Did you expect to win like we how does that actually feel what's your emotions on that night you both have worn twice on tour. And quite recent i'm saying quite recently because your victories were last year somewhat last year yep you literally went win was it about summer last year yeah the covered king yeah during the summer of last year i think i think he's the only player to go yeah yeah in european tour history you're the only player in european tour history to go win miscourt win that's outrageous how does that even have we mentioned this on the course before. But i don't know we almost spoke too much on the golf course for the video that's coming very soon it's going to be absolute fire. But you said that how you went win miss cut win how on earth obviously playing amazing golf in that spell how did you miss the cut. And what like how well how did you win first up then.

How did you go win miss cut win you just you can probably speak to it a little bit too when when you win you just it takes a lot mentally out of you. And you know after it being my first win as a professional um i just was not there the second week i know what happened i think we all know sunday night you. And hayden hit the town and who you've got we didn't we didn't actually even hit the town we couldn't even make it out of the hotel bark oh yeah yeah. But at the the sunday night at celtic manor with it was me hey. And uh one of our other friends sean crocker it would got a it got a little messy in there until about 3am i think really yeah it was the idea what's it like when you win an event on tour i mean obviously it's certainly your first one imagine your phone's blowing up you must be a feeling of obviously like kind of relief i'm guessing something that i guess you guys has been such good golfers almost did you expect to win like we how does that actually feel what's the emotions on that night it's actually you know a lot of people when i when i won my first my first at joburg open a lot of people told me to enjoy it um i didn't really understand what they were trying to say to me. And the night sort of happened quite quick and um the next.

Day i was on my way i had obviously full european tour status um. And i was on the flight to abu dhabi you know playing with the world's best golfers in the world. And um you know it was just. So surreal that you know those first 48 hours that i didn't actually take it in i didn't didn't actually realize what i had actually done until i would say even until now you know now that i'm i'm struggling a little bit on the tour and it actually makes you realize that you know you sort of take things for granted and you know how how difficult it actually was to get over the line um. And and in some way i i do sort of get unhappy with myself. For for taking that sort of stuff for granted you know because you know this game is is a very strange game. And and when it's going good it's easy to sort of flow through life yeah when you're struggling it it you know it's it really is you know it's a game that sort of grounds you you almost want to bottle that kind of confidence. And that feeling that's right after a win the only probably comparison i haven't and probably you have as well guy you you both aren't obviously married are you no. For me i think a lot of people say about your wedding day yeah yeah this is the day your wedding day like i feel like people who have been married always say any tips no go just enjoy it just enjoy the day it'll go. So quick and you think what does that mean what do you mean cause i'm gonna enjoy it like yeah. But it is it's it's sometimes looking back at it after a few days. And you go oh yeah god that did go quick. And maybe did i enjoy it as well as i could have done did i really soak in everything it's almost like in hindsight sometimes when you when you make a victory. Or you play great you kind of go that's because it's the moment that you're in you kind of don't realize god i've got to absorb all this give me more of this exactly it's when you go a couple days later and you know you're looking back at it you might think.