I remember we were doing a golf school in Vegas. And we've got these eight people at a golf school at my dad's place in Vegas and we're doing long bunker so we've got all these people sat tell them how to get out of the long bunker and so now I said to Tiger I said yo will you get in. And give the long bunker lesson day he was like yeah absolutely. So now Tiger Woods is going to get in. And give eight average golfers how to get out of a fairway bunk he gets in there and he talks about all the things that he does he could hit a fairway bunker. And everything like that everybody's taking notes and he kind of is walking away. And he's he's laughing and I was like what are you laughing. And he's like no you don't want to know I was like no what are you laughing out. And he's like I don't do any of that. And I was like ah get the [ __ ] out here I was like you don't do any of that he goes no I don't do any of that. And I was like. So why did you tell that he's like well I know how to get out of a long bunker. But the way that I think about it is like they'd never figured out I was like okay you can't leave us hanging now go through what you think about to hit a long bunker shot. And halfway through I said shut the [ __ ] up because these people will never recover. And he's like I told you you didn't want to hear it so I slow my speed and my hands down you explain things like just like a normal person.