Think i'd hate when i've been. For a fitting and they say hit your club first so i'm like yeah. But you're just going to take that data he said i'm going to guy i'm going my first fitting next.

Week i trust the probably fitting me that being said what questions should i ask. And is there anything i should know. So i know we've done a lot of questions on fitting before but typically it's about like a fittings overrated blah blah blah but this one's actually quite a good question it's going. For a fitting which is fine you should do. So what should he ask whether a couple of notes before things i should think he should kind of ask. Or have in mind and then.

We'll see if you've got anything to follow up with first one sounds obvious have a rough budget we had a question a couple weeks ago where somebody said they got fitted. For taylormade irons talk about brands seeing their ass about comments would you want to mention that or not yeah okay. So in two a couple of weeks ago we talked about i could need a lead on these things i can't get trouble now a couple of weeks ago we talked about a store and your experience was working at that store yes um i had a phone call from one of the big chiefs from that stuff there's a ceo ceo saying that he wasn't happy with my comments yeah like your comments i threw you on the bus it was it wasn't me it wasn't you wasn't me sir. But that was the truth that's what happened. So and at the end of that conversation we said that said store has changed its tactics. And they're doing better yeah. But when guy worked for them this is what he found well that was it we said. Or i said seven i've watched a video back about three times just to double check well triple check i said i think towards the start middle. And end i believe and then.

Well i know the store has changed because i've spoke to staff in there and um we we didn't slander them we just said my experience from working. For said retail. But actually having said that once that phone call was taking place. And that was again they weren't happy with it. But they didn't say take the video down because it was true. But then.

I thought we did talk about lawyers. And syrian stuff but yeah. But between us we can write a decent letter um how do you think though this is what i thought about should then.

I think said retailer now there's a flat commission. So therefore. it's not buyers for any particular brand but actually should commission be allowed at all now don't this is obviously not great to listen to if you work. For a retail that makes commissioning golf but let's just say you're working at a retailer and last year i came for fitting with you and i bought a set of titleist two hundreds okay i think when this year. And go hi eric you fitted me great last year for those irons i want to try the new version i know there might be much difference but once you get the like and i try them if you know you're only a commission for selling that new set of items are you not going to be inclined to sell them anywhere regardless if they're not right. For the actual consumer i i've said you should pay. For a fitting yeah i understand that's what the profits correct commission whoever's made you should pay. For a fitting and not astronomical prices like taylormade titleist charging at that wall burn place that's like a mad 500 pound thing um but like if it was 50 pound. For the fittest time or the pros time and their job is to fit you their job is to tell you what clubs are going to best suit you in your budget. And that's what got us onto that conversation about said retail store is because the guy emailed in said he felt like he was being pressured to almost buy expensive irons because there was never a budget explained. Or discussed let's say where if you go with spend 50 pound on the fitting you maybe don't get that money back but that fits at the end of the day says no the clubs you've currently got are perfect. For you or actually if we just put a slightly thicker grip on your clubs you don't need to buy new clubs they're great for you like i feel like then.

You get rid of this kind of tacky sales pitch where it's like oh no the new such irons are going to make you hit the ball 10 yards 20 yards further are they in reality. So i i agree i think commission should maybe be looked at differently. But i do honestly think as a fitter you should get paid just a fee. And then.

That's honest and isn't isn't influenced by you buying clubs you know what else used to do as well though one more last thing we might do this out if you don't want me to say it. But um when i worked there and only was a commission structure often the top salesman in the business ever selling a certain brand would be like a holiday. And the store manager would as well so let's just say that a golf ball and this usually happened from all the brands just any particular one they would have a month or it's like right february of 2012 the person that sells the most whatever brand there's gonna be holly to dubai and that's the store manager so you can't tell me the store manager's going to tell all the staff. Or make sure you sell callaway this month or take titleist because another brand who's going to give the top store a holiday to dubai yeah. But anyway so and but apparently legally that doesn't happen i don't know on that one apparently it doesn't well i've never actually been told about that one the commission's apparently definitely changed which we said i don't know anyway um. So have a rough budget in mind my phone's gonna be blowing up again well whatever that's it whatever what are you gonna do go. And watch your notes have a rough budget yeah as i said that about three times now there's no point trying to set vines. For 1200 quid if you've only got 700 quid to spend obviously some people might go in and think actually those ones. For 100 quid more a bit better etcetera you need to have some level of rough budget even for the fitter's own like kind of sanity there's nothing worse when i used to work again in a retail store and someone says i want new set of irons okay well how much have you got with my first question how much you want to spend oh i don't mind well these are the new weather irons 400 quid oh no we're not spending that much. But again it'd be a bit like going into it into an estate agents i said i want to buy a new house yeah okay have you got a budget sir uh no that's fine well rick shields on this has only 5.2 million oh yeah they'll do well that's it like you can't just you can't just say i've got. But like everybody's got a at least a rough budget you know used to get the most on footwear weirdly because people come in and say i want a new pair of golf shoes okay well what's you know motivated i want comfort i want good level of attraction at the time echo golf shoes were like unbelievably comfy. But they were deer she called this new echo she was 200 quidditch well i'm not spending that. So i'm not saying that people should spend that but you need to know the budget that's the first thing i put down next.

Thing i put was know the l if this is. For ions in particular know the loss of your current clubs and take them with you so if you're trying a new seven iron and you're ripping it longer than your seven eye in but actually it's a six iron even a five iron loft maybe try your own out against it and see what the difference is then.

It is one launching better. Or not but you've gotta compare apples to apples in my opinion um also be honest with yourself so most people now you know understand that most golf brands make good equipment but we also off not everybody but we often have brands we just like for whatever reason you might have a favorite golf that uses that brand or a memory as a child from using a certain brand so if you know deep down that you want like let's say mizuno or titlist but on the day you hit the taylormade quite well as well the guy's going oh you know taylor made it in those good obviously if it's massively outperforming then.

Get them clearly if it's very much level. But it's off there's something you should go with the brand that you what you really do want i think because if you spend a lot of money on a product you want the one that you want you know what i mean. And we all know now that no brand makes a bad club. So you can't really get a bad one um also another one i've put this is difficult. But is it possible to try that club on the golf course because it makes such a difference. And also as well it's all well and good for the average consumer going all that driver hitting five yards longer. Or ten yards longer whatever but going on to a golf course. And actually driving it past the tree you've never got it passed before or clearing a lake you've never cleared that makes a big difference huge and then.

Lastly this isn't important for everybody but i think something people should know see this comment a lot is do your own research. And have a rough idea of when those brands release products at what time of year because for example taylor made release in january february if you had an amazing sim 2 fitting on the 4th of january and then.

It came and you got it delivered two weeks later and then.

The next.

Day the new one's announced and it's the same price you would feel a little bit like or even the other way looking at it is stay two weeks later. And then.

Buy it when the old one's discounted so i have a rough idea of when stuff's out if you if you're bothered some people aren't and i've missed that you think the only thing i would add on to that is i feel like normal fitting get invited to the bay take your club out whack a few your own first yeah. But let's just say a driver for for this example because it's easier you stood there you're nervous you're cold you're not warmed up you start whacking your driver okay the fitter is taking all this data they're taking all your good shots all your bad shots. And just keeping that to the side they've got that as like backup evidence then.

To go anything we hit past this point is better than this crap that you've just hit because it because you weren't loose you were nervous every everything else now that's fine hit those ten as warm-ups with your own driver that's fine. And then.

Start hitting other products and then.

Once you feel like you've got the product that suits you the best go back and actually compare it against your driver again so tell the fitter to write wipe everything wipe all the data yeah let me do a proper head to head test between my driver that i know i can i'm warm. And ready to hit now yep let me hit 10 and i'll tell you the shots i want taken out or don't and i'm going to hit 10 with. So true like the new driver and again then.

You can proper compare it it's a good point. And you'll get a point there where you'll go okay. So these there's now five yards of difference compared to maybe what you've been told it's 25 yards of difference because they're using those crap warm-up shots compared to your most recent shots that make sense it does indeed. So that's the one thing i'd hate when i've been for a fitting and they say hit your club first so i'm like yeah. But you're just going to take that data you should almost say let's a club that's not remotely anything you're going to get today.

But we'll just give you a warm-up club now you just make a generic warm-up club yeah there's like a random brand doesn't have a logo on it yeah because then.

Obviously the fitter needs to know information like club head speed. And ball speed and flight and everything else yes that's important. But it shouldn't be measuring end straight off distance on that [Music].