All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 181 yes I survived yes I've actually made it back to Manchester here in the studio after one of the most incredible experiences of my life running along the marathon there was bats that you weren't going to survive it there was bets there were no podcasts. For the next.

Few weeks you silenced all the haters you completed it and what I would say is a respectable time with no trade in a very respectable time. But more importantly than all that you have raised an absolute Fortune for charity so well done from all of us here at rickshaw's media thank you um on honestly it was I I can't quite comprehend how I completed it as you mentioned. And played it up almost more than what I actually did in the podcast I've talked about I did a little bit of training I did nothing I didn't know training whatsoever I went. For a couple of 5K runs which is not training not from Marathon. Or a marathon no which is 42 kilometers 26 miles. So to get through it and to sort of survived and to have done it in a respectable time without training um and honestly no word of a lie guy to feel as good as I do after is some sort of Miracle don't get me wrong I am very very happy you sat here now I'm doing a podcast I am I'm very very happy you raise a fortune. For charity but one of these days Rick Shields I want your chickens to come home to roost because you float through life with no training. And do everything it's annoying I can't honestly I must admit I was genuinely terrified about Sunday on later in the last week when reality started to hit thinking on Sunday what the hell am I doing why have I not trained suddenly kind of like all my my nerves. And inhibitions and and kind of that that um mindset the devil on my shoulder was like can't do this Rick why are you doing this you can't do this Rick. And I probably believed it I was like I don't think I can do this. And I really went in with the mindset of just taking my time and really kind of making sure that I don't injure myself and my main objective was to finish it yeah if I had to walk if I had to crawl if I had to be carried I would have finished that race. And I did it with Kerry who set up the charity it's never you as you mentioned we've managed to raise nearly 8 000 pounds. So far wow if you can donate um it would be really appreciated I'd love to get it over ten thousand you know that's way bigger than our ambition originally. But it would be incredible if we could it goes to a great cause to help support children parents who've had um children affected by cancer and so if you can donate it'd be really good Kerry unfortunately lost his little boy a couple of years ago Hugh. And um it was a pleasure to run. For him and his charity and run with him as well and it was emotional um I won't kind of go into loads. And loads of detail but I I I think I can do much much better next.

Time I run it you're telling me if you trained. For it you could do better. And I from the atmosphere and how good it was I feel like I could get addicted to running marathons wow it was honestly I can't explain how good it was I mean you see it on TV yes I remember what it always seems to kind of spring out of nowhere London Marathon if you're not running. For it you always go oh God it's on the marathon today.

And I'll switch on TV and you're watching you go wow this is amazing one day I'll do it. And that day came the support from the crowd is phenomenal. So I had my name on my shirt which really helps very clear as well very clear so a lot of uh fans and supporters were shouting go on Rick the amount of actual fans who watch. And listen was outstanding really. So thank you every single one of you who watches and listens who stood by the by the side and screamed as loud as you could go on Ricky Shields call Rick Shields um and ondelay on delay wow was shouted. So much it was ridiculous. So many Fantastic people listen to this podcast and and used ondole andele and as I run down streets and and you know try to keep my morale up and it was funny because you'd hear you'd hear a supporter who probably doesn't watch the channel because my name's on my shirts go go on Rick you're doing great. And then.

You'd hear an actual fan what a little Ricky yeah like what are you breaking 75. And all this what's his real now mate where's sausage [Music] um but yeah the atmosphere was amazing um it was it was really funny running with other people as well because every time a fan would shout out go Ricky Shields. And under I'd get a few funny looks to people running around we were like what the what the hell who's this guy to the point where I've actually had a couple of tweets after the event saying I had to find out who you were because the amount of support you were getting was outstanding. But it's funny there's a picture in the Facebook group from Owen gone who um took a picture of you running and he put the big man at London fire brigade water station at Mile 20 and I've got mixed it's done well by the way it's at 6.6 000 likes in the group so that's arguably one of the biggest posts I've had so you've redeemed yourself after last week we were laughing they don't have any likes it's not me that posted it you're in the post. But you look a kind of combination of like half okay. And then.

On Thursday inspection to really zoom in or put this picture in the podcast your face looks like one of those memes like it's at this moment he knew he up I couldn't believe it for me what was a couple what was really interesting. And now I know what the pace of a marathon is it was a lot slower than I expected to be um almost to the point where it sounds ridiculous I've almost never run that slow yeah. But it's 26 miles I didn't want to push myself I didn't want to fatigue and collapse after halfway the longest I'd ever ever run has been 13 miles which is half marathon. And that was like eight years ago nine years ago when I did the great North run in Newcastle I've not ran that far ever since I'm like. And I trained for that as well and that was really hard to do that um. But but when you start just kind of running in a crowd you just get the pace and you kind of you're almost Running With The Wave I think in hindsight I was probably because I actually ran with uh Kerry again. For the for the first start of the race so I dropped back a wave and I think I might have just been in slightly slower wave than what I wanted to see what's being golf terms what handicap was your. And what handicapped in your wave should have been so I applied to be in the the handicap of maybe like let's say a 15 handicap that's what you apply to be in okay. So you add you you add your Pros yeah your Mo farahs your best you know your best runners in the world Cameron Smith's yeah they were category one yeah they were often running at whatever time they they set off that then.

You add your semi-pros it would be behind them then.

You had to category one guys you would probably do it in like three hours they're like three hours nice six handicapped golfer yep then.

You had your kind of mid-handicappers which I thought I'd put myself in which was probably somewhere between a four hour. And a five hour run okay that's where I originally entered. And applied for that was my original wave. And then.

The wave I was in with Kerry was probably 20 20 handicap. And above okay. But then.

There was another one more category after me was like 28 handicappers. And and above that yeah okay who do it they want to break 100. they would walk they were completely around. So you can't go up away but you can drop back a wave yeah. So I dropped back into the higher handicapper wave okay which I think helped me yeah complete it it didn't help me get a time that I think I can achieve. So as Daft as that sounds I was in this wave. And it was when I started I mean I didn't realize you didn't have to get into like a Sprint start position I was expecting a gun to go off. And like Usain Bolt come out the blocks but it was a it was a very light whoa this is quite a chill page I quite like this. And the number one tip I'd read from a lot of followers and fans that had said start slow yes okay that makes sense I probably didn't anticipate it was as slow as it was I mean it was lit I mean it was it was still running it was jogging. But I was going along. And thinking well just stick to this pace thinking hindsight now now that I know what it entails next.

Time I do it yeah all next.

Time which will be next.

Year nice I will definitely be sub five hours I reckon I can knock an hour off my time wow that's yeah I reckon I can do four. And a half hours pretty comfortably um but yeah. So I went prepared I um well this is what I you you wore a bum bag listeners in America fanny pack correct you had it flipped around on your fanny on my bum yep. And you said it was full. So talk to me now you said it was over four which isn't like you you're not a prepper you're a last-minute guy with an iPhone last minute well yeah okay you've over prepped then.

In the last minute. So talk to me what was in your bag. So Friday night I start panicking thinking what do I need to actually take with me I've never run American before this is Friday night I've literally got I hadn't I hadn't booked a hotel I hadn't even sorted my travel down luckily I managed to sort travel down Mike who was this driver drove me down he was amazing um. So I got I got picked up at half four in the morning on Sunday morning got driven down to the London Marathon which was donated the driver was donated by my good friend Tom at VIP Hospitality um. And I got there at 8 30 in the morning and then.

I did the run. And Mike picked me back up and drove me back to Manchester he's been in the car four and a half hours not really a bad thing to do before. But before a marathon not stiff before on that just that it was like a luxury vehicle. But still had my feet up I was watching TV it was all right it wasn't it wasn't a bad way of getting down um. So Friday night I started panicking okay thinking what do I do here I went Amazon okay. And ordered a supply pack okay. So I ordered two boom bags so I didn't know which the sizing I wanted yeah plasters yeah good Vaseline nice anti-chafing thing essential um the blisters plasters I can't think what they're called now okay yeah yeah I know what you mean blister pastas um a first aid kit a little mini first aid kit good I thought I thought I was yeah pretty much. So on luckily on Saturday the the survival pack arrived through Amazon and I packed it with plasters scissors I took a pair of scissors with me um air pods gels you know the energy gels um a phone um charger sensual like a yeah like my phone charger um I also having uh a few jelly babies um pins safety pins you must be a thing number I pretty much use nothing I didn't use the scissors apart from the phone the phone charger well my phone was in my pocket what are you using it back yeah it was um. But yeah I went over prepared. And luckily didn't need it and afterwards I laughed at myself thinking why have I brought all this stuff but honestly touch Ward um I didn't get a single blister I woke up yesterday which was Monday thinking oh my God this is going to be painful honestly I think I've broke the Matrix like my legs honestly nothing really hurt which is madness right. And everyone says it's going to be two days later okay. So I woke up today.

Tuesday morning again getting out waking up my eyes woke up my alarm went off I'm thinking here we go Rick this is going to be really painful Karma bat sprung out a bed a spring chicken right I've gone skipping into the office today.

Prepared. And also I've got to show you something this is the best bit you might know it might be oh the silver Works listen to this really oh what whoa let's feel it there's some weight to that. So this is my medal oh that is that is yes how good is that it's really good wow. So this is my London Marathon finishes medal I am a finisher I get the job done let's start by finishes a good quality. So you get that literally straight after the race I'm gonna put it on I mean I shouldn't have worn it. For the last two days but I did um. And what's really interesting when you've got it on and you're walking around when you're walking around London after with it on the amount of people well done well done congratulations so yeah this will take pride of place honestly genuinely loved it yeah would you ever do one yeah I would I'd well I'll say award I do like running I'm not into big big distances 10K is my Max really however. feel like if you are fit enough to run you somewhat enjoy running I do think taking off at least one marathon in your life is something you should look to do. Or aspire to do. So I might it might well do. So I've got two objectives now okay I want to do ten London marathons in a row okay just come on. So as I'm getting older yeah I want my time to get lower okay. So that I'm committed to committing to that right now wow right now I want to do 10 marathons in a row. And each time try and get faster there was a 90 year old doing it it'd be you I beat his ass yeah of course he did no train harder to be honest I I think I there was 52 000 entered I was definitely towards the the lower end of the leaderboard. But I finished it it's irrelevant the fact that people can do it in two hours is like mind-blowing it really really is I watched a bit about the elites. And what's in what's insane it sounds silly it doesn't look like they're running that fast because they're so smooth with it and if you ever put a treadmill on the pace they're doing I honestly can't live more than like 25 seconds and they're doing it for two hours it is madness ridiculous there was one point where you actually once you go over um is it Tower Bridge. Or London Bridge I always get confused Tower Bridge is the one that is the towers on it is it right is that right London Bridge is the normal Bridge. So Tower Bridge you go over tower bridge and the atmosphere over there is amazing there's loads of Music loads of fans everything else as you come off that bridge. And you take a right it's like it's almost like a not a dual carriageway but kind of yeah they've done it that way with the rails. So you're running away from the Central City and then.

There's Runners coming the other way okay. And these are the the category one yeah runners the difference in speed was was astronomical like we were going one way. And we looked like we we look like we're at the end of the race and they look like they're at the start of the race and what was fascinating I was like oh that won't be long it honestly it was about a 20K run to get back to that point. So you run past these people you think I must be nearly finished by now we were getting to halfway they were nearly finished. And you like going like it's unbelievable I've got huge admiration. For guys who really train hard for it and get the job done I was I was a guy that's almost been invited to a corporate golf day yes okay I've not practiced all right I've bought my golf clubs off Amazon on the Friday night after watching the rickshaws golf review video um. And I've turned up on Sunday morning worried and I've gone round in 92. you had a holding one yeah you know you are another analogy I feel like doing in high school you had food technology yeah. And you had to like bake a cake in school and obviously you're supposed to tell your mom and advanced ingredients for you you woke up on Thursday Thursday morning Mom what Rick got food Tech today.

Oh why didn't you say what you're making Steak. And Ale pie for example luckily you've got the ingredients you shoveling a bag younger skip to school there's Morrison's bag of ingredients you go into class you bung it in the oven you come out with the best pie of the class that's you can I tell you a really really really funny story from school it's only a quick one. So similar to that I actually did food Tech at school weirdly enough. And um you know when you have to do um was it called assignment work coursework yeah yeah coursework. So you had to create this almost document it sounds like it's roughly I'm gonna take my medal off it's ruffling against my jacket just gonna rest it there right in place um and the you used to have to print it you have to you have to create it in what's the size bigger than an A4 piece of paper A3 A3 so you have to do with documentation remember this did you have like a clear plastic foliage to carry around okay. So you have to do this the whole presence station quite thick A3 okay not Ricky Shields. So I thought oh that's quite big that A3 in it so I did all of my coursework every single bit of it in A4 right okay. So every single page was A4 on the computer the pictures. And everything okay then.

Around the corner from me there was a garage a petrol station that had a photocopy machine I like this. And you could also enlarge pictures yeah. So I went in there and for five p a page I turned my A4 coursework document into a fully fledged A3 document and it probably cost me 50p God card work smarter not harder well yeah that that sums you up. But on a on a on a genuine note is a great achievement. And if you do it every year I'll be very interested to see what we do next.

Year. And the year after and then.

After that well can I count my training can I can I count the Run London Marathon this year. For training for next.

Year I think. So that's your done then.

Yeah I'll just run it next.

Year again no it's good thank you. For the support genuinely everyone all the lovely messages all the lovely uh comments we got um like I say running for charity if you can donate be amazing. But yeah I'd love to do it every single year the buzz was amazing. And it's a higher that I don't know if it can be replaced. And I definitely want to do New York Marathon anyway I like your jacket thank you. So you've got a master's jacket and for those of you listening you might want to flick on the podcast video to see this you've got a kind of navy blue Masters jacket with a hood on it doesn't feel very Mastery the style to it and you know what it reminds me of very much so it's very uh Community with the time obviously racks have been promoted into the the football league and Ryan Reynolds obviously his co-owner I think he'll dress like him that's how we kind of these are quite cool jacket to the cap on. So someone weirdly said to me the other day if a film was created of your life who would Star as lead role. And I was like no idea. But he Jack Black or something and he said no no who's the guy that um who's the guy that's just taken over wrexham. And I went Rob Mac and no no no no the other one I went got the really really good looking one he went yeah he said you really look like him I was like wow I look like Ryan are you dressed like you know well I must admit this is a little bit of a flex you can only actually buy this jacket from the Pro Shop National. So this isn't it's got a mixture of kind of like podcast at 12 wrecked my way at four Vibe I like it little nine holes afterwards that's a nice piece of uh of garment but yeah today's podcast it was very much easing you back into the saddle I thought you were gonna say today's podcast is brought to you by Rex. And football London Marathon 2024 please two invitations um no we've had a um a kind of strange week last week. And we've got a couple of nice videos film one came out yesterday which is very simple coaching video. And it's something we're still very committed to doing we saw a nice number of comments on the video actually saying it's great to see you still doing coaching videos because obviously now we have a vast array of content and again say this one more time there's some more comments on it review channels coming very very soon but you we are still committed to coaching videos. And yesterday's video was one about how to strike your rounds more consistently something that everyone wants to do it's going down very very nicely um talked about it well you know what. And you people who've heard the story why I got into YouTube and why we sat here now eventually being kind of a media business and such and doing a podcast is because of the love of coaching like I was a golf coach I loved coaching I got into making YouTube videos to promote my coaching business. And over time just because of work you know media side of things have got busier I don't coach in person anymore but deep down the root of it is a golf coach yeah like I'm very much love seeing people get better at golf um on Friday when we had Mia in the podcast actually went. And filmed a video with Mia Emily crummidge and Jenny Drummond who um started almost like a group of YouTube girls called golf girls and actually gave them all the lesson a little 20-minute lesson and it just again reminded me how passionate I am and how much I love helping people get better and it's just that light bulb moment where it goes oh yeah that's it. And you can hit that great shot. And you feel like that's nice I've kind of helped you you know guide into that position and the coaching video again on Monday that we released the the three simple tips for eye inconsistency I love seeing the comments of people saying oh this is. So simple I always like to keep trying to keep the tips simple as simple as it possibly can be because you can very easily overcomplicate golf 100 um. And it and it is a complicated sport no question about it. But just a couple of key points that help you hit more consistent shots um I did see also a few comments that kind of were alluding to the fact that um my coaching tips aren't valid because they've seen me play golf which I find a bit strange um well first off I trained very hard to become a golf coach. And I know the golf swing very well doing it and teaching it a very different and at the end of the day if let's say for example any tour pro they have a coach their coach aren't the best player in the world no add butcher Claude Harman on the podcast when I was over in Jupiter in Florida in December. And he openly admits that he's not a great golfer yeah he coaches some of the best golfers in the world many many major victories his granddad was really good won the Masters years ago. But he opened them it I've not quite got the skill set to be able to apply it to myself and I suppose that's a little bit to me I know how the golf swing Works how it operates but to be able to do it to yourself all the time difficult yeah um. But also I'd like to think that I've proven enough that I can play good golf um I'll hit a couple of bad shots every now. And again but that's the thing though and I understand I saw those couple of comments but that's almost the annoying thing with social media and with creating content in a sense that that video has had about a quarter of million views already um in cinema of likes insane amount of positive comments and that will genuinely have helped a lot of golfers games. But the human instincts to focus on those handful of negative comments and they're the ones that we take to heart and it's frustrating it's just life isn't it and I always use the analogy and it might be a silly one but you know if you walk down the street and six random people said oh I love your trainers oh thank you. And one person with what you're wearing them for that ridiculous like that's the comment you go home and think about it's just it's just human nature. But I think a lot of those people are kind of as well they're almost fans who are having a bit of a joke it's a bit if you responded. And said oh thanks. For that they go oh holy messing Rick I love the videos I love brick 75 but yeah. But on that though kind of nice well not a nice comment a good comment we had on the Facebook group that I asked this morning for some comments for this podcast and it's something we've done a coaching video on recently but maybe if we can think of some other um answers question that weren't in that video. So it's an Adam Finley and he says what three things do you wish you had known when you started Golf that would have helped you get to where you are it gets it would have helped you that now you know um I've been playing golf. For eight months and listening to almost every podcast keep up the great work so we did a video on this actually quite recently things that you wish you knew when you started. But maybe even some of those again but what are some things that you you think now if I'd have known that one I was a junior. Or when I started I'd have been a better golfer quicker did he just say he was a junior. Or no he's only been playing eight months. So for me and I've done about you I just really wish going back in the day I wish I had traveled. And played more golf courses against better players personally um I think in hindsight now when I when I was growing up as a kid. And we we have fond memories of growing up playing golf at our golf clubs when we were kids I wish I'd I wish I'd done more Junior open yeah I wish I'd done more events I wish I played with more better golfers yeah um. And again I think a lot of people can learn from from this like you can go in stupid analogy if I was in the faster wave at the London Marathon my time would have improved yeah because I would have been almost brought along with quite literally the wave of faster Runners. And I think that happens with golf you get yourself you put yourself in the position where you can play with better golfers. And you learn so much from them and it just it improves your game I find that you think differently you think more like a better golfer I think you're right. But I think also. And I I don't play other sports I dabbled other things obviously when I was in school growing up. But from what I do know about other sports. And again you might agree with this you might disagree golf is quite different to other sports. But for many many different reasons and I kind of think one thing you probably should know as a new golfer is that it is a hard Sport. And then.

One day you might go out and you might if he's a new golfer you might might break 100 might shoot 97 and be made up and you know what I'm starting to get this golf now I'm cracking it the next.

Week you might go through 105 115 and it's like you can get frustrated yourself. But even you look at that we said as many times when you look at the best players in the world it's not uncommon. For Rory to shoot 65 to 76 and that's at that standard so I think it's going to be more realistic with golf of how difficult it is. And not expecting to just necessarily shoot better scores all the time yeah it's a real challenging sport um that many times you question oh I'm ever going to crack it I don't think anyone's ever cracked it you can't like you can literally it's an uncrackable sport like you can't go around the only way is perfection is 18 hole in ones yeah because you couldn't even say 18 Birds exactly like unless you can go around. And hit 18 shots and complete around the golf no one will ever complete golf which is the beauty of it like that's what's. So fascinating about it and every day is different you feel different you might have had a a tougher week at work. Or you might have had been on holiday and out of practice the weather changed all the time the temperature changes how your swing is that's what makes it. So interesting that's why we're always striving for consistency it's also a very tough um thing to get yeah no I agree question from Darren Keenan. And I'm going to disagree with this even though it's a question I disagree with his point why has golf become. So expensive and inaccessible to people is your question yeah I would probably disagree with that as well I think it's becoming more accessible I think there's definitely a bigger variety now between exclusive yeah. And easy to get to yes I just think it's got broader I think back let's say we went 50 years to get into golf it was pretty much one one entry it was a members only Golf Club it'd be at a certain price which was fairly expensive. And it wouldn't be particularly willing for new members but now you have you really really exclusive places that are outrageously expensive. And that's fine they can be up there in that bucket you have your middle of the ground which still kind of your members clubs you have your more public golf courses you have your municipals you have driving ranges you have a little Par 3 golf courses that are. So much more accessible I just think the broadness of entry into golf has just widened. So much more you know I also I understand but I also don't understand slash don't agree with you see a lot of people and have it for moan on social media saying two things the first one is that golf clubs don't get any better over the recent years. And for the last five years or so they've all stayed the same which is fair enough I kind of have to agree with that to some degree then.

The same people also say golf clubs getting too expensive. But if you think about if you're saying that golf clubs haven't changed well you don't need new golf club. So your current golf clubs are going to be okay. So they are getting more expensive to some degree. But that's on the latest and greatest TaylorMade driver or Titleist irons whatever that you don't need now if you go into the game and you want you know your new golf and you say I want the exact clubs that Rory uses or Cameron Smith or whoever that's going to cost you a lot of money. And you want to join a great fancy golf club and use Pro v1s well that's like saying why a car so expensive to go into Ferrari you don't have to have a Ferrari you get an old battered punto or something that's 500 quid and just get you from a to be you can have great fun playing with horrendous old golf clubs. Or even buy some cheap decent ones it doesn't have to be expensive I think it actually bizarrely is it's hardcore golfers at Sea it's been expensive because they want all those things yes of course um yeah I think there's not there's not been a better time in golf where if a friend that never played golf before comes to you. Or me I feel like the entry into Garth has got so much more accessible I feel like you'd be able to pick up a really nice package set you know a really good set is where the ones that I've test on my channel whether one's from Costco. Or sticks or I think you know a full set you go there you go. And try that golf course because they've got an offering at the moment where it's only 10 pound on a Sunday afternoon yeah I'll go to that driving range where it's got top Tracer technology in it. And it's 10 pound a bucket of golf balls and you can have a whack. And see how you get on well I do feel like the entry is. And you don't have don't worry what you wear I mean you don't have to buy golf shoes. Or you'd have to buy fancy clothes just yet um and even the fancy clothes that's changing yes a lot of the things that that you you might see wearing down to the pub now a hoodie. And some smart trousers Master Study obviously you can go over to a golf course. And play golf in there so um no I I do disagree I think it's it's it can always get better it can always be more entry points. But I think golf is in a really good spot. For that right now can I shock you shocked consider me shocked I this might well be the Titleist podcast. So it won't surprise people when they hear this I might be getting converted to live are you signing up from they've offered me a deal I couldn't refuse they said they were an average golfer to go. And play the tournament to show how hard the course actually are Bronx got shank. And lost ball and the man no right let me explain all that money has to go back into Insurance liability just to protect the family if I could be 500 quit around I couldn't say no okay no basically I've had a question I've had many many questions on Live this week. And I'm gonna read the question out from Drew Drew Clark and I'm gonna answer it we're gonna answer it and I'm gonna give you my opinion on live white may be changing to Drew us said Drew Clark love to know some thoughts on Live this week in Adelaide versus other events the atmosphere at the venue was incredible do you think they should lean into the party um completely Just Go With It beers DJs essentially golf. But louder which was Liv's tagline now first things first I want to come clean I didn't watch a great deal of live this weekend partly because the time difference. And whatever didn't really work for me however. I did watch a lot of the highlights I have not been an advocate before massively of um the whole thing at the waste management with the beers getting thrown Etc. So what I'm about to say I'm very very aware is somewhat hypocritical. Or hear me out when I watch some of the highlights and in particular Chase Keck was holding one. And it went mad in the watering hole there was something about it that I liked now hear me out I am not necessarily the kind of person probably too bored admittedly he would go to that event. And love throwing beer around and really get excited by it's not quite nice scene personally however. live golf was launched to try. And offer a different product to the PJ tour and golf as we know it and I must admit some things were different the team element yes um shotgun style okay fewer holes borderline irrelevant to me well. So a few around um and I must admit when it launched I didn't actually think it was that different you know yes they can wear shorts there's a few things here. And there what is it actually that revolutionary I wasn't sure There's Something About This Adelaide one the bits that I did watch that did feel different even the way that the Crowds Are reacting to good shots not just on the watering holes again that is a slight ripoff let's be honest with Waste Management anyway which was a PJ tour thing. So that's not that Innovative really in itself but the music on the crowd's reactions and I must admit someone to live guys give it the whole I've joined live because I want to spend more time at home and blah blah blah and I love the team element and it's more fun really because of money however. the players a lot of the reactions seem to be absolutely loving being there and this is the first one. For me personally I've watched it and thought not quite there yet and yet been the key word but if this kind of goes down this route a bit more I can definitely see its purpose. And maybe I could well become a convert talk to me yeah I mean I think first off huge um shout out to the Australians I think they made this event what it was I mean the Australians they they absolutely love it when any sport goes to Australia they really get behind it they you know there's somewhat deprived of sporting opportunities down there just because obviously it's. So far away a lot of a lot of main events happen in the US or Europe Australia don't really get many main events the F1 goes there yeah. And that I think is it the Olympics Olympics is going there soon isn't it remember going to Brisbane seeing the Olympics. And I think that'll be incredible um. But for me it was the crowd it was they just looked like they were having the best time correct ever right it really did look like a different golf event than ever before. But would you say on that then.

I I can't give kudos to the crowd is it live that deserves some Curious. For kind of allowing that environment and almost letting it breathe I think there's a couple of things what I'd be very interested to know about with Adelaide the event how much of those were actual golf fans because a bit like Waste Management most of I wouldn't like to put a number. But from visually what I'm seeing it looks like 50 of them aren't golf fans yeah 50 of them that go are just going just. For the atmosphere so that's a good thing or bad things I think it's a really good thing I don't see it I don't see one problem with that one bit um. And and maybe an Adelaide that was where an opportunity where golf doesn't happen down there very often in Australia. And any sporting event they get way behind and it seems like potentially there was um a spark with the Australians were like oh my there's a DJ on do you see Cameron Smith yeah shoot they're all doing chewies I mean Australians are great people anyway like they love a party they love a drink they love they love making not like that that was right up their street. And yes a live event allowed them to do that. But I've never seen that a President's Cup when it's been played in Australia I've never seen that like the Aussie open it doesn't happen like that does it it seemed like. For me the Aussie open seems much more like just a normal event yeah normal golf event. So I do think there's a there's a balance between both I think live the event aloud you know not allowed as such. But didn't restrict Behavior I think it definitely lent into the fact that they could think could be loud encourage yeah. And the Australians they love that so so why not you know I think what's a very interesting is yes let's say that was their new model. And and Adelaide was now this number one event that every single event wants to be just like the Adelaide event because you're right the social media content from it was incredible correct the DJ Ian pulled her up on stage Raven in front of August crowd all these shoes where they're drinking out of a shoe which I'm not I'll be interesting to try it one day never say never um you know the whole vibe of it seemed incredible the weather the golf course was fantastic this Watering Hole obviously again rip off of TPC uh Scottsdale. But it was all there's a whole package. So where do you sit on it then.

Now what I'm saying is if that is number one if that if they now said that is The Shining Light that is that is the North Star of all Live Events okay I don't think it can ever be replicated because let's say I think it's in is it in July it's back at Centurion I think yeah it's around the summer well it's definitely summer is that event from the crowd that go to that event at the they're going to be like the Adelaide well it's a good point. So I I actually went to the live event last year at Centurion and it did feel like a different crowd to a normal golf event. But also now that the crowd so for example and whether you agree with this atmosphere or not which I think I do quite like in this environment if you think about it the first live event at Centurion was still very new. And people didn't really know what to expect if you are a Lyft fan. Or a golf fan and you're going to live in Centurion this summer in London surely you're going to kind of expect a bit more of that because you've seen it you may also play up to it more. And you might go normally let me go and watch a golf event they only have a couple of beers but I'm up for it this week going to to live. And they did it in Adelaide let's go go. For it you might then.

Invite one of your mates it's a bit more variety lab doesn't really like golf but you show them some of the videos and go come to this as a gig on at night we'll get get sourced up we'll get Shield seed and next.

Thing you're like yeah. And then.

He brings his mate he's a bit more wild now again that can start to breathe it's like this. For example if you think about it the races I think globally. But certainly in England the Grand National Etc ladies day the day before that I've been a couple of times it's not too far from where I live He's Rowdy it's full of youngsters who go on the AL old day suited and booted the girls are all glamorous Etc it's not about racing whatsoever you might put a couple of bets on you can also get drunk basically rightly. Or wrongly that is why you go live could potentially turn into that where you're getting youngsters. Or all ages but typically youngsters go in going. For a great day out that will offend some authentic golf viewers. And fans and golfers Etc but I don't have an issue with that if that is the point of it is is that almost a difference let's say. For example going back to your race analogy. So Aintree right if I went to if I wouldn't surprise me if I got invited to a stag do. And we went to Aintree correct would it no I I probably I think I've been invited I couldn't make it. But you go to daintree there's a bit of a stag do you have a great day you drink all day you probably go out in Liverpool that night it's a full party atmosphere. And you know what to expect I might say you might have put a couple of bets on but you're not really yeah. But then.

On the flip side if I got invited to Royal Ascot correct I wouldn't expect to be honest I do no I'd be with you very dressed up tailored suit drinking champagne you know you know being prim. And proper yes suppose that's where this this. And they can both live separately yes. And actually a lot of the time races happen on on different venues on the same day um so I think it's what what's interesting is this idea that if if that has now been shown that live event is like that I think that the real key moment is when stag do start going to live yeah if you if you lived in Australia that looks like the the perfect thing to go to. And this is. For me why I know it's always been slightly targeted this line this way and the whole tagline's golf but louder but I'll be honest I didn't really feel like it was golf. But louder it was kind of let's do what the PJ tour is doing. But a little bit different and let's kind of have it there throw in a few teams and see if that works and again even though the whole point of that Watering Hole is very much copied off Sawgrass this did not solar grass Waste Management this did feel different this time. And it might be because I've watched the highlights it's been romanticized it's all the fast-paced bits I don't know or I do feel like I'm getting converted to it. And I don't mean that as a fan I'm not suddenly dead bother about who's winning Live Events. But product and kind of letting it live in the golf space I do feel a lot more open to it okay that that can live there suppose it's suppose it's a little bit like again going back to this thing aintrint you got the Grand National the winner isn't always the the standout feature no right I could go to the Grand National enjoy myself like crazy not even know what horse won exactly not remember. But I know what a horse won I think what I'd be very interested to find out do the players all of them every single one of them that's playing in that event that they love an event like this I think if these don't they've been very foolish because surely when this got presented to them on the table as well as the massive stacks of dollars they got given this model of what they want it to be there's gonna be music it's gonna be Rowdy they must have been presented that because I can see a lot of players loving that. So even on this weekend like Thomas Smith I mean that is right up his street obviously it's in his home country. But that's right up the street Ian Poulter yeah absolutely um Pat Perez Bryce nishambo even kind of getting um egged on to kind of do a shoe here um you know I do see a hardcore group of players that wouldn't even like um brought capka I think he would kind of love that party atmosphere. And stuff like that does Richard Bland does Louis yeah does Hamrick Stenson I don't know you wouldn't think. So I don't want to earmark these players but they don't seem to to align with with doing a chewy on stage with a DJ you know um what they do it when they jump off the stage. And I would like it wouldn't surprise me if he and Paul would have crowd surfed at the weekend but yeah I can't imagine I'm trying to think of even a more absurd player um to have done it. But yeah. So even Patrick Reed like yeah he might like it a bit. But it's it's it I think it's like Happy Gilmore yes okay African Lord like it no. And he didn't in the film he hated it but that's a yeah. But that's the thing I suppose now get him off the tour dog yeah said get him off the tour however. if you don't like it don't go to live if you want big dollars. And you want party atmosphere and you want fewer events or a few arounds or whatever it might look like but I don't know there's something about it this time that did. And maybe as well I said this last week. Or the week before because a few of the guys did well at the Masters is it somehow. And I think actually yeah these guys still can't play golf this is this is real um another thing they're just coming on to that taking us back to the email we just had also the question we had before about Golf. And we said how you'll never be consistent really it's hard thing to not never be consistent. But be understanding that golf can be cruel Taylor Gooch shot 10 under first round 10 on the second round one over third round like you look at that. And that just proved him he still won the event so that's brilliant but you look at that you think yes Russia plays a part. And all these different things but shoot two rounds of 10 under in a row and then.

Shoot one over I know why why Saturday night shoot he had a big one size 13 shooting party atmosphere he left a few to Ether I'm dominating this event I might as well have a few sherbets with the boys wakes up Sunday thinking oh god I've got one more round to go and that's the that's to finish the job off well he managed to get it done I nearly blew in it blown it blew it and I'll tell you what there's for me there's one loser in a lot of this okay DP World Tour I honestly feel like they're the the tour that seems to be getting squeezed the most there's the feet of toss the PGA tour now really yeah it feels like the PJ tour as a product now has got better yeah brilliant in the last 12 18 months it has got better yeah they're highlighting their bigger players more this event this weekend's Uric classic I've never quite been the biggest fan of it the kind of pears event um. But kind of like as the Harbor Town Event was brilliant saying obviously the all there's been. So many great events this year in the PGA Tour Liv is starting to kind of find its feet potentially this might spark the fuse to kind of allow it to to get into this next.

Level this next.

Bringing non-golfers into it. But like the DP World Tour I just seem to it just seems to be kind of really getting neglected I think you're right. And I think um. So from a viewer standpoint it feels a bit more now like you've got potentially you want to watch the party atmosphere you can watch live you want to watch a series who's the best golfer on the planet I want to see Rory versus John ram versus Scotty versus Matt Fitzpatrick etc etc you can watch a PJ tour it does kind of leave you feeling somewhat almost what's the point from a viewer's perspective of the DP World Tour I think it was a really bad time to change the name of it as well yeah I know obviously got sponsored by DP world. But like I think if it still had that name European tour it would still just be able to kind of fight its Corner yeah it's Heritage there there's there's Integrity there's this history I think as well as golfers as fans really you want to watch the best if you're watching golf on TV you want to watch the best players don't you that's the point of the best golf courses I've never really watched a corn fairy event no just about I don't even know if it's ever on TV. But only because no disrespect. And a lot of great players come through corn Ferry but I've got no interest in watching it you don't know him at that point exactly. And they've not gone to college with Within any of them or you don't know women and that's almost the point of it to feed tour really to the PGA Tour well that really now is what the DP World Tour is becoming you know it's very few events obviously a few were Rory might come over the ones in Dubai. Or ever but typically it's the second layer of players down so it kind of feels like you're always watching championship football to some degree you know it's it's it which there is fans of that admittedly. But from a from a golf Fan's point of view unless you've got a real player that you absolutely idolize why why are you gonna watch it. So much now I don't know yeah I feel like I feel if it was like let's say challenge tour. Or corn fairy tour you're probably gonna it'll have its its fan base people will love that level of golf where it's like the underdark then.

They're not quite known. Yet there'll be people who's really into it but I feel like then.

A lot of the other fans are just actually people who know those players yeah that have been to school with them. Or they went to college with them or their friends and family that kind of watch those because you've got an invested interest in those people and and like say it feels a bit like the DP world tours a bit like that at the moment right yeah I was quite tuned into that because I've met him before I think that yeah exactly that. But if that if I'd never met Dan Gavins I wouldn't with no respect people about that event no a question. For you I think this is a very simple one to answer it's from Ashley Armstrong who would win in a left-handed scratch match between you two Rick. And Guy quite simple I think it's easy me yeah right yeah you're not bad left-handed I literally can't see a club left I just right-handed like the floor yeah. But left-handed I can't swing a club if you were right. And I was left-handed you out the floor with me yeah absolutely [Music] um yeah no I I can I can hit it left hand yeah that sometimes though in a bizarre way I quite like every now. And again it's swinging the golf club left-handed it makes me realize how hard golf actually is because obviously I've played. And be a youngster and although I'm not great the actual process of swinging a golf club feels somewhat just like walking almost a second nature it'll almost swings that brilliant of medley or even swinging a club left-handed feels so alien that's kind of why I started doing it I was at Trafford Center um the traffic Golf Center in between lessons I pick up this left-handed Club I used to have in the bay. And I used to do it to get that feeling of what it felt like as a brand new golfer like how frustrating it is how challenge it is how different movements feel. So I kind of did that on purpose really uh Luke O'Reilly this is a difficult question to answer he said what club do you think should be the one everyone should upgrade when they can I've actually got an answer potential um I'm gonna I've got an answer. For that my initial answer was no answer there isn't one I'd probably half this way towards driver okay like I'm thinking if you've bought a package that yeah. And Slazenger package search okay just. For argument's sake and you're thinking right I need to change one club in that set what remote grade it's going to be the driver is it because the Potter's gonna work the irons are going to be fine it's the drivers you're gonna see the biggest difference yeah now in that situation I fully agree if we're talking about someone's got an established bag of Clubs I would say this never really need to upgrade unless there's. But I think wedges because if your wedges get worn out you can maybe see quite a nice difference from new ones we don't need not need something. And you've got again this Friday we've got very exciting videos no break 75 this week there will be the following week an exciting video we won't give anything away now. But you are going to be changing some of your golf clubs. And some of those lucky little fellows staying in the bag and we'll find out more on Friday so my original plan after playing Augusta National was to retire my whole set of golf clubs yes I've changed my mind yes. So I've I've got a brand new golf bag so I think I'm going to retire the bag I used. And I'm going to retire some of the golf equipment. And when I say retire I might still have them in the bag for the time being because I need to play golf of course but there's some clubs I'm not happy with and I want to change and there's some clubs I'm very happy with that I want to keep I've got one more question for you from listener from a viewer and then.

I've got one for you that might link back to the potential tattoos this pod title of this podcast so Wayne Corin has said what about doing a break 75 on a municipal course it's great that your social media presence is getting you. So much more exposure and the big venues are inviting you. And allowing to film but what about playing some of the smaller courses and maybe your viewers would see the course and then.

Fanta themselves go and play in it not knocking youth playing big venues but just an idea that would perhaps help the smaller clubs and courses and then.

That cop had 11 likes which is quite a lot just. For a question so I thought it was a good one to ask I think there's a couple of things to cover there first off we actually often don't get invited to golf courses we reach out to them correct um. And I think the other thing is is we have done public golf courses yes we have yeah definitely golf courses are public not many municipal golf courses I think it's a there's a couple of challenges with municipal golf courses first off we obviously want to make really nice videos we want it to look good we want every every you know one of the videos videos to look good. For the golf course to look nice for it to be playable certainly through the winter months you're only going to ever get that at nice golf courses. So a lot of the time municipals more public golf courses in the winter do suffer they have to they have to take on less of a um green keeper staff often get wet hard to play hard to manage um. So we've not particularly done loads of Municipal Golf Course in the winter doesn't mean we won't do any in the future. And it doesn't mean we're neglecting any of them I think if if we look at sometimes we'll we what we're going to start to do in action starts next.

Week we're actually going to locate ourselves in one location. And we're then.

Picking four or five golf courses in that one location and playing golf at those and then.

Doing the same in the month after doing doing a week per month at the at these different locations you'll kind of see this as the content starts to come out so if there's opportunities to play some really nice golf courses that are at a cheaper price point we absolutely will. And I think as well. And this by the way the golf is going to mention is in no way shape of former Municipal. So trying to say that now but we do a lot of film at the Marriott Worsley Park. And the reason we do that is because one reason it's kind of on our doorstep two reasons the golf course is often in really good shape. But the third reason something we don't shout about too much is not really essential to. But it's quite a relatable golf course and now a lot of our content is designed to be kind of relatable. And hopefully will enjoy it because of that. And the Marriott Worsley Park is a golf course you can book on. And play it's not silly expensive you'll get great experience a staff are brilliant the course is always in really good condition come off the back of it. And think oh that was a good day I'm glad I've played that. And so we are kind of still doing that in that sense um. But like you said it's often the condition of courses really isn't it I think the other thing as well that we've probably not mentioned is a lot of the times if we do go to a golf course they're very accommodating. And will often because we're filming we'll block out a certain amount of time. For us to be able to jump out and film again municipals rely on that kind of tea time Revenue all the time so we'll actually be able to try and squeeze out in between a busy round of golf is also a bit more challenging as well. But you know we it's not not by Design or purpose we've got a lot of different golf courses to play and hopefully we can play as many as we can. So the title of this podcast starting on YouTube is has live golf become great. So we've had a bit of a chat about it so far I thought it was going to be why did Rick Shields not win the London Marathon Point next.

Time next.

Year next.

Year. So before you answer that before I ask it again has live golf become great so before you answer that because it's going to obviously be a yes. Or or no answer is it great. Or is it not if it's a no I want you to say can it become great. And then.

Enough that's a yes what does it need to do to be great. So that's the original question has live golf become great no okay bad news can live golf become great yes how does live golf become great do you have an answer. For me it needs to own its identity and repeat and repeat and repeat good answer and I think at the moment Adelaide was a real step in in understanding its identity. And I think once it's got that it owns it. And goes with it do you think then.

If it goes down it's more kind of party identity I think there's somewhat of a win in that. But does that then.

Decrease its legitimacy as an actual premium tour product that the best players want to play on that tour was B is getting thrown. And stuff I think the events become less about the golf okay which I think is good. For the game of golf in a weird way because I think you are going to attract non-golfers to go to events. And God that was really cool I'm going to try golf. Or I'm you know that golf event are you going to the golf this weekend I am going like you're getting non-golfers participating. And watching Golf and I don't think that's a bad thing. For the for the game of golf I think. For the players that that for me is I'm still not bothered who wins at all I'm not bothered about what team wins one bit currently that's the formula I think attracts the golfers back into it. So I think it's doing a great job attracting non-golfers I think it'll continue to do that I think. For the hardcore golfers the golf has to be elevated it has to it's still not quite there yet and you need the Live players to continue to do well in Mages to improve they've got a strong field. And I'm also not a fan of Taylor Gooch getting that chain off bobber you see that the range goats chain that's terrible cringe um but I'd love to hear people's thoughts I'm sure there will be lots on this video if you're watching the video. So comment Down Below in the comment section obviously uh if you're listening email us podcast let us know your thoughts if you're not a member of the Facebook group and you have a Facebook account what you're doing they didn't even not got a Facebook account maybe call it Barry burner and also make make a Facebook account and go and friend all those old school friends that you know they might be an old spark there who knows no flame who knows you might be there sitting going Jenny from woodwork I wonder what Jenny from woodwork's doing these days makes my woodwork I have to delete that. But you should keep that definitely keep that in keeping or out you know what's bad I don't have this humor in real life this kind of you don't have a bad joke no. But then.

When on the podcast they just come out you become a dad as well though yeah that's true um you're shedding your skin. And becoming becoming a dad Joker um any final words for the podcast you've got let's get it because there was something I was gonna say oh another topic. Or just final words and the other thing I'd like to know about is how do you become a fan of a team um well I'll give you I'll give you an answer to that you either pick one off the back of just picking the name you like you either have a play that you love when you think I love Poulter I'm gonna spot him. And there also walls and I did this one this was actually an allocator on the live website where you could put in all your details. And give you a 2000 it was um yeah that's something I'm not fully invested in I'll be oh there we go team picker I'll tell you well let's do your team quick oh no no because I don't want to I don't want to be Associated to a team okay can I do one then.

Yeah all right start now uh what's up you do it. So you ask me well I'm going to do it. But you have to say you've behind that too depends if I like them or not right well the first question is what motivates you winning Improvement teamwork. Or fun signal for winning next.

What animal do you most identify with crikey a bird a dolphin an eagle a wolf a Ram. Or a stallion um I don't really identified any of those so I will go with a burr just because I don't really like anything what shot gets you out of your seat the booming Drive the pin Seeker the spectacular save. Or the unmakeable pot Boomin driver no pin Seeker actually you can like a pin Seeker how do you celebrate a winning Port composed wave team high fives fist pump will go wild good fist pump pick your ideal golf course as four to pick from I'm gonna go with I don't even know after that no I don't. But I just on the looks better what color speaks to you blue red I do like black. And dark colors I'm all about red what's your golf shirt style classic striped patterned or loud a couple little uh Jago classic I think I like a classic hip-hop what music gets you in the zone you've got hip hop Rock country I am a country guy now Dan's pop. Or classical but it's more hip-hop looking at what you ordered on the 19th no I don't like who it's picked. For me uh well I have got the dun dun crushes near my mate Bryce I'm not saying who I've been picking I see no I'm doing it again you can I can't be right I'm not let's go let me see please it's probably the team that had at least I read whoever you don't even know if he's on this team um who's on this team anyway leave your comments in the comments below again I'm gonna do it again you wanna you're gonna announce it if it's a better one. Or not I can't I'm not supporting them go team Crushers anyway thanks for listening everybody a minute I'm becoming a country fan I'm now a team Crushers fan what else is going to happen next.

Week I'm happy Queen American you climbing the cowboy out howdy Partners welcome back to Rick Shields Golf Show thanks. For listening everybody again thanks for the support for the London Marathon if you're not donated please do be amazing if we can get to ten thousand pounds we shall see you next.

Week um. And again next.

Week break 75s will be back play golf tomorrow yeah I'm actually more nervous about that than I was on the marathon should be guys thanks. For watching listening stay tuned lots more to come and wish I see you very well now see you later bye.