Guys it's Rick Shields and this is an exclusive video just. For the podcast Channel you might have heard recently I did an interview with Claude Harmon III at the Floridian now straight after that podcast is this video you're about to watch Claude in his performance center which is phenomenal by the way gives me a golf lesson now Claude is one of the best golf coaches in the entire world what does he say about my golf swing how can he improve me how can he make me better we're gonna find out in this video my big wish I wanted to be more consistent with my strike that was the big thing we were working on. So sit back and enjoy this exclusive video of me having a lesson with Claude Harmon III [Music] a little off the bottom yeah that's incredibly common on the course yeah like it's not in danger it's not horrendous. But it was a bit skinny [Music] [Music]. And you've got a little bit of of early extension to set up to a ball imagine I've never played golf before yeah. And with no backswing can you show me where impact is okay. So to get into impact what did you feel like you did 75 weight left okay I felt like I really rolled my foot even though that's probably not what I do right shaft angle forward I'm not like my left hip had gone behind me as my leg straightened right. And why don't you do that in the golf swing right. So if we look so my point is. And and I do this a lot with players right I didn't give you any kind of verbal cues on what to do right I just said show me impact you've been playing golf. For a long time and I said. So if we go ahead and we draw a line up from where your address position is here impact wise. And I say okay show me impact you get here the handle goes forward the head goes in that direction right yeah. But if you look at Where You Are we've got here we've got guests Claude. But if you look at where you are here look at how much more your weight is back yeah right. And so when we go ahead and we look so it impact you've got 57 of your weight on your right foot and 43 on your left at impact in your full swing that's not good right so you've just got your weight is going backwards. And if we look at no wonder I thin it. So much oh of course it's thin it's been hard yeah. And so that's the thin one so if you look at this this is kind of tracking kind of your center of gravity your center of pressure. So as pressure goes there it kind of goes up to the toe now it goes up here so it gets to 65 percent of your weight is forward. And now as you're delivering the golf club into impact that number is going backwards yeah it's not good. So what I always think is interesting about you know that what swing Catalyst does right. So if you look at these white bars and imagine they're gas pedals right so on your backswing the gas goes up right yeah. So you're pushing into the right leg your weight 85 percent so now if we slow this down just a little bit imagine that this white ball is a gas pedal. So as you come into impact see the gas fall out yeah that's falling out right here the bottom drops out of your pressure going forward right now. And it goes backwards all that is happening is you're delivering the golf club as you basically are coming into what I call delivery as you're delivering the golf club your weight is going backwards yeah. So what I always and you've got a lot of weight as you can see here the majority of the weights kind of in this heat map is kind of up to the toes right it's not in the heels no it's up to the toes. So I always try and work backwards for this if before we started the lesson Rick what I said to you was okay what I want you to do stand over here this is my philosophy in the golf swing what we're going to ask you to do today.

Is we're going to get you to start in this position we're going to ask you to go to the top here back swing get 85 percent of your weight here then.

On the downswing you want to start. And have all of the weight go up to your toes and when the club gets about parallel to the ground I want you to have your weight go backwards and then.

Go forwards in a dynamic movement pattern that's over in yeah two seconds. So every time you go to throw a punch you're throwing it backwards so I think the thin contact comes from the fact that as you're coming in here the weight pushes back the angle of attack then.

You're not hitting down on it anymore because you're going this way now this also would tell us why you hit your driver really really well when we were talking before I said listen I drive it pretty good I'd be shocked if you came. And said I'm a driver of the golf ball because everything that you're doing this way lends itself to that because the golf Ball's on a tee. So I think if we can just fundamentally get you to have your weight go into your right leg. And then.

Your weight going on your left leg I found these saw this believe it. Or not on social media the other day it's bored and so it kind of goes like this and I was thinking okay. So you're going to get here. And what I want you to do is just make a couple of swings to where your weight goes here pause. And then.

Get your weight what you're going to find is you're going to find your weight is going to want to wave effect. And go back so if we can get you here. And then.

Get you there so just stand on that board and just feel like your weight okay. So go to the top wait to the right okay now get your weight to the left. And stay there then.

Your chest your head everything everything would be more that way and then.

You get it going on to that it feels even just on that little swing that I felt like much more pressure on the outside of my life yeah. And probably feeling a little bit more pressure in the heel left heel and now go forward good okay. So come over here we're going to film another one. And what I want you to do. And hit me Rick just put a little kind of half back swing half follow through but what I want you to do is it impact I want you to have more weight on your on your lead leg at impact than your Trail egg if I didn't I'd be surprised yeah yeah I felt like I was 95 onto my front foot then.

It was a tiny drop back yeah. But 66 so 66 and 34. from 57 and 43. yeah now what we were talking about earlier in the Pod right that's that sound was very different. And you felt it right you're like okay that's more solid the other thing without any sort of audio cue from me right if you look at how your center of pressure your Trace right see this yeah. So imagine you're on a roller coaster this roller coaster watch it it's gonna go here goes there now see this Big Arc up towards so imagine Rick when you're standing here when we're looking at your center of pressure in this white bowl this Trace that goes that way you're that's you moving closer to the golf ball that's your pressure going out to your toes. So if you look at this is a roller coaster we're going to go here now we're gonna go way up. And around this way and now we're going to go straight back around come back around. And then.

Go that way okay let's see this is a much more boring roller coaster. And we want boring right yeah. And you just aren't traveling but also without me really saying anything and I like the fact that you were able to kind of figure this part out yourself you were able to do this look at the difference in your head position here the majority of your head is back behind this where here your head is much more on it covering it better right it felt good yeah if you if we look at this I mean look at where your head positioned here relative to the to the TV yeah right. And then.

If we look at it from the um top down look at the difference so as the head goes back that's ridiculous what's the sh what's the face have to do he's gonna have to rotate it well it's got to go this way. But look at the difference in where your head position is coming into impact. And coming into delivery where this is much more here. And appeared your head is way further back that wow okay. And it stays further back and goes this way and then.

My hands have to turn I have to okay. So one of the things that when I look at golf swings right when I'm looking at your swing it would be easy to look at this impact position over here where the face is square square right. And over here on the on the right where as soon as you hit the ball you shut the face right yeah. So one we have the club face pointing more this way and then.

This ball you hit the club face is pointing more that way. So in an Ideal World what we would do is say okay we need to fix this. But that's not the problem that's the effect of the body going back. So when I look at your golf swing and I look at golf swings in general always remember you're not doing what you're doing in your golf swing because you want to you're doing what you're doing in the golf swing because you have to so as your weight goes forward and then.

Goes back effectively what's happening is your upper body. And your lower body are stalling out. And so the arms and the hands go I have to right so I think another cool way. For you to start to think about your golf swing. And the way that I think about golf swings is there are a lot of things happening in your golf swing that's over in a very short period of time right. But when I think about golf swings I think about okay we're going to divide your golf swing into four parts right the first part of your golf swing is going to be everything below your belt below your waist we're going to call that your lower body that's waist thighs legs hip that's lower body that's part number one part number two of your golf swing is going to be everything above your waist excluding your arms. So stomach chest head neck that's kind of your upper body then.

We have your your triangle we'll do that in blue right you've got a triangle formed by your right arm your left arm your right hand your left hand you've got your triangle. And then.

The last part of the golf swing is going to be the golf club. So four parts to your golf swing right lower body upper body arms Golf Club most golfers when they have that backing up the lower body and the upper body stall out and the arms fire they do that because that's all they can do because these are massive massive power sources. So as you get in here and go forward and then.

Go back as your weight starts to go back the rotation of your body kind of gets they stall out they get kind of Lost in Space they're no longer accelerating they're not they're decelerating. So what happens then.

Is your arms. And hands go [ __ ] it we've got to go because we're losing power we soul in that pressure shift the pressure should go up and stay on the gas right so one of the ways that you can feel how that lower body should be different. And I like this one it's a really cool way for you to feel what's happening right so take the golf club let me see the golf club take your golf club get into your golf posture and put it underneath your glutes back there right so this is one that Dr Scott Lynn from swing Catalyst showed me right okay. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull you this way you've got to rotate. And go the other way don't go don't let go go this way yeah good feel that all right don't let me win there you go get into that heel there we go get into that heel yeah it feels good good is hard yeah I can feel the club pushing into my glute yeah. And you can feel yourself turning. And rotating that way every time you do this where's your head your head's not going backwards. And one of the things I really like about what swing Catalyst does is all it's basically doing is it's measuring how you're moving side to side horizontally it's measuring torque. And it's measuring push vertical first so when we look at your golf swing the predominant force in your golf swing is lateral it's not rotational. And there isn't a ton of junk guys like Brooks and DJ and the bombers they are this is going through the roof right they're pushing. And getting all that power you go up then.

Bail and then.

Go back so I think if we can just get you to have the concept that your backswing goes into the right on the downswing you just have to go left if we left if we you just have to keep moving forward don't go backwards. So some good drills for that okay take a setup no ball I'm going to show you well one of my favorite drills ever it sounds ridiculous where you put the ball forward yeah. And then.

You have to go get it I used to give that to loads of my students yeah that's what I need yeah love that. So no golf ball okay take it to waist high. And stop okay. And go go do that again. So take it waist high and stop go now when I say go you would never go no you've never in a million years have your weight going to the back of this room to hit the golf ball out of this room now you would go if we gave you a ball right now. And said throw it throw me a bowl just like this there is no way you'd go this direction you'd go this way somebody said hey throw me this bullet you just you'd move this way. So I think if we can just get you to think in terms of you've got your right leg you've got your left leg when you start your downswing you just need to have the weight go to your left leg keep going. And don't stall it out I think if you do that the first thing that's going to happen is you're going to go okay I'm not hitting it thin the contact because the thin one all comes from the weight going back yeah right. And yeah they're both the same. So again now do the drill swing go to waist high. And stop and go good love that yeah okay now do that with the golf ball race high. And stop and go yep so we're going to see your weight now go in the direction that you're trying to hit the golf ball I haven't told you to do really anything look at that pressure Trace wow right yeah. And all I said was take it to waist high stop look at how much tighter. And there's no backup the pressure just keeps going. So when you get to here remember this left white bar now the you never lose your power really and you're not going up here to your toes you're going here more into the heel. So the rest of this right is the Domino right the Domino you go back then.

The arms go everything delays you're going to be able to square. And put pressure on the face a lot more by just having this continue to go and have there be no stall out. Or bailout I love that so again waist high and stop when I say go you move forward take it and stop go if it feels more on top yeah. And then.

The body starts to work more that way because I possibly try some off grass as well yeah of course. So again waste time stop and go love that I feel really good yeah. And that's just you taking you're in this position you're taking all of this and moving it here then.

The face and everything starts to square up well I'm terrible at not full swings I find the face rotates way too much full swings not full swings yeah. And if it's three quarters or anything else because it's yeah it's all about diamonds. So one of the things that that these little half and full swing or half swings do versus full swings right is it puts all four of these body parts your lower body your upper body your arms hands Golf Club when you go shorter it's now making the race between all of these titers. So if you go to go with the arms and don't go with the body you will really struggle. So once you get into this position the downswing sequence is the lower body is going to fire the chest is going to fire the arms are coming in. And the last thing into impact is going to be the face right there's no manipulation which is great of the face I was just trying to long a full one do you mind hit a full one it's good it feels different it feels good that probably felt a little bit too yeah trappy put this over this arm okay whoa where we're going with this now take your grip normal okay. So now no ball okay now follow through whoa okay. So I'm don't let me win there did you hear something crack down there don't let me win okay do it again there good. So that's all of your weight moving forward another good one for you no ball take your setup no backswing with speed follow through good you never in a million years when I said go ahead. And follow through here you wouldn't go your weight back and the arms go you'd go yeah you have to there you go love that you have to go forward yeah then.

The hands don't have to work as hard as hard as much come on keep that weight going forward love that oh that sounded different yeah the other thing I want you to do is take this put this around your hands. And hold that out like that okay get into your golf posture all right squeak push it out okay go back keep it out okay. So keep pushing out so back swing okay keep pushing out. And come through impact there keep pushing there so this stays out here you don't want this to get closer so the hands could go so stretch it and keep it out and hold there where's your weight now your weight is going in this direction. And so by holding your hands out it's not allowing you to move like that big fun so that weight is just going to stay constant follow through oh sorry just on the phone yeah just follow through there. So all of that is moving in that direction I can really feel it yeah you should be able to feel that don't go backwards through impact keep that weight going forward do it again let's uh GoPro I'm sure it'll feel very weird because I think I'll rushed that then.

Yeah again you don't have to do anything with your hands nice. And passive keep the weight going forward love that beautiful golf swing there that was nice. And the divot here ball then.

Turf in front of it that way one of the other drills that I always I always go ahead and stick a t in the ground about forward move the T in front of the ball make sure the T in front of the ball moves love that T in front of the ball moved yeah. And the only way you can move the T in front of the ball is you have to get that way you have to get moving forward. So the domino effect for you was all the bad stuff happened when the weight would go back. So we just need to you get to the right so another good practice swing drill for you feet together yep and step four noble feet together on the backswing step towards the Target and go that's because you do the opposite on your downswing you're going on on your Trail leg love that no backup keep the weight going yeah love that was really nice. And another one with no ball that you can do feet together here. And as as you go to the top just a little stutter step forward and go so no ball when you once you get to the top no normal setup. And then.

Just go to the top little step and go forward yeah yeah I feel my belt buckle I feel the outside of my left foot I feel my chest is more over it I'm feeling more like I'm in the position I showed you of impact. But you asked me to do yeah listen everything in your golf swing if we clean up. And improve the impact everything's going to get better yeah right everything is going to get better now I could tell you a million different things to do. But the big thing that stands out is you get forward you go back. And don't don't tell me there's a million things Claus there's a lot golf swing's over and very short periods you've got a million things no no you don't have of getting worried that I was thinking Christ right. So over around that left foot I've got the feeling it feels good don't go backwards with your weight nice Much More Much More down consistent divot pattern not fattening and you know the best part about this is on the podcast you told me I needed to raise my rates. So you're the first person I'm gonna do my new rate scheme with huh one million dollars we added a zero. And a comma and the whole thing good good thank you for that was amazing. And thanks for watching guys make sure you check out Claude and uh it's a shame it's going dark because I think I'd have spent another two hours out here eating those balls there goes DJ in his private jet is that no no all right peace out see you guys. But tiger keeps his plane right over there and sometimes you'll see Tigers playing flying in.