Just in rows in Madinah you did what's in the bag with him. And I think February of 2019 January February it was filmed in February last year. And he was Hamid up to the eyeballs wasn't he yeah it's I had a few clubs didn't they're still they were tailor-made like three more three were an axis Porter which is not Humber they actually had at the time a honma driver I think I'm sure did Humber Islands. And it was the big story that he'd gone to Humber. And I think obviously a lot of hardcore golfers would have heard of hon. But before the known for the kind of expensive line of golf clubs very big obviously over in Asia it was obviously a very clever decision by Honma who wanted to break into the european market place which you see now she actually homer in the chimeric. And golf and kind of more just general retailers so their idea as far as i believe it's a signer I think you world want at least at the time we'd finished 2018 as world number one he hadn't played. Yet in 2019 it was his first outing when I managed to bag an opportunity to do what's in the bag with him. And he was still world number one well bar obviously a tiger Rory possibly a DJ rose. And certainly world number one you currently get much bigger than that that's huge that was their way of staying in the top ten in the world forever. And even 15 years or something that was the way of Honma stay into the Western world we are Honda this who we are. And part of the story I remember was that he was signing with them I'm sure. For loads money but also he wants to have more of an important to design the clubs I never show how much I believe that truth be told yeah there was rumors in the fact let's look at Tate he was would tailor made before he went to Homer let's look at their stable of players tiger Rory DJ whoever else is in that met Jason Jason Day. And I think he felt like he possibly deserved you know when Rory was getting prototype irons. And Tiger was getting prototype irons. And DJ Rose was probably like well come on guys like I've been with you the longest I've been unbelievably loyal to TaylorMade. And and possibly now feel like I'm not first second or maybe even third in the pecking order Oh surely if Justin Rosen's at Taylor Made Walken's a tow truck or goes to Carlsbad and says I want a little bit shave enough to tell on the 6-iron they do it like I say go bicep American golf like that might I think that's part of this nice store yeah it's like a nice story to say that Han Murray gets what he wants. But last week at the Honda Classic I believe he was seen with a bag of as far as I can see I've got a Milt here not a single honma Club in the bag which is crazy cause he's still from everything I understand they have like the drive. For humbug I think it on the bag. And obviously wasn't ball I think he was was it 12 clubs it wasn't the full 14 he was signed about Ben 10 even swimming 10. Or 12 double figures often when you'll see Bruns pinger quite different pinger actually every club in the back has to be pink when you go for pink obviously they don't make a boss he can sign with whoever ball you want tailor-made often it's all everything they're trying that unlike the tiger DJ. And everyone else you've got to use everything but other brands have been a little bit more flexible and certainly if you're going after a big name signing you would give them the luxury of saying well I want to sign you. But really realistically I know that pottery views for 200 200 rounds of golf I'm not going to take out your back yeah. And that was where like Tiger with Taylor Made Justin Rose went with probably a similar deal 10 12 they were probably looking to get 14 clubs in the bag. But where we getting to here he was spotted not using one single Honma item in his Honma tour bug Wow. So I've got a list here of what I found a line I think there was one of the club who weren't sure of. But he's got the TP 5 ball in there so although again home and make a golf ball not that surprised yeah the axis one Porter again I've been using that. For ages not surprised this is where it gets a bit funny though she's got vole keys tailor-made. And they even I think all Wilson wedge in the bag from one image I've seen would definitely Volkers. And tailor-made wedges so no Han wedges whatsoever he's got the p7 30 irons tailor-made again. So no hum orion's which hummer irons are really nice. And surprises taking about the bag he then.

Had a cold Brits peds own firewood weirdly a sim Max TaylorMade 3-wood and then.

A sim drivers again tailor-made so he's got a mixed bag which a lot of guys are going. For and not even Honda I in I'm just gonna double-check someone's I mean I'm into this yes there's no different what you've seen no no it was there was weirdly there was an image of a Wilson waitin inside yeah. But only that what I betrayed an aide at the time it look like he had too many clubs in his bag at that point I know sometimes plays like a really heavy weird Club that might be yeah he has a one of the image no sir oh yeah the image I've got he's got looks like a 60-degree Wilson staff wedged in his back lots of tailor-made unfortunate this picture doesn't have a the back. But presuming he's gonna be using a honma golf bag so what the hell has gone on there like that is that's. So interesting what Rancic look he's a hundred percent he's got to be country it's not gonna be a one-year deal with honma it's also played already this year all using honma irons and clubs so it's not as if it was January to January now it's collapsed you know what has gone on one of the stories were when he did sign to tailor-make honma that one of the chief executives who kind of originally got signed with him with TaylorMade did actually move over to Honma. So there was already a point of contact over there has something happened there as that guy moved on these are all speculations by the way you know i think it's weird of this i can see almost two ends to the spectrum. So in one way every single brand now how the major manufactures make amazing golf clubs so you can go to any of those brands as a consumer. And go get a great set up in great to a Titleist TaylorMade Callaway Mizuno etc so you could argue a certain if it's all pros who get things tweaked as well that they can go to any brand. And get any set of clubs it shouldn't really make a difference that's the first way of looking at it so just in Rosewood sorry ping tomorrow they can make him what he wants Mizuno make him way once on the other side of the coin they complete flip of that is that these guys are the most hyper perceptive people when it comes having a golf club in the hand I remember story at Nike that. And Tiger put a blade down three iron and he could tell a toe was one millimeter longer than his previous set well that's true. And I don't know what I'm getting at is these pros are the most perceptive people ever. So you could argue with if those Hummers are slightly different to his tailor-made he's going to know about each playing. For millions of dollars he wants what he wants so it's which which is it it's a lot of golfers have liked when Rory first saw when Nike went down the pan. And then.

Obviously came back up again it must make a big difference but then.

Why did they want to either get him paid millions. But why they want to risk that just for one paycheck we could win major after major or at least compete yeah that's a very good point I think money definitely comes into it I think relationships come into it I think feeling like you're you know you are the the golden child in that you know the Golden Nugget in that team as well you know I honestly think that I think one of the big things again looking at tailor-made they've got. So many superstars now cause it the fact that Rose was just not feeling like a superstar there anymore with all of the other you know it's just yeah just think him back when actor did that what's in the bag with him he actually came off the back of winning the first event of the year with honma clubs in the bag. And almost speculation was like squashed because everyone was thinking why is he you know he's well number one why he's swapping clubs this happen either I think he won at Pebble Beach it was it was a week before he won with all the hunger in the bag everyone was like oh it's great winning he's still going. And then.

From that point really hopefully not from the what's in the bag video but from that point he didn't have a great year last year you know what is he right now is 13 there's still not come she's not lean. And that's you know that is quite a big drop I wonder is interested I'm intrigued to know if it'll last I think something will come out in the Woodworks there's no smoke without fire the same says. So if there's if there's clubs that have come out the back there's a reason for it and I think we'll only know very soon what has actually gone on another analogy I've got actually I'm not gonna name names. Or brands but I know over I don't know up I heard a story is true about a footballer that was paid. Or soccer player for people in America that was paid to wear certain brand of football boots. And after a while they decided that actually they were doing it under contract decided they're not gonna bother with them anymore they're not comfortable. And they went to wear another brand but the brand that he should have been wearing we're gonna take it up legally because were paying somebody to endorse our boots he's not wearing them. But then.

After decided not to because the whole news story would have made such a more bad PR for the said brand that they decide to let it go. So I'm not suggesting for once second that's happened here but if it has in rows did you know what I'm not using this anymore hon the mighty I doubt the worldly might just go you know what let's just quietly walk away from this because if they want to take it to court. Or ever how bad would that sound when he turns around and says if he did again all that jelly whatever. But if he said I couldn't perform with this brand as well des wanted to that's a bad story. For any brown with football boots or golf clubs so that's something that's interesting hmm let's find out what happens.