Okay it's from daniel. And he says i started following rick because of his reviews i noticed that lately he has done less and less reviews it might be quite provocative with my question but is he doing less reviews because other people are doing it better oh. So um you caught me on a wrong day what's it called daniel yeah daniel. So wrong day daniel let's go on to that let's let's talk about reviews why you may be doing a few less reviews and then.

On off the back of that i want to talk about some of the drivers for next.

Year okay. And go ahead um reviews i i think there's there's two things i would love to separate the viewers information around a review. And a test i think they're very very different these days i would 100 without question say that there's better people doing tests of golf clubs online scientific proper tests people like my golf spy who who have gotten hundreds. And thousands of golf shots being hit by loads of different golfers on robots and simulators taking all the data number crunching etc etc etc that is a test i think the other guys that are doing almost slightly more test than review let's say the guys from txg over in canada. And they really know their equipment they're really dialed in and max just messaged me coaching call you shortly um he they are doing kind of reviews. But also a testing element because they'll put a different shafting change the weight or whatever whatever whatever i think what i do a really really good job of is reviewing equipment i think bar not many i still think i make the best reviews on youtube because i give the information i give my opinion i'm very honest i'm very impartial i know my stuff i know all about loads of different golf clubs that have ever been used before. And i feel as a review you want to see a few things as an audience member you want to see how the club looks i think we give some of the best close-ups in the world you want to see our club performs i think i do a really good job of that. But yes i do it solely on my performance of how i hit a golf shot um. So i think i still do amazing reviews. But don't mix it up with tests yeah why i don't do as many one um it's a good word there's not as many pieces of equipment that have huge differences these days. So a lot so let's say for example a great example of this back in february we were studying like stacking my garage. And we were going to test. Or i was going to start testing the new callaway irons yes okay. And all the sets there color irons and we have a chat before starting reviewing or whatever filming saying well what is it with these irons what's new what's different what's the what's the interesting part of these irons is it a new material are they promising to go longer straight are more forgiving easier to hit are they super expensive they're super cheap whatever it may be. And we've sat there going they're literally no different to the calorie irons i've tested in the past like they've made some tiny tiny tiny tiny changes which in a review is not going to make. For great viewing it can be if the brand is claiming that that's a difference correct. So like with the driver if a brand come out with a driver and say this is the fastest longest most forgiving best thing since sliced bread 2.0 supercharged. And you go it performs the same as three years ago yeah that in itself is a good review. But the diff i think the difference is as well what you've kind of maybe not mentioned that we have before it's down to the audience that watch as well. So we know obviously so fortunately you've got two million subscribers some of those are serious hardcore golfers i feel like people listening to this podcast are serious hardcore golfers. But some aren't as well so a lot of our viewers a lot of your viewers that tune in for your reviews that usually want to see nice images a rough kind of overview they don't want it to be super super super super super detailed they don't want to start diving into and this is experience we've found. And what we know from our audience they don't want to know the exact moi of the club face rotation exactly if you hit it two millimeters from center high toe that's not our audience and there is people doing like you said txg are amazing at doing that. And they have a they obviously do some crossover. But they also have a very different demographic don't they i feel like our audience will want to know information about the golf club not only to influence whether they think they might be interested in buying it interesting testing it whatever it may be. But i think what a lot of the audience do i've seen this from evidence there's lots of times where an audience will watch a video of a club that got no intention of buying oh yeah like literally no intention. But what they're doing is learning about that piece of equipment. So they might go to the to the golf club at the weekend and chat with the mates oh we've seen that new taylormade driver it's and and they're armed with information yeah you know how much it costs you know how much adjustability the weight is at how much adjustability there is they know is it any faster. Or longer than last year what what you know just in a in a quick nutshell a quick conversation starter but it's it's also entertainment as well like i've i'm a bit of an apple fanboy to some degree but apple iphone i've had for years but recently i don't know why i've been watching a lot of these videos on this new um google pixel phone and i kind of know enough about it now i'm still watching the odd one here and there because it kind of it's some level of entertainment when there's nothing else on tv but on the flip side would you particularly watch one that like proper opens the phone up and checked every every nano speed of the microchip no exactly i wouldn't do. But there'll be some like hardcore phone enthusiasts who would who would perceive that to be a well better review than the eight-minute glossy one yeah. But it's just different audiences and then.

The other thing is welcoming back to again people like your txg's who do such a great job their whole channel is fundamentally based around reviews. And tests of golf equipment so anything that comes out they're going to review it's more content. For them they can make good content around said products. For us obviously it is still a real pillar of the channel is reviews of product. But that's more like taylormade your callaway drivers titleist ions wedges etc you know all the stuff bits and bats here and there flagship yeah things that were excitables. And are going to get views we're not necessarily going to do a massive full video on a mizuno wedge let's just say first thing i thought of just because it ultimately it's not interest us enough doesn't interest the viewer. But other people will do great videos of that. So that should answer the question.