I think custom fitting okay this is from nexus. And fitter is massively massively massively overrated ridiculously overrated. And i think that most people shouldn't even bother okay trying to hear my thoughts. And then.

I want you to try and tell me why i'm wrong or do i go in first with why it's. So good i might not think you're wrong okay oh okay i'll battle against it. For this section okay go. For it talk to the director so and and when i say custom fitting i i'm talking more irons here than metals but it can be taken about the whole back right. So custom fit in and now i'm going to kind of go against a point already. But custom fitting isn't just length of golf club liar golf club and shaft there's a lot more to it and part of that is very important. So when i say custom fitting let's just say you had a friend who took up golf and said i've seen a set of irons should i buy one iron down to sandwedge well your answer would probably be no because you probably never use your one eye. And your two eye and your free iron so in a sense that's custom fitting so by that there's some strength to custom fitting clearly because you need to know what clubs you're going to have in the bag. And also as well that's a benefit you might never use them in terms of performance and stuff but also to save you money if you buy a set of irons free into pitching wedge or five ounce pitching wedge it's gonna be cheaper five-minute picture which is saving money there's definitely some elements of custom fitting that are massively important okay. So i'm not saying all of it's a waste of time but the reason i think custom fitting on the whole is a waste of time several reasons i'm just making a note on something okay. So the first reason is. And i should use myself as custom fitter when you go to a fitting session for let's say again irons and what i'm talking about as well is most of the time there's gonna be some exceptions to everything. But most of the time you go to the facility okay. And you're hitting a set of irons off a mat correct so straight away that is not relevant to the conditions you normally play golf on it's completely different enough a matter of fair way totally different right straight away it's rubbish second thing is again most time the golf balls in your fit in are completely different than the golf balls using the golf course. For several reasons firstly you add these in range balls or if you've got a really good facility they probably give like a pro v1 but you might use a trixon z style let's just say yep the golf ball is different when you're on a golf course as well your swing is at a point where most people pitch to a golf course mate three shots of the net. And goes to course in a fitting naturally fitted will ask you to warm up. So straight away you're hitting 20 balls before the fitting starts so you're a lot looser so those swings you're then.

Swinging in that fit in are a lot freer not looser you might swing faster than you would on the golf course because you just not hit them warm-up shots that's true in it i think you might swing yeah at that point i think you can swing faster. But i also think weirdly i think players swings change in customs well that's again come on to that also most again nice. And slow is not fitting most people when they go. For fit in get nervous because there's somebody watching them correct there's a machine tell them numbers they don't swing again how they might normally do they might be a bit more tense they might be more nervous about trying to smack it because seems big number club at speed club head speed ball speed ball speed ball speed. So they start doing different swings you bad shot if it goes left or goes right ah let's delete that one carry on there's no repercussions. For bad shot so again that's different then.

It comes to the point where you go okay let's have a look at your lie angle of the golf club again a lot of fitters are going to hit off a plastic board which again the swing that you put on this plastic board is. So different to how you would swing yeah one it's raised raised up you're naturally scared yeah everybody tries to do this weird swing with a come out of it. And comes up as upright because they're scared naturally so that's weird also you've hit these irons for let's say an hour half an hour however. long nine times out of ten you've only tried the seven iron yeah well how do i hit the five iron yeah how did the pitching wedge had at the eighteen you've got no idea. And is lie angle adjusted with length well it will. So as you go longer in a golf club it will play more upright. But let's say i'm getting a custom fitting i've got a seven iron which is typically standard length yeah they've measured me i need an inch longer than standard yeah. But then.

They lie board me with the standard iron yeah mostly can they calculate well. So in a custom fitting something would have longer shafts but not always depends on how all this again depends on how high level of custom fitting you go to but most even it's somewhere as great as tourx which is a fantastic facility it's indoor yeah. So it's not outdoor on grass again you know where can you go to test wedges off grass don't really know probably nowhere really. So all these factors together mean that the club that you're testing the swings that you open on it the balls are hitting the environment you're in everything it's nothing like being on the golf course. So obviously you could argue well you're going to get close to what you would normally be than a stock set. But how many golfers are that if now if you're five foot two. Or seven foot two obviously need the clubs longer or shorter but for most people the whole process it's a waste of time that didn't quite quite as good in the car i'll be honest i wasn't in the car i was. So honest i was. So articulate i was a proper wordsmith it's a voice recorder um i'm gonna play devil advocate because i agree with a lot of things that you say okay i think custom fitting needs to be called two separate things i think there's custom made. And i think there's club fitting interesting. So drop the term custom fitting i think you can get custom-made irons which are what you're talking about you need three iron to pitch your wedge. Or four iron to pitching wedge because statistically you don't have three and you don't hit two and you don't have one iron you also need a wedge makeup which is 50 degrees of loft 54 degrees 58 degrees you need a hybrid a 5 wood a driver okay i'd almost see that as being custom custom-made. And and it's like the colour of the golf clubs the the finer details that makes them individual for you for you as a golfer then.

I believe there should be a club fitting now a club fitting if i could change the club fitting model at the moment yes i believe it should be on grass i believe it should be in a room where nobody else is present. So you're just left to your own devices with a club ideally that you can hit. And that club if you've hit 10 15 20 shots with every club in the it should have there should be a bag of a standard set of irons that you don't have any idea what they are. And you hit every club in that set with no pressure with not really much warm up with no numbers. Or anything and that room maps everything that you do it measures you your strike locations your angles your distances of every shot doesn't tell you directly you walk out that room. And a prescription is printed with everything that you need you need. For your individual after all the data we've measured after measuring your height how steep you're swinging it your lie angle your bounce angle you're going to need off your wedges you need this prescription then.

You take that prescription into the golf shop. And then.

Make your own custom made for all those other bits that you need that would be the dream scenario but even even like i said before. And this is clutch. And it's just a little bit i know but a lot of golfers some people insist who might be a bit more hardcore golfers might not do this. But a lot of golfers actually turn up to the course that hit five or six puts and even we do this. And then.

Go on to the course and start playing but you're interfering with 10 warm-up shots or 20 or 30 or more so even that isn't real um i've become more savvy when i've used to test drivers used to test drivers i still do when i when i used to get custom fit. For drivers back in the day and you're right i'd get a driver and i'm swinging as hard as i can as fast as i can i'm optimizing my speed like i'm just smashing it no no repercussions i'm warm i'm loose i'm swinging as fast as i can i'm trying to get launched i'm trying to get distance. And everything else that's all well and good in that scenario but then.

I also now the wiser me the more mature me the more educated me thinks to myself well i'm not being funny on a cold wednesday at the marriott woodsy park on the first tee that's not you that's not how i switch it later on an extra later on i've not fully warmed up on all this jazz and guess what i've got training at a fairway right now i can't just blast it as hard as i can. So that extra super pokey shaft that i had in that driver with seven degrees of loft that i was absolutely nailing in the warm sun in orlando that's the instagram rick not the real rick reality i've done the first tee at the marriott where my hands are shaking trying to put the t in the ground because when i'm nervous too it's cold i've got people watching i've got a fair when i'm looking down at a seven degree driver with a shaft that's stiffer than stiff doesn't give me confidence.