Myself bats them off for the back of his hand he has a golf glove in his pack in his back pocket like that i just bats them off welcome back to richard's golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy and also co-host you've been promoted sophie i know i feel very special come from go i think once you've been on a guest once next.

Time you're on i think you're straight into co-host. So welcome to the show can't wait to chat to you about golf and life so you put me next.

To guy i feel a little bit like i'm the guest on my own podcast today.

I want to sit on this side. And watch you squirm on that side so we're going to ask you some hard hitting questions rick. And you're rough before we go into anything it's episode number 92 did we say uh yeah. And you're really hungover explain to the audience listen it's a monday i shouldn't be hungry over on a monday i'm a little bit hungry over only a tiny bit and it's not my fault that's what i'm saying elaborate i went out in liverpool last night in your hometown basically and uh it was really bloody good that's it thanks. For listening i want to sell everything because you meant to be going playing golf today.

Filming the course vlog that our listeners i'm sure would have lapped up. And we're gonna would have got loads of views that would have been very relatable playing golf hung over yeah we'll probably do it again um it was me um peter finch andy carter matt fryer the original kind of vloggers well i know peter finch can't take his drink well i'm not gonna name names. But two of the four ball um couldn't get out of bed this morning and i wasn't one of them and he does matt fry yeah. And this is matt fryer. So me and matt we're ready to go and uh certain other two weren't ready to go so on behalf of peter finch let's apologize to our listeners that would have been a great video that's not gonna happen maybe it'll happen later this week there's a there's a day we've reserved for later this week which i'm excited about. But no it was a good good catching up with the lads we had a really good time liverpool was class um. And i'm just getting too old for this now going out is these are these bright lights maybe a bit worse as well i feel like you've referenced everything on my own on this side of the table like did you buy shots at the bar of course that's when you know it's going downhill there's a rickshaw's night out of course there were shots at the bar i think we started with shots no it's good it was really good. And uh yeah. So hopefully we'll get a vlog coming up soon i think golf today.

Would have been hilarious you're right i think that would have been one of the funniest videos ever. But i also think that it might have ended our careers it's not your fault you wanted to go. And play i was ready showered getting changed i'm texting the lads what's happening what's happening everyone good everyone good. And uh one person in the group didn't respond at all i'm just enjoying the mistake because being the bitter and twisted man i am i if i go out and get drunk which isn't very often i have horrendous hangovers the next.

Day but probably for two or three days so therefore. i very rarely now go out and get drunk rick is normally the guy that can be out last in the bar. But then.

Up bright eyed bushy tailed and feeling fine and but oh yeah i'm fast a little bit of a bottle of water. And i'm good to go now so to see you rough i'm actually really really enjoying it i think the problem is as well this weekend took its toll it did last weekend. So i've had a bit of a mad one really i'm getting weight i'm the married man three kids i'm going out doing all this shenanigans when that happens you get that one free pass you just need to make the most of it well the free pass last week was saint andrews it was a work trip obviously yes. But when you're in saint andrews there's lots of bars there's lots of pubs and weirdly i found myself in the student union until silly thing i saw these tick tocks going viral that was a grand dad somewhat someone's granddad would come to the student union. And sign the corner asleep i i've never felt older in all of my life in the student union that was good should we talk about andrews yes. So we were active andrews this week because it was the aig women's women's open not women's british open they've changed it it's now yeah the women's open just like the men's. And we were there on behalf of mastercard we've got an absolutely banging podcast coming up this week a bonus one gwen you explained that rick we teed up in last week's podcast if everyone remembers. And i said it's one of the biggest guests we're ever going to have on. And it really is sophie walker sophie walker people would have guessed it the amount of comments we got about. So it's selfie coming back on uh but no after this which will be then.

Coming out on thursday i've got an interview with annika sorenstan which i'm just like. So ridiculously excited about because she is i mean in the latest game she is the tiger woods of latest golf really she's the best she's the best there's ever been is it is it even a question mark no. So in in men's golf obviously or whatever you know i don't want to go men's women whatever but in the male side of the golf there are question marks who is the greatest jack nicholas. Or tiger woods that's the question mark and and depends on who you speak who's both say on that one only because it's my era tiger yeah i agree i said tiger. But as you've mentioned before when you want to play devil advocate is who won the most major exactly. And so there is always a question mark in ladies golf there is just no question mark no annika is the best of the best of the best yes. And will be. For a long time is there anyone catching her up is there anyone threatening to even contend. For that title of goat i think the standard of golf is way better. But as in a standout player no i mean the amount of different major champions that we've had over the last i think the last nine have all been different uh major champions uh obviously not this one without nordquist. But there is no domination at the moment in the women's game there's just a lot of very very good golfers give me some questions i need to ask her have a little thing i've got some i've got some really key questions i want to ask her because i mean actually retired at the age of 38 didn't she to have her family. And then.

She'd come back and she won the is it like a senior's major that she won recently as well yeah she won women's seniors u.s open um her little boy loves golf. So i think it was a you know you see with the football. And how they really want to do it. For their kids and impulsive you've seen hasn't you do it. For his lads very similar ask him about a little boy he's a superstar he walks around the golf course with her maps the golf course tells her how to play yeah i think that's really nice she's kind of done it. For them and then.

Obviously she is super competitive. And it's kind of got the juices flowing there was a little rumor that she might get picked. For the solemn cup oh my goodness does that come out. Yet the united states no well she's america she's not american she's swedish yeah yeah she's not she's not going to i've actually seen a house ridiculous ridiculous because she's on the same estate as like eric stenson. And ian poulter and i think ray mcdowell lived there. For a while but it's absolutely off the chain huge i think she owns a lake as well she's one of the i suppose in the women's game that has gone into business as well if you think like greg norman did in the men's game annika's done that uh very successfully with her course design. And foundation so yeah i'm excited about that um this week we went up to san andreas as guy was saying. And we were supposed to be originally staying in dundee because we were going to canoe stiff ladies open went on the thursday i want to talk about that first i really enjoyed myself there i really enjoyed myself there as well it's it is quite simple i've been to loads of major tournaments lots of opens a master's lucky enough to do that radical rally cup it's it had everything that those events have. But just on a smaller scale so it had the hospitality suites it had the tented village it had the merchandise shop it had everything the world's best golfers and their tagline is world class isn't it it was kind of tattooed everywhere they are some of the late golfers were unbelievable. And what's amazing this year sophie i've been to three ladies tournaments and only one men's well that's great i listened to the podcast when you went to the rose ladies series and it really made me think oh great i'm glad you've said that because when you go to live sport it doesn't matter what live sport it gives you something. And i think with the women's game you can get that little bit closer to them you can stand right behind them on the tees. And and you can see the ball flight whereas sometimes you go to the men's event. And it's quite hard to get closer isn't it well we sat on the first grandstand probably about an hour or so didn't we and my knowledge of lady golfers are getting better i'll be honest to hold my hands up it's never been brilliant. But i'm getting so much better at knowing oh that's that's such a body that's such a body she did that she did that oh she only won recently. And i think social media is a big plan of that as well i think they've started to utilize social media. So much better as every sports person has but now you get to see a bit more of the life as well which is really interesting just a quick one i've got to give rick some credit on this because it was a very nice touch we were on this grandstand on the first tee. And we watched it about an hour like you said probably watched well six to seven groups come through. And it was it wasn't rammed at this point there's a good few people sat there. And there was some little boy he was probably about 10. Or 11 and he looked and saw rick and honestly it was like his face was like this. So if you watched the podcast that's what his face was i feel like we can definitely take a snapshot of what you've just done there with that microphone yeah don't please about me at first that was saying that's produced again after the podcast he wasn't he was looking at rick weirdly. And then.

Um rick waved to him like told him to come over sat with him for about 10 minutes asked a lot of questions got a little selfie with him his parents looking over like proper waving at rick saying like thanks so much and literally he will have made that little lads year i just thought i'd give you credit though rick it was really really nice of you to do normally i don't know myself bats them off. For the back of his hand he has a golf glove in his pack in his back pocket like that i just bats them off well what was nice as well like i've been to now aramco ladies series i went to jcb i went to the women's open. And normally when i go to an open i do get fans that will come up. And spot me and quite simply it's very in kept with our demographics 90 mail almost 99 mail that come up to me for pictures what happened these ladies events so many women golfers young girls watching the channel it's great to see and they can still enjoy it. And again that's kind of where i'm seeing i can still enjoy women's golf because as you mentioned earlier it's just golf. And it's it's just brilliant i've been honestly really enjoying it and i think they've just i don't know what it is whether it's the the mix of players out there at the moment the events there seems to be a lot more in the uk certainly at the moment um it's just class i'm really enjoying it. And also with the women's open going to venues like canoe state correct that tells the story i mean muirfield next.

Year it's that's a big story isn't it that's massive isn't it i mean they didn't used to let women members of mirafield. And now obviously they do. And it's it's going to be brilliant. And and to look at the history of who's won around canusti um in fact on the last day minji lee hit fatted one into 18 when she was right up there. And it just bounced the burn and everybody's like oh can you imagine john vanderveld if he'd bounce the bird. And that's what he's saying it's just golf but he's got to make it relatable of what's gone on in the past so i think that's great that they go into those venues is it not like the men's where it's there's a rotor as such yes. And no they've been at woburn before haven't they randomly no not randomly. So the story yeah. So the british open or the women's open wasn't that to start with um it was it was called the weetabix. And it wasn't a major right um and it was it was basically at woburn um. And it was a sunningdale a lot as well. And it only turned into a major probably in the 90s oh wow yes there's quite a weird history to it. And the rna have only just started running it in the last few years hence why the prize fund's gone up the venues yeah. So they go back to woburn and sometimes sunnydale just to that's their history that's their throwback so i think woven will always be on that rotor. But there are going to be some venues like royal port call which can't host a men's event no because it's not big enough. But you've just seen your eyes light up it's class isn't it unbelievable so they're going to be able to use those type of golf courses which the men can't. So actually i think our open rotor will be a little bit more exciting because we're going to go to some newer courses which are still very good i feel like i'm like getting. So i feel like it's mine as well like i feel like i'm really getting so invested it's it's just another open like it's another major tournament we get four in the in a year and a calendar years five in women's golfers and the five majors i feel like we've got nine majors to look forward to now which again i'll be honest hold my hands up it's probably only taking me this year to realize that to really get into it and knowing players like ming lee who's obviously mimwoo lee's sister and like people that i've kind of spent time with olivia cowan and and van damme and ladies who i've filmed with as well i'm seeing wow like they're doing so you know what changes for you and this might sounds weird but i don't mean it to be. And i'll explain why instagram yeah because now you're watching somebody when you go oh i've not heard of her before. And you go on instagram and look at the profile and see the personality as well a lot of the women seem to do a good job of that the answer is like behind the scenes. And stuff on there you then.

Follow them and then.

You then.

Kind of know what they're up to about it in tournaments it definitely helps and i think. For a selfish reason as well because my girls are getting older as well like i want them to enjoy golf i want them to idolize these phenomenal lady golfers as they will do men golfers. But i want them i didn't i just don't know whether it wasn't as out there or publicized as much when i was growing up i just don't feel like i knew laura davis yeah that that is honestly it annika sorenson that is really it i know i feel like my knowledge obviously working in the industry is improved. But what the industry is doing whether it's ladies golfer actively doing this better i just feel like the information out there is. So much better if you look at it now so the prize fund for this year was um five point eight million dollars it where they went up during tournament we went up by 1.3 million i believe yeah can you on wednesday night it got announced which i thought was really cool. So you're already already playing in the women's open really excited. And then.

They go do you know what we're just going to chuck in another few million. So that was a really good story um is aig aig. And and the rna so aig have really said that we're going to be an ally. For women in sport and they've got a plan of really trying to get this equality and pushing it and if somebody like that does it. And then.

All the other majors i'm sure are going to jump on board then.

The smaller events the regular tour events hopefully will jump on the back of it as well. But it does it takes these major championships i mean it made the news like the regular news not just sky sky sports news it was on bbc saying how great is this it's still not near the men. But it's jumped significantly and you've got to do those type of things like i say to get headlines on sky sports news. And stuff where it's got to be almost a shock to people and that's where they get it out there so obviously it was strategically done it wasn't by accident any of this i'll tell you also i thought was incredible louise duncan oh brilliant wasn't she. And for people listening you might hopefully people are getting a bit more into ladies golf. But she's a what's the latest equivalent to like a silver medal it's um what was it cause you obviously won it what was it called silver salvo yeah um we saw a tee off ripped it yeah. And she's like tiny and she absolutely ripped it technique was just phenomenal. But yeah really enjoying it question then.

Sorry we mentioned this before offer i obviously went with rick on the thursday. And watched with the golf in the flesh and then.

It would watch anything friday or saturday sunday i sat down with an hour and a half left to go and was honestly glued to it i watched jojo hall finished i think the last three. And she was out a bit before the leaders then.

Like i said about 90 minutes of watching the golf loved every minute of it. But it got me thinking again can golf do more to make it more exciting to watch because. For most people at home who dip in and out of golf it's a big commitment to ask them to watch all day thursday all day friday saturday and sunday i mean could the women's game put as well as the men's. But could be pushed to have more something short form that's still exciting more more exciting that gets people engaged i suppose they did didn't didn't they try sixes at centurion that time yeah i mean i i don't think you need to do in the majors in fairness i think it needs to be a little bit like the tennis. So it's five sets and stuff like that um but yeah they did i think i think a short form is needed in the women's game sometimes they play three rounds uh i think you see that sometimes in the lower levels of the men's game i think the same with everything that i've seen with cricket over the last few years the stalwart cricket fans will always love tests. But how do you get new fans into cricket like my mum went to the 100 series. So and she was oh it's great. But she's not a massive cricket fan not a massive cricket fan at all but but went and really enjoyed it and i think okay maybe that might make her a cricket fan maybe it won't. But we might need that in golf we need something i think the golf sixes did work i don't think the golf has embraced it enough no i think the people playing it was a bit like this isn't. For me it was just gotta get the players on board borderline between it was exciting fun. And there was a real mixed response of like um walkout music wasn't there. And flamethrowers is that too much too soon. And that big six mascot bouncing around and i'm not sure i mean i did that voluntarily i thought i thought i did really well um. But like yeah probably are probably taking on too much straight away where um unless you created a completely sub brand off golf rick's quick six is what we're going. For yeah we are going. For that that's that's done um like we played six holes at st andrews yeah we did i played i played jubilee course. And filmed the video that you've probably just gone out actually play six that was lovely i loved it what have you talked about holes there's no start off on there's an 18 hole cut. So you have saturday sunday 18 holes there's a cut all like you said before all the ties all the ones who are on the cut mark have to do something i don't know what that is putting comp closest to the pin challenge like that. And then.

18 holes on the sunday straight out i just don't know if it's financially viable enough if you could take so many players out for tournament i don't know you might think about tough luck. But a lot of journey men women you know the same amount that all play on the saturday and then.

That just gets caught like the same number gets caught that would anyway so they'll still make money on the side today.

No. So exactly the same everything's the same as it is now. But rather than four days it's just two if you have one round then.

That's the cut and then.

You have the remainder what would normally be the weekend play on a sunday all right okay. So just 36 holes so therefore. it feels almost like every shot's kind of more more important because it's shorter form yeah can we do that i think. So i'll make a call see what i can i do think there is room. For shorter forms the trouble is the schedule is. So condensed anyway they're playing every week where do you put it in yeah you need to convince the other tournaments to maybe mix it up a little bit. And then.

Again the only thing that would make it not financially viable is aig who sponsored the women's open they want four days on tv they want the full shebang of a week don't you because they're paying top top dollar trying to condense that just down to two days. And they're not on tv as much you you'd argue you're gonna get more eyeballs watching it you could argue that but until there's facts and findings it's probably that's the one thing that's quite hard to kind of convince certainly sponsors and golf fencers need sponsors like it doesn't happen if they don't get sponsors yeah. But as i say um for the open championship that still has to be 72 i agree with that i just yeah. But but you are right you know the last hour. And a half of most golf is the most fun i mean i commentate on it i'm saying before the thursday is great we're here might be a new tournament might be a new golf course there's commentators we're really excited friday is okay you've got the story of the cut. But obviously the people making the cut are struggling. So it's not great golf to watch saturday we really try and plug it as moving day but it is still quite a settled day i suppose. And then.

Sunday is where it all happens. So i get it from my point of view four days works better than two though guy get paid more i'll check it double your rate um anna norquist you know her you've played with her she's obviously won incredible golf tell us what you what you know about i don't know loads about her so what what's is this a massive obviously is she two-time major winner now her first ever lpga win was a major can you imagine wow yeah. So she just turned pride oh yeah. So she actually doesn't really win regular events right she's a big-time player yeah a little bit brooks-like. So i'm what my animals be about 35 i would say 34 swedish player was massive as an amateur just bossed everything she won the british girls she won the british amateur she won the the smith salva. And now she's won the open so she's the only the second person to ever do that uh georgia hall is is the first person to do that. And like i say went out on the lpj so everyone knew she was very good you've got a stellar career turns pro gets her lpga tour card. And wins um i think it's the pga championship the equivalent wins that was just never outside the top hundred in the world. And then.

Fell away from the top hundred in the world into last year and for her that was not turmoil. But a massive shock to the system i mean. For instance she she wasn't automatically in the solheim cup until this win and she'd played in six wow so she is just an insane steady golfer. And that steadiness was was slowly dwindling thankfully she comes back. And she wins the open so i wouldn't say she ever went into the doldrums of the game you know you hear jordan spieth and lydia ko really struggling it wasn't that she was just used to just such a sustainable success i said on instagram if there was anybody that you'd have wanted to make a par down the last at ken usti it banana she was gonna do it. And the pot i actually said this will go in. Or no sorry i said this this will go within inches because she would not be one that would leave herself a three-footer she's incredibly good at putting always has been. For somebody that she's around six foot anna didn't hit it a great distance has actually added distance in the last few years but watch her at solomon i mean it's just relentless she rolls in put after putts after putt um. So yeah i'm really thankful that she's on this team she's definitely got the best golf bag of anyone i've ever seen swag swagger golf i think is phenomenal it's bright isn't it graffitied bright like one of the best things i've i've ever seen really on tour. And how casual is she when she dresses yeah yeah that's one thing i noticed the women's game how much cooler did most them look than in the men's gate i know i feel bad because we can keep comparing to the men's game. But i think it's natural when you watch fairly decent well i don't watch loads of men's golf. But at least see highlights online and watch bits and bats and it's something i've watched since i was obviously young then.

Coming to the women's game a bit more recently this last 12 months we've focused a bit more on the women's game. But they definitely look cooler most of them the the even like the shorter trousers with like obviously you can see the trainer style shoe better. And stuff and some of the outfits the work does look a lot more athletic. And sporty i think the women have made that commitment of it being a more sporty sporty look um. So yeah like there's no there's not really any chinos is there in the women's game you don't get that often no not at all i liked uh louise's line cause she wore shorts on the saturday weren't didn't she. And it was throwing it down horrible day. And she just says it's not even cold and your skin's waterproof love that she's honest i think she's. So good um andrews do you love it as much as me. And i love it oh my god i absolutely love it i feel like guys have a battle of how much he loves this i love it the most then.

You can love it next..

And then.

Rick love it at least i just like being a like we grew up at golf courses it's not you know it's not the coolest thing ever at school is it. But you go to saint andrews and everyone's wearing golf gear everyone's wearing golf shoes you fit in though it's the first time in my life i walked in and i thought yeah look i fit in here will you come in golf gear today.

If the podcast is that dedicated to the scene i know i'm teaching before. And after but yeah i am i'm in my golf gear today.

But you know now you can wear golf shoes that look like trainers. Or whatever but when i used to go to sun andrews that didn't exist so people would still walk down the roads in their spikes yeah it's classic carrying golf club like it's not rare to see a bike go past the pedal bike with a set of clubs on the back it's not it's not rare to like see outside a pub a golf club rack. Or like it's so amazing so there's a lot of though that make us look really uncool there's like these um students that go over to university who like they're all dressed like them 90s now and they're like they're like baggy pants and like kind of golf style fashions isn't it like slim jeans have gone now they've had the day literally looks like they've raided the mum and dad's wardrobe from the 90s it's mad i've noticed that that big umbrella sweaters back isn't it the one here that yeah it just makes me feel more old again though because like their scene is like classic retro. And i'm like wasn't that long ago since i was worried are you just doing those jeans oh yeah i just give those away. But um well we went we were supposed to be in dundee as you said at the start of the podcast. And we got an email to say that the hotel has moved and we went outside and said andrews which was obviously ridiculous great email to receive we then.

Saw we were at russex hotel which is literally on the side of 18.. So we got there we drove up um rick did the driving good safe driver good was that all right fast. But not above 70 miles an hour obviously and efficient as well with his economy his fuel economy is not great your car fuel economy is it i don't even i don't even think about 35 miles per gallon he was getting guys i chose your fuel economy i'm like how do i do that i don't know where that is what do i what do i spin what do i do i'm like saying car show me miles per gallon um powered by monster yes all the way. And uh actually just come on now one sec um anyway we got to see andrews we literally parked on the saturday 18th well rick parker's car decided to 18. do you think that's risky yeah yes we're about three quarters of the way down the 18th hole yeah right i mean you can only park it's a dead slim road. And you can park right up against the little picket fence. And i parked right there i think you were far enough up to be safe because you weren't in reach of driver really it was it was shank. For second shot yeah. But it's a serious shank so it could have happened it was a risk that it was how many balls get hit down that road a lot the widest fairway in the world. But yeah the most daunting. So a part there went into russia uh just been done up the hotel yeah yeah they've got a new front. But they're looking out the whole side of it's been redeveloped when we went a couple months ago and i've seen it being built and the scaffolding was still up. And i was like i was like i was like a local resident like hands-on hips going this is this is horrendous i don't like the view of this at all like can you believe they're building this um i was just like the camp i can't actually believe they've managed to get. And then.

As soon as you got in a nice hotel room he's actually just changed like that but now it's been finished now the scaffolding's down it fits in so good really nicely get it a little bit weathered and it'll be brilliant so we went in we had three rooms it was me guy. And matt went and uh proper lads we won it really proper proper last week yeah it was really good we didn't get to come harry. And tim didn't get to come and start first saying last week and um went in you know do you mind is there any hotel room views like oh no you're all you're all facing the other way i'm like i've got to do this. For the insta like i can't not have a hold so i said um is there any chance we can get a room how many followers i have you know what i've almost never flexed ever i tried to flex. And it failed miserably that's that is true rick never uh to be referred to him. And give him some stick but he never ever you're supposed to flex for him isn't this your job yeah i should have been sat there in the back with sunglasses online i felt too embarrassed to flex. But you said something like what you said now i just said i'm really like israel because i i do i was like stuttering like this i'm the hotel receptionist hi sir yeah room 102. can you do in scottish accent please room 102. um is that facing the golf course. Or not it's not sorry sir oh is there any chance i can like switch it to a room facing the golf course um would there be a fee. For that to charge you all right um okay um you know all it is i kind of make like you i like i make you know i make those things on i make youtube videos. And um i've got like uh i've got like an instagram page and i've got like i've got a few followers and i thought it'd be quite good if like i take a picture or a video and post it and you know i won't you know this will be free i want to challenge it sounds great it's 100 pound a night please sir i did get a slight discount it should have been i think it should have been 150 quid a night upgrade. So i don't know how much the hotels were i think it was about 400 at night. And uh they whittled it down to 100. and then.

I thought what was funny she said 100 pound the night was staying there. For two nights so i said you know what i'll do it not often you're gonna get a chance to stay in this hotel room yeah let's do it. So um i thought i could picture myself waking up in the morning putting a robe on fastening it up making a little coffee with the espresso machine opening my curtains going onto the balcony just slipping. And looking outside said andrew's going this is a life. And so i said yeah i'll do it. So she charged me a hundred pound just a hundred pound so i was like go away with this this is it's only 50 quid okay i'll do this. So uh paid it happy as larry walking up to my room and it was cl how good was it unbelievable went in. And it honestly outrageous and the view i mean it is it's exactly what it is the 18th house is the fate most famous well not i said it was the most famous hole in the world in on social media we've got a lot of question marks it's debatable i'd say it's up there it's one of the most famous views in golf it's the most famous course what would you would you say is the most famous course i'd say that are a guster i'd like to sing andrews. But i don't know i think if you said to someone where's the home of golf there were dolls i think sent andrew's augusta i do in in the history because i feel like at least slightly safe he said to a non-golfer where said andrews they've got a pretty a clue where it is. And what is fake what scent andrew is famous. For if you're asked the non-golfer probably kate williams yeah prince. And will prince william. And kate met there went to university but i think. And then.

They'd probably say it's worth going to meet rick shields on the old course it's the second thing they would say somewhere that youtube did that really nice deed where you surprise you with your family. And then.

Let him let you beat him yes um. So we uh so i went out anyway amazing and um so i thought around 50 i'm happy with this literally didn't do a single thing that i said i was gonna do sit in the balcony a lot we went out as soon as it got in the hotel room quick change off we went we filmed the intro of the video actually we did that was worth it business expense yes of course i just needed that little clip. And um i was gonna say. So i went to check out thanks very much love must stay uh i'm sorry sir there's a charge for your room i'm thinking oh god what's this it's another 100 pound for the other night we only charge you one night for god's sake so i did have to pay 200. do you know who i am i felt saying i've got what i needed now i'm not paying it no sodja um. But yeah went out in saint andrews went. For some where did we first night um i keep oh yeah at the uh in oh yeah had a burger that was class annoyed me as well somebody had we were outside. And there was a family next.

Door to the dog right. And i'm not against dogs so i'm not a proper into dogs and it was on a lead. But like really loose lead and it was jumping up on us wasn't it. And it jumped up on me and put his pore all over my pants and left a big stain of like um gravel the floor was like a sandy gravelly yeah it's like what's your thought on that with dogs because they want to go kick off. But like i don't want sandy dog prints on my pants you got dogs off no i don't hence why i'm like guy. But i think if you have a dog you totally get over it don't you yeah. But if you don't have dogs it's and why they always jump up at the person that's least interested 100 percent if you give them something yeah they can sense it. And you're like oh here there we go again so yeah i'm with you in fact i was getting ready to go to saint andrews um royal. And ancient clubhouse and my friend's dog literally looks at me as if to say yes i'm going to jump up at you. And i was like please don't do that. So yeah i felt like i had that incentive sorry that was just that really sort of flexible yeah tell us more we'll explain because that's the most iconic building to andrews isn't it. So the building behind the first tee everyone thinks that that's the clubhouse don't they they think that is the clubhouse to sent andrews. And i'd naively when i went there at the age of 13 or whatever 12. that's what i thought it's really not got a clubhouse sent andrew's has it oh it has the old but for the other golf courses but the old course doesn't have its own actual clubhouse does it there's different ones i think there is down the side of 18. are they not golf clubs are they not like different clubs members of it's dead weird membership you join to be a member of a club i think there's like six let's just say i might be quite honest. But roughly but then.

You're a member of that club so there's not just one old course golf club if that makes sense now the royal ancient which is where you've been is the one that we're talking about on the back of the first tee did you not get that invite last week what did this blue tick on instagram they said don't get away we felly i've heard if i can get 20 people to propose me i could get in. So if 20 people from the rna club would like to propose me send an email and i'd be happily being a member there who well dive into who you went with but was it amazing yeah i'll tell you what i went with um it was the women's scottish open. And um a few of the sponsors were was asked to go. And i got an email saying would you like to go and normally through all this golf stuff you get invited you can't be bothered to get dressed up a lot of the time it's like oh here we go again but because of covid no one's been allowed to do anything. And also you see the rna clubhouse because i think that is what it's called the royal electric club you think yeah i'll i'll have a piece of that please. So anyway um i was walking around the golf course that week we were at dumbarni links. And and i met the person that invited me and he looked something like this and said you do realize it's jacket. And tie don't you i was like yeah. And i'll be getting ready for that don't you worry because it is a proper posh at the end i mean. For a woman exactly i said i don't have a tie. But yeah it just means dress up. And look really nice right which actually dress up to a company somebody who would be with jack and ty for example yeah how do you how do you yeah that's really hard how did you just realize that like that's what i did. But i'm a man so if it's jack and ty i know what you're doing all right yeah. So it's just nice yeah okay. So i did dressed up something nice. And we went there on the saturday night and i think martin slumbers said it was the first time they'd had a dinner at the rna in nearly 17 months because of everything which had been going on which obviously made even more special. And i'm not sure if you were allowed to take photos. But i took loads yeah absolutely um it's just the most beautiful place all the history. So you walk in um as soon as you walk in the car park is literally at the back of the 18th green. And the first is is that where the entrance is where the car park is because there's a very little car park there's always mega cars on it yeah. So that's where your entrance is right right in front of you is the the trophies like the amateur trophies the big like it's not called the british amateur anymore it's the amateur. And then.

There's a staircase up to the right hand side going up to the dining room if you walk straight through on the ground floor onto the left-hand side it looks like a bit of i suppose back in the day like the smoking room. Or whatever yeah. And then.

There was a slightly bigger where we had our drinks. And that looked out onto the oh my god yeah the balconies at the top. So we were on the ground floor. For our drinks and it's just like oh look at this it's unbelievable and what time did you go um we were there about seven seven thirty worried that you weren't going to get up on the balconies while it was still light. Or did you know that was well after a few gin. And tonics i wasn't worried about anything yeah i i i got lost trying to look. For the toilets i'm really sorry you're there taking selfies on the balcony yes no i really did try. And be quite professional with it all in terms of that because you you feel like you might get into trouble i'm sure you wouldn't well i don't know what is it like is it i've got a picture like paintings beautiful paintings i mean everything is golf there's nothing non-golf in it huge chandeliers brown leather chairs is it what you'd expect. And actually what is cool is every single bit of plate. Or cup or glass has all got the logo on rna i'd love to i didn't but i'd love to admit one imagine nick in a servier i went to i went to the ib restaurant back in the day in the london one yeah that expensive one. And i was like i need to need something from here. And on the napkins it had like the iv brought it in so i uh i tucked it i wrapped it like around my leg my shin and tucked it like in my socks like a shin pad and then.

Put my pants over it and nicked it still got it to this day sorry ivy london um but yeah that you you kind of want to take some i know you shouldn't do. But it's like i mean i've never been to buckingham palace. But it's like that type of feeling where you wonder if that's the most place places get nicked from like you'd nick some toilet paper and you were something from the from buckingham palace yeah i didn't from the rna honestly. But it's so special honestly mr slumber she didn't yeah no i didn't it's just really special food was great um we had some crab starter yeah. And then.

Yeah guys. And then.

Um a little chocolate like souffle with raspberry in nice what was the video was it like stuck up. And and old men and is that well there was there was 28 of us to dinner. So there was only a lot in there. So there was men. And women there and we i think yeah we were all guests. So we were just all pleased to be there weird question what are the toilets like yeah all right because i thought that's always that's gold-plated these places though i feel like when it's really nice nice toilets yeah they want to say different soap different like little hand towels yeah like joe malone yeah yeah yeah that was a type of level okay they almost can't really be seen to be too over the top expensive can they really because obviously it's i don't know the governing body of the game like you can't think they're going to spend a million pound on the gold gold toilet when they could be funding junior golf development somewhere. For example yeah true i get the impression that it's it's old stuff. But really looked after rather than spending loads on flash stuff uh can't wait for my invite please rna i'd happily that's true yeah that's where i was where you're looking now yeah there's loads if you go on google images. And type in rna club house there's loads of pictures to come up it does look. And also i think because of we've not been able to go out of course you know that is that's the one isn't it. So you get dressed up and nice little story actually we're all having dinner and lad kind of leans over hello my name my name's john i was like oh hi john you know he's like we've actually met before you know when you've got that do you know what the thing is to say though nice to see you yeah that's the response. For almost everyone on me nice to see you because that if i've met you before you're not offended and if you're brand new it's also it works a little tip for everyone listening yeah little tip if you come up to me i'll say i'm nice to see you it means i've got no idea who you really are i'm sorry. So i've gone oh um and he just looks at me and he says i carried for you at the british girls in blair gowery when you were 15. no you're not. But i obviously remembered the week and he carried me for a few rounds because i did really well. And we had such a good time and i'd not seen him for like 20 years and he now works for the rna in sponsorship it's lovely you know that's what's great about golf isn't it how you've not seen somebody for so long and then.

Oh how are you. And everything he would have been older anyway the same age yeah pretty much the same age because in that sentence he could have also been like a 40 year old man caddying. For you at the time he could have been or he could have been you know like say similar 80 at 15 or whatever so it's like that's also what's great like years later and you've always got common interest and you can chat about golf. And you can whatever that is always good when you meet golfers you just have something to talk about all the time one of the other things we did is andrews which obviously people's in the video on now we have decided we wanted to try. And go up and obviously we were going to women's open. So that was the main reason why we were there. But stainless and andrews we thought we have to make some content we've got a film where there's it's rude not to so we had the idea inspired off one of our favorite golf channels called stacked golf where they've got husband and wife john and ashley and they go out and buy old used golf clubs from like thrift shops and all this kind of stuff we were like we've got to do that in andrews there's probably more golf shots per square mile than anywhere in the world not the biggest. But the best little independent ones just little ones where you could find something old and just like what well come on to the uploading one in a minute but yeah. So we went out and we filmed this video i don't know if you've seen us in clips bit but basically rick spent 500 quid on clubs that he probably could have got for two hundred quid i'm terrible at battering can you barter awkward you know what rick always does as well i don't know what you've done this. But americans might not agree with this it's more of a culture but you always leave a tip in a restaurant which i don't always do i'll be honest oh yeah i always do you always say i don't do if i go out let me say this now if i go to a restaurant. And i buy philips steak for 30 quid which sometimes can be. And then.

Like abby has a glass of wine which is obviously like eight quid it should be like 50p. Or something and then.

They want a tip as well like why'd you have to give more tipping for the quality of food you're tipping for the quality of service yeah. But the service should be paid for by the russians who are making 25 quid profit a mistake you want good staff paying well anyway sorry that's all right i'd like to the only one i don't like is when they add it to the bill already i'm not the biggest fan of that i'd rather choose to. Or not to and if they've added it to the bill i don't pay extra tip in america i american listeners would be like you don't tip like a mate of mine went over to america he started coaching in las vegas and even for his letter it was ridiculously expensive. For a golf lesson as you are in america like in america certainly in the time it's like 150. Or less or something and he he'd often say that people would almost end up giving him like nearly 200 pounds because the rest is just a tip. But at what point did you start do you don't tip mcdonald's do you no. So what point just do your situation have you seen the little things now when you go to the charity differently you can like round it up. And whatever that's good putting start tipping i probably wouldn't tip it depends when if there's a function to do because sometimes also they can't. So i don't often carry cash with me so if let's say let's say let's say if the bill was 46 quid yeah right i'd always round it up to 50.. But why if i if i can pay on cat can i like. So i'll say i even take my barb i'd tip about barbers i've ticked barbers before but i just feel like it's certainly when you haven't that way you've got a hat on though but i went to tesco for a haircut yesterday tesco tesco the supermarket tesco they really do do everything honestly it's one of the one of the best experiences ever as well. So yesterday sorry we're going really off topic yesterday morning. And it was going out liverpool mentioned it start the show what's it look nice on that picture well this is gonna be a banger insta right. So i was like when am i gonna sunday where how the hell am i gonna get my haircut on a sunday because everybody normally every barber's shot us on the internet sunday monday normally have off don't they. So i'm googling i'm googling i'm googling i'm thinking i'm just not i tried mobile barbers i thought someone would be able to come around to the house and als also my little boy who's three soon the last time i took him to get his haircut was about three months ago. So his hair was horrendous. And the reason he was it was. So long because he had a meltdown last time we went like had to drag him out kicking screaming he got half a haircut so his hair was horrendous. So i needed to book him in as well so i'm thinking where am i going to do this anyway i remember i told you about i went to asda in i don't say where near my house. And um in asda there was a barbers right in the corner built in like a property. And tesco as well so this in asda there was a hairdressers on one side. So female hairdressers and on the right inside it was barbara's right. And i just clocked it and i thought could like say you know i thought it's a bit weird i've never seen that before certainly not asda but i remember so i'm a giant carry on you started to finish so um sunday so i was trying to get my voice haircut. And and just something tweaked up on i saw the barbers in asda but you know what i'm sure zabarb is in tesco. And believe it or not it's been there for two years right so i'll go online open sunday could book online went to my boy me and my boy got our haircut at tesco sorry mason and the cat member of the guy's name nice honestly really good yeah look good really impressed expensive though how much all right jude was nine pound fifty i ran it up to a tenner. And i was 19 19 pound i think on the nose she left him an extra quid cool. So anyway the gold golf shops and andrews um there's loads of them and there's have you been to the mall taking you've been there have you not really dipped in i know i've not really i've i've been to the shops but yeah i can't that's next.

Time you go you need to yeah definitely there's some some that just sell like clothes. And some just kind of sell like bag tags and bits and stuff and then.

It's octalone's which is a massive shop i've been in there yeah everything like callaway everything could think of like major stuff i went in there. And they said well i have a second down section. But around the corner there's our octalone is pre-owned. And it was i'd go i was in heaven you were in heaven as well we were both in heaven it was a bit of a throwback oh ridiculous i loved as well without being rude it was a mess. But there was just like boxes of balls just shoved on the side covered in dust that were nice brand new. But old top flight xl 2000 pinnacle gold that like you look at them and that box is what i used to get growing up. And they're pristine and it's like there's something there's something psychological about it's not just about the fact it's a golf ball it's about the memories how much do you think i paid. For three top flight xl 2000s extra long so they've got to be 20 years old somewhere like that brand new still in the box i actually don't even know what you did pay i do well normally about a pound each. But i don't know what they'd be now inflation one ten pound for three probably ones you didn't you didn't catch this did you that bucket of pro v1 oh i only saw it weirdly back on the video. So on the floor there was three buckets on the left hand side were like late balls cheap whatever pinnacles whatever whatever middle one was like you you're nice golf balls. But not your pervy ones yeah you're you're shrieks. And whatever 80 triple threes whatever and then.

The next.

Bucket was just a bucket of pro v1 how could your ball look quite a squad could just clean up honestly i was in heaven because they're all marked like they've all got character yeah every single one of those golf balls at one point was a brand new golf ball out of the box. And like when you think about taking a brand new golf ball out the box it's never been hit there's something amazing about that anyway you mark it up you put your initials you put a few dots you put a line on it whatever. And that ball is that's yours. And it's going on a journey with you until you lose it. And in this bucket every ball had been through that stage and there was something from like there were some local ones from like car nusties sent andrews with the emblem on the side there was ones where people's written the name on there was one through the line there was one with triple track yeah triple track on it that's quite a new one there was one with like an american logo on it which somebody's messaged me actually fh something. Or other it was on it. And it's like how amazing like in in the middle of nowhere it's the storytelling behind it like every ball's got a story i think when it comes to looking. For golf balls that's how i started golf that was my youth when i was a kid we lived on the back of a golf course. And my dad on a sunday afternoon would be like come on so we're going to go look. For golf balls in all the dykes and the ditches and all the thick rough and that's how i kind of got into the game and i loved it the adrenaline of finding a good ball yeah. But obviously like he never told me that well i'm beginning with tea we're good i just had all the yellow ones or whatever yeah um. But yeah i just remember just being. So excited to find a good like is this a good one dad. And he'd be like yeah that's a good one. And that's where my love for golf started i suppose so multiple search for balls yeah they must do i spend most my summers as a junior that's why i never got that good because rather than actually playing golf i was in the trees looking. For balls i remembered there was a whole six hole where it sounds like someone crops that out six. And put it in with the clip from earlier on the six hole i used to play was like there's big trees. And loads of balls used to go in there i remember playing up to five or six just putting our bags down like three or four of us and just going hunting. For what was ours probably finding. So many balls it was amazing i just don't feel like junior golfers still do you guys do you can't beat fan in a pro v1. But i didn't have an electric trolley was a junior now every junior that has an electric trolley. Or a tour bag or i'm not everyone listen i'm sure but a lot of people do i feel like well that leads on to something nice i'm trying to kind of get to in a lot around what way with the fact that i ended up buying a tailor-made v steel three wood it was in red i can't believe i saw it i was nearly i don't know you were like yeah it's quite cool i was i've got i bought it 25 quid special it was i was just a bit like uh yeah i don't know you got the 300. you're like steel it was. So iconic if i was a bubble burner girl yeah that first little bubble in the shaft. And the burnt orange so um yeah mine would have probably been in terms of the hailer made would have been the titleist you know yeah that's see that was me i feel like i was even though we're really close in age mean guy like i feel like golf changed. So much in those like three years or something again three years what five years what's between what you're me i'm thirty thirty thirty one five years yeah. So that's the difference where they're all the same yeah yeah i felt like it was like like i said the title is pt. Or like 905. the 980f as well but it comes down to though what it's not about the clubs i think it's the rain at the weekend it's not like well it's not it's obviously good i'm not like good with it. But it's more about like the era that takes me back to and the memories and that's why i like it got me thinking about these secondhand shops how a golf club it's there for performance obviously you want to play good golf with what you buy but there's so much more to it than that and actually i think i want to weirdly go out now. And buy more old stuff because it's just it's fun and i like this weird thought it cost a fortune but how good would it be to go up to an android like a handful of friends but take no clubs. And you have to buy them why there and you give each other two like a golfer challenge you have 200 quid each you could easily get a set of 200. easy easy good with that if you had a few quid or even like the titleist irons i bought dci irons 50 questions david the value store right 50 quid for a set real quarter and like i said you could easily do it on 200 quid you might you might if you took a bag without clubs yeah i mean you could buy a bag i mean i got ripped off. For this box that was yeah that was a rip-off as well it's off by this bag. So we went in the first shot just get the hoofer i mean that's the bag of all carry bags it there wasn't any that was a class back that though wasn't it. So i went in i think it was the second shop actually because the first shop didn't sell uh clubs went in really nice lady wasn't a lot of clubs. And she went what you're after i said just anything old battered she was a sales woman her though oh he didn't look like she was your nemesis because rick count barton she stood at the ground. So i said come in the back come on let's see what you got here in the back proper junk about clubs. But she was like look at me going you're excited about this i'm like yes of course i am this is it this is what i came. For and right in the back there were this yonex um leather bag like. And uh she was like you want that i was like yeah. And she looked at me like i've got two heads and i went i absolutely wanted it there was some wilson blades in the back as well see on the thumbnail oh yeah there were some wilson blades in the set as well dead that old i said i want them as well i mean i got a bit giddy in the first shot to be honest. And uh so i'm pulling them out and i bought a um callaway steel head so the actual clubs like annika sorenson used to rip them so it's funny i went back home and told my mum because mum buy me all the clubs when i was back in the day when i was like 11 at 12 she said we got you the driver. For 150 pound that night you slept with it i slept with the driver in my bed still do that well i woke up on christmas day once. And i just opened my eyes and there was the tailor-made bubble burner driver next.

To me santa you're the man obviously not custom fit how did you know my spec yeah. And um so i bought this got this bag out and she's like oh i'm not got a price for it so i'm thinking there's one or two things here she's gonna give it me for free i've got a price for it you want it give it you for free or like chuckles 20 quid and you can have the back right. So she starts so she's kind of cashing it all up and she goes i need to ring the person who owns the bag i'm like what she went it's not our bag it's somebody who owns it so she goes off in the back rings this brings this bloke and she said to me. For this i think he'd probably want a hundred quid. For it so i'm thinking oh my god why would pence but his tattoo bag hundred quid so she went off and she must have rang colin or whatever on the hey colin i've got a lad in the shop he wants to buy your back he's a hundred quid all right he'd probably fell off his chair yeah tell you what no i tell you what she did she went in the back when i call it it's sue from the shop um somebody's offered you 15 quid. For the bag are you okay with that yeah put the phone down that's why she wanted cash she did want cash she did want cash wait a minute you paid 100 pounds yes you did you didn't oh. And then.

What was which was she locked the shop behind us. And we saw her in the bar drinking champagne smoking a big cigar popping champagne ever yeah i paid 100 quid. For this bag but that got me thinking again how could you actually play quite a good goal for those clubs i think that video came out well what'll be yesterday we'd be listening. But literally just now just released it 7.5 degree driver i'll remember taylormade 300 series one that i got like all the new ones inspired by the new mini ones inspired you said you said on the picture it looks just like the main driver isn't it seven. And a half degrees graffoloi pro light in like the red oh yeah the red one because how good was the shaft back of the pro force the yellow. And purple one i had that in the painting i thought you only got it in three words really as well i feel like it wasn't popular for drivers but you said you had it in driver did you get it. And uh yeah. So i spent way too much time again back to oh we said it's a lot. And stuff i know but you've got a topic no no well like kind of first topic was how fun it was going looking at golf shops. And buying second down stuff was the first part. But the second part was we do get our pants pulled down by golf brands marketing we do like you went out there. And played six holes each at level power which is spoiled if anyone's not watch the video we'll still watch it. But the clubs were borderline ancient the irons were at least 20 odd years old the driver was 15 20 years old potter was literally older than us. And you played quite good like they weren't fitted obviously and all that stuff but the brands today.

They market the stuff. So much they make it so aspirational that you want to buy you see the toppo's using it you see the claims see that you know the videos the nice instagram pictures but you can still play really good golf with old gear. And and i think people do get sucked into it too much. And it's just like if you've got clubs that work don't buy new ones unless you just want them but understand you might not play better with them i do believe that to a certain extent that you're quite good at golf. So you do hit the middle of the club face a lot i do think the new technology really does help people that need to get the ball in the air um don't hit it as well compared to 20 30 years ago i gave a golf lesson today.

With you know when you look at the clubs. And you just think there's just no one that they're too hard to hit they're far too hard to hit here you go have a go with this it's a cavity back graphite shaft. And and from somebody that is not much of a golfer suddenly they start hitting goal shots. And i'm not a miracle worker it's just i do think there is the technology there to make bad golf better. But i do agree in terms of of good golfers there might not be as much i agree are you gonna you're gonna find somebody who's not very good at golf getting a chunky head with a graphite shaft up in the air quicker than an old blade from 20 years ago granted. But in terms of golf and a bad rat for being expensive and people getting annoyed when they buy you drive a new one comes out and they feel almost gutted the new stuff's replaced it you can go out. And play golf to a decent standard with old stuff that might cost a hundred quid all in might be a bit dusty well so well the stuff we were buying with dedo. But if you bought something certainly last ten years like that's that's forgiveness has still got the greatest technologies or latest ish technology is that v steel they're still used yeah yeah exactly yeah. So the question for you both then.

On that topic which is a good point to be fair sophie what would you say from out the bag has changed the least in the last 20 years. So what part of the bag could you get away with still using probably wedges i know because grind and bounce has come in so much more recently putter must be up there no because think about all the mallets you have if you're new to golf just get a mallet you can still get mallets back then.

Though two balls been out. For 20 years 21 years yeah you could have a two ball from the year 2000. And be as good as anything out today.

I think it gets better as it gets higher in the back. So like you say wedges putter and then.


By the time you get to your woods and your driver i think they become better yeah what do you think rick you're great i agree there you go um quick one before we finish is your i just i can't believe you didn't talk about the shank at the women's open i don't bring people up like that all right no i do i thought that was quite relatable no that what that shank to be honest with you oh not in the last hole like shanks if someone shanked off the first tee is like nervous well that was nerves i know i've got a seventh second oh like bless her like if you yeah she um middle of the fairway after a tee shot kind of hit a ropey one right into that bunker that was a bad shot kind of downhill you were mentioning going towards the group she had almost like two bunkers to get over before you get to the green she had to get up. And down to force the play-off it would be over at the back shanked it just it's just horrible but i just think sports unfair isn't it horrible it's really unfair. But i think if anything that just shows you the the ups. And the downs of golf and you know the relatability of it all that even even really good players can just do something question question. For you then.

Okay not that you have to do this. But i think it'd be interesting obviously as rick said you've been to three women's events this year i've definitely been watching a bit more in a sentence. Or two our listeners who may not be converted to watching many not not converted but may not watch much women's golf because they just don't think about it. Or they're just not into it what you know sell it to them sell it to them um there's this thing about it being oh it's so relatable they hit it about the same as me and no they don't they hit it really good yeah yeah they hit it frighteningly good um they're very very straight off the tee to the point that i actually felt in the coverage they didn't portray how hard carnoustie was it's very tight off the tee. And these players just can thread it through a needle. So it's it's a different type of golf but it's still golf it's all the things that you would get what you'd think you'd get at a men's event it's the accessibility i think that's probably the best thing you can get from the women's game you can get. So much pleasure from watching these players but you can walk next.

To them. And honestly but last week you could have just gone oh hi anna you all right and she said oh yeah please you know pleased to meet you i've seen that a lot recently at some events people have just come in. And said oh what a lovely person paula creamer is. Or anna knock vistas or mel reed whatever you want to do because you can't actually access them. And i think that's arguably the best thing about the women's game is not only how impressive they are on the golf course. But you can get close you can ask them a question you can learn a bit about them. And it's for some people it's a totally new type of sport and like you were saying delve into instagram find out about somebody find out the story i did it in formula one recently where i started learning a new sport. And i think almost you can do that with golf if you follow men's golf you can have a new passion. And there's nothing better than finding something new that you go yeah i'm really into this. And there's lots of events that you can go to that might not be as expensive um this week i'm covering the curtis cup which is women amateur gb night against america. And it's at conway you can't wait to see it in wales which is really close to us it's an hour. And a bit away and you might watch those players and then.

In a couple well louise duncan did it already. But in a couple of years time they'll be winning majors and you're thinking wow so you can follow a story. So that's what i would say try and fight go to an event find a couple of players that you really like and then.

Follow them and support them like you would do with your golfers with your football teams. And stuff like that well i'm probably finding that myself like i i'd really fall out of love with football i wasn't bothered about football the euros came biggest glory hunter ever going to the match. And everything thinking i'm some sort of football hooligan and uh since now the football season started again and because i know so many more of the players i'm like invested i know players who play for villa and spurs and transfer markets guys got me to listen to talk sport it's the characters that get you into to watching it more than the sport and that's what i'm finding with golf as well ladies golf there's so many more characters i think there is than men's golf if i'm dead honest with you. And uh it's it's great to see um one of the characters obviously i'm speaking to it soon annika got any question have you got any anything i should ask her um just why she wanted to take it to the next.

Level like what obviously what did tiger inspire her because i felt like she went. And did the fitness why where did she um who told her to do it was it all self-motivation. Or did somebody kind of on her team tell her because she was one of the first people in the women's game that went. And did all the fitness. And and took it all to another level um where was that inspired from yeah without why from. And then.

Ask her about you know team up with the men like because that's quite a good story for people to listen to it's an amazing because by her michelle wee has there been many have teamed up with the men no not really i mean talking of the open champion anna nordquist she actually teed up with the men um during covert times because there wasn't anything to play in. And shot like 64 and won the event um just in the local something like a cactus tour or something like that um but yeah probably what what kept her at the top why because she was just. So much better than everybody else love it quick one oh sorry gone before we wrap it up but thank you i think you're gonna say thank you. For coming finishing my word i would say thank you yeah um there is news. For those people in the clubhouse who listen this far in we appreciate it the live podcast for episode 100 is looking very very likely we've been working with somebody who has got us a venue. So it's probably going to be in manchester area it's not confirmed. Yet we've not confirmed the date but if you are interested it is looking like it's going to go ahead um what do you want to say anything about that rick am i coming you can come okay. And so if you're doing it if you haven't become yourself if i'm here i would love you to come on if you're here i think that third voice will be good i think we've got a few i'm sure there'll be a few people wanting to come yeah keep out of social media to make sure you hear news of that. But that would be that'll be really exciting something we've never done before and something i think you guys will love. And like say it you're gonna annoy some people because not everyone's gonna be able to get to it unfortunately but we have to do it somewhere that's local to it. Or a venue that can accommodate us fingers crossed it can get off the ground. And get going yes um thursday's podcast is with you with annika yeah next.

Tuesday will be a standard podcast me. And you so if anybody wants to have the email read out it's podcast and we'll do some deer rigs. And we'll get we've not done some through we've got a lot stashed up here so you've got to really get you today.

I don't think you're in the best room. And you're hungover very hot so sorry you're getting better though i would say you feel a bit fresher yep as soon as the camera goes i'm going to be dying. But we'll get some of those done next.

Week and last thing i'm going to ask. For a while but please if you've not done already rate as an apple ideally five stars four stars is i'd rather be five. Or one four stars is pointless does nothing. So five stars or one star and if people do that i promise to review the mac. And cheese place that i went to a few weeks ago don't call me a ferret please thanks very much sophie appreciate your time thank you see you all soon.