How important is a decent golf ball. And i've got a little take on this i have told a story before so i do apologize to those people i've listened. But i would normally go out and use pro v1 just what i do i'm happy to use a tp we'll have to use any golf ball that's what i'd navigate towards to gravitate towards the pro v1. And there was a time when my mother-in-law. And somebody at her work had left whatever in his desk he had a couple dozen golf balls he wasn't bothered about taking them so i got them she gave them to me because obviously i play golf and they were like um i can't remember exactly like a titleist dt solo like some random logo stamped on the side. And i played up my old golf course with some friends one evening using one of them because it wanted to use a pro v1 and lose it whatever and shot through undergrowth which one of the best scores i've probably shot around like what's the best score shot around there but yeah i would never use that ball in a comp when i'm trying to get a good score. So it's kind of oh that's not a bad golf ball obviously it's kind of not what you'd fit me for and you think isn't mad how like if out. For a fitting with titleist and they tried me again with that ball against the pro v1 every day of the week they'd come out and say pro v1 and i'd also say i want pro v1 but there's nothing more actual evidential if that's even a word than the actual score you've shot yeah under par with it it's weird in it because he even sounds daft things let's say. For example you you got fitted for pro v1 yeah which titleist claimed that everybody should use a pro v1 yeah it's a mad blindness in it everyone should use a pro v. Or pro v1x it's only if then.

Basically you don't spend that much money you go down the tiers of golf balls kind of makes sense to know if it's true or not but so if you were if you got a proper fitting. And you came out with tyler probably one whatever it may be that is giving you the best ball speed the best spin characteristics that on paper should suit your game. And you go around the putting green and you like the feel of it the most and you like the spin of it the most for example right yeah from personal standpoint what you might then.

Under factor is let's say you go out in the putting green. Or let's say you go and play golf let's say when you're using pro v1 around the green you might like the field but does it almost spin too much are you leaving your chip shots too short of the hole because there's too much check yeah where if you threw down dtr dt solo that doesn't spin as much are you actually statistically getting it close to the hole the other big thing as well let's say you prefer putting with a pro v1. But you're putting speed the way you see ports and link that with the pro v1 everything's missing short and on the low side because you're not getting the speed for example if you use a dt solo it's a harder golf ball you're hitting it and it's staying on the speed that you project better even though you might not like the feel of it that's true so there might just be elements of that as well as much as statistically on paper you should use this ball sometimes in a real life scenario and different golf ball would suit you better yeah. So i think i love golf balls. And i used to not like testing golf balls that much because i thought they're not that different i think they've all got these little subtle differences that might just suit different golfers. And i feel like golf ball reviews certainly we do them on youtube they get fantastic views because again unlike a brand new 500 pound driver somebody listened to a. Or watching a golf ball review go yeah go on then.

I'm gonna i'm gonna buy three of those. For 12 quid and give them a go i'm gonna buy a box of those for 20 quid and give them a go you know it's an easier product to try isn't it yeah no it's 100. And and at the end of the day we lose golf balls we need to replenish them yeah um i think they're at a price point now at the prove ones where they're expensive. But they're just about like they don't really feel they've changed that much i think a dozen pro vs now you're gonna get. For a round i'm gonna check out something about 12 quid well i was thinking of a dozen it's going to be a ball like 40 quid. But well 45 quid i think. So on yeah american golf which is the first website going on the 44.99 yeah i feel like probably ones have always been 40 quid yeah. So they've they are expensive certainly if you lose them. But they've not like got to the point where the 60 70 quid um speaking of kind of the pro v1 and how big of an advancement that was in golf max thomas has said what do you think with the next.

Big advancement in golf in the golf gear kind of sector. For example when hybrids first launched to a kind of revolutionary crop you know a whole new product line it's not necessarily a technology but an actual product line if i knew that max i'd be a bloody billionaire um it's hard to say is what's the gap in the market right now in product the only sector i believe that brands could make cool because hybrids were never cool when they first came out you know no people didn't like them they were almost a bit taller wasn't using. For age did the topros didn't use them. For ages and they almost had this stigma of light oh it's just a club that gets you out of the bit rough yeah like wasn't that popular. And over time it definitely became a lot more popular it became a lot more um usable by all different categories of golfers i would say one sector which was really struggle with that is like the short game i still think there's wedges out there that could help a lot of golfers. But they've never become cool like really wide soul clubs even chippers yeah like i feel like chippers have such a bad stigma. But i honestly believe if chippers became a mandatory golf club that people have to carry people would lower the score i think that i think if you if suddenly a rule of golf was right you can have 15 clubs in your bag. But one of them has to be a chipper i honestly think people would be a bit wary at first. But over time they'd actually start to use it and i genuinely believe that they'd hit better short game shots no i think yeah i think whenever we've reviewed basically i want chippers to become cool no coincidence i mean maybe i could make chippers cool the only thing with the chipper is. And it's a joke but if you are a better player there's taking a whole club at your bag yeah if you had one i feel like. But but bearing in mind that's what hybrids were like back in the day rescues yeah yeah you don't have to take a club out the bag three iron yeah. And putting in and put rescue in well that's where the numbers came from wasn't it so you replaced that number of iron didn't yeah i think i would like to see. And this probably will never happen now in the kind of era in with launch monitors. But there was a spell where brands had square drivers obviously the whole story that was moi forgiveness accuracy in your golf shots. And they kind of weirdly weren't marketed as being the longest but certainly the most accurate driver and there was i think evidence in that obviously sounded horrendous at the time didn't really take off. But it would be good think about like it's about the best example now i'm just over my head. And it felt good so bear with me he might not be but if you think about like um when mo farah does a marathon run. Or whatever the shoe that he will wear is obviously nike's top shoe. And and they may say that that should be the everyone should wear but if you were you know he's looking. For speed he's looking for all the things in a shoe he wants was if you were running your first ever marathon. And you're doing it for a charity or something you probably wouldn't wear the same shoe here you might wear one that is a bit more padded. Or whatever it might be yeah. But yeah with golf clubs that people want obviously to aspire to you what the tour pros use when they have very different wants. And needs and yes you can get them fitted in the slightly different models. But overall they're kind of similar but it would be good if brands made so like taylormade made a driver that was all about accuracy. So turbo didn't use it they don't really need to but it was let's say rather than 45 inches it was 43 inches. So you get a bit more control you know they changed it wasn't super super low spinning but it was you know i don't know what they'd do i'm not an engineer. But if they had clubs that was designed more to hit the fairway because drivers now 45 45. And a half inches longer you know people are getting more clubhead speed with the striking all over the face that would be something that would interest me i just don't know how it would work how people would would people get sucked into it. Or not because distance is sexy isn't it yeah. And again going back to this idea i think if you used to allow another club in the bag of 15th club i think people would possibly put a forgiving driver in the bag yeah. So you've got your normal drive that you might use that's going to hit your long distance. But now you've got a club that is just designed. For ultimate ultimate forgiveness because there's 13 degrees of loft on it big massive head shorter shaft dead easy to hit yeah it doesn't curve off line. And i honestly think you'd see a lot more golfers put it in i think that the stigma is if they only have that as a driving option they would be cons always thinking could hit it a bit longer yeah he's got the normal driver. And he's hitting it 20 yards past me question for you then.

At the moment brands do typically make they'll make several. But two drive is a kind of standard one one of the better word. And then.

A lower spinning model and the lowest spinning model is what you typically see top pros using i imagine they're getting a bit of gas if you got a bryson. Or rory to hit the standard model and then.

Hit the low spin model they would gain on the low spin model some amount if you've got 18 handicapped do the same test i imagine the gain would actually be very short effectively no gain. So they don't really get the benefit of these lowest bidding drivers massively but people still sometimes navigate towards themselves like is there not a way of making another not like a slice of another option it's like super super super i don't know i think it'd be good like i said they make slice drivers don't they yeah which haven't been great it would be a good idea then..

For a video so now we've obviously got the rights on if we say it first if we get like nick hibbs a professional club builder to almost build us a super forgiving driver so like let's just say a ping g425 max with the most loft you can get get a proper custom built shaft it's like 43 inches get it all weighted. And actually give it to amateurs and give them a normal one and see what the difference is i mean even like glue the inside of the head yeah make it all proper. And give because i when i used to fit golfers in my old job many moons ago i had i actually asked the guys who worked above me for some shorter length shaft options i knew that the shaft that was in stock was too long i think i had an inch short. And half inch short and i put so many gulps in the inch shorter and the strikes became so much more centered and consistent that'd be a good thing to try a bit nerdy but i think it'd be good i just like say yeah i think i think golfers can get better sometimes their ego can get in the way yeah i'm the same i'm the same i think i think golfers could definitely lower the scores if that's what their main objective was i'll just enjoy golf a bit more.