Want you to use one word to describe your wedge play [Music] welcome back to rickshaw's golf show podcast everybody episode 90 we're fast approaching 100 guy i'm very excited. For that we've got anything planned somebody had a suggestion that we do a live one of 100 hand-picked guests oh oh enough people want it. And i think we'd be legally allowed to do it now yeah i'm not sure we got 100 people in here though i'll tell you what though somewhere close to here we could maybe be in this building okay i like it you're thinking. So potentially that's hundred uh do that episode live one yeah tickets we'll give it to charity maybe charity of your almost i'll keep 60 you can have 10 rest of charity i've been giving a lot of 50 pound notes out guys. So i need i need to recoup something about this so today.

This is actually what days it's friday it's friday the 6th of august this is coming out on tuesday when you're on holiday. So right as we speak now you're going to be chilling on holiday i propose to my wife this day what year we in 2021 oh my god like 10 years ago was it yeah today.

6th of august yeah congrats thanks um we're in dominican republic. And we went away for two weeks um the first four or five days was torrential rain i was thinking how the hell am i going to do this suddenly a couple of days in sixth of august first sunday day bang we went to a deserted island it was called um oh god have i forgot this my wife don't listen some it won't really matter we went to this deserted island on this like nice little day trip went down to this like blue lagoon area. And she even said to me that today.

At that point i had to ring him out in my shorts pocket back on the boat he said if you're ever going to propose to me this would be the place like you have to bring me back here when you do thinking to myself give it ten minutes long. And i'll be uh dropping down on the knee so we went to what's the island called like siona naziona ireland could be off the coast of dominican republic a few days later a few um uh half an hour later i was down on one lane asking the question. So talk about efficiency question for you how i've always been people get engaged abroad how on earth did you take that ring on the flight was it stuffed in like a sock in a shoe. Or something yeah hand luggage i didn't put it in all right yeah. So i put it in hand luggage you're right probably in a sock in the box the box is quite big. And that's not a flight it's a massive route because she's got huge fingers it's a massive diamond but like you're so conscious like going through like security. And everything because how many times you have to empty your luggage back but i had to take it hand luggage because i couldn't take it you know i could imagine getting down on one knee in terminal one manchester united because you got caught with that i didn't picture it like this and a really really funny story and i don't know why i've said this on the podcast. So after that we celebrated on a really nice afternoon we're on this deserted island we were getting this like uh pagoda boat all the way back to the mainland. And we went back to a load of random people because on this big day trip we just got engaged way hugging loads of randomness didn't know and in dominican republic they've got a drink then.

It might be universal it's called something like marijuana okay. But not the smoky smoky stuff it's marijuana right and this this guy behind the bar said you need to drink this it's going to give you the best time ever right um well um it made little ricky stand up. For most of the day christ almighty so it was a uh it was a uh how you say um blue pill in a drink. And on that note welcome to the number one golf podcast in the world wow anyway okay i'm a bit stumpy now um it was a good day to be honest yeah it sounds it uh it's not very exciting anyway 6th of august i mean there's no relevance to what we're talking about because his podcast is going to go live on the 10th of august yes which is actually weirdly my wife's birthday congratulations happy birthday. So anyway so why are we filming this earlier this guy just mentioned i'm on holiday effective this week celebrating my daughter's birthdays is the 9th of august my wife's birthday the 10th of august. And we have a nice little uk trip away for a week should be good you know what right i love about the podcast is it's um well a lot of things i love about it it's talking about little ricky yeah talk about your parts it's um it's growing all the time which is great people enjoying it [Laughter] that's a seamless segway all right okay let's stop um the podcast is doing well. And obviously now we film it so people that might be listening at home i'm sure know by now it's on the second channel but you know what i hate about filming the podcast after your hair well a little bit but even more than that i don't know clothes so today.

Put hoodie on very similar to what you've got on left the house locked the door got out looked down. And curry on the top somehow all right so i had a curry hoodie so obviously i thought is this at the back in the old days in your garage i would just carry it down i don't care you wouldn't mind it um. So i went back in found another hoodie and i thought i was holding the last podcast i had to get my phone out go on the videos look i did. So i couldn't wear that so now i'm wearing my open top that never have off so i need more outfits basically welcome to the struggle of making videos and content and having little clothes i'm still wearing my nike clothes i'm still waiting for a sponsor oh yeah. But honestly anyway if anyone sends some hoodies with good hoodies we can have hoodies right goodies. So today's show is i didn't i was actually panicking this morning i didn't know what we're gonna talk about i've produced this you have produced it. And you've done so far it's gone a very strange way a strange direction this is what happens when i get control of the of the rains today.

Um yeah we didn't have loads to talk about because obviously the last podcast we've actually just recorded was fri monday that we've just done um. But to be honest we've had a ridiculously busy week we have and i actually had something really exciting i did yesterday which i want to really dive into. So i think a lot of people listening would maybe relate to what what happened yesterday um. But let's talk about first off what people would have seen i played golf full 18 holes for the first time for a very very long time last week good and that video went out on friday which is the break 75 golfbidder challenge which hopefully you all absolutely loved. And part two went out on monday which again will be out there. So you will know the result if you listen to this podcast if you've watched both episodes i did a lot better than i thought i was gonna do you did well you played pretty solid um let's go. For your club choices quickly because obviously people would have seen them but driver you had the burner from 07. honestly i'm not going to give that back really i'm not going to give it back do you know how much actually cost that's one thing i don't think you mentioned about each individual club let me have a quick look you um i think i think we should put on the video well it might be out um honestly i remember back in the day when that driver first came out. And it was in the era where drivers would meet their kind of maximum size. And there was a lot of drivers at that era that started experimenting with you know adjustable weights i mean the r7 was probably around that time wouldn't it the r7 would have been i think 04. So so before the burner but if you remember unless i'm in the burners that's almost a sub brand one so this would have been our niner i believe right so this wouldn't have been the main no because if you think about it the time you stuff like an r whatever that was. And then.

The burner would kind of sit right if it wasn't adjustable was it a glued head i remember it having tremendous success i really do from the alignment on top of the driver to the shaping to the sound of it to performance certainly the tp driver as well that came out a slightly smaller head it's like different shaping there was a lot of tour players using this driver. And a lot of just it kind of suited a lot of number of golfers so when i did this challenge of spending 750 pound at golfbidder i wanted a driver that i just knew was going to be reliable. And that thing was reliable you hit a couple of weird ones that like jokes out was just bad strategy whatever. But when you hit that well you mentioned this on the video it definitely wasn't going as far as a brand new sim 2.. And it's i had to say on the course but i'd probably say somewhere in the region maybe 10 yards 12 15 at max but what we sometimes say is when you're on the golf course if you hit a straight golf shot you get a nice bound of the fur when you have four momentum you kind of almost you gain that distance packing away there was two drives especially the second. And the fourth they would be the fourth i've never hit a drive that good on that hole because it's a hot a hole that doesn't suit my eye it's a dog leg right to left and the whole fairway tilts from right from right to left sorry so like dog leg left to right but the fairway tilts from right to left so you've got to kind of hit this kind of cutty ball into it and i found the middle of the fairway it's 300 yards down the middle off topic but question for you then.

With this in mind would you say that golf equipment is one of the slowest moving trying word this now in terms of innovation in the last 15 years is one of the slowest moving things almost in the world what i'm trying to not do this very well what i'm trying to say is if you've got 2007 iphone the first generation compared to now streets apart if you've got a 2007 apple laptop compared to now streets apart i think you know i'm trying to say. So many different things even cars are things they can do now. Or they have built-in or whatever tvs whatever that tailor-made driver is from 2007 to 14 years old. And it's still so good i think that the biggest challenge. And this is why golf cannot evolve as much as laptops phones tvs other things in the world is because there are legal limitations like the rna the usga have legal um parameters that they have to set. And you have to stick to that so golf there was a massive race to get to those parameters. And as every single manufacturer week in week out year on year they'll say they're bringing our product out that's even closer to those thresholds i'm not sure if we're already there i think already. So you know that drive there was a massive jump certainly early 2000s when titanium became a big thing. And hollow-headed designs with 460cc heads that became a massive thing i would say the biggest evolution in the last probably five years as much as drivers i don't think it's massively changed i think the hollow-headed construction iron has been one of the biggest change in aspects. And actually today.

We've got a new video about some hollow-headed irons coming out which is a new version of a very popular set which we talked about taylormade another taylormade set of irons a newer version. So i think if we look at it what's changed the most i think irons have changed enormously i think golf balls have changed enormously still in that time frame um drivers are probably kind of where the limit is going to be roughly you're going to gain a couple of yards every few years. But nothing much and that's whether they might even just trick it by making the head a different weight or the the shaft longer or there's ways of tricking launch monitor data what's mad is i probably well i would agree with that drive is almost the one that's probably moved the least. But yeah that's the people tend to swap the most yeah that's one that people want everything yeah you want to get a new driver. But actually then.

That just proves doesn't it that you use the driver for well you can still be shot you shot what was in the end one over par with a driver that was from. And also as well just before anyone these clubs aren't bad golf it's not even out on play with a horrendous set because they're very good quality clubs a lot of them are older. And it just proves that you can go out. And play with good clubs if they're old if you have old clubs and you can't afford to get new ones you don't want to whatever that's fine like this just shows you can play golf decent golf good golf with old stuff. And they weren't fitted to me no they were just close close to my spec. But not on my spec um really fun challenge i'm glad to get another 75 in i'm glad to play golf again i really enjoyed it and there was definitely aspects of my game that i felt had improved what a lovely segue into what i was going to come on to next.

Your wedge play in the last 18 months i want you to use one word to describe your wedge play i think it would be bleeped out on the podcast i think it would be good. And then.

Matt completely would be taken off air if if i if i said what i think uh it's been yeah that's a lot of said worse it's been my short game has been less than great it's been yeah um. And you know what it's my own fault i don't practice but it's confidence as well you don't practice irons that much i know yeah that's true that is true i just feel like with with certainly the short shots. And if if let's say you're right if a bit of confidence lacks and whatever and then.

You you neglect it and you forget about it it's snowballing it yeah. And you brush all those issues under the rug which is probably what i've been doing over the last 18 months it's it's not great. So more recently i've been i've been spending a bit more time learning about my wedge play kind of trying to practice more um i'm trying to love my wedges again like i've got i'm looking at potentially some new wedges i've got potential some new vocals i might put in the bag or some new pings or some new callaway wedges i'm not sure what direction wedges i go just yet but technique i've been working on little ways of practicing i've been working on and you know what very quickly my confident level is increasing yes it's not there. Yet but it's most certainly moving up the ranks we had a good chipping comp at woburn on that ridiculous shipping area yeah which is just out of this world i wish we just took some videos just to even insert it we didn't get anything at the end. But it was such a good area. And you were chipping as well as i've seen your chip. For ages and you're just confident through the ball you have like more speed you you commit to it i think it's probably the word i literally see your technique change on the golf course because you just you can't commit on hole 18 of that 75 you were probably going to put it now oh you're a wedge come on be brave. And you nipped it class class so that then.

I think you need to use wedge more even when it probably would be a putter yeah hit a few good ones get that confidence back i think you'll get it back. And i like say a little bit of technique a little bit of understanding maybe maybe some new wedges that are suited to me slightly better with different grinds. Or bounces um a slightly different wedge setup i mean even that cleveland wedge i used in the video i loved it like really nice. And even i pitched on the second hole like that 50 60 yard that's not my favorite shot and hit it lovely and even the ones i hit not great were still pretty good like my wedge shot on 17 when i chipped it out the trees was class i really like that one just mr port. But i think if my wedge play can improve i honestly think the whole the rest of my game improves. But really quickly it sounds obvious it's all connected in it yeah. So if you if you hit a bomb drive and well so if you know that your wedge plays good right it means you can bomb a driver. And just put it in the rough and if you then.

Hit your run out of the rough to the side of the green you get up and down still so like whereas the minute you've lost that confidence around the side of the green yeah you've got to almost think more of every shot before that haven't because you can't almost trust your wedge play i it's amazing obviously some of the maybe not jcb one of the really long golf courses. But a lot of golf courses i play i'm hitting wedges into greens a lot and if i could hit my wedges a half the distance on every hole to the hot towards the whole closer like you give yourself so many looks because i i've had a bit of criticism recently about how how my putting's not great but i'm not my point is not great because i'm always 30 feet away from the hole if i was 10 feet away from the hole well my putting would be a lot better because i'd give myself much more chances of holding them. For people listening then.

They're in a similar boat and i'm probably the same that we're driving i'm just no confidence whatsoever what tip would you give to people listening to how how do you build confidence is it just hit more balls no there's definitely one thing that i've kind of um what's the right wording um monitoring my monitoring my success a bit more. So you've you've been with me when i've done those cone things up to 60 yards and writing down my numbers so i've been trying to pitch balls at 10 yards 20 yards 30 yards 40 yards 50 yards 60 yards and then.

Back again and then.

Doing six random ones and and working out how far away it is from those targets. And just writing it down like sometimes like if if i've got a score i'm trying to be i'm trying to beat 50 at the moment some days i don't do great. But some days i do really really good. And it's just learning like hitting those shots and writing something down like i actually saw today.

On twitter. And it's and um i'm actually going to see if the lad will send me one it's like a log book it's like a log book of when you practice. And you know what when i look back at the times where i've played the best golf um i've probably monitored my progress much more like when i was a junior i used to do. So many stats did yeah oh yeah i loved it loved it when i went to college by the drinking late nights. And women the the thing that we used to do a lot of was the the logging login how many uh what practice you were doing what were your results from your practice how to process it i didn't think you'd do that yeah i quite like that i like photos because i'm quite analytical in weird ways well i like looking at our like youtube stats. And stuff so that makes sense i think it's more i like it's more i get addicted to the process yeah. So i think with people practicing aimlessly going to the driving range. And just hitting balls that's another thing for me personally i've not been to a driving range for ages in the summer you know because i don't like what was the last time we went trafford oh god i don't know because you're on the golf course like that i think that's something that more golfers should do more is get out on the course enjoy it more practice when they come out on the golf course instead of potentially going to driving range all the time yeah i've always been a big advocate of playing kind of practicing on the golf course. And dropping i know a lot of course you're not supposed to drop extra balls down but drop a few down because it's more real isn't it i've got a dear rick for you so before we come on to your trip yesterday which is quite a good story i'm interested to know more you've told me some nuggets. But i'm using your words now not that many nuggets um this dear rick is from chris he said you can use his first name uh maybe not his surname. So first of all love the show keep up the great work what a way to get your email read it it's that simple um the person that sent one into the day and called me ferret faces as a title was good got my attention um. So if you want to slag me off his fangs it will get me attention. So a good title would be an email please sack guy and i'll definitely read the email wow what are you trying to do to yourself i don't i really like it in a way i don't know um. So i'm saying i like it now until it comes the way i get slagged off and then.

Cry to you on the phone but anyway um i have something for dear rick a section of the podcast um i'm relatively new to golf i've dabbled in the past but only joined a golf club and started taking it seriously in march one thing that stopped me joining the club for so long was i can't play on weekends because of my kids. So this is really in your world this at the minute. And covid actually helped with that as i now play after work mid-week because i'm working from home so there's less commuting again i bet so many people are in this boat one issue um is finding people to play with can be difficult. But i joined my golf club i found him in a similar place uh as me and played with him when i started i was pretty rubbish most of the time. But could put together a decent round once in a while i got an initial handicap 26 and with an odd okay round kept at that level since then.

I've had lessons. And started to improve and recently it's all coming together which is obviously great the issue is that the friend can't play as much now. And i can't find another member to easily play with when i can. So therefore. i can't submit my scores to the new handicap system so obviously now in the uk we didn't have this before we can go out. And play a friendly round with another member and put your score in for handicap purposes because he's not doing that his handicap's still 26 but realistically it should be lower i've had a few 42 point rounds of 26 and recently this week i got to 45 points stableford so 900 handicap none of which i could submit because of playing on my own um so my question is what happens now if i want to start to enter the odd competition what's the etiquette here realistically my handicap now represents me on a bad day rather than a decent day um. So should i mention something to the comp organizers part of me thinks it's unfair others not to but another part of me thinks if i submit my rounds um basically yeah he's stuck in you you get wrong going this one um the problem is this problem isn't going to go away. And i can see the situation where most of the rounds counts all my handicaps are going to be comps. And the handicap should come down but always gonna have a monster around and win um so basically he wants your advice what do other members would think happen if i want to cut what do the members think if i want to comp with 45 points would people complain it's a fairly modern club. But there are still some stuffy people there what a dilemma to bna i know too good um no it's serious though it is it's a kind of quite a unique position to be in. And i think there's one thing to take off straight away is if you go out. And shoot 45 yes you'll probably be the talk of the town that week everyone will forget about you next.

Week in like the nicest way you'll be you'll be getting called the bandit you'll get a bit of stick you can't really stop that that's just what happens at golf clubs it's not always great. But that's what happens but by next.

Week goes your handicap gets caught and everything everything's balanced back in the world again you can go to the handicapped secretary. And mention it yeah i think they would do something about it because i think you still doc people in general play can't you yeah. So well i think you'd have to actually know more next.

Week won't we well yeah we should do we've got an exciting podcast coming next.

Week which will dive into the world handicap system much much more um. But if i think if you went to your handicap secretary. Or your pro or the secretary of the club and said listen i'm gonna hold my hands up i'm playing off 15. But i'm actually playing better than that at the moment i want to play in a comp i think realistically i should be at 12. i think they would happily cut you to 12 if they have the power to do. So yeah. So either do that go out. And play and shoot the lights out walk around with your head held high and it's not your fault you're gonna get a bit stick but you'll be getting forgotten about next.

Week you get your name on a nice board or a nice trophy again it's maybe not the perfect thing to do um i think in chris's situation he should go to the golf club. And hold his hands up and go listen guys i think i'm playing better than what i am can you do something about it because i don't want to get a call to bandit i want to make friends here. And me going out. And shooting 45 points is probably not going to be the best thing in the world can i give a different opinion just to keep it balanced i'm sure if mock it sounds like a nice guy's written email really well. And from having lessons and practicing more i'm sure he's improving that's exactly what we want to see people obviously having lessons practicing and getting better at golf the only thing i would say is to counter this i'd be interested to know two things well firstly is he's playing off the same tees when he's going out playing these rounds. And the comps the question and also i don't want to in any remote way that's going to almost be worth scaring him i'm sure it won't scare him. But playing your own 18 holes is quite different to playing a comp certainly people you don't know i always play best on my own of course you do because if he again i'm sure he's got ability clearly house to shoot 900 handicapped. But if he is up in the comp off the white tees it's you know a lot of people about about people like my old club right on the first two is like um a bit of a conservative crowd around. So on a saturday comp everyone's watching not really bothered but they're still watching it's a bit of nerves and obviously typically in comp days the pins are a little bit tighter etcetera. So he actually might find out i wish he hope he doesn't but he might find actually when he plays in the comp he might not shoot quite as well yeah that's a good point. So if you're going at your handicap chop now you might get into a comic actually do you need the 26. So needed 24. so it's worth just maybe playing a comp and if you win it amazing but just you know yeah he's going going into it driving to the golf course with rocky music playing through his uh his car stereo. But there's no there's no guarantees in life is there no it's definitely different in the comp. And certainly you shouldn't do. And this is i would i definitely try. And give advice not to but sometimes some people you don't know you do feel more nervous if he gets picked up in a comp with a gas scratch a guy. Or a family guy about 10. he might start getting a bit nervous his score might not be that good so it's just what did you say there's three guarantees in life yeah death taxes. And rick putting off the green yes that's yeah. But maybe not anymore who knows i'd say you're not doing as much but you'll get there i'd also like to not pay taxes but hey um so yesterday yes you chat about it. So it was really fun there yesterday. So this was thursday the fifth of august um it was the jcb ladies well it's like the rate oh get the words out rick it was the rose lady series which is hosted by kate rose who is justin rose's wife. And it started last year when covered all kicked in and quite simply there was no lady's golf happening no late european tour. Or whatever nothing and um justin's manager kay and justine kind of came together and said well let's set something up in the uk where we can at least offer a one-day tournament i think i think it's six. Or eight rounds really really nice golf course there's a decent uh money for this obviously professional golfers professional golfers first place yesterday won 10 grand oh wow that's good then.

So it's much better than local golf events that yeah that maybe the pj golf women would play in um it's not quite obviously led. But it's probably some power maybe access tour yeah potentially um. So last year was super successful um they played like you had some big big names playing it last year like georgia hall. And charlie hull and carly booth and a lot of big names and they've dropped back into playing some of these when they can. But obviously this week's a really weird week because there's women's olympics there's the aramco ladies series at soto grande in spain which a lot of ladies are playing at. And unfortunately i think this week's just bad time in the rose lady series probably playing third fiddle. But there's still a massive field in it i think there's like 80 women. And this week they've played at hillside on monday amazing golf course yes they've broke 75 there actually played three courses we did break 75. what's the next.

One burt dale yes amazing golf course then.

Jcb two of them. And then.

Oh yeah. And then.


Week they're playing at craig law which is that in scotland yes. So matt that might be this weekend so anyway this jcb one uh when we played with mark or when i played with mark at jcb um in the last break 75 that we did he mentioned it. And he said it'd be great to give it a bit of a shout out because we're actually having spectators we're gonna try. And get 1500 spectators there it's 10 pounds for adults and free for kids nice and i said to mark well you know what summer holidays i'll i'll come down with the kids i'll come down with the family. And you're very nicer looks after us gave us nice vip passes which was lovely claire thought she was the uh the be all. And the bee's knees was she a bit of a wag vibe she was very wacky was she yeah in what sense nice big flowy dress did all the makeup did her hair sunglasses she was like in fact if people spot you i want to look nice on the side she looked nice on the chat very nice she did um. But more importantly i took my kids yes. For the first ever golf event set up on the age of your kids then.

So soon to be as i mentioned a lot of the birthdays are coming up soon two are august one september soon to be seven five. And three so when you told me you're going to this i thought firstly this is a lovely trip. For the family i also thought you're gonna come back and there's gonna be there's no middle ground you're gonna come back. And say they absolutely loved it or no no you normally tell me what your kids are gonna come back. And say it's an absolute disaster and you wish you'd not gone well there's one of my kids that definitely tested me but um as many people know it's the middle child for uh if fifa always she was sat in the back of the boogie by the way she just chucked her in this was. So funny so i think what what helped sell it was ivy my eldest is definitely starting to show signs of interest in sports in general certainly with the olympics being on yeah she's loving what i mean we've been watching everything still this last week we've literally been watching. And it and it's amazing normally when i flick on the tv the kids will go stick a silly cartoon. Or can we watch youtube kids. Or whatever it may be can we watch peter finch going to say that um well i'll go no kids no you're not no. But obviously they'll watch what they enjoy watching right the last two weeks has been amazing because every time i flip the tv on it's gone straight onto bbc one or the iplayer or whatever they've not even asked for for cars straight away right they don't care what it is. And i don't know because i'm watching it with them and i'm commentating on it with them rather than when they've got cartoons on i bar there's one really funny cartoon called bluey it's really funny it's from australia if parents don't know you had before really really funny uh cartoon but apart from that i don't watch any cartoons they watch obviously and um but i feel like i'm really engaged with them it's it's it's i'm just loving bonding time watching skateboarding or sailing or swimming or golf or just anything it's amazing so they're getting a bug for sports you then.

Thought let's get into the to the jc it just kind of worked in nicely yeah. So when i mentioned it to i've mailed this i was like should we go we're going to a golf event this week. And she was like oh my goodness like well there'd be really famous golfers there. And i went yeah yeah i'm going. And she said she said are you playing daddy i said no it's actually just ladies only she's like oh wow. So i can get to honestly i loved it right really my youngest boy my youngest boy i've only got one my boy as soon as i told him there's gonna be diggers there he was sold all right he loves diggers he loves anything that that's wheel based right. So i said dude there's gonna be big diggers there there's gonna be he's like oh my god i get to ride him i said no no not really. And don't swear no. And then.

My middle child was just whatever she wasn't wasn't that bothered. So my wife was kind of a bit wary because she said just because it's like do we have to be quiet yes what do i work what they're gonna do yeah where are they gonna eat like more more. For the kids like are they gonna be bored like because it was about an hour. And a half journey to get down there and we got stuck in a little bit of traffic as well but it was more hesitation because we she'd never been to a golf ball do you think. For people that don't play golf or have a kind of mid-interest that a golfer could be a daunting thing to go to she was asking questions that i'd almost forgot i reckon i would have asked when i first went to a golfer yeah like because you don't know like what do you wear as well you wear golf shoes what what's the footwear is it going to be muddy is it going to be where obviously the weathering things you can't predict. But you know how far we parked away from the golf course like how do we get there like what's just all sorts of different things like can i talk can i have my phone there yeah can i take a camera like all things that i almost take. For granted and you do because we've been to multiple golf events somebody's never been to one well tubes text me the day before the open he was going with his brother said do i have to to a golfer it's a good question you don't obviously. But you you'd ask wouldn't you because again if you're going to royal saint george's. For the open yeah you think um is it going to be really strict dress code. And like say going to jcb is it going to be really strict dress code like she was saying what do i need to wear. For the clubhouse and things like that so that was really interesting. So anyway we got down there we honestly we did get looked after really nicely it was it was a lovely experience. And before we'd really watched a much golf we had a bit of lunch which was lovely. And we're backing onto the driving range and took ivy out to watch some golf just even on the driving range and it almost felt like a real light bulb moment like just there she was watching a woman hit a shot i unfortunately didn't catch the lady's name. And she was just ripping it right. And i was like wow oh my goodness that's nearly hit the house she see the driver flying she couldn't at first she had no idea because she was like looking down yeah yeah because when kids hit they went down don't they. And i was showing i was like no it's up there can you notice it up there. And because we were sat stood really far back. And it was a lovely open day. And it was a nice nice sky she could really see the ball flight. And she could hear the sound of whether it was coming from a woman. Or um she i just felt like she looked at it like i felt like in that moment she fell in love with golf which was amazing do you think she might be too young. But do you think because it was a woman that might have meant more to it. Or did you think it would really make it well she's seen me hit shots before not that impressed probably the strike's different though in it dad was that oh god that's left out of bounds sorry well yes like i i think it's because i could stand there with her yeah showing her the golf shirt it's like it's together be like watching olympics you're together absorbing it almost where me hitting a golf shot. And her watching yeah i can't show her where the ball is going with you i mean it's not as easy. So i think she just fell in love with that straight away. And pearl was doing cartwheels on the driving range. And this like the other and jude was running around. So they weren't that bothered just yet and we went to the putting green around the other side of the clubhouse and again they were watching it they wanted to go on it that was one thing they just wanted to go on the grass. And everything else and i said you can't. And again they were just in awe like like how we've been watching the olympics sat there on the sofa me going oh check this out notice what they're doing there did you see that oh how cool was that oh they got 10 out of 10. For that yeah whatever it may be in the olympics it was really nice i was stood by the side of the driving range. And certainly my eldest daughter ivy i was saying do you think she's gonna get that shot in. And it might have been a six foot port and she's like oh no it didn't go in. And i'd say to her just did you notice how it how it look like it curved to the one side. Or did you notice how it had a little bit too much speed. And it went past the hole and she was like oh yeah she went will she get the next.

One in i was like i think. So because it's so close to the hole this was practice as well then.

Yeah at this point i explained to you this is a practice putting in groups etc. So here you don't have to be quiet yeah you can talk. But when if we go out on the golf course you've got to be quiet so when we because they're playing for money and they're playing it's a it's a lot of pressure yeah. And again my eldest daughter was really taking on taking this on board. And i feel like my middle daughter um my youngest daughter sorry pearl kind of doesn't feel like she's listening but she picks up a lot yeah. So she was picking up bits without really me needing to talk to her jude was just obsessed about diggers. And stuff so anyway before again we even watched any proper live golf out on the golf course we went to this little village just kind of um there was only like a burger van an ice cream van a little shop i'd bought the two girls a little jcb hats from the show i saw that. And two marker pens unfortunately didn't have a size that fitted him in the color that he wanted because it was a dark blue one. But obviously having signatures on that was pointless. And i said let's get some signatures from some of the ladies right. And oh my god the facts of just that act think about that i tell them every day you don't draw on your clothes they're not hard to draw on the clothes are they i'm now giving them a hat. And a marker pen and saying i want you to actively ask people to write on your hat how mad is that it's just a little thing into it you forget do you think you almost sometimes think that like signatures have died off a bit. But actually in that kind of moment it's quite meaningful in it there's something about it certainly that age yeah i think as they get older into teenagers they want selfish. And stuff but i think at that age they're not after selfies they want something tangible to keep that. So we went down to this little village and there was a really nice little setup where golf foundation had had some like the hitting nets. And some practice areas and again what was lovely every single one of the instructors was a woman that's good. So again it's not something you see when you go to the open you'll see a mixture men women children culture majority of men so um i walked over and said you know the girls would love to have a go because again parents will relate to this it's hard to teach your own kids i can imagine yeah they just don't listen like. And people will i've seen it online your kids are gonna be the best golfers in the world. And i'm thinking they don't because they don't but they listen to me like they just don't kids don't listen to that different voice of someone that they don't know they almost want to be well behaved more don't they really respectful it's like if i was teaching the girls maths. Or english or whatever they'll listen to the teacher way more than listen to me because i'm just dad or mum or whatever um so we signed him up for having a little go and the women there were lovely i think one was called eve. And one was called olivia they were just lovely with the kids um these girls know who you were they did yeah they said oh this is dead weird like we watch all your videos can we fangirl. And have a picture after we've done this i think whether they whether i got a better treatment. But i don't think i did because i saw a lot of other kids there that were getting similar lovely treatment honestly no word of a lie guy we were on there. For 45 minutes comfortably i had to drag him off kicking and screaming really yeah i thought you were loving that though weren't you yeah well like we got a bit of a breather me. And claire chilled out and absolutely you must love to see them once if they just said i'm bored you'd be a bit oh the fact that they loved it. And and it they're just a little challenges it wasn't revolutionary but it just kept him entertained and i think because they'd just seen it on the driving range they'd just seen it on the putting green with the with the professional women hitting golf shots on-site to be able to do it there. And then.

Was really important yeah. And it makes me realize like when we go to the open i don't quite understand people who go and have a quick golf lesson or a quick hit you know they're open yeah. But what why don't you understand just because i don't know i've it doesn't make me want to hit golf shots oh yeah it does afterwards yeah. But not on site and that's not gone possibly because some people have never had access to a lesson so if it's a three ten minutes and they might change something that's it game changer but that's what made me realize how important those stations are yeah like. For kids like the golf foundation do a great job where they set up this amazing kind of um space where kids can go. And hit it and if they've just been on the driving range watching bryson or brooks or john spieth or whoever matsuyama um let's run the mixer names um they can now just going straight into somewhere. And hit golf shots they're golfers now and i just loved it so anyway they absolutely loved the little practice they got a little sweets and everything else so i thought you know what we might not see many many lady golfers because by the 18th hole you're probably not going to get any signatures. So i asked all the women pros who was teaching the kids to sign the hats that's kind of cause i thought well i just thought let's just stick to one rule as long as it's a woman player golfer sign the hat why not doesn't like doesn't matter the kids aren't going to massively know oh my god the kids loved it really they loved it they were walking around with that like not wearing the hat anymore looking at the names look at that look look how she's written that. And what was her name i don't know i don't know what does that say um. But it just it was honestly really really lovely they had a nice scream. And they just had the best time bear in mind we haven't seen any tournament golf yet yeah i haven't seen anything you could almost gone at this point then.

I've loved it. Or not like that would have been 100 yeah i don't think we needed to see tournament goals were the spectators mostly women within a woman's event. Or this was another thing i definitely saw more of like when we went to raw st george at the open yeah i got spotted a few times. And had pictures but i'd say 90 plus of those were male 19 oh yeah probably 99 like 99 of the fans that came up to me at royal saint george's at the open were made up that correlates with the audience really doesn't it most people that watch our mail you can see that from the stats their ladies open whether more ladies went. And watched it i would say it was all it was borderline 50 50. really fans that were male. And female wanting pictures and kids male and female kids like little boys little girls uh like amazing what did your kids say when people asking you. For a party they found it really strange did they say what did they do i found it really strange because she's seen it a few times if let's say like i've been spotted a few times at like a garden center. Or out shopping or on holiday and she it's kind of even we went to nando's that night even when we got home and i got where they got spotted twice in nando's which was dead weird. But like she's seen that side of it but this was like a completely different level like it was almost every few minutes which i love. And the people i did meet was amazing thank you. So much and it i'm glad that only only 10 people asked me for a 50 pound note she obviously delivered obviously i delivered so it wasn't that bad yeah i don't know i don't people get pictured ask free money. So um yeah she found it a bit strange. But the kids were like the kids almost wanted to get on the picture which was a bit weird like because certainly like i had pearl on my shoulders. And people were dead respectful. And they said i'm really sorry i know you're with your family can i get a picture. And i'd say not a problem so i'd have to obviously take pearl off my shoulder because i don't really need her in the picture move out the way shove her out the way and um but then.

She'd wanted to be like stood in front of me yeah wanted to get on the picture she didn't quite understand then.

When we were walking off she's like what was his name daddy. And i was like oh i'm not actually sure i try. And ask people's name sometimes but not all the time i'm not john subscriber yeah she went is he is he your friend. And i went well yeah he's in the clubhouse he's my friend a lot of people didn't say that in the clubhouse actually a lot of people ask. For you i keep on waiting for the next.

Year um i got lost in the post weirdly you were working yeah. So then.

Um we went on the golf course so mark the general manager there very nicely gave us a buggy because that was something they were desperate to go in oh my god we'll get golf buggies are good there weren't they desperate to go in a car a little bit yeah. So pearl who's tiny even though she's five next.

Week she's so small she's sat in a little basket at the back she climbed in herself into that basket it was mad pearl had one kid on her knee a turret pill claire had one child on the knee i had the other. And uh we drove up to 17th green and what i mean just the most beautiful hole in the world. And there's a massive tractor on the championship tee the back ticks the ladies were just playing a couple of t's forward oh my god jude was literally just like staring at it like it was the best thing in the world really. And i was like looking behind it going like this is one of the best holes in the world. So we stood there for a bit watched some shots and like even the questions like ivy was saying can they can you get it over that water daddy i was like i try if you're not seeing the videos that i did from great 75. But like the women like we were hitting it most of the time it's very windy yes actually most of the time comfortably over the water obviously they're very very good golfers what were they hitting on to that then.

I we didn't go all the way down to t it was probably about maybe two. Or three t's ahead of where we played from at 250. right so probably playing near a 190 potentially they were hitting like hybrids five woods long long lines let's say it's a tough hole. So hard um and then.

Like we saw some golf shots go in the water and again it's the questions that ivy asked like what happens now like i was like oh that's really good question. So because it's gone in the water that's a penalty so they've now got to go down to a drop zone drop a golf ball that's now adding a shot and then.

Hit another one and they're like what happens to the golf ball in the water it's like just like daft questions you know not that questions just interesting questions um so anyway then.

We drove up to the 18th green because i thought if we're going to get signatures. For hats that's going to be the place we go. And uh and we probably watched about three groups it was just a bit challenging to keep them all quiet because that's where when you're watching on an 18th green. And there's not there was a lot a lot of people there. But not for 10 grand that's what i mean can i drive it i want to drive the digger uh i'll just rick was saying i actually bought my little jcb loved it um by the way if you went out with your kids. For a day trip they could rinse you for some good oh it's ridiculous what a digger don't want a hat done just keep them quiet whatever keeps them quiet how many ice creams do you all have an ice cream well i didn't annoyingly because um i got whisked off to have a quick meeting um i was working. And the so claire was left with the kids. And the ice cream store looked amazing but big problem it was. For adults would have been great but for kids they eat slow and it was melting really quick. So they had a bit of a disaster i think jude dropped it. And whatever so anyway we stopped by the 18th green i very nicely got um chatting with kate rose who's justin's uh wife and my kids were super cuddly they were cuddling kate rose. And they started it was dead nice about three groups came off the 18th green we. So were there about half an hour. And everything i went up to ivy and pearl go get your hat signed go and get your hat signed they loved it and let me pull up her name because she was really really lovely um one of the ladies who is called her name that's gonna annoy me give me one second i'll put it on me if anyone's watching the video. For a couple of minutes then.

When you were talking i was looking at did you see her look at my laptop quite intensely yeah i was listening to you. But my cars also went for a um mot today.

And i got a text i need some new tires so i had to sort that as well i thought you weren't commenting i wasn't looking at you so um kirsten rudgelly okay yeah it was lovely. So she finished and she is from perth like our really good friends mimwoo lee oh yeah i mean very good friend. And she said you did those videos with min wu this was after i said oh yeah she went on that's where i grew up playing. So she was australian playing in this um. But before that my daughter went running up to her she signed the heart and kirsten gave her a glove oh nice and a golf ball nice and um kate rose actually took a picture of that happening put it on her social media saying um you know this is this is the great to see. So many young girls being inspired by these professionals i thought she's she's captivated today.

That's it yeah she has absolutely nailed it my kids are going away from yesterday's tournament loving golf a lot more that's what you want question then..

For you in a sentence or less this is the tricky part how would. For people have children which i'm sure a lot of listeners do who want to get them into golf might not be fortunate enough to have an event like that locally. Or whatever it might be again how what's the one thing you would advise to get your kids to have an interest in golf 100 make it fun make it fun right i think that is. And that's something i've always really tried to do. But just watching the my kids yesterday having the lessons with the golf foundation it wasn't technical they were holding it a bit wrong. Or whatever there was a little tiny bit of where to stand yeah what we're aiming at by that it was fun swing it hit it until it happens there was no there was none you know. And and that's one thing i'd definitely have seen at driving ranges where a parent will take the kid. And expect too much from yeah expect him to hold it with an interlocking finger. And the correct posture and to have a takeaway in p3 that looks like just justin rose and you just can't do that i think kids are very very good at copying adults. And i think if you demonstrate if you hit golf shots they will pick up. So much without you even realizing and apart from that just make it fun fun challenges um make it easy at first so that you know even the golf foundation had these big massive clubs and massive balls and it's not straight into i've over blades i've chopped you down a seven iron blade that i used to use when i was whatever. And a proper pro v1 like these it was just really really fun. So all in all honestly it was mega. And like i said cheeky nando's after. And even this morning so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you this picture and we might in fact um can we zoom in on this if we can even this morning. So the girls got open i was i was moving around making a breakfast. Or whatever i went into the living room and who do you think had the hat on the lanyard. And the golf ball who do i think ivy pearl pearl wow. So considering can you see that considering i thought she was the one that probably wasn't as interested look at what look what's happened like she's woke up today.

Wearing the hat the golf ball that the um kirsten give her. And the and the little lanyard sound like it's a very worthwhile trip hopefully many many more many many ways but yeah thank you. So much for mark for inviting us uh well done for kate rose for an amazing event well done for the golf foundation i probably just don't give them enough credit but they do a great job of getting young golfers into golf that's how i started um doing junior coaching through the golf foundation i started going out to schools. And stuff and using like the the easy to hit clubs and the massive targets and stuff it was amazing. And hopefully they continue it and uh who knows they might be playing in the rose ladies series in 20 years yeah well less than that 15 years i enjoyed that story i felt like i was there with you i was pitching it it was it was a lot better than i expected good are we done i don't know mark i can hear a noise in my headphones can you hear that. Or not okay i feel like i've been a bit of a home how long are we in 50 minutes well i've got just equipment to end on i've done a thing on my instagram rick asking. For questions for the podcast um so i've got some questions some ridiculously stupid ones but they're sometimes the ones that i like um so well first one is what's happening this rick. And pete match if i can get my short game darling well actually we are my i'm a group with pete carter matt fryer yeah. And me we all might be in the same country at a venue coming soon so that might be the first video and then.

A meme and pete later but also in the injured or something i think he's got a baby yeah wrist. Or something uh this is a question. For you i don't know your answer out of rick or guy who has the higher golfing talent i don't know me yeah who won the chipping comp at wilburn when we had three different churches are these are questions from you that was a question. For me just that that was me i wanted you one yeah you won the shipping company um i thought you're trying to boost my confidence your confidence is there. But then.

If i want to beat you i can knock it straight away. So i can build you up. And i want you to build all right let's go you're gonna does rick prefer to load. Or unload the dishwasher load 100 yeah i'm very much loaded 100 um who likes unloading it yeah i don't someone's asking this about somebody said why is your podcast jingling a closing advert someone else said that to me well the reason will be because you pay a small fee. And you get access to loads of tunes don't you so somebody's yeah. So it's basically like a royalty-free soundtrack any future topro collaborations lined up i don't know this is a really good one that well yeah we don't know i feel like there is some there's a series i want to do. But it might be harder this year might look into it next.

Year now um but also i mean this is very premature. And we don't know the result but have you noticed our man pulse is doing pretty well already i don't like to say that i was in his presence. For 10 minutes a couple of weeks ago but he seems to be doing pretty well he's been on tour now since 2000 he's won what nine pj tolerant something he was grinding his ah just grinding all day. And then.

He sees you and he's now doing well so it's just obviously what it is obviously what's next..

For rick shields podcast tick youtube tick what's the next.

Project we actually had something the other day in the group chat the other day that caught in them oh yeah wow that would be epic yeah there's lots left to explore we've not conquered golf social media the world just. Yet so watch this space so the rickshaws museum is what i'm thinking of. And all the clubs from all the videos are going to be in do you want to do that one day i would like i'd like like all the clubs from videos that's why i've got. So many of them like all in like archive like glass cabinets um yeah it would be really good at a location with some of the bits going on yeah which we think we should do you should do that you can what would you i think what we should do is you invest in. And take all the risk and then.

I'll just be there if it goes well i'm part of it you'll be the welcome party yeah hi if it doesn't go well you lose money i'll just leave um i had a good question then.

What's the favorite golf club you've ever owned pastel present. And we've done this before many podcasts but um what would you say i feel like i should have i feel like i knew the answer to this probably it probably is that scotty cameron i've got that trillium one i've had refurbished recently um you know the one that i'd what yeah no i've seen cash i think which one it was yeah i remember i have refurbished yeah yeah yeah. And i played a long neck one yeah do i see something funny did you see that picture i put on instagram. So that was me i tried my i thought you can't really see it. But that was me at age 17. somebody sent me a picture back taking the mick look how funny it is it literally looks just like me it's like a cartoon turtle um there's some other questions. But i think that was some of the good ones um we're not gonna do the podcast now well it'll be normal. For the for the audience next.

Tuesday after this but actually for us it will be like 10 days we'll do one next.

We'll have loads to catch up on. And hopefully fingers crossed we'll have a really really really like legend status guest lined up in a couple of weeks do i know who this is yeah we had a phone call about it the other day i have literally at this moment i'm completely blank really lit honestly i'm not even taking i had a phone call on wednesday i wished everyone a happy weekend thanks everyone happy weekend have a great weekend everyone oh drinks from the aisle again put the phone down. And went it's pretty wednesday well rick works one of the wednesdays so for you it is a weekend i'm about to be dragged in just to do this podcast monday film tuesday starts on a wednesday in the office off the rest that's it done. For one feet up um right everyone thanks for listening episode number 90. i feel like we're getting better i do i think 100 i think genuinely if people are interested in that hundred when would the date of that be well just very quickly very quick maths. So bear with me so we're on that nine ninety ninety one ninety two ninety three ninety four ninety five ninety six end of october roughly yeah 19th. Or 20th i would be sick if we did it in the location i'm thinking of would you come if you're part of the clubhouse let us know. And we um 100 live guests you say 10 to each of 58 10 10 10. you pay attention to get into the door as soon as you see rick get your picture same in the clubhouse you get 50 back wow do you only really pay you gain 400. um okay i think what we do if we do that though we might put it on facebook we'll announce on here maybe put it on facebook i think we could legitimately do that we could that'll be not even that much work. So if you're interested the emails podcast rickshaws.com just say yes that would be good. And before anyone asking jokes no we're not going to play pay. For international flights so you have to get here yourself yes right guys thanks guy thanks rick thanks. For uh listening about all things related to life you kids and stuff yeah it's good enjoy it erections all right see y'all see everyone [Music] completely.