If you were paying at a gym if you were paying money at a gym you can't do you can't go swimming in the pool naked because that's not by the rules. And you get kicked out so that's why they quit the membership david lloyd okay let's have a little bit of a break now we're not great let's go on to uh the new segment. So when we had tubes and engine of the week we decided to launch a new section a new segment new section of the show called stupid golf rules not showing four yeah no yeah i'll um that's why i was just have a break i thought rick needed five minutes to calm himself down. And have a glass of water i want to talk about john rahm in a bit definitely yeah we're looking. For johnny he deserves a lot more praise um but anyway stupid golf rules so we had this idea that this rule i don't mean to silly rules on the golf course um more like just rules of golf club. Or just things that don't really make sense or that annoy you so we've had loads of good emails in if you want to send your stupid golf rule or your dear rick or anything the podcast email is podcast rickshaws.com it's amazing how people messages on social media saying what's the email address it's really simple it's podcast rickshaws.com to send them in. So that's got two because there's loads of good ones right so i'll put a couple down um let's say your thoughts on them as well so the first one's from andrew said shout out from canada uh it's a bit of a double whammy of a story with stupid rules slash etiquette that i encountered on the same round about six years ago. So to set the scene myself and three other guys made a weekend trip to a golf course which considered to be quite a nice um golf venue it's quite a bit up more upscale than the course we used to play at um but nothing we couldn't you know couldn't handle the defining feature of the particular course was it designed by none other than john daly um now you know daley himself is quite prone to wearing quirky um bud line ridiculous attire on the golf course. And it fits in with this theme all the staff including starters marshals and all the pro shop staff were kitted out in rather kind of bold polka dot. Or striped pants etc or skirts you know the kind of stuff the loud gear um you might guess this is heading. But one of our guys was quite new to the game. And hadn't really got any proper golfer tire he had a nice colored shirt on but the best pants he could find were a pair of black denim jeans um this really irritated the club staff who rudely protested his pants being jeans. And thus not proper respectful golf attire needless to say we found it ridiculous that beyond words that a man in literal clown pants could be in a position to judge anyone else's golf trousers and classic has been disrespectful to the game these genes were black. And from any more than 15 yards away you could not tell um they were golf pants that's his first part of the story now i can get why he's very annoyed if i'm being super critical on andrew if the rules are no jeans. And he's gone in jeans they have got a point however. if they're walking around in clown pants and you've got a pair of black jeans on that could be quite furious so first what's your take on that first bit um the only challenge with jeans and as much as he's there saying the black you can't really tell by 15 yards the definition of gene extends much wider than that like where does it stop if the guy next.

To him goes well i've got jeans on. But mine just happened to be blue yeah okay well i've got jeans on. But mine just happened to be like proper denim yeah yeah okay okay yeah that's first. And i've got jeans on and just happens to be shorts hot pants whatever it may be so that's my only thing there i'm not saying i agree with it but it's a rule that's yeah okay what what defines jeans is it i don't know is it dead. So i used to when i used to work at mia we used just have to keep an eye on this and apparently what defines jeans is the studs oh yeah. But then.

Do yours even have that see that one i like my pocket yeah apparently that defines a gene. But you can get those on trousers well this is what was mad. So a couple of years later jay lindenburg started bringing up trousers or something like that and they had these studs and we were like well actually does that become. So we have to change like the rule or whatever so on that first point andrew i kind of i do agree with him. But it's also a tough one anyway the next.

Point i can see why this annoyed him he said. So anyway we had a bit of discussion with the staff and they did let us go out in the end we got the first tee. And this is where the next.

Part of the story comes in after all that hassle i went to my golf ball on the second from the last tee box. So they must have like a black at the very back whatever it's the next.

One before that only for the starter to run over and proceed to boldly boldly states that my group could not play off this t because we didn't look like it would hit it that far okay at this point i was fuming as we hadn't even hit a golf shot. And already been through so much idiotic castle i proceeded to tell the stars to shove it in a nice canadian way and channel my rage into bombing to dry straight down the middle and um straight down the middle and a long and straight one as well after which i simply stared at the bewildered course marshall who didn't say a word after that as you can imagine this experience soured our round. And um didn't go back to the venue again that that's a misjudgment there isn't it if he just said the white tees are. For members or for comps or whatever you can't use them phone or or if this if there's a very clear obvious um course in america or canada or anything else but from what i've seen have like if you want to play off the blacks you've got to be an ability of scratch or better yes to play off the whites you gotta be off five. Or better whatever it may be if that was implemented. And the starter had a start sheet with the everyone's handicap on and went well actually you guys are off 20. the teas you've i mean. And said it nicely really sorry gents uh just just to let you know that the teas you've actually chosen today.

Are. For golfers of 10 handicap and better yeah you're probably going to enjoy your round better that's fair if you played off a tee that would suit you more. So yeah we've got these yellow tees. And the golf course is. So much more interesting from there you'll enjoy it better um i would i would advise if you want to try those tees you can do. But i would advise maybe playing off the yellows you'd enjoy a lot more yeah um golf okay i've got one more as well because i thought that was quite a good one. And i think i do like this kind of feature because i think it's going to be a lot of variety. And different people's experiences so the next.

One i've got it's a bit shorter this one's from william um if this if i've read this right the first time i've read it it is outrageous i just want to read it i'm going to be obviously out loud now i might have missed something. But from when i read this this did infuriate me my experience of a silly rule slash ban about 12 years ago i was a junior captain about 15 years old at my local club. And was partnered in up in a knockout pairs match which runs throughout the year with a with a fellow junior who was my friend okay we got drawn to play against my dad. And his friend in one of the rounds the deadline for our match being played is running out which often happens at golf clubs because you've got people are busy etc. And our availability to play was limited we arranged to play the match on a thursday evening okay nothing untoward here thursday evening happens to be also junior night at the golf club to which there were approximately 10 junior members at the time long story short we waited until it was clear played the match we won. But got disqualified by the committee because we played a men's match on junior night to make matters worse following a committee meeting all four of us so the lad his mate his dad and his dad's friend all got banned from playing golf for four weeks [Laughter] how outrageous is that oh my god you've got the junior captain playing after dunes have gone out on a thursday with his father who's obviously an adult. And his friend and they got all four of them got banned for four weeks is that annoyed you i i believe the club 100 would leave the club i wanted to name the club i mean it was 12 years ago now ever it was possible still that's ridiculous that that is that is absolutely it yeah. So if you've got a story yeah if you've got a story that's as annoying. Or as stupid as that um please email us because we want to hear some more of this fine crazy and hopefully golf's changed since 12 years ago like that story you're paying for these facilities now unless you do something that is absolutely unforgivable yeah like if something happens which you know something last week we're not going to mention yeah yeah if something happens where you then.

Not by us by the way if you do something that seriously breaks the rules if you steal break something you know completely disregard the rules several times then.

You deserve to get banned then.

You deserve to get kicked out because you obviously you couldn't do that if you were paying at a gym if you were paying money at a gym you can't do you can't go swimming in the pool naked because that's not by the rules. And you get kicked out so that's why they quit the membership david lloyd but if you're oh just find it crazy [Music].