Like tied 30 if he first opened must be happy with that i'm guessing well those dreams were shattered when i'd shot 30 in the front one hand on the clarity yeah yeah i was already thinking i was going to take this picture you know instagram [Music] all right guys welcome back to the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with producer guy. Or co-host guys i'll say thank you episode 98 yes fast approaching episode 100 getting scarily close. And we actually went to the venue to the day of the live podcast that's coming in a couple of weeks getting serious were you more confident. Or more nervous after that more nervous when we sat there watching us talk nonsense for an hour and a half two hours more nervous 100 well we've got two people on the podcast today.

Who are not nervous in front of big crowds because many times they have played golf in front of big crowds. And well comfortably i can say this we've got more european tour tables more european tour wins on this table than we ever have before collectively the four of us between the four of us there's four european tour wins one each easy numbers you know easy numbers quick math we've got sam horstfield thanks. For coming on thank you for having me and we've got hayden porteous yes both european tour players both kind of in manchester today.

We filmed the video with sam. And you kind of featured a little bit on the back nine as well hayden which we'll come on to but we're on a chat two young lads living the dream out the european tour is that the case is it living the dream soon yeah it is living the dream um you know we get to travel the world. For 25 weeks of the year um and play the game that we love to play um you know it can test our patience at some times. But you know we got to be pretty fortunate to be able to do what we get to able to do. And you know these last 18 months of the in the world it's been you know being pretty crazy and um you know for us to be able to be able to continue to play golf during the majority of that is you know it's we've been pretty lucky yeah it is amazing it's funny here sam because i want to just kind of set the scene. For a lot of people listening um you're from manchester yes yes the accent's changed yeah the accent you sound like it right you don't can you do a bank no i cannot can you do american wreck yeah sure can that's not bad no no no no not a problem i think it's because i've been spending all day with sammy here yeah yep when i go american um. So sam you uh obviously has it i mean even got your wikipedia here in front of you not that i need it open. But you were born in manchester yep i was born in uh manchester style area um lived here until i was five. And then.

Um moved over to the states then.

And um grew up there stood learned to play golf there went to the university of florida played my college golf there and now i'm back here on the european tour nice and how long are you back in the uk. For this kind of spell um so i've done um let's see we got next.

Week dunhill is next.

Week. And then.

I have like a month off um but i'm currently on week six and uh so six out of seven weeks for me wow away from home away from home yep six out of seven that must be hard yeah i think haydee's on he's on a few more than me yeah you know as sam said it's it's been a pretty tough 18 months uh with covered um yeah i haven't been home since mid-march wow uh. So it's been pretty difficult obviously going back to south africa um puts me at high risk of covert. Or bringing back the south african strain so i've decided it's probably best for me to stay in europe and you know just sort of go through life you know go through the tour you know week by week and yeah um obviously not ideal. But um you know as sam says you know it's a game that we love and you know to to be able to play the game that we love we we need to travel and unfortunately during this time it it has been difficult but you know we still as as we as we like to say that you know it's it's the game that we love so do not ask me to try. And do a south african accent that's one i really struggle with yeah it's quite lazy i think it's it's normally if i hear an accent i can kind of not listen i'm not great. But kind of south africa i don't know where to start normally normally guys go to or go for the go-to which is hazard term yeah. But how's that yeah exactly how's it exactly. So we would normally greet each other with that um what else do i do sir you say brew is brew yeah pretty much. So i'll i 'll i'll change depending on my mood it's probably like bro bro oh boy yeah boy he loves boy he loves that one is there is there any like mad like words that you i wouldn't even understand if. And you might say it all the time um maybe schmack which means like i like oh yeah in fact i thought i was gonna be a negative no schmack is like yeah schmuck. For that schmack i wouldn't say that slang i would say that it's more afrikaans but we have quite a i would say we intertwine our languages a little bit in terms of our slang okay um. So brew could obviously also be you know from an afrikaans afrikaans side that's mad what what do you say rick in it yeah sick class uh four shout four a lot i do shout out four years too often you can never be too safe never be too safe um you both have worn twice on tour. And quite recent i'm saying quite recently because your victories were last year somewhat last year yeah you literally went win was it about summer last year yeah the covered king yeah during the summer of last year i think i think he's the only player to go yeah yeah in european tour history you're the only player in european tour history to go win miscourt win that's outrageous how does that even have we mentioned this on the course before. But i don't know we almost spoke too much on the golf course for the video that's coming very soon it's going to be absolute fire. But you said that how you went win miss cut win how on earth obviously you played an amazing golf in that spell how did you miss the cut. And what like how well how did you win first up then.

How did you go win miss cut win you just you can probably speak to it a little bit too when when you win you just it takes a lot mentally out of you. And you know after it being my first win as a professional um i just was not there the second week i know what happened i think we owned it sunday night you. And hayden hit the town and who you've got we didn't we didn't actually even hit the town we couldn't even make it out of the hotel bark oh yeah yeah. But at the the sunday night at celtic manor with it was me hayden. And uh one of my other friends sean crocker it would got a it got a little messy in there until about 3am i think really yeah it was the idea what's it like when you win an event on tour i mean obviously it's only your first one imagine your phone's blowing up there must be a feeling of obviously like kind of relief i'm guessing something that i guess you guys has been such good golfers almost did you expect to win like we how does that actually feel what's the emotions on that night it's actually you know a lot of people when i when i won my first my first at joburg open a lot of people told me to enjoy it um i didn't really understand what they were trying to say to me. And the night sort of happened quite quick and um the next.

Day i was on my way i had obviously full european tour status um. And i was on the flight to abu dhabi you know playing with the world's best golfers in the world. And um you know it was just. So surreal that you know those first 48 hours that i didn't actually take it in i didn't didn't actually realize what i had actually done until i would say even until now you know now that i'm i'm struggling a little bit on the tour and it actually makes you realize that you know you sort of take things for granted and you know how how difficult it actually was to get over the line um. And and in some way i do sort of get unhappy with my soul. For for taking that sort of stuff for granted you know because you know this game is a very strange game. And and when it's going good it's easy to sort of flow through life yeah when you're struggling it it you know it's it really is you know it's a game that sort of grounds you you almost want to bottle that kind of confidence. And that feeling right after a win the only the only probably comparison i haven't and probably you have as well guy you you both aren't obviously married are you no. For me i think a lot of people say about your wedding day yeah yeah this is the day your wedding day like i feel like people who have been married always say any tips no go just enjoy it just enjoy the day it'll go. So quick and you think what does that mean what do you mean cause i'm gonna enjoy it like yeah. But it is it's it's sometimes looking back at it after a few days. And you go oh yeah god that did go quick. And maybe did i enjoy it as well as i could have done did i really soak in everything it's almost like in hindsight sometimes when you when you make a victory. Or you play great you kind of go that's because it's the moment that you're in you kind of don't realize god i've got to absorb all this give me more of this exactly it's when you go a couple days later and you know you're looking back at it you might think oh yeah that was pretty cool on it i did that yeah exactly you know it wasn't wasn't. So long ago where uh sam and i were in ireland. And we were sitting with rory just having a chat you know. And and it all happened so quick that it's not really something that you sort of can understand you know when when you're playing when when you're sitting next.

To one of the world's well in my eyes probably the world's best golfer in terms of flair. And and just the way that he plays yeah you know when when you're sitting across the table from him he's just a normal guy you know you you are taking in what he's saying. But you're not actually if you were to actually step back. And look at it from another lens and actually think i'm actually sitting with one of the world's best golfers in the world just having a conversation about you know his wife. And and you know his his whole life you know his personal life it's just it's incredible but in a weird way that's what you guys are trying to be yeah yeah like even though you sat there with him. And probably think this is rory macaroni you guys are trying to compete against him you guys are trying to be the next.

Rory mcelroy whatever it may be that must also be weird sam because you've obviously played with him a few times you said yeah we've just been watching a bit of the ryder cup. So we're actually recording this on a friday so we don't we unfortunately don't know the results but obviously we're presuming europe won yeah we might be wrong there um. For you there sam like when you're playing with like rory and you're watching them on tvs we've just done do you see that much of a separation between you. And and the the best of the best no um you know i feel like golf-wise i'm you know i got all all the shots. And all the the tools to you know be competing every week and week out with them um you know it's just for me doing it in a um more consistent manner yeah um like you know like i said week in week out um you know. And i know that i can do it you know the people around me know that i can do it. But it's just about getting myself there um and giving myself you know opportunities um you know i watch it can it can sometimes just be a mental click yeah you know i think if you if you look at even the top golfers on the european tour a lot of these guys have the potential to be writer cup players yep. But it's more of a mental aggression or determination drive like i don't know if sam understands what i'm talking about but i do know what you mean it's it it's like getting it done when you know you don't quite exactly have it. Or you know you're not quite feeling it it's digging deep in certain situations and it's a belief system getting it done and knowing that you can get it done i've always thought torpros think differently yeah i put you both in that category yeah like you think differently. And i guess then.

There must be some sort of levels of that process as well like you'll think differently compared to a potentially maybe a challenge to a player let's say. For example but then.

From you pga tour player might think differently. And then.

You get into like the top 20 players in the world might think differently. And you get to the top five players in the world and again they may think completely differently again well i mean if you if you if you look at brooks's comments you know not that i'm gonna call him out on it. But you know he he was talking about the fact that he sees him winning as many majors as tiger yeah you know. And then.

Dashambo sort of broke down you know the amount of mages that he had won and and the one percentage and so on and so forth do you believe that comment by the way i think it's something he's saying. For i kind of think that he's saying it as almost planting a seed in his mind that that's where he would like to get his career to i don't know if he believes in it right now. But he may believe in it in five years if he keeps telling himself that yeah that's my theory on it i mean i just think he's just talking out about his ass personally i mean if you want my honest opinion. But yeah we wanted that that was great yeah i don't know i mean i just don't think i just me. And actually my caddy were talking about this the other day the day after he made the comments they will yeah you know i can never say there'll be never you know another tiger woods. But you know some of the stuff that that man has done in the game of golf um you know it's just unbelievable it's untouchable to i mean everybody really no one through the 2000s i mean incredible tiger woods is stat on made cuts is literally the most mind-blowing thing i've ever heard it's like what it is it's like 143 straight may cuts. Or something ridiculous you know what i mean i just don't know how that's part i'm actually annoyed that i started golf in 97 similar to rick when obviously tiger won the masters. And i was six years old then..

So i grew up with him but he's real massive was it 0205 he was just unstoppable i kind of was old enough to know what's going on. But also not old enough to realize how much of a like our legend exactly phenomenal yeah if you're watching football now like sock whatever everybody everybody knows now that ronaldo. And messi are absolutely just legends. And you're watching greatness and to almost take it all in because it's not over there forever but i feel like i didn't get that with tiger i just took it for granted like you said imagine every week somebody making the cup making the cup like four years i mean i've you know have a close close relationship with with ian. And you know he was up there a few times this is pulter. For people yeah he just they're just dropping rory. And e you and we just get the sound effect that's just the name dropping on the table so you've you've become quite pally with the image yeah. So but you know when tiger would get you know if you would see a w come on the board you know terry the guy who manages me who was catting. For ian all these times you know you would see a w on the board and you would know exactly what's coming you know what do you mean by that well just know that he people are going to back down from him. And then.

You know he's going to oh if you've seen woods yeah yeah yeah yeah that's all right yeah sorry i meant w as yeah yeah um you know. And he i just don't see anybody having that sort of effect on the game you know that he he had on it was on he was everything about his game though wasn't it he was like long off the tee certainly back in those days compared to the average golfer his iron play was phenomenal putting his mentality also hayden said before about he has that flair of that creativity like how many times did he hit it out of position i mean i've i've still never seen anybody in that position on the 16th hole. Or guster no you know when he chipped in no i don't see anybody there no really the guy that doesn't get tv coverage. And he down the sunday goes and holds it from the side of the green but it's incredible because it's like you know we talk about his iron plate but then.

On 16 you think huh how has he hit it there was such an exceptional iron player. And then.

And then.

The shot against ricky at memorial was that the flap shot after that downslope oh yeah when it was going everything was falling away towards the wall what was the bunker one with the club twirl the fairway bunker oh that was fair was that fairly recently yeah yeah no that was uh no no a massive slice around the tree in wgcmx that was fairly recently won it yeah that was in like second edition tiger might be it might be a silly question. But for you two a little bit younger than me but did you grow up adoring tiger yeah. For me yeah he was my boy yeah yeah he's the reason why i play golf yeah. And that's mad because so when was about the year you started playing golf remember when i was five. So 2001 this time so that's primetime tiger yeah that's crazy yeah. And i just remember seeing this guy on tv and i thought he was a total badass when i was five. And i just wanted to be like tiger and yeah. And in a weird way you lived yeah yeah yeah yeah he was he was in orlando i was in orlando. And um you know i remember going i remember seeing him hit hit a flop shot somewhere he did something crazy hit a flop shot somewhere. And we we lived on a golf course and i went out the back and i just tried to hit this flop shot for a couple hours just remember watching him hit this thing and i just obviously i couldn't do it. But yeah just just yeah crazy have you had a chance to meet him no um not like i've met him said hello. But that's it um never happened like i come to dubai was that dubai no it was at the u.s open at pebble beach a couple years ago yeah imagine if you actually just turn around. But hey sam i know i know yeah incredible wouldn't it love what you do i know i mean i would just just fall over at what point though like seriously now i think i said to you both again off camera before. But you've both won twice the european tour that is serious. So like i've got i guess most guys in the european to obviously know the pair of you like i'm guessing tiger has an interest in just general golf at what point do those boys start to actually know who you are like they must do they must know who you are i i definitely think that the european tour players who you know the the ryder cup names as you would as you would call them i think a lot of them really keep in touch with what's going on on the tour that they play even if they are in the states i think they do have a have a real interest in what's going on because you know in a couple of years they may actually be playing with that person you know um. And i actually think you know it's going completely off topic i think i think that's why europe in general well of late have been. So strong in the ryder cup is because they have that sort of a bit more of a team mentality yeah that you know as as we would say in south africa yes you know which is like a support yes yeah he is like a spirit yeah. But yeah it's uh yeah going off topic. But i i really i'm i'm voting for europe that's well i don't know again this podcast is going to come out two days after it's finished. And we might look like we've i've got our facebook rick what would you rather do now you walk out of here right yeah you go to get some petrol yeah you know what i'm gonna buy a scratch card okay just. For a quid don't know why you do it 25 grand okay. Or you find out that tigers knows who you are i find out that's it he says like he goes. And he does like i think oh yeah my son's always watching those youtube videos shields i go with tiger over 25 grand yeah yeah yeah what point does that money stop though 50 grand sure 150 grand on the scratch card. Or tiger knows that you are the pause which you think you got. For tiger i think yeah i think i would i think i would i don't know because because it almost in a weird range just to grow back on that it's almost really not about the money i don't know it sounds daft. But like a scratch card is just a chance of look where if tiger. Or his son whoever watches the videos and he knows where that's like everything i've worked towards mission complete my number one goal on my list is tigers know who i am you might that's it paul poulter some watchers doesn't know. But we obviously said last time. And obviously it's fitting today.

But when um we met palter at wilbur yeah yeah watch the videos. And stuff you know what he was such a nice guy yeah he's a good dude really good he gets a bad rap done that's what i said before. For some reason i didn't dislike poulter but i didn't actually like him i don't quite know why i thought it was i've said this before i thought it was a bit flash. For his ferraris i didn't know if he was a bit like i don't know. But in real life honestly it was. So sound i had so much time for us but well for rick and chad to me as well he was class he's always been really good to me i think his self-confidence is a lot of the time misrepresented as arrogant yeah um you can back up there's nothing there. And you know at the end of the day there's nothing he's a sportsman you know he's a professional sportsman you know being confident is what you need to do in a weird way i feel like if he was american sorry to interrupt i feel like if he's american it'd almost be praised yeah well i mean you yeah brooks cupca yeah that's right oh yeah i think they kept was kind of worse. For that if you probably look at the two really strong-willed strong-minded confident above their kind of not their station to some degree but nick faldo and ian poulter and both of them have mixed responses in in the us let's say yeah because i don't know if it's been perceived as like english are quite prim. And proper quite humble quite like i don't know we love an underdog who takes them they call themselves i.e uh marcus armitage yeah that's what people over here is that kind of like more realistic guy who feels more kind of relatable that's what people seem to like more. But equal there's nothing wrong with being confident if you've got the skill set tobacco which clearly pulled to house another question that's been a polar obviously he's never won a major yet he may well go on to who knows for you guys like obviously winning a european tour event was a massive goal i'm sure you've both done at what point it might be obviously already there now do you start anything about majors does that come into like do you literally now be thinking every year i've got potentially three four chances to win a major. Or is it something you think i'm working towards in three five years time it's more of just like a um just sort of a progression thing um you know i don't i don't really like to put um you know make goals around performance-based goals i like to make my goals around um you know making myself better in certain areas um that i feel like i can um got a lot of work yeah i know there's something different today.

Those drives that hayden was bombing um you know. So i wouldn't say you know i got you know x y z amount of chances for the next.

X y and z amount of years um you know i just think it'll happen when it happens sort of you're almost controlling the controllables yeah basically i just want to you know make myself the best golfer that i can be. And see what happens from there you know if i think if you play if you play good enough gold. For a long enough period you're going to get yourself into situations that you you know you can actually think these things to yourself because right now well i'm in a situation where i could potentially maybe get one major event. So you know the whole mentality is very different get in one major event yeah yeah whereas if you getting into all four majors. And then.

You're getting into all four wgcs you know all of a sudden the pressure's not really on you you know in terms of the fact that oh well this is my only event that i can actually truly make a lot of money yeah you know. For them you know for the guys who are at the top you know they have the cushion of being able to obviously play these events. And still obviously play an another regular season in europe or in america but it is quite nice to sort of have that cushion to know that you've got four wgcs that you're getting sort of yeah pitch up. And play yeah get paid i've come to sort of keep your card just with their cash almost that's crazy what do you think right there's a question. For rick and i'll see how you two kind of answer it i know you probably will have a very different answer it might look like this. But obviously if you've never won a european tour event you might not necessarily expect to go and win a major but how many european tour events would you expect like if someone's won 10 times on the european tour do you think right they should be chasing a major next.

What is that number like is it three is it five is it ten is it fifteen like where do you see somebody like like. So fitzpatrick now has won six european tour events but never won a major do you feel like he's a kind of golfer thinking he needs to swing one. Or he's still got time or i think i think any players still got time phil mickelson proved that this year 100 yeah you know i think he was the first player to ever win in his 50s. And i think at the end of the day a lot all his tour pros the best in the world whatever matt fitzpatrick whether it's lee westwood whether it's ian poulter there's another guy who's playing probably the best golf of his life is lee westwood yeah you know he's you know a lot of people would say that he's towards the end of his career he's playing the biggest goal of his career. But who but he's never won a major but does that get spoken about if he'd have won 12 would it like you know it was horrible today.

So i watched the first tee shots of lee westwood a guess what the guys were showering the american crowd going like never won a major yes where's your majors. And i think it's almost obviously i'm sure he'd love to win one don't get me wrong. But it's almost the media it's almost the the preconception like nobody wants to be the best player that's never won a major yeah really i don't know. But equally you're almost a victim of your own success to some degree it's like until fenaldo and recently you're not one for ages oh he needs to win more but he's doing so well every week that you focus on the fact he's not won whereas like because westwood's done so well over so long that's why it sticks out more obviously it hasn't won a major i think this year at ralston george's which i definitely want to come on to is sam in a minute because he played in the role since george's open this year was it the long was it the most oh was it the most most majors that anyone's ever played i think it was without winning one was it i think i want to say 50. it was something honestly it was it was huge amount of numbers that he's played him. But never worn i'm sure he's done all right out of majors yeah he's not done too many i'm sorry dude all right he'll be just fine. But then.

Again you look at somebody like a trying to think of bruce kepca like bruce kept has not won that many times he's gate four majors doesn't he how many people i. And i think he's won two. Or three regular pga tour titles like he's almost the complete opposite way around that's what he's gonna go more about it though isn't it these guys because majors are such a focus obviously. For tour players aren't they certainly for the elite on the pga tour you look at how like the best players in the world realistically how many actual tournaments are they playing in yeah let's say rory how many how many tournaments does he play in a year you say you got the twin yeah well you got eight right you got four four. And four four wgc's four majors you toss in four four four four twenty around twenty ish sorry i was doing the math 120.. So maybe a little bit more 20 23. nearly a quarter of those tournaments are major tournaments yeah yeah well the thing is on the us every tournament is a major tournament because the money i mean it's it's crazy what's the difference if you went to a kind of middle of the road european tour event. And the same event if you like on the pj tour how much would the winner get different i'll let hayden answer this question well we played we did why does he have some experiences no just. So we play qatar during the same time as the players if you win qatar that's what the caddy gets for the winner of the players oh my day so it's like tenfold essentially wow well yeah because you're normally 10 yeah that's what we're talking about well it was a huge paycheck i mean the players the players obviously yeah. But they're also talking about the players getting tuned up even more right they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna average every event almost at 10 million i wonder you're talking crazy money man i wonder what place you'd have had to come in the players to earn the same amount of money for the qatar open i think you make a cut you may cut no you probably have to finish top 10.. For 15 million we play for we play during a rolex event right we played for seven million it's half you make the cut at a rolex you're making thirty thirty grand so you're gonna make probably almost a hundred grand for just making the cut at the players i bet some of the caddies on the just under about 80. yeah somewhere around there i bet some of the top caddies that on the pj tour are making as much as some of the good players in the european tour it was always it was always like steve williams was the highest paid sports person in new zealand the golf industry would not be anywhere you know he came at probably the best time as well because that's when tv started really yeah. And then.

Social media i know social media was a little bit later. But you know even the internet was internet was no it was perfect yeah do you plan the you don't you have a pga tour card no i don't know have you had one though no is that the kind of goal. For you then.

Obviously is that the goal. For you as well hayden i think i think that's the goal. For any professional golfer really yeah. So let's say someone like um i want to use richard bland for an example obviously he won last year yeah this he's been on the european tour forever could he have gone i don't know i don't know the logistics like could he have gone to pga tour if he wanted to. Or is that more of a personal perspective. For him no i don't think i don't think he i think he was trying to get there right i just don't think he really got over the line. So i think again there's another guy who's playing the best golf of his career crazy in it. And again a a statesman let's say he's been out there forever yeah. So i think if you gave him the option you said rich do you want to go to the us tour i think you'd bite your arm off just because it's a huge more payday i yeah is it better. For travelling or not because obviously it's one country but it's still a lot of travel i think they're quite good with following the coast yeah they do they yeah they they schedule it really well they uh you know obviously they have the florida swing um california west coast swing in california. So they do a really good job. But it's like a proper moving circus anyway exactly but at the european tour before before the pandemic hit you know they've sort of started to add tournaments and some there were some curious flights that we've had to do yeah there was something there there was some strange ones where you had to like go from doing trying around places. But for the most part they normally do a pretty good job of you know keeping us close to where we don't have to you know fly 15 hours like flying flying from morocco to china yeah that's hairy. And then.

I think from china to volderamma yeah i think that was really nice chart. And it's really insightful and you know i feel like we dived into a few things that i didn't really expect to dive into however. i'm enjoying it i hope everyone listening is too taught me sam about this year playing in the open hmm what was that yes that was your first open first open that was probably the coolest experience i've ever had on a golf course um you know you walk from the putting green you go up these stairs um you know. And you you're walking across this bridge and you take a couple steps down and it just says welcome and a picture of the claire drug right right before you walk underneath the grandstands of the first tee um you know you sort of walk through there and you see the cleric jug on the left side and you know you got the grandstand around the first tee um you know i got there three minutes before my tea time whatever so i'm just sort of soaking it all in that same spot last minute yeah i know i'm always always my caddy meg is always panicking flapping about me. So um yeah get on the tee says no on the tee from england sam horsefield. And i was putting the ball in the ground. And you know they all started clapping and going crazy. And i took a step back and i literally had goose bumps everywhere in my body and i just had to take i just had to stand there for a second and just sort of let myself calm down and just sort of chill out i was like dang this is this is badass that was that was probably the coolest experience. Or the scariest or the most nervous no i wouldn't i wasn't even nervous like i was just sort of just chilling. But that's a bit cool but but it was just like i don't know just the atmosphere. And just the whole thing going on you know. And it was there was i think there was like rory. Or someone big was like pretty close to me. And pretty close in the tee time so there was quite a lot of people around um you know. So it was it was really cool. And then.

You did you strike one i did i did a hit i actually hit a little pop-up draw um oh yeah it was a little pop-up draw. But i had a little adrenaline running so it went went pretty far um and then.

Yeah made par. And i remember watching it did you yeah i feel like it was a little pop-up draw if you remember watching it do you um. So let's say you're aiding sam's without playing in the open are you literally glued watching him no i wouldn't i wouldn't say i'm glued watching it. But i definitely have a lot more interest in it especially if i've some close friends you know participating and uh i knew that samuel was having a pretty good week you know just playing with some of the players that he was playing with. And you know i knew that he was that he was enjoying it because you know i i know exactly how he feels you know like to play in your first openers is something special about it is it true in your first one yeah trune was my my first well i stand someone yeah that's when uh phil michaels asked him about his front nine on thursday was it yeah nine on thursday yeah. So you know same thing first t nerves right play the practice round on tuesday first hole you know we sort of play the prevailing down of the ride yeah no this is this is. For one of the team got to play short of the bunker you know just got to be all professional you know playing the open and uh i feel like you didn't do that. So we get into the first tee thursday and i looked down at this four line they've called my name out already and i looked down at this phone it's a blade and i think there's there's no ways i can hit this. And they said honestly what thought's going. For your hand yeah i can't believe it i mean my hands i can't feel my fingers right. And i'm standing there and i and i just turned to my caddy tom i said man i i need i need the biggest thing we've got here. And he's giving me the driver and i've just hit it up the left actually a really really good tee shot considering i've hit it up the left and ended up making two eagles three birdies for uh a fiddy and lip tart on you were leading the open street that's how that's how his that's how his introduction to the open was going we came tight third yeah yeah i did. And it was. And it was also on my side of the draw i think it was fourth right. So we got a pretty tough end of the draw as well a lot of those tournaments and lynx tournaments i teed up a tea on friday i teed up at four four o'clock i think in the afternoon got off the golf course at about nine. And then.

Was first out on saturday oh my god. So i got off the course at nine and then.

I was back on the range by like half five what's that turned around well though to come from early on saturday to then.

Finishing tide third yeah yeah i shot uh first off on on saturday i think i shot 66 which moved me from my 64th to 13th. Or something wow yeah it was a pretty tough day on saturday was that what i know i'm guessing don't if you had expectations going into it was it just making the cut. Or like tied 30 if you first open must be happy with that i'm guessing well those dreams were shattered when i'd shot 30 in the front one hand on the clarity yeah yeah i was already thinking well i was going to take this picture you're like this is this golf is too easy yeah. And uh but little did i know that the back nine. And trione is just it's it's a ridiculously tough beck nine uh have you got a screenshot anywhere of you at the top of the leaderboard i thought it's that yellow leaderboard the yellow leaderboard yeah sick i do. But um yeah i ended up coming in yeah with an ambulance. So yeah i ended up shooting anyways oh well oh. And then.

This year you played with rory i did on sunday sunday yes i did what was that like um awesome um you know i've gotten to play with him. And now that was my second time um gotten to know him a little bit he's a great dude um. But just you know everything that he brings um is the crowd just ridiculously more it just brings just brings an extra it factor what is it like is it like four times bigger crowd. Or ten times bigger crowd yeah it's kind of nice to be honest with you you're sort of like you're in your own tunnel yeah dude you're in the zone like you you just sort of just see you just sort of see fairway sea green just sort of get on i mean obviously you got a lot of commotion um you know like when we were i i prefer more commotion because i would i would much rather have a sea of people moving than just one guy with the brightest yellow jersey he could find you know oh yeah i think that's off-putting yeah i agree really um you know. But like the first the first green um you know rory rory was putting. And some guy just passed out on the side of the green and we just had to wait for an ambulance or for like oh yeah no. But yeah it yeah. So you know there's a lot of stuff that goes on you know a lot more commotion and stuff like that happens yeah it hap no it happens quite a lot like it happened what do you mean it happens a lot i don't know it went worse it happened yes. Or two times in the afternoon got delayed 25 minutes because some some dude had a heart attack oh my goodness yeah. And then.

His wife next.

To him passed out i feel like you never hear him no good stuff no there's like a lot of stuff like that that would be i know yeah. But yeah it's quite you know it's pretty hectic i'd say twice a year i would say twice a year it probably you know one of the spectators you know either gets hit really badly with a ball. Or heart attack or was it brooks that hits one's eye that time oh yeah the ryder cup how curious yeah well um i remember reading something where tiger if it was a huge crowd. And he knew if he finished his hole if as soon as the ball went in the hole everyone would run to the next.

Team so he would try and do as best he can to make sure he put it last in the group did you see that rory did any of that. Or not really oh no um i don't think it's the same as this. But do you find that do you find that when when people like you playing with rory certainly at the open he's got to be one of the one of the most followed players people want to go. And see someone like him or bryson or brooks whoever um did you find that when he'd finished a hole did you find that the crowd kind of were running off. Or or not not really i like to didn't show some respect no no no the english the english crowd are unbelievable to be honest with you they're they're probably the best in the world i'm not just saying that i promise actually they are me. And my caddy we talk about it all the time yeah they're really really good in what way because itty kid i think it's everything it's like yeah when you don't see any of the getting the whole stuff do you yeah you know. And it's they're respectful too you know they're not they understand you know sometimes they understand the game yeah sometimes you know you might you might hit a good shot to 30 feet you know. And they understand that that's a good shot you know they'll clap and say good shot sam or get shot hey whatever you know whereas you know in you know like america or some other places they might not be as welcoming to that or understanding you know a lot of understanding sorry yeah a lot a lot of the time you know you can actually have a pretty difficult shot in your hands. And you know the sort of idea from somebody who maybe doesn't understand golf is well he's a professional he should be able to hit it to the green very close. And if he doesn't well then.

I'm disappointed yeah whereas i feel like the spectators in the uk. And and ireland have a very good etiquette a very good understanding of the game so if we've got a chip and we chip it to 25 feet and it's not a very difficult chip they'll probably not clap because they know that by clapping it will infuriate infuriate us even more yeah. So they've got that understanding where some some places we go we trip it to 25 feet and it's like yeah. And you'd rather you think um please no i don't want to be throwing it yeah that depends on like where the event is. And what the infrastructure is like if it was somewhere quite remote where people just who don't like golfing there's a golf event on it's a day out let's go. And see what it's like whereas i think the open in particular you do get casuals. But you get a lot more serious people go into the open don't you see them in the shoes and they'll travel a couple of hours to come and watch suppose let's say you're playing in dubai and behind one of the grandstands they've got like a a bacardi bar yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean. And it's like they're having a bit of a party whatever and either those come in for free yeah they're either not bothering watching you. Or even if they you hit a shot they're like yeah it didn't go in the old yeah like a 30 foot like an inch like i didn't go in yeah yeah just keep on walking sometimes i you know some events it's almost like the golf is just like on the side yeah you know that people actually go to the golf to get a few scoops in them yeah that's pretty much what it's all about. And how do you feel about that i don't i don't have a problem you know as long as again like etiquette is what's important you know if if i'm trying to at the end of the day i'm trying to do my job yeah you know. And i'm not going to come walk into your into your office. And start making noise you know whilst you're on a phone call or whatever it is yeah yeah no. So i sort of expect the same from you yeah you know you could yeah you can make as much noise as you like. But once there's a player who's over his golf shot it doesn't take a lot to you know it's going to be yeah you're gonna be quiet. For 10 seconds five five ten seconds and that's it you gotta be respectful you can hoot. And holler all you want the rest of the time but you know once we're standing over again ready to whack it yeah question. For you guys then.

I think might resonate with a lot of our audience. So we've got a mixed bag of our audience some great golfers some new golfers some very casual golfers obviously you guys are sponsored by brands. Or at least get your clips for free or whatever but like i know you've got some of the older stuff in your bag certainly sam the three wood and the five with a thing is m5 is it from a couple years ago um how important do you think like the latest. And greatest gear actually is certainly. For you guys but also for like amateurs that you might play with in proams or friends that you've got do you think like modern clubs make a massive difference over five six years ago. Or not so much um i think there's a there's a threshold um you know there's you can you know i wouldn't say you know if something came out in 2021 it is better than something that came out in 2020 um you know i think you know maybe something that came out in 2017 you know then.

It might be time to upgrade um you know. But for me i just i have a free free bag um you know i can i play whatever i want. And um you know i i got fitted and i think fitting is probably the most important thing um you know with golf equipment um you know. And just see what's best for you from there um i think i certainly think fitting. For for players of your caliber because like that is literally fine tuning you to the device i would i mean i know i know this sounds maybe ill-informed. But i i still i still feel that even if you're a golfer who's wanting to you know start the game you know i think starting the game with good basics is what's key you know we can all teach a good group we can all teach a good posture. But if you're swinging a golf club that is not built. For you you're gonna inevitably bring in bad habits and that's why i think from from an early age you know getting fitted is the right way to go because you don't want to implement bad moves into your golf swing just because the club is not built. For you yeah. And i think even if you are older than starting up the game i still think i still think it's the way to go because you're just going to make the game even harder by just swinging a golf club yeah your body's going to react to you know what the what the club's telling it we've had this discussion before fitting nice to be a fitter. For nike i think it's a two performer i kind of see both sides like. For you guys obviously goes out saying you have the clubs that are best. For you and certainly for amateurs there's certain things that matter again if you're six foot five or five foot five you're not gonna use the same golf clubs you shouldn't be doing really but what i still think we're lacking. So much i don't know how much you guys see this is what you do. But like you only get fitted by literally the most expert custom fitters quite actually the best in the business with the golf ball you play on the turf that you want to play enough but for so many amateurs these days they go on like the retail started pumping this fitting message so much because they want to get more sales essentially people doubt the clubs they've got five ten years ago which i get but then.

You go for a fitting often in certain retailers naming no names. But there might be someone who doesn't know that much and you test one seven iron off a mat with a range ball there's a lot there's a long way to go still for the average punter to get anything like what do you guys get i definitely think there can be some sort of intermediate fitting standard right i'm pretty sure you know that we're able to you know click shafts in. And out of drivers you can easily have a multitude of different even if you had to color code them you know pink whatever whatever is the softest you know is this color whatever is the hardest is this color you know i know there is more to that yeah. But i definitely think they can be more done in terms of the intermediate fittings i agree well that's proven by like when you go to again a retailer they'll have drivers they'll have shafts like you're saying they might have different grip things potentially. But then.

You want to try voki they don't have any demos you have to take one up and go on arrangements and it's like oh so you're saying that drivers are important to get fitted. For irons are. But you can't test your wedges the ones you use more than any of the club that's so important it's not perfect but that's not but i still think that you know even though it's still wage play i mean there's realistically in my eyes you know you you can get a multitude of different graphites. But i mean there's only a few shafts that you really need in a wedge you know i mean with a driver you know it is more important because it's more speed yeah it's small little different grinds. And that now's all these yeah you have to put tape on the face of a map. But you know you guys do you guys are you into equipment because i feel it's too tight to talk right now there's the guys that go oh yeah i've got a 6.5 tipped an inch one layer of extra on the hand here. And other guys are like i have no idea i don't even have a clue what shaft i have in my driver really i literally didn't know until the other day about this putter shaft oh yeah yeah it looks really fancy like uh i think it's this it's like yeah. But it wasn't just a standard steel shaft it's like some graphite la golf shaft i think i think we have a pretty good understanding of what we have in the bag in terms of like you know what i think tour pros are very yeah that's it. But tell me about it for me it doesn't and you can probably speak to this too it it's all about what feels. And looks right to you okay you know i go i don't care if it says whatever honestly i can swing a club that is clearly. And not the club for me but it can be just the way that the club sits the way the club kicks through impact it can be anything right are you guys that are you more feel a number i think that's again two ways of thinking yeah yeah just all feel. So you what about if you were trying to drive her from one of the brands that you might be working with whatever that was five yards longer yeah. Or a shaft but for you didn't feel quite as good would you prefer the one that feels better but maybe sacrifice a bit yeah. So i yeah well that's what i'm doing right now the i'm using a driver right now that is slower than you know what i possibly could be using. But i know that it goes straight and it draws and so it's not going to go into trouble that often. And it's going to keep me in the short grass i think that's a building trust with whatever it is that you had you know i mean i played with jamie donaldson about two weeks ago. And he whipped out of five wood that was older than me i remember you telling me this yeah i'm not joking with you this thing was older than me he says he said he said to replace the shaft once. And the head ones he had two [Laughter] it was literally like 28 years old yeah i think it was some callaway thing like big bertha thing. And he still and he still he smashes it today.

Oh it's tiny you should see this thing it sings that's what's mad though you guys obviously on the range. And they'll be fitters though trackman gc code whatever you look at numbers and spins and launch which obviously all matters to maximize your performance but equally if you've got three holes to play and you're playing well you want to kind of go pop our birdie to win the tournament or make a cut you don't hit a shot and go that had two thousand spin happy with that it's like i hit the fairway that's a long one but another question kind of followed on from that a little bit you guys obviously long hitters we saw that today.

There's some bombs out there how much is kind of the whole bryson thing as well recently like are you guys kind of chasing more distance. So you can happy where you're at. Or do you think it's as important as us as kind of golf fans that we are. So rick and myself we almost distanced everything now getting told how important it is is that the truth actually out on the course when you're playing in these tournaments not. For me not for me no i think. And i and and i can't really talk for both sides but you know there are a lot of golf courses that we play that are just not suitable. For that style of play you know if you you go out you know just trying to swing it as hard as you can with the driver imagine trying to wing it at 200 ball ball speed around cron's yeah trying to wing it you know 200 ball speeding yeah switzerland you're going to shoot numbers. So that's because the golf course in europe aren't set up for that sort of distance i just feel like it's you know we went you from prawns one week you know which is in six irons off tees to you know the next.

Week was in italy which was 7 500 yards. And vomit is you know it's wide open. But you know it's just completely different golf you know you get way more i feel like you get way more variety and also i mean if you go. And and i think the european tour again just showed it at the ryder cup you know the american style of play around the pga national which is a very similar golf course to what we play yeah almost every week in paris in paris paris national sorry yeah um the americans came over there thinking that they could overpower the golf course yeah that just wasn't the case you know. And and essentially the european tour the european side nailed them yeah. And that's the sort of style of play that we that we have to sort of play here you know we play under a lot of wind you know the ball's maybe not as as hot as say in america and a lot of the time you hit it off offline in europe you're not going to find that puppy again there's no way that's the right damage on the golf course i was a puffy gun do you think they'll like say silly analogy like to win the premier league you've got to be consistent over 38 games you might lose one. Or two but you've got to be consistent obviously we'd like tour golfers now with this whole distance thing i imagine like if bryson's off i imagine it's seriously awful actually with that speed and that clubhead speed are these guys kind of almost happy enough to go like win well you know jokes aside. But is that more of a thing people are happy to do it's like well i've missed four cuts. But then.

Win five a year money list or whatever definitely i definitely think that that's the way that the game's headed it's like bryce cut miss cut win i'd rather win four times missed five cuts then.

Finished 10th every week yeah i don't know about you the only thing i would say is that is is bryson going to do that consistently every single day until like even when during his good weeks you know that's that's the question i ask is you know is he going to be able to constantly bomb it every week you know every day. And even when he is in contention after three days of bombing its tread. For the fourth day is he gonna do it again i don't know like is he gonna run out of energy i'm fascinated we bring up bryson a lot on the podcast. But i'm actually a bit of a fan of this it is like i watch his youtube videos now. And like this he's literally hitting this shaft it's like stripping his teeth and he's sweating i mean you gotta you gotta i mean you gotta applaud you gotta applaud what he's done i mean you know he's grinded his ass off you know to he's he's close to get the way he is because his swing is. So up and down he's he's quite lucky at the fact that he can go at it like that yeah. And he's a big boy because because that rory when he swings it it's like it's not even a swing it's like poetry like poetry yeah it's just like a flowing motion it's like the ocean moving it's just going it's just natural yeah now would you want to see him swinging it harder i don't know no what would it take then.

Let's say we we get a crystal ball into the future. And in 2022 bryson goes to win three majors five or six pga tour events and it's almost proven to have worked distance yeah do you then.

Chase it do you do you feel like you have to then.

Do something about your current game to to potentially catch up. And this is obviously all just presuming if he predicting this may happen if he if he beats tiger's record then.

I'll think about it wow that's my thought was long though i think we forget when tiger first came out oh yeah he was silly he was long he was that's that is. For sure but i i still think that tiger didn't try. And reinvent the game that's true i mean he he did reinvent the game he reinvented it he reinvented yeah he just played as close to perfect as you could yeah yeah he just never shot himself the tournament was always there. And when he was there i mean like i said earlier you know he would win. And again that's what was. So impressive about tiger was that he just did not miss a beat you know it was weak. And weak hard he was playing i mean yeah i i i saw a video on instagram a few weeks ago when he was talking about his mis his miscut streak. And he said that that to him was the one that meant the most because you know as as you. And i know you know you get you get weeks where you know you're not quite getting the breaks or you know you get the wrong side of the draw or yeah you know you just don't have it. Or you just don't feel like being there you know and to make 143 cuts in a row that's a b or maybe even c not even c game and he still did it i might say that's not sometimes i'm sure you've both experienced where you won off the mark. For making the thinking the and you might not done that much wrong but you've got about a bounce you do nothing wrong you lost the puppy up the side of 17. exactly exactly you do literally nothing wrong you know you have a few lip outs. And you know but also but also mind-wise as well you know you're not leading the golf tournament so not everything is you know good where's when you're on the cut mark maybe something's a little bit dodgy maybe the three wood's going a little bit right it's a little hectic you know. And and that's and that's the sort of mentality that you're in you're on the cut mark things or there's a lot of uncertainty whereas when you're leading do you have one thing in your mind you know i want to keep the lead keep the lead keep the lead where's cut line is question on the cut then..

So i know you could you could probably play them you guys obviously know much better than you might have some weeks where you play okay would miss the court it doesn't quite the balls. And drop alts might have a bad bounce here and there but realistically you know this is a bit of a negative thought. But like if you miss a cut okay i missed a cup how many missed cuts in rows it take i don't you've had this experience where you think like this is getting serious is it three is it four. Or does that not happen. Or is there a point right i mean i'm i'm in the situation now we have i think the only cut that i've made i pulled the top ten i don't know how i did that. But you know i've really had a pretty tough tough time more especially off the tee but you know you just you just gotta keep rolling with it i think i think i think you just head down you just grind it out just no matter how bad it gets at the end of the day the little white ball has no clue who's hitting it. And you just gotta head down just grind it out it's gonna suck it's good it's going to happen. But you just got to head down and just grind it out and you feel like any week you could just win like you're good enough you've both proved literally next.

Week win anything anything can anything can happen crazier things have happened in the game of golf yeah then.

You know someone wins a golf tournament if you just use one keep turning up. And just as my katie's good mate would say just believe brother [Laughter] [Music] even though you've obviously had a bit of a rough time as you mentioned do you still feel like actually like next.

Week at the alfred dunhill you've obviously got we've said you've got the game right it could just happen four days four days could change somebody's career you know you can you can you can literally go from the position that i'm at to winning the dunhill. And then.

Playing dp world you know something that's really crazy something that wasn't even on on the map now all of a sudden it's i don't actually need to do 260 shots away you know yeah literally 260 shots away that's that's you know that's that's my name. And i think that's what drives us. So crazy about this game i mean we're all crazy crazy bastards i think we'll play as often right oh yeah we're all we're all we're all crazy dude you definitely admit that yeah when you're hanging around with what is it i don't know we're just you play. So much golf you just i've traveled you chased a little white ball trying to get in a tiny hole for that's your job that's your job you got to do that. For your literally 25 times 25 weeks a year sometimes that's a weird thought i mean i'm not a good golfer. But like i wake up like imagine if it went to the range tomorrow just couldn't hit the ball anymore did you ever have that feeling where might you walk up to the marriage couldn't get a golf ball i could talk forever about about golf. But david hull had had something very similar about that he was i mean he was flying he was like top 15 in the world. And then.

Wake up woke up one one day on the third day he was leading some. Or not leading very close to the lead he just forgot how to swung swing the golf club just said i forgot how to hit it the way that i know how to hit it hell goals. For the investment think about this right you two obviously amazing amazing golfers if you had a seven nine now. And you're like 180 175 from degree and the chances are gonna put it relatively close then.

When you put the club in the back. And you walk that golf ball you've swung a piece of metal yeah i know that's hit a little ball it's crazy that far the accurate like it blows my mind sometimes this is what you think about it this is where i blows my mind you're making yourself move a piece of metal at like 125 miles an hour making a ball go at like 185 miles an hour into like a 20-yard wide fairway with wind going every direction. And sometimes it's raining and there's water in trees and houses and and half a million sides half meet miller off it's gone oh it's gone oh it's gone it's horrible yeah funny where did it go i know it's. But then.

But then.

You've got the same you you could argue that there's no win well that's true yeah you know the cop is the same golf is just i think the other thing is golf more than any other sport. And i still would argue to the dying day that golf is the hardest sport in the world yeah i would even though there's reports that said it isn't which baffles me no one else played a perfect round of golf nobody's ever shot 18. nobody ever will no nobody can shoot 18. don't well i think i think really 54. realistically you would argue that a perfect round of golf is 18 birdies yeah right yeah. But then.

They've done that you would but then.

Equal you guys get on par fives and two so you've got to be supported the only way you can be a hole in one it's just you're going in regulation. But the ball goes in every time potentially so it'd be like you get a two and a half four one on a par three three and a part look at haters in space hayden's pondering you have to get eighteen until she couldn't happen until somebody does that it's i think more than anything like any of the other sports have it's quite a linear um technique yeah you have to do one thing pretty well i even football to a degree like golf it's. So many different components driving irons wedges putting chipping mental game as well massive mo norman says quad war he says putting and hitting are two completely different games that are called golf yeah you know one's on the ground one's in the air you know. And that's that's true really is my head's like i feel like you know what i think about the universe my head's just booming right now we're only talking about golf. So what's coming up next.

Right you next.

Year sam what i know you said you more plan your personal goals what are your goals. For next.

Year like do you have performance goals at all no i try no i never really have. So what do you want to get better at um i don't know. Yet needs to get better at 21 against me i haven't i haven't um no no chipping game he keeps smoking me in this chipping game before chipping game how do you play it. So you get two balls each yeah. And then.

You chip two balls obviously to the hole and whoever gets closest gets two points and the second closest one point so you could get three first yeah yeah. So first if you chip in you get five yeah. And it's the first person's 21. yeah he made me like 21. he beat me like 21-12 last week yeah you got hurt yeah i got yeah that's really good actually yeah um although i did hit some naughty ones off the downslope in the bunker which yeah you did gave me a lot of points um. So anyways um i haven't looked at my stats even for this year yet so i'll do that at the end of the year because you're you're in game mode right in game mode just um you know i sort of i know. So from the stretch of seven weeks tournaments i know i'll go go home for a month so i know what i feel like i need to work on from this stretch of events um and then.

You know hopefully that'll lead me let me go to the back end of the year and then.

Um you know i'll have to sit down with my team um and go from there and see what we've come up with you have sean foley as your coach i do how did that come about yeah it's pretty interesting story. So i've known foles since i was 15-ish 16. um my college coach j.c deakin. And follows really close friends and then.

At the end of last year i tore a disc in my back in cyprus [Music] and i've got some mris and stuff like that and i had to be out for a while and i wanted to [Music] make some changes in my swings to um basically go around my injury to basically strengthen those those parts and not put as much pressure on those and um you know i called folds and met with him and um you know he came we he came and looked at me and yeah we yeah we've had a pretty good relationship uh ever since you know we he's always we're always talking on the phone. And um you know he's always checking up on me and um yeah it's a pretty cool guy he might have tiger's number in his phone he might he might he might do he definitely does we're getting close to the tiger. But basically all this channel that rick's i know okay. And just go oh can i just have a quick look can i just have a quick phone yeah can i just have a look at that swing yeah oh sean i think someone's after you over there yeah you go to the team because of the t section of the contest i just think you'll be on the go forward yeah the guide just forwarded to myself um. So it's quite interesting hearing that obviously much more about your actual own performance it's really really i feel like something that's new that's developed more recently with players i don't know if you found that as well it feels like i've spoke to a few people who kind of want to control the controllables more than anything because there's so many stats available i guess you can't yeah that's right yeah you know i think this also goes back to the depth of the game of golf is ridiculous you know there is. So many players each week that can win on any tour yeah um you know one of my one of my best friends from home we were just talking about he plays. So many tour events and we he came and watched me two years ago at wentworth um and he had just played a tournament last week and i said what do you actually think you know the mini tour pros would you guys. And he's like i have no doubt that. For three days or four days when someone gets like 15 under um you know and i think that you know the level of golf is. So deep um you know it's it's so hard to win on any tour um you know and i think a lot of that has to do with you know you look at people around my age. Or you know justin thomas's age um you know that's sort of the tiger error and you know he sort of got us into golf and sort of made golf cool and you know made it popular for people to play and you know i think you know to put you know to win in five seven times a year you know that's putting a lot of pressure on yourself that i feel like you know you don't really need. And you know you can you can only control playing good golf. And you know that's all you can do when you were your highest world ranking you know what that was no 79th okay go on to wikipedia okay i think i think you've already answered my question i'm guessing at that point you didn't think i'm the 79th best player in the world no 100 would think that a hundred percent you know what's mad right. So you're hundred and four hundred 109 think you are now in the world well he only knew that because i told him this morning no. But essentially if we didn't buy the world ranking there's 108 people on the planet better than golf if we're just going literally like you can walk hayden's like yeah. But i beat him back 90. yeah. And he bombed it fasted faster [Laughter] you can walk in this is what i think is mad right you can walk in to any golf shop any golf course pretty much in the world. And there's no any driving range you can just walk on. And there's not a soul better than you that's mad i know and it's pretty crazy to think. But then.

He walks on the driving range at the open and 107 players are better than him yeah well statistically statistically. But you know what i like about that is that if you were the 108th best footballer in the world you would be mobbed with people oh massively i would you would be mobbed whereas you could still be the 100th best player golfer in the world. And no one has a clue who i am yeah not a damn clue like it doesn't sound cool yeah. But i think it would be quite cool if you got to that stage well this is slightly embarrassing. For you okay. And you okay um on this table we got stopped on the golf course a few times today.

Yeah on the before guy turned up i think i got maybe asked. For the most pictures yeah then.

Guy then.

I know nobody you see see we're just trying to tell you what then.

I'll swap that picture that guy took. For a quarter of your bank balance but also sam's got a lamborghini euros that's what i'm saying it's it's that's why it's unique though because like you said you could you could break in even i mean i can't imagine matt fitz matt fitzpatrick gets recognized much in england no if he went to trafford center. For a burger i bet not single person would stop him even if you if you took it further than that really if you if you took even and i i might not i might not be right but if you say took dustin johnson and you just put him in normal clothes and you just told him to walk i think you'd be surprised how many people would i think oh no oh. So many people any the only people who would know who was with someone is someone who pays attention to golf yeah yeah. But if you if you took lebron james oh oh you put him in ronaldo yeah people would not get off of him i'll tell you what i've got i've got a couple of players not maybe not dustin johns because i think people would. But someone like patrick cantley yeah yeah who has been voted the number one best player on the pga tour this year yeah i honestly believe you could put him in any shopping mall yeah. And he would not get just give him a shirt and some slops and no one will know who he is he'd be fine would you then.

Last question would you rather be i'm trying there's a really good question somebody asked is it something like would you have rather lived your life like tiger woods. Or matt kucha i think you'd rather live your life like mad kucha 100 100 really i think tag will just have to lie from start to finish been not as glamorous people think um like the way he grew up with his dad. And stuff is tough yeah i think. But i also think any psych awards i don't know. But even but i think um is it billy the guy who caddies. For matthew fitzpatrick billy foster billy foster yes uh he even i think he wanted to go to dinner with tyga. And target and said you don't want to do that because you're just not gonna ever ever enjoy it enjoy your meal it's like just come up to you if we go out i can't do anything that was true that is true it's all the pictures he was taking today.

Yeah well honestly that was class i didn't i didn't know where that was going to go. And i feel like we've been here there and everywhere yeah we have i think it was different because initially we just thought it was going to be um the three of us me you. And sam you and sam sorry yeah. And it was probably gonna be like how you start playing golf which is really exciting. But it's kind of often it is quite like my dad played. Or whatever and the fact that we had the four of us and hayden joined i think we got. So much more random stuff yeah we were just chatting yeah yeah they're kind of freaking yeah yeah the the background of being a tall player the highs the lows like what it's actually like. And then.

Off camera are you both single yeah buddy sliding the dm's oh i was gonna dive into like what's it like being a bloody single lad out on tour that's a long-term relationship that's sam's life it's fun it's good cove it hasn't made it fun. But it's if you completely have you completed tinder why do you not need to no you've got a lamborghini uras. And two european tour look at his face he's like no i have not completed tinder. But yeah yes. Yet nice so if there's anybody listed if there's anybody sign the dms that that message is. For you margaret [Laughter] uh right awesome thanks gents um oh by the way not actually right now but when this could be my birthday today.

Birthday pal when this comes out thank you she's on tuesday slide into my dm's. And wish me happy birthday there you go thanks for listening we've got one more episode from 99th and then.

Boom boom boom live show 100th i'm excited by the way the worst thing about been following with people is just horrendously tall mike i've been messing with all day if you want to see if you want to watch the video. And check it out guys big one yeah good one getting to get involved right sam hayden good luck with the rest of the season good luck with your careers we've got quite a good lucky charm. So i honestly believe if everyone's listening they should bet on you for your next.

Tournaments hopefully it doesn't backfire good night you.