Rick's got something with her oh my days he's got a trophy so that's the claret jog [Music] all right guys welcome to episode 99 of the rickshaws golf show podcast everybody i'm your host rick shields i'm here with co-host guy how are you pal i like i've dropped the produce a bit because we've got big news on that haven't we i think big news that people suspected that you've been fired yeah maybe if that was after the peter finch episode it would have had some legs um. So yeah recently we've put a post out about recruiting. For a real producer yes because kind of you got that name indirectly just because i didn't really know what to call you at the time yeah. And now because the podcast is growing. So enormously thanks to everybody it listens and thanks for your kind of obvious input guy we have decided to uh to go all out and get a proper producer who will work exclusively on the podcast to put not only a bit of a structure together arrange guests also edit the content which matt's been doing at the moment. But matt's been killing facebook so we need him to allow to do facebook. So we're going to bring on somebody new well it's worth mentioning it on this podcast because matt was a listener before we employed him he was oh you employed him should i say um. So this next.

Person whoever that might be matt webb listening now so someone that's got a skill set of editing is essential isn't it yeah audio editing um. And just a real knack for content yes would be ideal we've had put the post out thursday i've had a ridiculous amount of applications a lot i've had a look on the email there's a lot of good ones yeah. So if you have already put your submission in good luck hopefully we might meet your interview here but if not get it in there and we will have a new producer very soon yes um i've had a busy week well you have had a busy week. And i've literally you walked in probably five minutes ago i've never said much to each other because i purposely wanted to ask you anything about your weekend because i know this weekend you want a little bit of a trip with some mates i did i went on a boys trip. And i feel like there's more than just golf so do do tell well it was a really good one actually one of the best boys trips i've ever been on. So i've got a whatsapp group with a few friends and a lot of them i met from when i was at mia. So a lot of them were either like members there. Or friends of members etcetera or easley's etcetera all pretty good players so john beezer plays off now plus six just ridiculous new handicap system um and his brother and loads of other other lads there were seven of us in total now really sadly um i think it was three years ago now one of the other friends as well in the group. So it was kind of at us originally. And got a brain tumor it's called johnny pierce and he actually ended up losing his life it's really sad because he was a fellow pga professional. And he was in his kind of you know mid 30s little boy wife. And kind of terrible left left the earth far too soon so we set up a group to decide to go and play somewhere one that like we wanted to go and play somewhere and we thought about all these different foreign countries et cetera et cetera and it kind of nothing really happened he had a golf day every year which is like a massive charity golf day. And they raised absolutely shed loads of money and i've donated some prizes to that in the past which has been great and managed to attend them as well but we've not not had this kind of lads trip so the last time we were at jcb i got speaking to the guys. And said is there any chance in october we could maybe come. And get two rounds of golf or two tea time should i say like seven of us eight of us maybe might come down and play and anyway they said yeah absolutely we'd love to have you. So we're gonna play jcb nice first of october so it was it was kind of a it was like almost it was it was john beasley's 40th celebration it was kind of in memory of johnny pierce our really good friend. And also ben beasley's brother's birthday next.

Week so it's kind of a lot of things going on in terms of handicaps then.

What's the other bees they are uh i think all the bees are maybe off about seven oh okay. So where did you were you the second best player there yeah okay that was the second best. So what was really funny. So we hired the house on the side of the 18th yeah which is ridiculous it's nice inside as it looks outside it's unbelie i actually didn't take enough pictures. And videos to be honest with you it was spectacular uh slept um well seven of us we all stayed there um i'm trying to think how i can kind of put all this story together all right just start from the trip down did you go on your own. Or did you go. And come back no. So we all met at mia right and um i took a pal of mine a part of the group called mike came in with me because we wanted to come home earlier on sunday okay the other lads kind of went down separately. And there were seven of us that went down. And we drove straight down to jcp this was friday friday morning right 7 30 i think we met my god we were there. For nine had 11 o'clock tee off what time was the first pint drunk um was anyone cracking one open there no we bought beers on the trip down. For the buggies but we didn't drink them before and played so we got down there had a bit of breakfast um i mean obviously you've been jcb before yeah it was the busiest i've ever seen it like comfortably really. And it's still not that busy obviously in the grand scheme of things but it was a really nice atmosphere. And the weather all week we've been checking it religiously the weather has been horrendous the forecast was horrendous. For friday okay the day we were playing driving down there suddenly we're thinking this actually looks okay like we might get away with this. And it was quite warm. And it was you know. And we all went down with waterproofs umbrellas like all warm clothing and i can't about half 10 when we're hitting balls on the driving range and warming up it was like oh my god the sun's coming out. So it was it was unbelievable day. For weather like we got away with it it was ridiculous how good it was because everything in the build-up was horrendous. And the saturday the day after was atrocious. So the friday we found a day hopefully johnny pierce was looking down on us on that on that day. So some of the lads have been there before but not all of them so again they were quite giddy. And quite excited they spent a fortune in the pro shop with all the jcb really merchandise. And stuff um and again we got treated like royalty had brett first went to hitballs on the driving range it was a little bit of drizzle then..

So we actually went in those indoor bays oh yeah it was like three. Or four indoor bays but still pro v1 pyramids and again oh my god imagine imagine if you played here every week and imagine if this is where you practiced. And uh with striping balls having a chat checking out each other's clubs and like say quite a lot of my fans on the channel as well so a lot of them are asking me what clubs you've got in the back now like what are you using in this that the other. And uh they're hitting some of my clubs and i'm hitting some of their clubs and it's just proper like that's what you used to do as a kid growing up really i remember them it kind of reminded me of that. So we had about 45 minutes left before we teed off and um we went on the chipping green okay now my chipping has not been the best in the world it's not bad on a chip in green though when you. So so but seven people around yeah all my mates around ah. So i went off in a little quiet corner and just found something really honestly i started chipping like i was like this is a little belt buckle turner what was this yeah little little shirt going back i think my right knee trying to touch my left knee gets my hips turning okay that's all i was thinking yeah. So hitting these little nippers off the tight turf and the greens were a little bit wet. But fast that's taking it it was getting taken like still 11 degree 11 um on the stint meter sort of super fast still. But receptive and i was like flicking them in. And one lad saw me like chip in and it was like i'm this is class then.

John plus six mate yeah. And another one of the lads mike who i think maybe plays off about six decides to have a little chipping comp okay let's test myself under these situations this is going one. Or two ways this story um it didn't go well you lost all your pocket money no i played a couple of nice shots. But overall there were still weaknesses in my chipping area. And that shows when you put yourself under that like little bit of competitive 100 and that's kind of why i wanted to do it if i'm honest with you. So anyway when i'm putting green having these mad pudding comps and everything that's funny how like you said you made 740 you get to a golf course you just become like kids again don't having a big point in combat they did the one we got the longest hole away yeah exactly um. So again we just we're just loving life and just thinking like we're looking at the weather thinking this is amazing we've got all the buggies lined up the buggies are filled with booze um was your beer a choice by the way i weirdly i don't i wanted a strela okay. But they didn't have it in the shop we went to this like little shop around the corner so i had to get like a case of amstel oh okay which is a random one. But it was cold. And it would be so uh did you do something. Or the lad in this situation or would you stay true to yourself these are quite like these are quite posh lads oh okay like i've got a few groups of mates i've got my my matron like home home would have been stellars like i was wearing a bit more i would have had to tell them to be hey like these lads i don't have to tell them they're a bit older i think i was maybe the youngest in the party 35. So they're all a bit more mature they've all got decent jobs they're all driving nice cars like it was a nice light atmosphere i didn't feel like i needed to worry about these lot. So we throw the balls up on the on we got some nice pictures outside the clubhouse uh john the head pro took some pictures and stuff which was really nice then.

We took the golf balls up into groups. So seven of us there was going to be a four. And a three i didn't mind which one i was in i always feel like that would rather be in the four i don't know why it just feels better the fourth. And the three yeah i i i actually ended up in the three. So we went down to the first tee in convoy all in buggies because it's quite a drive so all in all in the yellow jcb and we're driving past the house we hadn't checked in the house at this point and not many of them had seen the house even if they played the golf course before they just might not yeah yeah it's obvious. But it's not obvious isn't it it's weird so as we're driving past i'm there pointing at the house going look lads that's where we're staying tonight. And that's what we're doing and um so there's a bit of a running joke two two people in the house had to share rooms right because there was it sleeps eight. But two were twin rooms right. So because there were only seven of us two had to be twins. So we had a bit of a running joke like worst two scores we're gonna have to share that's quite a good incentive i honestly was like well that's me i i can't imagine off let's be honest we've been off scratch i've not yeah i've played off scratch i've not played that golf course great. So far like even if i shoot 10 over let's say which should still be my best score at jcb that's only 26 points yeah we're playing stableford that's only 26 points i'm gonna get battered like i might as well just say yeah stick me in that room now. So i'll be honest i wasn't ridiculously confident so um we all went down in convoy and me me and the the three that said go on use the four you go off first a little bit less pressure on the tee you guys go first that makes sense though it made no sense like literally no sense at all yeah you're gonna be waiting. But we didn't want to go first all right third so the launch in first t-shirt we teed off the blacks on the first so right because it's a proper t-shirt until yeah into wind right out that hole is. So different in terms of that reach that bunker then.

In the middle well the very first time i played it you remember smash driver passed it the second time i put in the water with the three wood but i couldn't imagine hitting three right off that t on friday it was a hundred percent driver. And you're right i was looking at that bunker about 300 yards going just hit it as hard as you want at that it's fine a couple of lads didn't get off to the best start water lots of water golf balls on the first hole. But it was nice it was all joking that's why we decided to play stableford. So the four went off and off they went and john the really good player hit a perfect t-shot straight down the middle as you'd expect so i'm standing up there next.

Tee off and there then.

We're thinking we're getting away with the first two nerves no after they've hit their second shot they watch us tee off nice because it's quiet enough we can do this. So i step up first thinking i'm not really sure about this oh it's fit into the wind didn't have great memories on the last time i played this hole all the lights just you know it's the banter lot as well even though it wasn't on camera yeah it feels like it's it was more people there weirdly um i'll come back to the camera thing in a minute i absolutely strike one off the first team i picked the t-peg up while the ball was still 10 in the flight i just knew it was nailed straight at the bunker nowhere near it because it was in to win. But perfect position the lads kind of teed off one of them didn't do particularly well. But they got asking me like what's it like playing without cameras and it's weird because i really really don't play that often without cameras and often i feel guilty if i play a golf course without cameras so if you hit a good shot or something or something happened it would have been a good video yeah i just i. But i also feel guilty that i'm not taking the audience with me i don't know what it is i've had a few experiences when i've been playing somewhere. So i should really have my cameras here but in this sense because we've done a couple of videos already at jcb i didn't feel that bad yeah you're not going to pull a camera out with all your mates. For someone's 40th birthday well i'm not going to do that. And they're not that bothered about that but also i didn't feel guilty because we've already done videos there yeah let's get right if you've never played there before that's what i mean it's a 17th hole the path imagine this on camera um. And that's why i didn't really post anything on social media because everyone's kind of seen it and yeah there's not any other. So um start off and i won't bore you with every single shot driver four iron into the first hole wow it was long stuck it pin high 12 foot just missed. For birdie high effect star whoa hello again i won't go into every hole but i'll just go into these first few second hole big driver left big snap up oh god here we go found it in a pretty nice line the rough pin was back left yeah hit this 99 to about 10 foot rolled it in oh my days through two shields i've never made a birdie at jcb i didn't mind i didn't make one bird in the first two rounds at jcp. So second hole i made birdie okay perfect third holder par five yep hold the monster birdie see two under three three two under through three holes you're thinking got your own room tonight i think i've got my own room tonight this is it lads on tour. But also i was thinking i'm putting a good round together i finally feel like i'm understanding jcv next.

Hole make double bogey back to level par. But either way i kind of won't boy with things i made seven birdies seven birdies oh my god i nearly had two hauling ones i put it to about a foot on the ninth the part three down the hill um beautiful yes of course yeah i put it to about even closer on the 14th hole which the par three kind of after the long par five yep the long yeah i knocked it on in two on that par five oh my dad i had three birdies in a row. So after the turn so after nine i was two over par right even after making three birdies ten's the par five coming back yeah bogeyed that annoyingly even i nearly i was on. For three and then.

Eleven double bogied that's a tough hole out loud perfect middle of fairway thinned it straight through the back my full wedge game was horrendous every time i made double i made three doubles every time i was less than 100 yards away from the green not good. So what did you shoot then..

So then.

I birded 12. yeah you're driving on 12 14 uh no because it was into winter it was like a bit weird made birdie on 12 13 14. three on the bounce pad the 15th which honestly. And it was in to win. And the pin was right at the back about something like i was afraid i was like basically um. So i was still i was one over power at this point my word one overpass on the 17th which is. For listeners that haven't watched the videos 17 is up did you go off blacks on this one 250 is it it was 250 yeah oh my days you've got water all around the green it's probably the hardest holes in golf literally solid five iron that sounds like a big like a long hit to get out there in the water over the back of the what. So i took a drop um got up and down so that was a full bogey. And then.

The last hole so i'm two over par playing the last hole okay i don't believe it wasn't on camera i know took a tight line down the left-hand side yeah of 18 perfect position literally couldn't have placed any better 210 yards left into the green it was a monster because again it was into wind all the lads on the 18th hole watching oh god here we go one over two over at this point i think i'm doing all right here i feel like what like with the story i've got no idea what's coming next.

You've either stiffed it. And tapped it in or you've like shanked it i block it miles right towards him but i know it's short enough that i didn't need to worry yeah not tip miles right i had a 30-yard pitch in front of everyone ah that's the worst golf shot. For you in it literally the worst part of the road hole that time so they're all saying to me what are you doing rick what's this cause they've all got the scores this guy's putter out at this point the two lads i'm playing with aren't in it yeah. And we're playing we're playing for a prize by the way all right it's not just worse we're playing for a prize so i'm stood there thinking oh my god and they're all saying what are you doing rick how you doing i'm saying i'm doing all right i'm doing okay. But don't forget john beasley's there but i know john beasley's not shot four and a half years he's just not happening but there's a couple of again handy players were off like eight nine you could add lights out three. Or four over yeah. So i'm walking up there and they're all going what's your score have you beat such a thing i'm like oh yeah might have done have you beat such a thing is it better than this is it better than 30 points is it better than 32 points i'm thinking it's close yeah. So i'm thinking i might be in i might be in here right little 30 yard chip into the green okay everyone's watching i think you know slightly fluffy lie which helped if it was on the title i would have been panicking i thought come on rick just trust it get your right knee to your left knee yeah play a golf shot right played a lovely little delicate little flick it came off the bat. And i was like holy crap by the way i've had about five beers by this point that's the answer as always i was absolutely squishy i was looking down at the ball seeing two golf balls thinking i had a saucy roll at the half that was class. But um you know i was i'd had a few drinks at this point like we're having a great time the amount of times i was stood there with four right into a par four thinking i don't know if i'm gonna hit i'm suddenly playing these worldly golf shots. So i pitched it in there to about maybe 10 foot 12 foot which was pretty good where the pin was. And i thought i really want to hold this for par let's finish with the power on the last hole because i think i've definitely won it if i make par yeah i can't i'm thinking everyone's watching it's like oh i just missed it it was a good put yeah complaining good port not team. For bogey right so i'm three over so that's 33 stanford points 33 stable for points okay three over walking off thinking i've just shot 75 i've shot. But i'm alright with that i've just shot 75 at jcb i feel like that is like a level par at most golf courses easily in it the way i hit the ball. And the way i chipped and pitched and putted but think about i had. So many double bogeys i had three double bogeys and seven birdies crazy so um i'm walking off and i'm like yeah i've 33 points. And they go you've won and i went shut up they went yeah yeah nobody's beat you i'm like what i'm thinking i'm not only not sharing i'm freaking warned that it's only a seven day a seven-man comp. But still oh is this what you've got with you. But so if you listen to the podcast might be worth flicking over to the video version because rick's got something with her oh my days he's got a trophy so that's the claret jug it's a mini clarity joke we've made a little mini claret joke sick the jp trophy in memory of our good friend johnny pierce and i win the very first one that is very impressive. So today.

I found a engraver who is in just around the corner from us yeah i'm going to get it engraved. And it's going to take pride. And place brilliant on our shell for hearing the podcast i'll have to take down my my putting runner up what's all the plaque thing that oh that little thing what's that one i've actually never recognized that before so there's another plaque let me get it i've never seen that is this new yeah rick's getting off his seat now to get another plaque another one of his trophies let me get the youtube one down second place club championship second place who tried the hardest heart coming. So yeah i might have to take i might have to take one of my trophies down today.

That is a cool little show that's literally like a claret joke isn't it. So if we wanted some click bait for the uh for the video everybody rick oh yeah there we go i said about the title yeah rick shields wins major ignore ignore grill you laughing at it inaudible ignore grill jp trophy oh yeah that is definitely the titleist video what's the other reward then..

So this came out the blue so this is from the sony wall this is from the pj to the professionals golfers association. And it's the toby sunderland award okay okay this is. For um what's the right word it's basically a recognition for charitable work uh is that. For the mind walks yes. So um believe it or not though this wasn't this is second place um that's funny it's the guy who got first place i have to try. And find his name and mention it next.

Time he did something let's try. And find it far superior man what it was called. So it's the toby sunderland award for that for the north england and wales so i didn't win it but the guy who won it definitely deserves winning it oh it only goes on pj owns up to 2018 the let me see if i can find the email uh it's not very good toby sunderland. So basically i obviously got second place which was lovely. But the guy who won it literally did like a hundred marathons. Or something stupid do you know what i mean yeah what i did in compar comparison. But it was still really nice yeah we got a nice little trophy in fairness though what we always said with your thing is what you were doing obviously you did four mile walk with the golf course on every day it wasn't about like how hard that was to do it was a using your platform to speak to. So many people that was why what you do is impressive i can't find the uh email i got off them find it um yeah. So well done victorious weekend um i think they're very good at gokaine well forget that where did you come fifth yes. So yeah. So after after we oh by the way then.

So then.

That night so we went back to the clubhouse did a little presentation yeah did a little speech um all had steaks all our beers had champagne. And like it was it was mint absolutely awesome um i took my swingless golf club oh that's quite cool like whacking it on the range. And stuff last class um and then.

We went back to the house and the jcb guys sent loads more food down far too much food naturals chicken wings wedges all these amazing strips we had this massive table we bought again loads more beer wine everything we had this massive table and we stayed up to about half two playing poker did you win at poker no no i lost the poker i went all in first hand i didn't have to buy back in. But yeah i didn't i didn't win at poker. But then.

We played the most stupid game at like two o'clock in the morning there was three of us me john. And who else was playing shaw. And another one lads we were playing the tener man highest card. And we i reckon we played it for half an hour just literally putting a tenner in each and a dealer would just go one one one whoever had the highest card won the pot oh my god but luckily i won i wanted that so anyway yeah did you get chance this weekend did they like fully the lads do you like football did you get a chance to flex it on your current knowledge. Or not really this is how bad it is now. And how much i'm addicted well first off i was talking a lot about the champions league game i went to last week yeah of course she's not even talked about that. Yet um i went to the champions league and sat in a box and dennis irwin apparently is a big fan of the channel. And andy ritchie so andy richie who used to play for united back in the 70s i believe and dennis irwin football icon had a little chat with him and they're apparently bigger he's in the clubhouse who knows potentially who knows one foot in that's quite cool um watching ronaldo scoring night fifth minute yep that's cool you've changed so much so the go-karting on saturday was booked in birmingham. For like one o'clock but united everton clicked off at half a half 12. they should have known that not to book stuff around football with you told this to them now they'll they'll know in the future so that you went around one airpod in listening to that well it wasn't on it wasn't on the sky so we had to like stream it don't know how legal that is it's on bt sport i think i think it was we watched it on some dodgy chat i think it was the early kickoffs on bt. But it was because i watched it in fact me. And the two of the lads sat there at the back of the like we we should have been in this like brief in the safety briefing for the go-karting and with us at the back watching the football that is honestly that's a school where the first rule is gonna do anything social with rick shields as you do it around the football what it is these days um well that was a good introduction to the podcast rick i think that's quite long-winded stuff it's a good story um. So today.

Obviously as you said we're one week away from the 100th episode. And 100th episode doing a live show at the salford keys theater in salford just outside of manchester it's basically manchester isn't it salford really it's but it's actually a different weird it's different city but it's essentially all one place yes um it's gonna be good really good we've got some good guests coming who we've still we're not gonna announce until the night i don't announce a guess. And anybody get like stupid or something bad like that enough but we've got some good guests all of whom i will say been on the podcast before. And very good episodes that should be really good obviously we've sold out which is awesome there was 450 tickets nearly 500 people will be watching us. So obviously a lot of the listeners listening now won't be able to come unfortunately we have a lot of people who listen in the u.s et cetera but those that are coming we can't wait to see everybody yep. And for those listening we are going to do an audio version of the podcast live yes which will grant tuesday like normal yeah we're not gonna do a video one. But we might put post behind the scenes on this youtube channel there was reasons why we can't film. And know that due to the stage is set up. And then.

Things are. So annoyingly if you're a podcast viewer and you're watching this right now and you like to listen like to watch the podcasts for one week only it's an audio only podcast but we'll do something. For you we'll have a little treat video but today.

I have got loads of correspondence from facebook okay. So as we say most weeks we have a really good community on facebook it is a group called the rick shields golf show group 66 000 members now. So many cool things getting shared on there but it's a great place for us to go to get people to um give us our questions for us and certainly for you rick the first one i've got and i like it obviously it's quite good for you to give an answer on it but i like it because this guy's reply to his own question right you ready so a guy called tobias terrell okay. And actually you've not spoken for ages and ages but remember when we first launched the podcast group people had badges next.

To the name oh yeah this guy is a founding member what what happened to them they're still there. But there's that many people on there that you kind of don't this guy's a founder members that means he's been a member of the group since november of 2019 i think it was it's called tobias terrell he said how can i get my wife interested in golf right that was the question. But then.

A guy i'm not going to mention then.

Put why would you want to do that below i love twice's response because i hate that kind of rubbish banter to have somebody just put because i like my wife. And i'd like to spend more time with her on the golf course i know that may seem unusual yeah i do you know what i hate i know i've only recently got married. And i know it's a bit of banter i hate that rubbish entry-level middle-aged crap banter we pretend you hate your wife why yeah it's weird he wants to spend more time his wife on the golf course. And get him into the game and go and play nice golf course and have weekends away instead you've got people going oh wow it's just rubbish yeah do you subscribe to that level of banter i don't think you do no no i'm not bothered about that rubbish in it anyway in answer to tobias question how would you get your wife. Or other people's wives or well supposing this question is about a wife. But how would you get your life into gardener into golf but also as well doesn't necessarily say playing i guess that's what he means interesting golf so like you might want to watch sunday night european well pj tour or european tour with her what's the um i think it starts off fairly kind of easily almost like mini golf like even just taking on go on a date night go to mini golf. And even there just kind of start to plant the seed about how to maybe hold it how to stand roughly don't have to be too kind of dictation dictationary on this but just have fun and have a little competition and you know make it make it an enjoyable experience and then.

Maybe tag on the next.

Time go to the driving range for a bit of a date night and again doesn't have to be too much pressure go at night have a few drinks like go to the cinema after so it's just part of part of the night and again just have it where it's very easy and it's fun and it's enjoyable and maybe don't go on a really cold night or a windy night or try not to have anything that will put other people off because as a hardcore golfer we can look past the wind the rain the cold. But if you're brand new into it you don't really want to start at that level oh yeah. So we played the old course it was the worst weather ever we were playing the old course exactly. So somebody that doesn't know anything about goal if you go this is the old course going playing. And they go i don't care what course is it's horrible weather exactly. So i think i think start like that. And then.

You know uh it'll be interesting if if you even start putting on tv and showing something like fun ways of golf like even showing them my videos i'm going to say that some of our videos i think would like tall paul yeah tall paul. Or the young one um leo leo yeah. Or even like going caddy. For like olivia cowan or when i had carly booth on the show or things like that where you know show it's only a 10 minute little video but it'll show people interest in golf and i think that's how you can almost do it really. So i think that'd be a fun way. Or even like the one that i did when i played left-handed last year like that's again it's a fun yeah entertaining video that the non-golf would also really enjoy. And you'll be in you'll be surprised i reckon over time those little plants of seeds and and she only needs to pick up a few names of golfers that she's kind of watched on tv she goes oh yeah i remember you talking about dustin johnson before he's the one with the beard in here the tall guy. Or oh i remember you talking about that bryce and fellaini you set a mild on it and i think once you start to. Or obviously the ladies game as well once you start tagging those names and those faces you become invested straight away personally yeah. So i think can i start off slowly the one thing i would maybe avoid is going like straight out on the golf course 18-hole stroke play yeah don't don't go buying a massive expensive set of clubs going straight on the golf course. And just expecting it to happen if it's boring or it's slow or it's cold or it's wet it's just not going to happen i agree another good question. For you yeah i don't think we can necessarily name the brands in question. But i think we can elaborate a little bit. So it's from christopher gurley um and he says has an equipment manufacturer ever criticized or was upset about rick's reviews. And did they know about it yeah many times yeah give us a bit more um there's been up to occasions where a brand has watched a review. And responded and sent me an email or you an email um you know is there anything that we can do to to not change they almost think they don't explain the equipment it's almost like oh yeah. But do we need to educate you more on the products like well no we didn't hit it very far it doesn't matter what you've got inside it like they try. And justify it by saying oh did we not do a good enough job at explaining this product to you not really no you explain it great. And what we've done is taken that information. And reviewed it and tested it and said it's not particularly very good. Or it's not this or it's not that or um but you know what's mad at that and this is from my experience working. For a golf brand is that when like we see a product might be a month before it comes out right. And obviously the review comes out on the embargo date so let's just say a product comes out on january the first right and that's when everybody sees our video and other videos so the consumer's mind they might seen a leak about it six weeks earlier a month earlier a week earlier but in reality most people that's the first time they ever hear that product but the people that work for those brands depends on what level and what the job is within that brand. But at least they lost in the product probably six months earlier obviously the r d team will be on it. For two or three years maybe so they've got so much passion and excitement and almost trust in this product that when anybody that says anything bad about it they get so upset and take it so personally of course a bit like you know if you had a baby and you think it's the best looking thing in the world. And you think the name of it is perfect yeah other people will say please that's a bit of a frightening baby. And don't like that little baby i don't like its name or whatever like that's going to hurt the parents feeling oh exactly the difference is you wouldn't ever say that to the parent we're kind of saying it to the parents of these brands like all these these these products i know yeah. But also it's a good analogy but if you go to if you said to people i'm going to show you my baby i want honest. And impartial review then.

That's a risk you're going to take might say. So people come to us and obviously we always do. And you always do impartial unbiased reviews then.

That's the risk you take. And unfortunately they want to take the rough you can't take the rough with the smooth like there's often occasions where i've sang huge amount of praises for a certain product and that's made it sell out or whatever it may be but the same manufacturer i could rip a product to shreds they can't have they can't complain when i review badly and kind of celebrate exactly review it well that's what sometimes annoys me when like golf brands if we do a good review on the product we'll often like share the link on twitter. And say like oh rick shields has reviewed our new xyz iron and it's like i kind of don't blame them in a sense because it's a piece of content that essentially sings appraisals of their products well i don't want to show their following and talk about it but then.

It's like you didn't show the last three videos where we said your product wasn't any better than last year exactly. So then.

People sometimes look at that and go oh i've just seen that golf brand tweet rickshaws video oh i was getting paid by them now is it sponsored video it's like well obviously not. But they've not tweaked the last four times we've just liked it off yeah. So it's a bit of a funny one in it most brands though take it in the correct manner as constructive criticism and hopefully many brands have taken that on board and it's influenced the next.

Model of a product let's say so it's one of those things that's the risk to take when you're off on friday this week when you were out gallivanting i had a phone call with a golf brand which i think i said the other day that it's going to be a big driver. And we are well you are going to get fitted. For i think at the end of november early december um. So therefore. you've got the best product ready for the review apparently and i know brands say this but this driver from said brand which i can't say just. Yet is meant to be a game changer i feel like they say that every year. But you're saying they're saying that every year but this feels like this does feel like because the current driver they've got isn't you know a bit of an evolution on previous models as my chair going down with i think i'm shrinking um anyway i feel like i have to move it um. But this next.

Drive apparently is supposed to be unreal all right. So i've got no idea what the technology could be what we're going to do. But we will see that's not our job to do that. So next.

Question is aimed at me a bit. So i'm going to give my output then.

Rick. And i need to follow up because i think you might have some bits on top it's from joe i'm going to have to mature one sec it's really doing me adding what's it doing feels too high now i felt like it was going down on me really that's better um now i'm too far away one sec this is we should be listening in the car in it you're on a 5k run getting towards the end of this podcast motivating you. And i'm just moving my chair it's from jordan brody he said i'm going to guy i'm going with my first fitting next.

Week i trust the probably fitting me that being said what questions should he ask. And is there anything i should know. So i know we've done a lot of questions on fitting before but typically it's about like a fittings overrated blah blah blah but this one's actually quite a good question it's going. For a fitting which is fine you should do. So what should he ask whether a couple of notes before things i should think he should kind of ask. Or have in mind and then.

We'll see if you've got anything to follow up with first one sounds obvious have a rough budget we had a question a couple weeks ago where somebody said they got fitted. For taylormade irons talk about brands seeing their ass about comments would you want to mention that or not yeah okay. So in two couple of weeks ago we talked about i like could need to lead on these things i can't get trouble now a couple of weeks ago we talked about a store and your experience was working at that store yes um i had a phone call from one of the big chiefs from that stuff there's a ceo ceo saying that he wasn't happy with my comments yep like your comments i threw you on the bus it wasn't me it wasn't you it wasn't me sir. But that was the truth that's what happened. So and at the end of that conversation we said that said store has changed its tactics. And they're doing better yeah. But when guy worked for them this is what he found well that was it we said. Or i said seven i've watched a video back about three times just to double check well triple check i said i think towards the start middle. And end i believe and then.

Well i know the store has changed because i've spoke to staff in there and um we we didn't slander them we just said my experience from working. For said retail. But actually having said that once that phone call was taking place. And that was again they weren't happy with it. But they didn't say take the video down because it was true. But then.

I thought i did talk about lawyers. And syrian stuff but yeah. But between us we can write a decent letter um how do you think though this is what i thought about should then.

I think said retailer now there's a flat commission. So therefore. it's not buyers for any particular brand but actually should commission be allowed at all now don't this is obviously not great to listen to if you work. For a retail that makes commissioning golf but let's just say you're working at a retailer and last year i came for fitting with you and i bought a set of titleist 200s okay i think when this year. And go hi eric um you fitted me great last year for those irons i want to try the new version i know there might be much difference but once you get the like and i try them if you know you're only a commission for selling that new set of items are you not going to be inclined to sell them anywhere regardless if they're not right. For the actual consumer i i've intentionally said you should pay. For a fitting yeah i understand that's where the profits you should pay. For a fitting and not astronomical prices like taylormade titleist charging at that wall burn place that's like a mad 500 pound thing um but like if it was 50 pound. For the fittest time or the pros time and their job is to fit you their job is to tell you what clubs are going to best suit you in your budget. And that's what got us onto that conversation about said retail store is because the guy emailed in said he felt like he was being pressured to almost buy expensive irons because there was never a budget explained. Or discussed let's say where if you go with spend 50 pound on the fitting you maybe don't get that money back but that fits at the end of the day says no the clubs you've currently got are perfect. For you or actually if we just put a slightly thicker grip on your clubs you don't need to buy new clubs they're great for you like i feel like then.

You get rid of this kind of tacky sales pitch where it's like oh no the new such irons are going to make you hit the ball 10 yards 20 yards further are they in reality. So i i agree i think commission should maybe be looked at differently. But i do want to think as a fitter you should get paid just a fee. And then.

That's honest and isn't isn't influenced by you buying clubs you know what else used to do as well though one more last thing we might get this out if you don't want me to say it. But um when i worked there and only was a commission structure often the top salesman in the business ever selling a certain brand would be like a holiday. And the store manager would as well so let's just say that a golf ball and this usually happened from all the brands just any particular one they'd have a month or it's like right february of 2012 the person that sells the most whatever brand there's gonna be holly to dubai and that's the store manager so you can't tell me the store manager's gonna tell all the staff or make sure you sell callaway this month or take titleist because another brand who's going to give the top store a holiday to dubai yeah. But anyway so but apparently legally that doesn't happen i don't know on that one apparently it doesn't well i've never actually been told about that one the commission's apparently definitely changed which we said i don't know anyway um. So have a rough budget in mind my phone's gonna be blowing up again well whatever that's it whatever what are you gonna do go. And watch your notes have a rough budget yeah i said that about three times now there's no point trying to set vines. For 1200 quid if you've only got 700 quid to spend obviously some people might go in and think actually those ones. For 100 quid more a bit better etc you need to have some level of rough budget even for the fitter's own like kind of sanity there's nothing worse when i used to work again in a retail store and someone says i want new set of irons okay well how much have you got with my first question how much you want to spend oh i don't mind well these are the new weather irons 400 quid oh no we're not spending that much. But again it'd be a bit like going into it into an estate agents i said i want to buy a new house okay have you got a budget sir no that's fine well rick shields on this has only 5.2 million oh yeah they'll do well that's it like you can't just you can't just say i've got. But like everybody's got a at least a rough budget you used to get the most on foot were weirdly because people come in. And say i want a new pair of golf shoes okay well what's you know most i want comfort i want good level of attraction at the time echo golf shoes were like unbelievably comfy. But they were deer she got all this new echo she was 200 quid well i'm not spending that. So i'm not saying that people should spend that but we need to know the budget that's the first thing i put down next.

Thing i put was know the l if this is. For ions in particular know the lofts of your current clubs and take them with you so if you're trying a new seven iron and you're ripping it longer than your seven eye in but actually it's a six iron even a five iron loft maybe try your own out against it and see what the difference is then.

It is one launching better. Or not but you've got to compare apples to apples in my opinion um also be honest with yourself so most people now you know understand that most golf brands make good equipment but we also off not everybody but we often have brands we just like for whatever reason you might have a favorite golf that uses that brand or a memory as a child from using a certain brand so if you know deep down that you want like let's say mizuno or titlist but on the day you hit the taylormade quite well as well the guy's going oh you know taylor made it in those good obviously if it's massively out performing then.

Get them clearly if it's very much level. But it's off there's something you should go with the brand that you what you really do want i think because if you spend a lot of money on a product you want the one that you want you know what i mean. And we all know now that no brand makes a bad club. So you can't really get a bad one um also another one i've put this is difficult. But is it possible to try that club on the golf course because it makes such a difference. And also as well it's all well and good for the average consumer going all that driver hitting five yards longer. Or ten yards longer whatever but going on to a golf course. And actually driving it past the tree you've never got it passed before or clearing a lake you've never cleared that makes a big difference huge and then.

Lastly this isn't important for everybody but i think something people should notice in this comment a lot is do your own research. And have a rough idea of when those brands release products at what time of year because for example taylor made release in january february if you had an amazing sim 2 fitting on the 4th of january and then.

It came and you got it delivered 2 weeks later and then.

The next.

Day the new one's announced and it's the same price you would feel a little bit like or even the other way looking at it is stay two weeks later. And then.

Buy it when the old one's discounted so i have a rough idea of when stuff's out if you if you're bothered some people aren't and i've missed that you think the only thing i would add on to that is i feel like normal fitting get invited to the bay take your club out whack a few your own first yeah. But let's just say a driver for for this example because it's easier you stood there you're nervous you're cold you're not warmed up you start whacking your driver okay yeah the fitter is taking all this data they're taking all your good shots all your bad shots. And just keeping that to the side they've got that as like backup evidence then.

To go anything we hit past this point is better than this crap that you've just hit because it because you weren't loose you were nervous everything else now that's fine hit those ten as warm ups with your own driver that's fine. And then.

Start hitting other products and then.

Once you feel like you've got the product that suits you the best go back and actually compare it against your driver again so tell the fitter to write wipe everything wipe all the data yeah let me do a proper head to head test between my driver that i know i can i'm warm. And ready to hit now let me hit 10 and i'll tell you the shots i want taken out or don't and i'm going to hit 10 with. So true like the new driver and again then.

You can proper compare it's a good point. And you'll get a point there where you'll go okay. So these there's now five yards of difference compared to maybe what you've been told it's 25 yards of difference because they're using those crap warm-up shots compared to your most recent shots that make sense it does indeed. So that's the one thing i'd hate when i've been for a fitting and they say hit your club first so i'm like yeah. But you're just going to take that data you should almost say let's a club that's not remotely anything you're going to get today.

But we'll just give you a warm-up club now you just make a generic warm-up club yeah there's like a random brown doesn't have a logo on it yeah because then.

Obviously the fitter needs to know information like club head speed. And ball speed and flight and everything else yes that's important. But they shouldn't be measuring then.

Straight off distance on that account i did see one question on the facebook group that i want to cover someone's asked me am i getting the new gc that's literally one of the ones i've got down. So i just want to clear this up i don't know loads of information about it yet but it's not a new gt quad just people that don't know what is gc gt is a launch monitor that in its own body it has four cameras two cameras measure club head data. So things like club head speed path angle of attack face position where it strikes on the face uh loads of other things about the club the other two cameras picks up all the information about the golf ball how fast it's flying what the spin rate is what the launch angle is how far that ball's going gonna go that unit in its own right is roughly somewhere around 5 fifteen thousand pounds as a unit that's what i use as a standalone unit it's fifteen thousand pounds it plugs into the software you can put it on a simulator you can take it everywhere gc3 isn't replacing gc quad okay gt3 only has three cameras it's like a takedown sister model it's it's a less complicated model yeah. So gc quad is very much aimed at golf pros fitters people who really deliver lessons who wants the most information yeah gc quad is definitely gonna be in a different bracket where it won't give you as much club head data. So it won't give you like things like i can't remember what it doesn't or doesn't measure but doesn't give you as many complicated numbers yeah. But it'll give you the same ball data so in simple terms you're one the gc quad is an iphone 13 pro correct the takedown gc3 is an iphone 13 mini mini yeah it's not a pro not got the extra features. But it's still very good at whatever else you know i use the iphone knowledge i think it worked it kind of works because the iphone pro's got three cameras. And there you go before we got some other good questions for you before we do that i think it'd be nice um chance to get the opportunity to thank our viewers. And your viewers should i say for the love and support on the new sam horsefield video it's going down really well unbelievably 800 000 views now in a few days. And if you've missed that video you need to go and check it out it's really well made you were very good knit rick i think you were very good you were hosting walking around the club just chilling. But i think there's video ever. But it was really good. And sam who is a pg european tour pro's on twice the european tour he's an absolute great lad as well wasn't he's really nice guy he played at the marriott worthy parks what kind of rick's home course of normal white teeth. And not the furthest back we've played on the white tees you would turn up to on that day and play off let's see what tour pro shoots on a cold wet day man real day when it like a proper real golf day pulling his own bag yeah cleaning his own clubs yes. And he in his own admission he played terrible yeah his own admission he shot four in the par. Or underpass and honestly he if would have had just a another gear he could have easily shot 62. he said to us then.

He played like a three out of ten yeah we know what's mad obviously i wasn't mature my chair today.

Is horrendous. But he um he said they didn't play very well. And obviously i walked around and he didn't play well if you went around then.

Shot was it four under i'd like mate you've smashed it today.

And you would ever yeah you played well i watched him. And i was like even though he shot phoned apart i could tell he wasn't playing well it's hard to. But why would you think that he had like five birdies. And one bogey his bogey was a little bit of a silly mistake the path threw up the hill the elevens the wrong club wasn't it run club. And then.

Just didn't go up and down but is i think he didn't look like he played well because he really probably gave himself 10 birdie opportunities not dead close. But like somewhat makeable he didn't stiff anything like didn't put anything like ridiculously close to the hole but he just gave himself a lot of opportunities to make birdie you know we know it was good actually it was nice to watch him play like that because when you did that video with me well. And he's like nine under at king's barns it was almost too good he was literally just hunting flags from everywhere he played that well that if you'd never seen a topro until len you would almost have this misconception about that every time they don't do that minerally is amazing as he is he doesn't play that every time well i know the conditions would have been different. But the dunhill links this week uh minwoo lee shot 73. yeah well there you go king's bands. So that just shows it's not how they play words when we played well when you played with sam that was more like him playing kind of no it was probably like a normal person getting like 33 still no 32 silver points i've not played. Or maybe even less i don't know but he didn't play with his skin at all did he still shot four under par what was also phenom i mean you know the biggest thing was the speed of the greens yeah they they are used to playing greens that are outrageously fast well that had two effects. And it meant that they couldn't hold the putts as easy and they were getting too much spin wasn't it on the ground yeah. So it was the greens aren't obviously normal tour speed at marriott they're okay speed. For a normal golf course it was a bit drizzly. So that definitely made the greens wetter where again maybe on a pga tour they would have been squeezed squeezed yeah whatever they call it squid jeed squidged it squeezed it squidged they'd have been dried off. And the greens would have been back to its normal speed but again they were a bit slower than normal bit wet. And it just couldn't get the ball to the hole which is crazy you know it was mad though that borderline annoyed me. But i didn't do anything about it. Or something stuff i stand about something i would have done but somebody commented on the video and they said something like james robinson would destroy this guy about kind of how james robinson has been on tour. And as obviously james is a good friend of yours good friend of mine we've seen him very soon um it's a different level it's like james. And james in that video with us and played the package set and played out of his skin james was an amazing goal. For a european tour card i think. For a year yeah sam's won twice on the european tour 109th yeah there's only a hundred. And also that's somebody else coming saying one of the best players in the world laughing face it's like there's 108 guys in the planet bearing him right now like yes he's i don't i think sometimes because people might somebody might not have heard of him they don't quite realize he's won the european tour twice like it's outrageous golfer yeah he's he's he's unreal. And like i say hopefully in a few years he becomes a proper proper household name as as a lot of people when we first made that video with mim wu lee didn't really know who he was now he's you're looking on the european tour he's a kind of a household name um. But yeah it was pretty the only thing i wish we'd done differently in hindsight i wish we'd gone to like a proper that could muni the next.

That could be part two like a proper proper like not a nice golf course i think that would have been good. But equally most a lot of our viewers play at normal golf courses there'll be a lot who play at muni as well they'll be a lot they'll just unbelievable exclusive courses but i'd imagine without knowing for a fact that most of the audience play a kind of course similarist to marriott you know i'd like to do that one have it like proper he has his caddy. And he turns up in a tour back but he plays like a dead short fairly crappy golf course but he is like he's he's in tournament mode. And they take a step further actually four rounds because the first round he might shoot three under just getting his head because right i know that cost now i know on 12 and go over those trees like he might shoot 59 it's ridiculous um stephen shoot at 59 one guy who is definitely the potential to be doing that very soon bryson de chambeau he um went to the world long drive championships it was the world long drive it wasn't was it that one that it normally is yeah that it wasn't the same it was like the stands though yeah it was the big one i remember you asking me last week is this the big one i went i know i don't think i didn't think it was. But it was because carl bark she went back to back. And he got a big belt and yeah it was the proper real deal he came seventh i believe bryson yeah which i must admit i didn't think he was gonna do i thought he'd do well. But i don't think he'd do anywhere near that well because these guys they're not normal golfers are they the the way they hit the golf ball is just that swing i showed you yeah there was a guy i was watching it live on youtube. And i just filmed on my phone but the guy like i can't remember his name it was slightly weirdly filmed i'd like to have been produced better. But his is like leg like swung back his left leg swung back to his right leg as he took the club back mad. And then.

It was like a baseball type of action like if you wanna if you're hitting a baseball bat it's crazy we got bryson got a personal best ball speed of 219 miles per hour now the only thing i don't know i imagine i think i know the answer is he used a 48 inch driver i believe. So yeah what ball was he using was like a volcano exactly the tournament ball he came seventh he's what was his best drive actually in the final bit was like three late threes. And three nine one was his best one four seven two four seventeen. And because of different heats i didn't do what i saw clips on youtube it very much depends on the wind yes like sometimes if they've got a headwind. Or a tail wind it makes a match like 390 could win one round was that 420 could win the next.

I think the 422 is what um kyle berkshire got who's obviously the world champion. And he's a good friend of bryson's but it just shows that what's what's mad here is he's played he's one of the best golfers in the world doing it on the pga tour ride a cup. But he's also mixing these guys at the biggest stage in long drive like to do that because normally if you're a like rory isn't anything like as long as these guys. And these guys can't think any golf like rory because you think like they'd be going to golf course. But they're that many out of bounds and stuff i don't know how what they would shoot that'd be a good video but nothing like tall standard must be on tour i imagine how is bryson doing both yeah he'll be you'll be entering the mini golf challenge championship next.

I'll tell you what though i honestly i know the other thing about the four shout outs i didn't shout four. And off still which is a bit frustrating when you watch it. For me i really believe that bryson is doing a lot. For the game at the moment and also right i thought some of the day this isn't revolutionary but i was just driving at this random thought that you know they talk about growing the game yeah i almost see it i know it's a weird phrase some people like some people don't. But i always thought of it as being like getting more people into golf like now so people that might be any age get into golf now they looked in a different way and thought it sounds bad if nobody knew took up golf today.


Eventually golf would become extinct wouldn't it because eventually it sounds bad everyone's playing golf will i die at some point. So growing the game it's not about getting new people who are not not about getting people to start playing now to join us such it's about getting that flow of people constantly coming through the doors of golf. And getting them excited into golf yep now why did you start playing golf my mom got me into it. And what was the reason the person you adored you said that you wouldn't play golf it wasn't. For him that almost coincided at the same time though in a weird way but ty you said to me you wouldn't be where you are now without tiger oh would that that's true i think sam horsefield said he's a massive tiger i am there's no tiger at the minute no. So let's just say a kid who's 12 now if mum gets him into golf like a young rick shiels who's that guy that's making him and i honestly think it's different i'm not comparing bryson to title well i'm going to compare bryce to tiger. For very different reasons tiger was this amazing goal. For who's he doesn't seem real does he i mean i mean in a complementary way i always say it's like a robot not in a robot erotic manner. But like he can't believe he's a real person yeah i'm not suggesting bryson's like that just. Yet but bright if i was a young kid look at this guy who can drive the green on the par 4 opener they write a cup. And then.

Go and play these events and be active on like youtube and social media i think people like bryson are what genuinely are going to excite that younger generation yeah i know i agree there's lots. And lots of things i like about bryson a few things i don't but overall is it is it being good. For golf well yeah he's kind of putting it he's putting it out there to a different market i might have said something different in the past. But right now i do believe he's been he's good. For golf and i think the other thing as well is like i think some people don't like him since the ball. So far which i don't really understand the only way i would if it was like a real life happy gilmo. Or some almost freak show comes on the on the tour who sits at miles but bryson's worked for this hasn't he he wasn't massively long he was probably above average i imagine. But he wasn't like he is now he's gone to the gym he's done all this stuff. And it's working how can he not admire that i still can't believe not more people are trying to catch him i think he's got. So i was thinking about this the other day when he first started his training in lockdown last year yeah. And he got absolutely massive he obviously did that at a really really good time yeah because nobody was seeing him. And he could work really hard in the dark and get a massive advantage over everybody else okay he then.

Came out. And was hitting the ball outrageously further now a lot of tour pros. And people have admitted like rory then.

Went on this journey of trying to gain distance but bryson it it didn't instantly look like it was gonna work all the time like he wasn't winning every single tournament no he kind of had this like middle period where he was finding his grounds where he was hitting it a long way. And obviously was at the us open. So obviously it did work. But he wasn't winning every time and i think then.

A lot of these other players kind of went ah we won't bother then.

We don't need to catch this guy up. And then.

Bryson just slowly just gone whoosh like his distance has gone so far i don't think these guys can ever catch up now no. But they're playing fender advocate on the other side that as much as again i think what he's doing is amazing if he was like tiger in the year 2000 i think more people think thinking if. So let's just say bryce now and i run like tigers 2000 year whatever 205 will be more wood. But at the moment brighton's world number seven so brother we've got justin thomas zander schaffler can't lay maracao dustin and john rahm and he's not winning every week i don't know what i'm saying if it did oh wait well if yeah if if you know if it did if it did then.

You'd think that you said you were like two years ahead of everyone at that point though well yeah. But he is. But equally he's still only only world number seven so isn't it you think like well why does justin thomas doesn't do that. But what i'm saying at the moment though i still don't think it's clicked. For him fully well no one know maybe it maybe it will. And it like you said maybe then.

He'll become world number one. And there'll be mal's head everybody else i'm thinking crap we need to do something about it. But you do then.

Also think like again it's like an old mansion. But how much stress and strangers put his body through and how necessary is it all. For those extra if if he does loads more training. For three more yards which is massive is that actually worth it on the pga tour i don't know i'll see well i hope he goes on to i love watching him. And i know when he's playing a tournament i get excited to watch it yeah i agree i remember the masters the autumn masters in 2020 i couldn't wait to see his first tee shot yes he'd seen off on the 10th. And played a horrendous t shot but i couldn't wait to see that i thought we're going to keep talking every week because there's always something to talk about isn't there. But he's been labeled the content king well yeah he is that's good um we've got some preparations here was actually a few more questions i might save. For you than maybe the live show or just for next.

Couple podcasts but that was good we need to actually yeah really get ready. For this live show because 450 people can be watching us that's now that's nothing don't worry it's fine okay um big thanks to everyone who's in the clubhouse yeah if you're not in the clubhouse you think what is it clubhouse well the class is a simple concept if you've listened to every single episode of the rickshaws golf show podcast you are in the clubhouse it's a nice place to be you've got the only thing i don't like at the clubhouse is you'll be sitting there sometimes really chilled out. And casual just mind your own business sometimes um reading the paper or smoking cigar because you can add smokes to garden clothes if you want to. And there's a separate little cigar room do you know about that i've ever been in i don't like it i want to ban it that's the side it's loud um. But in the cigar maybe sat there on a cigar reading a paper it's all quite relaxed and quite peaceful and then.

Rick shields walked through all these trophies it's got so many trophies now it's a bit noisy like they're clanking against each other this is that the dead weird one i loved sandra shuffle until i saw him win the ryder cup i didn't like him now big his big fat cigar. And he's like smoking the press conference it's smoking around yeah i don't really like cigars i'm joking about that i didn't i don't mind cigars if you you're out. And everyone's smoking a cigar i get it and i've done it in the past but like the way he was doing it was like it was around other people it i don't know yeah i don't know anyway i didn't like it you got all these praises there. And again you talk about like good for golf like was that image good. For golf i don't think he was then.

Equally. And i don't i agree with that but people just love the images of john daly smoking a cig on the course didn't they that was like i didn't like that people thought it was dead cool he's there smoking sky on the press conference. And he's like winking it whoever don't really like it so should we bounce the gas in the clubhouse yeah sorry i was fine into cigars i just thought it was quite a relaxed video you know you can smoke cigars on the cigar putting green okay. And everyone out there you have to smoke a cigar when you're on the scar putting green yeah that's it. And you're not allowed to wink you know what else i like about the cigar putting green there's little i did say wink then.

As well that had to wink on the point we have a separate room. For that there's a little like stash of little three pro v1 so when you want to go if you don't take the ball you're just putting grease take you put her over four do you put with four golf balls it's gonna make a pyramid you gotta do four oh okay little pyramid yeah because yeah three. And one three i spent three sat in a little triangle nicely pyramidal okay four cherry on the top of the pocket weird don't have to end it send it now see ya [Music].