Have you watched a tiger woods documentary yeah i was going to come on too i was going to surprise you then.

Because you know what you know what really sickened me last week the podcast it wasn't it's it's terrible you know quality wasn't the fact that you know we talked a lot of nonsense. For 50 odd minutes it wasn't the fact that we had no planning that went into it it was the look on your eyes when i told you i hadn't watched the time look at that camera. And do it which camera we're looking at i can't no camera's even pointing at me oh you're you're looking at the camera look at that one tiger documentary yes i've watched it in one sitting wow i got fairly smashed as well okay two beers. And a bottle of wine so the last ten minutes actually i had to watch again because i kind of oh my days i kind of lost track a little bit about where i was up to. But i watched it the full sitting claire watched it with me as well and she watched the whole thing as well she absolutely hated it hated she hates him more than she she didn't believe it or not and this is sacrilege i can't you know he is in my eyes you know somewhat god. And i think that's what he thought of himself as well. And some we're going to talk about in a minute um she's not the biggest fan obviously with all the affairs. And everything else she came out of it absolutely hating him more like a lot understandable um i found it very interesting what was your favorite aspect of it i saw stuff that i didn't i saw bits that i'd never seen before yeah i've seen pizza footage yeah i'd never ever seen before him dancing that's why i loved all that like i've never seen him do that i've never seen him act like that his girlfriend his actual girlfriend you know it's by the way a lot of them had golf names like she was called something like lindsay foreign she was called something like diane parr. Or something like p-a-r-r and there was another woman in the show that also had a golf name i can't remember now um i found it really interesting. And this is my this is my take on it i believe the documentary shouldn't have been called tiger i believe the documentary should have been called eldrick oh okay because i see tiger as tiger woods out on the golf course you know winning tournaments red top being tiger woods being known about the golf bee like that is tiger woods in my eyes it's almost like it's a character that it's a character he's like a superhero what i felt like in the documentary it showed was eldrick like who is he his upbringing obviously his father his mother i mean they were bloody tight on him weren't they i'm not sh i'm not sure i'm a big fan of his of his dad. For no reason i don't think he was in the end what would have been interesting what would have happened if they had a daughter. And what would happen if they had more than one kid well his dad has got other children with other relationships yes because that's how cheyenne woods is tiger's niece. So tiger's got i think two half brothers i believe he might be wrong he's definitely at least one half brother because that's who cheyenne woods is dad is tiger's fairly close with sharon woods i think. So i imagine he's close enough with his half brother but yeah if he had another sibling in that household would that have changed. And if he had a daughter like would would the same because he went in with intentions of doing that to his his child but he had intentions that that child is going to be the best golfer to have lived like that's it. And he's going to change lives. And and to some regards i think i think tiger has underdelivered on earl's expectations why is he not beating jack well just because like the way that earl talks about tiger in the fact that he is going to be the next.

Nelson mandela yeah the next.

You know um gandhi like he had him up at such a high level. And obviously he's had massive influence in the world of golf i'm not sure that we feel wanted him potentially to even do more you know i don't know what that would have been um. And then.

After that i found like say a lot of things that i didn't know about so i knew obviously about the affairs but i didn't really know how they all happened the one in australia was the weirdest yeah that rachel woman who turned up at the hotel um it's like i kind of knew all that. But didn't know the timeline and it was a nice reminder yeah a nice reminder. But it was a reminder of that time because in a weird way i've forgotten about it yeah i am like i forgot do we choose to forget to some degree yeah i completely forgot about all the the lies the deceit the injuries even yeah i forgot he was out of the game. For so long like i forget that time when he posted that swing on instagram and and i remember that like we shared it loads i think i shared it two. Or three times i just remember going this can't be real like he can't be coming back. And if he is coming back it's just gonna be like an exhibition the fact he's come back. And won the fact he's come back and won another major um i'd like say it it was one of those weird ones where because you knew. So much about his golf history this filled in the blanks so i don't see it as a as an actual proper proper documentary it was a fantastic piece of work yeah don't get me wrong. And the way they've filmed it and listening to steve williams like that for me really that was unbelievable like he was my best character in the the documentary because i just learned. So much more about tiger and i quite liked his first girlfriend as well yeah i think steve was good yeah something power. Or whatever her name was. But like i just felt like it filled in the blanks between the golf because that and i think that's why it wasn't. So much of a golf documentary because that could be a 10 part documentary yeah um all right then.

Question i know you see there's two people tag. And allergic but let's just package yours one there's one person after watching that learning more remembering things you might have forgotten etcetera handling heart answer now there's no right. Or wrong answer obviously do you think any less of him now yeah as a family man someone who's married i've been married. For uh eight years now coming up to eight years got three kids like i can't imagine at all being able to lie to my wife's face like he did. And to go behind the back and to cheat and to have affairs and to you know certainly when the kids were. So young well he had both children obviously before before so young um you know he really i mean my wife mentioned it he almost got this god complex. And so yeah i do think of him a little bit less in that regard. But also some side of me and i don't know if this is right. Or wrong and i'm not sure if other people felt like this way i could understand why he got to that point in his life i'm not saying it's right at all not not even close because you can still control your own destiny like yeah your upbringing obviously has a massive influx impact on who you are as a person your morals your beliefs. But you can still snap out of that. And and go against that you know and that's something kind of he didn't do he almost saw it as an opportunity to completely follow in his in his dad's footsteps i think the one biggest thing. And he's not the only sports person that's ever happened to this it's happened to other sports people that have certainly reached excellent level they didn't have a childhood did they really like that didn't have you know those clips of him dancing. And in that girlfriend's house and things like the other that would probably been so like three or four times i wonder then.

Without giving it away and it was a bit of a spoiler if people haven't seen it. So sorry maybe just fast forward 30 seconds if his parents hadn't made it split up with that first girlfriend i wonder if he maybe would have stayed with her and fairytale been happy ever potentially who knows potentially so you're happy you watched it i am yeah because i wanted to talk about it i feel like i wrote an opinion on it now. And i would recommend people to watch it i just felt a little bit as well like i'd betrayed tiger watching it like because i feel like you know it's a bit like if someone made a hate video about us and everyone went and watched it it's like it's like should you really be watching it because he wasn't yeah he didn't have he didn't have a voice to retaliate. Or he didn't have time to i'm not saying that he could retaliate on some of the the accusations or the not even accusations proof that what happened but it would have been interesting to hear his take and i think that. But then.

Does that go biased too much the other way because a bit like the michael jordan documentary. But if that were done without michael jordan we'd have learned a lot more different things as well potentially true um this podcast is getting filmed today.

Yeah we're not sure what bits are going to be on the youtube channel on the second channel. Yet so the second channel if you don't know about it search on youtube for the rick shields golf show and you'll find it subscribe i forgot about 30 000 subscribers or something i think this next.

Bit is going to be a video which might be a clip. But i don't know if you're going to answer this. Or not.