I mean maybe just help maybe just pretend he is having an affair yeah break up with her. And then.

You can play as much as he wants yeah [Music]. So dear rick he's brought to you i'm my good friend and your good friend best best friends um i'll actually be using the little key stand back at the minute the hydro flex stand bag and what i love about it what i love about it is i can carry my bag. And use it as a stand back if you want to and the next.

Thing oh there's my trolley whack goes on and fits perfectly yeah it's kind of cool with that. So this is from um anonymous it says dear guy vibes charnock. And rick nugget shields you've already one was there on his list of the exactly given the trolley um cracking podcast as usual the january make my tuesday's a whole lot better keep up the good work. So it's really that's if you want to send in a dear rick and you you send your email to podcast at rickshaws.com that's the kind of thing that gets you read out on earth just just perfect but it's a good one as well so here's my dilemma i'm looking for a few nuggets of advice myself like many people i have a bit of a golf addiction i'm not the best player but i can't help wanting to play more and more to improve my game i am slowly running out of excuse to tell my other half where i am without her suspecting i am having an affair just off to see my mum or just going to do a few jobs when in reality i'm heading to my local community. For cheeky night halls or the driving range can you suggest some more cunning excuses i can use maybe from personal experience on what i can use excuse-wise to my partner to get away with just. For a bit of context i can only sign off with her every. For around once every for around once every one or two weeks so mr anonymous loves playing golf wants to play more than one saw every other week what can he say to his partner does he love her i mean maybe just know maybe just pretend he's having an affair yeah break up with her. And then.

You can play as much as he wants yeah like that um i think i don't know obviously golf is the biggest challenge. For golf is the fact that it does take time out of people's day yeah they understand that. And if you've been working all week and you get home at the weekend or if you've got kids and whatever but i understand four or five hours being out in the golf course does take away from family time. And things like that so you do need to balance it definitely um i wouldn't i wouldn't give him any more i wouldn't try. And come up with any more excuses i'm sure there's many out there and i'm sure many people would recommend oh you pretend you you pretend you're going doing this. Or you're doing that i'd just maybe be open with her and just say listen once or twice a week not cutting it for me i need to play it's more goal once a week or one every two weeks i think he's dead just like like come up with a reasoning go you know i really love it it helps me stay fit helps me stay mental i feel like i can have a bit of down time. And free up my space um is there anything that you would like to do. So if i go and play golf is there anything that you would like to do that that you might gonna spend some time on your own might go. For swimming or go for a run or she might go and start playing golf i mean that's that would be an ideal world from i'm guessing if he got his wife into golf potentially. And they could go down and practice together and they can go. And you know spend time at the golf club together potentially but i think if he loves it. And he wants to be open with it and i'm saying if he loves playing golf not his wife is is be transparent. And just say listen i want to play more golf and once twice a week i don't feel like i'm i'm enjoying it if i only played that much time because i'm not getting better i'm not practicing as much as i want is there anything that you would like to do that would help free me up with a bit more time i've gone playing golf good answer i feel like i wanna come up with some huge like story. But i just not got the energy to say hey i haven't got it well as we overlook.