You're the only one that's actually got it through regional so i'm a proper player guy i'm saying absolutely nothing [Music] welcome back to rickshaw's golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy i'm also with a really good friend of mine who is kind of a guest today.

Slash coho slash bit of a legend oh co-host i know straight in at co-host level jesus we sat down with andy carter today.

Now if you've not checked out carter the best way to describe you oh i'm waiting. For this what do you want how do you describe yourself oh you bailed there aren't you yeah you bottled it i would describe myself as a full-time golf coach nice nice support yes a full-time golf coach. And part time sometimes in and out of making videos on youtube you're the less than part-time youtuber zero's contract excuse me as we as we do this right now there's a video coming out this evening oh coincidentally a little plug off the back of this. So that's a scrape one together quick we have a mad history which i really want to dive into today.

We first met when we were 16 years old yes we went through college together yes we then.

Went through how many years were we working at trafford together. For of course yeah probably probably three we did three years at five. And i think you left then.

We did three years at trafford we have had a little bit of a kind of youtube journey you were an usher at my wedding that's true that was good then.

When was that 2013 2013. And uh you've now how you've moved to dubai how long have you been in dubai for now coming up to four years in dubai keep your mouth a little bit closer to the mic please sorry tilt it up a bit like this don't ruin it god didn't realize it that sounds good to me wow so so um so how long how long have you been in dubai for sorry four years in dubai four years in january so i want to dive into that a little bit as well because that was i always remember that was something you were always keen on doing getting away from england getting away from your roots getting away from your hometown. For whatever reason i'm not quite sure it's a warmer hotter climate and i want to kind of find out how that's gone what's what's the positive of teaching abroad working abroad et cetera et cetera so funny enough for me dubai nearly came about before i even went to dublin i forgot you went dublin yeah oh my goodness let's save all that okay. So i want to go with dubai dubai no even that i'm going to save that let's go right back in time sorry we're kind of jumping here everybody no the best way i think what we always do have a guest on is how do you start playing golf. And then.

From there we'll go on this journey where rick can come in. And all that stuff chronological okay age of 12.. But i think that's quite late as well isn't it. But for me it was always football yeah. So mad massive man united fan it was always football. And when you realize you can't even get in the start 11 team if you're under 13 squad you're relatable you're not going to be playing at old trafford. So well actually shall we we've actually played a strike force at old trafford together we have yeah what year was that was that 2012. no it wouldn't have been after i was married maybe 2014 15. i'm rubbish with years i think it's 2015. we had to drop the manchester 10k. For that well come on tell us a bit anyway we've got to come back let's go back to 12 years of age yeah joined during davian park golf club pretty much at the age of 13. And i think i just kind of went on from there. But i never really took golf that seriously even up until the age of 15 16 i was only off only off i was off i was off eight at 16. And that's when i went to my school and my school i remember was a very last minute decision was it really yes i really just didn't want to carry on with school i wasn't interested in college i wasn't interested in a levels. And i just couldn't see myself going to do a an a-level in cyber history. Or whatever just didn't sit well with me so when i found out about myers go i literally we went straight down and i was like this is the place i need to be just a quick one then.

We've had this before. But to people that don't know what my score is. Or new listeners can you explain it in like a sentence. Or two great fun mice co is a sport let's say it's a sports college isn't it supposed to know it's nice it's um why is it what agriculture yeah it's got agriculture horticulture that's plants. And stuff isn't it yeah um. And sport you could you could study at my school what you wouldn't study at a normal college so for example that's the one football yeah golf rugby cricket you could be a cricket you could go there to study cricket you could be a mechanic there that's right you could vocational stuff yeah because of the equestrian yeah lots of horsey girls there which made it a nice time at college to elaborate like you could do you could do a lot more it was more practical college i would describe it that's probably a good way of describing it. And it was certainly like you say more vocational. So that when you came out of college you kind of knew your pathway to a degree it would have been weird for you to maybe have studied mechanics that you could do green keeping there as well that was also a massive factor of college. And i feel like once you did college it was almost given you were going to probably go down that route well what was your when you were going andy what was your intention that you would come out. And be a golf coach or be a player or what what did you really kind of hope. And aspire to be if i'm honest when i went there i wasn't really sure what i was going to do i actually looked into a scholarship at in america as well. For eight when i got to 18 um with one of the companies that kind of came into the college and i don't know it's a strange one i only really got into coaching once i started my first job i think once you were in once you went to that college it did set you up. For quite a few things you were learning business you were basically doing your degree at 16 weren't you because when you do the pga degree it's almost the same thing you're doing your degree you're doing your your business your sport your your rules injuries just science everything to do with surrounding golf it's basically a sports degree purely focused on golf. So you could leave that and just think i could do anything in golf almost. And i would have tasted everything which one do i really enjoy. And then.

That was the. And then.

The pga kind of helps you almost then.

Decide from there then.

Did you go as 16 year old. And the carter thinking i was going to do two years at college. And then.

I was going to be on tour was that was that a pipe drifter first yeah it was certainly where i i sat with a 100. And i wasn't as good as you when we first started college and i'm probably not now but i was i was probably you know i probably would say you were off eight when you went yeah yeah i reckon i was maybe off nine. Or ten yeah when i was 16.. And i honestly had this very deluded mindset the after two years grinding practicing every single day being a really good boy that i would come out of there at 18 being the next.

Best thing well you said when you were your golf club rick growing up you were kind of the big fish in a small pond. So you kind of thought you were going to see the best thing did you were you a similar thing that andy were you like the best player junior whatever your club i will never forget my very first day i walked into the the hall like the dorms. Or the halls because we're 16 we're sharing with somebody else and the guy i was sharing with is now on the you're a pro tour who's that george woolgar i can't remember i'll never forget him because he was kind of he was there plus one handicapper probably thinking this is the the uk version of a golf scholarship in the us i'm going to be on the team. And we're going to be playing amazing courses i've donald in there eight handicapper i feel like i put him off a little bit because he left after the first week he's gonna say i don't remember him no he was literally there it might not even have been a week wow. So i'm not taking the full blame for that but i think he also went in there with the idea that this was going to propel him to the tour. So i think we all went in with that idea now who's to blame. For that who knows like it doesn't doesn't really matter but i think at 16 certainly now i feel like you kind of know if you could destined to make it on tour 16 year olds now yeah yeah i think they'll know now better than we would have known that you know why that's possible social media yeah 100 because i remember when i was growing up i was a similar thing i wasn't good enough. But thought it might be and the only time i could see these really good golfers was like results of the faldo series. Or whatever yeah little bits the daily telegraph whereas now that you said if you've got access to social you see some guys off 16. Or 16 is plus three. Or one this one that it's probably more and i feel like there's more opportunities for under 18s now to showcase their talents in things like faldo series and many many other events around the world i mean there's even that one that little leo played in like america what was that one called the wonders is it all that it's like something it's massive. And you have that documentary now that's on netflix it's a short game have you seen that so go check it out and if anyone's listening definitely check it out so it features like annika um alan kornikova who is anna kournikova's younger brother. And it's just fascinating insight these kids are incredible at the age of like 10.. And we're there going to college at 16 thinking we're the bee's knees what i would say though do you not almost think then.

It's gone the complete opposite way around. So when you're on social media now and you might be you might be there 16 year old four handicapper and you're looking other 16 year olds off plus four you might you might already just throw the towel in but there's also nothing to say that you still can't make it is it not has that not gone the complete opposite direction now that puts people off which in one respect what 0.01 make it. So that's probably not a bad thing for some people but at the same time are we also missing out on a few players right now that's probably a good point um do you remember ever meeting me. For the first time no did we meet on the first day i don't know i don't think we did i thought there's a story coming then.

I was getting worried no i've mentioned in the previous podcast i think when pete was on because again pete finch was at college with us that's right it was you me finchy sam mellor i'm trying to think of all the people that who've got into social media is that pretty much it matt fry didn't come with us he wasn't there oh my friend wasn't there uh you probably think that's it who's in social media now yeah yeah i'd say you're about right. So i don't remember massively knowing you but i remember not meeting you straight away of clicking off as being friends but i always remember you being very particular about your room and like because we used to sometimes go into each other's like dorms and stuff messing about watching playing like playstation grandfather or what's the one that used to fly loads i was always grand theft auto there's grand theft auto there was another race in one ah need. For needed for speed i did download that recently just. For that feed underground two was the one that was it was. So good i was. So bad at that drag races used to have like the hit change the gears at a perfect time it was. So good so we used to we used to go into each other's dorms and again picture scene you're 16 years of age living away from home for five days too young almost i absolutely loved it i thought it was fantastic i absolutely love it. So the question how'd you like eat because like the kids i cook food so we even do. So we're in a cafeteria cafeteria to be honest it was pretty sick we had a cafeteria where you go. For breakfast like nice food as well walk past all the uh over 18's blocks yeah hot girls in there. So you'd uh who'd been doing what with who and then.

And then.

Even like lunchtime there was meals on like cafeteria even evening meals there was food on. And you could order food there was like was like a there was like a tuck shop there as well there was a little shop shop pantry um you might take a few snacks yourself you might take some cans of bodington's that i used to drink back in the day like you this man was a boddington's animal at the age of 16. you know you know in like the early 2000s when they were peaking i think that i think that was bouncing back then.

Only with a straw in them. But again granted i mean really we're we're under age yeah you don't right that's a big admission we're underage like you're 16 you're living away from home you're 20 minutes 25 minutes away from preston where you'd go out i mean we used about three times a week that was always risky as well when you're under 18 it was like if you don't get in you're on your own it was it was yeah that's my standing five pound five pound taxiing with with mo. But don't get in but honestly you could go out comfortably and get a real have a i won't say have a really good night on a tenner yeah couldn't you yeah because we used to share a mini bus he used to be eight of us like cramming a mini bus you'd get a return there was dead dead chief i had the guy's number then.

I used them as a ring game. And if you got in at a certain time it was like no entry it's like we spoke about this repeat on the podcast it was like 50p a pint 50p a castleman wasn't it you had to literally put you you had to close your nose. So we drink that as much as we can at 16 17 that kind of age. And just have a top night and it was just class. And let's say life lessons well you don't you don't really get hangovers back then.

The day after we were you've never had a hangar in your life i didn't do this i started recently really happy about it after our weekend um you know it just it was like you said it's life experiences like fending. For yourself making friends i mean what was really nice we used to have a cleaner. For our rooms and stuff and everything didn't work because they were. So good they used to fold your clothes and everything i'm surprised you're just 16 you wanted somebody coming into your room and true prying so you used to stick all the you dirty dirty clothes in a bag yeah. And your mum would pick you up at a weekend on a friday and you drive home and you'd sleep all the way are you going to be going home at this point in a friday you know what because you have then.

Your homemates yeah. So like you have your mates at home and to be honest even though we've been out three times a week in the week you're out at weekends i had to work you know what i wonder why we didn't make it i wonder why we didn't make it out until in fairness one player did one person did make it. But he wasn't going out every night exactly. So one one golfer there was a golfer at our college called chris hanson who made it out to european tour he played in the open a few times i mean he won nearly one on the european tour even back then.

He was the best of the best of the best by a mile yeah back then.

Like ridiculous would you see him at a nightclub on monday night no would you see him on a wednesday night nightclub would you see him on a thursday night no that's what it takes. So then.

You started at 16. did you stay till you're 18. Or like 21. i stayed till i was 21.. So five years yeah. And then.

Did you talk to basically of course why now it sounds like the dream did you come out as a pga pro that i know wasn't amazing still. So actually this is the first thing i remember when i first when we first signed up. For him when we first signed up for the university side of it i was sure that after that you had to do one more extra year as a top-up to be the p to do the pga i'm pretty sure. But that got changed changed halfway through doing the uni all right so i mean you might as well stay on you also get a degree while you're there. So when i left to be fair when i left that i was kind of a little bit kind of i was a little bit in limbo i think i was a bit golfed out a bit fed up of golf it was five years of studying golf. And going out all the time going out all the time i was just shattered um. And then.

About a year after i actually left that's when i decided to go and do the pga well. For me it didn't leave you any options really did it at 18 i was done you did two years didn't you i was just done then.

I went i thought i've had my blow out i've i've been two years living a university life really yeah. And the thought of like when you went to university then.

You went and got a house in preston that's right then.

Your proper had to fend for yourself that was that i don't think that was quite me. So yeah i decided to at 18 i i decided to to leave. And go more into actual getting a job really so when you left then.

Carter at 21 what was your handicap at this point was it still was was the dreams being a p of like a playing pro gone. Or was there still hopes. And dreams of that it wasn't i think i was off four at the time it's a low number of pj low enough. For the pga and i took a bit of a a mini sabbatical i still played a little bit but i wasn't really focused and then.

When i decided i was going to go back into it. And just do my pga i wanted to do my pj off scratch i wanted to be a scratch golfer. So if i actually got down from four to scratch in about three to four months why did you think that what was the kind of thinking behind you had to want to be scratched just the no plain ability test well that's it there's one you don't have to do a playing ability playing ability which i actually ended up doing anyway because back when i applied i was off one by the time i got to where i was off scratch was something something in your mind. Or you felt as a pro you should be i just felt like i had to be a scratch golfer or i think. But also more for myself i just wanted to be a scratch golfer i wanted to say i was a scratch golfer. So i got down from four to scratch in about three to four months actually one of the rounds is that mirror dropped like point eight in one day nice it became a non-qualifier one when you started your pga was that when you moved to ireland yeah. So i moved i was in manchester i thought right i don't want to do my pga here i wanted to go off somewhere. So i had a job offer in reading which is about four hours south of manchester. And a job offer in dublin which is on a 45-minute plane journey. So the thinking there was it's quicker to get home from dublin which has to be fair it's not is it because it's a different country it's a different currency we're in the euros we're in the euro um the flight i the world didn't quite work out as i expected. But it was a really good move career-wise it was a golf course as well wasn't it yeah well actually my first course was a good golf course. But then.

I moved to the mega golf course about six months later but it was a it was a really good move again just to just to branch out. And just do something different put yourself in an awkward position i went i moved i didn't realize the area that i moved into didn't know obviously didn't know anybody moved in we moved in with um one of my now really close mates we still speak to quite often. And this was over 10 years ago um joined a local football team still trying to rekindle that footballing ability they used to come with just call me beckham because i was english that's the only similarity. And um just then.

Went from there but i actually loved loved dublin loved ireland really good i think it was four years maybe just over four years it is amazing out there there's an amazing golf courses. And you me again you're just because you're on your own you are just fending. For yourself and you just you you're not you can't just go back to parents or a couple of times obviously but can't just go back to parents ask for help you can't reach out and ask for you just gotta do it yourself i kind of enjoy that i think problem solving i think i could have done that. But never i don't know not got the opportunity but never it never kind of dawned it never was presented in front of you really um. And i think you either you can't go. And travel and live away and you know not be too scared about things like we say or you prefer to stay at home and you know know what you know really yeah exactly yeah um. But then.

You move to the island golf club the island golf club is amazing. So that is about 15 minutes north of dublin link's course just they've they've talked about hosting the irish open there wow. But they just can't get the crowds in it's one single lane estuary road into the golf course so you couldn't pack in 50 60 000 people on there and how many people used to spell it wrong it's spelt like desert island isn't it island the country yeah. So but it was one of those courses as well again from a learning perspective at that age of doing my pga it was bust loads of americans. So there's bus loads of tourists um so you again you're this whole kind of pro shop or you work in a pro shop you're selling mars bars all day that wasn't that job that was a barrage of tourists all day every day sales selling they walk in. And shorts and t-shirts coming from america and you've got to sell them a full set of galvin greens so the boss thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread and the americans are now wrapped up it's more of a resort course that you're at yeah you're more must do more corporate sales as opposed to you know the old cliche which i think gets branded about too much that you're just selling mars bars in the shop it was it was a bit more testing you as a person developing your skills etc. And is that where you started to kind of become fond of coaching was that where it kind of started that's where coaching starts my boss was very much again not against coaching didn't like coaching. So that was literally that was the only person there that could. Or wanted to coach so i used to go and use the coach of the driver i used to go to the driving range at the golf course but it wasn't flooded or anything like that so then.

I used to then.

I used a local driving range that would let me coach there in the evenings and was that members from the club that would come to the driving room yeah yeah. So it was only around the corner. So i used to go and use the two driving ranges and just try and build up a build a little bit decent little portfolio considering i was still working whatever i was 50 hours a week i did some evening coaching. For a bit of cash in hand he used to text me when he was ireland go in eric um i've got a holiday coming up um i could do a bit of cash how do i set up like a six week a junior course. And like i was like don't just do it part-time like do it profit you can't just give me that quick cash yeah he's like how do i just get a load of money really quickly. So i'm going to vegas rick i need i've got six weeks i've left it too late you were you weirdly at that time went to vegas a lot didn't you when you're in ireland oh that was another job how's the job before moving to ireland went there twice didn't they i can't remember yeah that was my he was a stripper. For a while makes sense i forgot about that i've lost the body now though i forgot about that yeah sorry my bad i know um. So then.

Four more years in ireland um then.

I got a phone call from you well actually i think i was ready to i think i was pretty much ready to go full coaching nice. And then.

Spoke to you and then.

We broke at a conversation with our then.

Boss and then.

Literally i was ready to jump ship pretty quick when did you start at trafford then.

Um i don't know um i'd have to work back my years i would say nine years ago 2012 was i still working there when i remember you being there i don't care if i worked though you worked. For nike when i saw you there yeah yeah yeah you were working. For nike so i well i left in 2015 so that probably sounds about right 2012 and it was was there five of us then.

Were you did you become the fifth pro no i took over i was the fourth pro because adrian went out i came in. So you were still the first like original four pros at trafford yes there were the days weren't there they were the good days. So trafford obviously if you've been a long long long time viewer of my channel that's where i started doing my videos originally originally that's where it all started and uh really busy driving range in the center of manchester right next.

Door to trafford centre which is the one of the biggest shopping centers. Or shopping malls here in the uk and had loads of passing trades really good really good driving range and we used to have four coaches there and i used to love evenings when we were all busy. And they bought the brain there was loads of the really great vibe like the four of us coaching was just like we like it was like open plan. But also sectioned off that's right that was a really good layout actually. And it was just it was just class the energy was. So good yeah um. And then.

Did pete finch come as the fifth pro yes remember finchy was working down in shropshire something. So he came up and we showed i think i'd spoke did i speak to him well do you remember that now you remember what happens are pete styles who's the director of golf there sat us down in the meeting maybe. And said oh um i've had a cv do you know this guy this pete finch. And me and carter looked to each other went yeah we kind of know him yeah don't do it as a muppet. And um yeah we said yeah we know him he's you know i think he'll be good. And he came up and got the job and then.

There was five of us there. And again the vibe was really good. And i think then.

I mean you never did youtube at any of this point no. So i used to i used to watch you and i was thinking what is he doing. And then.


Finch started and then.

We both used to say what is he doing i was like what are you doing you just go out there around the back because you used to walk out with his ipad around the back i did little vinci all right yeah. And then.

I was like what's he doing. And then.

One day i was in there on my own i was like go give this a try do this enough american pie this isn't it walk around the back with my ipad stole someone's stand. So at the time when i was starting to do it i probably started about 2012 2013 when you really started at trafford what were you what was your thoughts then.

When i started doing youtube well i did i was on your we were on your foot well i was on your first vlog very very first floor was that form behold no royal lithuania was that the first one proper start we went big back then.

I'll never forget it i missed a put on the last to win how do we start royal liverpool i don't know i'm trying to find this video now yeah. And we did we did like a bunker challenge. And we did a putting challenge that's right yeah oh my god that's crazy i think my mindset at that time. And it was just from a purely it's just purely from a financial company i was i'd come from an assistant's role into a full-time coaching role which was effectively doubling sometimes tripling my wage. And didn't need in my mind then.

See another reason to do anything else yeah that was purely my reason. But i mean even when i we started. Or when i started doing this what year was that december 2013. wow um this wasn't. For money no i know i know. But it was um well at the time i was was that i was single i'm looking at the video here have a look oh mine doesn't fit if you're watching the video version this podcast i'll put some clips up now with this um. But if not just go onto youtube and search rick shields and andy carter royal with them and it's what date was it again twitter the second of december 2013 22 000 views it's got as we uh say that it's good that beats some numbers that i still get you look really young andy well you both do obviously what you do eight years ago i was married then.

How young i looked there were you 2013 i got married march um. So yeah. For me it was i started it because i wanted to become busier as a golf coach i felt like there was more potential to get busier. And that definitely worked yeah traffic you were full full it was it was actually quite silly. And because at trafford you get a lot of people from the local area we don't get anyone outside of that local area i thought there's got to be ways of attracting those in and it definitely worked and like say pete started and got it going. So do you ever look back. And go i should have started then.

Oh a lot of people ask me this because i always say that i started at a similar time to you guys obviously a couple of years later well your first video sorry your first video here is 6th of feb 2013.. So eight months before you guys went and played and that wasn't your first video rick but you you were still you had a channel an active channel you had videos of a lot of your coaching stuff. And it feels like your first real kind of coaching video that wasn't for a client was probably more like 14 15 yeah was it. But you were doing you were doing youtube well how did you yeah you were doing it you points to volumes do you want to put myself on the camera i don't know a lot of people do say to me do you not wish you'd have followed through with it. And the only thing i could say is yes in one respect. But no really because if i if i really wanted to passionately do it three days a week treat it as a treat it was a business. And a i would have done simple as that um i enjoy doing the videos sometimes when i've had a little bit of a break i know you guys hammer me for just having like you're not putting it on for like six weeks and then.

As soon as i put a video on i actually do get a really good buzz off watching the video watching its numbers. And then.

Reading comments and replying to comments i do get a really good buzz off it. And then.

Sometimes i just get into a bit of a not a lull but i just kind of i let i let one day slide i say i'm gonna do a video tomorrow i'll let that slide. And then.

Before you know it it's two or three days and then.

Before you know it's a week and then.

That's it you know what it sounds like going to the gym you go a few weeks you feel better yes next.

Thing you go i'm going to skip tonight then.

It's two nights. And it's been six weeks you're not going to gym i've only really. But actually looking at the actual videos if i'm right maybe i'm wrong i would always say june to about this time in the last four years of when i produced released the least amount of videos and it is because in dubai is stupidly hot now obviously i know it's going to be hot oh yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you having perfect golf lamborghini around dubai perfect weather conditions. And i don't know about us everybody in manchester this is. So this is the thing i knew this was coming i knew i shouldn't have said that. But it's not as if it's a surprise to me can we put violin music on top of this it's not it's not a surprise to me that the weather is too hot yes. But i do get to a point where i go oh i've not got enough content. And it's 55 degrees outside that's a bit mad question then.

When you do upload then.

Because you've got 36 000 subscribers it's not to be sniffed that's a decent following obviously on youtube is it kind of that you either just oh it could be. For several reasons but i suppose which of these would you say is most it's kind of because you enjoy it. Or do you feel like you've got an audience sat there who you feel obliged to be delivering content. For no i don't always get more people having lessons. Or what i don't feel obliged i i enjoy doing it so i genuinely do enjoy just being out there more. So on my own and just chatting away to the camera and i get home and i'm like bloody i've baffled there let's cut that down i think one of the things that actually used to put me off a lot was seeing pete. And rick really grow and then.

Going off to like the golf show in america. And standing there on a range just jumping in and start chatting to somebody and making a video out of it with 20 people watching i used to look at that and go if that's what you have to do that's not me i can't do that that's interesting i'm useless at stuff like that i'm actually better at just being on a bit of a course vlog with my mates. Or and that's really as well how it kind of i kept it going because i just wanted to play to play golf with my mates. And also i enjoy just standing there in front of the camera doing doing some tips don't really enjoy the editing i get quite bored quite quickly so now i've found a way i think sometimes obviously where i'll do a little bit. And i'll come back to it the next.

Day do a little bit again come back to the next.

Day. And that's the only way i've got to try and i think i'm still trying to find a way to keep releasing content. But keep myself going do you have like sorry do you have like goals. And ambitions then.

For the channel as such or you just no i do to be fair. So this this year i've said to myself i would love. For a first milestone i'd love it to get to 50 000. yeah i'd love it to get to 50 000. i think when i see that as well i'm going to be i'm going to do this anyway. But i'll just keep i'll just keep doing content but i'm finding the content that i like filming what what do you enjoy filming the most. So i enjoy filming i love filming course vlogs and challenges stuff like that i enjoy doing golf tips but i'd like to do the golf tips purely based around what i coach. So i think it gets a little bit too generic. So just to say turn your slice into a drawer i mean who does that no one does that um turn yours let's turn your slice into a mini slice. And get around the golf course and play better that's what i do on a day-to-day basis promise the guy that he's going to leave with a 10-yard draw after a 45-minute one-to-one lesson. But then.

Releases but then.

Release a six minute video saying you can do the same thing it's just not going to happen. So that's fair just doing and actually obviously now we're under the pete cowan umbrella learn we have load with three or four seminars a year so like one to ones with him per year just quickly very quick summary of pete cowan like like for somebody listening who doesn't know who he is um top guy really really good guy generous guy he literally spent about 45 minutes with in january to give me a full-on golf lesson. But even then.

So arguably the number one golf coach in the world he's been he's yeah he probably is the number one golf coach in the world he's probably there with butch harman isn't he five that you would put in that category. So like sean foley mm-hmm butch harboured ledbetter ledbetter um pete cowan i wanna put claude harmon in there oh wow controversial there's a clip would you well yeah of course he teaches brooks. And dj i didn't teach brooks doesn't teach they do who teaches books well somebody's got i'm looking forward to it get that get that umbrella up he's proper under the umbrella. And beat coward no i'm actually looking forward to this winter because he brings his players down great sorry who's he got any stable right now rory mac macaroni mcelroy [Laughter] uh it depends what country he wants to play. For when so when he comes down we've got stenson poulter we'll have rory brooks came down brooks i've got foot brooks came down last year and i'm teaching seven beginner ladies we're talking group class week two in yeah barely in order to hold the golf club wow. And literally at the end of the match no more than 20 yards away i mean these there's a couple of tow balls going near him to be fair brooke she's trying out the new callaway driver literally did they know who he wasn't if they were. So new to golf or no no no that was my word no did you let them know. Or they're not i tried to explain and it's like they just went oh that guy over there's really probably they're not really they're not really they weren't really invested in the golf in golf so they weren't really that bothered i mean at the time if he wasn't the number one player in the world he was number two. Or three one he would have been right up there yeah he was i think he was one. Or two at the time so so brooks who else brooks porter stenson fitzpatrick yeah um was it molinari as well that's the one yeah um sean foley's really good guy he comes down to the academy a lot. So again famously sean foley you did coach tiger. For a while yep now he's with justin rose justin rose danny willett cameron champ um minji lee quite a few is that a route you want to go down more then.

Obviously if you're. So close to pete cowan you see him with these superstars is that um no it's not to be honest. So again just going back to you coach at his golf academy in dubai yeah. So is it called the peak count golf golf academy you coach out there. So on your jumper on your you know my jumpers in dubai on your t-shirt on my vest it says add the carter pj golf pro pete cowan golf academy yes right yeah. So i don't know where we're going with this story it was it was a case of what contact the zen job yeah the content you enjoyed the milestones you want to hit et cetera. So yeah. So in term from the youtube perspective it's purely just about putting out content content there that i same as what i coach and i actually get now a lot more inspiration from the lessons i give so i'll do a lesson i'll go oh actually that drill really worked really well. For that guy i'm going to take that onto a video i did one recently just about lifting your big toe up yeah because it keeps your weight off your toes which stops people getting steep slicing etc just push the weight back to the heel got everything a bit flatter. So just using a little like using the the coaching to make the golf tips more relevant it's yeah it's based on reality based on pure reality because i'm i'm still 50-hour wheat golf coach. So so then.

You have to find time between the 50 hours a week coaching between the what's happening wait i'm waiting for you i don't know the the you know your girlfriend yep playing football training i'm sure dubai brunches dubai lifestyle they buy lifestyle which is obviously there's lots to do it can corrupt you you've got to try. And squeeze in this these coaching videos or youtube videos as a whole yeah. And again it's not i know we've discussed this off the podcast it's not your big money maker no. And it's probably not bringing you in many clients is it in dubai that's the thing it doesn't bring i did a point in in england at trafford it did because when i was. And it was one of those things as well when they couldn't get in with you they would say oh who do you want to go to next.

It'll be it'll be me. Or pete because that would be the next.

Known person yeah at that facility. So i would obviously then.

You'd get clients from there but in dubai in dubai you don't really no one they probably do i suppose. But a few expats it's just not as it's just not the population's not as dense for my my clientele is the guys that just live on the golf course. And there's about 700 houses 700 houses on there and are they more tourists. Or are they residents. Or residents are they really yeah all right all residents. Or like so take it around there that word of mouth is as powerful as having a good youtube channel word of mouth is way more powerful than a youtube channel word of mouth like these are this is a goal this is a golf club membership majority of golfers that you teach are members of the golf club yeah that's interesting zawa golf club is a little tiny bit out where is it again jumeirah golfer states where they have the dp world championship the dp world tour championship which is the end of the year tournament yep where the the race dubai is is settled correct correct. So what do you think you'll take on sorry as you can say we're a little bit out of town you've got a couple of golf courses nearby. And that's your clientele but there are probably within the two golf courses there are probably 1500 houses yeah. So between 10 golf coaches 150 students that's a lot of people do you think then.

In terms of what you're doing now obviously like you said rick said work girlfriend life family etc what would it take. For the youtube to take more of a priority do you think it never will it's you're kind of happy with where it is that's just probably just more of a it's just more of a personal decision isn't it it'd be a complete lie to say i don't have time to make three tip videos a week i probably couldn't do three course vlogs a week yeah. But i could do three tip videos a week. So that's coming 2021 2022 have i heard this story no i've heard this in 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21. And then.

You're gonna go with 22. right i've never said it in public okay this is your time down that camera there ten hundred thousand ten people this episode hundred thousand roughly between the two platforms that's pretty fair they could get me to my target it's like sweating now he's like that man i'm gonna start stuttering now tell them what you're gonna do tell me why they should subscribe. For the remainder of 2021 and 20 and the whole of 2022 you should have told me that number i'm used to talking to like 50 people 2021 2022 three videos a week without a week being missed starting from next.

Week i've got to get back there first tip videos current coaching philosophies and this isn't this nonsense of fixtures lice in five minutes this is real inspired stuff yeah this is actual golf tips inspired by real life situations. And inspired and motivated and powered by one of the greatest golf coaches in the world pete cowan delivered by a genuine scratch handicap golfer who out of everybody in our little kind of youtubey bubble has done the best to open qualifying that's true let's talk about that then.

Yeah that's true because you're the only one that's actually got it through regional oh let's not bring this up again yeah. But no what. So i'm a proper player guy i'm saying absolutely nothing i must admit and we joke in our little chat and sometimes i get questions asked about who's the best golf is it you p ma carter i'm not blowing smoke up your ass now. But i do actually think you're probably the best i have a carter before as well yeah i feel like your game is more rounded. And you live in dubai where you've got unlimited access to yeah that's the real reason that's not the reason you guys play more than me rick plays a lot yeah right plays a lot i played too much actually that's my downside i played too much yeah yeah no. But genuinely you you i think you've got possibly the most talent matt fryer will argue. And pete will argue i'm sure. But i think genuinely i mean we're going to find out tomorrow when we're playing again. But i think you've got from even knowing you're from 16 probably over the years have to have the most potential to be pretty good i would well my golf swing since i was 16 literally has not changed it's just modified. And changed a little bit as i've got older but i've always just been i feel like now in particular i'm just able to get it around i don't i don't have a swing thought i just hit it you can't put can you i can't put you unbelievable you were terrible last time i saw you that was two years ago you were terrible that was two years ago richard you've still got my other say no the face fell out i was. So far away every time um so yeah. But what year was it tomorrow rick if you want you two are playing i don't see why it's got me settled over a friendly nano match i want to be on cars [Laughter] um i was gonna say what um [Music] what year was it when you got through regional oh rick um i think it was six years ago wasn't i think it was the year before i got my hole in one at west lance yeah it was because i shot about eight over the year after i literally went into the regionals that year think i was going to qualify that's how rick measures time by the way it's everything. But the first child was born today.

Rick on your birthday i'm five years older than holding one at west lance h i o it's before him i don't think it was 16 actually i think it was 15. because you did it at west lance it's on youtube the same day the whole qualifying is on youtube the same day i did it at actually i wasn't at the same golf course as you when you did it i was at fairhaven that's right yeah good memory. So it must have been 15 i think the one year that you've got two patterns is 16. i don't know if it's the right one we got through rick's liked it which is nice support from a mate done andy. So happy for you qualified can't wait to follow your progress from i said it was six years yeah. So yeah. So 16 years ago was that one on the path you got through to final qualifying which was where that was i got i screwed on that that was glasgow gales oh really i was hoping. For i think it was hillside yes i was hoping i was hoping. For hillside got glasgow gaels and to be fair it was a pretty it's a pretty amazing experience. But i'm quite realistic in the fact i got up there and i was out my depth i mean you look through the draw sheet. And my first i went for a practice round on my own that morning i was playing about i was playing behind column montgomery oh my word wow i was like oh what am i doing here. So i have a black this in final qualifying realistically you've got to be shooting ten under for two rounds of golf three underground no way yep because of the conditions because that was the year that it was at troon. And monty opened up the tournament with the first tee shot and it was like this historical monty's return back to troon i knew the story because he just about scraped it as well. So we all he got through through final qualifying in third and only because the guy he was coming forth. And then.

I swear i don't know what happened but as i'm walking off 18 finding out the scores guy two groups behind me is four under. So he's in monty's three under in the clubhouse waiting and um this this i kind of describe it as the rain that came down was biblical it was ridiculous like to the point where you'd break your umbrella i thought there's poor lads out there finished double double. And i think double double double bogey got in the scottish weather wanted monty to hit the first tee shot at royal troon yeah it's just weird how that happens like that can you remember um. So that was the best golf we played. For a while i would say i know you're going to go on. And you know you got through the first stage of qualifying can you remember what driver. And three would you had in the bag at that time andy we did a video that's on my main channel what's in the bag of your clubs that you use. For final qualifier final qualifying because if you played so well i feel like someone really sound probably sorted out because i'm guessing you got them for free you're driving freeward no i think i paid. For him so one of the uh the rep was right tight no no you actually got a free nike driver in three wood that i sorted. For you actually i did that yeah i remember the blue one driving freeway no i remember the three i'd remember the driver yeah both in the back. And you didn't pay for them i got them i got them for you sorted thanks mate appreciate it did you get any prize money. For getting through about 300 quid 10 please um before we come on the rest of the stories then.

One of the features you've admitted you've never listened to the podcast before andy so thanks for the support but i listened to it on the way down here a bit homework 92 episodes i actually listened to the one where you were slagging off my mate rick which one. So you listen to them all i've listened to them all so one of the features we do most weeks every week. But a couple of weeks off is dear rick. So a listener could be a question about anything could be personal life typically golf but we're open rolly is here. And when we have a guest on we do a dear rick we also want the guest advice as well. So i'm going to ask this question to rick rick can ruminate. And debate and give us an answer and then.

You can articulately come in the back of it. And give us some real good nuggets of information so the first one goes to a guy who i'm not going to name us not to say his name then.

It's anonymous uh i booked onto a few golf trips throughout september. And october this year i'm furniture into golf been playing just over a year most of the trips i'm going with are friends who are a similar level i'm 20 20 handicapped. And they're about a couple bit lower than make a bit higher than me but there are there abouts however. one trip i'm going on is with friends who are kind of friends of a friend. And a few older guys who are members of the golf club. And they're all single figure players we're playing some unbelievable course in scotland which is completely different to my kind of golf i play at home he's a member of a parkland course i was late into this trip. And do some dropouts. And of all the people going. And the worst player there's a couple of guys a 14 or 15 and one of four and obviously he's off 21. i'm a bit concerned i don't want people to feel as though they've been lumped with me uh it'll be random tee time so i won't play with the guys i necessarily know very well have you got any advice this time of game i should play just to get some decent rounds in their respectable scores and not embarrass myself i'll tell this one first as somebody who's used to being the worst player in a group i can relate um first off i think of 20 i don't see i wouldn't have any issue playing with a 20 handicapper no i won't have an issue playing with anybody. But i think at 20 you you're likely to shoot in low 90s typically. So for me as long as you're a nice person you're you are courteous of others you are conscious about speed of play. So you don't put your bag in the wrong place you put it in the right place maybe format i mean i would i wouldn't mind you as a partner. So if certainly if there's a group of good players and you're maybe a bit of a ringer of 20 some some golf's off 20 have the capability of throwing in a few piles every now and again that bird is to have you as a plane partner would actually probably be quite the dream. So so i'd almost try and switch it don't worry don't think you're going to be the hindrance in the group feel like you're almost going to be the secret weapon. And i think as long as you play a format that's friendly whether it's match play if the guys are absolutely adamant on playing stroke play why not just play stableford. So if you do have more than double bogey you can just pick it up. And go hey lads i'm gonna i'm gonna pick it up on this hole because i don't want to hold anyone up whatever it may be but i think at 20 realistically i don't think you're going to be a hindrance at all would you say andy i have literally just come off a golf trip was exactly the same. So i you were the worst golfer yeah group that's me that was me close close to um i took 12 clients to cyprus uh last month. And every player bar one was 11 handicap. And below and then.

One of that was off 21.. And every day we played like a an individual like an individual stableford for like an order of merit of the week and there was guys there off two. Or three handicapped shooting 12-14 points because when you've got a bit of golf trick you have a few drinks and everyone reacts differently the next.

Day but also within every group we played double stab we had played like a doubles stableford or sorry doubles match play so the other 20 handicapper is the secret weapon he's just if he pops in with a couple of parnet birdies. And then.

As a then.

There's a couple of nightmares in there we all do. And then.

A couple of bogey net pass you'd find yourself winning so i think yeah you're absolutely right spin the spin the fact you're a 20 handicapper the opposite way around. And think of yourself as the as the anchor the secret weapon. But also then.

Play to your own strengths i remember remember sleepy that came on this trip he was struggling off the tee the seven dwarfs he's caught sleepy he's called sleepy he's probably listening to his podcast i was angry as well listen playing mother's sleep is he sleeping in bed at 7 00 p.m every night that's his turn i'll take you back sorry tom sorry mr sleep um. So so he was struggling a little bit off the tee. And then.

Just went down to an eye and hit a few irons almost i just kind of said to him break every single path four up into a par five even a par six like if you're making net bogeys you're still gonna be maybe half in a hole. Or maybe sneak in a win anyway so when you see a 400 yard par 4 think of it as a poor 400 yard par 5.. And it's a completely different whole completely different mindset so you use it to your strengths as well well yeah not that good advice from both of you do you think as well though like. So many golfers worry about ability which is natural we all probably want to be better. Or might feel and if you two went and played jokes out of ian poulter and matt fitzpatrick now you might feel a bit like i don't know look stupid whatever but actually there's so much more to being a nice good playing partner than your ability you can play with a guy. Or woman whatever he's off 20 24 he might not be the best ability but i'm nice to chat to you know respectful don't talk over your shot repair the divots prepare the pitch marks whereas a guy off scratch could be right whatever might be a great golfer but just not very nice so it's not just about how good you are is it there's more to being a nice person to play golf with than your ability you're spending four minimum four hours on a golf course with somebody. And let's say you do want to spend time with people that you get on with. And you like and like say if you have good conversations and you you know you you pleasant that carries a lot more weight than the ability of your golf game the experience will always outweigh the quality of the golf that's very true the experience of the four hours would be like i enjoyed that good luck. And you go there and i enjoyed that well played oh i didn't play very well but it's a good day yeah like that's the main thing i think i see a lot higher handicappers naturally are. So worried about how they play and stuff like that and how they appear but most people aren't bothered are they no one more of these. So i've got another one if you want yours read out next.

Week or the week after whatever send us an email podcast we've had loads of clickbait titles by the way remember last time so that's how to get rid of one it does kind of work this one just let's just dear rick though. So that's what i do though. So sometimes i go for the clickbait ones another time to spice things up i go for ones that are quite plain. And just tell it as it is this one again is from anonymous um again really keen to hear both of your thoughts on this i was wondering what rick would recommend me doing in terms of fitting i'm a 13 handicap player looking. For my first club fitting should i start with irons driver wedges in any particular order what is the most important my goal is to add a single figure. So obviously drop a few shots my current club's about five years old and blah blah i'm on a budget and obviously i get fitted for every club all at once uh my custom fit is located five hour drive from my golf course. So i need to do the fitted this is i think they're from from norway sorry i missed that out i need to do the fitting um that has the biggest impact on my game what do you guys think. So let's picture the bag got putter wedges irons maybe three wood five with hybrid and a driver they're going. For one fitting now and then.

Obviously hopefully more down the line what would you say with them and it's hard to say that no in their game i guess. But generically generally what would you say rick i feel like i've answered this question before so i need to remember what my answer was um i i probably really like putter unless it was ridiculously wrong. For him i'd probably rule out the putter um the thing is with custom fitting we spoke about it a lot there is the generic custom fitting the right shaft length grip size lie angle that's the kind of generic. And with the driver the right loft and everything else flex of shaft but also you and you've alluded to a lot with your kind of history of fitting fitting is very holistic across the whole bag as well because if it's a tough one certainly on a budget that if you're gonna go with iron fitting. And only irons how do you know where the iron set stops. For example how do you know that you might want a three iron. Or a four iron or would you be moving those into hybrids where do you know where your wedge is going to stop would you go. For a standard wedge out of a set of irons or would you actually go for more specialized wedge from you know a different brand so i think just to answer the question whole probably the club that is the easiest one-off club to fit would probably be driver whether it make the biggest difference arguably i'm not sure it would ideally you want it all doing. And possibly irons would make the actual biggest impacts because you're hitting irons a lot during a round of golf but i think on this situation just because you've got to do it in a in a way that has to suit your budget. And your game i mean i can't believe the fitter is five hours away that's a real shame. But norway's uh must be a lot of land um i'd probably go driver i'm not sure that's the correct technical answer but i think. For his situation i think that would probably make more sense are you saying andy um i would say depends on his standard of golf. But i would always say drive is literally got to be the most important club in the bag. For most golfers so being able to get off the tee means you can then.

Use your eyes every i think like you could you could you could kind of wing a set of irons they could be slightly wrong. For you but you could you can get around i don't think you can get around with a drop as much you can't get around as with the driver yeah i could p in fact if you think about a set of clubs that's five years old the technology in the irons you'll know more than this because you do all the reviews will have not enhanced as much as what the driver would have enhanced. So the driver could get you 20 more yards for example i think also not only yardage. But accuracy because you mentioned this weekend you were up in scotland with pete i know you. And pete sorted you out some clubs which disappoints me a little bit because i was hoping you would come around to my empire of golf clubs to take a pic um you got on with everything right bar the driver yeah because the driver just wasn't fitted. For you but you could have played with any irons you could have played with any wedges any putter um but your driver was the thing that you'd want to take out the bag straight away i struggled that much with the driver i went around trooping with a one-nine you know that one iron i've got yeah i'll hold that one iron i'm my old title is pt oh naughty yeah i'm interested to see what you think because obviously you're you're the first from the world of fitting a while ago now yeah i think obviously again it depends on the golfer um there's a there's a thing you hear a lot though don't you about like you said drivers what's important back up club in the back. And i wouldn't necessarily disagree with then.

You see people say well you use your driver 12 times a round you use your pull to 36 potentially but it's a difficult one i think ing hit a lot i had a set of irons once they were two degrees upright. And i needed standard and i couldn't hit the fur i couldn't hit the green everything's going left. Or two uprights that made a difference but yeah it's it is a tough one um the only thing again we've said this before. So much and i can't say this with a pinch of salt again a little bit devas advocate but don't expect you won't get fit club you're suddenly gonna get better because unless your current clubs like i said mine were upright when they didn't need to be drastically wrong it might not actually make that much difference it might do. But it's it's not i think some people do still believe that when i'm going. For a fitting that's gonna suddenly make you drop four shots and it won't going. For one of you guys for a lesson would make more difference if you're gonna commit to the practice as well this is why i say that about the irons because the irons that pete gave me in scotland was standard length i think he's two degrees flat he said i'm half an inch longer. And two degrees up right yeah. But you could still you could still hit them you can see that's because you're talented cod yeah thank you. But you know what i mean like you could still you could you'll find a shot that okay i keep hitting these left you'll eventually start aiming a bit more right as long as you can get club on ball with an iron you're not missing the middle by too much whereas with the driver i don't feel like you'd be as as forgiving do you do any fittings in dubai i don't know is there a fitting facility we've got we've got a titleist fitting facility on site yes you know the answer actually would give that it's a really silly one. But probably i would say get the clubs fitted that you want the most because the ones that you want the most will make you go. And play more golf and that will actually probably what gets you better at golf. So if you want a new set of irons or you want a new driver get that yeah what's frustrating you most yeah with your current setup to be honest that's a good point lots of answers there. For mr anonymous in norway yes we'll get some we'll get some more of those in next.

Week if you've got a question big. Or small unfortunately next.

Week carter won't be here but we can always text you. Or message yeah just drop me a message having said that it might be on 50 000 subscribers by then..

And stop speaking to rick so probably a disarmed him i must admit that's one thing you know what rick did to me start getting started it was weeks on that day that got that plucky when he's undeleted your number i must admit something you privately you get not probably enough credit. For you're like in a lot of friend groups the glue that keeps friends together i'm i'm on the rounds this week seeing people have not seen for like two or three years but you just gotta keep you go gotta keep the mates close you know what i mean yeah gets a plaque you're doing well um no. But you you do like i mean i dread to think how many how many whatsapp groups you're in that's outrageous this is frustrating they're all on mute cause you have a lot of pockets except it's abroad that's uh that's our yeah i've seen that pop up. But what's weird though it's only your girlfriend the idiots are brothers um good stuff. So we're playing golf tomorrow we're playing golf tomorrow looking forward to it and then.

You're back today.

On friday i'm gonna practice today.

Actually quick one then.

A bit deep. But in two years time we have this conversation again world andy would you like to see andy carter subscribers business what do you think i mean it's all about subscribing you know youtube isn't your main thing. But realistically um i want to answer business-wise i would let's just say business-wise i've been hopefully be in a different situation youtube-wise i'd like to think two years time over a hundred thousand i think that's doable yeah it should be should. And i i never said it should be in six months i'm not being full of the eight years six months. So another eight years ago okay. So potentially something exciting in the business and you're still interested in keeping the golf do you think you're look it's a. And probably even deep question i don't want you to give too much away but do you think you'll always stay in golf in dubai do you think you'll always stay in golf i think i'll always stay in golf i think there is a um an expiry date on coaching purely because of the um amount of hours. And it's bloody knackering yeah you know i know i never i know everyone works 40 50 hours a week. And but i feel like it's a it's so mentally draining to coach because you're everywhere every hour you have got to give 100 to that guy because he's paying you money you've got to give him a girl you've got to give him absolutely 100 and it and every hour gives a different um what's the word a different there's a different fault with every hour i've got to fix something different it's not just like oh everyone's got a slice yeah is everyone's completely different well rick said this you've said to me before. And it makes it's like a performance isn't it someone's paying for your time you can't walk in and be like oh i'm a headache today.

You've got to go in like hi rob i get um how's your golf getting on how the family like you've got to be full beans you've got to be on. And that's why i think i used to love our thursday night coaching sessions at trafford because we used to go. For a beer and a courier yeah that's right. But like not only i wasn't looking for just like when the energy is high yeah like you're in a studio there's four it was buzzing those balls outside like it was pr. And and this is at like 9 10 o'clock at night. And i've been coaching for 12 hours already being full on all the way through but those last few hours because the energy level rose up you just felt like you were giving your best performance i think when somebody comes in. For a lesson they're in your theater and you've got to you've got to not only encourage them give them advice um be able to diagnose actions be a businessman in that hour as well because obviously you're looking to grow your business and expand that and and between that lesson and the very next.

Lesson there's no break you gotta go straight into it roll straight um. And it like gives credits like someone like matt fryer's dad like adrian fryer he's doing it for so many years and he still has so much passion so much energy for and probably a bit like pete cohen obviously different situation now because he's out on tour and he's quite a chill guy anyway but i think coaching certainly people who go. For coaching they would be disappointed if they went to a coach that just sat there and went all right yeah oh yeah yeah they couldn't imagine anything well the same going to any any business if the if the person that you're going to give money to just shows very little interest then.

The experience is horrible. But yeah i remember we remember used to say that last lesson's gotta be as good as the very first lesson. And it is every lesson's gotta be it's gonna be the exact same you've gotta be like oh how you doing yeah like you say how's the family how's this. And it's just a it's a in in dubai it would do 45 minutes we got that little 15-minute break because it's 40 degrees. And we don't obviously at traffic just sit we had a little desk to kind of sit behind and have a couple of minutes always on our feet and you've got such a such a huge facility we're going from chipping green down to pitching green to putting green onto the range into trackman studio. So you just it's a it's a really good week you never re it's a really good day because you never really feel i'm naked now it's when i go home when you've got back-to-back lessons you just get energized by everyone else that walks through the doors they're happy to see you as well quick one then.

Just lastly on there they were wrapping up. But do you still i'm guessing you do you still feel passionate as a golf coach to be learning into improving. Or do you ever feel like you've done it. For so long now that you're kind of like just at a point i got to a point at trafford where i was a bit like stale almost if that yeah wasn't learning yeah i feel like you need to learn something to keep it going because we we now we have because we know we have pete there from november to january we're always learning he taught me some outrageous shots with some ridiculous grips. And i was like i can't teach people that again. But yeah. But so that's pete cam um but i think if you're always learning something. Or in work now we're bringing in the biomechanics studio and stuff like that if there's something to kind of keep your juices flowing you might never even use it that much but just having the knowledge is. So much better than just learning i need to do an enter out swing path close the face. And hold the finish what do you do any of the other golf pros in dubai. Or people you've met in dubai either pick your brains about youtube do they think positively about youtube are they negative towards towards it um no no one's negative everyone's a bit it's a bit more like banter-ish oh andre's got his camera out again you know those very rare occasions that i bring take it to work every day [Laughter] backpack on yeah just in case i want to blast out ten videos get a free hour you know. So busy that was 15-minute windows you could smash loads out gotta get there go get the right setting you have a shower in between those windows i changed my t-shirt um cool well all the best i'm excited to see what the future holds thank you you know what this has been a lot better than i thought it was going to be oh thank you what are you expecting [Laughter] well what was really funny tell us what you expected you last night. And i went what are you doing tomorrow afternoon sunday we were gonna do a podcast. And then.

And you said yeah i'm free. And i thought i better chat with guy um guys we're out to have car on the podcast tomorrow and girls and guy went yeah that sounds good. And i'm thinking oh crap what's he gonna talk about how long we've been going. For harry one hour exactly i think you can say that because you. And cat are such good friends i think if that was uh i'm offended about that i'm going to beat you by even more shots tomorrow don't be like this i will that was good i think um last question then.

This is a very very you might have an answer. For this i just thought this is stupidly broad should be vague. But let's see what we can get most people listening to our podcast clearly play golf some different levels some good some not. So good some whatever i think most people want to get a bit better yep what would be your one piece of advice that could work. For a scratch handicapper and a 45 handicapper to get better at golf is there is the one piece that could work. For everybody 45 handicapper well anyhow just a generic piece of advice it's very i'm off the coffee it's just one sentence or whatever but almost because we touched on it with coaching almost just keep learning a scratch handicap is not it's not completed golf keep learning there's something that you can get better at 45 a lot higher handicapper let's say 20. And above or 15 and above even start looking into some very vague stats just to go fairways greens puts and just start trying to improve one area and then.

Use your stats improve one area at a time and before you know it the handicap just comes tumbling down but also you need i think as a golf coach i'm going to say this. But you need the help of a golf coach you need the help of because we we never look at something correctly through our own eyes i can't i can't change my golf swing i can't look at my golf swing and pick out the right point to improve my golf swing because i forgot i used to teach you didn't offer a bit yeah yeah he used to send rick videos stopped doing that quite quickly you gotta start charging [Laughter]. But like i could never look at my golf swing and think i need to change that because i look at my golf swing i think i need to change that that that that that it's almost too much way too much. And it's probably always the nine out of 10 times just the wrong thing and i think you're always when you're analyzing your own swing you're always a bit biased to old traits yeah like that you believe is an issue from years ago i'm always i am always always on take away when i look at my own golf swings it's always a little bit steep. And a little bit close it's quite funky actually and then.

I get a little bit open at the top and it winds me up so i actually fixed it i'd love to be steep and closed i fixed it and just had the most outrageous hooks i was like let's go back to being open at the top i think one going back to your point i think structured practice as well yeah i think i see we went we went to trafford yesterday doing some filming. And the amount of people are just whacking yeah they're practicing they're just whacking you're encouraged though with them teas. And so far and you know how it's like up here it's like that's the kind of you're right it's not i feel like a business model doesn't help practices and like when you get i mean i always i remember when they started selling 150 golf balls i i actually protested i was like i think it's silly because it's too many yeah nobody needs 150 golf balls to hit in a practice session. But for too long to hire a driver and want to whack it's perfect ammo in it it's just literally ammo and we're gonna go for that target for five minutes or do you want 150 with a machine gun i said it on the guy that said it. And you can literally do what you want. And whack as much as you want if you're like yeah give me that option please there's different different situations. But i think structured practice like what car said just a little bit of of monitoring your progress. So that you can influence that structured practice definitely makes makes a lot of benefit well thanks being on my pleasure thanks. For having me and i'm glad i exceeded expectations yeah we might even use this one it was a dummy run. But the cameras are running actually amazing we recorded it thankfully thankfully because we weren't sure um yeah two pieces of housekeeping first one subscribe to carter let's get into 50 000. yes please second one um rate has five stars if this on apple. Or subscribe to this channel if you're watching the video cause why not and we'll see you soon good luck car good to have you home thanks guys thanks for having me.