Amazing right i've got one final thing i feel like we've got on really well today.

Absolutely do you think that's going really well yeah that might ruin it oh oh oh boy i'm used to it you could throw anything at me i don't think i'd get it bryson i'm your mate. So if rick ruins it now we're cool okay i don't think i could live it down by my listeners. And viewers if i didn't ask you a certain question okay i know what this is going to be i'm going to drink some vodka my hand's shaking bryson's about to press end call any second now. So hey guys to be honest with you like you guys you guys have been awesome i really don't care oh thank you you're not the only player okay. But you seem to get the biggest the most stick for it the four letter word four know which one the four wait i'm confused oh this this could be a great clip you might just summarized it i'm saying you're not the only player to get accused of this but sometimes maybe not always shouting for when they maybe should be shouting if a golf ball is no people people okay that's one of the other ones they don't even think about it i think i've been guilty of this i've definitely called you out on this a few times. But i'd love to only because of what i see on social media a little clip so please have you have have you say so the big one was uh i think uh fedex saint jude classic i think when i hit it right it didn't hit anybody. But it went through go past the bunkers and went in kind of into the crowd and went in the ground or just sort of short of the car path and the trouble with that is that the wind was off the right end of the wind. And i hit a shot that i flared it up to the right and i didn't think at all it would get there. And so most of time when we hit shots if we don't think it's going to get there there's really no reason to say anything. And most guys don't on tour now you could because of how far i'm hitting it every single shot say four i could be like four or four every single shot and sometimes that's actually potentially more harmful because people scatter and move and they they walk into the direction of the golf ball when i see a ball and it's close but i don't think it's going to get to somewhere. Or what not that's what i'm like okay that one two they can't hear me they can't hear me because it's in the wind i can yell as loud as i possibly wanted to yell. And they would not be able to hear me that's another thing now it doesn't look as good people think that i'm not being respectful at all i don't care about patrons. Or people on the side that's the farthest thing from the case i've hit people before and it's been the worst possible feeling in the world so don't ever think that one i don't care about fans. Or whatnot scottie scheffler and at the ryder cup hit one into someone uh the left of six uh at the ryder cup and like i was sitting there helping the guy was bleeding. And everything it's just awful situation um you know brooks hit someone in the eye at the the uh right yeah at paris i mean this happens it's a part of the sport. And don't think. For one bit that we don't feel terrible for it i hit one i hit somebody back in 2017 and louisiana over on the left sometimes it's impossible to do anything the one time though that uh looks like i should be yelling. For in a dozen is sometimes the one where i get the most slack. For it and most of the time it's because one i don't think it's gonna get there. And two if i'm yelling four every single time it's not a good situation that to other players that are on other holes there's a lot of things going on in those moments as well um. But but the the biggest thing for me that that really is uh i think hopefully eye-opening to people is that when it's into the wind you can't yell out enough it's impossible they wouldn't it's not quick enough. And if anything if they scatter more because of it yeah that's a problem too now if i miss it. So far right that it's never gonna hit anybody there's really there's nothing you can really do on that end either now if it's going. For someone i see it's going. For some people i i always yell for i mean people clearly hear me all the time. But unfortunately the broadcast television media people that see it they don't necessarily understand the situation so the one was fedex st jude i did not think it was getting there. Nor did it actually get there landed before them. And rolled into the crowd that was one of the other another one i can't remember off the top of my head please enlighten me because i can explain the situation if i remember the situation because. For me it it's like that's so irrational that i don't even remember it for me in my head if there's a moment where it's like oh i messed up i will 100 own up to it. And i'm not afraid of doing that um i just i can't come off the top of my head and remember one of them other than that so it's almost more isolated isolated incidences where you've explained it because if we've ever talked about it a lot of people say yeah. But nobody can hear it when he's when it's 350 yards away where i would say they could hear it. But as you you're explaining if it's into wind yeah you might not impossible i get that. And yeah that makes downwind 100 they can hear it. So showering it yeah i think it's just. For me as growing up and it's almost one of the first things we get taught as a girlfriend that like it's one of the first things by the way and i just think certainly from a few incidences which have probably been blown up on social media it sometimes worries me about what what that portrays to the younger golfer like i would hate. For a 12 year old who is just your biggest fan it kind of flicks on social media. And goes yeah well dad bryson doesn't shout it do you know. And i think that's my that's my only thing i've got three young children. And you know i'd like to think i'm bring them up. And if they play golf you'll teach them the right mannerisms which by the way you carry yourself so well on the golf course it's just those little isolated uh incidences which you know what i'm glad of ashton i'm glad you answered it so um well you know i didn't i didn't know what to expect from that yeah. But and i would love to have another incident because i honestly don't remember because my brain was like that's. So illogical uh if anybody asked me i could easily explain the situation i just that was the only one where i missed it right. And it blew up and that was a that's a memory of mine at fedex st jude when i hit it just barely over those bunkers to the right because i'm going 50 yards left of that. And so when i flirt right it's into the one off the right i'm just like it's not going to get there. And it flies that far for whatever reason because it high off the face it doesn't hit anyone it actually lands short and goes in and people are like oh he didn't yell four again it's just like okay this thing dog legs 90 degrees left yeah. And like i flared it right it's no it's not gonna get there. And i couldn't even yell four to make people aware of that situation so that was one i would love to explain another one i don't know do you have one i don't know i probably have i don't know the exact single tee times uh tee shots i've got i've got a idea. For you though yeah how you can kill two birds with one stone okay next.

Time you think it's even in doubt shout four. And subscribe it's actually pretty funny so just like subscribe oh and subscribe to my youtube channel four because i think then.

You've covered your background that would be all over the place that will go viral you're teaching kids how you should be. And then.

Also and you're getting some subscribers i like the idea i love it so i sent andrews i want to see four and subscribe or subscribe to my youtube channel please thank you sorry if i hit you um so bryson you've been a pleasure thank you.