Her average was over 300 yards. And she was hitting it not on the floor just like club at speed. And no it cheats at 112 yeah seriously just super efficient as well [Music] in probably my next.

Last five years there's starting to be a big jump. So the longest players on tour the stats wise over the years the longest still the longest it's now the 40 to 50 ranked or even longer so the average is getting longer the longest they're always going to hit it about you know the 290s. But it's now the jump of most people hitting it and that's where it is about 290 the longest yeah um patty tanatanica say that a few times good you're good with the names aren't you that's why you have to sky sports yeah i did the a a inspiration which she won a couple of weeks back. And her average was over 300 yards. And she was hitting it not on the floor just like club at speed. And oh no she's at 112 yeah seriously just super efficient as well i guess yeah hits a bunch of fairways that's what i was really impressed with her as well in the women's game i would say that we do get the long hitters that do they put well like bryson's that isn't he we he's. So good at putting i don't think he gets enough credit in the women's game you would have that michelle wee lexi thompson britney lincecum hits it miles. But could falter a little bit as they get closer to the green well on that week um patty's short game was immense. And so was her putting. So he's starting to get the whole package now rather than i think you got it in the men's game a bit didn't you was like john daley yeah mile. But could he be sustainable you're getting that now in the men's game and you're definitely getting it in the women's game also and is it strength. And conditioning is it equipment what what's been what has been the biggest jump in the kind of women's game when we're talking about distance i think um the investment in themselves i think they've got money now to get a team behind them. So they've got the fitness trainer they've got the masseuse and the physio out with them the technology i don't think we can i think the likes of trackman. And foresight are. So important for how to hit the ball correctly because if you say to a tour player if you increase your angle of attack by one degree you're going to get an extra five yards they know what to do. So they just go all right just hit up on it a bit more bum off you go they can do it. So obviously that's the technology is on the launch monitors to say how to do it. But these players are that good that they can just put it into their swing. And they're gaining they're gaining yardage through that and also the confidence to swing it faster i think a lot of players are like oh just stick an 80 swing on it i mean you must get this. And when you do teaching sometimes swing it a bit slower yeah now it's they've got all the confidence in the world to swing it at their hundred percent of course. And some and some yeah. And it was a big shift in in you know the availability of custom fitting. And tour presence from manufacturers out on the on the led when even when you were kind of playing from that 10 10 year period like was the tour trucks. Or facilities like that in 2007 and actually was there in 2018. Or still was it there is no tour truck on the led there's no presence of fitters no how do you get your equipment we get fitted at the beginning of the year. Or the middle of the year and that's it and if you need anything sent out if you're sponsored then.

You you can speak to whoever. And say can you send this out. Or that you'll book a fitting maybe mid mid year when you go to the majors there's always a presence at the open but i'm thinking do i want to be changing my driver of course yeah it's a bit more three days before i see it'll be in the open you might get some new wedges potentially. But that's about it that's something on the men's tour what they do people might not realize. But if dustin johnson had an event and on the wednesday or the tuesday actually i want a diff i want a degree more loft on the wedge you'll get a wedge built for it i'll go i'll actually take the grind off a bit and you can get it tailored there. And then.

We have to carry the equipment with us so so you're taking 17 clubs to events and stuff like that and then.

Yeah. And golf balls so on the lpga tour they do do this you go to your locker open up the locker. And you've got your gloves balls and shoes for the week the titleist correspondent callaway whoever it is does that. For you but on the led you have to take it with you and with excess baggage it's a complete nightmare i remember being in korea and flying home and when we were in korea they gave us a couple of boxes of pro-v ones. And some gloves i'm flying back and had just about to do me like three hundred dollars excess baggage he didn't leave. So i was like does your husband play golf then.

It was on jesus island everyone plays golf then.

She's like yeah yeah would you like these. And just gave her like basically a hundred pounds worth of profiles oh my days in exchange oh yeah brilliant. But then.

The rumor got back and everyone started doing it and by the end i think the woman was like there's only. So many golf balls my husband can have. So they got charged excess baggage for trying to look if you've got a six week stretch you need at least six dozen golf balls and then.

You've got your luggage and everything on ryanair it's it's not ideal it's not the private jets oh no it's not the show. For driven limousines no it's ryanair. And rental cars it's a bit mad in it like just tall life is a bit mad like the more times i talk to yourself james robinson we had on the podcast a few episodes ago like it is it looks glitz. And glam and you're probably for the it can be sometimes five percent it's outrageous. But for a lot of the time it's bloody like it's hard you know what we need to do rick this is a video that we've painted now. So no one can copy it we need to go out. And spend a week on a european tournament or led event with a an unknown golfer and actually see what it's really like behind the scenes because it like you said other than you you're illegally it isn't it it's not what it sounds like i'll do that if i can do then.

The next.

Episode we spend a week with uh like a dj. Or a rory deal but they've earned that right haven't they you've got to think about that that's your aspiration isn't it to turn left on the air stuff like that. So it is different if you didn't want to do it you wouldn't do it you know i you learn to sleep on a washing line i can sleep on an airplane an economy no problem um. And you just you learn you travel and it's exciting when you're younger you know you pat your back see you in six weeks and you go see six amazing cities did you enjoy it yeah absolutely loved it. And made sure i enjoyed it as well made sure i went and saw the cities i mean go to rome every single year. And you haven't seen it you've got to go and see it and i think that's the trouble with the bubble life at the moment on tour they're only seeing their hotel room. And you see a lot of people struggling in that environment and some people thriving what um what did what kind of made you then.

In 2018 go i'm kind of that's it. For me was it you did you lose your card was it. Or was it your decision yeah um i started to look. For jobs in about 2015. i just thought to myself i don't feel like i've got to where i want to in on tour and i'd change stuff it's not like i had done the same thing over and over again i had tried to change stuff and it wasn't working as much as it should have done on the golf course you know i've got changed my coach went to a fitness person tried did psychology i did everything which i thought i should do. But i would have some good results but i was never getting to where i wanted to be. And i do think i found the gulf is my be all. And end all difficult i should have maybe have i don't know taken a university course or done something else just to take my mind off it while you're out on tour still yeah caroline headwall did it actually last year she took a degree in criminology that's the word. And she just found it just lydia cow does it as well she does some uh michelle we've done it she's university as well as golf wow just to take your mind off it almost like a copy didn't michelle we get like a doctor yeah i think she finished stamford university she finished her college while not at college if you know me i suppose because again these superstars are 13 14 years old being thrown straight around the world playing golf tournaments they missed out on education lydia ko that's what she wants to do go back to university when she finishes oh my goodness i love that yeah do you think the women's game is earlier as well because of naturally women want to start families oh yeah have babies you know do we do do you see a lot of that on tour do it do women obviously michelle we've just seen it recently go go away. And have a little learn and then.

Come back do you see it as a trend where the women actually go away have children. And don't come back and is that a consciousness it is a reason i mean there's you get to a certain age. And you can't have the man can't have the child just that's it no matter how wonderful you are you're not having it. So that the woman will have that yeah thank god i've seen it three times my wife. And thank god so there's always that as a woman there's always that part of your career in any any form where you do start thinking about that. And the how much money you earn is can you take everybody with you. Or can't you take everybody with you do i need time off to i mean katrina matthew won the open like a few weeks having had her second child which is mad absolutely mad. But priorities change so there's that element to it you get to a certain age and you can't have children so you might have to look at stopping and coming back um and then.

I just thought i don't want to be struggling on tour i never lost my tour card but i never which is an achievement yeah. For all those years that is an achievement yeah. But i never won and i was just like i felt like i was just going around on the conveyor belt. And i didn't want to do that i felt i deserved more um. So i did try. And change i applied for a job with england golf actually and didn't get it yeah yeah. So i applied for a job i was in morocco wrote my cv off sent it off. And then.

Came six in the event and won i don't know 10 grand like nearly well half as much of money as what i would have got for a full year working with england golf and a few of my mates went what are you doing you know you can still do this. So i carried on and then.

Into the beginning of 2018 i said that's it i'm done at the end of this year i'm i'm finishing. And guess what stuff happen you get in the u.s open of course you do stuff like that. And it's like golf saying not yet it is it's like you play rubbish in your birdie the last is time also is that also when you said that when you started to consciously think well actually i'm i'm moving out of this the stresses the deliveries you kind of just went out there. And just thought well what forgot to lose now because i'm going to finish at the end this year anyway. And then.

Suddenly like say you string it all together and you put a great round to round the golf together and then.

Let's say you're in the us open or whatever it may be um with your finishes.