John john senior said that john junior's favorite day of the week is a tuesday because the podcast comes out. And he says he listens as he drives to the golf course that's class um [Music] well yeah. But one thing that um i've heard about you've told me briefly this story i want you to explain it fully for me and for the listener was there was a young boy a couple of days ago won a very big golf tournament. And he's done an interview afterwards apparently or his dad has and he said oh you know he's nobody got a favorite golfer. So you know for example he's not thinking tiger he's not talking about dustin johnson he's not after john ron fan or rory or his favorite golfer is um your friend of mine richard shiels um yeah explain this to me please. So what what's where i don't know how i've ever set this up i actually have a prompt on google if i ever my name ever gets mentioned in a news article i get an email i don't know how to set this up just something to ourselves and i woke up yesterday morning and normally it happens around midnight i got a news article a news alert saying you've been how often do you get these then.

Well daily not very very very seldomly it depends if i've caused any beef. So i got this prompted like you've been mentioning the news article so i clicked on it and it was the mayo news mayo mayo m-o-m-a-y-o i'm trying to find this article now i found it. For you all right okay it's a mayo news. So it's an irish newspaper and on the on the home page or on one of the golf pages it was bali heinous balihinis golfer is number one. And there's a picture of a young lad holding a massive trophy ridiculous big trophy with super proud dad and super proud mum and underneath it says brilliant young golfer john william burke who apparently is a huge fan of the podcast does it doesn't say this in the news article. But it's not his second favorite goal for them could be top 10 you could [Laughter] is pictured with his parents john. And paula along with the gary player trophy which he won for being the overall champion in the flora flow gas irish junior open golf summer series okay. And later on in the article kind of skip through reading the rest of it i want to find my name and you're right he said you know who's your favorite golfer. And he says he doesn't have one but he watches all of rick shields his youtube videos so twitter can be a toxic player sometimes you can i'm not the biggest fan of twitter i'm sorry. For everybody that does follow me on there. But it's a bit weird i thought let's use the power of twitter and do something nice i got home slightly early yesterday afternoon the kids are still off school they're running around the house causing mayhem i was just chilling out. And uh i put a tweet out saying is there any chance anyone can get hold of um this young lad's parents numbers i thought let's congratulate him. So the golf course themselves actually messaged me uh bali hornets golf club and the pro there uh maria gave me his dad's number and just out the blue i rang him yesterday so talk me through it ring ring he goes hello i don't know a thing here but just what was it well he's irish right okay. So john's irish yeah i like an irish accent i really do. And my wife is very fond of an irish accent. And she was around my wife actually ended up crying on the phone call. And um so i rang him up and said oh hi john it's it's rick shields he went oh hi how are you doing though um i said uh i believe your son's just won a big tournament oh yes he has no i can't is this a decent. Or not it's not horrendous i feel like i can do better put the pressure on the video. And i don't want to offend anybody in ireland and i said um i said is uh because dad's called john. And sons called john i said john junior around he said yeah he's just next.

To me. So puts him on the phone i was on the phone to him. For about five minutes was he chatting back like was he nervous really nice really nice lad. And uh i invited him as my vip guests to the golf show live which i didn't think they'd be able to make because of restrictions. But he's text me since and said they'd be happy to come along him. And his dad um so it's just nice and you know it's not didn't take a lot and i listen i wasn't genuinely doing it for any other reason just to congratulate him he's one of big trophies mention my name in a news article you know the least i can do is give him a little phone call. And you know congratulate him it's very very nice such but this this is what's mad that like a bit like uh minwoo lee um golfers coming through now tour golfers who are like let's say 18 to 23. Or whatever have kind of grown up watching your videos yeah it's crazy you think about yeah well that's even the younger generations how old was john's like 12 12.. So literally he he has been you've been making videos for the long as he can remember like when he was five years old you were making videos yeah. So if he hopefully goes on to be a tour player or whatever or however. he takes golf in the future there's kids out there who have been watching the videos that hope listen to the podcast and you will be to them as much of a golfer if you like as rory it well john john senior said that john junior's favorite day of the week is a tuesday because the podcast comes out. And he says he listens as he drives to the golf course that's class um but we've probably seen it already you know like minwoo lee who mentioned he was fan of the channel before coming on the channel. And now dominating the world of golf um plays like sam horstfield as you mentioned that he watches the videos who's the other irish lab that you uh tom mcgibb mckinnon he's a fan of the channel i believe now he's you know european tour and doing amazing um do you think though that like when you're growing up that young lad at the open oh yeah who stopped. But he um he literally he was walking across the bridge at the top. And granted i know a few of the players now not loads but a few of them so i wouldn't have been surprised if i don't know a danny willett or a tommy fleetwood might have shouted down hey rick or something yeah this lad walked past. And you were there with me. And said hey rick. And i was like who's that i don't really know who that is. And we walked over to the putting green we had to actually look at his bag and he's this kid's playing in the bloody open so yeah we might on the putt that's the thing that when were you growing up. And and obviously people before us the only real golfers you could look look up to re the people at your golf club obviously or the tour players yeah whereas now with the internet i mean obviously you're composed the average guy a good golfer. But like people look up to you for other reasons because of like how you and we make golf look fun on the videos so it's not just about like oh i want to be like rick shields he's good at golf it's like we see that a lot of it on i saw it on the wooden golf ball of the day so many people commenting saying that you're making golf look fun you're making me want to go play golf and that's as important as being a good golfer as much as you might look up to rory and tiger and dustin and you should do you look up to them often because they are good at the game of course. But with with you and what you do i think people look up to that not just because you're good. Or very decent it's because it makes it fun do you not also think it's very relatable yeah you know a young lad who you know might be struggling with the golf you know because golf hard as we mentioned we don't disguise that in the video like go i say golf is hard yeah you know. And you may look at tor golf and never think anybody ever hits a bad shot yeah would you well that's because as well it only shows the best players in the world. And the ones that play in the best on that week you don't see if wrote it well maybe rory would but if again danny willett mrs according he shoots 76 76 you'll see a single shot see any of it where again little john or little timmy or whatever is watching the channel. And going oh bad shots do happen a rick can play okay good golf. But you can also top a three wood he can also duff a chip he can also miss a three foot put. And and i think i would have really appreciated that when i was 10 11 12 growing up because again it puts golf into a perspective that you go oh all right. So i used to give myself such a hard time for things like that when i was growing up. But i think if you accept it. And went okay i don't want to do that granted that's not it's not something i want to aspire to. But it's okay. And i also think. And again you might have been similar through the winter i really died off golf when i was younger like through the winter months i almost semi forgot about it yeah. And got into other sports back into footy obviously [Laughter] even you would have called it football six weeks ago now it's putty into the old intelligence shin pads today.

And um you know so i think again beca if i was young little timmy. Or john now going through the through the winter i might not be playing as much golf because the weather's bad. But i'm still consuming golf content through social media through youtube videos not just mine obviously not just things we produce there's a huge collection catalog of youtube videos now people can watch. And i think that's obviously giving joe average a great insight to how to get better at golf how to buy the right equipment how to have more fun. But like say it's giving those young golfers the insight to what golf is actually really like. And making it realistic which i think.