Um the golfers stripped of a competition for not attending presentations this is the one that my mum texted me about yes um did i mention the club. Or not um i think we should yeah okay. So stockport golf club which is a golf course very very close to us we've actually filmed the bricks. And you're five there before a couple of videos yeah i've played the what a golf course it's one of my favorites. For some reason you know when you go to a golf course you just get a vibe for it we've played there a couple well i've played with you well start again we filmed then.

I've played on my own one time uh when i went that day thinking of ideas awesome ideas and it's just a golf course it's got yeah the course is stunning. So stockport golf club shout out to this casual course it's got tradition which might be the thing that slightly holding back but but it doesn't feel snooty yeah right it's not one of those ones where if i had my phone out i wouldn't feel bad. And if i wore a hoodie i wouldn't feel too bad um gary the pro actually has left recently he's moved on to another golf course he's unbelievable pro shop was great um always really well stocked just a really really really really really nice vibe however. however. yeah however. um i i think might be several twitter accounts. For the golf club but anyway they had a twitter account and had is the key word here there was s c g c. So stockport golf club gents comps that was the at username. And is the tweet has since been deleted as has the actual account which is quite a big move wow. But basically i can't actually find the actual tweet anywhere now but that's an article on golf monthly about it that's kind of how um viral i use that term loosely but viral in the golf world it went where essentially there was a saturday competition. And there was it was a better ball i think. And i believe 38 38 points won 37 points came second and then.

36 points came third okay. But the team that got 38 and team got 37 didn't attend the presentation stockport golf club decided to give it to the third place as first if that makes sense so so the disqualified first and second essentially yeah now i think the whole purpose of this tweak because that's what you might do internally at the golf club. And whatever the whole purpose of this tweet was to kind of they they put it just shows how important it is to attend presentations now again the beauty of opinion maybe a lot of people listening to this. Or watching this who completely agree with that thing well yeah he should be at the presentation however. it went down very very um poorly on twitter with a lot of people now again i know if twitter is a hive of opinion. But several people were saying that actually you know a lot of people have families they might want to play golf which is four. Or five hours so they would get in there early for a comp day and stuff they have to go home i thought they can't wait around for presentation um other people said it's um it's a tough school um. But they know the rules and traditions when they join so it's not so much that the people they might have mowed it wasn't so much that the people who should have finished first and second were moaning it was more the golf club kind of showing off their tradition it actually went down very very poorly they were trying to flex on the fact that the disqualified first. And second really weren't there yeah. And somebody else tweeted that i could partially understand this if it was a major club championships. Or whatever potentially but for a full ball better ball stableford it kind of seems a little bit over the top um and it seems you know it it helps to fuel this kind of negative image that golf is elitist. And old-fashioned yeah. And that's why people don't want to play comps and join clubs so it's a tough one isn't it it's a really really strange one because part of a golf club is the community aspect yes. And part of winning competitions and and being you know if you certainly if you're in a major and your name's on the board and you get presented a trophy all that is kind of it comes part. And parcel of winning something you'd like to think. And in an ideal perfect world you'd have a hundred competitors playing in the golf day and straight after or whatever after that evening you'd have a 100 people at the presentation the winner would win first second play second nice speech nice photos off you go that's not the real world you can't because the guy i'm not seven o'clock the first t7 the last two is 12. And the 12 guy finishes at four half past four com five the seven o'clock guy unless he comes back he's not gonna stay over that's the only way you could possibly do it shotgun starts. But even then.


It's very difficult but if it was a shotgun start when everyone teed off at nine o'clock. And i've almost finished at one and you're in the bar anyway and whatever quick presentation is guy charnock here you've won longest drive again shock shock there you go there's your longest drive award like it kind of makes sense i think what they've done there though is like you said they've tried to flex it. And they've tried to kind of they've tried to stamp their authority down by saying you know if you're not going to attend you're not going to win your prize. But there has to be justification here there has to be some level of of understanding there has to be some level of of um coming up into the modern world where if you're a modern family man or doesn't you don't have to be a family man just a modern manager or a modern person in general you've got a lot of things going on. And golf sometimes is not every single minute of your saturday it's it's. For four or five hours that you can you can afford to use to play golf. And enjoy it sport that you love maybe one you get want to get better at but then.

The rest of the day is family time. Or or your own actual time that you want to yeah again rightly. Or wrong whatever way your opinion is. Or people's opinions i hopefully these kind of incidents should encourage golf clubs to maybe rethink things and hopefully potentially change some traditions that actually aren't that or you know have more regular presentation evening so maybe i have one every month or so or i'm not everybody can still attend. But if anything they might encourage people to attend on a thursday night once a month and maybe have a couple of drinks and spend money in the clubhouse whatever i don't know um but it's interesting i wonder if you'd ever get to a stage where it's almost like an award ceremony like like the oscars or or the brits and stuff and it's just a stockport golf club and it's like there might be some fighting again but like you get one of those ones where it's like oh so uh jim jim smith couldn't make it today.

But we're going live to gym now at his home timeshare in turkey um i'm made up of one um i hit the ball well that pie after nine really helped i think that's what they've got to do i think that would be absolutely brilliant he's a bit sunburned his wife's not going what is that what are you doing he's got 25 quid in his account i love it oh the internet's not very good here sorry guys jim you're upside down turn the camera around i'm not gonna be readers on the couch see your screen um.