If we had it amateur or i just think the format should be different personally i think there should be. So many more disciplines i mean there should be a long drive section that should be sick i think long drive should be in [Music] all right these welcome to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode number 88. we're here in the studio here we go um hi dean paul good good i've had a crazy busy weekend. And it's nice to actually speak to adults again explain well in fact that's why today's podcast is going up a bit late isn't it. So people are listening. And it's my kids fault it's your children's father it's your fault having children it's my kids fault for wanting like needing parental guidance or do you know what i mean it's your wife's fault actually she laughs. But i can't play my wife um yeah. So i was on daddy daycare four days four days friday saturday sunday monday i mean it's fine obviously i'm a parent i should be able to look after my kids which i didn't. And actually really really enjoyed it uh while my wife went away with the girls on a big boozy weekend was it boozy very did she ever saw hadn't she came home no she actually because she went she went like boozy friday boozy saturday spa sunday chilled monday. So then.

She comes home to the kids feeling quite refreshed and i just really hate him over you know what though i must admit i crushed it why what did you do i just i just crushed it i think the kids are much better when they're just with me where can they feel they can tell there's only one parent they need to help you out a bit yes. And i feel like when i pair them i'm like the best friend a bit and also bribery really works we're talking mcdonald's chocolates ice cream park kids play uh what else did i treat them to basically i just bribed them. And they were good as gold well that's good news normally this podcast as people might know it goes out on in uk time it's only midnight on tuesday morning yes. And then.

The actual youtube video version people that watch that is normally about half seven in the morning today.

We actually wrote this is the first time ever probably we've recorded the podcast on the day it's going out must be um in the studio. So yeah we normally film it on a record on a monday release it as guy just said midnight tuesday morning. So uh australians get it the uk get it once they wake up in the morning and then.

America get it obviously when they're already when they are away awake well it's now 10 42 it's probably about an hour. So hopefully i think this could be out audio wise like half 12. ish. So hopefully for people's drive home from work exactly um the good news though is we were actually going to record it last week before you were off. But i didn't think there was much to talk about nothing absolutely nothing to say to you we actually walked around back in last week just not talking to each other because we'd run out of things to say saving every single thing. For the podcast but today.

I've put a pretty good show together rick. And i know you have been doing some research on the olympics because that's a big topic probably from the title of the podcast we're gonna talk about the olympics and golf in the olympics yeah you don't know my thoughts on it. Yet do you i don't. And i'm quite interested to find out because i know what you like yeah i'm quite vanilla with things like this. But you know i'll sit on the fence a little bit you sit on the fence and get all the praise i'll put an opinion out there and get destroyed in the comments and then.

Quit the podcast for two days text your privately and say i'm really upset and then.

By next.

Tuesday i'll be fine again that's how it normally goes in are we going on start now first thing going on yeah we will in a second. But i've got a little weird stat for you that's kind of no relevance to anything whatsoever. But it surprised me so a friend of mine in the golf industry who i'm not gonna name for some reasons but i'm sure legal reasons you'll be able to work out after probably he sent me a stat and what amazed me is right straight i want you to answer this question in as quick as you can okay number one bowling golf titleist pro v1 okay. And that's the answer i was expecting. And that is the answer that most people would give wouldn't they it's you use the pro v1 i know you've switched in. And out with taylormades and bits and bats and i used a pro v1 i also know that strix and zed star is as good taylormade tp5 is as good the bridgestone box i've done videos on it exactly videos on on all of those golf balls you just mentioned. But what baffles me is i still always want to play a pro v1 at the moment in time anyway i don't really know why it is i think it's from growing up it launched in the year 2000. And i was right getting into golf. And it was the number one ball is this a new sponsor you've not told me no no because it's going to flip on it it's going to flip on its head in a second. But but their branding is very much geared towards that number one ball in golf very quickly before i remember this funny story they're. So conscious about number one golf ball in golf that all of their adverts will only ever be shot with a titleist one. So if you have a look around the titleist advert they're always tight this one so substantive subliminal messaging that their number one ball you bother the number on your ball when you play not really no i'm not i think i was as a kid i've probably been through i used to love straw strata zeros. And i used to love stratas because they came out with a zero and then.

Do you remember when i got off topic here let me come back to that type of story in a minute. But i remember when title is also sorry strata came out with um not the number on the golf ball. But a um playing card diamonds i love that as well but anyway the funny story was jordan spieth he did an advert. For under armour and um really well sharp this big fancy commercial and everything else right and there was a particular close-up of him hitting driver. And the ball was teed up. And the ball on top of the tee as the people know he uses the titleist it was a tight list four. And he hit the shot and that was the advert. And everything else and the story being his titleist was. So unhappy with it using the titles for they offered to pay for the whole shoot to be redone again just so they could use a titleist one oh my word um and apparently it never it never materialized and uh ended up going out as a titleist four oh my gosh anyway. So going back to that story that's there that's their big brand piece they really want to push this message of number one bowling golf. So what are you gonna tell us. So what i'm going to say to you is that. And this is stats have been sent. And i've done a little bit of research that i think it's definitely correct the actual numbers might be slightly off. But i believe it's correct so the next.

Masters which will be in april 2022 is the next.

Major call master sunday morning absolutely the win is going to be if the next.

Matters clearly can't predict that um. But come master sunday morning yeah i'll be good it will be 969 days since titleist the number one ball in golf won a major oh how mad is that. So when you look back at the major winners obviously this year we've had colin marakawa who people will know is taylormade taylormade ball john rahm calloway callaway ball phil nicholson callaway ball matsuyama trixon yes last year 2020 we went to three majors with bryson bridgestone marukawa uh taylormade dustin taylormade. And then.

The 2019 um winners were shane lowry shrekson gary woodland who i think is wilson possibly. But basically the last winner of a major with it with the tightest ball it was kepker in 2019. And it was the uspj i believe wow. So when you think of that i mean that that must be quite bad news. For titleist that they've got the number one perceived ball in golf but they'll be potentially come to three years since they won a major so i'm guessing titles didn't send you this stat no i'll tell you what's a mad one though. And and we kind of saw it a little bit take place is before mickelson the last callaway player to win a major wow was ridiculous remember we we worked it out was it danny willett yeah it was oh no it was was it not molinari was he not callaway at that point 2018 he wasn't did he was young branded yeah yeah. So the last before mickelson won the last callaway player i believe so to win a major was danny willett back in 2015. uh 16 i think he was was he did yeah we know what's mad though is we i know there's a lot like athletes. And the torpos and what they play and does it impact what people buy. And you think on paper it should do. But if you ask that question i've just asked you about who's in one ball in golf to a room of a hundred golfers i bet most not maybe everybody but most say title is tyler's titleist. But then.

When you look at it that they've not won a major for that long does it actually matter to people people wouldn't know what they're no just a little interesting start. For you bit of a golf nerdy stat but i thought i'd give it to you i honestly believe we talked about it maybe last week or the week before i honestly believe i am a lucky charm i think you are i honestly believe now that there's something magic about me. So last time i mentioned this minou lee had on the scottish open kind of really out of nowhere yeah you know considering we met him a few weeks before did the reverse video at center andrews with him um in scotland down the road from renaissance a couple of weeks later he goes. And wins the scotch open i've talked about this before when i carried for westwood he went on a run after that incredible um run tyrell hat and i played with him for olivia cowan yeah. So that was another video which was mad because it was a shame we didn't release that before she won. So when i came for at the aramco she went on to win as a team to win the biggest prize one of the biggest prizes in ladies golf and while i was at aramco at centurion i also spent a little bit of time. And got a selfie with minji lee who is minwoo lee's sister. And this weekend she went out and posted a astonishing 64 in the final round to win her first lady's major tournament it's mad because a lot of people think to win a major it takes years of practice of keeping your body in good shape of maybe seeing a golf psychologist of eating the right foods all it takes is a selfie with rick shields. And you will win a major that is literally it that is mad. And how mad as a family you've got one of the biggest events in world golf i would say a rolex series event that minerally went on to win certain european tour we can we can say it's one of the biggest events by far his sister has then.

Gone on to win one of the women there's five women's mages i believe she's one of the five majors the biggest golf tournaments. For women in the space of what two weeks how must have family be feeling right now oh god it's actually ridiculous because if you obviously listen to the podcast with me mimwooly we talked about the fact that their parents mean julie. And minwooley's parents have a little cafe in perth where it's a bit of a shrine to both of them imagine that monday after like it's outrageous i mean when do they retire when do they shut the calf. And go you know what our kids are looking after us now yeah because i think they're doing all right i would please i would love this might never happen because of diaries. But to have a podcast them both how could that be well they're both in america today.

It's actually meanwhile's birthday today.

Was it yeah um both in america now they managed to catch up on the birthday um. But honestly the final i mean talk about nerves she stuck it in close on the last hole. And needed to needed to make like a 12 15 footer to kind of post the clubhouse lead uh she did then.

She got into a playoff two to uh play a playoff. And she birded the last hole to win stuck it into like again 24 had an opportunity for eagle just missed the eagle tapping for birdie wins unbelievable i'm sure she was six. Or seven shots behind at the start i think she was i'm sure she was seven under. And then.

The person that she went to play off with was one under i believe. So some yeah how do you have those nerves playing golf to be able to perform like that on the final day on the biggest stage in your sport joke i i literally said i think i said last week the week before if i was playing you. For lunch i get i get nervous knees my knees start shaking and then.

Really when i take the putter back my left neck comes out and stuff that's for like lunch it's mad i just these players at the best level are just built differently they are just that there's something that's different about. And that they thrive on those situations they absolutely love it when they've got when they're under the cosh and they've got to produce um amazing well a little segue from playing on the biggest stage and thriving under pressure is to the olympics. So i would think that most people would agree the olympics far. For most sports are the absolute pinnacle i've been loving it. So far i've not watched any yet and i didn't think i was going to do if you watched a lot loads actually kind of live. Or on capture like well obviously the time difference is quite challenging with tokyo um. But i mean to be honest the coverage has been astonishing. And it's the first time that obviously again i was on daddy daycare this weekend. So we had a bit chill time on monday and me and the girls um jude was playing somewhere whatever he was doing me. And the girls honestly just flicked on bbc and i reckon we watched seven different sports throughout the day really we watched everything from rugby sevens to gymnastics to swimming to triathlons to what else did we watch um the mountain biking table tennis absolutely loved it i loved it. And i loved it you know i remember i remember one of my favorite memories ever was that um what did they call it now that magic saturday whatever. And 2012 yeah london when mo farah won. And brett rutherford and that evening that was just out this world there's something incredibly magical. And almost very emotional about the olympics i get really emotional about it in terms of passion for your for great britain or for the individual winning and seeing how much it means to them anybody winning anybody and it sounds daft anybody from any country obviously i love it when gb do well obviously because that's that's that's my my country. But for me anybody when i see passion and i think about how hard these athletes work it's five years this time because obviously it was supposed to be last year this time it's been five years since the last olympics where these athletes are putting in blood sweat tears every single day during a global pandemic they're going out there. And working their absolute socks off to become an olympic champion and i get i get so emotional when they get silver yeah because i think they're. So close i mean obviously it's an amazing achievement don't get me wrong everyone wants to win a medal. But sometimes when it's so close like ma i was watching like jiu jitsu yesterday. And uh sorry i can't remember the woman's name but she's literally lost a second before the buzzer went and ended up getting a silver medal but you know i like about that though in some situations silver medal could be an absolute nightmare for some of them who are maybe number one see correct. But you sometimes see it where might be someone who's world ranking number five gets a silver and that means so much that they were never just to get on the podium. And get a medal yeah. So it's kind of like for different athletes it means different things like even like i was watching like the the synchronized diving yesterday. And tom daley winning gold for like and i can't believe he i didn't honestly hadn't computed that he'd never won gold considering he he grew up as that little kid back in 2008 at beijing and every four years he comes back out and like i mean he still looks like a kid now. But he's talking about he's like the granddad of the team and obviously he's married to his partner and they've got a little boy together and just to see that emotion come out um i felt a little bit sorry for his mate because some day they got all the attention on that he's got gold mechanics remember his name sorry something lee i know it's something lee or the lee's won this weekend yeah um. But it was just i just love every single bit of it. And again for me now having my kids there and watching it like like my my eldest daughter they've done gymnastics a little bit in the past suddenly wanted to do gymnastics again. And pearl is going out in the garden doing cartwheels. And i'm like this is what sports this is what sports do. For people and i think that that's very easily forgotten about like i can't remember my first olympics to be honest watching it i remember thousand sydney in been in two thousand i think it was. So like all of those you know those little sparks of inspiration and um the stories behind the individuals and adam peter the swimmer as well i mean it was. So many i mean yesterday was such a great day. For them but certainly for gb i think we won six medals. Or something crazy um but i could watch any sport and last one as well i loved the skateboarding did you see that podium with the female skateboarding the average age of the podium was 14. And a half the average age i think the gold medalist was 13 years old. And she won a gold medal in skateboarding so you're finally olympics honestly love it and i didn't think i was going to be okay. And then.

No i think that's true i think everybody gets this at least one sport you will watch. And get drawn into for me it's always at the 100 meter sprint it's you you watch that and it's just like so exciting and like you said it's. So much work of years and your lifetimes of work into essentially one race it's like 10 seconds whatever it is let me go on to golf in the olympics yep. So over the last few days i almost admit i didn't know much about it obviously last year well last olympics 2016 was the first one was like 100 years. Or something crazy of golf and obviously as we'll know justin rose won it um and then.

This year i didn't really know too much about it i probably still don't know as much as i should but i've been doing some kind of research on it and i've also done some polls online as well so if you've seen i did one on my instagram. So i listed a simple poll said i bothered about the golf in olympics. And it was literally. So polarizing 53 percent of people which was about um 1 000 people said yes 47 to 900 said no i'm not bothered. So it's pretty much bang on 50 50. well do you think. And then.

We did the same thing in our facebook group as well. So if you're not a member of our facebook group we'll give a quick plug now it's the rick shields golf show podcast on facebook and there was a little bit more in favor let me just pull it up quickly uh because i don't want to kind of guess it i think it was more probably 60 40 in favor of um let me just pull it up. And i kind of wanted to mention today.

And hear your thoughts on it and because i at the minute i'm on the fence so there's 802 people said they're excited 503. So they didn't care about it so i'm probably more in the camp i'll be honest i'm not that bothered and i kind of give you my reasons for it now really and then.

Obviously i want to hear why you maybe are as bothered. But for me the olympics and you just you hit the nail in the head and even just said that it's the absolute pinnacle of your sport. So tom daley has been training for the last five years like since the last olympics to win that gold diving and for that for the one thing i think sometimes gets overlooked because we don't see it that often tom daley has. For example has won many many many many medals not the olympics yeah. So like they have the the world championship they have a world cup even i think i wouldn't i'm sure a lot of the you know a lot of kind of athletic events. Or swimming and things like that they have many many different tournaments throughout the year but maybe not nowhere near as many as golf it's not every week is it let's be honest not like i know. But so that you sprint and i know you have like the world championships they have the indoors as well and they're obviously like massive events but as far i mean i'm not an expert in olympics. Or athletics at all but for those guys it's pretty obvious the olympics is the absolute pinnacle that's the dream it's every four years that's the one the training fault they might compete in one a lifetime they might be lucky enough like tom daley. Or steve redgrave to compete in multiple yeah. For golf obviously we have the four majors which at the moment certainly is the absolute pinnacle of sport yeah we've kind of ranked them before aren't we in order of what we think is the most important. But ultimately a major is a major. And that is the absolute elite. For professional golf so with the with the olympics it kind of to me i mean i personally i would never look down at justin rose when he won it. But i didn't necessarily see him as any more of a golfer from winning it did you i've got mixed i i'm. So excited i i i can't answer that question why. For me it's not it's not about the individual for me for me golf olympics is about the sport of golf. And like i just mentioned a second ago i want golf to be in the olympics for everything that i love about the olympics and the exposure it gives to so many different people around the world again using my use an example of pearl going out in the garden yesterday doing cartwheels in the garden because she'd just seen gymnastics on tv. For me golf been in the olympics is a paramount paramount's quite a strong word. But very very important for our sport that so many people around the world gets an insight into golf like we are being the the sport of golf is being put into the olympics as a way of showcasing our how amazing our sport can be that's why i'm. So passionate about it being in the olympics who wins i'm not massive that fussed about and the tournament itself i'll watch it obviously but i'm not gonna be absolutely gripped because like you say i'm gripped about who wins the masters i'm gripped about who wins the open i was gripped about justin rose winning the olympics because obviously from gb. So but let's say henrik stenson won the gold last time i think he got silver. Or bronze as and i think matt cooch got silver of bronze can't remember the order i might not have been that bothered about the individual winning i was very bothered this time because justine rose won it. And i thought it was amazing the way he showcased it he was a great ambassador. For the sport so that's kind of why i'm so unbelievably passionate about it being in the olympics more than anything so for you it's not so much about who actually wins who places it's more about the sport being showcased correct but that for me i love the fact that you've got back-to-back weeks i i would love it to be a little bit mixed or i wouldn't mind a different format i think it could one format that i think would be amazing if it was like doubles match play. Or individual match play or something that it's not just a 72 whole tournament that we're gonna get that's the only thing that i wish they could have done differently but i understand there's time restrictions and and things like that do take time. And when you do do a match play event you've got to really condense it. But i would love to see it where we do mixed doubles go out. And play mixed doubles as a format where you've got um you've got like not speed golf but like a six hole shootout that wins a gold medal like swimming have so many different disciplines or even relay i mean why could you not do relaying golf like why could you not do the first six holes. Or the first um if you had four people yeah four people would that be you couldn't do it with four people could you because 18 is not divided that would cheapen the sport though. And it would not be authentic to what actually golfing i still do this i still do the 72 whole tournament that would be one category. But i think i think there should be many many more goals up. For offer like more medals available for for golfers because imagine if at the olympics we suddenly had 10 golfers that had medals they'd be more than that 10 golfers had gold medals and then.

60 golfers that had maybe not be 60 30 golfers that would have come out with the olympics with medals that would be really good and it's totally different to what we normally get because after a normal golf tournament you get one winner that's it you almost don't remember who even second place is third place. But if we could have golfers walking around and going to events with the medals i just think that could that could be really exciting. For the world of golf i think i agree well i do agree with you when you're saying about how golf is on a global stage in the olympics. And obviously it could inspire youngsters maybe play a game they would never have dreamt of or at least watch it and understand it and have some level of interest in it i think most people listening. Or watching would agree with that because how can you not want the sport you love. Or enjoy to be seen by more people i think most people would want that take that away. For one second i think we can all agree that's a good thing i've also got one other take as well i think the formats being different. Or shorter wouldn't would get people more people watching because again i could just stick on the tv yesterday and i could watch the final table tennis for 10 minutes and i know the winner i know but should your sport change the olympics though because all the other sports are that sport aren't they again i'd still have this. But i know golf isn't going to be aired at the olympics that much it's going to be a mention at the end of highlights reel oh yeah by the way such a body won the golf if it's nobody big name if rory wins it. Or you know um tommy wins it or someone like that yeah it's gonna be a big story. But i think if if not a big name wins it it's just gonna fiddle out yeah nobody's gonna talk about it. So so if you're just part for let's say then.

We're happy that it's in olympics in a sense that it's obviously going to get more people seeing it yeah. And again i completely agree with that in terms of what we have got then.

We've got a 72 hole tournament there's no cut apparently um how do you honestly feel about that are you excited about the golf are you excited about who wins. Or not i'm i would love it obviously if a big name wins it and it's out of daft that obviously i would love poor casey or tommy fleetwood to win it because they're from gb but for me and it sounds really i'd love anyone whoever wins it deserves to win it obviously but if a big name wins it i think again that's really good. For golf somebody who's going to showcase it colin marikawa xander schoflet you know shane lowry rory mcelroy even like hideki matsuyama. So like somebody who who can really showcase it um as a golfer would you be obviously i think the way it works is it goes basically down the world rankings. And you can have four maximum of four from one country. So you can only have four from the us when we look at the world rankings as it stands we've got number one john rahm he's not playing now because he got test deposit. For cohen we've got dustin johnson not playing i don't know why he was never bothered we've then.

Got um bryson's not playing contested positive. For covert as well i believe yeah brooks isn't playing because i'm not too sure why i'm not sure if louise thousands playing i've not seen his name i've got the start yeah i can't see him on that list um he's not the highest ranked english guy is till hatton in the world rankings he's not playing now whether he wasn't high enough at the time i'm not sure jordan spieth's not playing who obviously came second was it at the open. And did he did really well uh tony fenell's not playing fitzpatrick's not playing. So there's a lot of big names that aren't playing either because of test deposit for code which can't really be helped or they've either chosen not to do you feel like then.

The winner it's not really i mean there's some massive names you've got justin thomas marakawa patrick reed rory victor hovland matsuyama casey which you obviously reeled off fleetwood. But do you feel like without those other superstars certainly without bryson. And dustin and john rahm it's got a little bit of an asterisk next.

To it that you've not i certainly think the the whole olympics is going to have a weird asterisk against it because of covid like there are athletes in all sports that aren't going to make it because they got tested you know with covered which is massive shame obviously it's down to the individual if they want to play in it like. So i had no idea why dj's not particularly playing it. Or brooks whether it's commitment or they don't want to go they might want to travel to tokyo obviously the the risk the the infection rate over there is quite high you know um. So like they might not want to risk it they might not want to bring it home with them i don't know what their personal reasons are i you know. So i i don't think whether there's an asterix next.

To it. But again i'm not it sounds that i'm not that bothered who wins personally i'm not that bothered who wins it but i'm not looking at i'm i'm looking at it as a showcase of golf like i'm not but but that's not trying to get out there we've kind of agreed on that that's great and let's just put that to one side we definitely know that's good for golf but as a golf fan which you are a very hardcore golf fan really you work in the industry should you not be more excited. For the result of the olympics um that's that's what i'm trying to get out i'm trying to kind of get to the bottom of it because that might sound like i'm negative and i'm not i'm on the fence with it but what i'm trying to in my own mind work out is i don't really i'm not that excited to watch it. And i feel like i should be and i feel guilty for not being but in a weird way like i don't always mind who wins the open i don't mind who wins the masters well you're excited to watch it i am i i'm i'm not excited about particularly watching this. For maybe a couple reasons one the golf course i have no idea about literally no idea. And i just know it's not going to particularly get the air time there's no crowd there. And it's it's not going to be a real exciting event like you can watch 100 meters in 10 seconds it's done. And the whole build up and everything's exciting but we know golf isn't that exciting to watch as as a yeah as a spectator sport sometimes that's just what feels a shame though because like imagine if you i don't know if you were into sprinting. Or into your swimming whatever and you go to sprint club or swimming club you'd imagine they might be talking nonsense here you'd imagine that on that day when that sport's on you're sitting down to watch it and you can't wait it almost feels bad as as golfers and i know we don't watch the pga tour every week but you know keen golf to watch the majors with real interest that we're not that fussed about watching the olympics the one thing that i was trying to work out before. And i think i may have found the answer are the golfers the wealthiest athletes at the olympics oh like can you name. And i'm not just i don't really know that many of the 100 meter sprinters now but for example without googling who do you think. And this is only google who do you think's got a higher net worth usain bolt. Or justin rose have you seen bolt in it this time no no. But that's what i'm using is example because he is the number one athlete ever i would say well through actual sport i imagine rose has won more. But i imagine through endorsements i'd say usain bolt yeah i'm only looking at net worth that's why you're saying net worth apparently justin rose is worth more is that worth yeah. And i'm not saying i know it's google yeah that net worth of me on google doesn't quite say what it is. But that's kind of what it's saying but like let's say trying to think of another like um phelps like michael phelps like one of the most decorated sport you know swimmers in the world by his net worth oh he's pretty he's doing pretty well actually i think it's i imagine none of the sports would play as well as golf does. But i'd say endorsements for the big big big names and that's the other thing like i don't know how how i think about this should it be professional golfers well explaining it. So i think i'll google this today.

I think the only amateur sports now i think wrestling's still amateur. And then.

There's boxing but i think boxing's also got some probits in it as well i'm not fully sure i know boxing always was amateur was under the head guards. And anthony joshua came in 2012 and and that's what you hear about in the box in circles and stuff that the olympics is a massive thing. For amateur fighters then.

Often they'll turn pro and obviously make it hopefully make a great career from it that's one thing i would love if the gulf was amateur because at the minute like i said you've got some massive names playing course you have we also got some massive names who aren't playing. But if the olympics was amateur. For golf it would firstly still have golf on the on the showcase for all those millions of people watching who don't know about golf maybe but for the actual golfers it would introduce you to a list of players who you might have never heard of unless you're seriously into the amateur game elite how much a game who then.

May go on to win or get placed or you'll be on the podium who then.

May decide to turn pro who you then.

Feel like you know a bit so when they then.

Play in the open or a pga tour event or european tour event and it's joe bloggs who won bronze olympics that would be so much more can you know their journey to being pro again. And it would me i imagine it would mean. So much more for their calendar to have it every four years it's massive massive amateur event i think if again if you won gold you get access to all the majors the following now that would be sick you know what i mean yeah that's what you could do you could turn up with you have to play with your medal on yeah. But i i think that's where you can have more fun with the formats like you mentioned before should we change. But four four rounds 72 holes it's just a format we've like golfers come up with for the olympics if we had it amateur or i just think the format should be different personally i think there should be. So many more disciplines i mean there should be a long drive section i think long drive should be in these i would pick gold that would be very good like because that is a sport that. So many people would just flick on the tv and go what the hell is this oh my god they're hitting it 500 yards like i think they agree things like that is where you could be a little bit more adventurous with golf. And like say we've got our we've got our toe in the door in the olympics right now if to kick that open and to get more disciplines going in there i think that is how it step like i'd love to see him in the next.

20 years golf in the olympics isn't just what we see now four rounds 72 holes some of the best some of the best players in the world it would be better if it was. So different like we had there was like a week's worth of like incredible golf i mean yeah no as i said i i'm going to try my best to watch some well we'll watch at least the highlights of it. And really try and get into it it's just that for me like again if tommy wins it i would be happy because i rate tommy fleetwood i think he seems like a nice guy never kind of briefly sitting with you. Or whatever um well i kind of wouldn't look at him in a i wouldn't look obviously badly he won the olympics but if he won that in my mind it's like a pj tour event it's serious it's like you've beat some elite elite golfers but you've not won a major and i'd like it to be more seen on that pez lover mage but i don't know how it ever will be there's two golfers as i mentioned a minute ago i'd love a big name to win i'd love tommy fleet would have policeded to win some from gb however. there's two golfers that i would love to take to hovland to see win no nope not victor haveland i would love to see him win don't get wrong. For me obviously if you're a betting people if you bet in person by the way definitely put money on victor and van damme for the ladies uh tommy with film with just bet on people i've i've been in presence with you know what i mean i think that chance they're gonna do well yeah exactly i mean he's not playing this time there's two goals i don't know i i would love to see win. And maybe it means more to these two golfers than anybody else in the field bar none i've honestly got no i feel like i'm going to say. For some reason cameron smith but i got no idea who you're gonna say. So this is a crazy one okay go on there's two south korean golfers okay playing in the in the olympics right sunjay in. And see woo kim yeah okay you know the story about this no in south korea it's mandatory you have to do two years in national military training you have to do it there's no excuses. So so you have to go home and do two years of training in the military it's part of the i do know what you're getting on tonight over this before yeah the only way to get out this military service is if they pick up an olympic medal i'm not sure if that's gold only i don't think it's gold. But if they win a medal at the olympics they don't have to do two years of mandatory military service that's mad how ridic how mad is that. So i'll be hoping they win again you know there's nobody team up on that whenever it's going to start is it thursday this week there's nobody teaming up that has more reason to win it is it really no no it's third. So sanjay m and c woo kim unless they want to do military service good luck hopefully pick up a medal this is my perfect format tommy fleetwood gets gold yep. And then.

Between bronze and silva uh sonja m and c c woo kim fair enough everyone wins then.

Lovely star military in south korea two men down i'm sure they've got more but yeah i think uh it's it's a see what happens i will be interested. For people that watch well people are listening um to the podcast feel free to email us it's podcast rickshield.com. And let us know your thoughts or put them on the facebook group people are watching on youtube let's get some comments down below. And we can obviously engage. And reply to some and stuff because again you feel positive about the image which is great i'm kind of on the fence i definitely understand how it's gonna be great. For the sport i just don't feel excited from actually a viewers standpoint which i kind of wish i was. But let's see i just so hope it gets the air time it deserves you're right it's down to who wins yeah. But anyway cool that was good that was quite you got quite passionate about i like it i just i i do really love the olympics yeah. And i think it's more that's what i love more than maybe the actual watching golf third oohs i've got some emails this week we've had some time to actually digest we've had. So many emails recently which is awesome um last couple of episodes we haven't really gone through many of them. So i've got a stupid golf rule but it's one that normally stupid golf rules we sit here and we start getting raged by them because they're so stupid this week's kind of is. But it's also got an angle i want to hear your take on so it says um it's from sean i think i can say his name hey guys i'm big fan of the state a big fan from the states. And um just had a stupid golf rule pop-up while i was on a vacation last week he then.

Put in brackets holiday which is quite cool because obviously he's american he let us know what our vacation means um i took a trip with my family. And decided last minute to play around with my brother we didn't have clubs i need to borrow some at the golf course the pro shop told us they had clubs and we could rent them but when we got there they said there was only one set okay. But they required everyone to have their own set so we couldn't play okay even though we we're showing a cart. And we'll be driving to each other's ball regardless luckily we talked them into letting us play but what a terrible rule that was trying to get people into golf imagine bringing a friend out to play. For the first time with a plan to borrow your clubs only to be told they can't play because they don't have their own i can't imagine a quicker way to turn people off the game um basically wanted to hear your take on it so just briefly i thought on that at the start that would be ridiculous if you've got two guests coming to the golf club you want to rent clubs and you've only got one set in stock to turn them away would be make no sense they're showing a buggy in the world. So that part is is correct. But what do you think on that in general if if you were in the pro shop at the like you were 10 15 years ago. And the group came with four lads or four women whatever and then.

One set of clubs that surely isn't no the rule of golf yeah the rule that like say when i was working in the pro shop i can't actually remember anybody ever not abided by this rule. But yeah you had to have your own clubs basically i mean what he could have done there said not a problem can we hire a bag as well. And just split the set yeah that's true you have a driver i'll have a three would you have a two whatever do odds. And evens and you've got two sets of clubs two half sets effectively it is a daft rule. And there's certain situations like that where they're on holiday and you know they've gone down to a local golf course they want to go and play golf and they're paying a green fee and whatever paying it for a buggy and obviously else and they'll have to pay for the golf clubs like there are situations like that where you know if the pro could be a little bit accommodating. And they're playing together and they've got a buggy and whatever it's possibly when people push the rules and you know if you weren't playing with a buggy it could slow up play enormously you and me are playing right we're walking we're in a busy you know teen um busy tee sheet. And we've only got one club between us you hit it to the right height it to the left you have to walk over to your ball with all your clubs hit your shot then.

You've got to walk over to my ball as i pick michael about suddenly we've hit it in different directions again that i think that is the logical reason is why you couldn't is that the only reason that i'm saying that then.

The only thing i can think of is slow play i i think. So i don't know i don't know the definition do you think there's something like the image of it like it doesn't look good. For some reason if you've got a three ball with one set of clubs yeah possibly it's probably the look um. But you're right if you add three bags and just splits the set then.

What's the difference but yeah i think it's more slow play. And probably the look but like i said there should be some exceptions. And really if he'd just said well let's uh let's hire a bag we'll can we hire that bag as well. And we'll just split the set i don't know if that would have been acceptable but um it is a stupid rule it's got some reason why it's why it exists makes sense. So got a dear rick okay. And it's quite a weird one but i like it it's quite controversial and it i'm taking with a pinch of salt i want to hear you're taking it so the title is comparing yourself to the pros it's from i think he said we can say his name i'll say at the end if we can i think we can. But i was playing golf this weekend. And i watched some golf on the telly when i got back on the tv i'm sure this has been covered but it struck me after a few frustrations just how many advantage the tor pros have and to add to their considerable talent okay okay um. And how it impacts the game and how compared to amateurs they gain a huge advantage in strokes saved during a game i think i know what you're going to say i'd be interested to know what you think we would shave off as amateurs if we had all these things at our disposal okay. So the first one ball sporting's gotta be in there so um the first thing well yeah that is definitely in here he said these are a few of the obvious factors the pros benefit from that would surely have an impact on my game as an average kind of golfer. So you have two or three days analyzing the golf course whether he's put support teams obviously i'm guessing he's his caddy and his coach etc they carry their coach checking yardages the slopes the hazards the greens etc and then.

They play it a couple of times but secondly they've got a caddy with them who is obviously carrying the bag. But also knows all about the golf game and gives them advice on clubs and reeds of greens etc all of the golf clubs obviously are perfectly fitted to them by the manufacture they're sponsored by. Or by the use compared to the average customers who may or may not be fitted properly or at all on the golf course is what you said you have the benefit of ball spotters. So that pretty much every time you hit a ball wayward it gets found whereas for us amateurs that's very very really the case that you find a ball in thick roof or whatever did you see the mad start at ralston george's. So the first hole that really deep roof on the right so many golfers were bailing over there not one golf ball got lost the ball spots found every single golf ball that week it's mad. And then.

This one's a bit silly kind of tongue-in-cheek one but he said the knowledge that if you do hit it towards the edge of the fairway it'll bounce off a member of the crowd. And probably go back into play and it's but underpiling all underpinning all of the above the fact that these professionals do little else over them practice golf day in day out um. And have the best coaches in the business which is a bit of a silly one because obviously it's the job to play golf every day um. But basically it's a bit of a kind of tongue-in-cheek thing but he's basically saying so when we look at golfers on the tour and they shoot these amazing scores they've obviously got loads of ability naturally and so gifted there's a lot of things you might not think about that could save the average gulf of shots. So i suppose my question to you then.

Putting all that together would be if the average golfer who's let's say 18 handicapper went out with all these benefits would it save them shots and if so how many do you think it would save them i definitely think the ball spotting would save him a lot i think the preparation is maybe a bit overlooked i think having it you know because how many times have you played your local golf course exactly like you know that golf course like the back of your hand. So playing a golf dose course three or four days in a row before you get to play in a tournament for a lot of golfers might actually do more harm than good like they might tire them out you know they might they might develop bad shots they might do something that would actually affect their golf in a negative capacity obviously things like club fittings. And all day to practice again how many average golfers can practice all day i honestly think people get worse i remember seeing people go to the driving range. And buy like 150 golf balls the biggest bucket they can find thinking i'm going to do a proper grind session. And either one quit in halfway because 150 golf balls is hard to hear. So many or start by hitting it well and hit the last ones terribly tired swings board laziness faults creeping etcetera so i think. For that capacity i don't actually think that many people would would get better talks about fitting obviously going out on tour you get all the benefit of having a tour fitter majority of the time. But again a lot of people can get fitted a lot of people can go to a range. And get fit and everything else i understand that that would be a benefit if you're hitting off grass and i mean some of the best best players in the world even have that tall rep walking around with them as they play yeah it's the amount of three. Or four drivers and they can actually fit them as they're playing golf in a practice round that would be a awesome benefit obviously i have to coach with them all the time again i get i can see that as a benefit. So so long story short i think there would be two things that would make the biggest difference not losing the golf ball pretty much ever yeah unless you hit it out of bounds. Or an award hazard yeah. So i think if you're hitting it towards long rough you wouldn't really lose it question though true. But then.

They have to play out that long ruff yeah. And for the average golfer would they have the skill set required if it's thick rough that would lose a ball to actually get out possibly so it might actually and whereas if you if you lost the ball went three off the tee and you're now in the fur way but if you find it in that horrible lot longer first thing it's a bit of an air shot with your catcher possibly so it might actually not it shouldn't on theory same shots but would it and i think this is a big one. But i think you need time to get comfortable with it i do think a caddy could help a lot of golfers. So we did a video with steve brotherhood who has a company that's like a tour pro caddies where you can actually hire a caddy. For a day and i do think that would be a benefit. But i think a lot of average golfers if they've never ever had a caddy before they'd actually feel quite intimidated about it yeah you know somebody watching every shot you hear. And almost i could imagine a lot of average golfers hitting a bad shot i'm not apologizing to caddy i'm really sorry i didn't mean to hit that. And you know it wasn't your fault so i think a caddy over time if you hadn't if you had somebody a lot. And it's somebody that really started to get you know your game and you felt comfortable with them i do see i do think that would be a benefit. For a lot of golfers because they were just it's that voice of reason when sometimes you need it it's that little confidence boost just when you need it. So you know you make double on the first and suddenly you you're left in your own thoughts and you're thinking oh my god i've made double on the first i'm gonna i'm gonna make you know another double next.

Hole i'm gonna this is gonna be the worst round of golf i've ever had. Or if you had a caddy there just going ah don't worry about that we've got 17 holes left to go come on well let's make birdie on this next.

One you love this hole this next.

Hole i mean ideally you want to train yourself to talk like that yourself anyway you've had though isn't it very difficult to almost be your own caddy in your own head. But if you had somebody there that kind of give you a little and i think that's why let's say rory has like harry diamond on the back because it's just a mate i think people on the certainly with harry diamond people underestimate that they think that he's not a professional caddy as such it's his best mate from home who i think is a plus four. Or five gold class goals one northern ireland championship she's a serious golfer and how good obviously it has to work and clearly it has worked to some degree clearly but like having a friend on the back who knows your game by better than anybody who knows your personality who's a friend who if you are leading the tournament you're coming down 18 might chat to you about something random. And it's like everything back in the day exactly so that that's a powerful thing so i think like i say all that into consideration give me a number of shots it would save 18 handicapper very rough obviously. But um it's hard because the thing is if it was at your local course. So because that's the other thing that i think that average golfer. Or average golfers aren't thinking about these guys are playing on the hardest golf courses in the frigging world week in week out if you had all that set up at your local golf course the course you play all the time yes you would save a few shots you know right we would save you more though going to a new course because when we played at the old course about those caddies they definitely saved me a couple of shots because of. So many tee shots he said you can go miles left on here where i wouldn't believe them. And i don't know what i'm gonna pull it and go that's gonna be bad go no that's fine honestly trust me that's fine again it's in the fur way yeah if i played that course blind i would never have known that i would have probably put it right. And out of town or something but again like having that caddy that experience uh let's say on a new course but sometimes again if if it's a car you've you've never met yeah it's it's a bit weird sometimes like. And i i've had caddies and i feel comfortable having caddies but certainly if i've met somebody in the know my game a little bit already i'm much more comfortable than somebody who's brand new just grab him i think you like it with an item to say what club to hit yeah yeah i do if i say like a little soft seven here. And you're like okay just that little bit of encouragement because it's just it takes the mindset off me yeah like i've i've passed responsibility on. And you recommend that club it's like you're recommending a nice restaurant to go to yeah that's bad it's blame guy. But but i almost think it will already be good yeah because you've recommended like you somebody you. Or somebody that i would trust yeah has recommended it to me. So it's a great point and i understand where he's coming from but i think there's a lot i think the other thing the last thing he's got to think about is that. So all those positives i'm gonna throw in a few negatives one the average golfer doesn't play in front of hundreds of people yeah hundreds. And hundreds of people who are desperate who have paid money to come. And watch you play golf that's pressure the average golfer doesn't have to speak to media before they go out and play they don't have to speak to media after they play which is probably one of the hardest things to do shot 82 when you get on to sky sports um yeah just you've got that big truck. And you've got like they click on the blue eight you've got an eight on this path four oh well i'm out of town on the right and i couldn't find my ball cheers rick thanks for interviewing me and they're showing you they're showing you highlights yeah. So explain this shot to me when when you shout out that's what's known as a huzzle rocket so i think. And like again even when you're just on the drive range hitting golf shots again it looks fantastic but sometimes that turf is. So tight and hard to hit off and again you've got hundreds of people behind you watching your practice watching every single shot you hit and then.

Around the putting green you just want to hit a few putts before you go and play you've got hundreds of people watching every single putt that you hit and then.

You get 18 hole and you you come in tied 12th so you're not doing a great well you're doing well but you're not going to win. But then.

You've got a putt that's six footer that if you miss it it's going to cost you 30 grand because i think that's pressure exactly. So there's lots of pros yeah. For playing in that situation but you you can't bring out all the pros if you if you don't bring in the other section of things and also if you're unsure go and watch the video we did with james robinson where he played with the package set that cost 70 quid. And still absolutely destroyed the golf course um so rick we've done about 50 minutes we've got a little ten minutes left to go we're still having this issue with apple podcast for some annoying reason when they're over an hour it doesn't like it so we're trying to keep them roughly an hour um but we've had some really good questions from the facebook page okay. And most of these people have written the questions i believe are in the clubhouse okay. So for those people who maybe this is the first episode i don't listen to a couple i'm not sure what the clubhouse is you are in the clubhouse when you've listened to every single episode of the rick shields golf show podcast twice twice is ultra club um. And when you're in the clubhouse you are considered as rick's friend. So when you see when you when you see rick in the street you go and say hi rick him in the clubhouse he automatically gives you 10 pound note sometimes 20 depends how he's feeling wow um a lad did it before. And rick gave me a 50 pound note so it does happen believe me freshly printed this morning yeah rick walks around with five fifty pound notes every day um. So the first question is from ryan barker. And i've picked this question on purpose because of something we did this morning it says does rick plan on doing more budget golf club reviews great question. And guys just said that we've been busy this morning already. And uh we might have made a little purchase and that video may be coming out back into this week yes hopefully um yeah it's packaged sets look good we don't give too much away. But i think it'll be a good video kevin has asked how do you actually watch the podcast. So people are watching this now will know because they're watching it people are listening that don't know rick how do you watch the podcast all right he's asking that kevin mccoldrick. So we have a second youtube channel on the rickshaw's golf show youtube channel let me just double check stats i think we've got about 115 000 subscribers on there. And each week a few hours after the podcast airs on spotify apple podcast etc the full video and we're pretty much doing full videos at the moment we're doing full videos now we're finding actually not that this match to the listener or viewer but just for our own um interest the actual numbers now seem to be bigger on the people watching and listening so the list of numbers are still great which we really appreciate everybody listening it still ultimately is a podcast. But the actual people are watching it now seems to be outweighing the people that just listen. So you've got the option some people actually wheeling out this myself with other podcasts i listen to some and then.

Watch some and it's quite good to see um when you watch people speak it sometimes it's different like i might say a word and then.

Do this my fingers what's that called like quotation marks yeah. But if you're just listening you don't have done that when you watch it kind of makes things a bit more um and if you want if you want to uh see what face i'm pulling right now oh my god you gotta watch the podcast i've gotta watch the podcast uh yeah. So subscribe when you're over there and then.

Every tuesday you'll get a notification and you can sit back relax. And if you've got youtube premium nice little new added you can swipe down. And it kind of pops up in the corner yeah. And it plays in the background as well and what i also like when sometimes youtubers say this subscribe if you don't like don't like it you can always unsubscribe how can you act don't do that. But just letting people know there's no no there's no risk it's a risk-free process. And literally all of this and this is what's fascinating. For everyone watching listening this is all free. For you yeah every single bit of it is free crazy on it yeah what a world we live in um. So this is a good question as well i've got a couple more little quick fires from david downs i love this is haggling in a pro shop a common thing how do i do it without being cheeky i'm the worst person to ask about you pay more if anything i am horrendous at haggling i literally i'm not that my dad absolutely loves haggling it's awkward in it sometimes i would say if you're in a pro shop. And they have fitted you for let's say driver and it's been a great service and they've taken the time with you and the price that it is up. For is the price you would see at a large shop eg an american golf. Or clubhouse golf whatever it might be it's up to you when you ask for a discount but that is typically the price it has to be sold at. And for them to make a decent amount of profit and to be worth their time so the pro may not be too happy if you start demanding a discount and then.

Walking off whatever but having said that if you walk into a pro shop. And there's a nice secondhand scotty or there's a secondhand wedge or irons and they're up for whatever price i think it's quite common practice to say oh i like those could do what would you do them. For and they might want to get shift that shift shift of the stock and say i'll do your 10. Or 15 quid offs if you don't ask you don't get but i would just say certainly with pro shops and good pro shops like dan webster live in um really not rollins and anzo links and lithium golf academy those guys work hard don't they yeah. And there's not as much profit in golf clubs than people actually think oh that's happening if a driver is 350 quid honestly the golf shop aren't making the lot probably bought it. For 27.5 yeah it's genuinely not as much as the mark upon hardware which is clubs is horrendous. But it's worth asking certainly if you're buying bulk from a pro shop i mean if you're going to go. And buy 12 dozen pro v1 for a golf day or something crazy you might well want to do a bit of a deal you know what the only thing is with haglin that i'm never the biggest fan of is if i went to a market stall which i don't really do. But if i did. And i was buying some fruit buy some bananas some apples some strawberries whatever. And it suddenly became 12 quid right yep i don't know how much fruit it is. But let's say it was 12 quid. And i might go oh get out for a tenner i get a love flight yeah not a problem ricky you're local. And come here every time i'm in the clubhouse yeah then.

You give him 50 quid i'm like no i'll give him like a tenner. And guard thanks and i chuck in a bag would you yeah i chuck in that bag normally you got paid 12p. For one of these but going on chuck in a bag right. And you walk away you paid 10 pounds for your fruit yeah a little market still a little independent stall who's you know every every penny they make is helping them survive it's going back into the businesses paying. For the rent for the stall it's paying for the produce it's paying for the family and everything else but you want to knock two quid off them if i went into sainsbury's into tesco into asda and picked up all the fruit and the fruit would be more expensive probably 16 quid i'm not going to the till. And go in oh dude there was this. For tenner would you look at your life well that's how you tried that insane vision near you they looked at you well where didn't they say rick shields again have you seen his face he's got 12 pounds worth of bananas 115 000 subscribers on my second channel but like i i'd go in like you're never gonna haggle at supermarket really because it doesn't happen they're not gonna say oh yeah no problem it's 16 pounds you pay 16 pounds it's more expensive. And i think that's the one thing like if you went into a american golf here in the uk you wouldn't really haggle do you used to though not. So much anymore because it's a big shot yeah i'm doing quotation marks. For people listening it's a big shop i'm trying to think of the pga superstore in america you won't go in. And like haggle there because it's a big shop but like someone like stacked golf who have a youtube channel yeah i've got back into them really good moment they'll go to like um they call like thrift shops charity shop thrift shop over in america. And it's all that haggling yeah yeah it's all about hacking. And even like tactics this i was watching the video the other day. And they were walking down this driveway. And there was a there was a tour bag on the right hand side if you've not checked out stat golf um a couple can i remember the names i can a couple who go around america i'm really sorry i've got your names go around america. And they'll pick up little bargain clubs and they'll test them and it's it's i really i really like it it's just a nice little chilled vibe and they're walking down down the driveway and there was a bag on the right inside a tour bag. And they got dead excited. And i remember him saying to his missus going don't don't act too excited. And they kind of mows it around and pretended to look at a few other things and went to the woman who was selling the bag. And went um how much for the golf bag from i don't want it but i'll take if you want to get rid of it i'll take it off your hands and uh the guy went i think the guy said 50 quid. Or something and they got the price wrong and mixed up and and anyway long story short they got it for an absolute bargain because they didn't seem like they were that interested in it anyway it turned out to be a paula creamer golf bag signed by paula creamer um who she's actually played with the bag i mean it was a cool little thing to find. But like there was tactics about negotiations there was tac you can't go in. And go oh my god i love that bag i want that bag i have to have that bag like because when you get to till they're just gonna go well that's 50 quid extra yeah whatever it may be. So when in rome if the environment is right to haggle. And to get for a discount do it if it's not no. But don't do it to a little golf shop no that's my like say. And this is coming from rick who took a free putter when he played at stockport golf club i offered he offered to pay got it. For free happily i i offered to pay yes. And get things for free perfect i like your style well then.

We bought golf clubs they didn't get a single discount no that's somebody you know yeah we're doing that let me tell you something something someone you know. And what do you think a penny off no. But honestly we couldn't for that video anyway a couple more questions in the hour mark now um really brief on this rick we're maybe going to just more depth another podcast what dylan has said if you could both design any golf club in the bag what would it be. And why well i've kind of had a stint a somewhat designer driver with driver versus driver that i did even though i wasn't the driver designer um. And i've had the design of the putter yes went over to the other man yes i'm having another putter design. For me at the moment which you've seen from bradley um probably potter would it yeah i probably would have a lot to do because i just created it. And it might not it wouldn't be performance massively based nice heel to toe beautiful just just beautiful pieces of art i think mine would be drive only because. So many good drivers get made and there's one thing on it that spoils it you know what i mean like back into the nike ones like a green swoosh on it just ruined it i'd like to make a drive that's like dead kind of classic in terms of shaping. And nice colors and a bit of modern underneath but not too much just make it like don't ruin it but that's really that's aesthetically oh yeah because you've got elements it's always it looks good look good play good the thing is with like a putter obviously there's some performance in it. But there's a rough idea sometimes you can get something i mean if you can make a super classic blade putter like just mega mega blade last question then..

And nice one to end on but don't just have you i know your authentic reaction would just take a second and then.

Answer it it would be it would be it's wrong matthew higgins said i would love to know your opinion on people who have one of these in their golf bag uh. And it's basically a ball retriever what would you think my opinion would be because probably would say oh yeah not that good that's what my opinion was when i first saw the question you might be different i don't mind them it's quite let's be honest now you see one of those in the bag people often might think things. Or say things or have a laugh about it but ultimately if you're a new golfer or not a very good golfer or beginner whatever and you hit a lot of balls into lakes into trees and you don't want to be spending a fortune on golf balls having that in the bag can literally help retrieve your golf ball it can literally make you money yeah well exactly. So it's there's things that we talked about iron head goes before a bit of a joke and stuff but ultimately all these things are personal. And like i know iron head covers out they say the coolest but if you were looking at some today.

I always look at some mizuno ones. And if you've literally got ins you spent a fortune on and you might want to possibly resell them in the future to trade them in or whatever and you want to keep them nice or it's up to you it's like people i don't have a cover on my phone most people do that's just a preference thing we couldn't shouldn't laugh at someone from the cover on the phone because they dropped the phone it keeps it intact that's worthwhile um. And same with things like a ball retriever if it helps you save a few quid or you like find a few balls having said all that people took a towel into the trousers which you sometimes see at golf course it's typically seniors that's banned that out the course never coming back don't have that here my golf club yeah i don't think. So i don't think you know what though going back to the baltery retriever i could 100 see me 60 yard i've joined a class golf course right i've got all the time in the world i play i play in kind of either super early in the morning on the back nine where it's quiet. And i don't really care what i shoot but i can go home. And say i found five balls today.

Five five. And you put with the glove on i feel like yeah just i found i found three pro v1 a bridge stone. And a colorway yeah cool on that note. And that was a decent podcast that's a terrible pick of golf balls like i found a volvik i found it yeah i found like a strata you stumbled on the pressure then..

But yeah i could imagine myself doing that in the future guys thanks. For listening to episode 88 we're getting close to 100. we're gonna have to do a big 100 see what happens we might retire 100 out thanks. For listening everybody stay tuned lots more to come come some more couple videos got an exciting day tomorrow which can't tell you about cause i'm not really doing any filming but you and me might get some new golf clubs yeah i think i'm gonna get some new lines if i can um thanks everyone rate it five stars if not already i do like he's actually looking. For a ferret headquarters i really am send me one if you've got one anyone will let me know where to buy one right peace out everyone you.