Yeah just something different about well you know you are a superstar of the golfing world when your footwear makes absolute headlines. And i woke up this morning i'm sure well you have seen as well spoke about before the huge news it might sound ridiculous but this is huge news that tiger woods at this moment in time is not wearing nike footwear. So rewind time a little bit he's been wearing nike since he very first turn pro wanted well i actually think i might be wrong in saying this. But he's obviously used a lot of different hardware brands so he used cobra driver he's used tightly obviously he's nike now he's just tailor-made there's probably a few others in there he's used titleist ions bridgestone camera we've seen him have different stuff in the bag but as far as even his amateur days i'm not sure so someone might quote like um correct us on this i've always known him in nike footwear always like i've never known him since when he first came hit the scenes he has always worn nike and right now as he steps out onto the practice ground on sunday yesterday and he's doing some preparation ready for the masters this week i didn't spot it at first i just presumed it was a black pair of new like tiger woods gold shoes really on closer inspection some of the journalists on site have taken some very very close-up imagery of what appears. And i believe it has been confirmed by reliable sources he's wearing foot joy shoes wow which again to a lot of people listening might think. For the outright there's so many things going on in the world do we care about this. But in a weird way in golf like it is a big deal it's a huge deal when i think. For nike worldwide tiger is one of the biggest ever athletes you've obviously got michael jordan yeah you've got ronaldo. And you've got tiger and he's been literally since like since he turned pro signed a contract with um with nike and even i'm sure when he got um in the world hall of fame today.

Phil knight from nike was actually there i'm sure he was um. And actually phil knight the guy who created knight did a wrote book was really interesting. And talked about tiger and then.

They're very kind of close friends obviously have a great relationship so tiger's still wearing on nike apparel right now i doubt it's that he's moving away from nike it's possibly more that this shoeish one's a very kind of classic footjoy very kind of flat bottomed i imagine that there's something in that style of shoe that's helping him either walk or perform yeah a lot of the newer nike shoes are more like a trainer well that doesn't quite work well. For him however. surely the engineers at nike could make him yeah in a week yeah maybe. So i mean maybe they're trying to put him on the same contract they tried to put me on. And he's saying no i don't want that i'm not posting to sell product. But that's the thing though it's a silly thing and it's one of those things it's a massive story right now it's a big story right now in six weeks or whatever it's moved but imagine if he actually does go on to win which i would love. And he's wearing a foot joy shoe you're meant to win it he's mad so that's inter and also when he played with his son charlie again he's not signed he was nike apparel. But he had puma shoes shoes on high tops so what's going on with nike shoes um it's very interesting. So we'll have to watch his space and see whether nike come up with a more classic shoe that suits tiger they'll do anything they can they well is it as simple as he has you know he's obviously gone to the golf course in the recent months trying to hit balls again whether his current shoes weren't working if he went into the approach. But he bought someone got given some more likely and they just worked and that's all he's sticking to i think i think it's even more of a i think he jumped in his private jet yeah you know it's a big circus now following tag around you've got a lot of people there you've got the security guards the is his girlfriend i think still girlfriend i don't think they're married i think. So maybe his kids were jumping on the plane it's hard with kids when you've got kids like you gotta look after him you gotta make sure they're being fed. And watered and all that good stuff and it might have just been the fact that he had a little shoe bag on the tarmac yes in jupiter. And suddenly they jumped on the plane a bit like home alone yeah i could see him at home alone they shut shut the door of the jet they're all fine they're on there oh they're sipping a bit of champagne we're off to we're off to the masters right now. And as suddenly as as the jets peeling off the tarmac tiger looks down and suddenly realized a home alone moment oh is his bag of nike footwear has been left on the tarmac. And he flies into augustine he legs it he's not run for 30 months but the speed is incredible he legs it down magnolia lane i've seen a little meme recently of like a clip. For like forrest gump you know when like he gets rid of his shackles off his legs and stuff forrest gump running down backwards sunglasses he barges into the pro shop and he says jeffrey i don't know why jeffrey yeah i feel like jeffrey knox might be in there okay you know the marker that does that yeah sunday jeff i need some footwear this is. So tight just booking a tea time for colin for next.

Week gonna boo come for 10 40 on tuesday [Laughter] oh tuesday we've got a very big tournament on what do you mean i pay qazillion pound dollars a year yeah i want my tea time zach said there were the shoehorn trying on the footwork it goes in the back i've got i can there's one off the display do you mind taking the one off the display well i need a size 10. we've got a nine now. Or an eleven oh [ __ ] an r i can order a memphia i'm sure they'll be in like in two weeks. And if you want to buy a pair of socks we'll give you 20 off well obviously i'll do that obviously. And put them on my account i'm not going to cash on me he's got he's had some twos there of course he asks he's probably got a decent two two's kitty yes in the pro shop at augusta he'd run 16 didn't he's not used that money. Yet there we go so long story short with our investigative journalism we've got to the bottom of why tiger woods is wearing footjoy golf the last thing on this is apparently a nike statement i don't know how genuine this is. But well you'll hear what i'm going to say it's very very there's a guy called espn caddy i think you'll know it yeah yeah. And he's apparently spoke to somebody at nike and he's got a statement so how true is i don't know. But it's very kind of vanilla it says like golf fans around the world we are delighted to see tiger back on the course he is an incredible athlete. And is a phenom. And it's phenomenal to see him returning to the game at this level his story continues to transcend sport and inspire us all as he continues his return we will work with him to meet his new needs. And we're sending the guy to the tarmac at jupiter to pick up his bag of shoes and bring him exactly first class carrier to augusta.