I don't think they have to swap your irons often because you're still like you're at irons more. And you want the same spin and everything i know you use them at the bunker so anyway right this is a bit of a random one. But if you're willing to do it let's do it um in fact i think i could pull this up. For you actually in fact you do it. So it's from rob johnson he said what are rick's last five liked youtube videos. And they said excluding his own. And what do you mean once i've said it go on your youtube videos that you have liked. And then.

Tell them tell us what they are they can't be your own because we you know we all know you are partial to liking your own videos i don't like my own videos you like your own tweets i don't know uh how do you even find out go on to uh i've got it got it got it got it last five it's good job it doesn't show dislikes videos uh oh actually that's quite sad is it actually your own it's all the uh podcast podcast clips all right let let's go past the podcast podcast clips. Or maybe not so topical anymore um i bought a new house who was that 2021 who was that david dobrik too all right okay not as a topical anymore um robbie williams sets mission impossible lockdown challenge who's that from tubes tubes. And ange yeah shout out to nanj i learn uh bryce. And d chambeau's putting technique and i loved it that is from uh kyle berkshire correct uh last one i'm gonna do on this intro how i lost 70 pounds to play better golf is that guy that does stuff. For dan hendrickson it i've seen that video but it's not him all right okay the golf monthly one mike harris all right nice uh. And then.

That's it okay um my own. Or the second channel this is a question that i kind of saw. And at first thought it was a bit of a humorous one. But it's actually not it could be a really good bit of advice it's from robert munford he said um great podcast which is a great way to start your question because that means it's a good chance of getting read out um what do you think about golfers using chippers around the putting green yeah it doesn't oh around the putting greeners in well no it just means sorry which means in general not around the practice putting green on the golf course having a chipper in your bag yeah fine i think i've give it some stick in the past a bit like iron head covers. But i can respect somebody who uses a chipper yeah because they're a useful tool. And and if you struggle with chipping and it's stopping you from enjoying the game of golf then.

You should not not use one yeah just because of people's opinion yeah no i agree i think the only way i would talk people out with them. And this isn't everybody but if you are struggling because obviously you're only have 14 clubs in the bag if you're thinking that you've almost you're struggling you want to put hybrid in. Or whatever and you can't because of the fact you've got a chipper it would be quite good to just learn to use a nine eye in because that would then.

Mean you take the chipper out. And use your 99 and put the hybrid in or whatever yeah. But having said that most amateur golfers don't even know a lot don't even have 14 have 12. Or 11 clubs or not even curves exactly and if you like you said if a chipper is going to help you because what's handy with the chipper is you have a loft of us eight times normally it's your nine area you can get more lofted ones now as well well yeah. But then.

The lengthwise they're more like a puddle length you get that control and the idea is if you're not aware of chippers i'm guessing a lot of people are these people chipping putters back in my day yeah yeah. And they actually used to be called cheating sticks well the idea is that you almost put with it don't you really kind of you just literally it's a lofty putter yeah exactly. And it'll just help you then.

Obviously did some drama yeah with alignment on them that's quite handy. And they're really quite heavy in the head yeah they've got a really big wide sole on it. So you can't dig into the ground and uh it is a really really useful tool to have in the bag i think actually more people should look at chippers yeah i do um i wonder why it's a shame you know rescues clubs hybrids like they could have quite easily had a similar stigma to attack them couldn't they you know they could have done. But it's funny how why did chippers end up getting that i think it's because a rescue hybrid as they're known as well now. Or utility when they came out it was almost like a new franchise if club wasn't if that's right it was almost like like it says a hybrid it was a little wood. And an eye and kind of fused together it was a new type of club. Or as a chipper it was almost seems like you can just use your 99 in. But i like them and i would go as far to say after that after your response that you endorse them yeah. So if anyone ever gives you any stick around a chip i just say well actually the rick shields endorsed exactly and i've i've tried a few that's that strike one what was that one called um oh the green one yeah i can't remember something strike it was actually quite good pure strike. Or something that was quite good the other odyssey one's pretty good yeah i i rate them in a big way question from jordan it's a bit of an open-ended question really. So it's very hard to answer but he says how often should the average golfer change wedges oh yeah that's really hard in it i would say if the average golfer means in terms of ability means actually how often they play let's say say once a week i would honestly say you've got years yeah i think volker did research um vokey wedges replacement that's it that's in terms of needing to replace them if you want to replace them swap them every week if you've got someone you want to. But if you in terms of needing to very very rarely i would say genuinely so this is from uh volky's website. So titleist volkey the wedges and how often should you change your wedges i was hoping to be a quick answer. But there isn't uh give me one second i'm sure there's a quick answer to this it was something along the lines of x amount of rounds. Or x amount of years or something maybe um see local pro i mean they may be inclined to sell you a wedge they might not be. But yeah not not that often probably not as often as you you might think actually i wouldn't say anyway topro swapped them almost monthly don't know a weekly. Or tournament base because that's what the absolute max spin day difference for tall pros it's not so much that they want max spin well it is. But it's also the fact that they want that consistency every week so if a torpor's wedges get worn down a fraction after a month they're not going to perform the same sort of done at the start. So they want that consistent performance every week another big difference with tour pros how they strike it balls they hit they don't pay for the wedges don't pay for the wedges and they hit more balls uh okay roughly i think i've just read this correctly around about 250 rounds. And that's some titleist so then.

They're going to sell wedges as well aren't they sometimes you're actually going to hit a like a a wet like a little expert they've accounted. For i'm guessing but if you play 50 rounds a year which is one a week obviously that's five years. And that's from titleist to want to sell you wedges so you could probably say six or seven years they're actually saying in two years which is quite bold down at 250 rounds in two years then.

Why don't they have to stop your irons often because you're still like you're at irons more. And you want the same spin and everything i know you use them at the bunker so anyway um swap them when you want to swap them yeah i think i would say. For most golfers you would probably swap them by choice before you need to correct and there's something nice about having a bit of an old rusty wedge in there yeah um are we good that's everything i had written down. For this week well i had nothing written down so that's good standard netflix is a big.