Quite i'm going to make a statement now though there is one thing that i'd like to run. So yeah youtube a podcast golf day i think we'll be sick is this gonna be an exclusive now exclusive to the rick shields golf show. But one thing i'm thinking about one running again i've seen a lot of talk online and we've been parted to this conversation who's the best youtuber who's this who's that you know is it rick it's obviously going to be rick he's obviously the best youtuber golfer. And everything else right um and then.

There's a bit of commotion when i didn't mention every youtuber in the planet well today's video we're gonna mention every golf youtuber so sit back relax seven hours later uh so this is uh john who's uh been doing youtube. For a week and um anyway we're gonna officially start the ball rolling on a youtube golf tournament exclusive right now you've heard it here first um i've started putting some notes down in my phone and when i start putting notes down it's serious well then.

It starts on paper then.

It gets to the phone they know it is serious um. And i think the plan i've got this year is better than youtube golf day 2019 which was amazing by the way. But i think it's gonna blow it out the water. So stay tuned um my chair keeps thinking question for you though i might fix your chair youtube golf day 2019 was i'd like to think of success it raised a lot of money. For charity it got a lot of creators together it got a lot of fans to come and kind of walk around the golf course and meet some of their favorite creators etc etc and it was really good three years down the line now in 2022 do you see this upcoming kind of create a youtube whatever event being the casual the friendly. Or do you see it being a bit more let's because that if it's very much competitive that might cause some craters who don't claim to be amazing to not want to enter. So what do you see i see it as a festival okay of youtube golf. And i think it'll have many different elements i think it will have competitive elements where needed right settle beefs figure out who is who is the best there's just rick on the first team then.

50 people saying you said you beat me let's play now i'm just emceeing i'm not playing i'm just going to see the whole thing um. But then.

I think there's going to be a separate element which is. For content collaborations getting youtubers together i'd love to even do things like having like almost conferences. And stuff having like round tables youtube around tables filmed or not filmed i'm not sure but um i think now with travel restrictions certainly starting to lift around the world um i think there's definitely ways of doing it um. And getting hopefully as many creators possible involved i think the one thing that might be substituted. For more creators being involved is less fans playing. But fans can still come. And say yeah i think that's would you see then.

It's been in the uk because obviously there's the good good guys tbc i think there could be a way of of bringing everyone together in a preliminary way. And then.

Having a finals week at said location at a location this is very exciting i'm probably i am probably swaying more towards uk yeah because i think there's obviously a huge amount of uk creators i'm obviously from the uk it's logistically it might just be easier to set up from our end. So yeah stay tuned if you're a youtuber. And you want beef not really if you want to if you want to play in a golf day or golf week or a festival or whatever it's going to be whether there will be some competitive elements there'll be collaborations um it's almost a celebration of youtube that's the thing. For me jokes aside you'd have this match element but that's that's not what it would be about you want people that watch the videos that can attend can come. And watch and meet their favorite creators but obviously for the creators themselves it gives you a chance to collaborate and make videos and get to say hello in real life people after three years of zooms and stuff and i think i think this time as well like in 2019 we kind of went swerved around youtube. And kind of called it yt golf day and i think this year we can definitely bring youtube into this a lot more.