It was just classic. So it was one of the one of my best memories in golf would just be able to play seven days with a family member obviously my mum just driving around having a great time. And just enjoying it and okay that was good. So do you want to hear some of our listeners favorite golf memories i took a little bit of a screenshot of some before let's do it nice mixture actually. So um actually your friend of mine rob potter big rob big rob he said being part of the team that won the youtube golf day favorite golf memories that was a good day to youtube uh. And the german fella oh yeah i do know what you mean there's quite a nice mix of these comments though because sorry i forgot you'll see that it was i think that's the thing though isn't it what i'm realizing more's getting older that. For me obviously i love playing golf and hopefully playing well but it is. So much more about the memories and the times that you're having yeah that can be a score it can be a shot it can be around with a certain person some of these are quite deep. But some of them are quite funny. But the next.

One is from samuel uh samuel de la cruz it's quite a cool name awesome name my best golf memory on the golf course isn't anything that special that's quite common it's quite common. For a lot of golfers but it was my first chip in with a sandwich on the side of the green background started playing golf in college. And that got me hooked to golf the feeling you get as a newbie to pulling off a golf shot like that is something really special. And really motivated me to keep getting better i love that it's class that is simple i wish sometimes because i played at such a young age i can't remember shots like that well because i would have been 10 i'll make something i will remember my first birdie yeah yeah first hole where i played. And it wasn't very long hitting i didn't hit the green in two but from like 30 or 40 yards out pitched in from my first birdie that's awesome so i do remember that the other thing i remember weirdly at my home golf club we had a simulator well well well before they were even a thing it was really quite bizarre did not it was in fact it was far too ahead of its time in terms of they redeveloped the clubhouse. And they put the simulator probably the size of this room and it wasn't anywhere near the technology today.

Obviously. But it was an actual simulator you could pay to use it. But they also had it on free sometimes you could hit balls um and i remember occasionally hitting one over a hundred yards and being absolutely made so i remember that and i don't remember like like certain shots but um this one from cody gardner the albatross i made two weeks ago from 160 yards on a short path five that's very i've never met have you been albatross never no i made a fake one. But that's oh yeah you had that recently it was about two years ago i was on a par 5 a local course. And i hit a driver and i had about 220 yards left in and i had a hybrid in the back at the time i tried to hit like a three-quarter like kind of punchy chippy hybrid and like top it into a bunker that's not very good like so i want to have that shot again because i feel like that's a shot i'd like to have the locker literally dropped another ball did the exact same thing. And flushed it and it went in no way it was like it was a it's my longest to have a hole up. But it doesn't really count for anything does it there's some guys on the other t. Or something as well there's nobody there i just i knew it gone straight and i got there's a pitch mark about 20 20 foot 30 foot short and obviously it was a hybrid obviously i had four momentum on it i thought it was gonna be close it was in it's quite strange feelings it was like i've hold a shot. But it literally counts for absolutely nothing it would have been nice for it to be for albatross obviously uh next.

One is from stephen johnson as a new golfer this year was my highlight. And breaking a hundred i played okay throughout the round i didn't really think about my score the lads who were with me were struggling quite a bit. And they were getting quite frustrated. But i kept going i lost my cool in a couple of holes. But managed to plot my way around the last three holes okay. And i was talking up the scores. And at 97. i was. So tough that i achieved that and the handicap has come down low since i started off um with my three card entries at i got 39 and now i'm off 29. that's really good but i think that's the thing that sometimes like breaking a hundred might be a bigger achievement. For something than when they then.

Break 90 or 80. yeah because it's the first one. And then.

I've got two i've got two memories that stick out to me i'm just saving some pictures actually my mum sent me this it comes down to the story can it be is it just a moment on the golf course any golfing moment the lollies are on the golf course. So i've i've got two that really stand out to me number one i'm gonna go from a from a uh a professional career moment for me was the one time well not the one time was well a couple of times it was the day in general youtube golf day yes on the putting green before we went playing i was mad was probably one of the most surreal amazing moments of my of my career i know it sounds like a ridiculous thing to say that because it was just the fact that something we'd even just thought of in a bloody cafe six months earlier had turned into something as big as that with. So many spectators so many other creators somebody like when you when you're looking at it and thinking oh my god like you're one creator from one part of the world and you and like you're chatting and you're talking you're making content together and you like that was a really amazing experience one that i would like to do again potentially in the future. But that memory is. So almost strong that i don't want to ruin it really that was really good as a career. And i've had lots of really good highlights obviously it's been an amazing thing to do one of the things that i always remember was a trip i took when i was very young in fact i was this young guy. And we'll we'll put it on the um i'll put it on the main youtube video i always heard a com yeah in the facebook group um well it's called the rickshaws golf show uh facebook group which somebody had a bit of a kind of a complaint that they've been listening to the audio podcast last week it's in andrews there's a few clips that we threw in that were on the video. And i kind of get what you mean we don't ever become the audio podcast that doesn't really work. But but equally with some of these things it's nice to be able to show people and and the second channel is free to watch. So even if you just want to skip that's you know listen to the audio one and you think oh at 33 minutes rick's at something he skips the other video. And see it so it's your choice but but that on the audio podcast would have sounded awful all you'd have heard was win yeah we're not going to do that it's just the odd thing we'll put this in the youtube video okay just to annoy that guy. So i don't quite know how old i am at this point but it's not well i'll show the picture oh my days describe it so you've got a putter looks like a scotty cameron i don't think it is it's got a camera in shape you've got a proper pair of like saddle shoes like a white golf with the brown saddle how old do you think i'm there probably about 13. yeah i was about 12. Or 13. you've got actually a decent fitted pair of pants like area because you weren't that baggy you've got a jumper on and a hat you're like a bit of a chav um but i think it's just a cap that gives that look the color's quite up as well. But very much of this up at the top yeah where was that. So this is one of this is one of my greatest memories ever gonna do look a bit chubby uh oh yeah look at those shoes that's awesome um this was one of my greatest memories ever right. So me and my mum yeah who got me into golf. And i'm sure we've already said this in the podcast at some point she got me into it um we decided to go on a trip. And just me and her jumped in the car i think she might have been working. Or something and we headed to the isle of aaron do you know it yes it's got a third of it i don't know. So in scotland it's just off the coast of the north south west of scotland uh it's an island and basically on this island it's got seven golf courses on it some are like long proper golf courses some a little dinky like yeah pitching pots. Or whatever or nine holes or whatever so me and my mom jumped in the car we got the ferry over to the levara and we're staying a little cottage and each day we played a new golf course and each day we drove around the island and weirdly listened to whitney houston which might explain a lot of things in my life and uh we'd go to these different golf courses and play and it was just i remember it being at the time like i've not really been on a golf holiday i'd have been playing go. For about a year and a half or something and be able to spend time my mum she doesn't play golf anymore for whatever reason but we used to go there i wasn't particularly very good at the time so it's just a really nice kind of bonding experience and i still so vividly remember the golf courses and where they are. And i'm just looking at the map now and thinking oh yeah i remember playing it up there. And down south there and it was just classic. So it was one of the one of my best memories in golf was just be able to play seven days with a family member obviously my mum just driving around having a great time. And just enjoying it should we live that for a video a travis thirteen-year-old we should do that as a video i'll be sick seven days an hour it is class over it's really nice over there has eric done a video though harry kander's lang i feel like aaron i think it's a bell i might not have done i might have done actually um a couple of others then.

If we'll leave this topic it's been quite nice um one time there's one other thing as well cottage where our cottage was i was fascinated right we're in this little bay. And across the bay there was this island right right across the bay a standalone island. And it was called holy island right. And monks lived on it on my day so and and so when you're there because i i stayed you can see something it's literally called holy island. And i was fascinated about this island like thinking literally people just monks just live on the island they don't have technology they don't have they must have a boat. Or something how do they get food how do they get stuck how do they get stuff like they don't know about anything about like what's happening in the world. And some part of me just thought that would be quite nice to live like that but i'd get a bit bored anyway uh good morning gareth price said hitting a three iron out of the rough in front of two x liverpool football players john aldridge. And jason mcateer they were playing behind us i hit it to about three foot john aldridge said it was the best shot he's ever seen that'd be nice nice um this is a good one um from mark rodbert playing the old course from a best mate from school in 2019 we started off playing together in 1975 after school still in our uniforms. And everything and with our dad's cast off clubs and we're still playing golf together 45 years later that's really cool and the last one is a bit of a sad one. But it's from aleister brownlee a memory although kind of sad played a round of golf with a great work friend he gave me a cigar which i don't smoke so it went into my golf bag um he sadly passed away a few weeks later the cigar now lives in my bag and comes every round of me r.i.p matt so so that one it's not the actual memory obviously it's more the fact that he didn't chuck the cigar and he kept his golf bag and then.

Obviously unfortunately he passed away but he still got that as a bit of a token is that alistair brownlee the uh olympian could be i don't know actually i don't know if he's alistair this was alistair like with a d all right this is.