This is a huge announcement. For the hundredth show of the rickshaws golf show podcast we are going live mean guy lowry theater 9th of october yes how exciting is this well tickets have literally this is about 10 o'clock now uk time tickets have just gone live. So you've got to be quick so if you were signed up early pre-sale sold out in minutes yes we've got more tickets available now. For general release which as guy just mentioned has gone live now so if you want to buy tickets we're going to put a link in the description. And in the comments below be fast yeah because i predict it's gonna sell out pretty quick well it yeah. So you said there's a link below there's a link in the comments it's also you can go on the that's the search rick shields. And it's there as well it's going to be good it's going to be very good i'm excited because we've we've booked out this massive theater we've got some special guests we've got some vips we've got loads of exciting things planned it's going to be like the podcast. But different live and amazing so doors open at seven o'clock i think yes we start at about eight o'clock um it's gonna be about an hour. And a half long until in the middle um a few drinks oh yeah a few monsters meet. And greets yes um hopefully hopefully i'm not i'm gonna put this out there now on video hopefully we might even have some merch on sale yes fingers crossed are you gonna be giving away 50 pound notes hey listen no no it's 20 pound a ticket. So that's not bad and where's the money going well that's that's another thing all the profits we're not making any money from this all the profits is going to be going to charity which will be announced on the night. So really happy to be able to do that. And just dead excited like i said it's 20 pound um to come down have a good night come. And meet me and guy come and meet some special guests that we've got lined up as well it's gonna be fun definitely get involved and like i say i think it could sell out pretty quick well the get the clue will give all the guests we've got announced have been on the podcast before. And they've all had amazing receptions there's four so far the possible fifth who's doesn't want to commit just yet um they've got the plans on and stuff but it's gonna be what use one word to explain what it's going to be like unscripted like every single podcast we do no no no it's going to be proper planning we're going to we're going to rehearse it. And everything we have shows and we have to have dress rehearsals and practice no it'll be it'll be like the normal podcast. But with a live audience we'll be taking live questions we'll be getting live dear ricks we'll be getting live nightmare stories we might invite some of the spectators up on stage and come and have a bit of a chat um it's just gonna be loads of fun get involved ticket links down below buy it quick or miss out well we are going to unleash this video once tickets sell out. So this might be on for five minutes and gone could be on for two weeks now if you are abroad. And you can't get to the uk at the moment and we may do more live episodes if this goes really well we might take the podcast on tour if this goes really really well. So do not be disappointed if you live in i don't know vegas we could do a show in vegas i'm sure i think we definitely should can we swap the salford lowry. For vegas please last minute so um don't disappoint we'll also be recording the audio podcast so you'll be able to listen to it live there are some restrictions about filming it unfortunately. But we're gonna do a little bit behind the scenes. For this channel so do not miss out click below. And hopefully we'll see you on saturday the 9th of october for the very special 100th episode of the rickshaws golf show live did you think we'd ever get to 100 episodes no chance see you there.