver um and some of the comments i mean i know you can't go off comments on instagram. But um it does look big somebody's commented the driver was a sim though. And then.

Like the little emoji with it the thing that you know that confused looking face but they bring out groundbreaking technology every year and like a weird face again so there's been a lot of people kind of picking up on it and i don't know what should they have done should they i don't know it's hard one in it i must admit i've always felt like taylormade are the one brand that really do get their players to switch into the next.

Model yeah like it's very very very rare like when a new sim whatever drive comes out rory switches dj switches tiger switches tommy fleetwood now is one of the players he switches i it's it's quite rare. For somebody to certainly in taylormade i've seen it in other brands before like i've known like tight list of like when spieth famously won the open at bertdale he had a driver that was much older than everything else that was brand new um i'd just be transparent with it i think bran should just be super honest with it talking about drivers yeah talking about brands talking about players i think a lot of people remember from the podcast i can't remember what number it was probably in the 50s you made a statement yes is bryce. And d shambo good for cobra golf well in fact it was a bit it was it was a question. And it was yeah it was is bryson uh was he okay with it to say good order was he a bad sign i can't remember. But it was quite is he is he good. For cobra golf now we're a bit late to the party on this obviously this this podcast coming out tuesday and the story broke friday afternoon thursday afternoon sorry after his first round at royal st george's bryson dechambeau came off in an interview after the round he was talking not happy with his round of golf i think he shot one over. Or something and he said the driver sucks not not. And i've never heard a player ever ever in contract be so outrageously um disrespectful for the brand that are paying the money when i first saw it i thought it said the driver sucked meaning like i hit the driver yesterday. And i thought i'd take that out of context but no it was actually a case of him saying the driver sucks. And that was because he was talking about the face of the driver. And then.

He since apologized you're all right though we're a little bit late to the party on this but we had to cover it because it's something we've spoke about before the title of that podcast clip we did last time was a bit clickbait. But it said did cobra make a big mistake by signing bryson de chambeau it was episode number 66. um. So if you want to go see the clip on that on youtube we were being a little bit silly with that. But we got talking at the time i was an old driver. And stuff like that that must have been the worst pr ever for cobra i mean i'm a big bryson fan i love what he's doing how he's been different i love how he's a bit controversial i love how we can talk about him. And at the open he was the one guy i wanted to watch he was the new tiger. For me he was a guy i had to see him i couldn't go home. And knocked him at a driver and it was unbelievable to watch i think there's two things i i like bryson. And i know people say on twitter or you don't like verizon because he doesn't shout for i don't i like him like what you're saying he's changing the game he's doing something different and you're right at the open he brought in the biggest crowd this week i honestly believe that yeah i honestly believe that he brought in he is changing the dial not tiger-esque. Yet but he's changing the dial to some degree you had people on the on i spoke to a martial on the driving range actually and he said the busiest time it was without question was when bryson was on the range well one thing i saw online which i would definitely agree with from what i saw was that if you go off twitter which you shouldn't do you think everybody hates him in real life people really like it i want to watch him. So what you're saying is true there's two things i don't like about him okay number one the press conference he did before the open when he says when someone uh wasn't me by the way that asked the question why do you not shout four. So he does 99 at the time bs yeah that is bs he does not shout. For 99 of the time not even close i definitely and i'm not saying i've influenced this one bit i've definitely seen a trend of more players shouting for in the last few weeks like 100 without question more players are shouting. For bryson's shouting for i've seen rory shouting for us or speech i saw most players if they've hit it offline it's going towards people. Or it's gone going towards an area we can't see. And you're not sure who's there i've seen a lot more players shouting for so big credit to that i don't know if the tour are locking down a little bit more um. So i didn't like him saying that because that's not facts and then.

I think he's just it's great. For us it's juicy content but as a as a brand ambassador for someone of his stature to say something so um disrespectful and deogrative it's not the right word is it um i'm not gonna try it derogative is it yeah about your brand that you pay you you're paying money. For this person well the thing is we all say things that we might regret you know. And i've had the last couple of weeks the podcast but he is still a youngest guy he's 27 he'll be turning 28 this year in september according to wikipedia. So he's still a youngish bloke so i'm sure when he'd come off the golf course frustrated he's gonna say things that you might look at later and say i wish i hadn't said that. Or she said that better that's fair. And to be fair that same evening he put out a statement apologizing yeah. And fair dudes because i think that takes a brave man to go okay hold my hands up i got it wrong here's my statement i love working with cobra whatever it may be well did he do it though would it not be his pr team said you can't say it yeah she ever bought what i was going to get on to then.

Was we all say things like i'm sure he asked the things he should have said better. But saying that about the brand that sponsor you is a big thing to say. And also with like this is why we brought this thing on last time. Or is he good. Or bad for the brand because obviously he gets a lot of eyeballs and corporate products that's great but he's not a normal golfer is he he wants different irons the one length i enjoy massive grips on different shafts etc the driver's got now i think a five degree head is not really the one that could go into the shop. And buy so i imagine the team that are working with him are doing a hell of a lot to help him to create these mad golf clubs. And in a way they are taking a bit of a risk because they know that people know he's. So out there and so different that the consumer might not necessarily go and buy the product he uses because they know it's almost so different and out there if you get me just like a guaranteed return and i think going back to that like the driver doesn't suck i've tested the cobra rad speed driver is a good driver that's not the driver bryson's using he's using a a a monstrosity of a of a golf club that allows him to perform at his level that he's swinging. So fast putting under so much tolerances expecting so much from and i saw a lot a lot of um because a lot of golf retail shops probably didn't want that statement either like never mind it's bad for cobra like if you own a big retail shop or a pro shop and you've got a big stock of cobra clubs last thing you want is this key athlete he is there key athlete there's nobody else now ricky's not doesn't change the dial. For cobra anymore unless he gets back playing well where you've got bryson saying that and if you're in a pro shop and you're looking turning around and going crap i've got 50 drivers here trying to sell them i've got two questions. For you then.

I want to hear your opinion on so first one let's just say let's make up a situation that next.

Week cobra and bryson decide to part ways okay this has been two it's not gonna happen let's just pretend it has who do you realistically think would actually then.

Want to sign bryson because initially you might think everybody he's a high at world he's one of the most talked about golf in the world he's super high world ranking he's won a major et cetera. But they know they've got to go out and build him a unique set of clubs are very different. And it's going to be a big ass they're gonna have to then.

Start making uh one-length clubs et cetera et cetera what one brand if he called do you think he would want him. And it would suit callaway okay i i just feel like he would fit callaway i think callaway would bend over backwards they've got a track record in making long drive drivers because taylormade doesn't really have that pedigree of like let's say you know when you go to a lot watch a long drive yeah competition they're either some like crank drivers which i've never heard of unique brands out there yeah callaway are pretty pretty big in that game. So i reckon they'd have the expertise to be able to branch that down into into kind of bryson territory i don't think ping would i don't think strickson would i don't think taylor made ward pxg that's a good shout out because they're yeah they've not they've not got any big names anymore have they. But have they got the you know the infrastructure the rna to help bryson this is aaron oh yeah they open the mind the r d to help bryson like make these clubs listen money talks i'm sure i'm sure whoever came in with the right money um. But is he bothered about the money like would he be about a brand like he used to used to use adele club spell e-d-e-l. And they were the one of the first brands to make him one of those putters he obviously uses iron sorry he uses a sick putter. So he doesn't really need a putter brand he uses bridgestone golf balls i mean bridgestone might be a shout out like bridge don't make obviously golf clubs they they've worked with bryce. And they know how he operates um so i if i was to put i don't think they're going to part that's what i'm going to say first. But i think if they did i think he'd i'd see him going callaway. Or bridgestone as much as he said it's like the morning. And i don't necessarily need the money and i think i agree with you. But when you look at his twitter bio his twitter bio is cobrapuma bridgestone draftkings one stream software rocket mortgage veritex bank bentley bose rolex hd golf flight scope lagp jumbo max trump golf. So that's his sponsors we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 sponsors and his bio second question then.

So he does like the dough second question is cobra in the last few years have really taken a massive jump forward i would say when i was growing up they were very much seen as the kind of old man brand the seniors brand they knew part of their cushion at family. So you had titleist and you had cobra and that's that and then.

They had that era they had like really loud drivers i think it's the 440s zed. Or whatever it was called. And certainly last few years and then.

They kind of sound ricky and went the orange branding quite cool but some of the stuff wasn't great anyway f9 launched in 2019 i think it was. And they're really good in the bag you had the one after that in the bag as well and they really kind of turned the tide and now you have to admit the clubs are serious aren't they yeah drivers great irons pretty good wedges are actually better than people giving credit. For and you put our families actually as well absolutely wouldn't be but they are. So my question then.

Comes to i'm on the website now and look at the stale of athletes okay i think you need to do more. So the current athletes are ricky fowler who's huge name not really performing is he massively at the moment he's a household name lots of people know him. But like say his golf has been less than less than great recently then.

They've got lexi thompson so massive name in the lpga play great signing i almost can't get bigger name than lexi thomas perfect athlete bryson yeah obviously huge name jason dufner didn't know that yeah big name. But biggest you know is he going to shift the whole product didn't know he was with cobra puma then.

We go to greg norman. So huge name obviously very much synonymous with cobra but he's not playing older generation i think this is a champions tour. But older generation might play the odd bit it's probably quite good if they have a media day they have greg norman does he shift product then.

They've got no disrespect to this gang we're going to mention now. But curtis thompson on the corn fairy tale i've never heard of him they've got blur o'neill who is more of a presenter i believe does say um symmetra. Or symmetra tour so she must still play a bit then.

We've got claude harm the third very very good golf coach but again he's a coach he's not natalie as such and then.

Um mike shy says brandon baster who i don't actually know that guy let me just find that i want to be disrespectful and not know who he well i don't know who he is. But i'm sure i can find very quickly. But anyway what i'm getting on to um oh he's he's actually uh bryson's coach apparently so that kind of makes sense because bryce he's a very good golf coach by looks of things is that athletes stable strong enough is it deep enough this doesn't. And that's who they've got actually on the cobra family so i'm guessing they'll have younger guys and girls who are coming up. But who are they why are they not showcasing them. And is that a good enough stale. For a massive brand wanting to compete with your tailor-made callaways your pings etc tell you they've not gone there randomly cal bart berkshire oh yeah long drive because he's cobra because he's kind of again would shift product probably yeah um it's probably not is it it's probably not strong enough certainly if pj if you're looking at just pj tour i mean they certainly pick up a lot of like youth talent. So i've been following the story and i know you have as well um sam thorgan who was got into the open via going through regional. And then.

Final qualifying at princes and then.

Obviously got into the open and he was fully puma cobra up from head to toe had the bag had all the clothes. And etc etc that's their kind of next.

Level lineup that they have on the on the sleeve is that their model are they trying to pick up a lot of these younger kids which to be honest is the long game that ping play ping pick up a lot of very very young talent very early doors try. And nurture them look after them and just hope they don't leave and kind of do it that way almost in-house probably a bit tight list as well yeah i don't ever remember titles going out their way to sign a massive name no where they'll they kind of they kind of build in like spieth like justin thomas. And all that they were already with titleist before we even knew who they were you know what i mean. So um cobra either need to buy talent which is expensive very expensive they might put all the eggs in one basket. And bought bryson because god knows ricky must cost a few quid as well ricky must cost a lot lexi must cost a lot where they might be now that might be their kind of early goal and in the background what we're not seeing and maybe what they're not advertising is they're picking up these massive wealth. And huge stable of really young players coming through and hope as they nurture into their pga tour um you know journeys they don't go and ship off to callaway or taylormade because that's what's gonna happen big gamble um it is interesting very very it's quite an equipment um i've got one more topic to talk about equipment wise which we have got a video coming out on friday yeah maybe later this week. So we don't want to maybe give too much away on on performance of the product but it's definitely what i want to talk about and that is this new taylormade drive this 300 mini driver. So mini mini driver 300 series uh 349 pounds i've tested it today.

In fact. So video will come out late this week. And i raised the question is this driver pointless because at the moment no i just don't understand where it sits because if you struggle with driver why not either get coaching use a more lofted driver this is a smaller headed driver which in theory would make it harder to hit. And it's not like it's got loads of loft it's got 13 and a half as standard and you can crank it to 15. And a half if you want to and it's so much bigger than a 3 wood no other brand really makes them. So back in the day callaway used to make one taylormade have been the main people who've wanted to make this mini driver they seemed to bring them out every kind of couple of years or was the original one actually last year might have been the year before now it doesn't feel very long ago all the last few years have blended into one. So for me i don't feel like there's much of a market for it there's no other brands bringing them out. But wait till friday to find my full review which i still test fairly even though i think this point club may be somewhat pointless. And find out what my actual summaries come from they actually i didn't realize they do two models of it they do the one that we add which is 13.5 which he can go down a couple of degrees up a couple of degrees. And then.

Do an 11.5 one as well it's a bit stronger um the length of the club is 43.75. So most drivers now about 45 and a half so it's about an inch and three quarters shorter than standard so it's like a long three-wave mini driver it's a very very strange club and as you said then.

We talked about before when after they would film the video if this was something that was a real market. For there wouldn't just be taylormade making them every man on his dog would make them it's like when you see uh these hollow headed irons now that well probably pxg first started but everyone now every big brand makes a hollow headache because there's a market for it you know every brand makes big putters that makes butters because there's a market there's real estate brands like high-tow wedges exactly there's a real market for some products so obviously then.

Brands start to do it there's no patent on a mini driver you can't patent that's just a big three-wood slash mini driver. So the fact that no other brands making them does scream out to me there mustn't be much of a demand i do know it's a limited release i know taylormade aren't kind of bringing out loads of them. But i didn't see anybody i think you use that original one certainly out in the in in the world yeah in the wild. So i just don't understand why they're bringing this club out um obviously you know performance reviews coming this week so you'll see how it actually work but in terms of an actual it's weird in it i don't quite get it um i want to ask a question okay. And i think i know your answer. But i want to dive into it a little bit more as well after coming off the back of the open are you absolutely still 100 the open is your favorite major yes i love the open yeah. And i love the masters that's fine and i think i know one reason why i potentially love the masters on equal to the open. So i think on paper i should love the open more okay on paper because it's the home open we get to go to. So many of them i've played so many of the golf courses that played on um and it's a real test and you see players struggle and you see you know you see different talent you can qualify it i love all the story the romance around it the reason why i feel like the masters stands apart on its own. And this is where i think the open could be different. But it's not never going to do this what i love about the masters two things. For me first off it's on later in the day so i love watching it going into the evening i mean that's not something the open can control because i live in the uk. So that's one thing the other thing i love about the masters is that i know what holes are coming up yeah. So i know like there's an eagle chance on 13s an eagle chance on 15 who could get holy one potential on 16 18's that dog leg round the corner up the hill i know the holes so unbelievably well even though i've never played the golf course i almost in my head plot out what's going to take place yeah like even through nine holes you know that back nine that the master's gonna be the hardest back nine in the world. But certainly under pressure like it's it's that thing that i really love about the masters yeah it's like a disneyland it's got roller coasters roundabouts all these crazy stuff i feel like. For the open even though i knew the golf course never played raw and george's i don't know what's going to happen at certain halls it always seems a bit of a mystery still. So you gotta make does that make sense that's it i think there's obviously four majors everybody knows that. And everybody's gonna have the favorite i don't think many pick the uspga personally whenever we're doing a poll. Or ask people that comes in last yeah. And then.

You typically find then.

It's us open and then.

It's from a lot of people it could be the open or it could be the masters it's been a big thing this year about being the british map the british open or the open obviously it's called the open championship it doesn't offend me people got the british open certainly american people it doesn't really colleen called it that it is yeah it doesn't does it bother you um i understand why they call it the british open the americas personally it doesn't offend me. But other people seem to get really triggered by that's it's their own i love the masters let's just get out there i really like the tournament i think like you said the big thing is on at night. So you can sit down at whatever time. And you can watch it. For us in the uk anyway probably until about midnight or maybe a bit early when it finishes but it's also not too late someone's up on the west coast can finish stupid. Or late so it's good for that and even though i'm not the best at knowing all the holes there's obviously certain holes i've learned over time that i know can look forward to. And you know where things can go wrong. Or shots can be picked back whatever. So that's really good but for me it's the open all day it is this. And i've written when you're talking i've written a couple of reasons down for me as to why i personally think it's different other people can have all the views. So if you're watching again on the youtube channel comment probably below what you think. And let's get some conversation going. For me though it's open so like pete was qualifying. And sam fogan actually got through and got to the open anybody can have that dream he's off scratch. Or a pro to get into the open special isn't it it's romantic we know it's incredibly tough which we've gone over in countless podcasts but you can have a go. So you next.

Year could have a go at getting into 150. that's that is the there's magic to that yeah. And and it's not uncommon that these guys um who aren't that well known do quite well in the open you know it's hard. For them if you've qualified it's very hard to make the court but it can happen of course it can i love seeing the crowd i feel like the crowd at the open is such a mix of ages genders um probably from backgrounds you see people are obviously very well to do. And got a few quid you see groups of lads out on the ale but not in a necessarily loud way but having a good time you see young families you see couples you see it all when i watch the masters and i'm sure can be proven wrong i've never been. So i might be talking absolute nonsense but it feels a little bit more elitist it is elitist. Yet and i don't know if i like that you know when we have the presentation of the open and the claret jug and the silver medal and the gold medal it's very much traditionalist but very authentic and and feels quite humble it's quite it's not a lot goes on because in how big an rent is they're just going to stand there you get what i mean the masters i'm not opposed to the green jacket as such we have all these guys in green jackets who are chairman. And this and that of the golf club and again it feels very elitist inside the cabin like the butler's cabin yeah very much part of our club kind of thing it's very inclusive um as much as the course at augusta is probably everybody's bucket list golf course i'd love to play it obviously it feels very fake it's like it's this perfect gree i think you're hating what i'm saying. But it's like it feels very like fake and it feels like once the lights go off the grass won't be that green and it's all a bit disneyland which i think you said before um. And i think. And lastly on the open i do 100 agree with you that it's not like i didn't know much about saint george's. And wheeler i still don't feel like i do i know the 16th hole really well now i've just stood there. For a few hours i know the 18th hole and by that i'm not that well upon the holes but the fact you go to different courses and the different bits of history also have different conditions so i think this week was perfect it was sunny it was a bit of breeze. But not much on the first couple of days it was a good test to golf with the rough being long. But it was nice weather. But next.

Year at 150 it's an android it could be the same and they could shoot 25 under it could be horrendous like when we've played it it's that excitement of not knowing and i think. For me that conditions and that test of golf on the shots and we've seen the what year was it tiger at liverpool where it was like baking it too yeah liverpool were like was it 05 whatever it was. And he and he used like a two iron all the way around and it was like scrolling across the floor it's just different. So for me i'm obviously very open i think the one thing that i i don't know whether it's because i've i um it's like terminology maybe because it's not been an open. For two years or since well 2012 19 was the last one at raw port rush. And going into this open. And watching kind of quite a bit of golf in between i'd forgotten how good this grandstands are at the open like they're amazing they're absolutely phenomenal like the way that they're positioned around the horseshoe around the 18th hole. And the horseshoe around the first tee and like the 16th that massive grand stand there i think that i feel like grandstands are just. So so good and you don't i've been to the masters been fortunate into masters you do get a few little kind of seating areas grandsons. But not much a lot of it is kind of your green chair. And you pop it down but for me those grandstands are just. So iconic and if i'm honest probably the golf course might look a little bit flat and boring if they didn't have these grandstands and pavilions because there's no trees there's no no definition. And i feel like those grandstands and the way the infrastructure kind of builds around it really really builds up that um kind of setting but like for me i think if you ask me the week after the masters which one do i love the most i say the masters you ask me the day after they open which one they love the most i probably am just borderline open. But i love them both as equal but they're just so different i tell you what the battle does when on the app the master zap the open up was decent. But the master zap is the streets ahead in my opinion the open needs to do what the master says i would have watched. So much more golf yeah like ridiculously more. And then.

The other thing i think that does affect it. And like you said because you always have the opinion a week after a day after it can be who wins. So that year 19 when tiger won the masters unbelievable yeah he put the green jacket on he met his son off the back of the 18th green where he hugged his dad in 97.. For me i don't think that moment will ever get topped. So in that sense i feel like the masters but then.

When you look at the open some of the winners of the open and what it can mean to them. And the things that happen i think it is a tough one. And people are going to have different opinions i don't think either right. Or either is wrong um. But let's just say i'm looking forward to the masters in what will be eight nine months time. And it's back again um i want to talk about our friend of the show i mean his first open championship minwoo lee after winning the scottish open up at renaissance he unfortunately to everyone listening. And i'm sure a lot of people backed him and we did we massively support him he missed out on making the cut by two i think he'll be somewhat disappointed with that because i reckon he would have obviously wanted to try. And hit make the cut and we got a chance to chat to him on the driving range on the last practice day he was. So chilled and calmed running um he will be back he will be stronger i think this is a probably a massive learning curve. For him um he's definitely got the talent to play up there with the best of the best of the best scottish opens a serious tournament it's a rolex event and he won that and the way he won it as well was ridiculous i'm kind of surprised. But not surprised didn't make the call if that makes sense yeah i feel like you've just won one of the biggest events in the european tour. And you're going to win a million quid you're going to be on cloud nine. And that is how they can then.

Kick start you into playing well again the next.

Week. Or actually a bit too much to handle so sometimes you need a week just to chill out yeah it must be mad at it yeah. But um i think he's gonna have a very good career again he's. So young 22 is he yeah it's it's mad i don't know because i'm getting obviously older. But these guys that are. So young i mean it makes you think back to tiger when he was in 21 21. madness i was six at the time. So i didn't like for me he was a grown up obviously. But when if i was my age i am now back then.

I would see him as a child it's mad um. But it was a great week. For golf it definitely got me wanting to play more golf yeah i didn't get after the masters this year weirdly as i think normally that's the kick you're getting like about april time i don't even know if the course is roping here i can't remember we have this mad year we were. But now i've definitely got the bug the sun's out and it definitely want to play golf one thing i put on twitter that i think you probably saw that got did quite well was i did a tweet. And i've seen similar things before and i've mentioned it before on the podcast but what really would be class is before every round of them open. So obviously four rounds we have four amateur golfers of different abilities so a scratch handicapper a nine and 18 and 28 play the course that morning never would happen clearly and people commented that some similar things are happening on youtube i think eric andersland has done a similar kind of concept which sounds really good. But what i was saying was actually if on the morning that could happen again it never would be crowded everything's literally the same. So before the first tee there's four guys who are either members. Or whatever genuine handicapped but i said scratch. So you can see what they shoot nine single figures obviously eighteen get a shot hole. And then.

Twenty eight although you can get higher handicaps than that now that was kind of always the traditional highest handicap. And actually see how these people get on what were where's the biggest obviously 28 handicappers we're going to the hardest time i'm sure. But just to see how hard it is because when you look at the results he finished minus 15 which four rounds of golf is tremendous. But i still think you kind of in your head see it as what's that 400 a day pretty much. And put it back to your home golf course it's not is it when you take into account the length the rough the pressure the grandstands everything it's genuinely equivalent to probably shooting 100 a day at a normal course in it was it there's a patrons day there today.

Which i actually got invited playing. But i couldn't make it unfortunately for me going out there. And playing there today.

In those conditions. And that's not even with a crowd i think with a crowd if you're not used to it it's gotta add 10 10 plus shots to your score oh like these guys weirdly turn it into like a positive yes it almost knocked shots off their score i found it crazy i tell you what i saw online that was all listened to. Or something that was really interesting they said that if there wasn't the balls bottles there which obviously there will be a true yeah how much that would affect bryson true there was a good few times the ball spots found this ball. For him which if they weren't the wouldn't happen yeah. So you think. For the average guy playing that golf course in that rough with no ball spotters it must be. So hard they were amazing on the first hole. So quick didn't lose the ball no not losing that one ball was lost on the first tee shot down the right side that's mad. And the rough was. So so bad there and not one player lost the ball i did say this week's podcast will be a bit more kind like a normal one where we have all the features. But i'll be honest we kind of knew it's gonna be a bit open focused so for next.

Week we will genuinely get back up with all the stupid golf rules. And the dear ricks etc so if we have any people that want to send those in please email them it's podcast one thing i have got though is a stupid golf rule that took me interest it's a bit similar kind of adds we've had before. But just one of it just makes my blood boil so it says hi guys fan of the podcasting videos i recently started back at golf and my home golf course were played as a 36 handicapped junior i'm now 21. And played a lot more with friends and my dad and clearly playing off a low handicap i played my medal recently finishing 11 under my handicap and they dropped me from 36 to 20.5 so that's a really good round of golf however. here's where it gets frustrating i obliterated the rest of the field winning with a net 61 and second place was net 70. the club captain reviewed the result brought it to the committee. And disqualified me from the medal saying that i was playing off a wrong candy cap. And that will be updated. For my next.

Medal giving me second place so that's weird i'd still give him a place rather than just getting him out the tournament completely doesn't make sense but second place happens to be the captain's son oh who won the 150 pound prize and i've been told that's that any thoughts on this a few about it and considered doing uh joining another local course pleaser i may remain anonymous so luckily i didn't say his name how bad's that it's horrendous that is. So bad what is this captain's son you know what makes the worst bit. For me how they give him second yeah because if they actually completely disqualified him. And said your hand yeah it's like really annoying. But we're all flipping that fine but he'll have probably got like say a 50 quid voucher which would be better than nothing but he should have the hundreds of obviously admitting that he deserves something by giving him second place and getting some cash and maybe a little trophy but yet you're taking away first place and giving us the captain son and what would you feel like if you're the captain's son like do you like that it yeah the only thing would be like is if it's complete wrong handicap. But it's also not that guy's fault someone's not cheating to get if he's been put off that because that's what if he's joining said will you offer junior four years ago you have 36 right off that now it's not really his fault is it he can't help that. And obviously that's a massive chop which he said he did to 20. that's not gonna happen again. Or you wouldn't imagine it is. But that's what annoys me about golf sometimes these attitudes and there was some things about um some of the dress codes that like at royal royal android literally got the name of the golf course then.

Real estate george it's about how if you're playing they have to wear like knee-high long socks. And stuff like that and i've got mixed opinions because part of me thinks if that's the rules of that golf course and you want to play it then.

You have to go by the rules of course but it doesn't help the image of golf much does it really no. And it's funny because we would when we were on site you could tell the royal saint george's members the socks on didn't they had a little members club. And you had to you have to show your membership which i you know i respect and that's what you pay for and you that you know it's your privilege but like say they're not even playing golf and they're still there with the tailored shorts on i don't get knee length socks though it doesn't actually look good does it it doesn't look good. And i don't get it if you're wearing shorts because it's hot you want you want breathability yeah around your bits like. And you want your legs to be exposed and you want like that's the whole idea of wearing shorts why would they wear shorts and like big long socks that go to your knee i don't know i don't get that as a science since i've been playing a little bit more this summer as well i must admit i really have gone off dress codes and i've just said that if a golf club has them in place. And you join said golf club then.

That's part of it that's fine you know you're accepting um the rules you know fair enough. But it is it's it's not that i don't want to like today.

I've got what would be except i've got a polo on. And like golf shorts nike ones and to be fun comfortable and i've actually got mine out of choice today.

And it's fine but other days i've been somewhere else i'm in like gym style shorts and gym top and i want to go to the golf club i've clubbed in the boot whatever it's like oh car comment changed and it's just that barrier of like i'm probably not going to it's laziness from my part admittedly i'm not going to go the golf club now i'm going to go home. And chill out when i get home and you think that little simplest you're just saying you know what we're what you want would it really affect anything negatively no i don't i don't think it would i i would just say as long as you are smart it's hard to define that's what i'm listening yeah. And that's why these rules are in place because you know wear what you want. But then.

Where does that barrier like i'm not saying again it should offend anybody. But if somebody wants to play with no shirt on well. Or someone wants to wear just literally a vest or i don't know what i don't think anything would actually offend me at least no top would be weird as long as you said you have to wear clothes yeah yeah. And i don't know i just think there's more than 80 of your skin is covered well definitely i'm moving the right i remember my golf club where i'm at now where used to be as a junior as well it was very kind of strict dress code. And upstairs they had an actual restaurant that was kind of part of the golf club where people go. For weddings or just for general meals and even in there they had at this point in the dress code and quite often you get people coming to maybe a group of five or six or more even whatever it might be and jeans were not allowed they weren't playing golf they were even sitting in the normal golf with the clubhouse was upstairs in the restaurant. And they'd get turned away crazy and they had to because if they didn't turn them away the members of the golf club will say well they're going up spending hundred quid in a meal. And they're about to wear jeans i'm paying 1200 pounds a year i have to be a member and i can. And now they have relaxers you can wear jeans in the clubhouse. And stuff like that so it's definitely progressing in what iep seems to be the right way i know it's it's one of those things as old as time isn't this whole debate of a dress code it was get a bit boring. And stuff like that but i do think as we move on now the open have moved on now you can take phones i remember i had to leave weirdly i think up on facebook from eight years ago i was at the open. And a film tiger on the sly because you weren't allowed to no whereas now it's like they cause they want to film it get it on instagram share the experiences make everybody else want to come to the open next.

Year i remember giving my phone in at robertdale not the last one the one before that. So it's probably that 12 years ago or so yeah. And you go to the locker at the start and you have to put your phone inside a locker all day you can't have your phone all day like how mad is that i mean you don't have phone at the masters um i kind of i don't agree with that. But it's different but at the open like you're like you have the you have the app now you're getting cut like your tickets on your phone ticket everything your payment card covered test that you have to have us on your phone everything is there on your phone that's a sign of evolving with the times in the right way i do think again more golf clubs would start to really look. And i think a lot to be fair. But look at like well actually does it matter are we going to make more money. And more people play golf by having not a dr let no dress code in some ways possibly not. But in other words like the whale people might go after work in the the jeans and and hit a few putts and gave a beer or whatever i don't know that's probably members they don't want more golfers well yeah members of a golf club do not want more members of a golf club yeah that's true they want that strict barrier no you have to have this you have to have the meeting because i had the meeting to get in this golf club you have to have that meeting too. So that's where the big battle is because i reckon the actual golf clubs. And the golf pro and whatever it may be would just go yeah no relax let's get more people in. But it's it's the members that are the big issue would the golf pro be annoyed though cause i might not sell as many pairs of nice shorts. And polos you could open up what you sell potential gym stuff or whatever um long socks that's probably what most pros make this money long socks you know they look like they would be about 30 40 quid when i was at mia we used to have a sock rule i used to hate enforcing it. And uh it wasn't knee length but it had to be calf length i think white. And cart length dead weird so we used to stock up so much on them yeah there's. But again that's a personal thing other people might prefer them longer but to actually tell people what sucks you have to worry is a bit odd in it well thanks listening that was very open-centric it was. But it was going to be it was always going to be after the open we're buzzing absolutely very nice sustainability thanks everyone. For donating you can still donate if you wish we'll put a link in this podcast as well surprised to win tickets to the 150th open championship next.

Year andrew i think that has potential to be the best open in our lifetime obviously if it all goes well you have a good winner. And that kind of stuff but in terms of venue that's the 150th it's going to be the first one hopefully it's proper proper after covert because there's some restrictions in this one wasn't always how many people could go. And stuff so this could be the biggest and the best andrews is ridiculous how good it is i can't comprehend i said to you when we were there. But like the open if you've ever been you'll know but if you've not there's all these like tended villages and bars and stuff going on you'll have all that on the golf course. And as soon as you walk off 18 you've got a town that's going to be right i reckon it'd be class to go even if not even if you've not got tickets to the open because the ballot's open. So i think it's till october definitely if you don't get tickets i don't know if they might advise you not to actually. But it'd definitely be worth if you can go into the town. For for a weekend or a night or even a day trip i've got one request okay that'll make the open perfect. For me next.

Year the winner gets a green jacket it's played at augusta yes yeah could the open be played at augusta um one thing. For me and i only have to see him there does that even have to be playing i like eldrick i would like mr woods present sir eldrick of woodsness just even if he just goes. For a trip i want to see him on the bridge i could imagine i want to be some weirdly that's what i mean i'd love to see him there as a fan as a spectator as a patron of of handing i don't know i'd love to be him be there i'll tell you what though imagine if this is absolute my worst nightmare if he decided he sometimes he couldn't he had to retire. And that was we decided to do it. And you'd be wouldn't be happy would you imagine that if he's kind of if you just can't get back to playing competitive golf again and that's what we've decided to bow i reckon you pass it on the battle to colin it says it should be emotional i imagine if he did sure i mean he could be playing he could win it imagine if he won it don't who knows well thanks listen everyone um we'll see you next.

Week yeah again email send them in anything oh by the way um we do remember we've got a main youtube channel as well there's some videos coming yeah we've kind of just forgotten to upload how to clean your grooves um how to dry your clubs if you've washed them how to put your head covers on correctly got some good stuff coming this week aren't we. So stay tuned thanks for listening everybody and we'll see you next.

Time you.