The the title of the email is golf confessions dash trying to impress my class okay. So it says hi rick and guy we listen to the golf confessions this week and realize i need to get some off my chest dot dot dot nice i just moved countries and i'm a senior in high school i'm from the uk but i go to an american school so he's moved to america at my old school we had a golf team and i was a captain which i made everyone aware of by having captain. And then.

His surname on the back of my hoodie i was naive i'm weird i know which is even weird when i moved to manu school in america i got quite nervous on my first day when doing first day introductions. And i got asked what i do in my free time okay i said i was a professional golfer as soon as i said it. And you had messed up anyway i went on to tell a story of how i was asked to turn pro last year. And denied x wanted to continue on school and go to a good university but then.

Told them i actually had since turned pro and um i was a brand rep. For some made-up golf brands and now everyone thinks i'm basically a tour professional i am a plus one handicapper and i was asked by school counselors last year whether i considered turning pro instead of going on. And carry on at school but i decided to stay at school i want to get this off my chest and let the world know i am not a professional golfer i got a bit nervous on the first day i wanted to impress the other people in my class he told a little bit of a white lie and not being able to get his way out of it i like how he had to invent freight golf brands rather say oh yeah i'm a tailor-made ambassador he's made up a random golf rand. And said he's ambassador. For that brand oh my god what's your advice then.

What i think i can forgive him it's not the biggest lie in the world it's it's a hundred percent something i wouldn't 100 percent out of i probably did. And honestly that that is definitely a something i would do i i've done it too many times where i've i said something i'm have you said that. And i just have to go with it for the rest of my life um wow um i don't i can't i don't know what advice to give him but i mean he could turn pro you could yeah. And that's all he's up to he could actually turn pro you just resigned it rescinded your amateur status um and he's obviously good enough i think where it would have really fallen down your story let's say if he was off like seven. Or eight or something and he's and like but he's obviously a good player plus one um my punishment for him it's not a massive one uh i want him to lose his butter head cover so he's got no headphones putter. So it's a bit of convenience i had to buy you one off ebay for 19.99 okay that's that's enough. For me quite a good punishment i feel like you've been thinking about that on the spot um punishment uh oh it's a bit of a nasty one but the next.

Time you are playing. For your team do you still play. For the team or not i mean there's a team at this school from what you're saying next.

Time you are on the first tee i'm sorry. But you're gonna have to top it 50 yards yeah in front of everyone as many people as watching as possible yeah then.

You turn around. And go i'm not a pro it's all been alive rickshaw told me to start lying yeah sounds good.