Oh crap i don't know what to say um okay i'll play i'll play it [Music] oh dear rick let's do it brought to you by our good friends at motorcade. So as we said earlier on everyday rig that gets read out from now. And then.

The next.

Nine weeks getting put into a special email folder okay which is actually called motocaddy derrick folder yeah why not. And then.

At the end of this 10 weeks we're going to put the names into either a virtual hat. Or actually print them out and put them in your real hat maybe pick out two okay number two is going to win. Or the first one who's going to come second oh should we do first one first what would make more first one first the first person is gonna win at one. And we could we could pick the first person put them to the side pick the second person and then.

Open them right okay because i think first pick should win first prize that's fair. So first pick first prize will get rid of second correct he's gonna win electric trolley i'm not sure the model yeah now it's going to be a good one proper electric trailer oh it's. So it's a proper proper price oh yeah it's a proper price. And then.

Second place you're going to win one of the the hybrid stand bags. So it's like it's a stand bag but it can fit onto an electric trolley as well. So you've got the option motorcadia being very nice to you guys listens well they're very nice that's the audience so are you ready. For the first one then.

Do this. And just lastly on this as well i'm not they don't always have to be super extravagant i want to try and have a good mixture of like some that are quite serious. And kind of quite whole so some that maybe are a bit silly. So if you want to emails in please do it's podcast rickshaws.com i just thought what about if they want to be anonymous well well. So this today.

I'm going to keep anonymous. But obviously i've got his details so maybe then.

When they get picked out the house the house out at the cap i don't know how we'll communicate to the audience we'll we'll refer back to what the email was about. So today's one is about father-in-law. So we'll call this person mr father-in-law man or something like i don't know okay. So remind me rick not to say this person's name because i feel like i'm gonna it's like i wanna say it but i'm not gonna okay. So dear guy and rick should actually be david guy for derek but we will won't mark you down. For that um i have an awkward dilemma please help okay okay. So you normally close your eyes at this point rick so get into it i played galter jr and i played off a 16 handicap i stopped playing at 14 years old as i was in a soccer football academy. And i couldn't play with my friends at a weekend it took up all my time so he's american no he said football. But i use soccer trying to make it more american i think with the audience rick um now at 30 i've stopped playing football bracket soccer. So i decided now was the time to play golf again. And i started after the first uk lockdown i joined my local club straight away and took the plunge got myself the maverick driver four hybrid the max irons and a two ball fan obviously two ball fang protests which gone big flex uh finished off some nike wedges and uh there it went so he's got really good has he got an electric trolley who knows might do in 10 weeks time uh. But this is where his dilemma starts. So i liking story so far it's got back into golf he's spent a good chunk of money not that you have to do he's obviously you want to get really into it. But some good stuff um but i heard the dilemma start so my father-in-law who plays off 12 handicap took me out to the golf course and it was a great way to start. And have a playing partner the only thing is i didn't realize he was a pj pro. And talk had he joined our rounds so obviously he's not pj tour pro or caddy but that's what he thinks he is when the plane goes. So i took advice a lot of the time but when i turned into a bit of a golf perv myself i started to get lessons from a local golfer at adlington which is down the road promotes which we know very well. So he's oh he's local he's local i'd be very handy to ship that trolley if he wins and we'll ride it to him we've improved a lot with the new handicap system in place i've managed to get myself to 13 handicaps so he's one higher than his father-in-law um and i still get lessons on the course um when i can sorry unfortunately sorry i still got golf lessons on the course when i don't feel i want his advice anymore. So he's got onto 13 he's having lessons at the golf academy but his father-in-law even though he's now as good as him is still giving him lessons. And giving him advice that obviously shouldn't be listening to she's seeing a pj pro during the second lockdown my father-in-law stopped playing due to the kind of covered in the worries of covert etcetera and this meant i could start playing with different members i really enjoyed my golf away from him plus i played a lot better without him now the father-in-law is back playing. And he keeps booking me down to play with him in competitions and friendly roll-ups i get a text offer mates asking if i'm playing with them which i would prefer but i haven't got the uh the balls to tell my father-in-law i would prefer to play with other people and here are the four reasons why i don't like playing with him by the way just very quickly if you're the father-in-law listening to story you know this is about you well exactly i think the fact we've said it's idlington maybe his father-in-law isn't in our demographic who knows. But he says this is the four reasons why okay he teased off early pre-8 p.m. And i for 10 00 am 8 am yeah definitely 8 p.m before i'm 8 a.m. And i prefer 10 a.m t time okay. And there's a difference there isn't there it's a little bit finicky yeah. But think about this 8 a.m you've got to be the golf course. For at least 7 30 really yeah let's say there's gotta be leaving the house. For seven to ten gotta be up at half six depends if he's got kids this guy i'm saying the six thirty alarm call there yeah yeah at 10 a.m could be nice 8 45. Or a little bed well that's what i'm saying it depends if anonymous mr father-in-law has kids because again an atm doesn't work for people with kids because he's got to drop the kids off at school and at 10 a.m he's like perfect oh yeah. But he's having a weekend even if he's not got kids i don't have kids but i'd rather play at ten than eight probably on a saturday because a little bit but still an early t still done by two yeah yeah um okay point one point two if i duff a shot if i hit a bad shot it gives me a summary of why oh crap number three is a really simple one i prefer playing golf with my mates yeah. And then.

Number four he's an old coo old school golf etiquette kind of guy so by that he's not really elaborated but i'm guessing i mean obviously golf battery is necessary. But maybe he goes over the top with stuff you know really kind quite finicky you know so with all those in in place what can i do please help. So here rick what does he do that's a tough that is a tough tough derrick crap mole is it's because it's family as well it is like if it wasn't family i think it's almost worse if it was his own father you might be able to say something. And say dad oh yeah give me them tips yeah it's his father-in-law it's his wife. Or he's his boy i don't know if he's older whatever it's his partner's dad dad oh god it's bloody hard that one you know the other way out i can see. And this isn't dear guy i know but join another club make up a reason why you can't remember that club anymore oh yeah. And say well that's that's extreme it's extreme what else do you do i think he's just gotta grab the bulls by its horns is that the right saying grab the ball by its horns yeah that sounded wrong. But it is right um be brave tell him right okay this is roleplay i'm the father-in-law. So do you want to ring me. Or see me face to face how do you do it you ring me ring ring ring ring got like oh oh crap is that the father-in-law again oh god i don't want to answer it okay i'm going to do it okay hello rick you're speaking now then.

Sunny gym how are you getting on mate fancy a tea time 8 a.m tomorrow morning i'll put your bump away i've got a pie in oven ready. For it [Laughter] yeah um when did you say we're going to do what what did you say we're going to see 8 a.m got your portfolio yeah you're just blowing everyone's ears out um jim uh okay a bit of an issue uh i can't do it am tomorrow um i much prefer to play 10 a.m you are 10 a.m this afternoon. But i'm going to stop the accident now. But we'll always play 8am you like the amt time well that's it jim i don't what do you mean it's harder because i can see your face. And you look really upset i feel like a face time okay maybe that doesn't work oh crap i don't know what to say um okay i'll play i'll see you at 8. i'll see you then.

Son everyone's happy i think we give him the challenge i think his compensation we give him a prize um oh my god i don't know now my shout out jordan of the club doesn't sound that bad oh what do i do if. And hopefully i don't think my father-in-law listens my wife might do might pick up on this what he doesn't annoy me luckily. But if he did what'd i do do you meet him halfway do you go with every other week. So you just say to him look brian um i want to play on saturday 8 a.m but the following week and play with the lads at 10 so uh and he'll go oh oh okay. And then.

You do it that way. And then.

Slowly you win your way yeah that's not a bad shot is it. Or no i was going to say does he make it a story why he has to be in the house till eight o'clock. And then.

He can only play at ten i don't know oh god father-in-law's bloody nightmares aren't they that's really good that i don't know i'm stumped i think that that's a good way wean him off. Or if you are ballsy enough just say i can't i don't want to play with eight o'clock yeah i want to play my mates at 10. maybe do that. And let us know how it goes and on the the bright the positive note he could win an electric trolley just so it's announced on the vodcast rick shields endorses the first married extramarital offers i think i think it's his only way out move on the the grass is always green as we've said in this podcast america getting a massive golf course with a big halfway hut meet up with cindy yes that girl you went to college with. But kind of fell out of love with yeah. But she moved over to the states and you you thought i could have had a couple of surgery done because she has 100 yeah lipo plastic surgery lip fillers everything breasts breasts. And just just go and enjoy yourself and and cindy's um dad yeah uh big hank he's got a few quid i feel like he's got a few quid. But he's nice as pie okay i mean might rib you every time he sees you gives a little punch in the ribs. But you can take that he doesn't play golf he hates golf yeah he hates it with a passion he thinks you're the dweeb. For playing golf is he into i feel like he's got a collection of something um classic cars maybe yeah classic cars. Or like um he likes poker he really is poker he actually collects um hud caps off cars okay like special edition ones he goes to conventions. But yeah go meet up with cindy get rid of sandra. And you you're laughing motor caddy i do apologize about this oh yeah i forgot we'll be better next.

Week i promise um. So that was the dear rick if you want to get yours out. And get some absolutely.