Well talking about golf events yes talking about ticket prices talking about some of the best golfers in the world live podcast in london live golf events yes. So i'm sure a lot of people certainly if you've got your ear on the ground have heard about the live golf events this is the will often be called the saudi golf league um the first event is taking place in london. And i'm just going to go on ticket price straight away because there's been a lot of backlash if i want to buy a ticket now to go. And watch i don't know who i'm going to go. And watch by the way because it's not been announced who's actually playing in it it's all a bit secrecy secret at the moment it's nearly 70 pound a ticket it's a lot of money that four you don't actually know who you're gonna go and watch right now you might get some of the best players in the world playing yeah. But it's so wrapped in kind of secrecy at the moment it's a bit crazy in it it's a lot well it's how you look at it in some ways if you think of a golf event if you take it 70 quid you could go with the crocodile. And you could stay till it goes dark so in that sense it's better value than football definitely than other sports but what's the difference i think with this one is two things like you said you'd first you don't know who's going to be there it's like when you go to the open you know the tiger's going to be there etc. So that's the first thing and the second thing that's a bit weird about it is the fact that this saudi golf league. Or sorry live golf invitational or saudi golf league whatever you want to call it has obviously been pumped full of money millions and millions and hundreds and millions of dollars billions even i think. And that's advertised how much the players are making the player's gonna make five squillion quid. For shooting 85. yeah. But yeah if you're a punter that wants to go you've got to pay a lot of money i think they would have been. So much better off from a public image if they'd made tickets out at three a hundred percent like a tenner so it's almost like stupidly cheap because it's like this that's if they sell 10 000 tickets 70 quid it's like 70 grand no 700 grand i think yeah that's not going to make you know it's a tiny dent it's this is being that's being kind of tipped. For this massive purses massive money these players are going to make which is obviously lucrative enough. For them to be falling out with sponsors and tours and fans that's what that's what's happening yeah to then.

Charge. So much for a ticket i think it's a real own goal this live golf it's obviously we've talked about it many times. And we will continue to do. So such a big talking point in golf but what's frustrating me about at the moment is i'm definitely keen. For for change for more exciting golf formatting that's better for the viewer yeah. So that i'm excited. For that whether that's this tournament or other things we first off spoke with andy garner about the premier golf league exactly well i'm not keen on with this so far the main story is about how much money obviously the saudi thing which obviously naturally gets a lot of people not happy about it which i understand. But then.

The second thing the kind of more golf side of things is that all the real output i'm hearing is about how much money the player is going to get it's nothing about the fans at all at the moment like when i watched the f1 yesterday i don't care how much. For stopping gets i actually don't know i i don't i don't care if it's one million quid or 10 million i don't care so that's the first thing it's like yeah it's great the golf swing in loads of money. But they're already multi-millionaires anyway so i'm literally not bothered the other thing i don't like as well a lot of the people are potentially going play in the way they're going about. And things are saying it's really they're not nice like the whole thing with sergio the other day with what he's doing i can't wait to leave this tour only a couple of weeks left that then.

Naturally reflects badly on the new tour of course it does it feels like there's. So many things that are kind of tarnished. And just another thing on this as well we haven't touched on i've seen quite a lot of comments from people asking about why we didn't talk to lee westwood now podcast about it so there's still actually two reasons i've got two reasons well first off basically it was under embargo that's the first one. So he said start the podcast listen guys yeah off podcast i i can't talk about it because i said you know can we ask you about it he said i can't yeah my response would be i can't say anything. And now since that last week he did get interviewed by sky sports. And he came out a little bit more so whether whether some level of embargo was lifted um. But but it's when we certainly i don't know if this is your follow-up point when you sat with someone. For a full full day in a full podcast and filming the afternoon you don't really want to pick off either well it's kind of that but but also well firstly he's sad i can't talk about it so we're not going to push him yeah we are happy to ask questions. Or you have as well an awkward i.e when you ask bryce you know what not shout out so that's not off the record but also when we have these somebody a few comments saying when you interviewed lee westwood you didn't ask him this i personally don't know what you i don't see there's interviews i i think of interviews kind of very much kind of you asking questions back. And forth you have a right to the answer to we almost see them as a guest on this podcast i want them to feel very relaxed and at home and not like they're getting grilled so if he hadn't have said at the start about the lifting we would have 100 asked about it. And maybe gone to a few of these things but if he said to us off which people didn't know he said off the record i can't speak about it we're not then.

Going to start pressuring. And go go on like you know in in the pod and we want all the big guests to come on it's just not how we are no i mean it's a bit like the did you see the interview last week of uh suzanne from good morning britain yeah with boris johnson like that's exactly that's you know grilling rightly. So like when pierce morgan interviews certain people it's a grilling well this isn't it's sitting down friendly nice chat the we don't need to kind of pull up things like this if he does if he can't talk about it if he could we would have asked him are you going to be playing in it what do you think about a few things. But again i'm not we're not going to stand there. And grill him and go what about this what about that what about this because that's not who we are exactly when you got interviewed by sky sports they're ju they're actual journalists who are trying to get this out doing a great job these answers out of these guys. And they're also being pressured from their big bosses we need an answer from lee westwood we need it well we're not pressured by anybody like i don't we don't need to do it. So either way live golf tour um the first event actually very soon it's a month away we still don't know who's playing in it we know rumors we know rumors of westwood garcia mickelson adam scott maybe um who else was there i think i've heard these are all rumors on the internet there's no nestle truth in these um i just don't know how it's gonna pan out i really don't i'm excited to see how it goes. And i'm also excited to see again at the moment there's been a lot we actually don't know this because the lee western video is going out today.

For us it'll be out already if there'll be a lot of comments on that about people who aren't happy with him potentially played in it i don't know i'm interested to see though how that if it changes like if these players go to these events and end up being good events and good tv will people then.

Kind of warm to it. Or is the fact is coming from saudi. So fundamentally wrong in so many people's opinions and minds they will never give it a chance. And they will never entertain it i don't know it could go either way it's eight events pretty much one every month one in june two in july september september october. Or three in october it's not going to be long before we find out the answer to all of these questions like who's playing it. And is it successful i mean there's a there's a line on the website the grass is always greener when you're standing on it that's on the website. So this is like it's just mystery like i feel like they've gone out this obviously greg norman's kind of fronting this they've gone out this. And and they're trying to sign the best players in the world or whatever they're trying to do. But then.

They sewn the wraps it's hard to get excited about it when you don't know who's gonna be playing really really really hard. And then.

Like say when you're charging 70 quid a ticket then.

I just think that's such an own goal.