Peter finch did a very um talking about express providing the provocative tweet he's saying um that he could take you on any place any time. And he'd do you he would yes. So dear rick is brought to you by our good friends at motorcaddy um quick fact i definitely feel better playing with my caddy i've got it again today.

We've been offered buggies today.

But i said no i absolutely don't want a cart i want my motor caddy. So we motorcading again today.

Absolutely i'm getting a little bit of a scare with the remote why i just don't know i had a dream last night this is dead weird i had a dream it was in my pocket the remote. And i put i had my bag near the green and i was up near the tee. And suddenly i pressed it back so it went running off it's often said that moto caddy is the trolley of dreams. So i'm not surprised um every week a dear rick is read out on the podcast yes that's simple. And if yours is read out you're gonna get instead put into the draw. For a motor caddy trolley second place it's a bag so why would you not send us an email podcast at this week's is from anonymous. So the problem this week's email is it's kind of about his friends right. So he doesn't want them named he doesn't name himself and he's kind of put a bit of a hush hush in certain parts that his friends who also listen to the podcast don't know it's him with me so we just need to give him an alias so when we draw him out the hat later in the year or later in the in the series we'll go back yeah we'll we can we can go back to the story. So people know it is. But i'm just thinking if he wins the trolley and his friends go that's a nice new moto caddy is that the um the hc model the downhill control mod goes yeah with the gps built in no yeah it is actually where is that from they're all they're really expensive aren't they well you know i just uh yeah just got one i think of a lie isn't he i'm not sure that like can be anyway today's is um it's one that it kind of i think it'll resonate to a few people. So i remember of a council golf course with three of my mates these are the only guys i play golf with okay that's really relevant to the story he says we all have the premium package it's less than 300 pounds a year it's really affordable which gives us unlimited uses of a few courses um several like half dozen golf courses of all the golf courses we have a home course which is really close to where we live less than half a mile from all of our homes. And literally in the garden of a couple of the guys so it's a really local golf course the condition of this golf course at the moment is absolutely shocking. And he sent me two pictures i'll show you that it's absolutely tell you what let me just actually flip my laptop around to you rick see if you can see that can you see that green it's absolutely horrendous that's not even agreed it's literally imagine when someone's been on the practice ground the golf club. And took loads of massive divots that's what he's putting through essentially that's terrible so it's really really bad um he said it's literally ruining my enjoyment of the game um. And i can understand that it is horrendous it's always part of the several courses available to us five of them are really good condition with great greens. And really well kept fairways a couple of them are links courses on the coast as well about half an hour away from the south of st andrews. So we really are spoiled. For choice in terms of good golf costs to play at no additional cost i feel like if somebody if if his mates are listening to this they've got to know it's him i've tried my best to cut out the bits that's a if you want a free trolley that's the risk you've got today.

Yeah um. So we are spoiled. For choice did it yeah um. But my friends keep insisting on playing the terrible golf course because of its convenience are they is it convenient because it's just. So close just because they literally live i think well yeah it's half a minute a couple of beers afterwards to walk home exactly well this is the usual weekend routine if you book a tea time on the better golf courses that's available to us. And it gets about two hours before our tea time and the guys all just bail and say i want to play our home course instead of driving 10 to 30 minutes to the better courses so maybe you're right with the drink vibe that could be it yeah we are all decent players. So it's not like we're hacking it around only one of us is above single figures. And not by much this is really giving it away isn't it. But i can't not read it my membership is up in the next.

Fortnight. And i am seriously considering joining a local private golf club that has a driving range practice area and two premium condition 18-hole courses all at one location and i'm serious about wanting to get better i'm just concerned with that the social aspect may not be enjoyable um what would you do make new friends there you go thanks. For dear rick we'll see you next.

Week that golf course i'm really sorry and and i i don't like to slag off bad golf courses but do you love it that one that is not another picture he says two oh my god you can't you can't play golf on that they're literally like i can't really i don't want to use images because it really might give it away to his friends. But it's absolutely the greens are hideous yeah really bad. So what you do you cannot enjoy i mean it's a real shame because he's got mates who are literally you know all together he likes playing with those guys. And they've got access to seven different golf courses five of them being really nice and two of them being shocking and they always want to play the home course i mean here's a little one potentially he could keep the tea time at the nice golf course. And pick the lads up so if they didn't want to have a little bit of a drink so they're not particularly driving i don't know if he's got a big enough car ram everyone's clubs in one car girl has a moped no he could then.

Drive to one of the nice courses the lads can have a drink they can enjoy themselves he gets his nice round of golf. And then.

Drives home and drops them all off and they're all hammered and go to bed early and he feels like we'll plant somewhere nice okay. But what if it's not about the drink though what if you're what if they're all tea total why do they want to play the crap golf course if it's close maybe they've got nagging wives who say. Or part where partners whatever who might say it's half an hour there half an hour back that's an hour and you've got four hours on the golf course that's five hours and you can have a drink afterwards that's six hours you're not having six hours out the day i think it's time. For him to fly the nest really yeah. But you know what this needs you can get good being better mates i'm the may ring me oh my god who am i playing you're the one who wants to move anonymous yeah we can do this again ring ring ring are the scottish yeah. But i can't ring that's normal hey all right are you doing yeah god met you we'll play saturday oh yeah well i've got a tea time with a really nice golf course puts out a half nine are we let's let's definitely do it this time because you saw the conditions of the last round. And you play you putted horrendously last time so we definitely need to go to the much premium golf course your putting will flourish i can imagine you having the best round of golf you've ever had today.

Half nine at the premium golf course yeah right okay great perfect i'll see you then.

See you later bye two hours later ring ring ring ring ring ring i'm not going to pick up ring ring he's always wanting to cancel ring ring okay hello i am mate i'll see you. So i've just been speaking with jimmy the fish and roger and uh we can't bother playing that course it's just that it's half an hour there and half an hour back and now kelly said that she wants to put the stove on tonight. And have broth she can't switch the stove on and i know how to do it it's that little tab you know it's not working you've got to flick it click it. And it comes on if we can't get on then.

The crappy car no dave just bought the tea he's got literally in 15 minutes. But only two minutes for me so i'll see you there in ten cheers bye you're gonna pretend your microphone i think he just gets new mates i think he can every now. And again going back back to that guy i mean it's a cow field he's playing it's like a golf course want bear i'll tell you what you should do go to the back golf course during it in two weeks he said his renewals are coming up. And just post loads of amazing pictures put it put it in the whatsapp group look how pure these greens are fellas. But he's not born they'll play on your own new mates there's something nice though i like to play with a few friends at ruby's course it can be really good i'm just one of those people that just don't keep friends very long. So i just drop them let's go again statler start again i eat peter finch i don't keep friends for very long so i i'd move on i'd get better friends better golf course better better handicap he gets new new misses speaking of um ex-friends um i saw when we did the clip last week with um dan wants to get about who had the better swing you. Or peter finch peter finch did a very um talking about express providing the provocative tweet he's saying um that he could take you on any place any time. And he'd do you he would let me find the tweet if he if he didn't do me then.

There's something wrong with the world he said he'd really do yeah yeah he said he's got the wording while. So he's quoted the video said all i can say is i'm here i'm ready near the time the place. And the stronghold emoji personally i won't stand for that but if you're happy with that it's fine well any time any place not even said oh i think rick's a good golfer. But i'm probably hitting it better than he said any time name the time. And name the place he'd give you the option to name the time and the place he'd still beat you i think after the series of 75s i think we've got a big backlock back log of matches to play i think he's got in your head of it yeah a little bit just thought you were stumbling then..

And stuff i feel like he's in your head it would be fine if he's not he would beat me do you think he beat me i thought he was do you think he beat me no do you do that's fine i don't want to get into your head as well i think he beat me i think after 80 odd at hillson hall i know he's a bit of a chopper now. And again but i still think he beat me okay if it was stroke play yeah oh stroke play yes match play stroke play i've got okay that was fine just thought better. So he doesn't post low numbers that's the thing with him does he. So he what did he shoot at him we've given him way too much air time on this podcast recently no it's just because he could beat you i thought you might have a bit more fight about it. But if you i've learned my lesson last time yeah i like it when we get views on clicks i like all cocky. And start calling people out there's a tidal wave of bloody hate from the meat lovers out there and mika chopped it the other day as well it is mike about exactly the comments people could chopped it as well what did he shoot i was mild over okay why am i doing this why do you keep vaping me into this uh no i think i think everybody can have their day um i think we should potentially look to organize a big match up either individually tournament wise knockout. Or something but just remember the foreseeable future we said before about how when james robinson played that package certainly played really well. And i was saying yeah. But it's how you can play in on tour with pressure. And you it's a lot of pressure what about if they're all playing and they know what's going to be on your channel potentially pressure might get in the head that could give you that could give you a little home advantage yeah i agree with the marriott where's the part i'm not ruling out that you have a couple of ball spotters if your ball goes into the tree next.

Thing it just gets popped out a little bit rick's probably practically in the trees i know it's on the fairway now lucky bounce yeah home bounce um yeah i i i've got a chance against most i think you're a better player to give yourself credit. For i think that's how i need to live life i'm just gonna give you confidence related 75. So i'm doing and positively giving you can i think i need to live i think i just need to stay under the radar a little bit more recently i feel like i get put my neck out a bit too much. And people who put the neck out the windows get the red chopped off all i'm trying to do is get to call out top rows in the top 20 of the world. And call it every call for youtube and you won't do it um do i call the questions yeah great dear rick that was really good it was good that one wasn't it. So it's a what was that they came up with the answer that he was been off his mates i would let's go. For friends isn't it that's that's ultimately what's come down to playing good golf courses or playing with you mates what should we call him fraud prize draw coming up soon um bad greens okay done that could be good nickname that couldn't all right bad greens what late five year time john that's not a real name. But john why is your nickname bad greens well what it was i used to be a big fan of the num one goal podcast in the world this guy called rick she doesn't make videos anymore now oh why did he make videos anymore well he had the number one channel then.

Peter finch beat him on his own channels we quit youtube forever. But i was on his podcast i did a question that was anonymous he called me bad greens all the top pro started to come out with youtube channels. And overtake him yeah we've been there destroyed him. And made him bench press on the 18th green [Laughter] and i used to have three really good friends yeah give me the fish.