I have to uh put on a little leprechaun hat little ricky comes out again a little pot of gold walking around [Music] welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody episode number 94 we are fast approaching oh it's not 95. oh my god we are fast approaching 100. it's quite exciting because we've just announced tickets have gone on sale. For our 100th live show yes. But people listen to this now this is tuesday the night maybe no it's not is it the night no 17th 7th 7th today.

But we release tickets on friday the third yeah. So we're just going to get this out there now at the moment it's tracking to like we're going to be selling out pretty fast hopefully when people listen to this right now there's no no offense. But hopefully there's no tickets left of it pick just in case we'll put a link in the description yeah. But we're excited about it um are you pal you're good i'm good um i'm nervous slash excited. For the live podcast it's going to be at the salford lowry yes saturday the 9th of october 2021 me you a few guests it should be good it should be very good we we've got 450 tickets as well that we've pretty much sold uh how do you believe people 450 people to watch us chat absolutely because the thing is right we're at a studio now very nice studio thanks. And when i look that way there's nothing there but obviously a couple of cameras some weird curtain things that help protect the sound there's no pressure even though people are going to listen to this. And hopefully upwards of 100 000 people into this right now no pressure nothing really planned today.

There's no chat nonsense exactly when there's 450 faces that have used their hard-earned cash to watch you. And that's that's the beauty of this because it's a win-win for me if it goes well actually oh well yeah i helped to plan this you know i'm a co-host this if it goes crap it's not the guy chan at gold it's the rick shields cause it's your names on this i don't mind i'll take the hit to be honest it's probably it 'll yeah i'm pretty sure it will be the biggest live audience i've performed in front of as well because you know obviously youtube videos it's really interesting when we make a youtube video. And someone snapped us the other day actually they packed us yesterday it's normally you me yeah you're behind the camera directing giving great advice about the way that the video should go then.

There is normally one. Or two camera operators it's either matt and harry or tim um and that's where like it feels no pressure i'm very much myself i'm kind of just loving life in front of live people when you can see the whites in their eyes. And uh should be good okay a few questions i might just imagine those 450 people are sat there right yep you're in the podcast yes if 10 is maximum pressure doing the podcast how many out of ten will jack. And you'll feel pressure i'm nervous well nervousness sorry nervous um ten okay oh okay that's not worked then.

I hope you're gonna say like six. And i'd say what what about if that say people was there. And then.

You did a chip would that go up. Or not oh like hitting a drive in a drive would be fine i could not many out of ten three out of ten yeah certainly well it depends if it's result based oh yeah deal with that watch like if i was just smashing a driver into a net well there's no pressure at all is that you just hold your finish. And it went 300 yards 15-yard chip but this is this is the difference. And i've always thought this i don't think the pressure increases anything more than me if five people are watching i'm 10 out of 10 nervous if 500 people are watching i'm still 10 outs i'm nervous that's true i almost can't get any more if it's 10 000 people were watching me live still 10 out of 10. yeah do you get what i mean by that. So it's like you'll need one smartphone to take that video it's going viral exactly. But actually today.

We're talking about the rickshaws golf show podcast. And the key word there is golf this podcast might be changing very soon because flow's listening might not know rick's looking a bit confused. But oh no recently rick has become a really really knowledgeable football pond you've changed last year you went asphalt football i am hardcore football fan you are i've actually become quite addicted to it it was the euros got you into it the euros definitely got me into it. For you guys listening in the u.s we're talking football soccer and uh it was the euros. And i've said it in the past even growing up when i was a kid i was a massive football fan. For i think most kids are really out there you know going when i went to primary school um you know ever i used to have the swapping cards whatever you used to call them football stickers. And a big united fan i used to go to games i was never a season ticket holder granted get the kits when you come out used to get like literally on the day head to toe kits as well shirt shorts socks the works that's when you're 24. goalkeeper kits away honestly i was i was pretty i was pretty hardcore who was your favorite player back then.


What era was this must be before beckham dropped i don't yeah it was that kind of era um. And it was it was i don't know it's quite an exciting kind of united way dominating everything i'm united fan i'm a hardcore united fan now you are really it was two seasons ago almost became liverpool fan now united have signed ronaldo it's um. And you're right i went through then.

The ages were like beckham. And scholese and giggsy and that kind of era was amazing it was. So i know your heart is the skull z the giggsy the cantonari that's your michaelis. And uh you know i thoroughly enjoyed it there and i must admit i've said this before it was kind of when sir alex ferguson left. And united went a bit crap i fell in love with football you know actually it actually happened slightly before that it was when rooney wanted to leave united. And it was it was all about money it's a bit loud it's all about money. And i was like oh god what was like i mean me starting a popcorn what's football become guy. And then.

Sushi sam rinaldo on 400 a week the money's fine monish money got it pay the man more but now you watch football you watch matches that aren't even united i know listen to talk sport the other day you were banging around always been signing. For 24 million plus a dollars this really i can't wait next.

Time you get your haircut the barber's gonna pick your right football lap that's why you've done it and it's worthwhile 40 million plus add-ons um yeah it was uh. And you introduced me to talk sport which i'll be honest i've never been into weirdly i've been on talksport maybe three times now you never bothered when speaking of sport though one thing yeah. But one thing that um i've heard about you've told me briefly this story i want you to explain it fully for me and the listener was there was a young boy a couple of days ago won a very big golf tournament. And he's done an interview afterwards apparently or his dad has and he said oh you know he's nobody got a favorite golfer. So you know for example he's not thinking tiger he's not talking about dustin johnson he's not after john ron fan or rory or his favorite golfer is um your friend of mine richard shields um yeah explain this to me please. So what what's wait i don't know how i've ever set this up i actually have a prompt on google if i ever my name ever gets mentioned in a news article i get an email i don't know how to set this up just something ourselves and i woke up yesterday morning and normally it happens around midnight i got a news article a news alert saying you've been how often do you get these then.

Well daily not very very very seldomly it depends if i've caused any beef. So i got this prompted like you've been mentioning the news article so i clicked on it and it was the mayo news mayo mayo m-o-m-a-y-o i'm trying to find this article now i found it. For you oh okay it's a mayo news. So it's an irish newspaper and on the on the home page or on one of the golf pages it was bali heinous bali heinous golfer is number one. And there's a picture of a young lad holding a massive trophy a ridiculous big trophy with super proud dad and super proud mum and underneath it says brilliant young golfer john william burke who apparently is a huge fan of the podcast does it doesn't say this in the news article. But it's not gonna be a second favorite goal for them it'll be top ten you could is pictured with his parents john. And paula along with the gary player trophy which he won for being the overall champion in the flora flow gas irish junior open golf summer series okay. And later on in the article kind of skip through reading the rest of it always find my name and you're right he said you know who's your favorite girlfriend he said he doesn't have one. But he watches all of rick shields his youtube videos so twitter can be a toxic player sometimes can i'm not the biggest fan of twitter i'm sorry. For everybody that does follow me on there. But it's a bit weird i thought let's use the power of twitter and do something nice i got home slightly early yesterday afternoon uh the kids are still off school they were running around the house causing mayhem i was just chilling out. And uh i put tweet out saying is there any chance anyone can get hold of um this young lad's parents numbers i thought let's congratulate him. So the golf course themselves actually messaged me uh bally hornis golf club and the pro there maria gave me his dad's number and just out the blue i rang him yesterday so talk me through it ring ring he goes hello i don't want to do a thing yeah. But just what was it well he's irish right okay. So john's irish yeah i like an irish accent i really do. And my wife is very fond of an irish accent. And she was around my wife actually ended up crying on the phone call. And um so i rang him up and said oh hi john it's it's rick shields he went oh hi how you doing though um i said uh i believe your son has just won a big tournament oh yes he has no i can't is this a decent. Or not it's not horrendous i feel like i can do better put the pressure on the video. And i don't want to offend anybody in ireland and i said um i said is uh because dad's called john. And sons called john i said john junior around he said yeah he's just next.

To me. So puts him on the phone i was on the phone to him. For about five minutes was he chatting back like was he nervous really nice really nice lad. And uh i invited him as my vip guests to the golf show live which i didn't think they'd be able to make because of restrictions. But he's text me since and said they'd be happy to come along him. And his dad um so it's just nice and you know it's not didn't take a lot and listen i wasn't genuinely doing it for any other reason just to congratulate him he's one of the big trophies mention my name in a news article you know the least i can do is give him a little phone call. And you know congratulate him that's very very nice such but this this is what's mad that like a bit like uh minwoo lee um golfers coming through now tour golfers who are like let's say 18 to 23. Or whatever i've kind of grown up watching your videos yeah it's crazy you think about yeah well that's even the younger generations how old was john's like 12 12.. So literally he he has been you've been making videos for the long as he can remember like when he was five years old you were making videos yeah. So if he hopefully goes on to be a tour player or whatever or however. he takes golf in the future there's kids out there who have been watching the videos that help listen to the podcast and you will be to them as much of a golfer if you like as rory it is mad well john john senior said that john junior's favorite day of the week is a tuesday because the podcast comes out. And he says he listens as he drives to the golf course that's class um but we've probably seen it already you know like minwoo lee who mentioned he was fan of the channel before coming on the channel. And now dominating the world of golf um players like sam horsfield mentioned that he watches the videos who's the other irish lab that you uh tom mcgibb mckinnon he's a fan of the channel i believe now he's you know european tour and doing um do you think though that like when you're growing up that young lad at the open oh yeah who stopped me i can't remember his name. But he um he literally he was walking across the bridge at the top. And granted i know a few of the players now not loads but a few of them so i wouldn't have been surprised if i don't know a danny willett or a tommy fleetwood might have shouted down hey rick or something yeah this lad walked past. And you were there with me. And said hey rick. And i was like is. And we walked over to the putting know who who green we had to actually look at his bag and he's this kid's playing in the buddy open so yeah we might on the boat that's the thing that when were you growing up. And and obviously people before us the only real golfers you could look look up to re the people at your golf club obviously or the tour players yeah whereas now with the internet i mean obviously you're comparing the average guy a good golfer. But like people look up to you for other reasons because of like how you and we make golf look foot on the videos so it's not just about like oh i want to be like rick shields he's good at golf it's like we see that a lot of it on i saw it on the wooden golf ball of the day yeah. So many people commenting saying that you're making golf look fun you're making me want to go play golf and that's as important as being a good golfer because as much as you might look up to rory and tiger and dustin and you should do you look up to them often because they are good at the game of course. But with with you and what you do i think people look up to that not just because you're good. Or very decent it's because it makes it fun do you not also think it's very relatable yeah you know a young lad who you know might be struggling with the golf you know because golf stars as we mentioned we don't disguise that in the video like go i say golf is hard yeah you know. And you may look at tor golf and never think anybody ever hits a bad shot yeah would you well that's because as well it only shows the best players in the world. And the ones that play in the best on that week you don't see it if wrote it well maybe rory would but if again danny willett mrs according he shoots 76 76 you'll see a single shot see any of it where again little john or little timmy or whatever is watching the channel. And going oh bad shots do happen a rick can play okay good golf. But you can also top a three wood he can also duffer chip you can also miss a three foot put. And and i think i would have really appreciated that when i was 10 11 12 growing up because again it puts golf into a perspective that you go oh all right. So i used to give myself such a hard time for things like that when i was growing up. But i think if you accepted it. And went okay i don't want to do that granted that's not it's not something i want to aspire to. But it's okay. And i also think. And again you might have been similar through the winter i really died off golf when i was younger like through the winter months i almost semi-forgot about it yeah. And got into other sports back into footy obviously even you would have called it football six weeks ago now it's potty into the old intelligence shin pads today.

And um you know so i think again because if i was young little timmy. Or john now going through the through the winter i might not be playing as much golf because the weather's bad. But i'm still consuming golf content through social media through youtube videos not just mine obviously not just things we produce there's a huge collection catalog of youtube videos now people can watch. And i think that's obviously giving joe average a great insight to how to get better at golf how to buy the right equipment how to have more fun. But like say it's giving those young golfers the insight to what golf is actually really like. And making it realistic which i think is really important i do think that realistic thing is important because obviously you have to put your hand on your heart most people i'd say everybody to be fair enjoys the golf more. And play well of course obviously nobody wants to be looking for balls in the trees whatever but it's a little bit like a bit of a silly analogy but like with something like influencers online and like beauty influencers and bloggers is it kind of a trend now to show a lot more pictures with no makeup on correct. Or whatever and it's like people like that it's relatable nobody wants to go on the phone and look at a load of beautiful people and make themselves feel like crap but if you look at somebody you deem as really good looking having a bad day you feel better yeah it's like that with the videos people want to see you with good shots it's fun i want to see you enjoying the game. But people not in a horrible way but want to see you with bad shots because it's real in it people love it so yeah it's nice little um made me feel good uh my wife was totes emotion after this oh she cried was she listening put it on loudspeaker because like i said she loves the irish accent. So um i don't want to get into our role play or anything but yours and claire's role played let's tell them tell me more that's for the live podcast if that's what you're coming for i have to put on a little leprechaun [Laughter] why does every single podcast was just me have you noticed when we have england golf on dead serious mastercard etcetera. And a cataract just me and you and talk about little ricky all the time because we smashed like what we've had too much to drink yeah we've got. So many sugar-free fanta in the back there um no. So nice little thing and hopefully he continues to do well. And i joked on twitter if he can mention me in his open victory speech well that'll be that'd be lovely i can't believe that you're someone's favorite golfer anyway i'm joking a quick question. For you then.

Rick got a little dear rick for you okay early yeah just why not it's from i'm trying to spice up today.

Keep people uh engaged. And oh actually before i get onto that i want to come on to something it's important i've not mentioned it on the podcast i don't think. And if you a watch of the podcast this doesn't affect you we have inserted adverts onto the audio podcast don't talk about this or not you want to cut this out i talked about it oh it's just the way you huffed i thought you're going to say like this i was in like oh the reaction right okay. So what happened was as we joke with the joke in the old podcast certainly in the era in your um garage remember about getting a sponsor back in the day. And ultimately i'm probably saying too much here but we don't do that well you don't the business doesn't do this. For money does it we love speaking to the audience people love listening to podcasts on a tuesday like little john etc. And it's something that's fun and we've got it's great studio but we did have spawn someone might have sponsors in the future again. But we're not bothered about we're not gonna start promoting absolute nonsense and stuff it's just not what we're about at all but what we have done is we've changed our podcast kind of hosting software. So that it does insert an advert onto the audio podcast one at the start one in the middle roughly one at the end maybe a little commenting not kicking off. But they know i pay for it spotify premium wise and advert there's nothing to do with spotify to do with the actual way the podcast is uploaded you can just skip them. So if it comes on it's a 30-second advert and you don't listen to it just press fast forward it's gone yeah um we're going to cover that because it's um don't annoy people. But equally we don't want to start promoting nonsense and i just thought get out there anything else to add to that no it's good listen it's one of those things we've we've done it. For a long period well obviously fast approaching 100 shows and podcasts make they're monetized yeah like youtube's monetize like facebook is. So um it's just an evolution hopefully it'll allow us to do more i mean things like this cop this set didn't wasn't cheap well exactly you know we've got to cover costs. So um hopefully not too offended like i say if you need to skip it one one click on your button to the right and you can skip the advert. So also what has been good the adverts they've been put on we don't choose that's been things that are quite relevant right. So it's good anyway coming on to the dear rick from anonymous i'm new to golf and i've been having lessons with a local golf coach he's a pga trainee okay. So it's slightly cheaper okay this is i think you're the expert. For this yeah i've had about 10 lessons now. And i feel like we are going in circles one must still tell me one correction. And then.

About three weeks later it'll tell me something different to lessen a few weeks earlier i think this is down to me not grasping it fully um. But being told at the time this is fine. And then.

Change it weeks later seems um a waste of money for me basically you want some help okay about well i think the first thing he said is. And i think you want to ask about seeing a pj trainee. And being cheaper obviously is that better value is it not better value to wait until someone is fully you know trained i i was coaching as a pga trainee. So as when you when you first become a pga professional and you sign up to be enrolled on the pga course as soon as you commit to that you uh rescind your amateur status and you become a professional golfer under the umbrella of being a trainee professional you are start allowed to now start delivering coaching sessions certainly once you've done your level one coaching course which typically happens fairly early in your pgp okay now the level one coaching course will allow you normally to teach really beginners. And juniors that's kind of the level it's based at so it's very very basic information it's grip it's stance it's alignment it's things that you can deliver to it to a um beginner golfer question. For you just a quick one so just slightly but i understand why you would say beginner but can it not be harder sometimes to coach a beginner who's got absolutely no idea. Or is it just easy because you say great stance posture etc is it harder to go well just yeah because i'm thinking say if you say if i can't i've recorded a coach a golfer just i can't see it. But equally if i was with somebody off 18 who had a slice. And they were aiming left with it etc i might not say actually just turn a bit here on the inside. And they probably would do it a little bit i tried to show people before you got i almost can't make it simple enough yeah it's a lot of demonstrating. So it's not jargon like you can't say hit from the inside or change your alignment because those words they just don't know yet it's a lot of a lot of demonstration it's a lot of instruction and and it's baby steps and i think sometimes where let's say you might have taken a friend. Or a family member to the driving range they want to copy you straight away they want to copy your full swing straight away because that's what they see you do when you're in a lesser environment more as a golf professional i would potentially not show them the full swing. Yet we would look at the very much of the basics so they don't actually know what a full swing looks like just yet let's start off with grip let's start off with setup and let's even just start off with a pitching wedge doing half swings and and give expectation levels so for example this half shot should in theory go to that flag there that's 20 yards away and we talking yards in golf and that's a pace and just all those little kind of terminologies you start to learn you work that way then.

Work back to driver you just start to build the swing so you start to do half swings with a pitching wedge maybe half swings with a seven iron. And then.

Build the pitching wedge swing up to a three-quarter swing and again it's those baby steps you're right some golfers will be dead eager to hit driver straight away yeah. And that my always big analogy was you're a brand new learner driver this club the pitching wedge is your little micro your little nissan micra yeah okay. And that's what you're gonna learn in your seven iron is your ford whatever mondeo random car. But that's kind of your middle ear range yeah you drive as your ferrari are you gonna say ferrari. Or your f1 car or whatever like we can't jump in that straight away you don't at 17 don't get into ferrari exactly because you might crash and you might you know and that's the thing it's you might find it exhilarating and fun to hit but also you might crash and you might you know smash the thing up so so do you think then.

Going back to this question i know we don't know this guy's ability. Yet but do you think i know it's hard you're not going to put this blank over every pga trainer there'll be some i'm guessing uber knowledgeable. But it's ten lessons maybe two more what so going back to the trainee there. For me again if i'm taking my myself back to when i was a trainee professional i was obviously good at golf to a degree because i've turned professionals off about three handicap i wanted them to take on my pga training okay. And i was starting to learn information about the golf swing i didn't know everything. Yet at all not even close because growing up i didn't have lots and lots of lessons i had quite limited amounts of lessons when i went to college and my school we've spoke about a couple times before i did have a few more lessons. And and learned more about the mechanics of the golf swing so i was somewhat knowledgeable when i was a trainee. But not to knowledge i've got now because knowledge comes with experience knowledge comes with not only learning about the mechanics of a golf swing but communication yeah massively is you can't learn that you have to go you have to do the hard hours to get the communication across because you might word something to a student. And it might work for that student but it won't work for this student so you've got to learn all those little traits so for me going back to this question is 10 i don't think 10 lessons is too many because it's a commitment. And normally you get a bit more discount i would just manage your expectations of what you may be able to get from a trainee now it depends on his ex expert level it might sorry it might depend on his golfing ability if he's a lower handicapper he might not require the skills of this trainee professional but if he's a 20 handicapper let's say and this training professional plays off two or three or even lower i think there's a lot that you can learn from him. But maybe don't look at it from the mechanics like asking him asking the questions of how do you practice your putting how do i get better at putting how do i manage my my skills around the golf course more course management. And actual skill based exercises as opposed to mechanics yeah. So that trainee might just not know the mechanics yet and he might be getting himself in a little bit of a pickle going one way the other the other thing just a quote on that just to carry out that he mentioned that he's gone from one way. And then.

A few weeks later he's telling him something else that can happen in coaching because sometimes let's say i've given you a drill i want to work on strengthening your grip because we've got to shut the face okay you might come back to two weeks later. And you've done it too much so then.

You do go the other way do you find that there were people of people not doing enough normally don't even closely do it yeah that's what i if i ever have a lesson which is quite rare. But i think i'm doing something i've been told to do. Or even when you sit on camera and it's like you know when yeah. So it's hard is it to go too far the opposite way although it can happen i always remember teaching this young lad. And i think i might tell the story before one of the the best golfers that i coached back in the day was a plus four handicap. And he changed things so quickly when i told him to do something he changed it. So quick and i asked him because i wanted to learn from it i said you're one of the only students when i tell them to change something you do it instantaneous how he said it's funny you say that because anything you tell me to do i double the exaggeration yeah. And that's what then.

Looks right to you correct mad so if you tell me to shut my face in the takeaway for me i feel like it's like extremely short i'm like wow he said that's how i kind of just get through it because i know feel. And reel is very different yeah. So to answer that guy's question um maybe look at asking him more advice about course management training drills maybe don't ask him too much about the mechanics because again that trainee has probably just not learned that skip those skills just yet yeah that's interesting. But you know what i also think though as well i'm not going to name names here obviously. But the pga is obviously a three year course if i'm right. And you do that when you well you do any age. But often it's guys when they're 18 to 21 or girls obviously you could do it at 40 there's no age. But roughly most pros i would say probably in the early 20s out there when the first term pj pro is there anything you have to do along the way to other than pay your fees to kind of keep your qualification once you qualify once you're qualified you pay every year yeah. So once you're qualified you are certainly if you have pros working under you you have to keep up your level of um what's it called now um like advanced learning there's a phrase. For it right and i don't do that because i don't have pros working under me. So if i have a head pro and i want to employ assistance i have to be a double a t and i used to be a double at pro when i was coaching a lot more because you had to do more future learning. So you had to go on courses to acquire points cpd points i think they're called career development points that's it. And you'd have to keep that to a high level now these courses might be based not only on coaching but business yeah social media. For example i mean the pga have actually asked me to run a course on social media. So other pros come to that course learn and they gain cdp points on the back of it yeah. So yeah that's kind of what you've got to do the reason i ask is because obviously again if you've got 100 pros you would imagine that well if you've got 100 trainees. And 100 pros you've been approached for 20 years you'd imagine obviously the hundred that have been improved 20 years gonna be better coaches more knowledgeable more experienced obviously but there's always gonna be like the odd guy who's been a coach for 20 years who actually doesn't coach very often he works in the shop he's more like business side who can't be bothered and doesn't have that much um enthusiasm towards it was there could be a lad who. Or a girl ever who's 20 who's not fully qualified yet but swats up all the time 100 got really good charisma who could be a really good coach so it's not always a case that someone's been a coach a long time better than someone that's new is it no it's different again it depends on the individual you know you get called out. Or you get found out if you're not staying up to date with relevant it's like traffic has changed so much hasn't it because i remember when i first started playing golf people said to play a draw you'd have a short face at address. And now it's actually an open face a target but close to path so the old saying used to be swing path sends it club face bends it yeah. So the path of your club would start the line yeah. And your face would get the ball to curve obviously monitors that's actually not the case it's the club face that sends it to a degree and the path that bends it or the relationship between those two so you're right like things like angle of attack um things like decline as well equipment so i think golfers who are it's the career. And you vocation as such they are probably quite active of learning about this information because if they don't they get left behind from business standpoint. And also they just get found out like because also the students knowledge has improved enormously yes like students are now going to their golf coach with more knowledge than they've ever had that's dangerous in some way really dangerous it is i saw the back end of that when. Or the early stages of that should i say when um i used to have a few students come to me and probably rob part of being one of them who would know information but not quite understand it i'm using rob as an example but there's a lot of students around that time where they felt like they knew a lot of information but actually do they know it that they really understand it. So um i think it go back to you. But i think all golf pro should continue their development 100 whether it has to be as strict as going on courses because again as a pro you're running the business you're running the busy golf club can you really afford to take time out of your day your diary to go into a course. For a day down in birmingham or somewhere else so online courses last year were very popular even like the webinar that i did you know the webinar the pj pros who attended that webinar i got cdp points something. So um to answer your question yet pros is their own responsibility. But there is a level of responsibility to keep up the the learning. And the skill good answer um i've come up with a theory okay. And it's taken me 30 years well 20 years of golf whatever 20 years of golf to finally find this out new golf clubs don't make it play better shut up seriously so quick quick little um tale for you rick which you you kind of know but i'll show the listeners who are those who are ingested. But i recently got some new irons you did the titleist t100s the new ones i think are out obviously now got fitted. For them and the objective the goal was this they were going to replace the t100z from last year there was nothing wrong with them. But i thought why not fancy new set of irons i don't like them and they don't work in my hands as well as my old ones and you've got proper fittings and also actually when's the range of the day as it stands i've got three sets of irons i've got a set of nike pro combo from 2015. i've got a set of titles t-100s from last year and i've got this new set of t-100s that i've already just launched took all three seven irons to the range and hit quite a lot of balls i've done this process about three or four times now so we've got a bag with three seven irons in it and honestly i could easily go back to nikes like that really the only ways i've not only launched a bit higher but the t100 are staying in the bag 200s aren't going to make it unfortunately are the nikes launching higher because the weaker lofted bit older no the same loft as the um the t100 the middle the middle set the 200 the normal ones the nike have its undercut cavity filled with resins through zanza at launch high they're a bit chunkier as well they're a nice iron. But i know we've said this before we kind of joke about it. But i like having new shiny stuff certainly like when i had a lot of nike gear and it was discontinued i felt like i wanted stuff that was current it doesn't make any difference to your game does it. But i felt like i wanted it but honestly i was desperate. For these new ones in the bag these new 200s it looks so much nicer a bit more like satin i just can't get them to work but yet i still want to use them and the marketing behind you stuff is. So good like how do brands do it i know they're clever aren't they it's a bit like car manufacturers i always think when a car manufacturer brings out a new car it's not going to go any fast you can tweet the performance obviously. But sometimes it someone's at my door it's a delivery um something like that actually some tailor-made stuff come in have a look let me see live on video yeah i got rick's now live on his uh what's it called the app again ring ring video doorbell thanks to the uh wonderful guys at ring who fits me brought to you by dude adverts do last bits of three doorbells is it is it is it clubs is clubs is it i know it's not it's the tyler some clubs have arrived though have they. So i'm watching the live now the tyler's coming in the house who's finishing off our bathroom sounds like a dodgy movie this and i hope he's not irish and uh when my wife's open the door i can actually see two boxes of golf clubs nice to the brands no no um. So where was i going with this new clothes about like i just think i i just think the clever the way that the fashions change like like you can't imagine. And you look at it now like have you noticed all these like leeds festival and reading festivals they look like they've stepped back in the 90s yes 100 yeah like it's all bucket hearts it's like really retro stuff like some of the cool kids that are here have that kind of clothing on as well like. And when we went to sent andrews and we spoke about it recently all the yeah. And that's fashion again now yeah fashions come around. And i think golf clubs will see a little bit of that as well like if if ping brought out a really really old-school style of i2 irons which actually did live with that wedge yeah they did remember yeah like that catches people's attention again. And it's that but with a modern twist it's modern text it's and again going back to like i remember when the first taylormade irons came out when the font of the bottom changed. And i kind of weirdly slacked them off in my review now i have a set of taylormade irons in the back i don't even think about the font that doesn't offend me it looks modern it looks cool. So um i just think fashions go around i think trends come. And go this new stuff makes all stuff look old so much my 200 normal set i like a kind of shiny chrome the new one's satin and because i know my mind now the new ones are satin the chrome shiny look old it'd be really interesting to do the sort of test as a blind test well. So you went to a non-goal like yeah it'll be good actually get non-golfer. And go which sets newer you show them a brand new seven iron from like 10 years yeah. And tell them to put it in date order i don't know if they could about that no no way. But we're interested so yeah hopefully uh you i mean you don't play golf anymore dear you know what i do recently a lot of driving range sessions like i haven't played natural around the goal. For a little while but i love going to the range. And because it's a bit of a snowball effect because i'm going to the range quite a bit i'm hitting actually quite good. And then.

By going into the range. And it quite could have enjoyed it so i want to go back again more soon sooner than i would have done before i reckon i'm going twice a week at the minute wow i um in fact i think this could be a good talking point i took my kids to the range last week i saw the picture. So um last saturday the kids had parties my eldest daughter had a party at the uh not the chill factor not the play thing underneath it that's a have you ever been in that place you wouldn't have done your kids no it's out of this world it's out of this world. So she had a party there and my middle daughter had another party somewhere else so my son was a bit left. So i said well i'll take jude. And ivy to this party manchester and claire took the pill to another party so because we were near manchester. And the kids really wanted to play mini golf once we because all the dinosaurs at trafford yeah snipped over to trafford mad this saturday afternoon 12 o'clock how big do you think the queue was down to the cat. But queuing off the car park i couldn't believe it so i text the guys i know there and said any chance i can jump on the mini golf do you remember me i used to do videos here. And uh he said yeah you have to queue up did you actually you actually said you said that yeah i've got a queue up. So it's a rick how dare he's got paying customers in a queue how dare he make rick shields wait and not charge me um did he charge you no oh i'm saying oh she said you got it. For free but you've got away we gotta wait i'm not waiting i'm not waiting in a queue so walk up no queue no queue that's ridiculous. For twelve on a side i couldn't believe it um i know what else done he told me yeah yeah it's begun once pete said no i made a i made a call i made a call to big buzz big bad big balls just head down to traffic. And just shoot the cue for me big hard bars he's called the shoe the q man and um so i went in and i've got i've got a little tip for parents listening to how to keep that because i i feel like i'm in that set at the moment where my kids are starting to really get into golf to a degree not like lows. But really starting to show an interest and i want to keep that interest really high because golf is a long time playing golf yeah. And if my daughter now starts at seven and she stops playing at 87 it's a long time playing eight years of golf yeah. So i think it's really important when kids are young not to put too much on them straight away. And there's a little tip that i definitely think has worked. For me so far i want to share it we went on dino falls and we started playing and we probably played about five holes and the kids were loving it there was no no issue everyone was happy. And it got a bit slow and the kids started to get bit bored okay i don't even say it yeah. So a bit of a delay so 18 holes is mini golf right we've played five the kids were enjoying up to five. And now we're starting to get a bit bored so we played the six hulk because our watch has shown golf isn't always fast fast fast fast sometimes you gotta wait sometimes you gotta you know wait for the group in front no you can't say i'm rick shields rick's quick six five here. So it did six. And then.

I thought the kids are really getting bored now i i can tell this isn't gonna last long. So i saw an opening later on in the golf course for the last last probably four holes so i said come on kids let's we'll jump. So we jumped over to the 14th which is probably not allowed midfield. And i'm just playing the last four with nobody in front of us kids loved it absolutely essentially we played ten holes the kids loved it we we kept the energy up okay. And i think if i couldn't have done that i would have probably done yeah. But in a good way because i think if kids are getting bored at that stage that they'll associate that golf with being boring wouldn't they well if we say right you know what we might come back on mini golf later let's go to the driving range. And whack some balls how many balls did you then.

Hit because i saw your picture on the range you went to the driving range got a couple i just got drivers i just thought let's let's have fun went upstairs obviously again fun because they can see it going down went on automatic t again fun i probably got 70 balls i reckon. And again we stayed in one bay so what again i think kids in a bay on their own hitting ball after ball after it's boring well also you want them to hit four. Or five then.

You pull them away and you hit some or whatever correct and then.

They're eager to get back on again there aren't they that's exactly what we did. So i gave them like 10 10 at a time so i've had 10 and like i'm saying right this is your last ball. And again it it sounds weird but it's almost putting that emphasis already on she wanted that last one to be good rather than just bam bam bang rather than just be the tenth ball yeah. So she was like oh this is my last one i'll try. And hit this one much harder or much further and then.

She'd have to step back and sit at the back of the driving range matt while jude went up and hit 10 shots are you really strict on like you have to stand there. And someone's swinging uh i put a basket down i turn the ball out yeah i turn the basket upside down. And say that's where you're gonna makes me like cringe what not not like cringy but like yeah when you see people swinging kids like running all around you need to like even though i'm not a parent. But you need to set a rule that you've said there's that you don't go past that basket because it's. So important in it i know i didn't give them hardly any instruction i'll let them do it exactly how they wanted. And i just gave them little goals right your goal is to try. And get past the stones your goal is to try. And get past that yellow flag whatever it may be and then.

Once judah hit his turn i hit three and just wanted them to watch me hit a golf shot because again they learn from it kids are such visual learners anyway by the time 80 balls just didn't last long at all probably lasted half an hour kids were loving it they wanted more balls i said no let's go because i think that's really important the kids should be still loving it on the very very it's literally the exact same logic we have with a youtube video yeah you want a youtube video to be short we did one today.

That wooden ball video we miss this is the place to stay on that podcast on the podcast the wooden ball video that's come out last week now was originally 16 minutes long i think. And we watched it and we were like it doesn't feel right it ended up being eight minutes long. And it ended so like sharp that and we can see that through the analytics as well we can see how long we've watched. For people watching it all the way to the end yeah whereas if it was double the lens people get bored fast forward you want people to be it's like a good tv program a good movie oh it's over yeah that's what you want. And that's obviously what you're you're making golf to them yeah rather than stood there bored does that make sense. So it just again list for teachers for teachers and parents listening i think that's really important because because again you know a lot of parents who are getting their kids into golf might not know these little tricks it might be giving little johnny 100 golf balls. And every shot giving them analysis you need to have your feet like this you need to have your hands like this you need to just let them have fun and as soon as it stops being fun get them out of there don't force them to it anymore get them get them out and get them enjoying it because again i know ivy and jude this week i've asked when can we go to the driving range again which is. So important you must be loving that yeah a couple of questions. For you that have twitter so i did a little tweet asking people. For questions just sort of mix up we know it on the facebook group also actually i've not plugged the facebook group for a long time if you are on facebook. And you're a fan of this podcast if you go into search bar type in the rickshaws golf show we've got a group there's about 60 000 members on there it's a lot of chatter about the podcast about just general golf people share their achievements on that if you had a hole in one and you put it on there you're gonna get probably a thousand likes yeah that's what it's kind of like. So if you want some likes go in the group get hold of what you need um a couple of questions then.

Rick one that's from a guy i know called tim stevens something we've kind of discovered on that england golf fund but when to answer this quite like bullet points or a couple of little bullet points to what you think we could do he says we know there are around two million extra golfers in the uk since the start of the covert pandemic what things do you think we should do we should put in place to ensure keep them in the game you know from golf clubs organizations to driving ranges to whatever what what do you think like like little nuggets of um you know because obviously the broad answer would be golf clubs should be making it a fun environment they should be putting on events. Or whatever but what is there anything else we know that's almost thinking outside the box a little bit that is almost as golfers. And is almost our priority like what what can be done i think they said about could we say about memberships if you remember i think they said like it's down to the golf club the gotham's got the members it's down to them now to make it a place people want to continue to be at. And stay at and play golf there but i'm just thinking um i i certainly think the community is overlooked sometimes in this idea that yeah golf is golf as it is. But you make friends in golf you make acquaintances in golf you some people find relationships in golf and i think i think that side of it needs to to make sure it continues like make golf evenings fun like i always think of this idea. And we did the range night a couple of uh was like last year. Or so a couple years ago which the big fun almost party-like atmosphere with music and things like that i feel like golf clubs you should do that a little bit more you know i actually went on on friday night this is a really interesting one i'm sorry saturday night um my local qriket club had like this event on okay. And i'm not into cricket i don't like it particularly at all yeah it's like i've got visions in six months you can cricket back well maybe maybe this well it's gonna be yeah yeah maybe this evening help with that. And all they did was put on a community night right it was free to enter if you you could donate to charity free to enter um the fireworks on got a brass band on they had food on. And it was just that cricket club. And to be honest i went with no expectations that i was going to see any cricket we arrived at four o'clock. And qriket was still being played. For like two hours and it was just on it's quite therapeutic about it. But yeah we set up a picnic blanket on the side of the pitch. And we had a few beers and lo there's about 10 of us that went in the end it was mega. And and i went in the back so i guess what i'm doing now because you're going watching cricket oh because i got a discount on beer if you remember. So you've joined it's 25 quid to be a member i was like yeah okay i'll be a member be a social member it's around the corner from me. And my every now and again throughout the year nip over there on discounted beer with my wife or with a few friends or we might deserve food and things like all things i didn't know it did. And it's round the corner from me but now i feel if i'm if i'm now a member and i have a little membership card i'm a member of the cricket club and in a couple of weeks they might have a game on for example a big game against whoever another cricketer and i should need somebody on the back i don't know all the terms of buying but someone's got a big hockey drawer but that's what i'm saying like i feel like golf clubs should do that a bit more yeah i imagine a community night at golf club with fireworks. And a band on you know well you you can use the 18th greens a picnic. Or what i know obviously i think you know what it's great it's a boring answer. But i think. For this for the two million golfers i don't obviously they're all joined golf clubs obviously but the ones that have if you say how to keep them being members it's literally everything isn't it so it's like make sure the food's nice when people go in after they've played and when we make sure it's open yeah exactly it's open the changing facility is nice it sounds like the toilets are nice the coursing of conditions it's a little bit of everything if you join a golf club unless you join these stupid places it's like unbelievably exclusive. Or that expensive there's always going to be something that's not great with it like whether it's not with the best practice facilities not the best pro shop. Or the greens are amazing all the food you know there's ultimately something. But if you've got more things that you're happy about than what you're complaining about you'll probably stay a member for a long time it's like me with my gym at the minute i'm not going very much at all really which is bad i need to. But i want critics i do know overall a year i'll use it more than i won't. And there's a lot that i like if stuff started to get so there's more things i dislike than like i might look at quinn so i think the golf clubs just have to make sure that like everything matters doesn't it really do you think it's also a responsibility of not only the staff. For the golf club and the commit it's responsibility of the staff and the committee to invest you more by getting to know you a little bit possibly yeah let's say. For example the gym yeah when you walk in the gym does anybody say hi guy no i would like. And if they did. And if they did. And it became a little bit more you know every time you well big barry said rick got me to move that queue the other day yeah. But anyway how are you guys how's your golf pal. Or yeah yeah you know i feel like investing have a good training session just something there quick yeah yeah i have a great training session today.

If you need any help give me a shout when that time. For renewal came up again did you almost feel guilty leaving a little bit wouldn't yeah. And i think again when i was a member at me when i was one of the golf pros at mia one of the things that we really got hammered into we have to learn everybody's name yeah by every member we knew their name they came into the pro shop we got introduced to them. And it was almost like a competition in the golf shop i remember somebody a member would be walking up the steps. And we'd be kind of going is this john is this john smith in it yeah john you're coming through the door hi john how you doing here okay yeah nice to see you i reckon. So many people stayed because of that it's that personal touch so again golf clubs i think if they adapted that approach a bit more if the captain made a bit more of an effort if the committee made a bit more of an effort if the pro did if the staff that worked behind the kitchen. Or the bar or whatever made a bit more effort to learn about the regular faces i think you would get less people leaving we will the thing is we will lose golfers off the back of it because everybody that started playing golf in this last year is going to start carry on every year. But i think what's important is if people have played. And at least enjoyed some capacity they'll come back next.

Year or the year after for a bit it's like you the qriket club you might not go now for however. long but you will go again at some point won't you another quick question. For you something that's a bit more niche but someone said how do you grow a social media following as a complete beginner. And there's obviously by the way i feel quite twitchy today.

I've noticed that i think i'm touching the mic loads. And rubbing my nose if there's any comments about that just give me a minute i don't know why i'm doing that i'm really moving the mic about i'm conscious of it now so i'm going to even weirder um yeah. So there's a lot of people online now which is obviously great who are beginner golfers who've decided to build an instagram page. Or a youtube following or try and build a youtube following to kind of document their journey and i'm sure you've seen loads of these before how would somebody grow that let's call it instagram how would somebody grow that what would they need to be showing what would be different what would be unique should they do it should they not bother i don't know. So many doing it now in the mia baker's done it she's killed it she's killed it i think you've just got to be good on camera really i don't know is that the secret well do not think though if you say say if i started cricket where i just told cricket i don't play cricket i don't know anything about cricket if i started doing qriket tomorrow on an instagram page what would all the cricketers want to see. Or what would people who are all. So new to cricket wanna what they found relatable yeah. So if you make a golf if you make a beginner golf instagram now and it's called guy beginner golfer and i just put a picture of a scorecard and go shot 110 today.

It's the best score we're not quite broke 100. Yet like what does that really give do you think this person who's asked yeah do you think they're trying to do this. For exterior motives though as well potentially because you see a lot of now again mia baker's a great example okay. And good honor i think she's done great she's got all free taylormade golf clubs she's sponsored by adidas she's been signed by modest management she's going to every event under the sun she's doing interviews with some of the biggest names in golf people see her doing it. And then.

Think hound piece that pie like is it. For the freebies i don't think mia no i'm not you know other people looking yeah um like her story i felt obviously we had her on the podcast was very organic like she went into her she watched that golf she went to an american golf golf shop there was no golf gear. For ladies she wasn't happy she sent an email to american golf yeah. And they you know where if this person is trying to just start a youtube channel like what's the what's the purpose i think. For anything regardless of any social media if you want to get a social media following you've got to add value yes that's the number one thing whether it's you're adding value by being a kim kardashian. And you show in the latest fashion trends or whatever it may be or makeup or whatever people like people want to know their lives because it's kim kardashian or whatever or if you're a golf instructor like me and you want to give advice you want to give um you know things for people to get better at what what can what kind of beginner golfer add value. So that's the question you've got to add yourself if you can write down on a piece of paper how can i add value to people listening you come up with five. Or ten ideas that should that's your skeleton you know what else is mad you hear about this in all walks of life. And it is a bit of a cliche whether it be a business person. Or a music a recording artist or a youtuber in your case i'll use use use this example people do look at the success. Or the numbers that you've got now and they do forget that when you first started out there was firstly no guarantee that you're ever going to come to anything within that industry. And also it's a lot of time and effort together so if you go on the channel now you've got over 1700 videos or what nearly best part of 2000 videos and last week we had carter on we were joking about the old videos you had with him. And i actually went back the other day looking at some of them this is how sad i am lying on the bed watching you. And cats have weird languages you know what i mean um yeah well with the first time with carter's good looking guy. And i was watching some of the old videos. And you know what i'm saying it they were trash i'm horrible. But like you know it's funny compared to now the trash at the time they weren't they were evolutionary no you go. And play because think about it there was that when you went playing lithium i think he did a six part video he did a jerk like a video. Or maybe six parts i think it was three six things of three it would have been a thing you did a video driving there you did a video of a chipping comp a bunker comp now saying that tongue in cheek. But at the time that was royal rhythm that was. So different that was something that people weren't doing. But people now don't watch those videos not see that where you've you've kind of come from so people now that want to obviously get into youtube golf or whatever it might be there's no reason why they can't there's. So many opportunities but it's going to take a long time you've got we cut it. For six months and suck it off i think the the benefit i had when i was first starting is you almost could release crap yeah at the time because there's nobody else doing it. But it wasn't really crap though was it because there's nothing no oh that's what i mean you could you could um what's the right word something about your teeth you could cut your teeth on experimenting with content some things work something to work i feel like now if you come out i don't think i'd like to start now because i feel like the level is. So good straight away like you almost can't release a video with bad audio bad visuals you can't no back in there you could you could kind of get away with it because it was all quite new. And exciting and i agree with that wholeheartedly but i also think as well i sometimes feel like i don't have an i don't have any idea what somebody new could do now. But then.

People do crop up likes that golf yeah. And literally this is a disrespectful way to love the channel all they're doing i'm using that in quotation marks all they're doing is going around second-hand shops every every episode. But it's class and you would never have thought that would be a genre of golf youtube and that would take off so this guy's written the question might start doing i don't know go and visit the best driving range in the uk everybody has gone to a new driving range right i'm on the way to that's quite a good series one of the driving range i'm gonna hit some balls and see what the shops are see what this got. And you end up loving it could just call it driving yeah there you go that's your first free idea um. So there is opportunity you just can't make crap you've got to stick at it. For a long time i want to bring up something golfy okay how long are we in matt oh 56 nice right quick one the usga has come out with a new rule okay have you heard about it i have. But i'm going to attend i've not. So so currently the legal limit of a driver shaft and i've not heard this then.

I thought there's gonna be something else i thought it's gonna be that you can't call um bryson brooks or something that's ridiculous that one in it well if it's true is that quite nice that one's true. So apparently the pj tour now is saying if you're on site. And you shout brooksy i don't know how i don't know how they're going to police this you're going to get thrown out from what i've heard ridiculous i mean it'd be nice if bryson just showered four why don't we start with that if he shouted four as many times as people shouted brooksy at him yeah then.

It'd be all right um. And he's not the only player i know i'd get stick on that but he's probably one of the most high-profile ones that don't shout for um the legal limit of a driver length at the moment is 48 inches yes the usga are looking to cap that at 46 inches right to limit driver distance okay okay um i'm not it's not going down well from a lot of tour pros. And outs i've missed this completely recently okay recently phil mickelson did a really really interesting um tweet a couple days ago. And he was talking about the how they've taken the information. And and and misinterpreted how they can get to the answer. So the big issue in golf at the moment certainly on the pga tour or the world of golf certain long drives is that the ball's going too far yeah the best players in the world are hitting the golf ball too far golf courses can't keep up with it they need to buy more land everything else right that's at the best level in the world average golfers aren't hitting it that much further than what they ever used to do yeah okay. So mickelson had a really good point about a few things that the usga have changed that haven't really affected the best players in the world they've actually more affected the amateur golfer for example banning the broom handle putter anchoring it affected a few pga tour players but it probably affected hundreds if not thousands of the average golfer but having said that how many average golfers you see with the did you ever see the brew mandel i don't know i can't remember now. But there would have been there would have been enough belly pusters broom handles people who really struggled with putting another one they were talking about was when they banned the square grooves. And what yeah that's a good one. So the stat that uh phil mickelson used was something like if you look at how many p how many greens a pga tour hits it's like 16 out of 18 greens okay something stupid a lot you go down the pipeline to an 18 handicap. Or so they're hitting like three greens around or something stupid right yeah. So they're not hitting the greens with a seven iron or any iron so what does it matter about square grooves. Or not like it's not so when they they get punished higher handicappers is when they miss a green. And they're left with a wedge they aren't getting as much spin as they could have done with a square grooved wedge it's not so much to benefit or hinder the pga professional so he had a really good he had a really good point he said something along the lines of they should look at the golf ball. And not rolling it back because that's the kind of wrong terminology but limit perimeter weighting of a golf ball okay. So it's not stable no. So so basically go back to liquid core golf balls because what he was saying that when. And it's a really good twit twitter video going his twitter profile he explains it better than probably i am right now when you hit a golf shot with a driver that's got a liquid center the outside of the golf ball spins fast in the middle. And over time that starts to even out and when it evens out that's when the ball drops out the air a little bit more right and he said it's the way that would actually benefit um oh that was another thing he said also if a golf ball is curving more off a line with these liquid golf balls it'll curve more offline where again. And and at that speed at that level tour pros would miss more fairways so if they're hitting it harder they've got a lightness of hit missing more fairways it ends up the amateur golfer would probably not notice any difference because they're not activating that liquid core so anyway it's a good it's a good video i thought it'd be quite interesting the only thing i don't get with like all this long drive stuff and i'm sure i understand how if they want to build new golf courses and they want to make them long there's so much land and all that stuff but at the end of the day isn't the person that wins getting the ball in the hole in the least amount of shots yeah. So if all the golfers submitted 400 yards let's just say that's ridiculous but you still get the ball in the hole so is it then.

Not going to come down to right take it. For granted at 400 yards it comes down to the best shipper and the best putter anyway well it was a really a really interesting head to head the other day with patrick campbell. And bryson like they played the golf course so differently certainly in the six playoff holes i saw patrick anthony still came on top because even though bryson's so much longer patrick currently managed to make more birdies by hitting his iron shots closer to the hole than bryson did with his wedges it is a weird one because the end of the day the equipment brands make. So much money sponsor golfers they need to keep making equipment they can't just if you think about it if they just said right that's it we're going to say will never happen obviously. But from now on that's it there's no more innovation in golf technology that's just what you've got. And that'll be it forever then.

All the golf brands have probably got a business after a while because we wouldn't replace the clubs once you've bought a set of vans you have them for life they wouldn't then.

Be paying the tour pros less money in the tour game and the pro game so they've got to keep making stuff so how i don't get unless you have it so it's one rule for tour pros and one rule for amateurs that's the one thing i really don't want to happen because that's what i love about cough well i can't play footy with like old trafford with you know ronaldo or whatever or something you know like the scenario's not the same like in golf it's so you can still play andrews regardless of tiger can you different clubs to you. Or not i know but he's i don't know you're still playing it like the best players in the world so i don't know if that bothered me that much of the tour what because often we know that the irons that tiger has or rory owls aren't the ones you buy in the shop they're a pro even the the chef the toy shoe shafts are the best of the best like. But if you wanted them you could have them if you had the capacity to get them or could you not just have it then.

Silly but you can have tor pro have their own clubs tour issue editions that are legal. For them we can use them if we want. But we know that disadvantage because you can also buy like non not non-conform. But non-informed pro so let's just say tell them they bring up two drivers there's the tour issue and there's the one that we have the normal version they can't use the normal exactly they can you can use the tools exactly. And when you hit them both for launch monitor you might see the tour one's 10 yards less so if you're that asked about having it you can go buy it. But the normal one it doesn't mean that we it doesn't mean that we then.

Don't have rules in by the usj. And rna it's just the tighter tolerances i think you've just cracked it yeah there you go usga you just charge it more. For the tourists you will charge a bit less if it's not i don't know. But i don't yeah it's weird. But then.

There's so much more around it like is that is it gonna make much difference if if the driver is not as long then.

They're gonna lose potential a bit club head speed. But they're just gonna keep working out and getting stronger and finding new technology new ways of being new even like clothing and footwear and it sounds like there's clothing but that can make a difference obviously if you someone's someone said to you now go hit a golf ball as hard as you can. But you've got to wear a suit you couldn't swing a normal like dress shoes you can't swing as fast if you're in like looser stuff you know it does affect more than anybody on the planet. But tall paul you'd have to go to a 46 inch driver i'm at that so if you don't know paul sturgeon we've done some videos in the past he's the tallest golfer in the world at seven foot seven and a half inches if he's not grown since that um he currently uses a 48 inch drive at the legal limit he could easily use a 52 inch driver if it was legal. But you're choosing not to you'd rather use a 48 but now if this rule comes in you have to use a 46. anyway um thanks for listening everyone that's a good one yeah. So as we said at the start i've got no idea how many tickets are gonna be left when this goes out hopefully no. But there might be a few left um it's it's looking pretty so it's looking looking good it's looking good there'll be there'll be a few straddles left over the weekend but i'm pretty sure it'll be sold out and then.

If it goes well there might be potential for the future to um do some more go on tour thanks. For watching everybody thanks for listening and we shall see you very soon um we might have a guest next.

Week um oh the one that you mentioned today.

Cb try. And get outside yeah let me get some of that thanks. For listening thanks for watching.