I want to dive into a little bit more about the actual golf all righty what have you found the hardest so far about playing golf it's just so random i feel like it's just so random playing i almost don't think that ever changes it doesn't it doesn't certainly i played online how did you do that that's almost impressive how bad that was at the rat the you would talk about before like the golf course is always different your ball's gonna always finish in a different location the wind's gonna be different like there's dead windy out there today.

It's gonna be raining it's gonna be a slope you know whatever every time you go out. And play a golf course it feels different yeah the challenge then.

You'll have as well just as you as quite a new golfer is that your swing will vary slightly all the time you know even even good players my swing varies too often if i'm honest with you guys nodding in agreement um. But that that i think that's one of the biggest you know advantages of golf that no you can't master it you can't have a you can't ever get perfect at it. And you keep kind of driving towards it so the random the random aspect of it is you find the most difficult at the moment yeah i also think you know if you start to understand that being bad is good it changes your perspective i think i told you as well i watched seven the movie. And when my ball ends up in the most random of places i just think i don't think oh this is the worst shot i think okay this is my chance to do something really creative like survey i can think like survey how am i going to get under this tree how am i going to you know do these really interesting shots which you know could happen again. But once you start practicing them it actually makes you a better golf because you're thinking differently all standout shots have come after a bad shot so if you look at even all the best players on the top tigers chip in at augusta that was a missed green there's a terrible miss left he holds arguably the most famous chip shot ever like a lot of amazing golf shots are always coming after what has been perceived as a terrible golf shot. So so like that is a great opportunity to like excel. And like say the best players in the world do excel at those opportunities um what part again what part of golf you know if you can actually categorize. And break it down driving irons pitching putting whatever which of those bits have you found the the hardest and which also have you found the easiest to kind of get good at i initially thought my driving was going to be the hardest. And i think it was because the club just didn't really suit me um. So i always avoided it actually i now have new clubs that i love you've got good clubs you've got a very good question the advantage of being on instagram right but they choking clubs they're classed as men's clubs so they're regular effects with i don't know they called men's head so i don't know what they were well they simply have the same head the head weight might differ depending on what shaft you're going. But you hit that drive on holes 16 today.

And the speed i don't know the opportunity for gc quite the the ball speed on that was was motoring wasn't exactly absolutely a long way that was easy i was comfortably over 200 yards yeah you're like i've got. So much more power inside me there yeah you're a lot more i think you're putting is really important now we didn't see that many shots the grand scheme of things. But you long range putting on your shot but you hold a few good three footers which you didn't need to be missed you didn't miss hits a putt no yeah you simply strike well it was just the gauge of speed. And slow which will come in time um a couple of dodgy shots yeah expectedly. But then.

A couple of really nice shots so um i'm excited. For people to see the video definitely i think people will be uh will be you don't swing it like a beginner golfer. And that's because you've had a lot of coaching right yep although i'll beat all coaching is through my phone yeah you have online coaching yes exactly how come you went. For that option so funnily enough i started training over lockdown which doesn't really give me much choice so i started it in no no in march sorry um my coach is based out in malaysia. And i use um skills app which people have heard about i think now yeah skill list is an app where you can download you can you can pick a pro there's loads of pros around the world they'll charge different rates depending on how busy they are their expertise you can pick a coach sale to you you send them your swing they'll analyze it send it you back um you know it costs. But it's a way of being able to get professional help while you are in lockdown. Or you can't get to a driving range or you can't get to a pro in person do you think you'll continue that now even though you can go. And see a pro in real life i don't know i think i need to find someone i really bond with. And i always say this to beginners it doesn't matter if you feel like you don't connect with the first pro you play with and do you know what it is it's on skilless what's good is i could try five pros. And then.

I could pick one i don't feel like an obligation to stick with one whereas i think if you were to go to the range you had a pro it almost feels like you couldn't try another pro you almost couldn't go to that driving range again exactly. And use another pro i saw it when i was at trafford there was like five. Or six pros if one of my clients went and saw someone else i'd be like what are you doing oh yeah i would think they had poached my client yeah as opposed to that client having a free choice believe it. Or not to go see someone else which i didn't you know that didn't happen to me very i just believe that you know you will get on better with a separate coach if you say both of you had a tutee um that didn't work. For either of you and you switched them and actually they were much better why would you not want to have someone who connects. And you can actually make them improve. And help them and support them like i just don't think you have to stick to the first pro that you play with it's good to try a few. And see what works best if it's going to work on both sides.