Not the rock yeah shut up the rock's playing the full story now please [Music] all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy episode number 96 getting closer we are getting close to 100. just on that point very quickly before we introduce our wonderful guest today.

For the 100th episode we're doing it live we have sold out the lowry theater congrats congratulations we've sold it out cannot believe it thanks for all your support 450 tickets sold like that so looking forward to everyone that's coming on the 9th of october if you got tickets great welcome we can't wait to see you we'll definitely be sticking around for a few drinks afterwards um if you didn't unfortunately i'm sure we may do more live episodes in the future. And the audio version will be live on apple. For you all to listen to and there'll be a cool behind-the-scenes video coming to this channel very very soon yeah. So i think you're gonna get really look forward to. So we've got a lot of planning to go ahead but we are excited. And again thanks for all your support and all the profits will be going to a charity that's announced on the night our guest today.

Yes is somebody who i've been a big fan of even before i met her i was lucky enough to bump into her one time at the driving range. And since that i've been it's been a pleasure to call her my friend today.

We have carly booth on the podcast carly thanks. For being on the podcast it's a pleasure to be here rick i'm excited no it's great thank you. For coming on um it's funny because we've scheduled a two-hour window for this podcast and you're saying you know might not we might only just scratch the surface so we're going to try. And cover as much as we can. But first off i think it's a really nice opening how would you describe yourself you're bumping someone in the street oh hi nice to meet you what's your name. And what do you do well that's the funny one because some people take it seriously. And some people don't like take your job seriously well they just don't believe i'm a professional golfer i'm just walking and just saying yeah i'm high i'm kylie both i play golf. For a living no seriously what do you is that what you get is that response you get seriously what did you do. And you got no no i am. And i've won yeah i play golf i'm pretty good i got friends to play golf nah like they don't believe you never you ever make it do you make it ever make a different job title up just just because you bought a city no i know people that do this. But i just don't have the balls to do it like adult a dolphin trainer. Or something like that i thought about saying like i'm an astronaut or like you know i'm a rally driver if i wasn't a golfer i'd always want to be something in some adrenaline kind of sport you could have been a gymnast right well yeah i could have. But my my career would have ended a long time ago i would have definitely broke my neck if i tried to do gymnastics um i want to fire things off guy you've got some quick fire questions. For you we've done this for a while carly but sometimes i have a guest on we've got like eight or nine kind of either or um questions so you can either just shoot off the bat. And just say the answer straight away or if you want to elaborate that's also cool so the first one nine holes or the driving range nine holes one hundred percent more fun well i that's how i used to play growing up i'd play nine holes with like two three balls and i'd actually literally this is something i really did do when i was a kid i'd have three golf balls because my because i couldn't drive i was. So young so dad would just drop me off at the golf course there you go i'll pick you up in like three hours before mobile phones or anything so i'd play me against annika sorensen and tiger woods that's class so that's what i would do you used to win you always won i mean i'd hope i'd always win. But sometimes it actually wasn't the case but i always tell myself i was the winner that's a good way of doing it i think i might really answer this one before i even ask it after what you said to rick off camera before. But netflix or youtube definitely i know i know it hurts netflix and you are you a drama person a series person. Or films i'm more of a series yeah i am to be honest again this one i think's been answered by what you've just said there i'm going to ask anyway tiger. Or jack nicklaus i think tiger because that's who i grew up watching. And that's who i kind of looked up to jack nicholas is a little bit of a era before. But still an absolute legend have you had a chance to meet jack or tiger neither oh i felt like you'd have shoulders well i mean he did like tiger did wave at me once. But that was about it when you were. And then.

I did watch him win at augusta live at um 2019. pretty amazing yeah yeah oh my god we're just as a spectator how are you working um i had a an event of just hosting people. So um someone that you guys might know bob mannery oh yeah. So we had a really great group of people a fun week but it was just amazing to see you with bob yeah i wasn't bob well not literally absolute legend he's actually just currently got the number one podcast i was listening to that lynch on the way here this morning if you don't know bob marley funny it's a definite overrate team warning is needed podcast first i've got this of course um driving. Or putting well i think you know all i mean i like to drive it's all always been something that i'm like i've always been quite a long hitter. And something i'm more of the stronger parts of my game but putting is definitely where i've struggled. And i know that's where the money is made. So it's uh something i'm constantly working on but you'd probably choose driving yeah it's more fun do you think then.

There's obviously a big debate certainly in both men's. And and women's game but how important distance is now do you think it is as important as what we're getting told is. Or do you still like you said then.

You think it's all about putting. And literally getting the ball in the hole i think on them on like the pga like they're hitting it. So far like it's almost a joke in a sense um but you know it's consistency accuracy and getting the ball in the hole so i mean it always comes down to putting do you think if you can drive it obviously you're a phenomenal driver of the golf ball you almost don't consider that as much of a strength because you can already do it almost. And therefore. you see putting is something that you definitely need to improve on well i mean yeah i mean we can always be better at every aspect of our game is it's a sport that you're consistently trying to get better even the best are still trying to get better. But the likes of even watching the british open like bryson hits it so far but he's hitting it in the rough even though he's closer it's it's no advantage because you'd rather be shorter on the fairway. And then.

You have a better like attempt to get closer to the to the pin because coming out the rough you can't control it the same so i think fairways are just our key thing i mean we can all hit it far enough. So it's like whether that 20 extra yards is really worth it sometimes you're a long kid around yeah i feel like you are from the videos the same with rick as well you can get it out there yeah how else you're do you know your average carrier it used to be a lot longer now because i've obviously had a shoulder operation. But it used to be about a 260 carry wow not not as much now but where would that rank you on the led 260 carry i was always top kind of five-ish top 10 yeah wow um. And but now like obviously this is my first season back from my operation. So it's a little bit different but yeah driving was always one of my strongest okay last of these little questions then.

First app you open in the morning usually what's up to be fair then.

Probably instagram. And my emails and it's like back to what's that insta that's that's my routine it's like what after you open will they open what's up first it's like round in a circle when i wake up. And see what i need to answer or notification are you on your phone a lot like rick you literally as we speak on this like rick's horrendously just checking i'm letting him check he's just checking the apple pay still works you know what it's just a habit everyone gets into yeah. And especially like as someone that travels so much and you're generally on your own like you go to your phone because that's that's where your friends are that's where everything's happening. And you know unless you're watching netflix or youtube you're usually chatting to people or facetiming or speaking with family or friends i feel like you don't even have a do you have do you even have a youtube account i think i tried to start one like two years ago. And i didn't really get very far i think youtube's one of those things like i honestly watch. So much youtube not even golf related just all sorts i think you're either in that world. Or you're not like i know some like american youtubers and so i deem as like unbelievable celebrities whereas like my wife would have a clue they are. And it's like you're either living that world or you just don't have any interest i totally agree with that there's a few crossovers now we're starting to see with youtubers becoming a bit more mainstreamed like have you heard of ksi no he's kind of a musician he's doing a lot more music stuff now he's a bit of boxing surprises me actually because he's gone from youtuber to kind of like much more mainstream celeb not heard of him i need to get out more carly i bet you've danced to his tuesdays no i've not oh i've not danced in ages that's true obviously covered you do like dancing though i love dancing you're a good dancer i'm pretty good just don't er have you been working on your uh singing skills since my golf day oh my god right come on let's hear this no no no i hate i must admit i hated this. So i did embarrass him a little bit i feel like it was four years ago. Or three it was 2018 18. three years ago the the famous 2018. yeah rick had a good year in 2018 which will come on too after maybe it was august back end of august. And carly said i'm running a golf day would you love to attend i'd love to attend it was one of my favorite golf courses remember you go into this stockport golf club favorite golf courses had a wonderful day i played with lee sharp who's a man united legend really enjoyed it. And afterwards we had a nice little kind of um like not garlic and it was quite relaxed it was a small gathering more. So but everyone was suited. And booted right and kind of guinness i was on the guinness carly had put some great entertainment on we had like patty mcguinness there like some really good people. And of course my legendary brother paul yeah. So um uh cole page who's a singer who is mason page's dad you've never faced a few times before oh yeah he's been on a few videos as well he's up there singing he's pretty brilliant right he's singing all these fantastic like sinatra songs. And all this and next.

Thing i get tough on the shoulder he's behind me tough on the shoulder stand up stand up be saying to me i might oh my god please don't tell me he's going to get me to sing. And everyone's laughing and cal he's got a phone out and hannah davis was there with a phone out thinking oh crap i'm in front of a lot of people here including paddy mcguinness. And you guys and loads of other people thinking like he's going to get me to sing she stands up. And he's singing uh my way i think it was frank sinatra mrs jones [Music]. So he starts singing his line and he what's the might to me now i'm a born performer guy you are in every capacity of my life two gt's at school didn't you uh pe. And uh drama so i i am born for stage i'm not born i've never seen you go so red oh my god because it was pretty awful it was absolutely awful um what's really funny is that sometimes if i'm singing to like my kids at night when it's like bedtime what's the go-to song at night i'm not singing it now baby there's a couple i'll i'll blast out. And honestly in a moment when it's dark and i've got my eye shot and i'm singing to my kids i'm actually pretty decent some level of talent there that talent eluded me at this moment in time and it was horrendous it was like to see this like i was strangling a cat oh it's great i love it a couple of people later paddy mcguinness gets up his was just just he can sing he just knocked out the park no he just knocked down the phone just confident. And just killed him just absolutely no he didn't say anything he just literally said i can feel your penis in my back oh did he not sing no i thought it's oh why did i go with the penis in the back well you also got your penis. So especially wasn't standing right behind you it's actually to your side so it's in my side yeah. So that that was funny. But no that was that was a good fun day um wow every podcast we have now. And talking about your penis and some capacity every single week that's what get the views up anyway so we've got cal in the podcast you are if i'm correct a three-time winner on the ladies european tour um you've been on the european tour of like ten years now is it coming up too this is my twelve twelve to twelve years. So you're an og on the ladies european tour i'm very old um i didn't say old og um but with the podcast we normally start off with literally a simple question if tell us how you got into golf how you started golf and let's just go on a journey to where we are today.

Well where do i start. So um i grew up on a farm um i've got two older brothers my older brother plays golf i got into golf really through him my dad was a civil medalist. For wrestling he kind of silver medalist in the olympics yeah uh commonwealth games god let's go back way back 60s 70s my dad's 84 this month oh he said wow yeah. So i'm 20 when i say i'm old i'm only 29. which i think is old. But it's still i'm still understanding until then.

Um so he just kind of well my whole my mom and my dad like literally just as soon as we were born like into the gym like made us try every sport possible like i was really good at gymnastics swimming um wallace was really good at my oldest brother who turned professional uh really good at squash wrestling as well he was like british underrated champion. For wrestling as well so we're just a really sporty family but he chose golf then.

I kind of followed in his footsteps and how old were you at this point i think i was about 10 where i had to do well i got when i was eight actually i got my first handicap which was 20. okay wow which seemed to be like a world record it's pretty believable. So i just kind of stood out a little bit at that point and did you eight-year-old did you realize you were really good at golf at that time no i just i just went to do what i had to do. And that was it was it because also you had obviously your older brothers was it the fact that you weren't as good as wallace. Yet that you maybe didn't think you were that good. For example possibly yeah like if it wasn't. For him i wouldn't be probably as good as i got so young and so quickly because i had someone to look up to and constantly just i always find anything you do like if you've got someone that's kind of pushing you. Or making you work harder or be better it's always great to be around absolutely so uh yes. So you're on a farm in scotland what where in scotland um just 12 miles west of glen eagles okay. So it's like that sterling area that is about 25 minutes. So right in the middle of scotland basically kind of if you if you think of sterling in perth it's like can it in between okay. So glenn eagles just a little bit west i get yeah. So you're on you're on a farm you're eight year old you've just got a 28 20 handicap your brother's playing well you're trying loads of different sports you've mentioned gymnastics i know you were really into gymnastics yeah i was a gymnast. For scotland from age eight to ten for under twelves wow and then.

Um i think as well it's just when you're kind of competing in too many different sports you kind of have to decide which sport you want to excel at because i couldn't there was not enough days in the week. And your mom and dad must have been taxi drivers literally that's all they were because again if you're on a farm i'm guessing it's quite rural i'm guessing you're not close to things it was 25 minutes to gymnastics. Or 30 minutes to swimming that's crazy like my dad took me all over the uk he literally drove everywhere wow so i mean i'm. So thankful for all the opportunities that they gave me and that's probably where i excelled quite young um [Music] and then.

Um from there that was kind of my decision about age 10. And then.

12 i you would say that i kind of came more into the media was when i won that um british masters with sandy lyle yeah uh that was 2004 i think well one thing it says here that i don't know if this is on wikipedia it might be incorrect. But it said that you became the youngest ladies club champion in britain at the age of 11. oh yeah you should miss that all. So you're 11. yeah i forgot about being club champions this is what dumbledore knew was it well i was a member at three clubs. So dumb lane octorador which is the course next.

Door to glen eagles. And comrade my local and i won all three that year 11. and remember like what scores you were was it scratch to take it would be in club champs. Or well you like i guess you do the um qualify to the last whatever. And then.

It's match play okay. So it's yeah it was match play three in a year at the age of 11. yeah that's why the women didn't like me it did did you find that serious question did you find that yeah wow. So you found that there was some kind of tension. Or that they didn't want a junior winning or was it the fact they didn't want a junior girl winning. Or what what was it that they kind of didn't like someone new there there's a few things where i'd love to show you. But i can't show you right now where um i did a couple of things on the tv. For even helping as junior girls were like my dad would drive me all the way to the south of scotland. And he couldn't watch me play he wouldn't let parents go on the golf course right so i'm playing like scottish under 18s at age 10. oh my goodness on your own on my own and he can go. And watch so they wouldn't let parents go on the course there's a public footpath there's a few really great things i actually did at that age which really changed a big insight. And it kind of helped grow i think scottish golf. For girls like what what did you do break down barriers well i you'd have to watch it. So you've got what a tv program where can you no it was just i've got it on like i've got on my phone on it was on a vcr that my mom's then.

Sent me because she's gone through the vcrs put on dvd to them no way then.

I filmed it. And it's crazy how you look back then.

And you see how much progress women's golf especially has changed so were you quite vocal in saying that this isn't right at that age i think that's where my dad was very vulgar he has no filter a wrestler you know olympic silver wrestler who you're talking to is it was he a big big fella you didn't want to mess with him well he was a balancer. For the beatles for three years what and he owned nightclubs he he was a bouncer. For the beatles my dad was not someone you would mess with wow that's incredible he'd knock people out with his head get it here he had like a 21 one inch neck. So he wasn't happy there's a little carly he always tells me stories about the kind of nightclub days because he he's from aberdeen but moved to liverpool at like 17 for a job and then.

Just joined a gym and that's where the wrestling all kind of started but got a job working as a balancer and then.

When he he owned a club called the checkers club and then.

My mom came to work for him she's she's 15 years younger so that's how they met and um he used to say about the stories of like gangs he wouldn't like gangs and my my parents are tea total don't drink smoke swear um like. So he he would always be the doorman on his on his club and so so he know he would know who is coming in. And coming out like no no no. So then.

Like he'd always he had a really nice car but he'd always have a really like crappy car right they would drive to the club because no one's gonna look at that i get yeah because people would actually if he got turned away yeah smashing the nicest cars oh my goodness. And then.

There was a time where he said he didn't let this gang come in. And they've waited for him outside the back i mean i don't know how realistic my dad likes it you know blasey you you've got it you've got to say the first thing i'm going with it yeah you've got you've got a gotta have a bit of a fishtail every now. And again you gotta say the fish that you caught was a whopper. So go on all these guys were waiting. For your dad so there's like the back alleyway and he's like i've gone out with the bins and then.

These these like five six guys are waiting. For me and he goes right well the only thing i can do now is back myself into the corner. And take one on one oh my god and he did yeah it's like jackie chan literally it's like jackie chan film i've lost. For words you're always supposed to say you're supposed to go for the biggest one first aren't you i don't know that's why bringing a boy home was never easy. So so after all this rock and roll lifestyle your dad that's when he ended up getting a farm in scotland going back home. But what yeah we've missed out the beatles there he was the bodyguard of the beatles yeah like yeah. For three years and then.

They went to go to america wanted him to go with him well with them but he turned them down to because he was training. For the olympics does he have any like mad memorabilia at home then.

Have anything from the beach like he had his house broken into. And a lot of that got stolen [Music] that's crazy oh my word that's really cool um and then.

I have a dancing brother that won for gold medals for being a power lifter i know what that dive do with the golf day that you came to yeah yeah cause that helped fund it didn't it yeah. So tell us in parallel well in the paralympics or sorry he's special olympics so there's two things it's a there's a mental disability and there's obviously a physical disability just sorry just quick one just explain that just in case people missed it this is is he your is he older still older brother i'm the youngest. So he's the middle one yeah. So he's called paul called paul he has down syndrome um and he well he actually first went to the special olympics for swimming and got um two bronze medals right then.

Decided i don't want to swim i want to like be a power lifter oh my goodness so then.

He's gone into powerlifting and he's gone to the special olympics which the first thing i did was actually do a skydive in dubai to raise money you did that i did that. And that was back in 2014 i think um because again there's no funding there's no grants. So at least there was something that i could do to help towards even just their track suits their uniforms um. Or whatever kind of equipment they needed and he went there and won four gold medals then.

I did another well then.

I started doing i've done two golf days now. So that was to raise money. For the early world games yep and he went and won a golden bronze that's so cool and then.

He decided i'm retiring now i want to be a coach and then.

He said he wants to be a singer. And get some tips can i be his band manager. And i'm like oh my god or you can be a singer i don't mind that's awesome i'm like i know someone that might be great parabens that's amazing. So so i mean you've really come from an incredibly sporty family massively. And then.

Wallace i mean i can't not talk about my oldest brother um you know when all this one of the best amateurs throughout scotland he was walker cup really um finished i think it was third. Or fourth in the individual in the world cup against like ricky fowler and then.

They won the the world championships america and all that so yeah. And then.

He was british wrestling champion under 18s he played squash. For scotland like i mean just this is bad we should have got the whole booth family i know be a follow-up podcast might be more than two hours about the whole family i mean that that is phenomenal. So your brother was doing well he was obviously starting to you know win things how many how many years older is he than you wallace is seven paul is two. And a half so seven you know you were 11 wallace was 18 you're winning all these club championships at the age of 11 which is like record-breaking you had your big brother to look up to from a golf certainly a golf standpoint wallace. And then.

Kind of when did it when did carly really realize that yeah you know what golf is definitely. For me i want to go down this route of becoming a professional golfer i think it was probably around that time like 11 12. And then.

Um you know i got kind of picked i played in my first home internationals at age 12. yeah. And then.

I went to america 14. at 14 you went to america yeah got um well i won the duke of york the scottish under 18s duke of york um he started school in london he asked my dad if i would be willing to maybe go to. But i already accepted a scholarship to america wow and where did you go to america i did one year img academies. And where was that that was in bradenton florida okay. And then.

I did a foreign exchange in arizona. So those two years but then.

I got picked being in america i got picked for the kurtz cup so i was 15. And that was as we were speaking about earlier st andrew's old course wow youngest ever to be picked. For great britain ireland at 15. so what was it like at 14 when you went to america was that on your own god i put on. So much weight you didn't at 14 you wouldn't have done i did i just found a love. For cookies super sized everything over in the us oh that's the right shot so so you fought it you you didn't go out with your parents no i went on my own what the hell. And did you get obviously well looked after was it um it was like i think there's two ways to look at it it's it made me grow up really quickly yeah. And also yeah i'm i met. So many people and was there any other superstar names in that class yeah quarter sisters whatever it is um you know i used because it's a sport. For five people so for example um what do you mean it's a sport. For five people sorry it's a sport of five sports five sports five sports at a college at school at school okay. So sorry um baseball uh basketball tennis golf and soccer okay we know it's football yeah yeah um. So i would see like maria sharapova training what at this time uh paula creamer at the time jessica cordo was kind of in the same time as me. And um yeah there's a few others i could name what was they said all girls school. Or was there no numbers there as well. So and it was only big male pros that we might know of now um not that i can think of i think a lot of people have come. And gone through it i get yeah how long was this four then.

If you were 14. i only went there. For a year and then.

I went to arizona so going to arizona i did like a like a foreign exchange. So i just went to a public high school worked with a coach and i'd play like quite a lot of the ajga which is known as the amateur tournaments there. And i was like playing a lot with like cheyenne woods wow like. So it's it was it was a great experience to kind of see that kind of level of the the field of uh well what well what's going on in america as well as obviously playing in europe of course well you obviously you're doing great at club level you're winning club championships. So you kind of pass that level you're then.

Doing really well at the home nation and things like that you're then.

Going to test yourself at what's the world offering. And you look at the united states as that as probably being the benchmark to aim for really but in that time frame like we're not homesick we're not like lonely very very it's a bizarre like did your parents come. And visit you much did you go back home. And visit much you know i went to four different high schools in five years you were up there. For five years 14 to how old when you left america then.

I left when i came back for curtis cup so that was just before i turned 16. okay. And then.

I finished my a levels in scotland but then.

I got my tour card while i was still in school at what age at 17.. So i was in my last year of school doing my a levels i thought i'll go to q school because this is where i had the predicament do i go to like college. For four years do i try. And turn pro early that was always something that i wasn't sure of. But i kind of was feeling i've had quite a lot of experience with the two years i had in america it was almost like my thought was like that was my college experience even though it was not college. So i just kind of thought well i'm gonna go to cue school see where my game's at or kind of have a feel of where or what i need to kind of do. Or improve and um i got my card straight away and i was like oh crap i've got to go back to school i'm like oh. And uh like i'd miss weeks at a time so my like yeah the school was really hard to to complete. But i got my three a-levels um so that was good i bet i bet it was hard. For a number reads obviously moving schools loads missing your family playing loads of golf trying to get good at golf like there's lots going on there never really made a group of friends yeah that's quite hard like when you look back at it now i mean at the time did you enjoy it. Or or did you find it kind of not particularly nice i think it's you just know what you know at the time like you don't know any different yeah. So you just know you're there to do something i think as you get a little bit older. And then.

Especially when i went to a more normal high school it was kind of like i always remember even younger like coming home from gymnastics. And you'd see like kids hanging out in a bus stop and you'd like quite envy those kids you never did that really i actually envied them yeah. And now i'm thinking you know all of that hard work has been worth it and sometimes i think i wish i worked harder yeah when you know it's really well documented that like growing up tiger woods was obsessed with jack nicklaus he'd have like his age. And his handicap written down he'd always trying to beat him and beat him in the tournaments he played in obviously you said earlier on that you really like looked up to annika did you we as a kind of youngster at 14 15 we were you thinking about you thinking like annika was doing x at this stage i wouldn't be doing that. Or i wanna be as good as she was at this age. And beating what she did in these tournaments oh you just kind of quite chilled with are you super competitive i was very competitive. But i never really thought about what anyone else was doing. So if i was just if i was going to a tournament i just knew i wanted to win that was it that was my pure focus. And i think sometimes now it's like i wish i let i i thought less about the outside things because now as a pro there's a lot more to it you start to kind of think about it more. And it's like you kind of wish you were you're kind of amateur mindset sometimes where you you're a bit more feel it fearless well there's a pro you you playing. For your livelihood yeah it's how you yeah how you make money it's how you get into the next.

Tournament it's where you rank. For getting into certain events and things like that so there's much more pressure compared to just playing your amateur game where you you know it was much more relaxed. And easy really so 17 you turn professional and this is the thing i think that was where there was a lot of pressure on me like to do well. So quickly and i think that's where i just it took me two years before i like won to really find my feet because i think i put. So much pressure on myself to please everyone and i just knew i had the potential but it's like oh my god i don't want to let anyone down now you've got sponsors she's like oh like i don't want to upset anyone i can't play bad so i think you know you get a bit overwhelmed especially being young as well. So i think it was a lot learning yeah. And you know as a golfer you you learn you keep learning of course even at this age now so you took your two years to win your first event was that scottish open weren't it it was that's incredible that was an amazing feeling it was especially having my mom. And my brother were there watching yeah that's a good one to win as your first event. But then.

Again if this is good i actually got an invite. For that she went off an invite yeah wow. And then.

You won the next.

Month am i right in thinking so i just had in my head it was weird because you know when well prior just prior to winning the squad show when i won an led x access series which is the tour below which i thought i'll go just do some practice there well not practice. But just play because i hadn't been playing and i won that so i think that just gave me a little bit of a boost to see where my game was at. And also just give me a little bit of confidence to go into the scottish so i was playing well won that. And then.

Weirdly enough it's crazy how much the mind can make such an influence when you play golf. And i was like i've got less than a month now to win again before i turned 20. is that. So that's what you thinking i was like i want to do it one more time before i turned 20. And the last the final week before i turned 20 was a swiss. So i actually ended up winning but it was my first solo one on tour my first ever hole in one was it first time that i played laura davis which was someone i always wanted to play yeah. And i won in the fourth playoff hall with an eagle what yeah. So it was it was a very very memorable dramatic. And yeah i was very tired after that one what what's you know that first win obviously you know it's what now it was 10 years ago first 2012 that was four rounds as well wasn't it because a lot of these other ones are three um apparently scottish was three uh switzerland was four yeah. And then.

The czech i won we've not got two but that one's my reason one in 2019 was three. So that first one scottish open like is it is it almost how do you describe how you feel after that win do you know it doesn't really sink in until like later yeah almost almost when you look back at it even now as such yeah i think um then.

It was do you know the the biggest thing. For me was like that relief yeah it was like this big weight off my shoulders. And then.

Swiss was just an enjoyable one yeah cherry on the cake did yeah pretty much that. And then.

The most emotional i've ever been is the one i won in in czech in 2019 because it took me seven years to win again. And you had my mate on the bag i had andy carter there who was just recently we actually never even spoke about this you know what when he left i was annoyed. And he won't let it go we had him on the podcast our last guest was carter somebody actually commented on the video when it went live. And said i can't believe it mentioned the win on the back. And i thought why did we not mention that crazy yeah one hit wonder that's a good record one one hit wonder one tournament one win he did great honestly you know we went there. And just had fun and i think that's the key that was the key i think sometimes you go in there with too much thought too much pressure too much gotta do this gotta do that you know what we just you know what we just literally had fun we've just done that then.

Because there's been a lot of talk obviously recently with like rory. And his caddy harry diamond being a good friend obviously he's a great golfer i think it's like a plus five handicap golf as we can play golf. But there's kind of it feels at the moment there's almost like two types of caddy on tour there's the super kind of traditional caddy who's well known for being a caddy for 20 years and there's people like whispers just the right thing in your ear when you need it yeah who's like trained caddy the other kind feels like it's somebody's mate they've got on the back. Or or the wife i mean it's a bit like andy with you it's a bit like liam harrison with dan gavin we spoke about recently like i say westwood's wife who in westwood have said as well isn't it yeah season since having that on the back. So do you think that they obviously obviously do. But they both must work like having an established caddy obviously works which obviously like a steve williams has proved a tiger for countless mages but equally having a friend on the iraqis yeah can also really help i think every player is different. And every player wants something different i mean that's the main thing i know as a person that i just want someone there to have a laugh with who you know obviously does. Or knows your game but it's more of when they pick you up when you're down and know what to say in that sense um so yeah like a friend is more something. So i know how like i'm the one in the golf shop like everyone says oh you blame the caddy you play the caddy but actually it's you have to take responsibility for the shots you take they're there to help you they're not there to not they're not going to you know they can't make you do nothing they're not going to purposely tell you advice that's wrong because obviously it's a benefit. For them if you play well so you know unfortunately we all we're just human but i think what works especially with like you see with lee like he's just happy yeah he's he's with the person he wants to be around. And you know he's just it's uplifting and you know he knows he knows how to play golf yeah exactly. So it's it's more of like the person that he wants to chat to he wants to have a laugh with who he wants next.

To him like i remember also playing it went with a gary player petition i want to play with jason day so his caddy for a long time has been his coach best friend and you know that's just it works so you have like dj has his brother for example but then.

But then.

Bryson probably wouldn't have his best mate on the bag bryson wants somebody who's scientist almost he's going to give him you know you need to know these numbers this is this is a proper proper job don't make me laugh we're in a work mode his brain doesn't work well it works a little bit differently to most his brain works much more advanced than most of both people he's like like yeah streets ahead like we can't keep up. So 2019 that was that was your win. And that gave you an exemption then.

For led for a period of time yeah it did. For two years so you said 19 then.

You mean the 12 one. Or do you mean the 19 one 2019 yeah to the current one yeah. So what did the first one get you then.

That we won in 2012 did that give you because i won twice that year gave me three year exemption ah do you always get to play in the scottish open because you won it um good question i hope. So if not i hope i get an invite well you you're playing it this year yeah yeah i know i played this year we played at dumbarni first time ever playing that wasn't i've heard it's amazing it's very new. But i met the guy called clive who designed the golf course recently and said andrews. And he was really proud of it he said it's like one of the best patches of land he's ever he's ever been blessed to be able to use as a canvas. Or a golf course really it does look like quite exceptional how do you. And it's obviously you've been pro now since 2000 and if my math is right 10. yeah december 2009 when i got my card yeah how do you stay motivated how do you stay committed to it how do you how what drives you well i mean it's the love of the game isn't it as well as the ups. And downs i mean it is a lifestyle of highs. And lows and you know it's the highest to keep going really yeah. So yeah there's times where i hate it. But there's something there that just makes you wanna find that you know there's nothing more or that feeling that we it's what we work for every single day it's that feeling of that win and nothing beats it and again is it the win that absolutely keeps you committed. Or is it a really strong season. So like a really really good finish on like the order of merit or something it's a mixture of both really it's it's nice to play a season where you're just playing solid golf i think that keeps your emotions more level yeah which is actually quite a nice thing it's more relaxing in that sense. But you know the wind's obviously a big thing of course but it's nice to have a level and a win that's that's what the idea is is to play well consistently. And tony now this year yes the other thing as well obviously on the course you've had great success. And i'm you'll definitely have more success moving forward we all know that you were one of the first kind of real pioneers that really embrace social media i feel um i don't know really necessarily. But like did you always did when social media started to come out was it a conscious effort to be on social media. And to promote yourself or was it something that you got advised to do. Or you know because i feel like i knew about you probably much more than i would do many other people because i live on the world of social media yeah like you know even like when we first met way back was it trafford it was probably about 2014. Or 15. well what was strange was a year before that. So i followed you on i was following you on instagram. And a year before that you were in australia. And you were about a month behind me because i've been in australia you went to a driving range i'd been out weirdly with artificial turf you might not remember it. And a big tiger in the middle of it and i remember oh it's mad like we almost run these kind of parallel lives i knew you were kind of living in the northwest at that time you were playing golf you were dead in social media i just knew at some point our past would collide. And it wasn't traffic that time when you came down practicing um but i i just feel like not many female golfers golfers in in as a whole was really utilizing social media. But you really were like your instagram was definitely way above most people's i think at that point i never really thought about it. But again even since then.

Especially after meeting you with like doing the youtube stuff i realized actually how much like the world's going in this direction. So and then.

Especially now like you know with whatever you know particular sponsors that might be cropping up or events or everything is kind of social media involved yeah. So it's just i think from that moment i didn't realize until like the last kind of you know five six years where how much the world is enhancing in that direction i felt like you always gave a really good insight to your life through social media i think i maybe just did that naturally because i never had anyone to tell me to do that i wasn't advised to do it that's good they had that foresight because like i think we said this before off camera like obviously the best golf in the world on both tours men's. And women's are the best golfers in the world. But you need the ones that seem to get a following whether it be on social media or you know actually on the golf course the ones that you you find yourself attached to for whatever reason it could be the personality that beef obviously sevi and the day you know these characters and i think by like you have done by utilizing social media. And even by i'm looking here now one of the first videos you and rick did was may 2015. i'm going to show you a pitch. And make you laugh at this but by even doing that whether you obviously at the time didn't even really think much about it other than it'll just be a bit of fun that unlocked more eyeballs on you who may not watch much tall girl. For much of the women's tour golf but then.

Became like fans of you and you still have a following that we see a lot like i just on the page don't we i always just felt like straight away that's funny guys off the publishers but you know what i think it was just the banter like we're just like ourselves that's the funny thing we don't try to be anything else we just view ourselves. But that's what was really trying to put off pete like dude that was. So funny but that's what was really good with you straight away you you were really well known you had pedigree of winning you had a following. But you also knew how to be yourself and i think that sometimes it's quite difficult sometimes on a video. And i've i've done it with other people as well since i've almost put this guard up you you you've just always been yourself and i think that's why people love you. So much certainly on the videos um one of the other things i always remember and i'd love to bring this up but it's not something we've done you obviously did also work off social media was it gq magazine wasn't what was the naked shoot oh that's espn i mean that's incredible that you did that talk us through this okay. So that was because you know i've always been into my fitness. And that year i'd obviously won twice so i've obviously been kind of noticing this in a sense so this was back in like 2012. Or something yeah right. So i've obviously an inquiry's come in and i've been obviously asked about this this is when i was with img management. And you know they've asked me if if this is something i'd be you know keen to do. Or willing to do. Or interested in you know it kind of took me by shock a little bit because i'm like whoa that's a bit like i mean i didn't expect that like like naked naked. Or just just like so i i mean i think like i said i'm only 20 at the time. But then.

I've kind of done a bit of research i'm like oh my god like there's some of the most best outlets arnold same year as gary player yeah that's gary. So we were the two we were the two golfers that year brooks have done it since i believe yep. So describe this shoot for me well is it as glamorous as it looks. Or not because you did it at is it new york driving i did it in chelsea piers new york on january 4th. So it was freezing oh wow. So you can imagine i was like like like dressing kelly yeah off on heaters um i think as well the initial like yeah unveiling was the hard part. But then.

It's it's kind of a small group of people and then.

Eventually it's just like i've ever seen you naked so i'm like there's some greg norman pictures online that are quite revealing as well he's done it greg norman camilla uh camilo i think he has there's a bit of a trend though all the guys that have shredded them. And did you find that that kind of a new audience found you obviously that's espn huge worldwide magazine like did you find that people were now starting to follow you that maybe weren't golfers um i don't know no no no you can't measure it to be honest i wouldn't know necessarily um i don't look at the numbers. And figures but i just feel that you know it's something i'm actually very humbled to be asked to be involved in and again seeing the athletes that have done it all so it's kind of be nice to be one of those that have also what did your mom. And dad think about it well that's the funny thing. So um during the interview of that um i met like i had i think about six six i've got six. Or seven tattoos i can't remember um i had at least four at that point and um my dad never knew i had any tattoos he was. So against them [Music] i feel like your big brother would have been all your brothers would have been very protective as well the thing is i had i remember getting one when i was really young. And i was like just turned 18. And i got one on my foot and i had to wear socks all the time when i was home. And then.

One day i just forgot to come downstairs and put socks what's that on your foot and then.

Go oh it's just a sticker oh thank god [Music] and then.

Two years later i'm like yeah wasn't the sticker dad rick's not come off. Yet you're booked in for your tattoo this weekend yeah it's gonna be man united logo on his arm big man united logo you're a liverpool fan art you're not telling me you're gonna do that i'm gonna get cr7 on the back rick's become a huge which is a bit of a running joke on the podcast that rick's become a massive united stand massive liverpool fan. And they're another thing with my dad his his number plate's one kop cop nice one cup that must be worth a few quid and his other one is w because his name's wallace 007. For james bond that's class no way i know he's been he's put them in the world what's gonna say you you've been driving in the car while they weren't selling them while this can have obviously they'll be that's why seven this is the problem meanwhile.

Us have a fight now because he wants one kfp i'm like. But i can't have w07 because my name's not wallace and your name's wallace yeah i get the cop one are you do you still follow it close in the football um yeah i mean i wouldn't say the last few weeks. But i would love to go to a few games um this this coming few months because you're probably with milner aren't you james milner um well you've done stuff you've done videos or please come to your events yeah i went to a few times i was possibly gonna um joined his management group when he just started. But um i used to go to his uh his ball which was pretty awesome. But there was some famous people at that right that's where i met klopp oh wow. And you two live in phil fans just chatting about liverpool rick could have been loving this conversation yeah i've actually weirdly i've got a liverpool [ __ ] on today.

I've got the last season's goalie [ __ ] on i knew you were coming exactly we can be friends yeah rick's out here go away who's the most famous goal who's the most famous person you've played golf with oh nice well i didn't play around with well actually you know the most famous week i would say would be when i was in china. For this uh an event so i'm hitting golf balls and very friendly and sociable that week with morgan freeman oh wow so i mean that's a big name sorry that was just just a name drop on the desktop you asked you got it it literally came from heaven it just dropped my um partner. For that week was chris evans captain america oh wow. And the griffin front was john daly. And jessica alba oh my goodness we all became friends with and greg norman was like we all had absolute ball that week. And also you've got probably one of the most famous people on the planet yeah getting into your dms i'm following you he messaged me first you know their story is it the trump one we've got to come on tonight okay sorry very cool the person who should be president not the rock yeah shut up the rock's playing the full story now please how did that happen well i don't know really was this on instagram you saw the espn shoot one thing that's another was this on instagram on twitter oh come on please get it have you got it on your phone still yeah i'd have this framed right. So i don't know in fact was it you know you cover. For a bit that you followed you so what happened you just follow you out the blue he no i i think i well i always followed him i've got some questions does he still follow yeah yeah oh that's something did you check a lot to see if he still does we had we had some great conversations look at the slide on the messages you're scrolling up like that they said it's going to be youtube they followed me back. And that's what you sent me hi carly you look beautiful oh she today.

You out out the blue we sent you a picture of him hitting golf balls this isn't even that long ago 2017. put what up carly that you'd be proud of the skills it's the rock in it oh my word. So how did this oh my god um. So that was out of the blue how did he you met him he he kind of i think i've i've done something obviously just like adding his at like a workout video. Or something and then.

I think he started that series um can you do something about golf because i've seen that a series that came out. And i think i've posted about him like watching it asking him. And he goes um something about something you'd appreciate as athletes carly and then.

I i've done something with me like working on he goes something like uh you know the drill mama [Music] and he wasn't following at this point or was it yeah he was after this. And then.

I had oh my god there was this uh an event in america where they did this like vote challenge first time i think it's only ever really been done. But it was between me. And i think blair. Or o'neal i remember this yeah it's a bit weird that though like i don't find that really did you ever remember this they voted. For a player to play in the tournament yeah literally. So the it was between i think three of us. Or four of us it was just a popularity contest. But not for not only like uh the space in the lpga yeah just an lpga event. And um shamila got it being indian just because obviously there's about a bazillion people in india but i've had messages from like another tournament i played after seeing it you know can you invite the rock. For the pro-am and i'm like uh well because he's he said can you vote. For my home girl carly yeah he shouted you out there yesterday that's. So cool and then.

You did i'd randomly have trump follow you yes he followed me. For five days that's frankie i was his 46th follower. And have you met him before is that how it came about yeah he's obviously a big goal you met trump well i mean i wouldn't say i know him. But i've met him and spoke very briefly that was a jet jacking it was a genuine follow. And then.

He just thought you know what i think it was it's to do with i think he follows gary preller player. And i've been at quite a lot of the garry player invitational so i think it was something he's been doing tiny bit closer sorry carly oh sorry um playing a lot of the gary play invitationals. And he follows gary player so i think maybe something's seen there. But i played in the british open at turnbury 2015 and that's where i met him um very briefly me going up the stairs he's coming down the stairs did he know you were did you say like hello how are you i've watched you on rick shields channel i'm not doing any more impressions last week rick was doing an irish impression didn't go down. And no it didn't go. And then.

I think if we had an american. And it's trump i think that might be too much cancer i can only do american. And and scouse want to see a scouse that's near the smear well that's not enough because i mean there is obviously when you're growing up like you obviously inherited a little bit of a kind of an american well i know that american was because of school from school yeah. So i wanted people to actually understand me did you have to change your accent when you're over there well yeah i mean i think you just adapt don't you when like when i go hang around with scottish people scottish comes out when i'm in when i'm in manchester like be like you know what i mean like mankinian comes out. And then.

Obviously with my family like my mom's like ah maureen arlene like you know she just like kind of just depends who you're around i think just my mind some questions in a minute. So obviously still playing at the moment do you see what takes place in the future like is is there goals. And ambitions and drive that you see carly doing that's not in golf let's say or if it is in golf it's not playing golf that's a big question i think that's a lot of what i've been kind of thinking of to be honest you know i've just had a shoulder operation. So as well i'm kind of thinking long term too whereas i still want to keep playing but i also want to put myself in a place where you know when that day stops i can just go into something else yeah do you think it'd still be in golf um yeah 100 i think well i need to do some more um media training. So that's probably something i want to do over the next.

Kind of i always think presenters that have an insight to what it's like on tour it's easy to talk about what you know. And also you'll know some of the golfers you might get a little bit more out of them let's say they might say things that they'd say to you that they might not say to a non-golf you know commentator i think that's why i kind of nick dougherty that i was doing. So yeah i own stephen. And incy and you know i think because they've got that pedigree i've been out here done it with you girls. Or fellas or whatever you know you can you're you're right with me you can chat to me i mean i think you'd be great at that. And that's the great thing about you know even playing evian masters um the major just played this year i had simon dyson you know former top 25 in the world on the back for the first time his you know he's gone into the coaching side but he's never never carried before and he's like this is going to be such a great insight to be on the other side of course. And you know he's like i want selfie with the dear cohen really calm down i don't yeah calm down simon what um is he is he coaching currently simon yeah he's uh base based mainly at much mall yeah. But he's your coach um not necessarily but you know it's you know potentially but from from what he's for for of reason it's more of like the inside i love to chat to him because of you know it's not necessarily about the swing it's about the mindset like he's just got so much knowledge and i think i think that's the thing it's not always technique it's it's the mindset. So when you know what you're doing like i know when i'm hitting badly i kind of already know what i'm doing wrong he's more of a performance coach and i think that's more beneficial to especially the higher player of course of um well the higher level of player because you don't have twitter golf balls you all know how yeah of course i mean you're not twitter you know to manage a golf ball around the golf course it's doing it in certain situations it's doing it when you might not be feeling your best it's doing it when you know you've had a bad start. Or whatever it may be and it's even like little insights of just you know something that he's learnt of course which like something about like i've i've been struggling with like that 80 60 to 80 yard bunker shot yeah. And you know he's like well i learned this someone you know and i'm like oh i didn't know that you know so it's just like these little things that's not necessarily you don't know how to play it but how do you have a variety. Or how can you make it easier. For yourself of course so it's like yeah it's been really insightful. So you'll have a little bit more time off this year obviously with the shoulder yeah i'm uh well i withdrew from the second round of my last event um i'm going to take a few weeks off. And i'm i'm going to see where i'm at because it's just not 100 there. Yet and i don't want to force a an operation and i want to make sure it's not a long term right thing to do definitely here's you hear about. So much people coming back don't they too earlier it just does more damage than it's worth got some questions yeah. So um we have a facebook group carly and for listeners that don't know um obviously on facebook it's just literally called the rickshaws golf show if you want to join go a little search bar on facebook the rituals golf show is like 65 000 members now getting up there it's good um there's a chat about the podcast chat about just general we have a lot of people posting the first ever holding one picks. But i love seeing it people seem to get a lot holy ones sixty thousand people there's like a one a day statistically what's the one though what's the odds one in i don't know i'm sure it's over a hundred thousand so yeah one in every couple. And then.

There's um a lot of people like the post pictures of like the scorecard like today.

I brought hundred. For the first time or broke 90 and we'll have seen that as well sometimes a little bit of thanks to rick for watching the videos sometimes that's if guy accepts them once yeah i have power. So i just decline i don't want to have any more credit but anyway um we said on there that you were coming on. And you got a great reception you'd be glad to know um loads of wood excited to hear from you. But we have loads and loads of questions obviously only pick a few and we've been going. For over an hour already we have that time has flown so i've just picked up some really good ones um this one's from mark thomas it's a bit kind of standard but i'm really keen to hear your uh no offense mark i'm not it's like something you ask a lot of times. But what's your dream for ball oh i think it it kind of changes like quite often i remember getting asked many many years ago. But if i'm going to be completely honest at this moment in time it would be the rock gary player. And tiger woods that's a good one that'd be close to you also that wouldn't knit rick you wouldn't be far oh i would quite like to play with mark while work too yeah should be a five ball i think i'd go tiger will smith rock oh that's a good give me a six ball you could have him on your back oh yeah i can have a caddy. And each one of the players one of them can have a caddy this one's a good one from kevin rands he said can you ask about her golf fitness program i'm guessing he's obviously a follower on your insta because you've done a lot on there about your fitness. But does she think it could help benefit could it help. And benefit amateurs as well as the pros massively big thing you know i'm part of um an app which you should follow and subscribe is golf watch. So it's about enhancing your fitness levels to to make your golf game better as an athlete growing up like i know for example i wouldn't be as good at golf if i didn't have such a good physical background with my gymnastics hand-eye coordination my my i think as well people don't realize how much your physical fitness really like helps your mental strength especially if you're out there. For like five six hours a day and i know like if i'm physically fit i'm less likely to get tired and then.

That's when your your game tends to drop so if you're physically fit i feel like that's only going to be positive in your in yourself as well that's golf w-a-d yes there's a d what what double-up the workout of the day it's like a crossfit thing um a good question from matthew baldwin i don't think it's the goal. For matthew baldwin but best way to get my young daughter into golf would you have any tips from me okay. For more because obviously you've given some good advice rick with your daughters but maybe more obviously a female's perspective and the fact you were junior golfer what would you say i mean i don't know where he's based necessarily. But i think just starting in maybe group sessions like younger group sessions i mean not necessarily going out on the golf course. But going on like maybe a pitching pot. Or just to the driving range just get a feel i think that's the the best way to just kind of start yeah. And then.

See where you go from there i i've started to see more and it's i think i always used to kind of almost turn my nose up to it a little bit. And i'm i'm wrong and i'm happy to say it i just think crazy golf. And like mini golf plays such an important part for getting kids into golf did i tell you you went to pitch. And put last week on the flight so i went last week me and my wife went to she did a little seaside town. And there's like an actual pitching port at the beach but it's like quite good there was some holes like 30 yards there was something like 100 yards. And we went a little game and i actually genuinely hand on heart enjoyed it as much as i would enjoy playing proper golf because it was still like like a decent little holes there was not like loads of pressure we weren't playing the proper rules. And it's just really fun and you think like when you grow up which i did which i'm grateful. For like playing golf the only negative that is you see it very much as you have to play 18 holes you have to play properly you can't move your bullets on a bad lie because you want to play it kind of by the book. But equally there's so many more ways of playing golf certainly for youngsters that can just be fun that don't have to be that kind of linear one to 18. yeah i honestly think mini golf. Or crazy golf play plays such a part just as an introduction and then.

It's driving ranges it's group classes as you say carly it's something that just they understand the kid knows that's a golf ball that's a golf club that's a golf hole whatever combination happens after that doesn't really matter and also i think like it doesn't have to be 18 i think especially that age it should be like five whole competitions because you know what 18 holes takes a long time it's a it's a it's a long period of time. So it's got to be short and and you know because i think like at that age you kind of you know your mind goes. And you lose interest quite quickly so it's got to be fun and quick well you you wouldn't rick's quicksave yeah well yeah yeah. But you wouldn't you wouldn't give a group of under seven footballers full-size pitch in 90 minutes would you no i just wouldn't laugh wouldn't enjoy it they have smaller goals smaller teams like everything's smaller in it it's more kind of palpable yeah a quick one before quite the last question from the audience we've we're a similar age. And probably playing golfer similar amount of time although you've done a hell of a lot more than i ever have although i've got over there if you look a little trophy behind in the tag with bobble head that trophy on the left is when i won the herlson hall junior rope. And putting comp in 2002 so there so there put that in your pipe and smoke it the same the same year you were won three club championships exactly exactly what's the same year do you say this on every poker yeah i've also got my 2004 junior order of merit as well. So he he likes he likes to flex it's because there's been comments before saying well what guys credentials you know rick's a pga pro with nearly 2 million subscribers well there's my [ __ ] credentials um yeah. But anyway um again we so we've been playing golf for a certain amount of time when i was growing up i was quite nervous that golf wasn't cool. And a story i've probably told before in the podcast i remember getting lift home from the golf with mum and dad getting the clubs out the car and the public bus would go past they might have youngsters on they've been playing out or whatever and i would panic they're going to see me with my set of golf clubs i really would. And i'd like run the house or almost hide a little bit i didn't want to get ridiculed in school which sounds mad to even say now but i do think golf has changed massively do you do you see that as well i mean i don't know how you felt as a young girl playing golf. But do you feel like golf has become cool. And it's more kind of accepted as well massively like i've seen a big change since i was a kid like i was you know i didn't really have time. For friends to be honest but i didn't think it was cool. But i just i think that was the pushing. Or you know the the support of obviously having my older brother play um and my family and you know having the farm at home so like i didn't really have to go anywhere i could come home and practice no one has to see me if you've got golf holes at you at the floor yeah we have like 15 50 poles yeah oh my word you got golf course basically i mean you can see all the holes. And like from the first tee how long how long are they uh like some are like over 300 well two. Or like 350 yards but you can go from tea to different greens. So some can be really short. Or really long who maintains it well it's a little bit obvious now because i haven't lived there for ages and my dad's kind of struggling a bit but he used to cut grass every day that's all he did oh my god that's unreal 15 holes at home yeah no wonder you're a tough bro that's why i never was that's awesome. And the last question i've got it's a really good one again from stuart smith he said what do you think about the current crop of young golfers coming through some of the young women that played the curtis cup were outstanding he said well i mean i don't like being one of the younger ones when i turned pro. And i was saying this to you earlier i never really kind of looked behind me. But now like i've seen all like obviously getting involved especially with like disability golf um the european disability golf association as well as scottish golf i've seen a lot and and then.

Also seen how much how we want to make this easier and more accessible to youngsters but then.

I've seen like um uh duncan what's louise duncan you mentioned before yeah like how amazing she played in the british open scottish as well isn't she i was like geez you know what that just made my day to see that there are like whatever we're trying to achieve. And and see like make a trend for girls younger than us to to start making golf their way of life and what they want to do. And and their career that this is we're seeing it now which is good if you ever sat if you had to sit down with louise now she's just kind of starting to say that question career what kind of advice would you give her you know i actually um yeah i know kind of what i'd say which would be the same thing i actually said charlie hall sat me down once when she just started we were in turkey because she asked me that kind of similar question like how did you win yeah. And i mean like i mean come on she just played solheim. And she's won many times she's been out and like you mean she's an absolute star. But it's funny like in some ways like you don't really you know you know and you have an answer but everyone's very different i just know for a fact you just got to keep enjoying it yeah that's the main effect. And also like use your time wisely yep and also like listen listen to whatever advice that you hear what you get given and then.

Use it to your advantage you know you don't have to take everyone's advice but figure out what's best for you would you advise her to pursue social media i think that's part of that is it's a good thing to be more known. And and i'm sure that's the way a lot of sponsors kind of want that route of you know using their you know image and and whatever that is to promote what they want. But you've got to think of yourself first. And make sure you're you're your priority yeah. And make sure you you know what it's more even the team around you yeah make sure you have the right team around you that's a good point that's the thing with social media like i would probably without question go oh you absolutely do social media like you'd be daft not to. But then.

You could also i could also say don't bother with it sort of let your team do it. And focus on your goal but i live in that bubble again where if you're out on tour all the time and you're playing in tournaments have you got time to be distracted by social media like do you actually need it. Or could like say can your management look after the thing is that we live in a world in what we do. And we're number like followers matter likes matter views matters what we do if you're a golfer you might be a bit interested. But where you finished last week matters how are you improving your putting matters like how you finish this week matters is almost like a a broader business strategy on the side that just plugs in you can go oh well i did this in the event oh my instagram also made me a few thousands it's like perhaps if you have a look now patrick cantley won last week obviously how much did he win was it 15 million dollars. And i'm using his term loosely but he's only got um how many five i'm gonna guess i reckon i reckon not many more over a hundred thousand he's got seventy five thousand so but does is he gonna give a toss it's more of you how i think it's more of your mental strength too because whatever positivity comes with social media there's. So much negativity so if you can be able to weigh up both. And not care so much of the negative then.

Go for it with the social media but if that's going to make you feel depressed. Or it's going to start to oh my god have a lost followers. Or um or i've not played well this week or people or some troll said something people are going to say something nasty to me because i didn't play well this week i mean if that's your thought process i mean that's not healthy you don't need it. And you can even like even on top like you can almost get oh you walk past me to give me a signature today.

I hate you now you know even things that are almost like you wouldn't bother you'd almost get you. So like i don't know you'd go to the next.

Day and have after a pitch with everybody could you be thinking oh cause i don't want to upset anything i couldn't imagine you know there'll be a keyboard warrior like this and then.

When they see can i picture a big fan oh yeah if rick woke up tomorrow. And suddenly got european talk hard and you're playing in the european tour on a sunday night carl is in the bag you're walking down the 18 route to win he's thinking what's my instagram caption going to be i've been thinking next.

Thing he shanks it loses i need to go bang her instagram if you're going to win this it's okay i'll help you well carly you've been a pleasure um i think we've covered pretty much everything i think that was excellent i think there's definitely a part two in the future though we've got. So much more i think we can go over. And how you're getting on with your golf and stuff but for today.

Back up next.

Year when you're fully fit. And fighting again and back out on tour and killing it we want to see more carly booth wins i'm sure you do too i certainly do um everybody make sure you do follow carly thanks. For listening to episode number nine six and uh we'll see you next.

Week five star of your own apple would always be nice as well if you are new don't have to i think kylie deserves it thanks. For listening everyone thanks for watching thanks for carly for coming in thanks kai thanks rick thanks very good thanks matt [Music].